the tower at present. e iva ted an ort delay and wi ing properly wanld be heap than conmect i 1. at eo mittee instructed the city engineer to for tenders for wiring the council mentions: and Sy clock. t up nestion of market clerk. He thought the city should have such an official, as it had all along wil last summer. : ral yers approached him i ol the matter, and they held the same view, os he did. He vise that man wi new somet| ut meat should be on the made! in the city's interest, An assistant sanitary was needed when Assessor Gor was on his assessment rounds, The market clerk could act as assis: tant Sanitary inspector as well as city Ald. Douglas also favored the re. eagaging a market clerk. There was much diesatisfaction with the pre. ment Sondlitions: irman Angrove sail he strongly in favor of a merket er The council should appoint one at ges. The city avlieitor, he said, was Jat present frami «by deft the' duties of mari hk TE inspector and s et clerk conld be uti: in delivering water works and light accounts. William McCammon, he said, was the proper nian to ap- point. He had given good service to the Site in the past. Ald. mavel that gs committee nd to | that a market po onion. motion is r inman said that the chief Hh a th ng point t H Whatever home. of a east was decided upon, fullest information would hav he secured, so that the: coment ev cost perhaps $800 . of the building repair the steps. These were t things that required to 'he done. S------------ AT THE GRAND. A Good Play to Be Produced To- Night. Theatre goers who are particular as to the form of entertainment they sel- ect can find no attraction more pleas- than Elmer Walters' western play, Thorouphbred Tramp," which is the next ativaction at the Grand to- night. While this play is not boasted of as a literary art, the Play i id- y movel in its a oy pee pathetic scenes are of interest and so well played as to bring tears to the majority, The climaxes are of a dram- atic nature, though comedy predomi. nates throughout the four acts. third aot has Leen altered, the scene now being laid at the mouth of Box Canyon. This is a unique act with a fast moving train of huge proportion; the action is lively and holds the au- dience spelf-bound until the climax when the curtain calls are frequent. All Next Week. Marks Bros.' big repertoire com pany of twenty people, will be at the Srynd for one week, commencing Mon- day, February llth, presenting on the first night, "The Ragged Princess," with high class specialties, moving pictures and illustrated songs between the acts, making a continuous per formance. There will be a change of Flay and specialties nightly. For Mon. day might only one lady's ticket will Le given free with every 25-cent ticket purchased before 7 p.m. Fire Committee's Test. The fire brigade received a call to the College grounds shortly after five o'cloe on Friday afternoon. Om ar- riving on the scene, instead of being greeted with a hlaze the fire ana light committee were on the job with broad smilks. The department had two streams working on the college campus in quick order, and after an hour's testing of hydrants and scaling lad- ders the fire brigades returned to their respective stations. The committee was well satisfied with the manoeuvres of the fire department. William Swain, pistio. tubs. Odors reed os Medios rob Bd a : starch, 25¢. ~ x Origin Of Pleuritic Pain. Just now they are common, and many people seam vubjoet EE rE anrcihy lieing of the uw A n nr alt. 7 juceded. Rub it in decply--pain van. is instant--pleurisy is ter, more soothipg and healing. Nor. viline is sure or any oy pam or congestion use it contains combination of remedies that distor internal and external pain of every try a Bo, bottle--that will con- 3 Prompt treatment with Nerviline is: needed cured. Quicker than a mustard plas. | Barns, Pastor Ww ill Bethel Shure} ho » preach morning evening. Morn ing subject, 'A Philosophy in aa J v7; evening subject, Ie Divim- ity That Shajes Our Lives." Cooke's Presbyterian church, Broek street--The pastor, Rev. W. 3. Mac Tavish, Ph.D. will conduct both -ser- vices, S y school and Bible class, 3 pm. Young people's meeting, 5:15 pan. Strangers courteously welcom- First Baptist church--Rev. Douglas faing. pastor, at both services. 11 am., "The Renewed Mans New Op- Jurtunity. 