3ROWNE'S )DYNE LY GENUINE). mitted by the profession to nost wonderful » aig aay and valuable rem e best remedy known for COUGHS, DS, CONSUMPT! : SONS! TON, BRONCRI- ig charm in DIARRHOEA, e Of DYSENTERY, ic 8 CHOLERS, ually cuts short all attacks EPSY, HYSTEI a ot Ey PYLPIT A: o only palliative in NEURALG : UMATISM, GOUT, CANCER, 'HACHE, MENINGITIS; ets., B'S CHLORODYNE," and beware » genuine bears the words "DR. J. he Stamp of each bottle. s. 13d., 25 94., 4s. Bd. each i accompanies each bottle] JX T,<mited, LONDON. Toronto ; & CO., Limited, RD BANK | ACCOUNT of $1 and upwards are received, i te of interest is allowed. 3 y Withdrawals nection with all Branches. RANCH [anager BAGOT STS. a ns in igings aced on Sale all the stock. We do not ver, so will sacrifice elow : ~ Apa Su PD , knee length LY « «ase ceat- a 40c. /EEK ONLY - - - - - . 89. K ONLY - - - ..:.. 98%. Spats, regular $1, now 79¢. he Knee, waters wie a niaiuie we dle. ~ aide wae awww TBE, «= =< 88ec. Sutton to the Knee. ama wea wo SOE, mie a waa we ee OE, .y to clear - - « - «. . 20. WINDOW." SYNOPSIS UF CANADIAN NORTH-WEST HOMESTEAD REGULATIONS, Any even numbered section of Domim lon 4n Manitoba or the North West Province, exc@pting 8 and 26, not be homesteaded bY any person head of a family, or male over 18 years of age, to the extent of Shequarter section, of 160 acres, more less. Application for homestead entry or in- spection must be made in person b applicant at the office of the local or Sub-agent. 2 An appucation for emtry or ins on wude al Sub-agent's oflice may be wired to the Agent by the Sub-agent, at th 0 expense the " plicant, and if the land applied for Matwul Ok Fetupt of ie toloxram such application is to Mave prioticy and the land will be held until the Bad Breath, Hawking and Spit. ting Quickly Cured--Fill Out Free Coupon Below. Cure The Tidings From Mrs. R. Watt, Perth, friends in Rosetta, DAILY. BRITISH WHIG, TUURSDAY, FEBRUARY ENTS TELL US -- Various Points In Eastern Omtario -- What People Are Doing And What They Are Saying. Lavant Station Personals. avant Station, Feb. 5.--Mr. and ted the lat lad Wa wit on ter dister, Mrs. William Thomas. To h 8 Miss Mabel Barr is up for a two about dope here. Every winter addi » > in Lewant. Mr. and Mrs. tional ones stow aWay ice for sum- weeks' stay In ant. . Mrs. |. The shoe repair xbop of Mr. Da son, Herbert, visiting Watt d I this week. Mr. Gil- Mrs. James Davis, at the head of the island, is on the sick list WHAT WHIG CORRESPOND- Rue, of Watertown, is visiting friends on the island. Arthur Cummings, of Watertown, and formerly of the is Jand, was united in marriage to a of this week. bott is visiting friends here. Yacker, Feb. S.vames his tect hurt by a cake of ice falling resume work again, lhe ice \ey is Do more; owing to illness had to retire. lsman Silver has erect- Mr. Allison v of the above place on Wednesday Mrs: Edward House, of here for a few days Mrs. Richard Ab- tertown, is h her rents. Yarker Yieldings. Warner bad Gladys Snyder is able to harvest is them. he affords conservative Lake George Cobalt Silver ining Company, Limited mining men and others an investment of greatest merit by reason of the immense profits that will most surely be forth- EE ---- rs Lo complete the transaction are chris Si con services . \ Pecoived by Hy christ, Ringmen, a «d a windmill on his property. Anoth- coming. Ny a oe = i here con Sunday. Ts ick list ' er English family has moved here SE -- -------- -- summar caneall appli .avant, is on e SICK . 