3 Armours Solid Extract (roTTED In CANADA) is a wonder worker in the kitchen. It is slmost indispensable in give ing flavor and tone to all made over dishes. It makes tempting soups and rich beef tea. Armour's Extract of Beef is solid, not fluid. It is the condensed essence of prime beef, put up in dainty porcelain pots. It is more economical than other brands because it goes four times as far, Send for free booklet, * Culinary *% See drown O- Day? 3 th recommended him to sterday and we fitted him tly in a Nobby Wenth- Suit. He was well pleas- d said : ! ARMOURLIMITED - Toronto CANADIAN FACTORY TT FRONT STRELT CAST ver knew there was such ck of Men's High Grade ng in Kingston." 3 SYNOPSIS OF CANADIAN NORTH-WEST HOMESTEAD REGULATIONS, re are hundreds like him, ps. you're ono of them. A bered section of Domim I are, ve $ > even num section m no ath want lo Say ton nds in Manitoba or the Norw er what price West Province, exc@ting 8 snd 26, oo! be homesteaded by any person the head of a family, or male pver 18 years of age, the extent of one-q section, of 160 acres. mor or less. Application for homestead entry or in- spection must be made in person by the ou want, we can do bet- * vou than anyvome of. 10 to $20 We or Sub-agent. An app made Bersqually at any S you look at them? No rd rr ot. the s expense plicant, and it the land $ tion to buy, but a look mvince vou that this i woe to buy your Suit, papers to complete the received by ma oy of be summarily cancalled an cant will forfeit ail priority of claim. An applicant for inspection must eligible for * one application for recei from an individual until application has omesteader standing not Lable brother or sister, claration of abandonment. an entry is tution of rior right of eawry i 5 dled to 3 ¥ oe, ATHER IS ALIKE TO THE MAN particulars the homesteador 1s BREAKFASTS ON a) A pe the 2nd fOusted." article arc false, founded on facts, and quire some explanation. applicant at the office of the local Agent | cation for entry or inspection Sub-agent's office to the local Agent by the the ap applied for is wl on receipt of the telegram such application is to have priority and the land will be held until the necessary il. personation' the eutry will d the appli be homestead - entry, and only 10spection xin he t sod may, subject to approval of Lepartmeot. relinguish it in favour of father. OLB, Tr son, daughter, eligible, but to no one else, on filing de summarily cancelled sbandened, subsequent Lo > 4 fost cancellation proceedings. a er the applicant for inspection will be em for inspection must state in vacant, or x entry has been ea.--A settler 1s required to per torm the conditions under the tollowing To Reins dhs SI ih ge ti tl | . on apd vation of the land in ec" flume ani wry MORE FACTS GIVEN REGARDING THE . 'SHOAL SOUNDINGS. T Company's sponsible. Kingston, Feb. 5.--(To the Edit- or): My attention was called, last evening, to an article in your iseue of headed "The . Tories statements in the misleading and not we think re inst, The follows: Om the The facts are as afternoon of Tuesday, 29th ult., I was requested, Fuller at our office at 9:30 o'clock the following morning and also was asked if 1 could arrange qur what information they could with re- gard to the Carruthers' shoal. Wish- by 'phone, to meet Mr. to have some of him captains present to give ing to assist the marine department in every way possible, T arranged for this meeting and our three simior cap- taint met Mr. Fuller and with him went over the plans and charts of the harbor, afterwards accompanying him to the shoal for the purpose of point- ing out the location from the ice. Before leaving the office, Mr. Fuller requested me to furnish him with four laborers and also one good man who had previously had some experience in taking soundings to meet him early that afternoon to go on theice to start taking soundings. He also ask- ed if we could furnish these men with axes. We arranged for this as here quested, and these men worked with him Wednesday afternoon. They went out again on Thursday morning, but the foreman, whom we sent, shortly, stating that Mr. Fuller not require his place. letting him go. the balance of nu our - men, visit to the s tolegram hat been received from od Mr. Fuller to from