Daily British Whig (1850), 7 Feb 1907, p. 3

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i OR, SGOTTS HITE ~ LINIMENT best for all pains. i I' be without Su t og Se family Frost Bites, prains, Burns, swellings, &c. s a peneral household remedy i o_ equal. Large bottles, 25c. en SCOP White Liniment Co., Ltd ohn N.B., Propriet : ohn, XB. prieters of Herners Sale at J. B. McLeod's Drug ARGAINS IN FURS Ve want to clear gout | fmanufacturedfgoods. -allland See he Bargains a TP eee W. F. GOURDIER EXCLUSIYE FURRIER 0 Brook St. Phone 700 Spectacles and Eveclasses vroperly fitted. New and mountin~s. Eyes carefully examined. SMITH BROS. | Jewelers and Opticians 359 King Street Issuers of Marriage Licenses. up-to-date UCTION SALE Book at once with the Leading Auctioneer JOHN H. MILLS n. Murray, Auctioreer 27 BROCK ST. ; Carriages, Cutters, Hacress, c., for sale. of Horses Every Saturday FRIDAY BARGAINS Towelling O- yards Glass Linen, red and check, 16 inches wide, 5c. a Yard Lawn 0 yards White Victoria Lawn, nches wide, regular 12¢., riday 7c. Yd. Lace X00 yards Torchon and Val s, regular 4c., 5¢., B¢., riday 3c. Yard PERFECTION |& (kip eo [ f LAE TA IRAE he STRATFORD CANA | | Rheumatism } 1 have found a tried and tested cure for Rheu- imatism! Nota remedy that will straighten the \distorted limbs of chronic cripples, nor turn bony growths back to flesh dgain. That is impossible. [But 1 can now surely kill the pains and pangs of s deplorable discase. In Germany--with & Chemist in the City of --I found the last ingredient with Swhich Dr. Shoop's Rheumatic Remedy was made perfected, h , dependable prescription. Without fthat last ingredient, I successfully treated many, Smany cases of Rheumatisi: but now, at last, ituni- jormly cares all curable, cases of this heretofore uch dreaded disease. Those sand-like granular s, found in Rheumatic Blood, seem to dissolve pass away under the action of this remedy as freely as docs sugar when ndded to pure water. {And then, when dissolved, these polsonots wastes freely pass from the system, and the cause of {Rheumatism is gone forever. There is now no {real need--no actual excuse to suffer longer with- out help. We sell, and in confidence recommend } De. Shoop's Rheumatic Remedy At All Druggists. The Profits Paid By Some Companies. When Compared With The Royal Insurance Co'y OF ENGLAND. $10,000,000 41,000,000 14,170,000 fits, 1905 8,226,000 Expenses To Income 8% per cent. We Invite Your Investigation. W. J. B. White, Agent, Kingston Life Funds Profits Paid Business In Force Canada Life Assurance Co'y. ESTABLISHED (837) HEAD OFFICE. TORONTO, OMT. Thousands of Canadians have profit re- ults in this Company, that have never been equalled by any other Company.-- Why delay in taking this great Canadian Company made Canadian people 60 years ago. You can get an 'Annual Guaranteed lar premium rate. THE By 12 Goals to --_------ LOOK LIKE 30c. || your Assurance in for J Dividend Policy" with this Company at the regu- - giving you a guaran- . 4TH BEAT MARLBOROS INPRE ew, TORONTO. ron. W. F. Webster, We H. Dalby, skip 8--*'Chaucer" Eiliott's' Baseball Arrange- ment in Oswego--Queen's Are Junior Champions. In Toronto last night the 4th Regi: im-------- scored seven to university men had The game their opponents' one. called at eight o'clock, number of spectators. Queen's imine diately took the offensive and after five minutes' play Roberts grored the | the half the game was Queen's all the | way, the forward line going down the | joe together and their combination work surpassed even their supporters. The forwards all took a hand in the scoring and at the ead of the half | | had run their score up to seven, while Cadets scored their only point in the last few minutes of the half, Moffatt doing the trick on White's pass. The second half developed better hockey, bath teams paved hard and Cadets showed much better form than | in the previous period. Williamd | started the scoring and was quickly | followed by Meikle, making the score pine to one. Then Coursol scored