ed in serving you right: a-choice groceries shall on demand, our booklet : ~The Art of Making Good Celfee and Good Tea." , MONTREAL, Canada. INN) I FREE. . . LE TO YOU AND EVERY SISTER SUFFERS ING F " a NG FROM WOMEN'S AILMENTS. w woman's sufferings. Sodnd the Sure, mail, free of any charge, my home ho th full Tastructions ee, from , ailments, I want to tell all women about e-- youl, my reader, for yourself, your r, your mother, or your sister. I want to how to cure yourselves ai home without of a doctor, Men cannot understand wom- What we women know from >x- foe know better than any doctor. | know pious treatment is a safe and sure cure for nt oF Falling of the Woes b hi " iia omb, Profuse, Scanty ), also down ine or Ovarian Tumors o pulasia the head; back and BR wels, , Rervousness, creeping feels the spine, melanchcly, desire to ey hot weariness, kidney and bladder troubles as. by weaknesses peculiar to our sex. g send you a complete 10 days' treatment ree to prove to you that you can cure ot home, easily, Suickly ande® surely, , that it will cest you nothing to give the 0 continue, it will cost you ouly about 12 not interfere with your work oroccupation. u suffer, if you wish, and I will sead you the DY return mail, I will also send you free ISER" with explanatory illustrations shows themselves at home. Every woman shou'd he doctor says--"'You must have an o omen have cured themselves with ny ho aughters, | will explain a simple hom corriicea, Green Sickness and Prinful or Iways result from its use y who know and will gladly s diseases and makes women e free ten days' treatment is <r again, Address: . WINDSOR, Ont. a Wash, Silk . 3 Artistic oct Lustre wast Jako sil one; Corticely y difference in results [ia2 Th ual in quality at the price of i b b ' a ous, refreshing and viviiying o $1 a Ib.--Ail grocers _. After you have tantalized your appetite with a promise of ', . ie Mooney's Perfection Cream Sodas "don't disappoint it. * There never was anything so tempting, that came out of a biscuit box, as thest dainty, crisp squares k di316] J LE iN Po aw (of cracker goodness. " THE 201 CENTURY TREATIUENT, "Che result of 50 years of scientific research, chemical reagents in the world. no experiment. tis proved by isuse in the. sspitalf of Europe. Tes of thousands of weak cases cured by 30 days treatment. Prove it yourself by atest. A 5 days full 30 days treatment (180 doges) with cure or refund of money, for $4.00. Send for sworn Canadian testimonials received within the last twelve months, om Oe. KF HR MEDICIVE CO.. PO. Drawer L 2341. MONTREAL -- o~-Night We have placed on sale; in our window, for to-night only, one lot of Women's Fine Grade High Laced Shoes ; also a few pair of Patent Colt Button Shoes. but as we have only odd pairs, and want to clear out b before Stock Taking, we place them on sale. Bo nig a Se "Only for To-Night at $1.98 In our Men's Department we are clearing out a lot of broken sizes which regularly sold from $3.50 to .50, so have placed a lot on sale in our Men's win- " Fot To-Night Only i. $2.98 Abernethy"s SHOE STORE SISSIES SICK IAIN CFE OK kiss those lips dead which living had | reviled and repulsed her -------- It is upon this legend that the dra- ma oi Oscar Wilde was founded SELLLLLELLLELLLTLLLEFSIFINIFIFIVIIIIINIGIG f 0, .CIGARS AND PIPES AT LESS THAN COST About thirty thousand 10 cent Cigars will be sold for cents each, or $5 a hundred. f% | 4 {1 (1d : ; Club House Special, The Duchess, The Diploma Grand, Sa # Toy, Lord Craines, Reekies, RB Russel, Olymphia, Rothchil /ds, La Premiads, Lenicos, 3 Tennyson, } 10 cent Cigars for 25 cents. W / About 100 Fountian Pens cheap. A lot of Pocket Knives, Pocket Books and Razors, those 173 and 175 Prin- R goods can be had at JOHN ROUTHEY'S, B cess street, and 354 King street, Orwell's Old Stand. JOHN ROUTLEY KINGSTON, ONT. nnn si . SHEET BLOCK TIN PIG TIN METALS "Canada Metal Co., Ltd. 