Mayor Mowat. Now, asifar as take pever, search into or interfere with 1 challenge any man to this assertion. curred, however, voluntarily least, of the men sent strong grit, and after being dismissed the information out was There was no necessity these men a government job. Movemedys of The People--What HARBOR L. 1. Henderson Explains the M. Part--That Company was in No Way Re- Uv 8, Miss Maggie Ryan, of Basricfield. rived in the city, remainder of the week here the guest of friends. warehouse, Sutherland spending this week with their parents at Seeley's Bay. returned did : services any longer, having hired another man to take his This was quite agreeable to us, as we had inconvenienced ourselves in four in r, worked all day, Thursday, on the ice. but were dismissed that even- ing, after Mayor Mowat had peid a ne of the work and a Ot- tawa, which I am informed, instruct- | instructions we are concerned, this is the whole story. 1 did not sek the patronage, | did not know the politics of the men sent out. workingman's political leanings, and contradict | Since the episode .oc- has come to me that one, at he informs us that he was coaxed to return to work, bat firmly refused. for getting They were all working steadily for our com- "'action we took was They Are Saying And Doing. Capt. Sullivan is in the city from | Toronto. Miss Jessie Pitt, Montreal, .is the guest of Miss Bertha Long, West St. Frederick Turner, of Ottawa, is ! spending a week with friends in King- { ston. W. C. Porter, Winnipeg, has return- led to the city to continue his studies at Queen's Medical College. Ryan, nurse, of Maine, to her sister, Miss Clara is on a visit F. W. Coates has gone to Brock- ville to attend the funeral of his late uncle, William Coates, jeweler. George Harrison, Toronto, has ar- and will spend the MeFaul's carpet Putnam, of are Oscar Johnson, of and Charles Bros." shoe stove, Notwithstanding the stormy weather the Cape Vincent stage has a full com plement of passengers to-day. the list going across were the follow- ing: W. J. Nicholson, H." Wallace, T, Walker, W. H. Arthur, J. R. 0'Gor man. A. B. VanSlyck, J. Shibley, T. VanTrder, INCIDENTS OF THE DAY. Newsy Paragraphs Picked Up By Reporters on Their Rounds. Semi-ready clothing for mine. Marine lecture to-night, in old Col legiate building. Marine lecture to-night, in old Col- | Jegiate building. Best's "Short-Stop" cures all coughs and costs but 13c. Concert in Princess Street Method ist church to-night. Good music. Buy McConkey's and Hu | class candy at Gibson's Red Cross | Drug Store. Best's Snowflake Baking Powder gives perfect + satisfaction. Costs 25c. a pound. Be sure to attend big sale of coats, skirts and hats at Crumley: Bros' on Thursday. Two tubes son's Red Cross Drug Store. Henry Wade has taken the house on Johnson street, vacated by R. Uglow, and will remove from Brock street in the spring. 200 Blaud's iron tonic pills for 25c. 3 Only at Gibson's Red Cross Drug Store. during the February 25¢. sale. Phone, 230. The dinner committee to Ald. Nickle, pos:d ol are busy arranging details. You will enjoy yourself at Princess Street Methodist church concert, to: night. Yesterday afternoon, chairman of City Engineer Ald. steamers. John, N.B., Canadian commercial agent at Cape Town, South Africa. vler's high English tooth paste for 25¢. during February 25c. sale at Gib: look after the spread to the legislators, is com- Police Mayis- trate Farrell and W. H. Whinton. They Gaskin, the board of works, and Beckwith made a tour | along the whole harbor front and ex- # WIG, TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 35. . IN BRIEF FORM, { | Sips, of Everything Easily Read | and Remembered. R. C. Steele was elected [ president of | pes the Toronto Boanrd of Trade. dealer of Melbpurne, was Longwoods railway erossing. Four boxes of fish in transit to the! killed at | A. Ont., for infraction of the law, | Capt. W. J. Basset, Collingwood, has been appointed manager of the | R. 0. and A. B. Mackay company's | John A. Chesley, ex-M.P,, of St. bas been appointed a Turnbull Smith, proprietor of the Gladstone house, Toronto, was [hed 85, without costs, for selling liquor to a street railway employee in uniform, Two hundred delegutes from Algoma district are coming to