Daily British Whig (1850), 5 Feb 1907, p. 4

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ITISH - AMERIC "HOTEL ONTARIO Proprietor re. ----b House ORCHESTRA E> THE BUSY ONE, of-Town engagements accepted. Viola, Cello Instruction. E, H. MERRY, 5 Sydenham St. City. dies' Teiloring Bt of Workmanship, Up-to- Styles, and Good Fit Guar 236 University Ave. 'Abie, and this ia the 0 a our oo pin. Fh he pry with E cual. : BR cook ie arm in the. vol v i be allowance, which adds another $1,000. Dignity of the Whitnéy brand domes high. £ -- . correspondent of Los Angeles speaks of snow falls in "0 | Western Canada which cover up the content to lose less than a million}, = Communication is: had be- and u half, yet he was desperate, and tween the notises at Prince Albert by by meats of ier . Talk about fic- tion. What i ? But will it? The Cobalt excitement | = ar Sf bas penetrated the hushble homes of Ar sey ome 74 SPIRIT OF THE PRESS of fortunes made in silver, They con- TE : template the fact with bolging eyes. | © 3 00 mo Others arg piling up ® or. thousands on |, don 'A # 3 of doll, Why not they ?| The rr a of the Ontario f Ho] Sciniins one on sday mornin~e at in fvance : otherwise, $1.50 per vesr. floes 1 hr four fs Tne of the and cheap work : nine Daily Whig. Great Sinners And Their Dues. ~ When some people read of the Mo. Gill and McGee senténcos they mar- velled at thiir lightness. The McGill case is not finished. Ovly one phasd of it has ben disposed of, the offence of misrepresentation so far as the gov- ernment returns are. concerned. For that the limit is five years in the Kingston penitentiary. The man who misappropriated large sums-many, thousands of dollars | and lost it, by stack speculation, has (flo answer thew charges when the wit: ; nesses, not iow available, have been scoured. - There has to be an account: ing for the wrongdoing, and it re mating to bo seen with what kect. MoGill's plea is that hs speculated, with the knowledge, if not the con. {ent of the directors, that the bank's position was not 'good, that with the || resources and income at its command it could not pay dividends, and so he ' to dubble in American so- curitfes, on margins, Until that side of the case hus heen heard, the press is silent, and the people only think without offering an opinion. MeGeo's cane is different. There is no excuse for his flagrant abuse of trust, and some of his best friends will have occasion to remember his rascality as long as they live. One ceases to be a fine follow when it is discovered that he has 'been robbing his friends right along, that he borrowed and used their money without any real hope of recouping them. Five years for such a one is not a punishment that fits the crime. Tt will not deter "others from similarly falling. It will not smilp the evil doers that they tramble in their shoes and forever forswear the propensities that, un checked, carry them to ruin. The man who forges a note Yor $100, who steals an overcoat, who does some fopl apt rashly, and as a result of sheer desperation, goes to the same prison asx MeGill and McGee for as long a time. The courts and their of- ficers are not to be accused of undue lenieney, because usually the judg: ments 'given aré the result: of serie ous methitation. But the fact thet great sinners somohow 'escape their proper reward, apparently, occasions criticising 'and contrasts, and they are not partial to these aristocratic male- factors. 1 The Craze For Gambling The sentencing of McGill, formerly the Ontario Bank's general manager, and of MeGre, she. trusted clork of a Montreal building and loan society, to five years cach inthe penitentiary, may have a sobsting eficct. upon some phople. They have the gambling fov- er, though they may be loath to ac: knowledge it. They are reading the fmancial columns of the papers, they are receiving and sending letters, thoy are cagering collecting ' information about all manner of schemes for got. ting rich quickly, "and they have i ventured their all, their sav- |: shrewder thun the men who will pres. by i - JHB, WEEKLY BRITISH NHIG, 10 government by a large working ma bate & year, If paid | same government held office by the Some one whispers that they can get | position' is a newspaper man. Take in on the ground floor. The stock is reston, Clarke, Auld, Pense, Downey, fasol- | good. It must go up. It may double Boyer und Smith--and it would be ap- in value. The venture is made. We ! preciably poover. are not hearing much for the present. --- But wait and listen, Tally For Ross. Toronta News, No other man in either chamber at Politics At The Coast. Ottawa will * bettef express Canadian hon