Daily British Whig (1850), 7 Feb 1907, p. 1

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We have made Ladies' ard Children's Hosiery and Men's Socks a SPECIALTY. Not a side issue as in most stores --but a large department-- carrying more £ © mile te stocks than usually found-- and selling, too, for freasona- ble prices : Te Ladies' Black Cashmere! Stockings, English made, soft§ fine make, 25¢. Ladies' Black Cashmere Stockings, ribbed or plain, special make, at 45c., 50c. and 35c. Ladies' Embroidered Cash- mere Stockings. Ladies' Tan Cardinal and White Cashmere Stockings. Children's Plain Black n 3 different makes, ashmere Stockings, 4 qualities, d Stockings, special at 15c., English Cashmere Wool, y Sock usually considered c., or 2 Pairs for 35c. { (All Day) Embroideries deries and Insertions, all r Widths, ' ent. Off r Home Sewing a large and very complete nd with exactly same prices r this Spring's supply away , and 10c. yard. 10c., 123¢.. 15c. Cottons, 10c. and 15¢. c.. 15c. of Cotton for Ladies' and ., 15¢., 18¢ , 20¢,, 25¢. t a little heavier than Naia- 2¢, 15¢., 20c., 25¢. ;OTTONS um or heavy makes, all widths, ranging up to 30e. yard. FINGS : plain, in a variety of dil- DE SHEETS y interest you when you ables | Winter | gains Wool Lined and cotton lined, House Slippers - - - - - - - - $1. Juliet Slippers, Leather Sole 75c. . Juliet Slippers, Leather Sole 1.25. Juliet Felt Sole - - - - - - - 50c. t Slippers - - - - - - - - - - 85¢c. t Slippers, regular $1.50 - - - 75¢c. & Dongola, regular $1.50 - - - 75¢. | Line Reduced in Price. § January & February Sale of Furniture Goods are going fast. Rare , Bargains. Some goods only a little while in use, | good as new, 50 per cent. reduction. Sett, Mahogany Frames, Silk Tover, $35, for 2 Sideboards, $35 for $25. 2 Sideboards, $25, at § from "$6.50 to $35. 2 or 3 Extension Tables A 0 and $12, for $7 ROBT. J. REID 230 Princess street. The Leading Undertaker "Phone 577 Ambulance We have always in Stock a' full line of Colgate's Toilet & s & oaps Including the following : Cradle, 25c. cakes. Heliotrope, 25c. cakes La France Rose, 25c. cakes Salvation p.m. day. Fire and Friday. Hear J. C. mond at City Hall to-night This day in die 1878 1807 ; Dickens DAILY MEMORANDA. Zion, good skating to-night Excursion to Toronto, Feb. 9th, 1.0.F. Concert, "Sale of Children,' 8 City Property Committee, 8 p.m. Of Capital And Labor history :--Peope Pius IX WHIG TELEPHONES. 243--Business Office 229--Editoral 292--J ohhin~ Departmen Embossing wnd Engrav Josiah Wedgewood We have some old Blue DINNER SETS celebrated maker, visy quaint shape, regular price $0.78. of this mpyr--mp ay ELATIONS Discussed. BILL NOT PASSED THE RIGHTS OF BOTH SIDES REVIEWED. The Hudson's Bay Route Consid- ered in the Senate and ' the \_ Subject Thoroughly Presented "=A Route Ideal For the Sum- mer Months--Easy of Access. From Our Own Correspondent Ottawa, Feb. 7.--1he commons spent yesterday afternoon dischssing the ethics of capital and labor, and the ways and means of avoiding the hor rors of strikes. The year just gone has been disastrous in the 'annals of this economic question, so far as Can ada is concerned, and legislation of some sort is necessary to avoid © such serious situations in the future as have Robertson Bros. Lettuce 10c. and 25c. cakes Monad Violet, 10c. and 25c. cakes Sandal Wood, 10c. and 25c. cakes Cashmere Bogquet, 10c., 20c. and Jas. Redden & Co. P.8.--We have still a few Calendars left should any Customer desire a second We are underwriters | in three of the best information and terms. Investment Exchange Company "Australia and Its People." Under the Auspices of 1. O By THOMAS LAWLESS, Instrumental and Vocal Music hy J » and CITY HALL THURSDAY, FEB. 7th. Hockey Match "Varsity IL. hl vs. RM.C. L MONDAY, FEB. 11th. Game caiied at 8 pan. TENDERS WANTED ny for sup- Drugs 1st Shosd Wish- the the Kingston General Hospit Medical Superintendent ENQUIRIES . residential o p p prior to May .next. you to dispose of your s to good 3 oyl © b GRADU- is Piano MISS FLORENCE WEESE, ate pupil of Untario Ladies now prepared to take pupils and Theory, at 121 Princess street TAKE NOTICE Between Seasenl's we you Try us for the fun. TURK'S SECOND- 398 Princess HAND STORE HAVING in charge | cgme. claims a~ainst the Committe 4 bers of "the y Lowisluture kindly send vidersigned at ounce. Nebogatoff Condemned. , em- the sentences the court-martial on