Toronto, next week, to lav their claims for better terms before the provincial govern: | ment. The Russian elections, on Monday, restilted in the return of several social demoerats and revolutionists, the peasants and small landowners vot- | ing. ft is said, at Montreal, that Sir | Thomas Shaughnessy is going to Ot tawa to endeavor to arrange for run- ning rights for the C.P.R. over the Intercolonial 'between St. John Halifax. Chief de Ernest A ronto, in L la Ronde, Ottawa, placed Drury, labor ofganizer, To- the cells for using strong anguage in denouncing the city by- laws, imposing a dollar license to distribute handbills on the public streets. THREE FROZEN TO DEATH. Aunt and Two Nephews Perish in | Grand Rapids. Grand Rapids, Mich, Feb, A. Miss Emma K. Livingston and two child: ren, her nephews were found frozen to death in a tenement here. A third child, a nicce, was found badly frozen, but alive. The dead childeen were Alfred L. Livingston, aged seven, and Lincoln B. Livingston, aged three, The name of the little girl is Helen. Her age is ten. Nowe of the family had been seen since Thursday, when two of the chil- dren attended school. It is supposed that after the family retired Thurs day night they became partially as rhvxiated by .coal gas, ant the fire died out and they were frozen to death. The physicians hope to save Helen's life. stat ws 4 1 'or mother, if. purely ant Simply to assist Mr. Ful. amined all the wharves.' Bonspiel In Montreal. "ol of a Jor and - the mafine department in| The Halliday Electric' Co., havere-| Montreal, Feb. 5.-The Ladies Curl eeitcs Upon a farm tm tne viemity of tbe | i} i" deavors to improve Kingston | moved to Kine street, next to Spang- | ing Bonspiel + opened, here, to-day, and entered for by such bomesteader « prove geton | . they ¢ a carryi | w « knble only the the requirement as to residence may be harbor, and was at their roguest. | enberg's, where they purpose car ying | and was ramarknble only or he | : Satished by Such person residing with the | Further, I mav say that as the re- | a complete line of electric . supplies. Bunny o watiide ike which << ! ; at. OR _INOthEr, presentative of a company terested | Repair work promptly attended to. faulted. hese inclurde tawa, pe- | vanowd rere olf ' A bas his permagent | | A Company inlere epe ork prompti ' 5 * vetbinc upon. farming land owned by | in the welfare of this city, and more | Something that speaks well for the | bec, and St. Johy, NB. Results so | 2 i »aim in the vicinity of his homestead, especially in all matters pertaining to health of the city, is the fact that far reported are : i { b the _Sguinument mL, be satisfied BY | 1 harbor work, | had not intended, | there is not at present an isolated St Lawrence Tor Ottawa, Miss | EN Before making application for patent | nor have 1 vet any iden of charging | case at the General hospital, nor has Wise, skip, 9: Quebec, Miss | ; the settler ust give siz, months' Jpotice for the assistance which we were glad | there been for several days Fast. skip, 15. Ottawa No. 2 defaulted to * Biscuit and a Luncheen of Triscuit. a nn at Ottawa, of his inten he Bile to vendor . Fuller, sud | ee CAN Lachine, od Montreal Ro. 2, Gran | : tion to do BO: which trust will always be forth-| HARD ON STR . ites, defan ed to Quebec. { a carton or 2 for 23c coming to back up the able efforts of | ee -- Caledonia Teot--Smith's Falls, . ORTH- : s { : Ie 2 " as T | SYNOPSIS OF CANADIAN NOR our member at Ottawa in his carnest | " 's Storm Blocked Traffic | Brodie, ski, 12; Montreal, Miss Tyre, | tors CE SRR. WEST MINING REGULATIONS. | | pdonvors towards better condition Tony Kin. 17. Montronl, Mre. Jamicssn, | Coal. --C d be Purchased at| adenvars towares etic coneitions iderably. sup, 4 yy na | Ni iy Jaa soft coal nd $30 for | for the marine interests of this rnd . : Cons i y | skip, 14; Quebec, Miss Seott, ship,'13 § per " y t was hard on the Ee ---------------- sutbiaciis. Notas nore gh ge and the country at larges--Yours very To-day's 8 or i impossible for Co ---- air on ENDRERS | street cars, ane as ssible fo - | GETS RECORD SALARY Company." Rovalty "at" the Tate. Of we { truly; L. HENDERSON. iki En oh scheduled timo. The Pathetic Alpine Tragedy. ; 2a" on Lhe Kross. oMLpuL.. = (There was no - intention of placing ' fall of. Snow Vas vary light, but a | Genova, Feb. 5. ~ patiietis Alpine Eng- | De Brogli 5 : arts.