for R.M.C., unassisted, and was foudly applauded by the Cadets, who attend- ed in a body. The other scores were spread oft and the play for the Eal- ance of the game was fast and clean. Referee Pennock had a comparatively task. ne the game was clean all j through, few players being put on the fence. The teams were: (*ueen's 1TL--Bennett, noint; Lockett, cover Meikle, centre; Williams, Roberts, right Wing. font 1-Wright goal: Lancaster, { goal: Gaskin, | Tremble, rover: | Jeft wing: not: Coursol, cover: Smith, cenire: Moffatt, rover: White, right wire: Me- left wing. will : Kenzie, Queen's 111 now meet "the To onto {logiate championship. Senior O0.H.A. Standing. Won. Lost. PetorBoto co as «5 ve D 1 | Midland oy Kingston 1 1 Argonauts 1 3 Marithoros 1 5 } One Rink Defeated. | In 'the ladies' bonspicl at Montreal |Kingsten Noo 1, Mrs. R. J. Hooper, skip, was defeated on Wednesday, by {Heather No. 2, hy 12 to 8. Indoor Athletics. prizes' for the indoor athletic cotitest at the Y.M.C.A, are now on exhibition. ~The first prize, offered by Secretary Stokes, is a gid medal fob, of handsome design, and the second is a fine silver fob, given by Ww. Burton, the physical instructor. The competitions are now going CI. The n price teed bonus written s in the Joey of | ($750.00) to each 10,000.) of ssyr- x ance each five vears. "Phis contract is | Basketball To-Night. odern to the moment. Thee "itor a ate > . i Specimen _ Polieles, also Results to | Two. City Bushet-Ball League con Kingston Policyholders can be seen at | tests take place at St. Take's hall he office, cheerfully given. J. 0. HUTTON, Manager 18 Market St., Kingston, Ont. Telephone 703. J. R. URQUHART, 153 Alfred St., Special Agent. COAL! The sudden changes in Weather ought to suggest the wisdom of putting in some good Coal ° sell good Coal. It's the kind that sends out the most heat, and makes the home comfortable ; it's the pest money can buy, and there is nome better mined. We deliver it to you clean and without slate, at the very bottom prices. * BOOTH & CO., Phone 133. Foot of West St where full information will be | to night Phe first gome between Waldron's and Crumleyfs, and -the sec- ond between St. Luke's and St James' Club. . The players are to be store at the conclusion of the game. Belleville Won. In a sudden-death contest at hourg, Wednesday night, the ville junior O.H.A. , by the score of 5 to 1. It is re | that Picton 'will protest the | game, on the grounds 'that one o | BeHewille's defepee fen is over twenty lows : No. 1--T. Wolslev, -------- ee -------------- I -------- NEW SPRING GOODS New Embroideries Persian Lawns Spot Muslins All-Over Laces Dress Goods, Silks and Trimmings 180 'THE JAMES JOHNSTON STORE TON 'STREET. © CD \ : No. 2 Carter, J.-W. Prader," X. S : 1 REVIEW F. Hatch: Er 0. Shter, skip-7. : 2 No, 3-Dr. Williamson, D. 8S. Rob: 3k a. : eftson, Dr. Etherington: Dr. A, Ross, season in Brantford, to say the least, has not been a success. one redeeming was | engnge "Chaucer" Elliott before a large | the remainder of played at the Michigan copt initial game. During the balance of | vided he | nouaced wrestler, defeated { | winners for the junior intercol- | banypeted by the stafi of R. Waldron's Co- Belle team defeated Pic: fren of age. { Last Night's Ourlisig. | Three teani curling matches were played last night and resulted as fol J. Hooper, R. ry ip---10. are . Driver, C. A. MePher- Hockey Notes. Brantford Expositor : The hockey There is only feature, and that is lcague, is making arrangements to} be to referee § de: the games to be It is believed Elliott will ac terms offered him, and pro does, 'Joe Stephens, a resident of the Michigan Soo, at pres jin ent officiating there in the capacity | gy of referee, will be transferred to the} , copper country. Llliott's work on the joo is well known, He is without doubt one of the most expert referees He has the players in start and knows the to 7. Soos. the Lal in : : re in the business. hand from the game from A General Sport. James J. Jeffries and "Philadelphic