7 pm. "Lot's Oversight n His Choice." 2:15, Sunday school amd Bible class. Everyone cordially invited to all the services. First Congregational church, corner of Wellington and Johnson streets Pastor, J. Charles Villiers. Morning worship at 11; in the evn- ing at 7, special serviee of praise and sacred song. Sunday school at 3 pm. midweek service, Wednesday evening, at 3 o'clock. Strangers and visitors are cordially invited. - A wel- come to all. Seats are free. Chalmers, Presbyterian, corner Bar- je und Earl sireets--Rev. M. Macgil- livary, D.D., pestor. Services: 11 am. "The Call of Abram and the Call of Nimrod"; 7 pm. "Christ's Great Law of Surplus and Deficit in Character." Sunday school and Bibl class, 3 pam.; prayer meeting, Wednes- day, 7.30 p.m. Strangers cordially in- vited to all the services. St. George's cathedral---8 a.m, holy conumunion; 11 a.m. mattins and litany, preacher, Dean Farthing: 3 .m., Sunday school and Bible class: 7 p.m., evensong: preacher, Canon Starr. Ash Wednesday, February 12h--7 a.m, holy communion: 10.30 a.m, 'matting, litany and commina- tion service; 8 p.m., evensong; preach- er, Canon Starr. Services daily throughout Lent at 9:30 am. and 3 p.m. Meditations at the five o'clock service this week will be conducted hy Canon Starr. Christian Alliance. A Christian Alliance mid-winter con- vention will be in Bethel Congrega- tional church on Wednesday, urs- day and Friday of next week. Miss Villars, a missionary from the Congo: Rev. Dr, Henry Wilson, New York, and Rev. John Salmon, and L. Ste phen, Toronto, will be the principal speakers. The afternoon meetings will begin at 2:30 o'clock, and the even- ing meetings at 7:30. A cordial invi- tation is extended to everybody to come and enjoy these meetings. Y.M.C.A. Notes. . Morning watch will be held at 7 o'dlock. At the boys' meeting, at 00.15 am. J. OC. Mills speaks. This meeting is growing, and any boy, even although not a Y.M.C.A, member, will he made welcome. Rev, M. Macgillivray, DD. pastor of Chalmers rian church, gives an address on "A Way of Life," at the men's meeting at 4.13 pm. Every. man cordially invited. The Y. M. C. A. orchestra assists in the praise at the boys' and men's meetings. VESSEL WAS ON FIRE, Blaze Started in Hold of Schooner McDonald. _ The discovery was made, this morn- ing, that a fire had started in the hold of the schooner Robert McDon- ald, which is laid up for the winter at Richardson's slip. As to when the fire started, is a mystery. The discov- ery was made, this morning, by some men, who had occasion to go on board the vessel. Only slight damage was done, and the cause of the fire is another mystery. Men have been en er, every day, and they were aware of any fire on the vessel. fire evidently started in the night, but ed itsei out. A schooner might have been the cause of number of other vessels. deed lucky that the fire did tinue its course. The schooner Robert McDonald has a capacity for carrying 4,000 bushels of ain, and On her last trip she was blocked in the ioe on the Napanee river, and on that account was released by the Pierrepont. It was in- not New golf caps, 50c,, T5¢c. Bibby 's. The largest gathering of farmers mas, was seen this morning. All kinds of produce was sold readily at high prices. There were ots of fresh en; butter brought 23¢. to pork sold readily at 9c. beef at dic. to 6c. a lb. $1.20 to S130 per quarter. brought 90c. per bag The Trust and Guarantee company. limited, Toronto, has been appointed agnt for the executor of the estate of the late Miss Sarah I. Taylor, who died on November Oth last, Miss Fie. alba: and 10c and lamb, Potatoes ronto real estate and bank stocks. Clearing wale of overcoats. Ribba's, In a junior City League hockey mash ak the covered rink, this morn- ing, St. George's "B" defeated ie opolis College by 'the score of 8 Rest: to 4. W. Hazlett's rulinos as: referee were satisfactory to both teams. Cadets and Varsity II, play here, on Monday night, in the first of the home and home games. to decide the inter- mediate intercollegiate championship The date for the choir concert at Sydenham street church has been set for Tuesday, Felbwuary 26th. Ruthven McDonald, baritone, of Toronto, affair promises to be a success in ev- ory way. : Sea Bibhy's special $12.30 suits, boro, Toronto and Nidland on the point of its bayonet. Stick "em