When You Buy You get genuine Scranton as he handles nothing! else age Account Books, Fools 10¢. per 100 sfewalory, Watch and Clock repairing is our specialty. We ea. for your elock, Waggoner's Big Clearing Sale Now On. Call and see the groat values now be ing given in Suits, Overcoats Trousers. Suit lsogths sold by the plece. coeds jf must go at once to clear up stock. Alex. Wi 188 W ellingtcn Stree TVET COAL From P. WALSH Ladies! We invite you to visit our establish BG, hd Selle We combine the most hy J mrs { Kinnear & d'Esterre, | and With the us. 1 Nora kh -- For 1906 Are All Paid in. night. ered in, the money unpaid was but $30 to th disease incurgble, and "he is in latter tender was a clerk of the staff of the post-office thumb from her Jamieson block. POWERFUL INSTANCES, -- erful Healing. the varied ways in which Zam-Buk, the great herbal balm, is doing good throughout the Dominion. Have you yot enjoyed its bemefit. Mrs. L. Taylor, Pive Ri (Man), says : "I'will never be wi t Zam- Buk in the house, as 1 have thorough- ly proved it. It cured irritating rash and eczema on my baby's feet during teething. Where there are Children it is invaluable, as it" heals their sores and injuries in wonderfully short time. Trodden On By A Horse--Bad Bruises. D. Cumming, of Springmount (Ont.), says: I'have proved that Zam-Buk has extraordinary merit. | was trampled on by a horse and my foot was all black and swollen. 1 could scarcely move it the pain was so bad. A few applications of Zam-Buk cured the Pain and removed the discoloration. 1# a wonderful palm." Running Sore Healed. Mrs. 8. J. Holden, of Hannah St. W., Hamilton, says : "My little girl had a running sore on her leg which defied all manner of treatment, With- in a few days of trying Zam-Buk there was a distinct improvement and the wound is now completely healed. 1 have since used Zam-Buk for other kin diseases, etc., and find it excel pnt," Zam-Buk is an all-round household balm. It is compounded from purely herbal essemces, and cures eczema, ul- cers, sores, chapped hands, bruises, outs, burns, etc. It also cures rheum- atism, sciatica, neuralgia, and rubbed well in over the chest in eases of cold removes the 'tightness and aching. All druggists and stores sell at B0c. a box, or post free from the Zam-Buk Co, Toronto, upon receipt of price. 6 boxes sent for $2.50, ADVOCATES TRUTH. A -- : Rev. A. 8S. Crapsey Would Have Less Expediency. truth telling as the crying need of the - {day in merica, Dr. Algernon S. Crapeey, whose withdrawal from the Episcopal church followed his trial on Epi i 3 xX desiane.. the Sharpes of hevesy, came to this city fit, art stic a nesee sotioty, an interview with a press representa- a: tive said : hale trouble in iL_trotke of life is to sacri truth to ex- pediendd. Chor eyien holding individu: al and liberal views go into their Pr pits and because of expedi cate things which ogo them- selves peliove. x really believes the what we have to depl." ) A-------------------- i "Venice is built on 118 small islynds connected 378 bridges; Amsterdam v : wad ly 108 islands, connected by al- BH ne 7 most 2 : winter resorts among the Alps more erowded than in summer, and ty per cent. of the visitors Feb. 6.~1he town council : : A ti i and watery. Her face is pale, her lips hold A ing M Y | and gums bloodless. Mer head aches and her back aches. She has no ener gy, no life, a poor appetite and no | travagant expenditure on luxuries by | desire for exercise. She complains that | the rich is beneficial, because it even to walk upstairs leaves her | ereates work?' asks The Montreal breathless. And the' woman in middle Thomas W, , tax coltec- | tor, stated that all but $11 of the town's assessed taxes had been oe if the insolvenoy of a firm. A record hus heen made, Stranger still the treasur- er received 800 uite unexpectedly. 