--A free miner's certificate fs A rn ] : ¥ argc amount of it drifted on th tragedy has just taken place on the - glia and His Wife, Speure granted upon payment in advance of 3 | an} blab rr: sponsibility on theile Ns o at times the trolleys made | Guint Gothard Pass. A penniless Ita Paris Engagement annum for an individual, and from local office of the M. T. company rai a7 at Himes The company had h a k i De toin hin Lone F Bea ts $50 to $100 per annum for & Compan) | he work was for the government, the | very slow progress. R a line inn workman, shang ] | wion, Feb. 5.--Prinee and Princess according to capital. i i I the two big sweopars out for the line homily, in Haly, and being unable to | de Broglie seemed particularly hap A free miner, having discovered miner | CEANCEr shold hoe eomeultee the | the Ao arming. The wind wa [Luc Maly, win er na ith bre at the Tivoli, last night for they 500 Bates ay jocets a ibis 31500 Huval Sethoritics -- ibn rr Ivory cutting, amd only those who were | qeross the puss signed a contract in London, yester he fee for recording «& claim 18 $5. reed em Jiheral murine], ced to be out. had the nerve to [Je was found yesterday evening day, with tho director of the Scala At least $100 must be expended on the | Mon, of whom t Te are Sco it Ee the blizzard liromen to death. owly fifteen minutes Paris, to appear 'there. Scala, claim cach year or paid to the mining | city. Mr. Henderson s interest in the Business 'was Very slack in most of | walk from the hospice Hig body has begrinni i . or a month. recorder in lieu thereof. When $500 has | improvement of Kingston harbor ust . J | Wa A y a £3000 o~ in May, at a salary of been expended or paid, tne locator may | ij known, aml he would naturally | the stores, as u result of the storm | teen taken to Airolo, at the southern 00 a weck--a ; for upon having a survey made, and upon | Fig . ig. ne ¥ 2 --_-- ond of the St. Gothard tunel. Paris. There is ord salary | PIR Reith other requirements, pur | help the rovermment engimecr in every | MADE PRESENTATION. nd o tu contract indemmilying tear ur thei Chase 'the land at $1 per ACT op | NOY possible. However, the, govern- | mp-------- uh <8 $40,008 against injury durin o royalty of ad Pe al ules: 10 -- ot Sauscin ie = ae. AIT i Popular Tr aveller Remembered By | \ Hepride . Jap X t such ti ay 3 : ining claims generally are or soundings, a g Of i { 4 { iotorin, : eb. 5.-later re Suck ivy as they shall bein the Scala Tor nt eo. 85. remewabdl | that liberals should have had the pre His Friends. | re only. one change in: the Prince hey SREaganeut. } ye 1 hain two louses i ference' when it was mecessary to en-| |W, Spencer, traveller for James | Coo 06 wired, Carter Cotton, pre- | p Lrg! i ain A | url g for Str | tal that he is officialle Sd, lan Bight. a op, ot ee niles each for e | Kage mm Ed.) | McParland, is louving J ¥ Bieath | sident of the council, being returned family will do GF Ir hn tial us term of twemty years renowable at Ux oe oY cona, Alberta, on Thursday, wher | for Richmond. This leaves Mr. Man. | OO SY : heir power to discretion of the inister of nf DIED ON MO . | has purchased a business the only defes ted minister, and | Boot him, and the princess from ap a ° lofinas shall Bove a dredgetn ofier Ep Rl Tre SS ion Mon | son. te ES BUR i a A ig n 5 . hr ¢ 1 | v A ' ! I ng In laris. Ae lease for each five miles. Rental | Mrs. Dodd Passed Away at Vener- | dav night, took the opportunity of |." puiority over the liberals and so Jefore appx aring there they will $10 r annum for each mile of river | showing their esteam for Mr. Spencer tis { Giarht . both fulfil a month's enghgement al Royalty at the rate of 2} per able Age. 1h wonting him with a pair of gold iaisls of a the Winter Garden, Berlin, and they cent Sifocted on the output after it ex Mrs. Janet Dodd, of 385 Earl | IY fehl ig by 3 Die ol ------ i are now considering offers from Brus 8 Gig di W. W. CORY, street. widow of the late George Dodd, [oul MA Pelow, who also read th Iron Worker Murdered. solt and Vie: g s 1 Deputy of the Minister of the Interlor | jussed peacefully away at four o'clock [bor Yolow, who sien, the gift. | Ashtabula, Ohio, Feb. 5.