nd other naval of- ed in the battle of Ad- miral Nebogatoff a ficers who participat the Sea of Japan. should know, about "cures any Red Cross Cough Syrup, Gib: Two bottles for 25¢. son's Red Cross Drug Store. For every out door walk or ride, a Fur Overcoat is now a well as a luxury. this "season in the most styles. choicest hahdsome durable enough to life time in prices too. garments comparison between ILLUSTRATED LECTURE | [io ease /peeesessesrstseessd LT a 4 Chicago, a vote oi B56 nance providing gue a twenty-yea cago Cit underst tice the on | railways for filty mi the cost of rehabilitation, The companies are also to 1¢ and re-equip all the panies for the, six: umiversal iri ceive fifgy-five per cent. of the a: the FOR DRESS OR DRIVING te a high degree and ay snessssessesstantstis A good Scotch Whisky is. hard A. D. C. Liqueur Scotch Good Whisky See aaa SSS 99 18 Try it and judge JAMES McPARLARD, King Street, Six-Cent Transfers Adopted. Feb. 7.--The city council, by to 13, adopted an ordi- that the city shall is- r franchise to the Chi allway company, with the g that on six months' no- city may purchase the str r ? million dollars, plus | A ~ Disastrous Fire in New ----i H. Cunuingham, Chickering's, baok stord. The North American Fish anc Protective Association is in se Yo-dgy. There are some thirty delegates present. | Nothing Tess th No. w their lives are intments and om. reatments may of Piles. ' cure you. you wet taken internally, occurred at Buckingham, Hamilton and Lethbridge. The philosophy of the question, the rights of capital and the rights of la- bor, were best discussed by Mr. Fos ter, who is an economist of repute, but for the most part the others talk. ed party politics, and did nothing to solve any problem. Thi his academic discussion, which was cecasioned by Mr. Lemieux's bill was unfinished when the hous» rose, so that nothing was accomplished, In the senate the Hudson Bay route was discussed, and Senator Ferguson went fully into into the matter. He said that Churchill, on Hudson Bay, was the same distance from Liverpool as is Montreal. He did not believe, as some did, that there were six months' navigation from Churchill through Hudson Bay and Straits, but quoted such authorities as Markham Bell, Wakcham, Gordon wad low, as practically agrecing 'on four months' navigatign free from ice. Absence of rocks and shoals made the route ideal | k for summer months, "lhere were two dle. of the luke propositions for reaching Hudson Bay KINGSTON, ONTARIO, A LONG TIME JUDGE. Disposed 'of Many Thousands © Cases. Beg rr Ee TAI BR. B. COWING time he has dispos inal cases, and now proved detective systems ARE ICE BOUND. Held Up two hundred and forty passenger jce-hound, thouch hardly rival ones. One was ALARM AT BARC . RA tapping James Bay by the (WP.R.. or : the Temiscaming road. either of which The Anarchists Are Making might. obta'n a fairly good harbor Severe Threats. near the mouth of the Notaway river Madrid, Fe 7. The anarchist in Quebec. The other ene was hy the | vest in Barcelona continues I he extension of the Canadian Northern | habitant h been alarmed by to Churchill, a distance oi eighty-six | cent hon outrages and threats ikl thauerin the development of tore M of the JOHN McKAY FUR HOUSE | 1 fu nd 12 20 hn heen | vi A ran 149-153 Brock St., Kingston. FITIIIIVIIISIIINIIIY ferring it to M. A. McHugh, the juni- ® | CHICAGO'S STREET RAILWAYS | county, heretofore, has been judge of terday, th the surrogate court axl, as a res Universal | of the action of the Ontario ¢ ment in transferring this to the ed by the same amount SNOW SAVED IT. eet York. wonstrint | New York, Feb. 7.--A fire occurred, the com- yesterday, in a section of the West |b, furnishes his own bail to appear t fave wil! grant | Washington market, which caused The city will re- | loss of nearly a quarter of a mil w- | dollars, threatened the Cunard Lucania, and imperiled the Cunard | smong the friends of Edward Coch and White Star piers. For a time it} ne MP. for Fest Nor#humberlund piano tuner, from | was thought the entire two million p " : MoAuley's | market was doomed. 'That this avoided was probably due to the 1 (Game | cnow on the roof. TERRIBLY DISTRESSING Property. i in and more ; ' San Sguse Mone van " Che Foo, Feb. for juni- or judge, the fees of thge senior judge will be reduced about # 200 a year, and those of the junior judge increas 7.