Jack" O'Brien will not accept the of for of a £30,000 purse by the Spokane (Wash.) Athletic Club, because the district attorney of that eity has an that prize fights during ha administration will not he allowed. Frank Gating, the former caplair and shortstop of the Newark Fastern Bascknll League team, has signed with New Orleans. At Knoxville, Tenn. Frank Gotch American champion eatch-ns-catch-car "Jim" Parr in tw straight falle. The time was twenty four.and seventeen minutes: + Barney Dreyfus says that the com position of the Pittsburg basébal tam, outside of the batteries, ha len practically decided upon. Neal f° will play first base, with Abbuattachic on second, Wagner at short, Storke a third, while Clymer, Hallman ant Leach will cover the ontfield. Fred Clarke, it is understood, will manag g DAILY BRITISR WHIG, THU Armours Solid L tombs and to roam abroad and Canadian parts of Brittany, and in other places, the peasants even now tock up their h.rses in the less the dead, rising from their graves fc on this day, invisible spirit entering, dren are forbidden to throw stones into the hedges or trees for fear the missiles should wound the J some departed relation or friend 1overing about in them. Aimmering tapers, arranged in orm of a Cross, are seen burning all right long close to the gFound in many | juperstitions concerning the dead is hat about noon on All Saints' day here comes a gentle gust of wind. | Che peasants in the Jeads in the hope and expectation of { feeling it, for it. is the dead wafting | & + ¥ wv Tre - all improved by the 8 [AAR lieved that on All Saints' day the ad were permitted to leave their In some are careful to 1 stables the early morning, should, seize em and ride furiously to some dis nt spot they may have frequented life. In the northern departments people frain from slamming doors sharply lest they should hurt an and the chil that soul lanterns, and the In Alsace little lamps, semetery. They are destined to re oice the souls as they rise from their raves. Perhaps the most common of all | fields raise their | heir thanks to the living for their | yrayers and remembrance of them.-- | ,ondon Tribune. Historic Timepiece. | The old 'astronomical clock in the irst and second quadrangles at fampton Court Palace, which has the team from the bench in future. yone continuously" for many years Strobel, the youthful looking ind vithout stopping, has spddenly ceased vidual who covered second base for th 0 keep time. It stopped at gix mina. Poston Nationals, last scason, he tes to eleveri-a few mornings ago, Leen released to the Trenton club « hrough the slipping of a pin in the the Tri-State Leag®, where he wi mechanism, and is ~ NOW being | yuard the tu cuSaiOn. *horoughly overhauled. The eircum- id dance is of interest, as there is & | ee Farms For Experiment. |" Yankton, S.D., Feb. 7--Prof. N, E | Henson, of the South Dakota agricul {tural college, has returned from a six | moaths' trip of agricultural explora {tion for the United Stat s' depart in ent of agriculturé through Norther Europe and the entire length of Si | Leria, Lringing with him a large va {riety of new foreign plants and &hort | yogson serials for trial in gimilar re | gions in the north-west. The Unite States agricultural department has di | rected gu large part of these new in troductions to be tested under the | direction of the South Dakota experi ment stations. ---- Cure The Cause Of Cough. A cough is a symptom merely. Th real trouble is the congested condi tion of the membranes of the air pass ages. The Diamond Cough Remed; cures the cough by curing the cause Certain cure for sore throa antl hoarseness. Wade's Drug Store. colds, 25¢., at ttt Had Photos Taken. Robert Henderson took a flashlight of the members of the legislature and the other guests at the luncheon, Wed- wegday. The flashlight was the flrst thing on the programme, and before the luncheon was over, copies of the i | photo were shown about the room The photos turned out well. tml a -------- A rose bush at Whitby, Fnoland, o