'Phone Main 'WHICH 8 Tie source of all Power, ove SX. The Fountain of Youth, ;ies coir: manhood brought back after years of weakness and despair. Nature's Secret restored by combining three of the rarest "huis ie and hopeles This is a fact} A fulhparticulars sent absolutely free: AH packages are 7 carefully sealed in a plain wrapper with no mark. A HAAN SASISISIGICISIIOIK ASICS | mother. These shoes were regularly 'sold from $3.00 to $3.75, § 5 Craven Peénetallas, McKinley, Lord Lord Grant, R. V, Maritana, 4 of any brand of other FFVIFIVIFIIIIIIIIIIIIIIINNI® | 1) her and a William St., Toronto, OF "SALOME" mnisssnprine. STORY 1 NEW YORK WOULDN'T STAND. Wilde and Strauss the Authors-- The Production Was Too Un- savory Even For Wicked New oR ars small . York. The muchrtalked about musical dra ma, "Salome," by Richard Strauss, will not be seen any more at the Me- tropolitan opera house, in New York, or for that matter in any theatre in that city. It is probable, however, that presentations will be given in othér American cities, The public is not to be completely deprived of an opportunity of seed some of the features of the wonderin production, as the vaudeville manag: ers have taken hold of the idea of the "Dance of the Seven Veils," one of the striking features of the produe- tion, has already found its way on to the vaudeville © stage, but has not, according to reports, aroused much of a sensation and very little enthuse: iasm. The decision to discontinue the per- formances was reached at a confer- ence between the directors of the com- pany, which owns the Metropolitan operp house, and the Conried ! Metro- politan Opera company, the lessees of the house. The story on which Oscar Wilde and Strauss built up the per- formance will tell more eloquently than anything else why the decision was arrived at to give no more per: formances. Salome, the heroine of this tale, is the daughter of Herodias, the wile of Herod Antipas, tetrarch of Judea. She is that young person who danced be- fore Herod and so pleased him that he swore to give her whatever she might ask. Re, being prompted by her mother, asked that the head of John the Baptist be given to her on a charger. According to the Biblé narrative, Herodias was angered at John because he hurled censure upon her for having rid herself of her Herod's brother, in Mrs. Cora B. Miller Statted a Few - Years Ago With men in the United States first husband, order to become Makes a Fortune Em- | ploys Nearly One Hundred Clerks and Stenograph- ors. I Unti! a few years ago Mrs, Cora B Miller lived in 'a manner similar to thas upends of other very poor women town and will She now resides in her own palat nl -stome residence. and is considered of the most successful business wo Mrs. Miller's New Residence, Earn- ed ix Yess Than One Year. Several years ago Mrs. Miller learned of a mild and simple Prurstion that cured herself and several fripmds of fe male weakness and pilus. She was be Soged by SO MARY Women needing treat- ment that she decided to furnish it to those Who might eall for it. She start- ed with only ® few dollary' capital. and the remedy, ing true and wonder- cing many cures wheh doctors amd other remedips failed, the demand grew so rapidly she was several times compelled to seek lurger quarters She now Secuities one of the city's larg. est office buildings, which she owns, and almost one hundred clerks and Ssteno- graphers are required to assist in this great business. Million Women Use It. Mrs. Miller's remedy, and no matter diés in your own locality who can and remedy really Cures women Despite the fact that Mrs. Miller's business is » wife Antizpas 1 lins was the wif of Antizpa r Heruding VO% | who writes to het Ey | on. yearning for revenge, and seizec ie | Whol woman andl Was decided to give d Ty ig te uy opportunity to compass the prophet s | away to women Who have mever used her 18 ten ears since the explora death. Herod was soyry that he had Tukditine $10,000.00 © worth absolutely | tions were innugurated. The brooch , FREE, " a ax de been entrapped and was not at all |¥ Hivery woman €uffering with pains fn soa} ties at a Joh ol 330 yards, and willing to slay John, but his oath | the head, back and bowels, bearing-down oh nty-yard seam fifty yards below bound him and the prophet's head fstings; pervoumen Sreaping wea: tht. : x sel tions up melancholy, desire to we engineers believe they ave was handed to the damsel upon 8 | oe "not flashes, weariness, or piles from § iroved gl coal field . oo Y hav charger, and she gave it to her any cause, should sit right own nd rend |! 