~The Japanexe au sufferers say | thorities, to whom the Rustin Red Cross Society entrusted its property cure. after the capitulation of Port Arthur, 's. Hem-Roid is guaran | in January, 1905, refused to restore 3 the propeety which ix valued at about L000. Japanese refuse to gard the Red Cross Society as a pri x every vats imetitute, the purse apd her ring attack struction of the Grand 'frmmk Pacific. | convict persons a6 wed of causing He was in. favor of handing over the |bomb explosions amd committing harbor of Churchill to Manitoba, and | other anarchist offences a oyal decres & | not dividing it between that provinces has beer wed, proclaiming that » and Ontario because Ontario was: big | Pore! (censed in the provinces @ | now. He did not think Unoava should f Bar wd Carona, shall ® | he added to Quebec.' A violation 'had | tried without juries, ® | already been made of the principle of ee---- 3 representation in the House of Com MAY ABDICATE. » mons by an enlargement of the pivotal S-------- # | province. It was folly to say that be-| The Rumors Afloat Regarding p | cause they added territory that did King Oscar p | not contain mych population that no oa \ Fel = Th Roy bP | harm had been done. Who would say hoex® " is hic) TO that the population of Ontario we : om I HUEY th nat. being increased by the addition of er A SC Diince > | New Ontario ? He smevested that Un rn 1 . . Gustav, His majesty may possit I p | cava should he reserved and should be \ } y . |; r give up the throne on Jue 6th, which incorporated with Newfoumdland. when ' * n will i go'den wedding anmiver , that province entered confederation on A : from. Carlruh | the condition that the ancient colony : Visit i y . the crown | who i= visiu # | abandon its territorial claims to the ious} pare t jously ill 2 Atlantic shores of Quebec re Pg TT een eZee » To Fill Out Alger's Terui. 3 A PETTY ACT ght ee »> Lansing, Mich., Feb. 7. Congr > By the Ontario Government at Men wi » Aid . [ith has t . electeg y' he egisia * 0 Li »> Windsor. : the unexpired term of Senator » Windsor, Ont., Feb. 7.--~The Ontario | Alger, who died suddenly at his # | government has stolen a march on the | in Washi n: tert days ago 2 Dominion governme nt, in regard to the | gressman Sn ith had already been el 3 ap) ontmnt of a surrogate judge of | seted as Senntor Alger's successor 4 Essex county, to succeed the late sen | {he expiration of his term March 4th # | ior County Judge Horne by taking - ® | the jurisdiction of the surrogate busi ; # | noss from the senior judge and trans ' King Leonoid Is ecient Percsin le eh, 7 ile King or judge. The senior judge of the pold was driving in, 8. CITIES. vehicle wag run into by a tram car. The windows of the ult n- were smashed and some OVS were cut by broken glass HTT Ee a shaking up Sent Up For Trial. Brantford, Ont., Feb. 7.--Decision in the libel suit of A, G4. Montgomery vs J. W. Bowlby, K.C., mayor,' was giv en, this morning Police Magistrate Woodyatt committed Mr Bowlby the spring aseizes for trial. Mr. Bowl pn ---- a - lion There Is Apprehension. liner Ottawa, Feb, To Faars ar wns tion for can deep | there is a § piss to some appre hension aon In a a ---------------- ---- REFUSED TO RETURN IT. Almost Two Years Napanie, tnt. Fel, 7.-a)ohy Japanese Hold the Red Cross | Laney, of Kingston. with afoor cord, was convicted ? before { and senienced to twenty-three re holds service aml preach re THURSDAY. FEBRUARY 7, 1907. FAVO To Grant Ald To The Pro- posed Project. 10 MAKE GOOD RUN DREADNAUGHT ON HER WAY TO TRINIDAD. James Bryce By the Pilgrims--A Fine Eminent Men--To Aid the Australians. 7.~John Redmond, na- yesterday, informed , claim for a grant from to aid the projected sys railways in connection oposed fast. speamship service be- \ ; - 3 y Canada. New York, Feb. 7. Rufus B. Cow ck Bay and Cenak battleship Dreadnaught, which is on from Gibraltar to the island will maintain a speed of ing has just retired after being judge of the. court 'of general sessions in New York for twenty-cight years. In that of 50.000 crim states that, the i i Her machinery is in prime coh- dition and she carried sufficient coal to Pilgrims gave a well banquet, last evening, at the Sa of James Bryce, the new ambassador of Great Britain world is getting better day by dav. "There is some discontent and un rest said Judge Cowing, "but that is so all over the world and you will find that the real criminal is su cumbing under