Mareschal Niel variety pro 3.500 blooms at a picking FOR THE MAN WHO has tradition at the cause for over pilace that the elock iad not stopped 'rom any accidental alock is a restoration of the original slock, erected about 1640, when Henry V1II. and Queen Catherine Howare lived at Hampton Court. A clock that yriginally belonged to the queen's apartments at St removed to Hamston Court. in 1835, and put in the place of the old 1id aside in an out- e until 1879, when ordered its re-erec- 1 position. As, how- new machine had clock, which was house of the pal the board of we tion in its orig aver, a practical mente, little remains of thé original Jock except its pictorial dial This has three discs, whigh combine to show hot only the hours of the day, but the days of the: month, tiye mo- tion of the sun and moon; the moon's age, phases, quurters, ete. The clock is wound up weekly, and this ocecu- pies half an hour. There is an or- dinary face to the clock in the first court, which was addéd"in '1649, ee -------- Georgian, Bay Lana l. The Georgian Bay pro; is that does not terner's belief in the "Hudson Bay route, 80 is the conviction bf the Nor- thern Ontario man that the Georgian Bay eanal is boundAoN e a real ity. Certainly when one sees the mag nilicent stretches one sient strong pect of these great river which Canada possesses coising into view. For just their IS & coming to a logical i-- -- CONDENSED ADVE Fiest insortion, 1c. a word. Fach con- | A GOOD COMMON SENSE | street. a century. The present | James' Palace was | 1, be made to perform the old move- | down. Like the Wes- | of the Upper Ot | tawa, a river deep enough to float a warship, the idea of ite utilization 88 | wus the cause of death. phational aired Jous Juke | forty-one years of age and leaves a waterways now navigation purposes they are available for only seven months in the year, whereas if is "developed they RTISING PA THREE, . WANTED--GENERAL. FOR SALE. RATES - secutive insertion th iter: 4C. A word. Minimum charge for ome in- sertion, 2%c. ED ! Buy Address Box 98, Wh im ------ ppt rent A QUALIFIED TEACHER, FOR 8. 8. o. 1, Barri arrictield, to begin Apply to H. Murray, Darriefield. GOOD HOUSE, FOR $2,000. hig office. at once. BILLIARD TABLE, CAROM. York make ; 9x5 Jost, Subbion space. Apply through Wiig -------------------------------------- i ---------------- AMERISAN NEW ENCYCLOPEDIA, NEW COOK FOR |g DISION TRIU MPH PHONOURAPH : , » ment team, of.Mingston, won the sen: that the Promstery of he game were NY) [aT a rAraAY Ie, OR SOONER EDOM sixteen volutnes, at a discount, war a jor O.H.A, match with Marlbor)s ty able to pay one hundrec cents on the / 3 st, § » " J M- special reason, pply through ix walvo 1k ok A Ii time | dollar, and also wipe out a few old Everybody in Enmuxswa Reads the WHI sized house, centrally located. Apply office. twelve goals to eight. At hali time : x ------------------------------ stating rent, to Box 06, care Wig h Jo . in fav scores from last year. Outside of this, (ratrTen wm canADA) pice. the score was eleven to 'éur in iavor h : . HELP WANTE MALE office. of the 1th, who took thiags eusy in owaver, it does not look us if the Armour's Exfract of Beef is |g / D-- . -- ee | TWENTY-TWO, FOOT GASOLINE the. second hali and allowed Mapibcro season has been a profitable one in - aR ss : 2 SECOND-HAND DINGHY OR YANL Boat, with or without engine, new. ie Io look a developing one single player, who bids concentrated Soup stock. It goes FHREE BOYS, ABOUT 15 YEARS bout, in goud condition, one that first-class boat' for family use, will 1 5 n s 2 tim y . eo . n 2 . A to score 'a few more t looks nuw gs Yair todo tell % i he hacke four as far as other extracts oid, Who want steady work, good could he used as sailboat, 12 to 20 sell cheap. - Address Box No. 6 Whig if the Kingston team would wut be air to do stellar work in the hockey pay. Apply Gould<€ Lo. Kiog St, fect long. Address, stating price, office, . for from winning the eastern district future of the city. and finid beefs, | near Queen. ' 3 SX