'Lhe explanation was that Judge Mor- rison had given the moncy to be ap- plied on the taxes, although he had not bem aswessed. It was shown that it cost the poor commission of Picton oop her poor during the month. A sad case was discovered, and ons that plainly shows the poor stock 4 te in Hah of the { country ooded with, Mrs, P. Haskell pebry d for maintenance for James Ross, an emigrant for whom vhe'is caring. The man is in poor health, the doctor has pronounced his "foreign" land without friends' or money. It was degided {0 grant the request of the People's Mutual Tole- phone Co., of the township of Sophi- asburg, to enter the town of Picton, and establish a lotal office. A contract must first be signed. The following tenders were made for the $15,000 de bentures, raised by the town for the building of the new Collegiate : Dom- inicn Securities Co., Toronto, $13, 531; W. C. Brent, Toronto, $13,759; Woud, Gundy & Co. Toronto, $13. 908: A. Jarvis & Co., 813,978. The An echo of the big five of Sunday, comes in tWo very painful injuries hy two town folk. Frederick Belch, head suffering from a badly out foot. Whil watching the fire he stumbled on the icv ground. pnd getting up in the dark ran pn spike into his foot. Blood pois- oning is feared: One of the maids at the Hotel Quinte nearly severed" her hand. was cut. tine sandwiches for the firemen, when ths knife slipped and made a deep rach into her thumb. The town coun cil passed a resolution eoneratulating tha firemen for their splendid work un- der such unfavorable weather condi- tions, in confinine Sunday's fire to i ted. is everv po sibility that a new building will replace the now gutted ruins of the Three Proofs of Zam-Buk's Wond- Here are three powerful instances of New York, Feh. 6.~To advocate an address before the Ge- Dr. Crapsey at the Hotel Victoria in SUFFERING WOMEN, Pills. " -- # Find Health and Strength in the 'Use of Dr, Williams' Pink the richness RITISH WHIG, WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 6. 'MAKING WORK" A QUESTION THAT IS QUITE acai Hadi BI sale tom went PEQTINENT, Cost of Keeping the Poor--An Un- a a eat a ane fortunate Case--Picton's Taxes and woman upon y tand regularity of her blood. ' Look gt "the young girl whose blood is weak Been Exploded. life--she is nervous, irritable and pressed--liable to sudden attacks women. For a long time I was indigestion. In fact I was in begat the use of Dr. Williams' Pin like 4 mew woman. 1 am swe i a the great good thay ean do." Williams' Pink Pills for Pale People for $2.50, by writing The Ir. Wil liame' Medicin: Co., Brockville, Ont. mm BD To Regain Position. Geneva, Feb, 5.--Horr Leopold Wol- fling, formerly the Archduke Leopold Salvator of Austria, who renounced all: his titles to marey Fraulein Adamovies, the singer, and who . is now suing for divorce from her, in tends, according to the Nouvelle Gazette, of Zurich, to try to reeo ver his former position at the Austrian court. Herr Wolfling has engaged a pro- The foot was soon all right again, It and his friends are giving him all the e minent Swiss lawyer for this purpose, aid they can. The divorce suit will he heard here shortly, Both are agreed that the must part, and Frau Wolfling will probably return to the stage. ---------- Practitioners Raise Fees. Vienna, Feb. 5. The Vienna Medi cal Chamber has decided by a unani mous vote, to raite doctors" fees in Vienna 'by fifty per cent.. in conse qpence of the increased cost of living amd the recent raising of the telephone subscription by the postofiice. It has also been resolved that all consultations . through the telephone will in future be charged for. The fees hitherto charged for a doe- tor"s visit among the working classes were forty cents and cigh Ve-seven stun 'of 850 to $100 was paid for all the medical attendance respuiced during the year. -------------- Victims In One Coffin. were buried in one coffin, this after: the factory fire at Geispoldsheim the twenty-two. scription, Cold It prevents and positively cures rible dizziness, hot and cold flashes, 3 SCAB | : make her life miserable, Put Dr. Wil- | raises its head in circles where | it liams' Pink PiMs banish all this misery because they fill the veins with rich, strong, healthy blood whieh gives tone and strength to every delicate organ. The case of Mrs. George Danby, of Til- bury, Ont., is one of the many that proves that no medicine can compare with Dr. Williams' Pink Pills in cur- ing the ills of womankind. Mrs. Dap great sufferer from