tl influence of Im Whitelaw Reid proposed the health of The list of guests includ of the most notable figures J - : lof the government, the two houses of Chicago, Feb. 7. The steamer Towa ly, rligment, the diplomatic corps, the which lft Milwauk far Chicago, on larmy and navy, the clergy, as well as representatives of the literary, journal tic and artistic circles of London. The Chronicle's Melhourne correspon: Steamers on Lake Michigan Are She |<tate governmenis are negotiating scheme to repatrinte Australing work men stranded in South Africa. Monday, and due to arrive in | Chicago, yesterday, is by lieved to blocked in the ice of Winnetoka carries from thirty to fifty passeng ers The City Racine left Grond Haven, Mich. | Chicago <n Mon day, and was due to arrive in Chica go, on Tuesday morning She carrie PITH OF THE NEWS. is believed both ts are in the mid Fr TITRE EE mms HIGH FORM OF LIFE Said | to; Exist on | the « Planet Mars. a I'ROF. . LOWELL MRS. THAW'S EVIDENCE. White. her to Harry Thaw in Cafe Martins meeting with Stanford White, at She screamed and screamed, but Herbert Smith, Waterford, was kill ed' while loading logs. not expected to live twenty-four hours Hestlerson, of Ottawa, may be appointed judge for Nipissing West, handkerchief. White made Mrs promise she would never tell her government is plan Mrs. Thaw said she toi althy paciduiits the establishment of an express | moth sat of juries to « propos to organize a provin cial branch of the Canadian Independ « killed and several others injured in a five which destroy Frank Cochrane is planiing to Frank Chanter, cattle driver British labor is to ubolish the landlord sys Thaw sat with his face buried in Th Thaw the second time he prog at him, SPIRITS BRING DEATH Viennn, Feb. 7A winugrgler' indewzy ee, in Austrian Polaml, Hardie hae announced that one The Burgermeister, of the village, in vited several of his friends to celébrate his betrothal, and set before them a barrel of spirits which a friend of his : : for | hud smuggled in from Russia. the Ontario government, is "believed to The peasants remarked on have perished in the Kingston earth | op ng flavor of their drinks, but they wers accustomed to the ecrudest M.A., of Knox Col | ud most fiery potato spirit they did Ponnessee | assed and only quires the signature of the gov a hun- unwbated con walk to two in the The Methodist Social Union, Toron to mark Rev {he death took place in the Front Burley life-long resident of the town p, aged sixty-five vears of the passen king was thrown to the floor of ri of Great yt was not injured beyond States, and Nova Seotia Steel at Sydney Mines, company's colliery, he non-union miners bas been settled, t consenting to join the PW, A chinook wind has set ood. Alberta. and the whole things has changsl. The in at Mae- spect of condition of hopeful. mith, & voung farmer re instantly killed while loading low of | Mondays Only For Priva ¢« falling and crushing He has recovered well irom the opera r. nt the howpital, Mining Restrictions poral decline that rules issued from the gold commission: or's department relating to placer min- cause considerable Magistrate Rankin, at Napanre, | day, on a charge of shop-bre aking. using 1wo powers ol second here 5 gold discovered Yt is =aid that the new resulationd will prevent many bonn- fide prospectors from proces i Preaches For Her Husband. Cayugs, Ont, Feb. 7. "Nive J. Dyke, wife of Rev. J. H. Dyke, tor of the Methodist church here, os covery Sun- day evening while her hushand is do ing the seme in a country church. Trusses that satisfy. Dr, Chown's. Toronto, has been appointed to | not hesitate to drink the health at Indore, | ihe bride and bridegroom in deep potations. A bill to kill race-track gambling in |" gp. pext day eight of them were déad. and, on inquiry being made, it was discovered that the smuggler had obtained a, barre! of wet hiy In ted spirits was | instead of the vodka he imagined him. thirtesn persons hurt and dam- | 4f to be smuggling age done to the extent of over dred thousand dollars. ------ MURDERER KILLED. Betrayer. of which they 'werd both killed. Alphonse Bouille came out of mortally his Members. session. at | Favor rite son's Red Cross Drag Store, al Oysters at 5 Gy WEATHER PR Toronto, Ont. Feb. ~a Light wigtls, fine weather Read this list" down earcfully. Then, come TO-MORROW and see what we are dolag. -Youll'be surprised. . Ladies' Astrachan Boston, Feb 7.