sentiment, The British Columbia election oF thie people: ond resulted in the return of the McBride a rol is to the mainten- \ ance and, the jority. In the last legislature this favour of the socialists, and the pre- mier wos not to be blamed when; at a suitable opportunity, he appealed to the people, in the hope of securing No Imitation Here. Woodstock Sentinel-Review, ¥; "Management of the public school system by a head experienced in and rnalists out of the house--Graham, jer told of going to him in the prison and the jnperial aspirations | isting good relations with the United | be ashamed of. The convicts may also Kingdom, | ¢ A FINE ADDRESS] say Ty OF The Penal Institutions Are Now Reforming, Not Punishing Men--The Parole and the Re- Systems Working W. P. Archibald, dominion parole offi- cer, lectured before the students in tlosophy at n's university, om food mo The subject of his address was "The Conditions, Past and Present, of the Criminal in Canada. Mr. Archibold is a good speaker, and his remarks were enjoyed by the stu- dents. "In opening the speaker drew a picture of a boy who went wrong, des- ' cribing very vividly the home hfe and | what caused his downfall. The speak- and of his being let out om parole. {That man, said Mr. Archibald, is now a prosperous master and a popular citizen of a large Canadian city. "In describing conditions between penal ccnditions of the present day and those past the speaker dwelt on the i fact that no longer than fifteen years ago only menial labor was provided for the criminals. Now an ignorant convict is often turned from the peni- tentiary with a trade that he need not | go to school; a teacher and the neces- sary books are to be had at every Canadian institution. The parole sys- tem was organized eight years ago of some 1,400 men out on parole on y two and a hall per cent. returned. At present there are from four to five hun ¢ y's Clothes of Quality 4 Bib ~ ? Did You: See Brown Smith recommended him to us yesterday and we fitted him perfectly in a Nobby Wenth- worth Suit. He was well pleas- ed and said : @. FOPOPIPPIPODLC 000090 "Never knew there was such & stock of Men's High Grade Clothing in Kingston." 2@ There are hundreds like him, Perhaps you're one of them. If you are, we want to say that, mo matter what price suit you want, we can do bet- ter by vou than amyome we a support which = would not ing to his peace of mind, The liberals expected to win, and were di ppointed. The was conducted along federal lines, and it is not surprising that the local gov- ernment won under the circumstances. The people at the coast are usually against the federal government, and they were incited to further hostility by the rejected ' demmnd for "better terms." It is not a happy rallying cry, because it may be heard again when jt is not expected, and it will hurt any party which does not ex- Press its svmpathy. British Columbia may be hard up, but it is not so needy after all. It hus resources, and its government should protect them, and the sooner it commences a reign of economy the better. It does not emerge from the conflief without misgivings.' Two 'of its: ministers were defeated, and an- other went into retirement before the lands department invited a pretty general repudiation, and yet the de- uty of the minister who wold land to a syndicate of friends for $10,000, which it resold for $40,000, was elect ed in Mr, Green's constituency, which would imply that the people did not disapprove of grafting. The socialists have been sacrificed. in power before the election. They are now too weak to give any ome trouble. Some good men were de feated on the liberal side, including Mr. Mclnnes and Mr. Ross. They can bide their time. They will be heard from agein and may wait to better advantage. ! * Editorial Notes. The MeBride government has not improvid its position on. the subsidy will | questicn as a. result of the provincial debate before his election. British Columbia wants a minister of education. Could the local govern- ment bid for our dear Dr. Pyne. on- | tario could spare him very well. | The Ottawa labour, union is after | the girls who went to Toronto as strikebreakers. This is a new phase of | the business, the result of which will b: inter sting. The land deal--the turning of public property into money for the benefit of, the electors. They cannot complain if there is further scandal. "How is it," some one asks, "that such a large out-of-town business is done in dry goods especially?' Frank- lin had the secret. "If you want to do business let it be known." Ad- vertise, The church trouble upset one French government, and is likely to upset an- other. The