INENS TO-MORROW 0 O'CLOCK e what a pretty dress is Here | Table Linens On Sale To~Morrow 197 yards Pure Bleached rish Table Linens, worth egularly 75c. yard, all good atterns, put up in lengths, 2 ards, 23, 23. 2% and 3 ards. 0-MORROW 63c. Yard. ards ed Irish INENS regularly worth $1.00 21, 3 a $ O-MORROW 69¢c. Yard itation and care. much below present ime before you have reat a bargain again, 's accepted for these ash--as this lot was t the cash in re:urn for our plain talk on reet, Kingston ors, 256cUp | | & Birch 3 JCK TIN ~~ METALS Ltd. William St., Toronto, 'Phone Main 1729 bles Winter ins) Lined and "cotton lined, e Slippers - - - - - == . $1. t Slippers, Leather Sole 75e¢. Het Slippers, Leather Sole ER Bee ot ea ppers - - - - - - - - -'- 35¢c. ppers, regular $1.50 - - - 75e. gola, regular $1.50 - - - Sec. Reduced in Price. YEAR 74. NO. 31. V p.m, House, 8.15 pam. This day in history :--Brockville raid- Lavergne Talked To The ed by Ngw Yorkers. 1813: Sir Henry Embossing nod Engraving a specialty. EE --------------------------_T% scm DAILY MEMORANDA. Skating at the Royal Rink. Excursion to Toronto, Feb. 9th. Board of Works, 4 p.m., Thursday. Hosiery Company's Annual Meeting, 8 "The Curse of Drink," Grand Opera rving horn, Battle of Fort fenry, 1862. 1838 WHIG TELEPHONES. 243--Business Office. 229--Editoral Rooms. 202--J ohhin~ Department. For every out door walk or ride, a Fur Overcoat is now a necessity as well as a luxury. We have them this season in the most fashionable styles. Fmely made and of the choicest skins. These Garments are handsome to a high degree and are durable enough to out-last a man's life ume. They are most reasonable in prices too, for such high grade garments, and We respectiully invite comparison between our prices and others. \ JOHN McKAY FUR HOUSE 189-463 Brook St.. Kingston. We have always in Stock a full line of Colgate's Toilet Soaps Includiog the following : Cradle, 25¢. cakes.' Heliotrope, 25¢c. cakes La France Rose, 25c. cakes Lettuce 10c. and 25c. cakes Monad Violet, 10c. and 25c. cakes Sandal'Wood, 10c. and 25c. cakes Cashmere Boguet, 10c., R0c. and 30c. cakes, "Jas. Redden & Co. P.S.--We rave still a few Calendurs left, should any customer desire a second copy. tn -------------------------------------- Do You Make Marmalade ? You can make it for 10c, a Bottle and better goods than you can Hay. This machine makes it. A Dleasure slicing. oranges. Try one and oll ycur neighbors will know about it. MITCHELL'S HARDWARE, Princess St ---- ee TAKE NOTICE A New King Cas Range, also an Oak Sideboard, Six Dak Leather-Covered Chairs, Oak Extension Table, Oak Bed- room Set, Springs and Hair Mattresses, all as good as new, --AT-- TURK'S SECOND-HAND STORE 308 Princess Street. 3 ROBERT J. REID ¢ THE LEADING ~~ § UNDERTAKER 4 'Prone 877, 227 Princess St, 0000000000000 00000000¢ oe ILLUSTRATED LECTURE «Australia and Its People." Under the Auspices of 1. O. %. By 'THOMAS LAWLESS, A S.C.R. Instrumental and Vocal Music by J. C. Geo. Humanond and 09 Josiah Wedgewood We have some old Blue DINNER SETS of this celebrated maker, vicy quaint shape, regular price $9.75. --NOW-- $7.25 Robertson Bros. It you wish to be successful at- tend The Kingston Business College Limited, head of Queen street. Canada's Highest Grade business school. Book-keeping, shorthand, typewriting, tele- graphy, and all com+ mercial subjects thoroughly taught by comptent, experienced teachers. Day and nicht classes. Enter at any time. Rates very moderate. 'Phone, 440. H. F. METCALFE, President. J. E. CUNNINGHAM, Secretary. Notice. : I HAVE BOUGHT THE FLOUR AND Feed Store of Wm. Tait. I will be glad to see all his old' customers come back again and us wany new ones A large stock and new of Flour, Feed and all kinds of Seed amd Grain. Get my prjees before you buy. J.A. McFarlane READ DOCUMENTS AS TO varIoUs STATEMENTS His Various From Our Own Correspondent. cured, yesterday, when Armand Laver- w Government. HE MADE. Votes Against the Government--He Was True to Liberal Principles--Ready to Go to Montun.agny and Face His Constituents. Ottawa, Feb. 6.