YZ." Whig office. th ionshi EN hav While the loss of Whiteroft will, un ---------- " . championship. They have two mOT® | 4, 4 dly, weaken the team, the Pe Culinary Wrinkles tells how SALESMEN _ FOR AUTO-SPRAY. | ENLARGING OUR SOLICITING matches to play in Toronto, cue with v3: : : 3 : 7 Best hand Sprayer made, automatic. force ; permanent positions open in MONEY AND BUSINESS. Arvonauts and the other with Mid: tarhoro club is confident of keoping to create 20 triumphs of the | © Sample Machine free. 10 apprdved protected - territory ; praetical Arai - 1 oa The teams were : up the good work which they started Chafing Dish. Send for it. It's | agent. Cavers Bros. Galt. mg given, requires education and and. The teams Vere «pes | this season. They still lead the dis] free oh | EY ng given, HOARE A meavs money. | OUR POLICIES COVER MORE ON Marlboros--Goal, Tyner; poiat," Fi | (io and believe they should win out . | SPRING SUITS TO MAKE. GENTLE- Addreds Box Hamilton, Ont. bulding and contents than ny other car caver, Rome, over, Baring | without much (rouble, Thee sre 1e| ARMOURLIMITED = Toronts | en, bring your O78 oth ged Su, Toot my ee ue Marke ham; centre, Rent; 'wings, rown and | oral fast men available for the posi , price and finish guaranteed. Pressing . et Square. Forbes. x i . 1. tion of rover. CANADIAN FACTORY=T7 FRONT STREET EASY and repairing done well. GalloWay.| "ho, wITH AND TICK BD oe -------------- mates God, i 0 | Jomdon Free Press : The Toronto aoe TR : pointer do) : answers to the name of LIVERPOOL, LONDON AND ASLonk 1wchardson OV er anhorne; wT, | S r ol pg re p D > i Apes n SH " arson detaining him "ire lusurance 'ompany, Vailn & Potter; centre, Bernier; wings, G. Rich- | neck Jeelarée he esemusly xine You - EN. TO LEARN BARBER TRADE, "fa RC Return ro Car assets $61.187,215. In addition to Br Powell ittle fire in the, Guelph charges. You - in eight weeks, graduates earn $10 on's Wholesale, Princess steel Which the policyholders have for tardson an owell. | cannot lose the smell, however. to $18 weekly. Bran throughout security the unlimited Hability of all | At Sault Ste. Marie, Mich., the hona PEASANT SUPERSTITIONS. Canada and ed oly the stockholders. Farin and ity nro. s : 3 ure _positions. ogue free. erty t lowest Queen's III. Enter The Finals. team won a listless game from the What . Ww Beli Moler Barber College, Queen snd TO-LET. party Before 0 ior on ine Queen's 111 defeated RM.C. 11 'on | Canadian Soo, by 3 to 2. at Things Were Believed By the Spadina Toronto. : new business get rates frope Strange | the rink, last night, by the immense Calumet News : President James T People. 2 DWELLINGS, OFFICES, STORES, & Strange, A~ents, score of TH te 5. At hali time the Fisher, of the International Hockey 1t was Yormerly almost universally HELP WANTED-FEMALE. ete.. at McCann's. 51 Brock street. Er ---------------------------- a hotel. Apply Box 472 Belleville largest in eity. 200 selections. Terms - M------------------------------ moderate. Postal will bring them. 100D PLAIN COOK. APPLY TO MRS, Thos. McGinnes, 381 Division siroet. Nickle, 180 Earl St.. in the ing. % St ------ _-- ARCHITECTS. JIIRLS TO WORK ON BROOM CORN. a -- Apply Gould & Co., King St. near ARTHUR ELLIS, ARCHITECT, or Queen fies, Cor. Queen and Bagot streets. ee --------------------------S-------------------- hetween 7 and 81° or ironing. Apply James Gild in the evening, to Mrs 45 Gore street ersleeve, WAS A FAIR BRIDE F.K. MAHOOD MARRIED TO MISS KATE REID. A Pleasing Ceremony at the Home of the Bride on Thursday | Morning--The Affair Was Quiet | But Fleasant. : | Phere was a Very quiet wedding at half past ten on 'thursday morning, at the home of the bride's father, 48 Farl street, when Mizz Katie Reid, daughter of Mr, and Mrs. James Reid, was married to F. K. Mahood, son of Mr. and Mis. W. J. Mahood, Wueen The ccremony Was performed by Rev. J. C. \illiers, of Furst Con: gregational church, and only the im mediate relatives of hoth parties were present. The mantelpiece, before which the oeromony Was performed, was banked with foras' and amilax, beanti { fu] white cyclamen hliowsoming among th green, Fhe bride, given away by her father, wore g simple and lovely gown ofl Ja |p anese silk, much enri hed with Cluny Af- was | lace. There were' no atten fants, ter the ceremony the breakiost { partaken of, and the bridal pair left for a destination known only to them- elves. Mrs. Mahood's travelling dress was of grena cloth with smart hat to | match. | 'That the bride was very much be [loved many beautiful gifts from her i Kingston home, and from friends whe | made across the border, show One lovely gift is a =olid silver tea set, | Fearing her monogram, given her by | directors of the Visiting Nurses As Mass., of which This morn wiation, Cambridge, sh+ was superintendent | ings bride is a graduate of Waltham hospital training school. | | STRATHCONA ACCIDENT. | Overseer Broke His aeg--Two { Deaths Reported. | Strathcona, Feb. 5--James Kehoe, | overseer at the cement works for six- teen or seventeen years, had the mis | fortune to break his leg, Wednesday {1am while tearing the old works our. A pice of dryer pipe, weighing some jouo pounds, struck him, causing the | painful fracture. The break is be [tween the unkle and the knee. - Aftor {all those years this is his first acct | dent Mys. Alexander Tate passed away, | Wednesday, January 30th. Measkes Deceased was Mi Tate was a consis- Methodist church. large family. | tent member of the | Her brothers, one from Watertown, {the other from Quebec, reached here {in time for the funeral, which took | place Friday afternoon. The remains held, Wednesdwy night SUCCCSS, 08 Wore white and maove, o'clock { ners for the balance store, corner Printess streets. Entrance on 'Phone, DANCE AT ROCKWOOD. Success. The annual Roekwoo wl institution, and The guests and the from then o'clock work * of cho was continued. At hogan, the floor dition and the Croshy & (Connor's orche the slow, dreamy kind all tastes, There © were numbers on the hour this morning. ¥ served in the dining-room stitution at guartette tables. Catarer his good tion for supplying good things. 150 couple present at last had a good McCammon kept up were about night's ball and evérvone time. The employees of which their anual overvihing pertaining to worvied to make last night brilliant success Mount Clemens out America ns an health vesort, and ple bear testimony rived from its mineral waters ir kindred disonses. | of rheumatism and For hilious and liver troubles, diges- troubles, nervous disorders, gene tive ral Tie: Aebility, ete, the began to arrive at programme dancing was foutinusg until an early ofreshments were | For HOUSEWORK. NO COORING BMITH, _ARCHITBROT Lr washing, Middle age or elderly BERRY J ET Market Square woman breferred. Mrs, Petersen, wh Phone, B48. William street ee ---------------------------------- = Wai. NEWLANDS, ARCHITECT, OF. GENERAL SERVANT, NO WASHING fice, weoond floor over Mahood's Dru The Annual « Affair Was Huge hall was and proved a The ball room and approach » handsomely decorated in red, the colors of looked very pretty. the 7:30 until nine Wing part of the evening nine the dancing was in excellent con: music furnished ra was of | fer by which pleased twenty-one and of the in: Rook woot the dance 's affair =» ture, ere are complimented on the fine way in dance was' on Wood's Hneted. The large crowd, the floor ahd Phe - ue ep. js Mount Clemens, Michigan. in famous through: all-the-year-round thousands of peo. to the benefits do n canes acy of i ta Thera VETERINARY. DR. G. W. WELL NS HAS, RE moved to his brick black, on aren street, Just above the Post Office. Calls hv telephone oF telograph promptly atten to, 1 MEDICAL, oocu] po PR. McCARTHY, oFrIen DATELY pled by Dr. Rykn, cofuer Mom treal and Brock streets. © 8, raer The Paragraph Pulpit Unitarian ' REV ©. W.CASSON, OTTAWA -- Paying The Penalty. There is nothing more: sure in this world than that oyiry sin mist be paid for in loss and suffering. 3 law and justice are dominant in this uni- verse, there can be no escape from the penalty of a broken law or an net ol injustice, 1 you have ever des frauged man, ever done moan deed, over taken ndvantuge of other's ig porancs or weskness, over broken the law of love ancl justice, you will sul- for it, There is no possible inter: vention that cam save you from it. All religious theories concerning bearing of the penalty of your wins, and your going frop, are bused upon o gross misunderstanding of the reign of law and justios in this universe, H you win this day, know ally must be id, an Address Mr. Otetbn for' 1 Achat, : nd Effects Boke six 3 wl will eure, Sold 1 or i Te an A Wandin I Welntyre & Melntyro BARRISTERS waters is wonderful, v cmt. of rhemmatices are cured and MONEY TO LO AN ninety per cent. benefitted. Write . Quinlan, district passenger agent, KING STREET, KINGSTUN Grand Trunk railway station, Mor treal, let. telling you all about When you have fuse, it your kidoeys. depend upon to cure all and bladder disorders is Peck's Kid- w---------------- ney and Liver Pills. They benefit al-} Great investments, absolutely safe, most from the first dose. In boxes, | brings returns, giving surplus earning 25c. For sale only at Wade's Drug | power of youth till old age, securing Store, Money back if not satisfac | comfort and health in your declining tory. years, That's what Hollister's Rocky SE Mommtain Ten does. Mahoot's Drug Admiral Lord Charles Beresford is | Store. at New York. He comes to settle the] Two bottles Red Cross Blaud's Iron affairs of his brother, Lord Delval | Tonie Pills, regular 26e. bottle, for Beresford, killed in a railway wreck | 28¢., during February sale at Gib- last. At Bordeaux, France, it, Kidney Signals. heavy feeling across the back, when urine is heavy, clouded, scanty or pro. at Faderlin, N.D., on December 2rd troops Ww used. on Wednesday, to keep back an 16,500,000 Microbes. J.ondon, a backache or a dull | that a woman who had allowed her wkirt to trail for half an hour in Weston streets sent it to a labora: is time to do something for | tory, where it was found to contain The remidy you ean | 16,500,000 microbes, including many kidney, liver phthisis bacilli. son's Red Cross Drug Store. 1L.M.8. Dominion, on her way home hax passed the for permanent ropairs, ore 0 Azores in safety. Semi-ready clothing for mine. i 1 1.J. Hooper: W. R, Sills; skip 14. S water-power n 3 . 1 \ ; 8 | No. 1-T. Hughes, R. .J. MeClel- WORKS AT A DE K can be made to run electric railways 1% deposited in. Newhiugh Swult, {infuriated crowd, while the teachers Thy aooond scetion of the foreign en: and, CO. J. Warwick" A. W. Maclean twelve months in the year. Fortun- | ST. Re JR. I took, who have | 4 siudents were ejected from a sem: Listment sot has 807 words without a 1 aki : ately there is no physical conflict be- resided at Fast Angus, Que, arfived |i. Mg rrosts were made single stop. sep § an Not Doctors, But the Right Kind . he t devel {here last week to visit relatives and | Inary. Many Arrests pe, ~ y No. 2-A. Warwick, Prof. Gwillim, Food is" tween the two systems of develop- |. . k {Col. Strange; W. B. Dalton, skip--12. of Food is What He Needs. ment, so that we may yet see railways friends. They are going west, Jurer to ------ sema------ You work at a desk and you are m the Ottawa Valle un by hydro. remain Hien Sr Fm Weatorn t T the Th t shut up in an office all day long, your eiectric power, al so see the masts | y a. N . od , 0 ure pf roa ne re roa : v of big lake ships towering over the j parsonage, apance, on wednesday brain overworked, your body absolute pines along priv bank. One thing is last, Mr. and Mrs. Baker will reside » idle. F ag 4 of Ke » : { . Mr. : : le oe : ote St clear, that no Government houid be |at Point Amne. John Beck has mov- But Let Sto ach Dosi lone Ny fal jp A ples dit a at | foolith enough to give up any of the | od bis fomily here into the howse late- » ¥ Maybe ou ate meh bist water-powers on that great system to sotupied by Xr, Hillman. x od fg vt ' yo Bl any private company on the pretence | Mrs. Jrmes Ackerman reosived a tele Ying " ho Sous - or el two | that they are about 1 construct a fgram Jast week from British Colum- 5 Th : exercise or better foo or ' 8 . ] ' ship canal. 