4. 8 new conf hele 2) vores in her name gnd dress to Mrs. ora B. J] extent. Somewhere in the ¥ | new faith had * | their minds of the Jogos of the olde S antile $ | my thologies, the in! HAHN to the conclusion that the Bibical ac | sity of the fedding of F ¢ | have swificed for her stated object. Ne Congreve formulated an miliar truth whefihe wrote : Heaven has no vage like love to hate turned, early relaters of the into it floated through: E | was presented to Herodias she tried | kiss the dead lips, but that they bl mainder of time. | nize in this a variant of the Wande ing Jew story. who under dry woman > | staggering | cross and was the burden of t | ever over holy laughter. | far as to tell us Wagner oven goes that Kundry Ww jies in opposition. \ Passion Of Herodias. td. the existence of death of John, was accounted for legend by the supposition E | was accursed and that the curse AASIASIHSISISISIINS | pious passion for the holy man | course John had rejected her ad . | vances. She, in the wild and anrea- | Seven veils, which is the dance of K | soning rage of a scorned woman, had tar's descent into, Hades, the dance Then her passion | of the seven variations of Vine | capsed his denth. aghin overcame her and she sought Salome." Some excisions have | made in order to reduce the text | the limits required. by the | put examination shows that the | man of the music | altered the motive of the story | that Salome, A | the real protagonist instead of He dips, the mother. It is the daugh who at her first sight of the prophet | tioner desce him. The | Salomé listens but can | conceives a wild passion for text tells us that it is purely phys love, for first she rhapsodizes his body, then about his hair, | calls her unpleasant names n | her be gone. When she has reached | and when John spurns her, she | peats "1 will kiss thy mouth." \ { "All this takes place in the norten- : following | to spenk to her | tous duel between the two, | the obening scene of the drama. He | and his conrt are feasting, | Herod's birthday. John is a prisoner, whence from time to time his voice issues in | shut up in an old cistern, | dire prophetic warnings, a group of |. minor personages are watching from a | distance the progress of the banquet | and commenting on the scene. N both, a young Syrian. keeps his | fastened on Salome. He ic infaty | him that something terrible will pen to him. | the ramparts of which Josephus tells | boundary between Judea and A Machaerus, a { | Dead Sea. The fort. the banquet | voice of the proohet, the lust of 297 | od for Salome. the cistern, the w carly ages of Christianity, when the followers of the wrapper) a O-cent box of her marvelo not altogether cleared | more worldly wise than trusting, came erodias agminst | Mes. John. Undoubtedly banishvient would | there must have been something (else ad and fa- Nor hell a fury like a woman sored. With this ancient truth in wind, the story injected an clement of passion. For corrtaries a legend that wheh the head of John | her flving through space for the re- , Those who are fia miliar with legendary lore will recog- Wagner uses another | variant of it when he makes his Kun- laughed at Christ | condemned to wander the earth, cursed with un demands that Herodias, but in this he sets two stor- The point to be kept in mind is that Herodins in various | forms in times long subsequent to the that she had fallen upon her by reason of her 1m | that drama is the libretto ol Strauss' been | head of composer, drama is a direct | translation of Wilde's play. Wilde has the daughter, becomes about | passes out the | finally about His mouth." The prophet and bids | | climax of her vearning, which is to | kiss his mouth, there she stands fast, yvounao pag warns All this takes place on us was on the | Petrea. while Pliny says it was on the | 