please! About 200. Kingstonians left at noon today. for Toronto, by special G. T. R. train. I See Bibby's spevial $3.30 tr gaged in their work, near the schoon- | in some unaccountable manner, buro- | big Maze in the | a serious fire, as it is lying close by | Richardsons' elevator, along with a | con. | had a very busy season. | steamer | seen at the local market since Christ. | eggs | offered, and the price was 35¢c. a doz | Taylor was. largely interested in To- | Ses Bibby's nobby $13 black suits. | J. has { Been secured for the occasion, and the | The 14th Hockey Club' has Peter | TWAS GREAT SUCCESS ANNUAL "AT HOME" OF KING- STON BUSINESS COLLEGE. Over Seven Hundred People Pres- ent at Affair Given in the City Hall Friday Night--Fine Dancing Programme. The annual 'At Home" of the stu dents and graduates of the Kingston Business College, for the year 1907, has passed 'into history, but it will be long re as. a very happy event by all who, were in attendance. The affair was held in the city hall, and was a grand. success from every standpoint. It is estimated that the attendance reached very close to sev- en hundred and fifty people. The city hall has been the scene of many fine dances, but Friday night's affair must be given first place. Nearly all the students of this well-known college were in attendance; the remainder of the large number: being made up of graduates and guests. 1 he number of graduates present unusually large. The hall presentsd a very pretty ap- pearance, the decoration committee having ped a visit to the building during the afternoon. Flags, stream- ers, and bugting were used to advan- tage, and with the lights, the hall presented a regular "Fairyland. Many favorable comments were heard in re ferinee to the decorations The music for 'the dancing was pro- vided by Crosby and O'Connor's of- chestra, and 'a fie programme, cons sisting of twenty-seven numbers, was given. The music was good, and ev- erv number reesived a hearty encore, the members of the orchestra respond- ing Kberally. R. Staley officiated as master of ceremonies, in his usual happy manner. Dancing was commenced shortly be- fore ten o'clock, "and was continued until 4 am. Ontario hall "was reserved for the supper, which was provided _by will iam Harris. » The different was vommittees are to be "At Home." : Mpvor Mowat was the chairman of the/ evening. Ahe patronessés were Mrs. E. J. B. Pense, Mrs. J. B. Cooke, and Mrs. H. F. Metcalie. . The invitation committer Was com- posed of the following : Miss Agnes Gaudreau, Miss Anna Norris, Miss Ma- Miss G. Aviesworth, and Messrs. Earl Bowman, Henry Martin, John Wright, Clifford Miller, and Jay Grady. Only One "Bromo Quinine."' That is Laxative Bromo Quinine. Similarly named remedies sometimes deceive. 'Ihe first and original Cold Tablet is a White Package with black and rd lettering, and bears the signature of E. W. GROVE, 25c. A --------" "Kingston's Famous Fur Store' SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 9. ling in black net congratulated upon the success of the | bol Montgomery, Miss Sylvia Crowley. ! FASHION'S FORM. Rich Gown of Cloth and Net Combined. i is own for a matron shown in the drawing, the model be- A handsome over a silk founda- tion veiled with black mousseline. Bias bands of black broadcloth, the edges left raw and stitched by wma- chine, were used to trim the skirt and the lower part of the corsage. A deep square of the cloth also outlined the yoke. Buttons of jet and silver fas toned with loops of black silk cord were used in front below the yoke. The sleeves were of cream lace to match the yoke, and had point:d shoulder caps of the black cloth. On each side of the yoke in front was a bias fold of cloth of silver, striped with black velvet. #% INFERNAL MACHINE. Paterson, N.J., Feb. 9.