Clemenceau ministry = ap- pears to be tottering, though -in any case church and state have been separ- ated for good. The Cobalt district is to be assist. td, in local taxation, by a law which will put the impost: on the products of the mines. The American stockholders will therefore pay their share of local expens:s., ------ The preachers of Toronto have not improved the telephone situation by their preaching. They could have af- forded to wait the result of the 'en . Foster, M.P., was very much inted not to find anything in the instructions to the insurance com- mission which he could construe as a | grievance. The report of the commis: sion will supply the material he re- quires for his autobiography, 'The liberal ministers served the peo- . ple for many years for $3,000 sach. The amount was then advanced to be Ccnversant with the system," is one election. The mismanagement of the | mippary and chaotic." They helped to keep the government | of : | tem, p 1 , bei private partics--has been condoned by | ry loans, being unable to float of the planks of the Ontario liberals. dred porting to the police magis- And yet some of the conservatives trate of their native towns. It is have the hardihood to say that this the duty of Mr. Archibald to find prog is copied largely from Mr. work for these men and, after recom- Whitney's official announcement. mending - then and getting him a a --- position, he seldom goes 'wrong. n- One On The World. ,Other system in vogue im Canadian Stratford B ' prisons is the remission system by | The Toronto - World, which can see, which a man can earn a year, less great danger in the watered stocks of j two days, off a five-year sentence by electrical development and street rail- good conduct. This also hes proved | way COMPANIes, pA See nO Wrong in j successful, the men in nearly all vases { Baterin Colislt stocks to the eign not remaining to serve their full sen- aoe rom one hundred to tences, hundred per cent." Ts the explanation | In closing Mr. Archibald told of a for this inconsistenoy to be found in reformed criminal, an old man who the World's vertising columns ? Co- had spent forty-two years in prison, talt stocks are evidently a greater re- ; On being lot out he starved to death venue producer to the newspaper than before he would steal, showing © that are electric or street railway stocks. when put on their honor the criminals -- cases in very : Whitney's " Flunk. a Aen Shortt said a To words Hamilton Times. v thanking the speaker. who was entha- After all Wiithey's boastings, his 'siastically applauded for his admirable crawl on the coercion of the raral trus- | lecture. tees in the teachers' salaries matter was a most ious one. And on the school |. matter Hon. Mr. Pyne say® the government's policy is still | The ) And for many years they hoasted how they would settle the school book matter 1 ve i : a i is impeove the chooks it they oy fair, Export prices ranged from $4.75 k . {rope ri y the bulk selling at $4.90 to dark. and mix and muddle every thing 125.20. Export bul pe they i f 20, ¥ uo is sold at $3.75 to i touch. PR a Butchers rice far. picked lots choice ren, r d 80; Against The Caucus. good" from SEIN. vo oho: 'r: Bystander in Webkly Sun. $3.98 to $1.20; commen, $3.60 to $3. That Mr, Bourassa's address to the | 85; butcher cows $3.75 to $3 65; can Canadian club, unfolding the program- | ners $1 to- $2.25. Youd calves po ie aaijonalist paxty, was ex- 5 ta $6.50 per 100 Ibs. Milch cows s recept and springers at 330 to 850. Export hall filled with hearers of the best clase | ewes, $1.75 10 $5; bucks, $3.75 plainly showed. Few who heard it | 84; spring lambs at $6.60 " or would doubt that the speaker was des- Hogs, selects sold at £6.85: light "86. lined for a leading place. A disting. |60, sows $1 to $110 > light, 3.- i h A0; stags, $.25 to uished place he has already taken by | $3.75 per 100 lbs. seceding or getting Himself excluded Montreal, Feb. 4.--About 1,400 head from caucus. A oaucus is a conspir- | of butchers' cattle, 45 milch cows, 60 acy to get public questions settled, calves, 30 sheep and lambs, and 200 not by open debate and conscientious | fat hogs were 'offered for sale at the oe, on grounds producible to the | East End Abattoir to-day. The butch- Bettile, but behind the curtain and in ers were out strong and there was an Es . ! Party. { active demand for good cattle, but The refuses to go into it and | the common stock were rather plenti- insists on delivering himself in Open | ful and slow of sale. Prime beeves sold constituents o 5c. 5c. pel ; tty or - puhlic at large, alone shows od the hig "dbs pelts od -~ richtly understands