the aibments that affect so many of my sex. I was ex- tremely nervous at all times, suffers ed a great deal with headaches and | are worn a few times and thrown i a | away is not very different from that he dancers. Suppose the lady in- k | stead of spending $200,000 per year on; clothes had used it to construct a needed railway twenty miles long. More '""'work™ would have been pro- 1] vided than in the first case, and at the end of the year, and for the fu- ture, the people of that distgct would have the be. fit and use of a rail- Dr. Williams' Pink Pills can make | WoY: In the one case the young every ailing girl and suffering woman in' the land strong and healthy if they are given a fair trial. But great care must be taken to see that you get the gopuine pills with the full name, Dr. thoroughly miserable condition when I] of t Pills, but after taking them a short time 1 began to improve, and, through their further use, Iam pow feeling sick women would take Dr. Williams' Pink Pills they would be convinced of THOMAS O. DAWSON, OF IOWA, Who thas just been an ofntsd United States minister to Columbia. S---------- conts, while in many families a hump Berlin, Feb. 5. Twenty-two bodies noon, at the funcral of the vietims of The remains were indistingmishable. A heap of charred hones was 'all that was left of them. The lid of the coffin was inscribed with the names of all . 3 a A memorial stone, containing all the] Wi names, is to be erecled by public sub- state of affairs exists there can be no solid basis on which society can rest. TF we can only get a\ man to say what he bh we il with La Grippe Tell your Rruggiee you have got te ve it * Sold by all druggists, or from WILSON-FYLE d N Falls, rH woman takes goods which. workmen somewhere produce and as good as er except for what the dressmakers may have saved, in the other case the -| goods have been consumed, it is true, on the wrapper around each box. Sold | but while they were being consumed by medicine dealers sverywhere or sent | & work was constructed which makes by mail at 50c. a box, or six boxes the world $200,000 better off. Hints For the Teacher. Leaving aside the abstract question of moral teaching in the schools as commonly discussed, the editor of The Ridgetown Dominion makes the following suggestions, which will be generally concurred in:--*"We believe to 4 o'clock the teacher cannot be {| better employed in the service of the 4 pupil, parent and state than in giv- | ing 'talks,' inculcating a proper re- ct for law, order and property. The older pupils should be taught that 'might is not right," and that it is unmanly for the larger boys and girls to pick on and torment in any way the smaller ones, and all should be taught to pay due deference to their elders; that they should leave the school in an orderly manner, not like a pagk of animals, giving at least a portion of the sidewalk to people they chance to meet. Pupils might al- 80 be taught kindness to birds and animals, warned against crossing lawns and boulevards, and a due re- gard for flower beds. Boys, especial- ly, should be taught respect for pro- perty, even though unoccupied. The danger of stone-throwing should be inted out, The windows of vacant ouses, it might be mentioned, are not proper targets for stones or snow balls, and knives should not be used in carving names or monograms on fences, gates or sidewalks." The Whispering Telephone. The secréphone is the whispering telephone. A message can be whisper. ed into it so that a person standing but a yard away cannot hear what is being said, while every word is cor- rectly transmitted to the receiver at the other end of the line a mile away or more. For this to be done the mes- sage must be actually whispered. If spoken more loudly, of course, the speaker can be heard more than a yard away from the transmitting in- strument. Properly used, however, a message can be sent in privacy even with people quite close. As present experience goes, it re- Juires some little practice té pitch @ voice correctly so as to get the best results with the faintest whisper. But the lesson is not difficult to learn. People with high pitched voices will