--George But "We are secking eo ents on our NB _Unnuthorited Poe pald tor. on. Monday afternoon. She had oeen | 2% which referred to the regret of ler, a structural iron worker, of Buf artistic merits solely," said Prince » ailing for over a month, and a few lithe staff at Mr. Spencer's leaving. falo, N.Y., was shot and killed, to Robart, "and a letter that 1 received,' ----eeeeeeeeeee=._ | day8 80 contracted a cold, which | Mr. Spencer had been employed as | day, at Ashtobwda Harbor. The mur yesterday, from a great musical direc: Try a Pound of proved fatal. Deceased was born {a traveller, for the firm for the past | der is believed to be the result of the Jr In Italy, who addressed me as his 9 Scotland in 1821. She was twice | Lo vears, and made many friends, | trouble between umion snd non-union dear confrere,' gave me more pleas Myers HOME-MADE Sausages married, both 'husbands havim Pres | eho. while regretting very much his | men. _ _ assure vou, thap you can s Sesrased has, She Jowves gore x el Penving, will wish him every success apa e-- possibly imagine." . For Sunday's Breakfast, 60 Brock St |children (five sons and two Gaugh: fo yi new field. Fell Of A Load Of Hay ters, of the late Robert Sinclair), and |" his : h : Great i ; L one sister, Mrs. Peacock, of Coe Hill, | > -- Picton, Ont., Feb. 5. John Calpan, - n investments, absolutely sai, TALLER. Ont., to mourn her loss. In religion | Close Of Romantic Career. = a respected farmer of Prince Edward Nod in fo {oeplus aarmng id she was a Presbyterian and a mem London. Feb 4, Florence Cella soymy, wy Yours of age, fell off a ] | Cage, securing WwW ber of Chalmers church. The deceased | Paget, Marchionsss of Hastings, died | load of hay/"/Seturndav, or i hou ih fou Medising - hen You Buy ight rol vears of age and one | to-day, at Windsor, after a romantic | Picton, and received injuries orld's | 3 . at's what Hollister's Rocky Jest residents of Kingst wer. She was the greatest beauty | which he died, on Monday. Mountain Tea d 5 » , of the oldest residents of Kingston. career. She ; ° 3 . ) 1s ap- oa does. Mahood's Druy -------------- in the mid-Victorian period. et Store. ™ 10th. |" Lord Steatheons says in 2000, Can " To Be Called Albert. --~---- Wealthy Widow Burned To Death ' y 2000, Can- rom ; 5.--The Dominion line A Wealthy Man ad. Chicago, Feb. 5.--Mrs. A. Haskell, « and [29a will have 80,000,000 of a popula- Montreal, Feb. 5. » Dominion line | A r . ; go, , 3 1 E > . ing of oy yw | aris 2 5.- Daniel Osiris, the | guid to have been a wealthy widow ol { stu. | Hon. Sorry, my lor i announce the placing of an order for Paris, Feb, 5.1 aid re { s ob |b? on hand to see 4 that Full uot P. WALSH the construction of a fine mew pas- | philanthropist, who presented Mal- | Michigan City, Ind., was burned to | braces | Verified. 3 gem 7 senger steamer, to be called Albert, | maison to the French nation, is dead. death on Monday in a fire which par- asso-| 'Mrs. Katherine Powsll, wife of Jos You get genuine {in homor of the North-Western pro- | M. Usiris bequeathed five willicn dol- | tially destroyed a building in Dun H3,- ph Powell, St, Anselm, P., passed * J Scranton as he vince, She will > 14,000 tons gross, {urs He was a wealthy Greek. ning street, ww by jaWay at the residence of her hus { and will be of the latest pattern, in ---- = i udent [band's father " : handles nothing overy particular, to meet the re-| R. Tunueclifie, Belleville, aged twenty Five Years In "Pen. ) ) , Reuben Powell, Belle Bry. pa : a 54 Aad. k ssion. | Ville, aged twenty-nine else quirements of trans-Atlantic passeng- | three, out hunting near Trenton, was Windsor, Ont., Feb. 5. Walter Brake | importer at the moment. gested - - - er trade, in the act of taking his gun from the land George Butler, who stole about | ration buggy when it accidentally exploded | 8500 worth of goods from Bensette's April, | Catarrh Cannot Be Cured. Report On Insurance. ong the charge struck him in the head, | jewelery store three weeks ago, were e "in ear JOCAL APPLICATIONS, as they Ottawa, Feb. 5.