--1he first real senso: tion of the parlipmentory session oc gne, who has been ruled out of the liberal party by the powers that be, rose to his own defence, and incident ally to throw out a challenge to the goverment, or, indeed, anybody that liked to take it, Lavergne is a mete boy, and up to yesterday was reckoned but a support- er of Mr. Bournssa---not of a brilliant type either; but after a remarkable oration, in which he cited a case that was full of fact, and delivered with eloguence, Layergne must be consid ered a forge to be reckoned with. It proved one of the brilliant bits of modern times. We may not agree with young Lavergne, we may consider his opinions wrong, amd his attitude po- litically incorrect, but it must bey con- honest, and these two characteristics carry weight «in any Canadian com- munity. So Lavergae and the ether nationalists have to be met squarely. His indictment of the government was warm. The answer will be awaited with interest. Meanwhile the patronage of his con stituency of Montmagny has been giv. en to Senator Choguette, "a man who dragged the premier into court," said Mr. Lavergne. Then he entered upon his defence. He was never a ministerial support er. When hie ran in Montmagoy first he was asked to sign a document which ho read--declnring himself an out-and-out supporter of Sir Wilirid Laurier's policy, whatever that might. be. He refused. Nevertheless the gov- ernment endorsed his candidature, and helpesl him to win. At the last gen eral election he again ran. us a straight liberal, but not as a munis terinlist. fe was npt given any help | hy the govergment, yet he won again. So late as' the Nicolet election, he | 25 BROCK STRERT. Cobalt We are underwriters im three of the best Cobalt propositions Stocks now on the warket We want capable AGENTS | men to present | these propositions WANTED | 0 investors Write for information and terms. Investment Exchange Company 43 SCOTT ST TORONTO, ONT. was asked by the government to Sup port the candidature of C R. Devlin, | but he refused. Apparently this was | the cause of the premier discarding him. Mr. Lavergne read documents to prove all this. Four times, continued the member for Mantmagny, he had voted against the government. The first time WAS against sending troops to South Af rica. In that he pointed out, he had merely taken the same ground as Si Wilfrid Laurier, thoug » premier had afterwards, upon pressure, receded from his position. He did not He Main 7418-7419 ssa | Mcintyre & Mcintyre BARRISTERS MONE|Y TO LOAN KING STREET. KINGSTON] reese TENDERS WANTED TENDERS ARE the Kingston General Hospital, for sup piies of Bread, Meat, Milk dnd Drugs for one year, commencing March 1st 1907. Particulars furnished those Wish ine to tender on application to the Medical Superintendant. Morgan, . M.A. others. CITY HA LL THURSDAY, FEB. 7th. 8 p.m. sharp. Admission, 25 cents. ere ©600050000000000000000 ENQUIRIES Are coming in for residential property to purchase and tent , prior to.May next. Let you to. dispose of yours to g advantige. SWIFT'S Real! Estate and ¥ prance Agency' ee NOTICE THE ANNUAL MERTING E dv ™ Shareholders of the Calvin Limited, will' be held at the office of the Company, at Garden Island, on Thi 1907, DAY the 12th day of February, at one o'clock p.m. SANDFORD ©. CALVIN, Secretary. . A Retired General Dead: London, Feb. 6.--Gen, Sir Axchibald retired, died yesterday. The Alison was a veteran of the Crimean, India and Alison, late Sir Archibald Egyptian campaigns and mander-in-chief in 1823. From 1883 to 1599 he wos member of the council of India. ---------------------- The Manitoba legislature, 'with but | gimil one dissenting voice, adopted the re: solution providing for the fair wagd. clause in all governmint. ibe me mid gy Company, WAS com- Feypt in' 1882 the MUSIC MISS FLORENCE WEE ate pupil of Ontario Ladie od to take pupils in at 181 Princess street. College | HIT ROYALTY p---- Plebeian. Unter der face, with a snowball. The culprit, was intended missile, which The kaiser brushed off a ---- SOLICITED BY BE, GRADU- Piano When it Was Only Intended Fori|law. Linden, be boy, stood aghast when he saw his could hardly be condemned for consist ently endorsing the attitude of the leader of the liberal party The second vote he registered against the government was on the North West awmtonomy bill. He had moved a sub-amendment to Mr. Piche's amend ment, His amendment was deft ated, but the point he fought for was intro duced into the hill by the senate, and when it came back to the comnons was accepted by the government Could he be condemn « for proposing what the government actually approv ed of afterwards? The third time he voted against the government was in connection with the ¥ | Narth Atlantic T rading company. He | had objected to the paying of bounties for. immigrants to this company, and "110 prove that his, position was right he . pointed out that immediately after the great debate of last session when the methods and transactions of this company were exposed the government announced that the coairact with it had been cancelled. The fourth vote he gave against the - statutes as well as in However, he had opposed the gov eroment nominee in Quebec West on Berlin, Feb. 6.- Mhile the kaiser was {yo orgund that the people ought tc © autdmobiling in yesterday, he was struck, full in the flowed to choose ther own candi al was right. The independent Lavergme grew elognent i | Jaughdd good humoredly, and playful, upon the faet that it was not he bu ly shook a menacing finger at the bo who, recovering from his terror, fled hotioot. nice to eat, nice in effect. uo pain. Vustia that is pleasingly vest pocket or meet every desire. Brg. a banpetite, good. digestion iad , Miller's all these. (For sale hy One man was killed ous, or have a sallow, what t are little tsothsome candy tablets-- 'o Be strong you must have good good as-1jt ¢ Compound rou | man in the hse who was not with V4 ine the auténomv hill bad endorsed his action the patronage of his co stituency, yet now it was given to wan of the record of Smmator Ch oretie is _donhtivl Wilhim, He would go H ry ant fight the palls. He KINGSTON, ONTARIO, WEDNESDAY, o'd liberal EF A BRAVE BOY because he dared assert his independ ciples he conscience just as he came in. the old land Said to is the inventor of a new steam driven torpedo, stated to be the n fuel is what Mr ceded that the boy is brave, that he is | torpedo etlipses all others governihint was in connection with the not being printed in ¥Yrench English, according to This was a matter of principle. date. The result had proved that he liberal ior an hind bom returned by a large major- ather boy, burst on his majesty's face. ity. In a remarkable peroration Armand the snow, a Pe He dilated ninister of the erown (Mr. KRiften) momentary | ® "HET cated the difficulty regard: He demanded a fair consideration of his case. H If you are eanstipated, dull or hili- | had. always been an independent liber- sat i com- | al, a straight liberal, though not x Lax-ets J onve 10 sce | miristotialist, bat to liberal princinjes - hey wil do for you. «Laxsets | he had stuck true. As such he had 4 been returned by his constituents; as No gripingy | such they tle laxative efiect | As such he represented them and he irable. Handy for | had held purse. Lax-ets Sold by all deals When at Jest he issued his challenge il there was a single ck to Montmag- battle over pgain at threw the challenge told how he had come hn clear con- principlcs of the ----------" party in hic heart; if he as to he doread out of political life noe and avow thowkd liberal prin; would go out with a dear 1t was dramatic to un degree. After this supreme matter was over question and contracts ere debated, A NEW TORPEDO Be of the Most Destrue- tive Type. Yt $ HUDSON MAXIM New York, Feb. 6.-Hudson Maxim, Am sivp tractive of its kind in existence. 3 Maxim calls "'ma- tomte" and will compress steam in an air flask. The invento claims that his in the line of speed and precision. NOT DISAPPOINTED REALISM ON STAGE OF PAR- IS THEATRE. The Grande Guignol Playhouse, Where People Go to Get Pain- ful Impressions. Pagis, Feb. 6A play produced at the Grands Guignol Theatre eclipses in its borror "The Campden Wonder," which is exéiting so much comment in Lo 1€. is called "Blind," and is by Carl Hellem and Paul d'Estoe. A blind man has turned out of doors his son by a first wife, because be in love with his son return having a stormy ove scene with his stepmother, when he suspects , pnd 18 his father comes into the room The woman and her stepson remair motionless, and the blind man nothing, but he sits - down just front of th the room his son, and from her guesses that something is "Phebe i¢ somebody in this room," he savsand he insiste on his wife pre wrong oe locks behind him. The son tric blind father, who was listening out side, rushes in with a revolver an shoots, He misses, but his shot Lring two-cent Junacngee in an old servant, who involuntarily | rate and long distance telephone con- calls out the son's name. * Then my | nection clauses of W. F. McLean's suspicions were founded on truth 1" | bill. ; ! i erios the unhappy father. and he In the Ontario legislature on Tues- shoots himself day, Premier Whitney and Mr, Grah- The piece, which was admirably act- | am expressed the sympathy of the od, made a very painful impression : | house and province with Earl Grey but it is in order to reccive painful | and family in their recent bereave- impressions that peoble go to the {| ment, Grande Guignol. ---------------- To Explore Alaska. Philadelphia, Pa.,. Fob. 6 D George B. 4 curator, of the d attention will he given to the Behrir of the people living in thi gion will I» carcinlly studied si him to second wife. The hears in | United States only door leading out of He talks to his wile about NOTVOUSDOSS ing him out of the door, which be The city of to get away, but his | the advisability Sen and that the habits and customs bleak re i Second Ballots. X GOVERNMENT WIN IT HAS THE MAJORITY IT |« t NEEDED. ] t On Which to Rely on Purely | National and Colonial Ques- tions--a Demonstration Made [have been preset at the Royal Palace--Ride \ thing in Her Way. the total results of the first and sec ond bullots for members of the new voichstag, which meets on February 19th : Conservatives, 81, agminst 74 in « n 1908; centrum, 108, aghinst 104; na . : 3 tional libernls, 56, agninst 51; pro- operation at the Hotel Dieu, is im- gressives, 48, aguinst : wocial dewo- proving, and will return home on erald, ngminst Poles. 20 Sunday. Miss Betsy Medley, living agninst 16; anti-Semites, 16, agminst 21; other parties, 12. The general result of the elections, hopes of her recovery. Mrs. 'Belwa, politically, is that the government ob- confined to the house for siveral tains the desired conservative-liberal weeks, is improving. Mise Grimshaw majority, on which it ean rely on ia visiting her cousin, Miss Bella purely national, including colonial questions, When the results of the re-balloting became known, a crowd of about 5000 persons proceeded to the royal palace to make a congratulatory de- memstration. The kaiser, in full uni form, with military cloak and helmet, adiivessed the crowd, saying : "1 thank vou from my heart for your ovation. The result of the election shows the truth of the chancellor's words, that Germany can ride in the saddle. If my people remain united hoth of high and low degree, and all confes- wions of faith, she not only will ride but also will know how to ride down evervhody and everything which stand in hor way. Germany has learned the art of victory and I have, no doubt, she will continue to use the art she has learned." The speech was frequently interrupt: ol by enthusiastic cheers, PITH OF THE NEWS. The Very Latest Culled From Al Over The World. The C.P.R. is to build.a new West mount station. A special relief train, with fuel, left Regina, for points on the Prince Al bert line. \ daron Hayashi, of Tokio, declares there is no thought of war agninst the Four persons were burned to death in a Liverpool stable fire at Pelham, N.Y., on Tuesday. At Rochester, N.Y., Mary D. Anth sister and lifelong co-worker of Anthony, died on Tuesday. Toronto will ask the government to take a plebiscite as to of establishing - a public owned telephone system, 1] The railway committee, at Ottawa, « | knocked out the » | ony, Susan B Between Lethbridge and Medicine Fat in deep snow without food on whic to subsist. There are thousands upon t.| thousamls of them. Around the ani partment of § ' museum | haamches, ready to seize any antelopes of scien | art, has nearly lb ar | that might happen to fall. rangegents made for the startivlg of Paul Mondor, while driving in St. the expedition organized by the Uni- | Boniface, on Sunday, met with a ter: versity of Pennsylvania to explore | vihle mishap, a reli of the bitter Alaska. It is asmounced that special | cold. Feeling his feet frepzing, he fool" | wentoned ww | ishly took off his boots, in the at possible to get the boots A $35,000,000 Bridge. New York, Feb. 6A new bridge, 150 hove high wat with a span of 3,000 feet, the Jonge in the world, and estimated to © £35,000,000, is being proj ted h will probably be built between teenth and Forty -Scrond streets, the New Jers idle However, ano er part of the suspensi n ) o sum. $ Miller's Grippe Powders cure sale by W. TL Medley. Semi-ready clothing. for mine. o a -, GAN YOU 9 13 SELL ¢00Ds : als £OOD SALESMEN ARE © ol ALWAYS WANTID. 3 : A WHIG WAN ® Y $' wnL FIND A "£000 $. MBIA FOR YOU. SEP EERPIIEEIEITIOE For | here 6484 BE PEHOPHLODE an were frozen solid. ih es ---- rat Quebec Graphite. It Quebec, Feb. 6.~Owing to ur- | plies of graphite in Ceylon havin to | pearly become exhausted, the discov- th- | exis of large deposits in this province project would reduce this sum by £500,000, for the pro moters also agree to construct a small bridge close by which would cost that are looked upon ns a matter of gre: importance to the country. is also evidence of the exhoustion belle and a Jorge ing mill is realy to start at Calamut, the sand region, and at which is in Juckingham still more extensive wo! has been undertaken. place it has been found that there some lime mixed »: in machinery to remove it. ; A Northérn Wheat Grower. Edmonton, Alta., Feb. 6. 3, Lawre north than any other man in the Peace River. miles trip. PEEPPPPPEOPPII@® PPB OO® - - ols. gonized only afew weeks since, made Of The German First And |" against colors, red and white, and met the St. James club at therink and beat boys. Un Wednesday, last week, the | @ second game was played. The Beavers had no better success, and were beat: was so cold, the Barrieficld girls would show the Down Everybody and Every- |players are: Neil Davy, point; Huby Berlin, Feb. 6--The following are |ROINY Stauton, William Murray, with her niece, Mrs. Lotto, is ~ dan. gerously ill and there are pot much thousands of antelopes are wrugeling cept it it is believed he would make an mals are wolves squatted upon their tempt to rub them, and found it im- the sup- | ase, but the admitted facts (that the As there the supply in Bavaria, it now looks as | YOUTS In Kingston. if the world will have to depend for ite supply from the new graphite regions Mining has commenced in La- grinding and refin- charge, At the latter with the ore, but millions of dollars are to be expended Frederick "who grows wheat farther Ame- rica, is in the city from Vermillion on It took him twenty five days to make the seven hundred 3 He is going rast to Chi- Ww. an-| A St of Col w eago and St Louis, and it is uuder- | ily, nothing has of Negvi- AS wiiod that he has something big to | line. G for neuralgia, tay before costern ca italists. He re- ports that the wheat crop at Vermil- lion this year will total 22,000 bush- AT OLD BARRIEFIELD. Their Boys Hockey Team. Barricfield, Feb. 5.-The Barriefield unior hockey team, the Thistles, or- | ugreement to play five ganms the Beavers and St. James tub, of the city. They secured their | hem badly, two to four, although heir opponents were larger and older n three to, two, Tuesday eyoning the | § farriefield club met the St. James' ub on the city rink to play the hird game of the scries and beat hem tour to one.' Only the weather to wee their boys Kingston "kids" how to the Barriefield Lotto, gonl; Tisdale, cover Murray, rover; John Rodgér Davy and wings. George Tis treasurer; Richard Dowler, lay. The names of Russell Gordon centre; lale is na nager. Mrs, Bennett, who underwent on Hutton. Mrs, hrother, William North-West, is visiting her daughter, Mrs. McCaherty, of Streetaville. Miss Bella Hutton held a eard party on Monday evening, Visitors : Miss Donaldson, of Ottawa, at her sistor's, Mrs, Pugh; E. L. Warden, of Roches Hutton, with her ter, N.Y., at Mrs. Brynes'. p ASKING DAMAGES FOR HIS ARREST--RETURN- ED THE HORSE. Martin Will Not Benefit By the Aldermanic Change~Who Will Get the County Judgeship in Essex. Windsor, Ont., Feb. 6.--Last Septom- ber James duckson, a local draymen hired o Howse of Mrs. Logan, of Chatham, He returned the but Mrs. logan wes not aware of the fact end, supposing it had been car ried away by him, had Chief of Por lice Holmes, of Chatham, telegraph the Windsor police and provincial detec tives to arrest Jackson. This was dono before Mrs. Logan found that the horse was at home. Jackson was detained o short time at police head quarters and then released. Now he -- begun an action against Chief Holmes, Chatham, for false arrest, claiming $2,000 damages. i. M. Keogh has stepped into the place, as alderman, vacated by Ald, Moir upon the latter being threatened