-- | Justice of the Peace Robert Corteso was fatally injured in his office, last night, by the explosion of an infermal machine sent him by ex- press. The office was wreck- ed and the detonation could be heard for blocks. The judge has actively aid- ed the police in the capture of Italian law-breakers re- cently. SEER FREE EN | NEARLY COMPLETED. Island Ice Races on the | 27th and 28th. An understanding was artived at, on Friday, by the horsemen of Wolfe Is land. Four races will be held, two on ithe 27th and two on the 25th, of five heats each. The races should catch 'horsemen returning from the dastern {meats and in all likelihood will prove REMOVAL SALE = | | i | { [| MONEY-SAVING FUR PRICES. Have you taken advantage |] of this greatest of all fur sales ? We are selling all kinds of furs at the lowest prices ever quoted for garments of equal quality. The opportunity is a most ex- ceptional one. Economy and sell-interest should direct you here at once. Don't wait another day. JACKETS 1 only Persian Lamb, made of fine glossy, even curl skins, with natural Osnadian Mink collar and reveres blouse style, |} with girdle, size 34 bust, 24 |] inches long, regular price, i] $150. Removal Sale Price Ses eeec ane. $127.50, 5 only Plain - Persian Lamb | - Jackets, No. 1 quality, 24 i] inches long, blouse style, |] regular price, $140. Removal {] Sale Price $110. i Near Seal Jackets, plain or trimmed, with Alaska Sable, Western. Sable, Canadian Mink, Oriental Mink, Maramot etc, regular prices $35 up- i] wards. During this sale we are deducting ' exactly one- third of the marked price on these garments. Selling $50 Musquash Jackets, latest style garments fOr » = sivin airs ~ = ~ $33.35. | Seog Wills SG 106-108 Princess St. more successful than any local ice races held in some time. ---- News From Bongard's. Bongard's, Feb. 8, . Hawker came near being destroyed by fire, on Sunday morning. A defective chimney was the cause, James Kerr, Waupoos, was a recent guest at J, D. Bongard's. Mrs. Percy Thurston und committee yesterday and Henderson. | within the area bounded by Clarence, | was decided | derwriters' association at any time. Tt The home of W. J. | THE FIRE COMMITTH MAKES AN EXTENSION OF : FIRE LIMITS. ---- Electric Light For Wade's Lane-- Large Bill For Extra Lighting Last Year When the Moon Was Not in View. At the meeting of the fire and light afternoon, were Aldermen Rossa (chairman\ Nickle, Graham, Argroy®. Millan, Robertson City Solicitor Melntyre was present in connection with the fire limits, which it was thought advisable to extend, He thought that only solid brick and stone should be allowed Wellington and West streets and the water's edge.- The committee agreed that the hmits should be so increas ed. The object of this is to give every protection to the locomotive works, foundry and waterworks pump-house. The bill of the light department for extra light ng, outside of the moon schedule last quarter, was $380. Alds. Graham and Nickle wanted informa: tion upon this extra lighting, and it not to pay the amount until a detailed statement had been presented. Ald. Graham wanted to know if the eity was given any al lowance for lights that failed to burn. Were such lights reported ? Ald. Ros said that in most cases the police reported the lights out, and credit for the same was allowed by the department. Ald. Graham moved that the peti- tion for a light in Wade's Lane be granted. Ald. Nickle thought it would be better if the whole lighting ques- ticn wae taken up. Many more lights were required. He knew that Wade's Lane was 4 dark place. and it should certainly be livhted. However, per- haps an incandescent = light for that place would be sufficient. Ald. Graham moved that an incandescent light of thirty-two candie-power be erected. This the committee agreed to. Ald. Angrove moved that Simmons Bros., be asked to supply at once the hose they contracted for in December. The department must 'have it as the city) might have a visit from the wvo- seems that Simmons Beos. contracted to supply 250 feet of Peerless hose at 74} cents a foot. The nrice at which the company requires its agents to sell their hose is eighty cents a foat. At the time the contract was given Ald. Angrove declared that Simmens' Bros. would be unable to supply the hose at the price they quoted. The hose has not yet been delivered, though Simmons Bros. stated thev expected to have it in a few days. Babv Sleeps Soundly. Babies who are given an occasional dose of Baby's Own Tablets always sleep soundly at night, and it is not the drugged sleep vroduced by sleep in drops or "soothino" syruvs either ~ths sleep is maturdhohealthy and vestinl, end baby wakes - up in the morning bricht and cheerful, The tah- lets are the best medicine in the world for the cure of all the minor ailments {of little ones. Mrs. IL. Gagne, Ed- { mundston, N.B.. says: "My Faby was | cross and fretful and 1 hardly ever | 7ot a 005d nicht's vest until 1 beran qiving Babv's Own Tablets. These tah- let« removed the cause of the trouble and now haby sleens well at night." The tablets are sold by druggists or son, of Luddington, Mich., are spend- ing the winter with her parents. The LO.F. has issued invitations for a ball G. Williams, Miss L. David is con- | fimed to her room through illness. | Mrs. Robert Bongard is visiting friends | in Picton. Mr. and Mrs, R entertained about thicty friend Harrison | of their on Friduy | evening prizes were won by Miss T. David, J. D. Ron- | gard, Mrs. (A. Wright and F. A. Wil- | liams. Miss I. Fones is the onest of Miss S. Bradley My A. he and | Mrs. Arthur Wright were guests of | Mrs R. Harrison My and Mrs. | Archibuld Kerr have sent out cards | for a tea and dance, their howe, | on Friday evening at 3% death is announced of Tom 3% Thumb, the famous dwarf, ¥% at one time exhibited by ¥ P. T. Barnum. * HAASISISIGIASIGRHIGIHICIISIIIIN Mount Hope Budget. Mount Hope, Feb, S.--Rev. A. C, Huftman, of Cloyne, called on a few of 1 his friends Monday and Tuesday, Una Barker and brother Cecil made a flying trip to Fred. Gendron's. Gil bert. Thompson is improving and Clar- once Peterson is on the sick list. Miss Ruth Gendron, of this place, spent ©, turday and Sunday with her cousin, Miss Ella Barker, who is dangerously ill. Miss Eva Laundrie, who has heen visiting her parents at Sharbot Lake, has returned, as also Carman Thompson, of Napanee, visiting rolatives and friends around here. George Woodcock and Herbert Thompson have retumed from Folger, the camp breaking up. Elijah Thomp- sen, David Thompson and Mre, N. Wal Ker, of Napatce, spent Supday with their brother. Gilbert Thompson. George Hayes and family are at Fred Gendron's. Miss Annakel Hugh's is the guest of Miss Ruth Gendron. Organ Recitals. It will doubtless give pleasure to the musie-loving people of Kingston, to hear that there will be a series of or- gan recitals in St. James' church, from four to five every Satnrdav ternoon during Lent. The best local talent will contribute Oysters fresh daily, "The Red Star." Edwards & Jenkin, | made to nearly all the vessels laid up | at Kingston for the winter. Some are and oyster supper, to be held in the | Foresters' hall, Waupoos, next Mon- | day night. Mrs. Thomas Bongard jand danghter spent a few days in | Greenbush last week. Mr. and Mrs. W. J. McCormack were guests at R. Harrison's on Thursday. Miss B. Harrison has been the guest of Miss | " TOM THUMB DEAD. Ce MN -------- * | ¥ London, Feb. 9.--The ¥ * Miss | { headache, bearing down feelings, give | has her sister. i is! ok | by mail at 25c. abox from The Dr. | Wi'l'ams' Medicine Co., Brockville, { Ont. To Undergo Repairs. There are repairs of some sort to be now under way, but work on som of the others will be commenced in the next few weeks. The steambarge Navajo will have her boilefs overhauled, and general re- pairs will. be made to the schooners should be without it. and as a eeneral has no equal. St. John N.B., Dyspepsia Cure, DR. SCOTT'S WHITE LINIMENY Is the best for ali' pains. No family It cures Frost bites, Sprains, Burns, Swellings, &c. household remedy it Large bottles, 25c. DR. SCOTT'S White Liniment Co., -- Lta. Proprietors of Herners For Sale - at J. B. McLeud's Drug Store. BARGAINS 1) FURS We want to clear out all manufactured goods. Call and See the Bargains RP W. F. GOURDIER EXCLUSIVE FURRIER 78-80 Brock St. Phone 700 Candelabras In Bright or French Gray Silver and New Brushed Brass effects, with Exquisite Silk shades, . in effects or with Pierced Covers to match en- ly Tinted loose Metal tire piece Any. special style or. color shades may be ordered and are sold separately. SMITH BROS. Jewelers and Opticians 350 King Street Issuers of Marriage $53 LOOK LIKE 30c. The Profits Paid By Some Companies. When Compared With The Royal Insurance Co'y OF ENGLAND. $100,000,000 Business In Force . 41,000,000 Life Funds . . Profits Paid ... 