--The finishing touch. | killing him almost instantly. sentenced to fre years each in the dents; | Catarch is athe Seat of the. disease, ee eeeetimenimeempeemee | gg. will De puL. OR the report of the | Five Brockville hotelkeepers are to | penitentiary. p discase, AE AD eh ag SAHIN) roval insurance commission within the | be chatged with infractions of the li- ------ Sa ne Internal remedies. Hall's ORDER ED next few days. It is understood that | quor license get in keeping their places A varied programme of vocal and | acts di y on b intergally us! . the 'report will deal separately with | of business oven during Saturday | instrumental music, recitations, etc, Surfaces. 3 I's ol aud a every company and society: doing an I night and Sunday within the last | at Princess Street Methodist church | of the here ine. It wis prescribed by one FOOTWEAR ifisurance business in Canada. * three weeks. : | concert to-night. tor years a hysh fans "in this country Downey's store in Brockville burglar- | Buy chamois vests and chest pro- I is composed of the BE wn. Foot That everyone should know Red {ized on Saturday night and quite a lot | tectors at Gibson's Red Cross Drug | shied Se dri ore eo Ruriaccs K you hye = Crus¥ yup is the kine of couth, =v wae Saeried 2 he nd grippe 7 ill enjoy voursell at Princess | Ihe Wutuup Suriaces 1 rups, duri o february, Buy Miller's headache a gr _ You wi joy | ey what ne oe hander. Troubles, bring them to you pins. le oe TA om at powders, at Gibson's Red Cross Drug | Str et Methodisé church concert to- | ful results ring © »oncer : 9 Rhy LO Rberts . ? - might. , vo tepals Ses nt H E R 0 D Gibson's Red Cross Drug Store. ' Stan i 2 atent a sure eure, 10e¢. Nother favorite toilet soap is sold | F. J. CHENEY & CO.; Props, Toledo A. E John Lyon has been appointed by ilblain ointment, bothers eed Cross Drug Store. "sa Nai gists og 286 PRINCESS ST the Dominion - goverSott a re Br. 10 pight, in old Col- | "'Arabian Paste." removes warts * i ith Arnprior vie- rine 5 » i corns, 10c., at Bust's Taka Ws Pres Ta gration agent, wi : Ch 10c., a he aaniby consti HOUSE OF QUALITY isi of his labors. . !legiate building. : 8 rpg iy nol nitied Rodd hotel THE i a lp RS ; i ; DISTRICT DASHE | NEWS OF THE WORLD Ti News Condensed For OCCURRENCES RECOUNTED | Whig Readers. The 1lst regiment, visit Niagara Falls in the Senator Frost, Suiits Falls, so ill | for the past four months is regainin, Matters That Interest Everybody olay and hopes soon to be . --Notes From All Over--Little | agnin. Androw Herrington, | icksburg, sold his farm of - hund- Bld: John Cunningham, Gusiph, has Hu owe to Daniel Haycock, Camden, been unseated. i a "After. Invent. Sale? ALL WINTER STOCK MUST GO TO MAKE FOR SPRING GOODS NOW ARRIVING CHILDREN'S FLANNELETTE Riley Smith, dn old DRAWERS, sizes 2 to sident of Athens, died S ] | morn ng mewmoni ¢ o Walter Phillips, bn well known cattle | MG ag 3 Justi atthe age of The remains of the late Lieut.-Col, A. Farley, who died suddenly in - PW 0» 3 Uliterd States, were seized, at London, | reached Boinile Tow. Werke ago, hate A social was held by the voung peo: ple of MeDcnald s Corners Presbyterian congregation on Friday evening last, new church building | fund. The sum of $122 was realized. The vote on the local option law in the Rear of Leeds and lansdowne has been unchanged by the recount, argument as to FLANNELETTE 50e. qual- 15 wi FLANNELETTE London, Eng in aid Miltnery at Big SPENCE'S ™ W oodenw, To Users of Pails and A word of caution may not be out of -pla Company's wares are FULLY GUA defects, so it will be to yo ur interest to ery is stamped on every package you huy. whether certain par- ties had a right to' vote will be heard | there Wednesday next. the home of Francis when his youngest Mire Nina May, was given in marringe to James R. | manager of | which positibn he has He goes west with his bride | Friday night, at Burton, | daughter, Washington united in marriage to a promising | near Petworth, of | Maggie Wagar, sister of the bride, act | od as bridesmaid, while Stanley Wag } ar assisted the groom. On Sunday, John Andrew Patterson, who resided with his nephew, Albert Havelock, passed away very Wager, Enterprise, January 23rd, Miss | Darling, | suddenly from an Mr. Patterson was a man of seventy: two years of age, wnmarried, and a veteran of the American war, having taken part in eighteen battles, The death at the age of cighty