his trust, and the | common stock, 1c. to ie. per 1b CRlv man ht Ottawa at present who | Milch cows sold at from S15 ho oo oes this is Mr. Bourassa. cath; some of these cows, exceedingly lean in flesh, being little more than skin «and bones, and their milk can- not he considered wholesome. A pair England rate to its normal level, gnd a onl on Ag ha oe Bia a a similar monetary change in Ger- veals would bring Bo. -- ew many, there is still. but little money | sold at 4c. to tic J tb: ) Hi availed for investment at low rates|sold at 6c. to 6c. do. Good lots of of interest. This is further proof of | fat hogs sold at Te. to Tie. per Ib. the wisdom of the people of Toronto Most of the hogs brought to the in voting down the extensive borrow- | market are rather small te ily projects launched last year. Many > powerful corporations are obtaining LIVE STOCK MARKETS: Prices Faid at Centres. Torcnto Junction, Ont., Feb, 4.-A¢ the Union Stock Yards 'trade was Various A Bad Tinie To Borrow. Toronto Globe. Even with the return of the Bank of Toronto Street Market. leng-term bonds at reasonable prices. Toronto, Feb. 1.-Wheat,. . white, Afri por stato tht spon | Sark; 10 Fle; wheat", bu 5,000 short-time notes have : er hnng, bush. te Yeon Put ont within a few weeks by the het > ne i dats, I hs The. Chic y iy Alten & Hawtlord. 55¢c.; peas, buch. 7Re.; hay, timothy. five a fiv ton is renewing for ton, $13 to 214.50; hay, mixed, ton, loan' of 35,000.000 de 80.000.000, The | $10 to 312; straw, per ton, 811 to 313. File has recent] hced '85.000,000 1 Seeds--Alsike, fancy, bush., $6.75 to ho, pecan oY Snathern | §7 salsike No. 1, 'bush., $6 to $6.25: Mar oa Sakti: the Southern] gull "No. 2) Luh pls lo S035; bas sold $15,000,000 of three-year fives red clover, new 8 to 28-25: red prim, n default of any ppportunity to do er, old, 87 to & 25; timothy better. Discounts, commissions, and all $1.25 to $1.80. Dressed hogs, $8.73 taken into account, these present-day $9.25; eggs, new laid, dozen. Hn borrowings "of railways, oven those 350. butter dairy, 25¢. to 8c.: 3} With the highest credit, are made as ter, creamery, 300. to 2%. chil ga. o ult on an interest basis auproach- dressed, 1h, 10c. to 12c.; ducks, per ne Siv per cent.. if not exceeding that Ib., lle. to 2c; turveys r lb., le rate. In thee circumstances four per | > o¢ abplcs, Por bl. S150 ands invariably go begging. $2.75; potatoes, per bush, 65¢, to Be. market hut How fated many | oj J PETC. Por bush, @5¢, pi Ron Jisouagement, for rail. | i008: per bag, 81: bei, hindquarters, 3 nies the adé 2 he 830.50 to $8; hee, forequarters, £4.50 to Sompa ance 'in 85.50; beef, choice, carcase, £6.75 to 87; beef, medium, carcase, £3.50 to wes, is a trouble 26 - + Si nition, per ~wi., 30 to $10; veal, tame wid even a serious: matter. Many | 0 ewt., $9 to $10.50; lamb, per ny ime loans obtained show that $10 $11.50 : the foremost bankers and fmanciers -- ave no oration it Jat wees jo Mc hammeasns to the number of 94, tighte ear in the 3 markes i% the 000,000 are British subjects. unusual prosoerity in all lines of vn- 4 . and the great railwav and industrial development which is ah sorbine all the vailable eanital. With many {~mpn¥ine obportunities oven for cafe and good investments promising larce returns. men will not nurchase sacvwrities yieldine low rates. Tt is Toaning value = Af money, involving the pest dressed know of. BHOOICODELPPOPHOODO $10 to $20 Will you lock at them? No obligation to buy, but a look will convince you that this is the place to buy your Suit, DOPOPIVPOPPPIVSOLOIOOO PPOVOPVPOPIPPPPOOIPIPPOOVL DOP 300 9DG: The H. D. Bibby Co. 2000000600000000000000¢ P2009 200D 000000000900 000000 0000000000004 ALL WINTER WEATHER IS ALIKE TO THE MAN WHO BREAKFASTS ON E Sends rich, warm, red blood coursing through the whole system. Makes a man ready for any amount of work and able to per- form it Try a Breakfast of the Biscuit and a Luncheen of Triscuit. All Grocers--13¢. a carton or 2 for 23c. IS AT THE TRIAL. The Best Dressed Woman in Eng- land, MISS HYFA WILLIAMS. Few York, Feb. 4.--Miss Hylan Wil liams, described by King Kdward® as woman in Englands She is, at present, in New York, with the Countess of Yarmouth, Harry K. Thaw's sister, » A Call To. Prayer. The general committes of the World's Student Christian Federation, has: ap- pointed next Sunday, February 10th, as tae University Duy of Prayer for Students, and in ites members and friends of Christian sociuties of stu- dents in all lands to unite in its ob servance. 