-Prof. Percival Lowell, the well-known scientist, atill argues that it is nol only possible but probable that there is a high form of life on the planet Mars In his opinion he = backed by Sir Robert Ball, astronom- er roval of England, who = has pub lished a treatise on the same suinect. front, with girdle, fine Columbia Collar-Reveres. ond; Cufls, only regular price, $83. TO-MORROW at $87.50. Alaska Sable What She Had to Say About New York, Feb, 7.-Mrs. Evelyn Nesbitt Thaw testified that Stanford White was at the Cafe Martin the night she and Thaw dined there, and she saw him. A note was written by Shaped and close fitting at neck, #0 inches Tong. find with 13 AliWh Sable Tails god 2 Heads, one only, regular price: $40. T0- MORROW at $20. Children's Coats Of Twéed Mixtures, also smooth cloths, Some have twe | piped with Satin, others WIE pleated hiieks The balance lating to Stanford White, she sail This evidence was, later, stricken out An inoident im her life, connected with Stanford White, caused her to refuse to marry Thaw in Paris, in 1903 Hor luncheon in 1901, was told of by the witness, She thought him "very big and ugly." The luncheon was in § dingy 20th street" house, with a pri vate - apartment sumptuously fitted up. Mrs. Thaw told of an expericnee ' : 4 and 105 years, regular price, $410 with White in a mirrored bedroom. . 80. TO-MORROW said "It ie all-over,' She sat up all night after White had taken her home. Mm. Thaw broke down and is | cried and © wuld hardly proceed an sh related hor experience with White Of Tweed Lubktre, ete, odd sites different llues, some are wee cordeon pleated, others are strap ond pleated. & only Creme Lustre Skirts, ii thin lot, all the Intést mise), fogular price, SEBO to 86 TO-MORROW at $2.99 she could not marey him, for White would always know and would laugh v " . Ladies' Wrappers Of Fancy Flannelette, in black white, biue and white ond red and white, stripes and polka Fatal Carousals From Smuggler's sleeves, turndown collar, all this Moditerranean Mistake. | . mis season's buying, resular peice $1 to $1.25 TO-MORROW at Ladies' Bath Robes Of soft Wool Eiderdown, Persion pasterns; rovind shawl collar take has caused the doth of eight peasants at the village of Strye regular prices, Ro $9.50. TOMORROW at $5.50 . No exchange. No approvals SALES FOR CASH, Steacy's Released Convict Has Revenge on ROBERT J REID . Paris, Feb, 7.~Thers was an savage fight betwen two: Apaches, last night, in the Rue de Grenelle, in the course on, vesterday, alter two years of hurd labor, and forthwith began to hunt over Parix for his intimate friend, Leon J ouvenin, who had betrayed him to the police. He met him in the Rue New York de Grimelle, and at once shot him Two policemen arrested the murder: or, but while' they were struggling with him, the dying man crawled his hands and knees behind them and stabbed Bouille five times in the back, breaking his blade off in the wound ax he fell buck, dead, in the gutter. dn Matinee '° WA RUSHING WORK OF SESSION. |¢ te "| MARK Ottawa, Feb. 7.--Sir Wilfrid Laurier hus given noticed to move next 4 In Yukon. day that the house shall adjourn ove new | Ash Wednesday and, further, that wn til the end of the session, governmen orders shall take precedence on Wed- just-l peadays. The cficct of the datter mo: | bound 10 | tion will be to leave oaly Mondays trouble with pros: | for private members, and indicates One role is that any person | that it is the intention of the gov- i attorney will not | srament, to. to proesed unless outfit: expedition of not less than The second rule is that no person staking JOE. MARKS In a Repertol i Flectrical Kifect {| Movie Fictureé. an acy | Monday ign "yh RA hasten on the work of the Evervhod's favorite is Mothers' * Toilet Soap. Sold at Ip you repre glasses ? Consnit the expert optician at Chown's Drug Store, ond find owt. No charge fof ex tion. ; Special overcoat sale, ot -- 0 any-- viduy, f Coat lustrous curl, Russian Stole year's siyles, sizes, 6.8 WL $1.70. gw lined to waist, stylish with silk, rope girdle, THE LEADING UNDERTAKER . SATURDAY. Story Commen! Bargain t ening, 156 9%e. 5c, 508. ° s pow on Sale. rer ALL NEXT WEEK. $ BROS. BIG A No. 1 €8 y n ew amd U t A rg of N Specinl New Sones. New ~ THustra Ar ® R--Rig Special Prices Seats on # ate night ticket - given, free. purchased before

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