years iallagher is report ed from Portland, Ont. She was moth 8. Gallagher. M.P.P., for Frontenac and L. 7. Wilton, warden of the county of Len: nox and Addington. $e wns a model mother. and a devoted Methodist On Tanunry 28th, at Sydenham. Hir of Mrs, James G, er Write for our Circular on Rio De Janeiro Tramway for the first time con- taining in ORGANIZATION FRANCHISES EARNINGS, Etc., Etc, ninty-second year. Deceased was son of John pvel Tydia McKim, who were of carly URL, stock. and was He wos the seeond eldest of five broth: ers, nll of whom have passed away voungest, Christogher MeKim, of Clevelend, Ohio After a service evtending over ty years William Irvine, superintend- ent of the rash nnd door factory, De- seronto, tehdered his resirmation. tak- int effect Friday. Heving heard of the pend' ng severance the employees got | their heads together mavk the avent by a Dresentation. gold watch was purchased, and pre- sented with sincere regrets. The oldest resident of Athens passesd when Rilev Smith SURGEONS WIRE UP H ---- Wire Played Into Organ to Save Feb. B.--At the Medi- fod fifty feet of fine ilver thread or wire into an aneurism i the heart of Frederick William, o-Chirurgical hos Mann and Ashton | Rilev."" wns horn near Clen Buel, An aneurism is formed wesel of the heart dilating. Brodie, | his: Jone life in ntil the tissues stretch and. touch the a Misa Slyck, from near Athens using instant death. The aneurism was pricked, and as ho silver wire was fud into the open- We leaves a family Miss | Justice of Charleston, and five daugh i «0 as to form a frame- work on which the blood could coagu- Jt ix hoped that the clot 6 Mar; : Any Ache To-Day ? MURPRY ELPANKe, o bottle of Smith's White ime the bottle of Smith's White Liniment wall, #80. that whon | The surgeons cannot yet: tell whether the operation was a | makes many painful affections | White Liniment is one of the things no -------------------- Street Suit Of Brown Cloth. { mn .. | lve CORGER.--At Nope of Another Siberian Railroad. ohn Close, Petersburg, Feb. A: GUNYOU .--~At aed to-day, commenced Amanda Baboock | the construction of | Viadhivostok entirely | was abandoned when Russia oc cupid Manchuria, to Namgahon, on the Aminer, o ton Exposition. at present ix purely stratogl- Norfolk, Va.; Feu. 4.2 was ovoked by the spectre of i Russo-Japanese war It is admitued that the Jamestown exposition will of commercially after nate driven north the Glut Of Cocoanuts. tribes, These Dy te 8 largely made up' of log Their 'Medicine Min, possession of woven head lain 'the history of wveral Atlantic coast mar kets have begun precise period the imports will dimin- situation assume normal In spite of low price, and the of Hine with profits features that make model for a dressy lit- is here 'pictured, the practical for gither cloth he skirt was a gored cir- ne, and was cat in ankle I mmed with strappi far as can be learned are on hix wav to | market forced out ants of a white colony. from | and other healthy ! \ ory. is. substan still continue heavy. Tuscaroras are mi 1s daily on the regular orto Rico and Trinidad from all peints Death. | There are { traders from P that whon visited material in color. Ys from the orth, it 66 lion back, which was fitted girdle of n San Blas and West In Prices at present ar $20 but the principal manu- shredded" coconnuts ket for lots, and to afford the only for the heavy laden held in place by the "cloth, which was, however, from the jacket except across tre back. Braid and but used to trim the jacket, "Deerfoot," the noted made his" successful defeating all the best competed against him, was proven, for Deerfoot who descendant of the 'Tu English tavern, found make himself undé ing in his native to this feature serms favorable prospect The Jigtle vest was brown soutacho, \ bove the elbow by also gathered in al a band of hrown velvet a how at the outer arm. JR -------- All Women should assist Nature at those times em is upset, the nerv- ous tone low and a fee pression or languor perience of over All disorders caused by state of the system can be using Carter's 1 gives such prom pain, griping of of Burketon, forme pending a few day« old acava"niane: is 'inspector of pumps, Beecham"s ly of Kingston, is Sold Everywhere. In boxes 25 cents.