with quo warranto procedings by Joseph Martin, who is trying to break into the council. Ald. Moir found he probably would be unseated upon a technicality and therefore re signed, Martin will not benefit, hgw- ever. Two names are mentioned as succes sors to the late Judge Horne, county judge of Fssex. They are those of Speaker Sutherland, K.C., and A. H. Clarke, * K.C., M.P, for South Essex. As Speaker Sutherland's ambitions lie along another line it is thought very improbable he would accept the ap- pointmént, but if Mr. Clarke would ac- 9 ideal judge. BROUGHT TO THE PEN. John Currie Found Guilty of Stealing Baggage. Shirdi Benjamin Watter- worth, of London, Ont., was in the city, today, with John D. Currie, I to two years and six months in the penitentiary for theft. | Curgic was a baggageman at Deputy was found guilty of stonling baggage. Four charges were lnid against him, and he was found guilty on each of them, Currie's trinl topk place at London, and in passing sentence, Judge Mac beth commented on the sadness of the g | man, who was a trusted employee of the GT.R., had been daily robbing the baggege passing ot | hands for a period of over seven months), left him no alternative but of | to impose a sentence of a tena of henring, Delphin Toronto, Out. Feb. THE RESULTS -=5 50-25 Thursdav, Brewster, of the hp. the | DIED. on again. |G T. : 1 SHE He then started, barefoot, to walk two Grand Trunk wiation at (lensoe, and | GALI (5 miles through the smow, and when he feached the hotel at St. Boniface, of which he is the proprietor, both feet through his, Throughout the rest of the Thaw } Delmas will be in weisted by Attorney Daniel decidedly e J Read this list down carefully. Then, come TO-MORROW snd pee what. we are dolag. You'll be surprised, Ladies' Astrachan - » Coat ; Nright - lustrous curl, Russian front, with giedle, due Columbia sie Collar-Reveres and Cufls, one only, regular price, $08, TOMORROW at $87.00, aska Sable . Shaped aed close fitting at neck, 9 90 inches long, finished with 13 Alaska Sable Tails and 3 Heads, | one only, regular price, $40, TO= MORROW at 825. Children's Coats Of Tweed Mixtures, also smooth » finish cloths. Some have two J capes piped with satin, 7 orhery | with pleated hacks, The Talance 3 of last year's styles, sinew, 6, 8° and 10 J rice, $4 to 5 p80. roAMON wns. or wold of different | lines, cordeon pleted, others are wtrap- pod and pleated, 4 only Creme Lustre Skirts, in this lot, all the latest model, regular price, $4.00 to $0 TOMORROW at $2.99. Ladies' Wrappers Of Fancy Flannelette, in black and white, blue and white Wd red ahd white, stripes and polka & dots, lined 10 waist, stylish sleeves, tupndown collar, all this season's buying, revular price. § $1 to $1.25 TO-MORROW ut ave. | Ladies" Bath Robes Of soft Wool Hiderdown, Persihn patterns, rotnd | shawl collar faced with silk, rope giedie, regular prices, 88 to 8.50. TOMORROW at gy o No exchange. approval. | SALES FOR CASH, Steacy's BORN. i In Brockville, on Feb. us and Mrs. George Healey, MARRS. At Brockville, Feb. 2ud, to Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Marrs, a son. R.~In Kingston, on Feb. ¥7. Mary Jane Collins, daughter of the late Capt. Collis of Ti ip of Storrington, as Petley of the late Kunmunuel Galiags ir. Funeral private, Thursday mor , : St. Mary's Cathal al o'clock, to where a solemn requiem mass 1 uns for the repose of her soul il.--In 'Flora: Onv., F road Melod a, 0 Reilly, ridgv, vk | act in an advisory capacity. A million dollar brewing is | may establish new works in Montre; in opposition to present concerns. Attorneys Gleason, RUB ON "NERVILINE." It seems as if specially for 'the little ones. the aches and ns of toothache and Hart- { Meth wid Pepiualy willl TDS Curse of Drink. The company bl Honest Toll tt, ¢ al | Star Cast. Artist in the IF CHILDREN CATCH COLD, al Nerviline was made Rubbed on throat and chest, it breaks up of 80. arn ake Thok. when] Laren. Yeats pr 2.30, Beehig cold in a few retiring. it drives o the last traces of sickness and is past. For a Ii --gme 1 cures Aumbago, teed to relieve and oi 'any muscular ~e 0 % k puin, external or 'otherwise, and all A Story of Working Man's Vie ch Line. Don't Fail to see Engine © Good singing ing SP | -- SATURDAY, Feb. 9th. at 8. # Bargain Matinee, Children, 18¢.; « Se 4 He for 95¢. o bottle. Try Nerviline,