3 > x fnctor cant will forfeit all priority of claim. ot Lavy BL -- and is in the employ of the factory. An applicant for inspection must be Miss Elsie Dear has gone to Syracuse, . simble for homestead entry, and only Glendower Items. od N.Y. for a few days. Revival services Authorized ( ital ] 000 ap] 0s} + 4 2 _ Sd Ne Xap they Poceived from an hdividual uneil that Glendower, Feb. 4. School opened | ro ing held in Colebrook, by Rev. OM» apt ' on y ' ap) ication has been di of; a with o fair attendae under phe Bu E. Farnsworth, Stinson Martin, em- ¢ e omesteader whose entry is im good agement of Miss ) aggic E. Donohue, | ved at the B. of Q. railway sta: ploye al . «Ta ay sta el standing and not lable to camosllation, of "Westport. A number from here at | iion here, has secured a position in Divided into 600,000 Shares may, subject to approval of Department, Coul von » ba I ONTARIO relinquish it in favour of father, mother tended the races at Westport. J. Coul- | Deseronto. Charles Connors and Miss pW Shiothes a ter, ot ter, cattle dealer, made a flying tp 0 were married here, last Satur- eov'y Par value $1 ecach-fullyr paid amd won assessable, «Only . else, filing 3 o b ot week. % : turn 300 000 shares for sale at r claration of abandonment. through Glendower last week Anum- | 4,y Miss Mary Montgomery return Bh v r sale at pa Where an entry is summarily cancelled ber of farmers are hauling logs to T.! qd home to Kingston after spe nding a pr voluntarily ed. subsequent 10 | New Diggovery Quickly Cures Young's mill. V igre: Me, Lemon at few days with "eiends here. Rev, Mr. Le PROPERTIES the applicant for inspection will be en- Catasrh "--C. E. G J. Fitagerald Mrs. D. Coulter at poll said favewell on Sunday. He crear ¥ tivled to prior right of g rl. B. Gauss, "ish Creek: Nefey Michael Kel- Applicants for ion ast state in | Catarrh is not only dangerous, but it Fish Crk: oa i t ci ost has gone to Watertown, X.Y. . MINING CLAIMS NOT PROSPECTS what particulars the homesteader is in | Causes bad breath, ulceration, death and y's; Walter Melicholas a i default, and if bsequentry state- | decay of bones, loss of thinking and rea- office. A Fine At Home SILVER CLEVELAND COBALT. | TEMISCAMING / Yake 6 re Cobalt Sit Mini e Limi : {Dent fa found to Le incorrect in mater |soning power, kills ambition and energy il Feb. 6.~'1he al Preshy Ln A lake Gearge Lotnil Si ver Mining Lo, Amited, is the Tent I ioulars, the apulicant will lose | often causes loss of appetite, indigestion Wilton, Feb. 6.--dhe annual CrshyC T 8 absolute owner® of TWO full mining claims of 40 acres each any prior right of re-entry should the dyspepsia, raw throat and reaches to Bell Rock Notes. 2 terian Sunday school "At Home, ALBERT. H pn! HUDSON BAY. located in the land become vacant, or if entry has been general debility, idiocy and insanity. It Bell Rock, Feb. 5.-W. Brooks is held last Friday evening, scored a -- * . wrantéd 1 may to summarily. eansefied, Bests Altention 4: Soy Cure it with rushing the woot business this week great TSUGheNS The church was full SILVER ARE . 4 8 a r~ { Gauss atarrh Cure, It a ck ¥ na br : A » torm the conditions moder ome of radical, TEroancnt cure Rea J. Mrs, Wheeler and Mrs. Clark are still the usual refreshments of sandwiches, LOB. SCULLY. QUEEN a HEART OF THRE GREAT COBALT SILVER ollowing plans :-- the system of the poison. germs that | on the sick list Frederick Carr is saw- cakes and coffee were served, and an % 1) At least siz months' residence rause~catarrh. ! 3 . : . R o and cultivation i the' land in each in am prove to all who are suf- re nod for Pomeroy bnthurs, Hise ele N hh furvisht by I BEARING DISTRICT year during vw term three years. erine from. this dangerous and loath- . cKenzie, ingston, as aken the hildren of the school, and Ww (2) If tbe futher \or mother, If the |somo disease that Gauts' Cutarrh Cure | charge of the public school here for Miss Mc(lenaghan, Perth, who sang NPISSING.] 0 Coleman Township. Mining men will at once realize g F father is decea: no homesteader | will nctually cure uny case of catarrh | 13S : Vv \ ' \ MARI b : Tecides upon a farm im tne vicinity of the |auickly, no matter how long standing this year. Rev. J. Ferguson, "eroha,. a number of solos. The collection ex ? oc $ » pyu the 'value of those properties Iw the fact that the south lund entered for by su bbe er | or how bad, I will send a trial package preached an eloquent sermon to the ceeded its usually generous limits afd wv : x WMIIING. lot adjoins on the north the promising Cleveland Cobalt Latisied OE moran Fath ha with the duty free TY all, pv A fad Send young people on the 3rd inst. W. E. this year amounted to $0.60. During : 3 < property, amd also has the Hudson's Bay property on the tather or mother, W the treatment will be sent you by re Johnson, Winnipeg, was the guest =X the course of the evening a fine gold ie DOUGALL . r- ye cast, and the (8). If the settler has his permenent | turn wail. Try jt ! It will positively | J. H. Amey last week. Visitors: L. H. watch was presented to the superin- "= £ a ro botta poke larmint ond, SUSSLULY cure bv that Vou wil be welche 4 | Ruston, Moscow, ot K&B. Muoern nti 0, H. lls, os o token of $f |; ¢ BIG VEINS OF SILVER QUEEN MINE the requirement may be satisfied bY | 1 GAUSS. 9244 Main St., Marshall, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Amey, Selby, and He school's spptesiation of his you x residence upon RY Mich. Fill out coupon below. Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Amey, Moscow, abie services, G. 'ound, * sailor N running west into this lot. The nocth lot lies in tw the fore making application OF. wa | at D. L. Amey's. { missionary, Kingston, gave an inter I. ME KNIGHT ONTARIO GOVT. widst of in writing to the Commissioner of Do~ FREE. Y an-- | esting address, Sunday evening, In MINES. n minion Lands at Ottawa, of his {stew This coupon is rood for. one trial Gl i the Presbyterian church, on the work : t . ne Li envale Jottings. b) : ew tion to do #0. package ooh Gauss' Combined Glenvale, Fob. 5.--Dr. ag aki visit-} of the Upper Canadn Tract Society, EQUALLY VALUABLE PROPERTIES Catarrh Cure, mailed free in plain } Mr 1 SYNOPSIS OF CANADIAN NORTH- package, duty free. Simply fill in ed the school, on Tuesday. Joseph Wn behalf of the sailors rs, Ear wast anne REGULATIONS. Your name and nddress on dotted || Cramer intends rebuilding his cheese Bust, whe hat ben vo much improv- ---- Coal.~Coal lands may be purchased at ines_below and mail to fac ' p o . i «d from her late illness, is now suf- : actory. He held a cheese meeting, on Ae x x init Nu. Soar man""320 acres EA a Friday evening, Junuary 25th. Wil- fering from tonsilitis. Miss « Hettie can be acquired by Sue, individual or 3 ' + liam Pillar was reelected salesman dunks, Kingston, Shem Burt of st EXPERT'S REPORT company. yalty a eo ral of ten did ' > Er 1 secretarytireasurer. Sidney Al. wee visiting riends In ilton. Miss sents pur lon of 2000 Pounss | rt a oad In this Vicinity | MeClenaghan returned to Perth yes: ¢ aia : . collected on the gross output. port 1s sawing . J 1 fav S. Lawrence, ME, who subwitte 1 a report after examination of both properties, says that on the South Quarts.--A free miner's cer 4s with! his sawing machine. A number i Wteday, : : wor ; in ate granted upcn payment in advance of $5 fis here at led the concert at | Rt property there is "a strong vein ghteen inches wide. The value of the North claim, he submits, is "ens r annum for an individual, and from ~~ sg ---- rom here attented the . Havi A Good Ti hanced by the fact that on the claim next cast on sinking is found native silver." . ... "The two proper: 50 to 00 per annum for s company T & Sydenham on Thursday evening. Mr. Mag} aving 09 a Wd ties are well located, being only one mile from the railway, and also in the heart of the mineral belt." according to capital , Pound preached in the Presbyterian XYapie venue, Feb. 3 he cole sare. well oc , X onl) ay, r . A free miner, having discovered miner al in place, may locate a claim 1,500% 1,500 feet. The fee for recording a claim 1» $5. At least $100 muet be expended on the paid to the mining 00 bas land at $1 per acre. patent provides for the payment of a royalty of 34 per cent on the sales. Placer mining claims generally are 100 try fee $5, Temewable A free miner may obtain two leases to dredge for gold of five miles each for a term of twenly years, repowable at the discretion of the Minister of the Interior. The leases shall have a drodie in oper- from the date of the lease for each five miles. Rental $10 annum for each mile of river . Royalty at the rate 2% per cent collected on the output af it ex oseds $10,000¢ W. W. CORY, Peputy of the Minister of the Interior N.B.--Unauthorized publication of this «dvertisement will rot be paid for. et HAE. SEALED TENDERS ADDRESSED to the undersigned. and endorsed "Ten- der for Public Building, .Owen Sound, ' will Le received at this office un- Monday, February 2 1907, in y, for the construction of a Public Owen Sound, Ont 1 specification can he scen and forms « tender obtained at this lepart ment and at the office of Messrs Forster and Clark, Architects, Owen Sound, Ont Persons tendering are notified that ten: ders will not te considered unless made on the printed form supplied, and signed with their actual signatur Fach tender must be Ac panied hy an accepted cheque on a wartered bank made payable to the order of the Hon- ourahle the Minster of Public Works, egual to ten per cent (10 p.o.) © the amount of the tender, which will be for- feited if the party tendering decline to enter into a: contract when called upon to do so, or if he fail to complete the werk contracted for. If the tender te not accvplnd the cheque will be returned he Department does not bind itself to accept the lowest. or any tender By order FRED. GELINAS Secretary . Department of Public Wo Ottawu. January 11, 1907, Newspapers will not be paid for this advertisement if they insert it without authority from the Department. THE FRONTENAC LOAN & INVESTMENT SOCIETY. ESTABLISRED 1882. Predident--Sin Richard Cartwright City and Farm Pro- and County Deben- Money loaned on perties. Municipal tures. Mortgages purchased. Deposits received and interest allowed. 8. C McGill, Director. Managing Office, 87 Clarence street, Kingston. ee een REAL ESTATE OR INSURANCE If you want to "uy, Post Office. TE New England Chinese Restaurant 33! King Street Open from 10.30 a.m. to 3.00 a.m. The best place to all ad ty" ene of all on elish and Dishes a snesially. OPERA soos ORCHESTRA THE BUSY ONE. 'Phone, 655. 1 or sell "City Property, see GEO. CLIFF, at 95 Clarence stréet, opposite i round kinds Chinese THE MOST DELICIOUS CUP OF HOT CHOCOLATE SERVED CAN BE ENJOYED AT & RETAIL STORES. MADE TROM Hegters COCOA THE SAME AS SOLD IN CANS AT OUR STORES & 5Y GROCERS EVERYWHERE. §, ART WEAK HE SYSTEM WASRUN DOWN When the heart is healthy and performing its fuctions naturally, it should beat regu- larly seventy-two times a minute without causing its owner the slightest inconveni- ence or distress. When it begins to beat irregularly or intermittently, palpitata and throb, skip beats, beat fast for a time, then so slow as to seem almost to stop, it causes great anxiety and alarm. The least excitement or exertion seems to affect it. Many people are kept in a state of morbid fear of death, become weak, worn and miserable, and are unable to attend to either social or business duties, through unnatural action of their heart. To all such sufferers MILBURN'S HEART AND NERVE : PILLS ean give prompt and permanent relief. Mrs. F. Fletcher, Sault Ste. Marie, West, Ont., says: "I have been troubled for four or five years with weakness, and run down system. M cold and folt almost dead. My heart was weak and 1 was #0 nervous I could hardly walk across the street, I started taking Milburn's Heart and Nerve Pills, and after using three boxes I felt much better. I continued their use until I had taken twelve boxes and I sm now well." Price 50 cents per box or 3 boxes for $1.25 at all dealers or mailed direct on receipt of ice by The T. Milburn Ce., Limited, to, Ont. WHY NOT USE IT IN YOUR HOME? / church on Sunday morning. Miss Ida'v Clark, Kingstom, spent Sunday at |e Williman Pillar's. Miss Clement and ' ¢ Mr. Lawlor. of Millhaven, were recent Ye visitors at Wellington Toplifie's. -- ' More Babies At Crow Lake. Crow Lake, Feb. 5.--School is prg- gressing favorably under the manage: meat of Miss M. Davis. Mrs. E. Church, visiting her mother and brothel Mrs. 'F. Knight at C. Knapp's:' John Ritchie, of Althorpe. at James Mahon's; Archibald Keish and the Misses Shellington at George | I'radshaw's; R. Cameron, of Bathurst, was through this vicinity buying horses. William Kennedy drawing hay from the head of the lake. Mr. and Mrs. S. Middleton spent Saturday and Sunday with friends at Elgin and Newboro. Born to Mr. and Mrs. John Hannab, and Mr. and Mrs. S. Kennedy, each a = voung At Sharbot Lake. Sharbot Lake, Feb. 5.--The mem- bers of E. Hamilton's family, who been stricken with scarlet fever, improving. A jolly sleigh load of villagers attended the concert at Clarendon on Friday last. After 'the concert Mrs. J. H. Cannon entertain- ed them to luncheon. Mr. and Mrs Archibald Irwin have gcturped from a anck's visit to his brother, Edgar, f Westport. Miss Wood, of Oswogo, her sister. Kathleen, of Plevna, were the guests for a few davs of Mrs Kilborn. Charles Hufiman and Smith have moved into John Gerald's house Mrs. Robert Wil liamson and Miss Flossie are visiting frionds in Westport. Mr. and Mrs William Sargeant were in Lindsay on Monday attending the wedding of her brother, Isaac Williamson. have Destroyed By Fire. Wagarville, Feb. 4.+-On Thursday, of last week, the home of Stanley Clark, Wagnrville, was completely de ttroyed by fire. The flames were no ticed when the family was break fast. The occupants were unable to save any of the furniture except the sewing machine John Herten and family have moved to Thomas Clan ov's farm, at Fifth Lake. Miss Feley, Pend Crock, is visiting at G. King's D. Mcloud, Echo Lake, took dinner at S. King's, on Saturday Misses Effie and Aletha Haley aisited Miss Filla Oderkirk, on Monday evening Mrs. Frank Snider is huving a serious attack of grippe. Joseph Baker, Marl- bank, has built a new house and is now living in this vicinity. at Lyndhurst Tidings. Lymdhurst, Feb. 5. The people of this village were very much shocked when they learned of the very sudden death of Mrs. G. Sheffield, who pass od away while sitting in or thair. Mrs. C. Gillfitten met with quite a painful accident by falling on the ice. Her arm was broken. Lymd- hurst juniors played Morton juniors a game of hockey and it resulted in a victory for Lyndhurst by three to two. Lyndhurst seniors played Frank- ville a hockey match and tied, nine a side. Dr. Mr. and Mrs. O. Lilly, at R. R. Tate's: C. E. McCutcheon spent Sunday with his mother. George White is sick with pneumonia. Miss T. Carl, of Soperton, is visiting friends around here. Miss Liazie Carl, of Oak Leaf, is the guest of Mrs. J. Earl. vonval ios olla Taseraci Aeypied. Wolfe Island Items. Wolfe Island, Feb. 6.---John McRae. of Michigan, a lumber merchant, died on Thursday. He formerly was an islander and brother of Alexander and Duncan, here. Miss Myrtle Jerow, of Cobourg, is spending a few days on the island visiting friends. Hiram forty the «vening and all wended their way home in the wee 'sma hours and all "report jolly good time. Mr. and Wilbert Metzler were 'At Home" toa numbtr of evening: also Mr. awd t Mr. and Mrs. Alva Snider, and daugh has passed over are onjoving themselves mtortaining and going. Miss Bertie ind Orlo Snider entertained about people last Thursday evening. music 'was the order of vave of last. woek and people James and rs. their friends last Tuesday Mrs. Ira Swider of their friends Mr. and Mrs. and othms, at Friday evening. "At Home" to a few on Wednesday evening. McEwen, Westbrooke, Alva Snider's last ter and others at George Smith's, Hartington, one duy last week, Mra. B. Rose, Lapum, at Levi Snider's. Ha Since that report o ped, showing N ATIVE SILVER and COBALT to the 200.000 shares of stock at the par value ary th, 1907, SUBSCRIPTIONS order of Applications will be filed in the All applications for mock should be accompanied by at par at Toronto, payable to PROVINCIAL SECURITIES COMPANY, LIMITED Traasfer Agents. Phone Main 60990. 10-foot shaft has boen sunk and four excordingly promising' veins wncovered and stripe of $1 cach will be received up to 12 o'clock noaa on Febru: over-subseriptions 'will be returned hy leartient mail, marked check, or bank draft, postal or money order, reewipt, and Traders Bank Building, Toronto, Canada. Frink is spending a couple of weeks with friends in Sydenham Mrs. A. Spider and daughter, Myrtle, at Mr Clute's. Mr. | Clue is repairing his factory and getting things ready for the coming season, and farmers ar { to his factory. A Lusy drawing ie number from this stroet attended the "At Home," at Wilton, last Friday evening, amd all report a good time -------- At Seeley"s Bay. Seclev's Bay, Feb. 5.--Manfred Brae ken and Miss Mary, McDermott married on January 30th, at J. Chapman's residence, the home of the bride. in the presence of a large num of friends. Rev. TU Meredith offi ciated. The happy couple left the night for Gananoque to take craih for Ottawa and other points Capt. John Randall returned home last Saturday, after a two wecks' pleasant visit with his son, Dx Gieorge Randall, of Seuth Milwaukee, Wis. Miss E. McDermott, Watertown, N.Y., visited friends here a few last weok. Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Chap man, Perth, spent a fow days last week visiting friends here and vicin itv. A. Gilbert, Kingston, visited friends here and vicinity the past few days. C. Putnam and © Johnson Kingston, are visiting friends here for a few days. The Seeley's Bay hoe kay team went to Delta Saturday and played a friendly game with the Delta team, the result of the game be ing five to three for Delta. The score might have heen different, as three of the best players of tho Bay team were unable to leave home. A return game is expected here next Saturday. were her same days 8 ¥ taken two of Carter's Little Liver Pills before retiring you would mot have hml that coated tongue or bad taste in the mouth this morning. Keep a vial with you for occasional nse. Eighty-five women bootblacks are numbered amons the industrial work «rs of the United States, EE ---------- With rye, scotch or brandy, York Sparks adds zest If you had and improves flavor, because no salts overload it ; sit does wonders in bringing out the bouquet of spirits. Ask for it at good *hotels and clubs; or tell your wine merchant you want it. York Sparks is better--yet costs no' more. Parlor Woodenware To Users of Pails and Tubs The E. B. Eddy NTEED against factory defects, so it will be to your interest to zee that the name €opY is stamped on every package you buy. A word of caution may not be out of Company's wares are FULLY GUARA and Durability Is Our Maxam 150 different styles PROVEMENT SALE. Neo order as large to fill, or too small to have our prompt attention. JAMES REID. THE LEADING UNDERTAKER of Fancy Tables for our BIG IM- --AT-- iNDOOR SPORTS Men of sedentary habits require exercise. The inventive genius with the physicians knowledge has invent- ed go EXERCISES / \Dfiat will develop the muscles of almost any part of the body de- sired. For that tired, sluggish feeling, make a selection of some good Exerciser from our stock of Sporting Goods. ANGROVE BROS. 88 and 00 Princess St. pr' PHONE 147. place. Always, everywhere in Canada, ask for EDDY'S MATCHES, iL. appointed assessor at the 'council wa meeting of on Monday, The Mineral Springs Limited, Toronto RIG! HICKEY. JAMES McP . Restentesenntrentmepn hf i + & wwe Oranges Oranges at 10 cents per Naval Cranges at 15 cents per dozen. Navel Oranges at 20 cents per dozen. Navel Oranges at 25 cents per dozen. Navels at 35c., 40c., 50e. = A. J. REES, 166 Princess Street SPI FVIII IIIISFIIIIEIVIIIIIIIINIIIIIINY SHE PIG TIN Canada Metal Co., Ltd Oranges eT BLOCK TIN WE DOUBT IF YOU CAN And that's just what's the mat- dozen. 9 ter with our prices. Just now we are selling our Men's Box Blucher Cut Goodyear and 60e. per dozen. $3.50 for $2.7. We have another line Men's ts that are value at $2.50 for $1.90 See them in the window. 5 . Jennings, King St METALS William St., Toreato, e 'Phone Main 1729