25¢,, Sold only at Gibson's Red Miller, Box 44 Kokomo, Ind., and re ceive hy mail | (free of charge in plai jedicine ; also her valuable book, Ww r | Very woman should ha na Rémember, this offer will not last lone Christians, ' tor thousanfis and thousands of women, who are suffering will take advantage of __ | this generous means of eetting cured. So 3 . if vou are ailing do not suffer another -- count did not fully sttisio the inten: | gay, but send your pame a Miller for the book smd J scene Wilde got from Flaubert's "He odias." : Herod, then, has conceived a pas wl gon for « Salome. His lustiul eyes, ever fastened upon her, the banqueting hall to hear the voice of John end sce him. When Narraboth Herceives. { suddtal pais to a Salome Repulses Herod. Herod sends for to the feast, and obey he prescatly comes to the ra parts with flerodias and all the con Ar- as she favor Herod seek he | treats him col John's voice he ardy tonished committee, who burst into in prophec, ainst Heroding, who] roars of laughter. The animal was he be silenced. The] then lod out of the building. «o | Jews enter into critical discussion of Singularly enough, the council cham as | John and hi: sayings. Strauss com} per is situnted in the renowned parish | poses these disputatious Jews much} of Bray as he composed erities in "Ein He! : ---------- denleben." The music makes you w that either they or you But that is vet to be heard The seene soon centres itself in fixity pf Herod's gaze at ally he asks her to dance fuses. At length he makes her the and she in the half of his kinodom. She rises ¢ bids him swear. which he does. He dias forbids her to dance, but does so. She dances the dance of Of to | D'Indy backward till at end vou come to the naked theme Salome disrobes herself of one after another nd | od to see this. Then she demands With a smile she asks for written reward to | odigs declares that this is ¢ od t Herod tries to buv Salome of He jer | fers her jewels, his great emer tle of the high priest, the veil of temple. But she £0 simply continues to ro ter, | in the drama Jokanaan. The ex the arm of the executi head of takes it, while H Salome says ical | Preséntly and | shield. Shlome hides hi« face "Ah. thou wouldst not suffer w the | kiss thy mouth Jokenaan. Well, will kise it now, T will . bité jt with an apple invoke the dead head to look at She declares rod | #he still loves him not look at such things In the darkness we hear Ss { the | mouth of Jokanasn they crush her with their shields nm------------ radish, for arra- eves pated horse Burtch's hap- | other: only 10e. fort | aumes twelve ca h mile traversed rabia Two bottles Red Cross Cough the | dene store. Hew Johanneshyre is I iil OUT QUITE A BIT! More than a million women have used where you live, she can rvier you to la- will tell any sufferer that this marvelous ' very extensive, she is always willing to give aid and advice to every suffering woman nd address to medicine efore the $10,000.00 worth is all gone drive her from 'Thus she comes wheedle the young Syrian to let her paiion of oad the holy man he slays oa and hp ey { | i convenient. pool of blood to give Her . rs later on. { upon her a blast of breath which sent od the horrors later on Salome to return does not of Salome, but shel key, were dead Salome. Fin fer of anvthing she may ask. even to It i= not good for Her John on a charger, and Her his wonderful white peacocks, the man mand the head of John, who is called nds into the cistern, while hear no sound John on a my tecth as one bites at rive fruit." re- | Heinemakes Ker nlav with the head as Salome continues to Herod commands for it is | that the torches be put out He ervine aloud that she had kissed the Herod. horrified | eats upon his soldiers to kill Ver ann heef. pork, and all kinds of meat, It's fine. Ask vour grocery for it. Have no The engine of an exbress train con gallons of water for renamine its street DE WITTE'S INCOME NOT BIG SAYS FRIEND. Russian Statesman Received Only $9,500 For Negotiating Peace Treaty and Spent $25,000. 5 St. Petersburg, Feb. 9.