undoubtedly make themselves heard more distinctly at the other end of the line with less noise at the transmitting end than ia possible for those with lower pitched voices. The instrument is claimed to be practical- Iy imperishable and cannot get out of order with ordinary use. op A Rich Mineral Mill Butte hill, far famed as'the richest mineral producing spot in the world, s an ingignificant rise of land, not over 300 Teet above the river level in the valley. It is approximately two and a half miles 1 ent by two miles in width and is an irregular oval in shape. The richest ore produe- ing portion, however, is: centered in 8] of about two square miles. ithin that limit there are no fewer than ory Jeiniei shafta from 1,000 to 2.400 feet in depth, besides many smaller and less important develop- It Will Cure HORS In Beto or derground and aslisties 1 frequently intersecting + worki of di t mines. It is es- ti that are more than 500 of such eXCcava- tions. The output from this single Lill is upward of 14,000 tons of ore a a. ng more than 10,000 tons & month, exclusive of gold and silver, which is fully a 50 per cent. larger production any Ther cuprifereus district in the Queen's Hockey Excursion. Saturday, February 9th at 11.30 am.. by special train, G.T.R. Fare, $3.70. Return good by any train ex cept. No. 4, till Tuesday night. Wn ---------- The area of - the British empire is twelve million square milesy its coast line is 43,000 miles; its population 100 millions, H. Cunningham, piano tuner, from Chickering's, Orders at MeAuley's book store. ¢ 'The s-cret of sucess farniches nach' food for gossip, Is Extravagant Expenditure on Luxuries By the Rich Benefici- al P~An Old Theory That Has - mow 'long' ere "we to be aficted with the old exploded theory that ex- Herald, and the question is pertinent. The case in point is that of a young of] women in New York who spends ain and distress that only a woman | $200,000 a year on clothes and who is nows of. She turns from food; hor- | defended on the ground that it "makes work." This is a fallacy that should never be allowed to appear. I* brings up the distinction between roductive and unproductive labor. Vorkers 'are only useful to the world in so far as they produce or assist in producing things which feed or clothe or better the world in some way. If the New York lady hired men boi women to dance before her all h ER a day the world would not be the rich- by says: "lI think Dr. Williams' | er put the poorer for their dancing; Pink Pills are a blessing to suffering | because they produced nothing that a] helped to féed or clothe the world, while the world had to feed and clothe them. And, the case of dress- makers who produce costumes which. burns them up, so that at the end of the year the world is that much poor- that every Friday afternoon from 3.30 2, Clear, Frosty Winter Weather Is so bracing, and invigorating that it often tends to over exertion, without our being aware of it. Most of us lead such sedentary lives that when we take much exercise we of- ' ten feel fatigued and depressed instead of refreshed. At such times a cup of "Hot Bovril" will supply the. nourishment, and stimul- ation required, sending a glow through the entire system. Fora change, try it some time with a dash of cold milk, Add milk te suit your taste as if you were preparing a cup of tea. BE YOUR OWN DRESSMAKER. ---- ee EASY «i JO LEARN. Fewer Working Parts than any other First Class Machine. ALWAYS LOOK FOR THE NAME Shae lew Wetlands. THE WILLIAMS MANUFACTURING CO. company Orrices: MONTREAL, P. TORONTO, LONDON, HAMILTON, OTTAWA, $T.JONN,N. 8B. AGENTS WANTED EVERYWHNERE. what particulars form the conditions unger one following plans :-- * the settlyr must give six mont iti to the Commissions ie Lands at Ottawa, of tion to do ®so. The Business of The Mutual Life of Canada (Head Office - . figures : Waterioo, Ontario) for 1906 shows substantial increases over the previous year as may be seen from the following Items, Assets ........ cativanes vn eves a hein $9,296,092 Income Seestercscavasdateniaiaanneenss 1,956,518 Surplus® : o.,.00iesen 952,001 Insurance in force** ese 44,197,954 Expense ratio to Income............. « 178 pe. *Company's Standard. **ATl Canadian Business. S. ROUGHTON, siseior Agent. TE ---------------------- SHEET BLOCK TIN PIG TIN METALS Ltd, A---- a SYNOPSIS OF CANADIAN NORTH- HOMESTEAD REGULATIO mbered section of 1 An ny or the 8 end 3 be homesteaded b. family, ¢ head of & ta: ty person over 18 years of age, one-quarter section, of 160 acres of Je ution for homeéstead entry spection must be made in person applicant at the office of the local ul ts. AD cation for entry or ing wade oreo y at any Sub-agent as- i to the local Agent gent, ut the expense of t N 5 4 it the lund applied » ont» a eri Lou she telontud lication is to bave priori a jana will be until the Ly papers to Somplets the transact] recei by mail. SN 3 *'personation' the eu canrelled end th mmaril Pant will Torta all priority of ¢ An applicant for iospection I eligible for homestead entry, an one application tor 1nspection from an individual ub application has been disposed ofa A bh omesteader whose entry is i and not Liable to cance or ject to approval of Lepe relinquish it in favour of father, brother or na, daughter, nis Slidbie, A 10 Cue vite. OF 7 slstution of abandonment. I ere an entry is summarily « or voluntarily abandened, subsec justitution of cancellation pro: the applicant for inspection will titled to prior right of entry. nts for i tion must Appheal 0! e homesteads default, and il subsequentry t d to Le incorrect 1 ment is foun: J lucoree granted it may be summarily - Duties.--A settler is reuuired (1) At least siz months' real on and Cultivation nf the land ear during the term of three ° (2) If tbe father (or mother is deceased) of a bo re upon a farm im the vici land entered for by such ho the requirement as to residence satisfied by such person resding father or mother. 3) If the settler has his 1 5 noe upon farming land «© the vicinity of his bh may be sal residence upon 8 uch . Before making application | SYNOPSIS OF CANADIAN WEST MINING REGULAT Coal.--Coal lands nmiay be pu $10 per acre for soft coal ar anthracite. Not more than can be acquired by one indi company. Royalty at the cents per ton of 2,000 pounds collected, on the gross output. Quarts.--A free miner's ce granted upon payment in adv; per annum for sa individual, $50 to $100 CT for according to ca . A Troe. miner, having discow al in place, may locate a cle Loe foetfor recording a claim east $100 must be expen all re year or paid to recorder in lieu thereof. Whe been expended or paid, the lo upon having & survey made, The patent provides for the a royalty of 34 per cent on tl Placer mining claims gener: feet square entry fee 85, yearly. A free miner may obtain tv dredge for gold of five miles term of twenty years, renew discretion of the Minister of The lessee shall have a dr ation within one season fro: of the lease for gach av = annum for ed" Royalty at the rat cent collected on the output ceeds $10,000¢ Ww. Ww. ty of the Minister of 1 RoR Unauthorized publica «Advertisement will not be vs SEALED TENDERS A to the undersigned, and enc der for Public Ont will be rec t) tilt Monday, February 25 clusively, for the constructio Building, Owen Sound, Ont Plans and specification can forms of tender obtained at ment and at the office Forster and Clark, Archit Sound, Ont. Persons tendering are nou ders will not te considered on the prigted form supplie with their actual signatures Fach tender must be ace an accepted cheque on a cl made payable to the order ouralile the Minster oi o ten per cent (10 { the tender. whicl e party tenderir a contract wher il to Depart the lowest or any t By order, FRED. Gi Department of Pablic Work Oftawa, January Newspapers will not be advertisement if they inst authority from the Depart THE FRONTEN LOAN & INVESTMENT ESTABLISAED President--Sir Richard Money loaned on City a perties. Municipal and | Lures. Mortgages purcha received and interest allow 8. C McGill, Manag} Office, 87 Clarence str OR INSURA) If you want to City Property, see G at 95 Clarence str Post Office. gNew Bngland Restaurant 23! Open from 10.30 a.m The best place to ge Lunch in he city. Ne b shortest CO. Pinan a sresially. Engl "Pho ------ ARELLEELELEEE: