Daily British Whig (1850), 7 Feb 1907, p. 5

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Our Overcoat Special. nust go. step lively please. giving away $5 bills you would In't you ? loing, and sometimes ercoats. n Overcoat. ts, Now $15 [1] 14 a" 12 wlio. 9 " 7.50 Bibby Co. TASTY TOAST , or Luncheon, is GUIT preserves, it is more Nourshi jhe than white fiour tonne Ure ight, quick lunches in winter equally BISCUIT. 1 Question wholesome shredded Cook Book," pre- ) WHEAT CO., LIMITED, LEET, TORONTO. Say So-- I'S say So-- ibbon a ANADA, but also the best of all gorating, resting, wholesome. $1 a 1b.--All grocers mway L & P. Co. Jaillie, Wood & Croft 2 King Street West, Toronto 406 PERCE RRRREIEEReIRes SMOKERS . Cigars, 5 for 25c. or 25c¢. or 25¢. es, 3 for 25c. 8, 2 for 25¢. for 25¢c. Oc. a little shop-worn. or 25¢. each. Tumbers, 7 Lafe; yetts, 6 Loses, Col. Steel. These are oh 11 be sold at these priges we even | H a PILE CUR Instant Relief, Trial Package Mailed Free to / ae thors, Kingston; 2nd, Frank C., own: s : All in Plain Wrapper. The Sufferer Was Not Dead, But ed by W. Gibson, of Gananoque; 3rd [| Instanées Rare When Books Are 'elaim that the book is from God. Piles is a fearful disease, hut easy te He Cannot Speak--He Had a Pretty, Balk ovted > gp Dk Badly. Treated Many Letters hr Ari renin Brig it wi it » : ' i rs, ingston. ime, 2.33; 2.22; 2.224. 5 - eure it Yuu vo at it : ht. 5 ners Large Quantity of Money on 8 Found Between the Pages-- [ant and mmccurate man, and Back ous, cruel, humiliating und unnecessary. Hand. Basketball At Y.M.C.A. Librarians Learn Secrets. + [from the living oracles comes the . Montreal, Feb. 7.--Oscar Sund- The results of the basketball com- That strange things are sometimes grusting proof, "Yen, let God be true ut every man a har, Romans iii, 4. LOX cures, ------ {here is just one other sure rasition. i cured--puinless, safe and in the privaey ! Harry Williams, of Peterboro, has the Louise school team and the § pit Bits. turned unto fables," 11 Timothy iv, 3. | o your own home--it is Pyramid Pile returned home, after. a week's visit Quetn street Rovers. The ice was in Eternal Hairpin. Paul warned Timothy to avoid pro- { We. | a tflal package free to ull |in this city. ? good condition. At half time the In every big library said my infor- fane and vain babblings, for they will | Tho : ii A W. H. Graham, traveller has pur {score was 1 to 1, and at full i the nant, after cogitating deeply as to |inerease unto more ungodliness, 11 | 1 sive you instant relief, show . ' nih . : | s pW 3 ay av the dl Ti . i, 16 aus' you tie harmless, painless nature of this chased the residence of S. Roughton, score Was 0 ' qv B J > he whether he should give the informa. Timothy ii, 16. After our Lord Jesus vrat reuedy and start vou well on the on Alfred street. Diy Be 100 rm I satich - > a tion requested or not, there is one Srueifision ani TesuTTo Hon, Shen on { Wi toward a per lect cure. ri et } » 3 on he referee, and pro wl Ss isfactory 0 i pr , 3 % - 18 way to mnmmus wit wo ol IU Phen you can ret a full-sized box from Y Hiipal Gordon and istry both teams. The Louise school team Dah Hiate Bole ii Svnsiels in eo disciples, we are fold, in Luke's gos | any druggist for 50 esnts, and often one (hown accompanied the legislators to | Co," Covi ori vol fr . amining books that have een re- + We are JBL | {will play Victoria school from nine to | turned, and that he * occasionally pel, that "beginning at Moses and all | i thing just as good, ro ---- HIS UICKLY "HOME Permanent Cure-- THROAT CUT WINDSOR STATION. strain, of Kenora, was found in the Windsor station, to-day, with his throat cut from ear to ear. He was found lying in the smoking room, and life was not extinct, although he scomed dead. Tle had cheques for over five thousand marks of Finnish mongy and fiity dollars of Canadian money 'in his pocket. He was able to speak, so 'the case is somewhat shrouded in mystery Prtieslats as I Ph J. Scholes and W. A. Delaney left here yesterday for Cape Vincent. Harry Tisdale has left for Toronto, where he has secured, an excollont -- Tay to be Toronto last night. Charles If the druggist tries to sell you somes Shes loi i. S it Cis because he Sherwood, Elgin, is spend Hard- Kingston VERY MYSTERIOUS CASE AT | The free-for-all race at Battersea, on Wednesday, 1st, Helen D., petition at been announced. competition team captained hy out in the lewd. follows : of vere g vell worthy of record ye generally known, perhaps, that in iin Arthur Cook ... ov seein ree William Guoderell no knife was found. for the Williams' cup, the tained by K. McCullough was vies PERSONAL MENTION. torious. Following is the result: Won. Lost, Movements of The People--What | K. McCullough oo. cee oe 5 They Are Saying And Doing. y Atscrusiv " 2 3 J. J. Behan is in Peterboro. T Oo > 1 H At the Royal rink, Tuesday night, a game of OAILY BRITISH RACES AT BATTERSEA. Horse Takes First Money in the Free-For-All. resulted as follows : owned hy McCue bres Y.M.C.A. have just In the school boys'] se the Keeley cup, the Arthur Cook came The standing was as the for Won. Lost. 5 1 ilip McDonald... o.oo 3 3 1 5 n the business ----e Louise School Won. hockey was played between {ten o'clock, Saturday morning. 3 makes nore money on the substitute. ing a very pleasant visit at A. ; i Jusist on having what you call for. ing's. 65 Rideau stroet. A Win For Kingston. \ The cure begins at once and county 3 Rechab. Tandy makes his first ap In the Montreal, this morning, the Kingston i FOUND IN BOOKS," =a "ow. Bible. QUEER THINGS LEFT BY AB-| Kingston, Ont. Feb 6To the SENT MINDED PEOPLE. {Fur oi itil" an round In NIDFAry DOCKS 1§ Wen snuwn though, wn the matter. econtly vho has charge ci one of the ee J Jost libraries all returned books are |For this cause also thank we boys' competition horoughly 'examined, team cap-]| he "disinfectant rag" (as it is term- 4 in library parlance) reated fairly well by their borrow- rs, but io dilapidated and hat it has to be destroyed. In such | _ : nstances, if the delinquent is known not endure sound doctrine, but ie or she is made to pay ior a their own sopy and membership is suspended or a time. ver, Ate very rare, says a writer in is perfeetly correct ladies' curling bonspiel, at umused at the kind of articles which In WHI1G, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 17. found in the Bible, it is foolish to as a rule. librarians are not | Paul says: ry willing to disclose information inspiration of God." Higher eritics The writer, however, 'say parts of it are not inspired. entleman | John, in the gospel, tells us, "He i t | whom God hath sent speaketh the our public libraries, and from him words of God," see John ii, 33 and eaned some facts which are 34, It may not | jurn to | Thessalonians ii, 13. Paul, writing to his brethren says * Ged without ceasing, because when ye re: ceived the word of God, which ye ; heard of us, ye received it not as the {word of man, but as it is in truth the word of Gol." We are exhorted in Fb W- | II Timothy ii, to "preach the word," it Hime one' comes Back in not to pick it. to pieces, We are told ' "The time will come when they will after lusts, shall they heap to themselves teachers, haviog itching leare, and they shall turn away their from the truth, and shall be "All scripture is given by interviewed a dusted with and, if neces- :y, repaired before being replaced : the shelves. As a rule, books are new These instances, how- ears the prophets, he expounded unto them in all the scripture the things con corning Himadf." conclusion | Are we to-day between the leaves Whatever he finds and 1 am sometimes nds queer things e brings to me, to ask one to beliove want nd a hiding-place within the covers question : rapidly untilit is complete and perman- s Jt Pd as L. pearance in Winnipeg, on February | : n 3 4 3 ~ lou can wo right ahead With Neat 15th, in Maodougall Methodist church. | Granite rink, skipped by Miss Dalton. | f our books. Few volumes, for in- [what the Lord Jesus asserts, 'that work and be easy and comfortable all the James J. King, Division street, who | defented Montreal, skipped by Miss stance, borrowed by lady readers come the scripture cannot be broken." | Us well worth trying. has been sick for the last two weeks | Dunlop, by a score of 17 to 10. Miss back without at least' one hairpin | Heaven and earth shall pass away, Just send your ame and address to |at the hospital, has returned to his Dalton's rink will now meet Heather which has been used as a book-mark- | but never one of His words. We are pyramid Drury Co. 65 Pyramid Build- | home. L No. 2, which defeated Mrs. R. J.J er. but I would rather they used that told in Jude to earnestly contend for § Mich. and receive free hy 3 , 2» . : : i ich w re deli . oe Marannil, Mich. and, receive (roe BY | "3 Gp May. a Quosn's graduate, has | HOoRTD combination. tmpletmem of Ion waalulhiess | the fait which wan she defierad do return wrapper. mail the 5 1 been apvointed teacher of history end | A ousands hive been cured in this eas geography in Brockville Collegiate In inexpensive . | es Fay. the [EY are vay. tn isis as No knife and its tort | Mrs Strangman, McTavish - street, No doctor his bl w Montreal, entertained i ¢ ! AL druguists; 00 cents. Qrite today [por of Mrs, Stewart' Robertson, Toronto Globe says the 14th Regi rary, and in one case I remember the | God's word as a lnmp unto our fect. for W free packMEE: Kingston. afent wor handily." Venhome, G missive, which we were unkind |- PRISCILLA. er Migs Anglin has heen elected a vice: Re iirieon and Potter ore Kings: enough: to read, contained a propo- EC [or at of "the Epworth FEeague of | tcn's best men. sal of marriage addressed to "My Own MASQUERADED AS A MAN. A the Montreal Methodist conference in | Joronto World remarks that 5 Dear Kitty." The letter was not in an Superior oNhl Tor > | x 3 3 envelope, and, though we might have | Young Woman Said She Was En- session at Carleton Place. though Kingston did have things easy g dusiness Traini { Couls : ug R v § found the name and address of the d to Anoth | ng James S. Coulson, the well-known | Midland should beat rthem here on the oh t gaged to other. i Institution sarine. diver, left to-day. with his | 1Sth. While the rviards ate gouty Swier, Ye Sro fot 300 DY re uh Beaumont, Feb. T.--A strange ease of | bether, Whos will eer. him at, | the defence is weak. Argonauts will | ters. But the next day a pretty young dual persunality Calis w hight hore re- FONESNAC | [hove co o tna weds Vit af Pits | give hem, in lor (3, OS, | gel, PEER, DEL oboe expla Pn Dec. 17th of last year, -------------- burg, Pa. Toronto Mail intimates that while | then, with many blushes, explained | person appardutly abot weanty-five i who gave e name © | and his bills. | { at dinner in { with the May A. | died Mrs Fouise Guav. Bell Marks' repertoire company. Business presenting respectively the Toronto | 4) World and Mail, came to the th the members of the legis'ature | frofitPorotilo; "and reported the pro- ||, ocedings. - i { amp-- | ARTILLERY INSPECTIO . { -- | KINGSTON ONTARIO Day and Evening Classes Modarate Rates. Te N. STOCKDALE Principal. : "RB. Ma jor Burstall's This morning Col. Wilson, of the Royal Canadian Artillery, left for To ronto after spending three days - in | Kingston. This was the colonel's an- | nual inspection. There is no change in the colonel since his visit a year ago and he appears as strong and vicorous as ever and says he is fit for twenty, years more service in uni form. The inspection included mounted and foot parades, kits, buildings and hearing of complaints, which were Very "Phone, 680. oO portant character. Col. Wilton was delighted with the mong. like a kind of barracks he twenty-five years ago. fhe R.C.H.A. band came in for spe first served in ficer, who did not hesitate to say it hod wonderfully improved. On being asked about the return of "B" terv Col. Wilson in his opinion roturn as soon as the work of recon structing the building was complete When asked his opinion on the war scare between the United States Japan, involving England and Canada, | the veteren of Fgypt replied: "All Bash! Bosh! No more prospect of V it than there is of me scrapping with | you." Officers and men were delight- | od with 'the kind and genial treatment of their commandant this year ond KINCST ON - ONTARIO everybody remarked that it seemed the most pléasant inspection ever conduet- | Has undergone alterations and | od, For sale by W. A. Mit- chell, Kingston, Ont. BRITISH AMERICA On being asked to define the duties of Major Burstall the colonel said: ¥ "The major is to he commandant Is now open to the travelling eublic. N TELFER interfere: with the administration of "A" batfery as a duty battery." In future the R.C.HA. will be ad ministered as individual units under Eastern Ontario for discipline and in terior economy. In Toronto Col. Wil. gon will inspect "BY battery, com- mended by his son-in-law, Lieut Col Ogilvie, { Proprietor Big Reduction on Skates - COME EARLY AND GET A BARGAIN. Strachan's Hardware Waggoner's _ Big Clearing Sale Now On. emma Oysters at Edwards & Jenkin. Watch for Semi-Readv Clothine "Jt oures any cough," Gibson's Red | Cross Conch Syrup, two bottles, 25¢. | Trke no other. ® | Rev. Dr. Carmichael, of St. An-| drew's, King, has heen nominated Yi | the presbytery of Toronto, for the of- | fice of moderator of the general as | sembly. Watch for Semi-Ready Clothing: Special overcoat sale at Bibhy's. Several times it stonians were being shown the School of Mining buildings. They crowded the lesislators out of the rooms. Assists Digestion. Too. much food is not good for the igestion. When you ran and cram food into your stomach you destroy Call and see the great values now be the process of 'dissolving and assimi- ing given in Suits, Overcoats and lating. os ve the gastric juives Trousers, o - 5 e yourself unhealthy. 3 rt assist the digestion and Suit. luogthe sold by the piece feodi gy salthy. Hutch is a | the points competition, | the highest score was 26, a a | are very much in the of Bright's disease at Marlhoro, Mags. | Jeadership of their district, atv | from attractive, | slap-dash order, City League game," at Battery to Return Soon-- rink to-night. Position. City x the covered rink. The finals will likely be between Wanderers and Frontenacs Two Cases Before the Magistrate an Englishman, the might have been found frozen to death had not 2 : .d along in the nick of time, fow this year and of the most unim- el MEIN. the pas! corte vated barrack Goodman took three enovated barracks 1ickev. and i : hin head t . whiskey, and rt went to hi end at Artillery Park, and said it looked a out . "lady's boudoir" than the ome friends, but fell on the or rather on in a helpless cial attention from the inspecting of- guffering from the coll. bat- prisoner, was most emphatic and costs, that "B' battery would days. police any trouble what well under the anflu Mee and knew enough to take eare and wes locked up for the night. He Heard at Ottawa--Some Measures pliad before of of the the School of Artillery and he will not 40.000 per mile es miles gtand over. railway, looked ne if King- | Miss Dalton secured third place in securing 23 tt Press Comments On Game. won handily, ant running for the they fai ingston won and 11 on Monday. She was a native - of | 1, exhibit any of the ear marks of 'a oO ege Ogdensburg. 4p | "pon!" champion team. The visitors | Messrs. Robertson and Wallis, | had all kinds of speed, but despit his fact, their style of game was far it was very much o with little science and as skill in evidence. BE To-Night's Game. The Wholesalers and R.C.H.A. play the Roya After this week the League games will be played IN THE POLICE COURT. To-Day. Sydney Goodman, aged twenty Six, : who has only been ut in this country but a short time, Constable Mullinger happen: and «8 the police station glasses of Scotch He to seg him to Ontario street wayside, the sidewalk. He state when the police came across him, and was was onstable "You might have been found frozer o death," said the magistrate to the as he impossd a fine of £2 with the option of fifteer Frances Brazen did not cause the ver. Although of liquor he of himse'f station to wandered into the police vas fined 81 and costs, or ten days ------------ RAILWAY BUSINESS Reported. Ottawn, Feb. 7.--The C.P.R. has ap- the railway committee for increase the bonding power Toronto-Sudbury sei Mo to and to build branch in the North-West of about 10,000 The matter was allowed to ower to Jills passsd were Alaska & Yukon for 700 miles; Klondyke Mines railway company, extension of time. The bills reported were : North- ern Colonization Railway company, Athabaska Northern railway com- Central Counties railwav com- pany, pany, new bond issue of $12,000 per mile and extension of time. Lady Grenfell's body leaves by spe- cinl, to-night, and will be transferred at Halifax to the steamer for FEng- land. SENT UP FOR TRIAL. A Young Fellow Who Played the Game. Hamilton, Ont., Feb. 7.~The pre- liminary trial of J. A. R. B. Mcln- | tosh, on a charge of obtaining money | under false pretences, took place at the police court, this morning, and the prisoner was dommitted for trial. | Only one case was taken up, the com- | plainant being Robert Mulligan. Al- together Melntosh got about $1,600 | out of Mulligan and his family by re- | presenting he was an agent for James { J. Hill, and that a big deal was to {be put through in January, which | wold net Mulligan a fortune of about £15,000. No evidence was off for ! defence. ER ------------_-- Private room for ale of sick-room unpardonable. which have been returned to the lib that she had left a letter in "The Heart of Midlothian" dl glad to have it back. sive in my look of aL oagure came into her face that I felt answer, and word" is what He approves. The faith once deliverad unto the saints in i the Bible, How great then. Moy we take Kitty's Secret. Many letters fall out of contained in volumes 4 our resporsibility years of age, Perry Martin, sccurad employment at | the Oaks hotel as bellboy, remaining | until last Friday, and would be I had the mip- desk, and when I drey it sat and handed it to her so rapt a when it was learned | that the sex of the employee had heen disguised. Charged with masquerad- | ing the young woman burst into tegrs | sure as to the nature of her and confessed her sex, She declare! { rather envied the happy man who had won her. (she had been compelled by ciroum- | Best Kind of "Lover." stances to don man's apparel and | Paper money and cheques are some; pleaded to "be retained. She volun: | times found between the leaves of |teered no statement as to her past | books returned to a library, and 0c | life and career and the manager of the | casionally the sums involved amount | hotel, not allowing hers to remain in | to quite a high figure. I read recently his employ, she left yesterday for | that in a certain well-known library | Houston, . a copy of "Much Ado About Nothing, puring her stay here she became was returned with a ten-pound note pinned between the leaves, together with a letter written in & lady's hand, which read as follows: "As nearly every person is always more or less in need of this wretched thing.we call 'money,' 1 feel sure that this ten pounds will fall into the hands of one who needs it. With it goes my best wishes. From one who has money to spare and is a lover of Shakespeare." popular among a circle of friends and | on occasions would go to theatre and elsewhere with partics of young nen. A strange feature of the story of the | young woman 18 her 'affection for a young woman in New York city whos» pame was not ascertained and to whom | she said she was engaged to be mgr ried. Rheumatism Always Yields. | Any disease must yield when we can fined and remove the cause, The cause of rheumativn is urie neid | in the blood. Ii this poison Fen ov od it is impossible for any symptoms | Foreign British Peers. There are three peers, if not more, who belong to families that have for generations been settled in distant countries, and which have practically had nothing to do with our own land | of the disase to semain, i for very many years. Indeed, some of Dr. Hall's Rheumatic Cure always | these peers have mever even set foot | neutralizes and expels this acid. | iches the | in England at all. It does even more, for it enc There is, for instance, the Earl of | blood and restores the normal activ | Seafield. Early in the last century | ity of all the vital organs. | rated to New Zea- It leaves the system in better condi- the then earl emi was before the rheuma- land, and married- there. His sons | tion than it have never seen their father's native | {ian hogan. A positive cure also for land. The family has remained, and | sciatica. Ten duys' treatment, price | to-day James Grant-Ogilvie, of New | 50c., at Wade's Drug Store. | Zealand, thirty years of age, and also ene ee | married, 18 the undoubted Earl of Get Coal From Australia. { Seafield, though he never uses the | go ., Francisco, Cal, Feb. 1.--~Several | title, but works hard with his hands Lerce zor raliair tou] eon) to sam his Lvitig, Just like) any new- |, 5.0 discharged here for the Harri- | comer into the eolunl. irtax of [POR railroads. At the docks in Aus | Cameron, whose forefathers went out tralia the coal cost $10 per ton and | to Virginia long sgo. The present it is estimated that by the Lime iti%| lord was born in America in 3870, and discharged here the cost totals up tg | certainly never used his righgtul title, $16 5 ton. The shortage of freight | nor even came to England until he |cer* and locomotives on the Harriman | was well past thirty. system, however, is such that the rail Even more striking is the' case of | roads save money by getting Austral Baron Aylmer, who is a Canadian in |ian_ coal, instead of taking cars and | every way, for both he and his father |engines from general traflic and using were born in Canada. Lord Aylmer them to haul domestic coal. is practically unknown in this coun- ---------- try, says the London Express, Queen's Hockey Excursion. Saturday, February 9th at 11.30 a.m., by special train, G.T.R. Fare, $3.70. Return good by any train ex: cept No. 4, till Tuesday night. ------ Shelley's Notebooks Sold. Following the manuscript of Mil- ton's "Paradise Lost," three unique note books of Shelley, which were the distinguishing feature of the recently sold library formed by the late Dr. Richard Garnett, who was for man ears chief librarian of the Brit Museum, have entered into the pos- session of F. R. Halsey, owner of the best Shelley collection in: the United States. These note books were. given by Shelley's widow to her son, 8ir Percy Shelley, who passed them on Dr. Garnett. All his other note books are in the Bodleian Library, at Qxford, and it is much regretted in\England that the three books in question were not saved for this country. They are especially valuable, as so much of the matter contained in them is unpublished. ea ---------------- In the year 1500 a huge meteor was sen over Normandy, and next day no fewer than 2,000 pieces of meteoric stone were picked up More poisonous snakes are found in Arizona than in any other part of the Unit d States. Dolls As Educators. Every school should have a class for the education of the little girls in the | i care of babies, says Dr. Lauder Brun- § fhrics prices, for ton, the celebrated English Physician, iidbigh d He would have washable dol used | Lo Foum.- fitted. s6 that each child would have her own baby and learn to. dress, wash, feed, put it to sleep, protect it from chills and treat it for sore throat and other ills. In fact, all the information that the girl will afterward need for bring- ing up her own babies mi; im- a a b i i 1 i eh be ity % «i. t could be-remembered in a dollies' J frequently causes right them. Eating Carelessly When your in Secublex: a Foe TLE that no food can supply. and strengthened. BEECH are the greatest stomach Don't attempt to cure starve and get little bene will again know the pleasures of a return and the stomach again work wi will clear, the face flumn out, while Au are you're looking. Prepared only by Thomas Beecham, St. Helons, Lancashire, Sold by all Druggists la Canada and U. S. America. "After-Inventory | Sale" ALL WINTER STOCK MUST GO TO MAKE ROOM FOR SPRING GOODS NOW ARRWING . . = --- Es & = = z ity, for WOMEN'S CORSET were B0c., now ... «All Winter Milinery at Big Reductions." IAN'S PILLS you homch an A You wil nei FLANNEI ETTE COVERS t. S FLANNELETTE RS, sires 2 to regular 28c., FLANNELETTE IRS, Ble. qual- 35 WARMLY - oH . } Give Beecham's Pills a chance and bows a Gocomter The ow facts, not fancies. Prove it yourself. Boglaod. 18 boxes 18 cents. GIRLS' CLOTH SKIRTS, sizes MES 5 MU to, 1 for . atabhae aoe . x Saban Seanad aheas ow . MISSES' AND WOMEN'S LINED COATS, at 1 00 EERATAERE SARReARSE Reeas . b WOMEN'S SKIRTS rogular = $3.50 to 80, mow i } CLOTH each 23. The wear that you receive during the life of a pair of shoes depends very greatly upon the dealer you SPENCE"S ™ Laie What You Ge , Out of Life ) Depends Upo purchase them of. If they are not, you know we mahe good our guar- antee of service in every case. NO RISK IN DEALING AT J. H. Sutherland & Bro, THE HOUSE OF GOOD SHOEMAKING. ahd edOOHOS QOPI VIVTYY In Heavy Paper Sacks, 15 Cents. . AA LllllLLsse00000000 S00 000000 IVIPTIVIVY YTV TEN TE QUICK FIRE If You Got Them Here, They Are Bound to Be Satisfactory You. ---- -------- Als Ls al McKelvey & Birch 69 and 71. Brock Street, Kingston BANSUIK HANGED. In The Last Execution Jersey. Newark, N.J., Feb, 7.- Frank Ban- suik, twice sentenced to death for the wilful murder of Thomas hanged in the jail here, thi Bansuik, who is neither speak mor wri on the 24th May last: to death for the murder who had once been hat the th a h th av, te English, was, first his - friend. Hof, is' vietim out for drink, hit him s of the lurkan- . wo that: Hoff, is morning. . The case innocence, appeared to be very | fer.nt to his fate and caused the exe- cutioner no trouble whatever, while being pinioned. The law changin method of execution to the chair goes into effect in this state the first of March. was and can the man |g The and then

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