--~In order to destroy the impression that Count Witte has accumulated vast wealth from his government service, 'ome of his friends has published an aceount of his income and exponditure in a newspaper which is w idely read among the poor here. The states that Count Witte's actual salary from the gov- ernmont at the present moment is only $4,000, which he rectives as a mentber of the Council of the Empire. He received £250,000 from the imper- jal treasury while he was president ol the council of ministers, "but this sum was largely consumed in expenses nc- cestary to that position. Apart from this, be has only $75. 000, which is his wife's dowry. He received only £1,500 for his mission: to the United States to negotinte the Portsmouth treaty, which has actual expenses on that occasion amounted to $25,000, Phe writer's communication con: chides with a deseription of Countess Witte's charities, She gives 230 din- pers dafly to the poor of the dis trict where they lve, besides free sup- plies of boots and warm clothing. RICH GOLD FIELD FOUND. Begun Ten Years Ago Lead to Big Success. London, Feb. 9.-~The sinkings con- structed by the Earl of Dudley at Baggeridge Woods, South Staffs, re sulted in finding a twenty-foot seam, together with deposits of iron ore, yesterday. The discovery is of the utmost im- i | portance to the district, as the new colliery will give employment to about » § 1,600 men. The cost of its complete equipment is estimated at a quarter of a milk p- The mining plant is the finest in the n | world, and is capable of raising up ward of 3,000 tors per eight hours At that rate the colliery will last for a hundred years. The new colliery is connected by private railway with the Great Western system. : DONKEY AT MEETL.G. Entirely Appropriate to Famous r- Name of Parish. London, Fah. 9.--The deliberations of the Maidenhead educational .com mittee, in the local guild hall, wore interrupted, vesterday, in a curious mamier by a donkey belonging to a pantomine company performing in the neighborhood, b The committee was consitheting a number of applications for the posts of head-mastor and headmistress of the new Gordon Road schools, when Ald. Truscott rose to leave. When h opened the door he saw the domkey standing in the corridor, aml, turn ing, gravely announced that a can" didate was waiting to interview the m- § comnittee Councillor Porter went rt. } to the and introduced the don calmly surveyed the as to he door which ish "Kept Company"' Fourteen Ysars. Te Lordon, Feb, 9 of- } courted the his second wile years, while he and § with ro- | sentenced, yesterday, at the Old Bail she | ey to fifteen months' hard labor the Ihe man was Arthur Kenmurd Cople and he pleaded guilty to going with ent | Mary Elizabeth Griffiths, fone months Ts § stone, through a form 'of marriage the | ago. Miss Griffiths aid that veil | had been courting her for vears and urging her to marry single mun, and suspicion that he alk. | his lawful wife caused his arvest » of ald, the | was a these at home with the § children his wife. de Any Ache To-Dey? When any ache or pain aon There is nothing else that cures oner § hes so soon or thoroughly. rod makes it casy to cure in the start many painful affections that would ne LE to be at Wade's family ean afford Large bottles, 25¢., Store with nt 1 that § ver their shop fronts. Vegetarian expdfts assert York Ginger A is made. of ideally pure York Springs Water and sugar, with. pure vegetable aromatics and Jamaica ginger- root. allaying of thirst; and itis a mild and health- ful stimulant. = : for the spicy pungency, the fragrant aroma, and the delicious flavor of York Ginger Ale. the ingredients accounts for the good this beverage does people with weak stomachs. BIGAMIST'S LONG COURTSHIP. With Woman A bigamist, who for fourteen was living happily the first and lawful wife, was Coplestone fourteen him, her] During all this time she thought he she had no was married until A policeman stated that during all fourteen years Coplestone lived He had six comes you should have the habit of reaching for the bottle of Smith's White Liniment. become serious if neglected. Smith's