'The movement embraces twa thousand Christian student asso- ciations, with a membership of 113, 000 students and professors. Year be year an increasing number of student comimumitics observe this intercession. Eight definite objects ave suggested for intercession : That the federation cenference in Tokio, Japan, in April, may be a most helpful influence ° in the work among Oriental students; that more leaders may be. raised up for the work among students; « that « more attention may be given to pro- honlthe and satisfactory svmntom of the indusivial and commersinl andi. tins on thie continent. snd is all the moting among studeats the spirit of prayer; and that the students hem selves may do much for Christign eit izenship. "Mora ora lifyitie hetanse the exnension "nd davrlowment of Conada have hean Intoely instenmental in cancine g searcity af faatine eanital both here and in the United States. on Saturday, from an attack of loco motor ataxia. Deceased had been an invalid for some years. Mr. Rowe hers dre phat 17000000 chic miles of water in the Pacific. * | Sidney, and way' Borti"Some: sixby-five Sears ago. ge Es Burley Rowe, Front of Siduwey, died a2 was a son of the late John Rowe, JO GETS RECORD SALARY. De Broglie and His Wife Paris Engagement. London, Feb. 5.-- Prince and Princess de Broglie 'seemed particularly hap py, at the Tivoli, last night, for theo signed a contract in London, yester day, with the director of the Scala, Paris, to appear there for a month beginning in May, at a salary of $3,000 a week--a record salary for Paris. There is also a clause in their contract indemnifying them up to a sum of 840,000 against injury during such time as they shall bein the Scala carrying oat their engageinent. Prince do Broglie said, last night, that he is officially informed that his family will do all in their power to fixevent him and the princess from 4p pearing in Paris, Before appearing there they will both fulfil a month's engngement at the Winter Garden, Berlin, and they are now considering offers from Brus sels ynd Vienna. "We are secking engagements on our artistic merits solely," said Prince Robert, "and a letter that 1 received, yesterday, from a great masical direc tor in Italy, who addressed me as his 'dear confrere," gave me more pleas ure, I can assure you, than you can possibly imagine." Secure Great investments, absolutely safe, brings returns, giving surplus earning power of youth till old age, securing comfort and health in your declining years. That's what Hollister's Rocky Mountain Ten does. Mahood's Druy Store. Lord Strathcona says in 2000, Can- ada will have 80,000, of a popula- tion. Sorry, my lord, that FFwill not b> on hand to see if the statement is verified. Mrs, Katherine Powell, wife of Jos- eph Powell, St. Anselm, P.., passed away | at the residence of her hus band's father, Reuben Powell, Belle ville, aged twenty-nine, Catarrh Cannot Be Cured. with LOCAL, APPLICATIONS, as they cannot reach the seat . of the disease: Catarch is a blood or constitutional discase, 'and in order to cure it you take internal Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken 3 antl acts di on the blood and mu- - Hall's Catamrh Cure is wot * medicine. Tt wis prescrib by or best physicians ntr for years and is 9 regular prescription It is composed of the best tonics known combined with the best blood purifiers acting rectly on the mucous surfaces perfect combi fon of the two n- gredients is what nation © wonder: ful results in curing Catarrh. Send for testimonials free. «J. CHENEY & CO. Props, Toledo, Taba Hall's its Sold 4 » sts price iL, + eopati: is a wonder y It is slmost ing flavor a over dishes. soups and ri Armour's ¥3 flnid. It is © prime beef, pu pots. It is mec brands becaus: Send for | Wrinkles." ! ARMOUR LI CANADIAN FACTO eh ee ---------- 8 SYNOPSIS OF | HO MESTE even nu A ton nds in | West Frovince, person Lhe Bol pver 18 years one-quarter sec or less. Application & spection mus! oat at tb or Sub-agent. uall may be Feired Sub-agent, at plicant, and if application 18' lication oR be) pers col foceived by m In case of ** summarily Sant will forte A plicar t aligible Tor ho h applicatio EE application Pp homestear standing and may, subject t relinquish it 1 son, ter eligible, but t claration of a» an er Br voluntarily {ostitution of the applicant titled to prio «Applicants t what partical fefault, and ment found fal particula: any prior ri land become ° residence upo Before ma the settler m in writing minion Land tion to do ® SYNOPSIS WEST M Coal.--Coa $10 per acre anthracite. | can be aca company. R cents per to collected on 1,500 . The fee fo The pater a royalty of Placer mi . Ro t collec! Seeds $10.0 ty «© N.B.--Un advertisem Try Myers' For Sunde

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