14,170,000 Profits, 1905 3,226,000 Expenses To Income 81 per cent. We Invite Your Investigation. W J. B. White, Agent. Kingstcn To-Night Acacia, Suffel and Metzner. George Hammond, the well-known at a progressive euchre party singer, is now engaged in building a pleasure yacht Big Demand For Papers. Local newsdealers report a large de mand' for New York papers since the now famous Thaw murder case has been before the public. WOMANLY TROUBLES Should Not Be Allowed to Under- Mine Health. It is impossible to go into details { on this subject but the experience of {many a poor woinan who is crippled | for hie, just because she didn't use a {good remedy in time, should be a warning to others. When the first stages of womanhood | appear in a young girl, a great k depends in getting her over this eriti- {eal stage, so that in years to come she will not develop green sickness: or consumption. When she complains of flushed face, | her a course of Ferrozone which will carry her past the crisis. In the adult woman if any i: regu- larities occur, Ferrozone will be found a remedy of remarkable potency and power. | Ferrozone is the ideal regulator | causes all organs of the hody to | form their work properly. It purifies the blood, tones up nerves and vital energies. The sto- mach is strengthened, and digestive j and assimilative processes are im- proved by the good work of Ferro- {zone. It regulates the bowels, cures { constipation and piles, and replaces {disease and decay by health and i strength. | There is nothing better for the com- { plexion than Ferrozone. It removes and per- { i deal 'the | | i 1 {the dark circles from under the eyes, | | removes and cures all manner of skin eruptions, gives brightness and bril { iancy to the eyes, a rosy tint to the { cheeks, whitens the teeth {velops a well rounded, | handsome form. ; Ferromone is the ladies' favorite, and should find a place in every | household. 1t is prepared in the form of, a chocolate-coated tablet, ocon- | venient and pleasant to take. Price { per box, 30¢,, or three boxes for $1.25. plump and Surgical instrumenes at Chown's, | Sold by all druggists. « «© i and de- | Come in and see the elegant showing of Hosiery Ribbons Corsets and Underwear That we have at present ------ Whitewear Whitewear Every conceivable style can be seen here and all new this spring. MONDAY We will have some, extra values for you'in White Cottons, Cam- bries, Embroideries, Laces and Fancy Dress Muslins. : Visit this store often as we are daily receiving New Goods. ENN & SAW RESTORED Doctors say : "« Almost | Bladder Troubles Bef WARNER'S 3S THE ONLY ABSOLUTE CURE 1} A TRIAL BOTTLE WILL EVERY FASE. . READ] When the kidneys are diseased the 3 mbago, Rheumatism of By St the Heart, Rheumati In Bright's Disease the. howels ar Warner's Safe Pills quickly relieve enced RNER'S SAFE CURE is put wists, or. direct at $1.00. A BOTTLI drugs which injure the systém TRIAL BOTTLE FRI re him, a trial bottle will be se pris who will write W ARNER'S SA Ont.. and mention having seen this renuineness of this offer is fully gus Jklet containing descriptions of many convincing testimonials free JE-- Don't Pile. Or Warm. Bette: SHR A breakfast of the Biscuit, served with hot milk or cream, will afford warmth and energy for a whole day's Jctive work. : Try the BISCUIT for All Grocers=13c. | "Baby' S Ow Soap --is made right with | right ingredients for perfect soap. It gives a rich creamy lat' beautifully foamy & fragr --it improves the complex --it cleanses and soot the skin ; --and protects it from b water, strong sun or wine "Baby's Own" is the best ¢ for every toilet purpose. Albert Soaps Ltd. Mirs., - N Beware of imitations and subst IN THE BU NIP IT First Appearance of Da Forerunner of Futur ness. That such is the case clusively proven by scientify Prof. Unna, the noted Eur specialist, declares that d the burrowed-up cuticle of caused by parasites desta vitality in the hair bulb. T comes lifeless and, in time, This can be prevented. Newhro's Herpicide kills ruff germ, and restores the natural ftness and abun Herpi is now used hy of people--all satisfied that most wonderful hair prep tha market today. Sold by leading druggist: p sample to Mich. Maho has in stamps for cide Co.. Detroit, 50c. and $1. G, agent. Ww. John Walton, the a eral. in a speech at Le that the House of Lords "ont of harmony with 1 moeratic institutions and od tommtors or corn, rds & Jenkin. Sir 5 inch all Silk also black and whit HOSE SUPPORI Hose Supporters 25¢. line, TO-NIGH? Ladies' Black C ed, 35¢c., for 25¢. pa WHITE UNDER! Corset Covers ai med, worth 35¢., fo SILK BELTS. Black and White THE JAM 510180