White Liniment is one of the things no without, Drug = More than 1,200 tradesmen are this rT. | voar entitled to use the royal arms that one e - There is hardly another drink so The quality of the ginger and aromatics used accoun The purity of all But all ginger 'ale doesn't owe its flavor to ginger root. Too much of it gets pungency from cayenne pepper (capsicum). : . Too much of it has the harsh, corrosiveness of vitriol, instead of the healthful acidity of lemons. Some ginger ale is sickly-sweet with saccharine. The use of saccharine is prohibited in those countries where pure-food laws are enforced. Pure sugar, of the best .& quality, sweetens York Ginger Ale. 3 You rup risks when you drink cayenne-peppered ginger ale-- and the more of it you drink, the dryer your throat gets. It burns, not refreshes. You run risks when you drink ginger ale dosed with glucose or sugar-substitutes,--upsets your digestion, affects your kidneys. But you run no risk when you drink this pure, honest, wholesome York Ginger Ale, though you pay about the same for it as for spurious Look at the label so you can be sure you get the purest, It is safe to drink, ginger ale. most aromatic, most refreshing ginger ale made. inexpensive to buy, sure to satisfy, when it is labelled York Ginger Ale Is better--yet costs no more Made of York. Springs Water and purest ingredients, under conditions of scrupulous cleanliness. Ask for York Aromatic, York Sweet, or York Dry (not sweetened) Ginger Ale. Good stores, good hotels, good clubs can supply the ginger ale you will like. fab Ideally Pure York Springs Water is the basis of these / beverages: York Springs Water (natural), York Sparks (York Springs Water charged with purified carbonic gas), York Ginger Ale, York Sarsaparilla, York Soda, York Potash Water, York Aperientis (the perfect laxative) Limited Toronto a RIGNEY & HICKEY, The Mineral Springs: JAMES McPARLAND, * MADE IN CANADA sy A CANADIAN COMPANY. QUALITY, SERVICE, ano PRICE ALONE HAS MADE OUR MAGHINE A HOUSEHOLD FAVORITE. ALWAYS LOOK FOR THE NAME Shellew - THE WILLIAMS MANUFACTURING co. UNITED, company Ornicrs:. MO NTREAL, P. Q. TORONTO, LONDON, HAMILTON, OTTAWA, ST. JOHN, N. B. AGENTS WANTED EVERYWHERE. . -- er LEARN DRESSMAKING IN TWO WEEKS ! Have you commenced your spring and summer sewing ? Are you interested in Dress Making, either professionally or for your own family sewing. If so do not miss this course. We teach you every- thing from the plainest shirt waist to the most elaborate toilette that can be found in the fashion books. Not only the lining, but all the outer goods in coats, skirts, waists, wrappers, sleeves, children's will] ore of land wil comfortably support dresses, collars, etc. Why spend months at a shop and them after lime | four Persons on a vegetable diet. having served months _ there, what do you know about Nae cutting * Abgolutely nothing ! For you will know no more roast ¢ A Peecham's Pills denotes that erly, do not forget to take Svrup Cross 'A Sweet Breath is what all should have, and it can be ensured by the judicious use of A sweet breath everything is well, so at the slightest indication of the di- gestive organs not working prop Beecham's how to cut out a dress at end of year than you did the first day you went there. So why spend your time there when we can teach you in two weeks. Within the past 6 years we have taught over 2,000 in this way, in Western Ontario. No pay in advance and none at end unless thoroughly satisfied. You can all come and try for a week to see what it's like. Charge for full course will be only $10 to be paid after com- pletion of course if satisfied, including most perfect fitting system in use, which we give free. We will teach at Kingston, from Feb. 21st to March 6th. Hours from 8.30 to 5. All Roe, ot to learn or for rticulars be sure to see us at Iroquois Hotel, on WEDNESDAY, 'eb. 20th, bétween 10 and 5 o'clock. The Misses Ellison, cateh- | én the American system by mi ers, and the general local color of this inz. Pills smber . where, Sold Every In boxes 25 cents, Instructors in Dress Cutting; Drawer 771, Stratiord.