1 bin. learning the sad intelligence that | § ible Advi 0 ose Su . cures all who use it. { both. | thet ens 08 4 i ; . - | their daughter, Mrs. Lawson, was ' Catarrhozone is not a drug that . ] , be y , wi to ge xi : Bron- ; ® EVERY DAY dh ay b imposible dor 3¢ ye Women as Sciéntists. dead. Jive. Low son was a Founk vo: fering From Catarrh, ruins the stomach, but a soothing va # . OL 51m Satis > y ' Iman. She leaves two small children. is i 1 he places that : the world to get the right kind of Mrs. Ayrion, whose researches have wo Hoarsness Ete por that is inhaled to the places tha Yood, Nk vour dower oo lt gained for her a gold medal from the Paetiontuss a her death have not chitis, » Mare me with disease. ot . . Vita. J Royal Society, says there is nothing ob A Catarrhozone giths instant reliei-- Val. La Insertions This famous food ik the whole of the | 80 fascinating, so. absorbing, as sci- tp ---- at ited clears nose, throu, and endo Sus Ro 8 es " a a 'd : He $ istered ar th--searches ou tarry © wild 4 2 . . wheat thoroughly steamed and cooked entific work. She believes women are | : Yeas ago 4oclors admin rea arches o ata 1 India Linens & Prints in absolute purity and mixed with well adapted for it, They have, she Large Excursion. : tarrh medicine through the stomach. fire, 2 : 1 z finest malt rant powerful di told the representative of & morning | The K. & P. railway brought in al (ia. ood resnlted--the disease in Just think of it! Ps «) wt, a ( eral alges- a p i p ¢ A : 3 . Pin Stripe : Check Muslins tive agent, which guickly converts the | paper, "a great habit of putting twe | large " i urdion, on 1 uradny Morn ereascd and to-day is a national curse, Tnhaling the healine balsams of the and Embroideries starch of the wheat into maltose and two together--men deny that, but | 08: roam hick hei dis | Liquid remedie imply pass over the pins woo:ls--curing throat and lungs ; : malt sugar. Maltose is greut food, | it is true--and they have quite as | EE oh ng TN hir. | diseased surfaces and lodge in the without noxious drugs. and the weakest stomach digests and | good powers of observalion as Then. | dos J ncronsing omutarity amd | stomach. Nothing in al wiedicine thot Ten OB imilates it. without effort. The| and great patience, For ectantibo Ie | che merchants are glad of ee forts| The disease you want to eure is not Salpsehal tronble so surely as malted wheat, rolled into little flukes. search you must have intuition, al. poier trade in the stomfch-- dosing the 14 ozone. | i is baked under such intense heat that kind of trained jagihation, that leads ------ stomach ix no good: end Jresceived bf ostocs asl ; it comes f the cat ovens, | you to form a ory about what cu ad . i hl guaran bsol F : when Brn Brow rite Vita see, Lon which No a peor Ry | "Hello Girls" How to be healthy Use something that goes where the '20d of Catarchozone. the most delicious food in the world. | and I think women have that intni. | and happy and be a phone girl. Ring |dis:ase really js. A Voi pi Recommended by thousands it Always ready to eat. tive power; the power was it werz. otf us vp for a package of follister"s | Bmploy an antisepti¢ that 'will kill cured; try A perfect breakfast is impossible spreading - out facts in their: utinds | Rocky Mountain, Ten with fall particu ths germs, : £1; small ¢ a without "and it's good | and drawing the threads together, end oie Ty Tog Ton. or Tablets. Ma-' 5 yo ty food 'as healing. "'Catar: or N. Ci ron & Coy WF All grocers sell it. conclusion." a hoo ff; Dre: rhozone. = nature's own remedy, which Ont, and Havtiopd, Conn = ¥ oy : 3 the L 4 the pen: MOE Woh RE Tee litera: ---- On. h rs -------- ------------------------------------------------ fer handsome descriptive hook- Feb. 7.--Prol. W. B. Bot tomley, in a lecture on biology, said

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