Daily British Whig (1850), 9 Feb 1907, p. 3

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i | { for you in White ~ DR. SCOTT'S WHITE LINIMENTY Is the best for ali' pains. No I y ul be ithout To I% Cafes © omily Frost bites, Sprains, Burns, Swellings, &c. id as a eeneral household re 8 no equal. Large bottles, Somedy i DR. SCOTT'S White Liniment Co, 1 . John N.B.. Propristors of Herners PT are. Herners For Sale - at tore. BARGAINS 1) FURS We want to clear out all manufactured goods. Call and See the Bargains --RP W. F. GOURDIER EXCLUSIVE FURRIER 8-80 Brock St. Phone 700 J. B. McLeod's Drug BS Candelabras In Bright or French Gray Silver and New Brushed Brass effects, with EXquisite ly Tinted Silk shades, . in loose effects or With Pierced Metal tire Covers to match en- piece Any. special! style shades 1 ordercd are sold separately. SMITH BROS. Jewelers and Opticians 350 King Street or. color ay be and Issuers of Marriage Licenses. LOOK LIKE 30c. The Profits Paid By Companies. When Compared With The Royal Insurance Co'y OF ENGLAND. Some Business In Force $100,000,000 Life Funds . . . 41,000,000 Profits Paid 14,170,000 Profits, 1905 3,226.000 Expenses To Income 81 per cent. We Invite Your Investigation. W J. B. White, Agent. Kingstcn To-Night Come in and see the elegant showing of Hosiery Ribbons Corsets and Underwear Sp ------ | | That we have at present | Whitewear ~ Whitewear Every conceivable style can be seen here and all new this spring. MONDAY We will have some, extra values Cottons, Cam- bries, Embroideries, Laces and } Fancy Dress Muslins. | Visit this store often as we are | daily receiving New Goods. Ap pen rin NEWMAN & SHAW RESTORED TC HEALTH Doctors say : "« Almost Every One Has: Kidney and Bladder Troubles Before Fifty Years of Age." WARNER'S SAFE CURE 1S THE ONLY ABSOLUTE CURE FOR ALL FORMS OF KIDNEY DIS. FASE. A TRIAL BOTTLE WILL BE SENT ABSOLUTELY FREE TO EVERY READER OF THE WHIG Mrs. J. D. Smith, Ottumwa, Towa, was so "budly run down' tb she was unable ta walk. She was ored to health by Warner's Safe Cure. She writes "1 wish to thank you for what Safe Cure has done for me. About six months ago I siw it advertised and be- gan taking it. was badly run down and unable to Ww . 1 was soon restor- ef to health. 1 know that nothing else could have done me as much good. Several friends, whose kidneys and liver were troubling them and who saw what Warner's Safe Cure did for me, are now using the Safe Cure with good results. I shall always be' glad to recommend it." --Mrs, J. D. Smith, Ottumwe, lowa, July 31st, 1906. Cures Kidoey Disea ney Disease. When the kidneys are diseased the uri¢ acid is not carried off and this causes Gout. Lumbago, Rheumatism of the Joints, Rheumatism of the Muscles, Rheumatism of the Heart, Rheumatism everywhere I fright's Disease the. bowels are often constipated Warner's Safe Pills quickly relieve this condition, and enced \RNER'S SAFE CURE is put up in two sizes and is mists, or direct $1.00 A BOTTLE. Refuse substitutes o drugs which injure the systém TRIAL BOYTLE FREE a trial bottle will be sent, NER'S SAFE CURE CO. Ont.. and mention hav 1 this liberal offer in genuineness of this off s fully guarantied. Our booklet containing descriptions of symptoms and many convincing testimonials free to every one. and the liver torpid ne ill after efiect is experi- sold by ntaining all drug- harmful To of that Suyvisee every sufferer from diseases the kidneys. liver, b rand blood will CURE pestoaid 1s WARNER'S SAF ABSOLUTELY FREE 44 Lombard St Kineston British Whig doctors will also send me treatment of each disease eure him, one who will write WAF and I SC Don't Pile. On Clothing to Keep Warm. Better Way: Breakfaston| SHREDDED A breakfast of the Biscuit, served with hot milk or cream, will -afford warmth and energy for a whole day's Jctive work. Try the BISCUIT for breakfast TRISCUIT is ooth- some for luncheon. Grocers=13¢c. a carton or 2 for 25¢. All Gold in the Bwilight 3 Several Kingston people. were a DAILY BRITISA WHIG, SATURDAY, Charcoal Wounderiul Absorbing Power of | FEBR UARY 9. Gas On Your Stomach Charcoal. When Taken in the CONDENSED ADVERTISING Form of Stuart's Char- a coal Losenges. ! RATES TO BUY } First insertion, 1c. a word. Fach con Ad Trial Package Sent Free. secutive insertion thereafter {¢. a BY MAY 1st, GOON HOUSE, FOR $2,000. dress Box 98, Whig office. OR SOONER, MEDIUM- DWELLINGS, OFFICES, STORES. ete., at MeCann's. 51 Broek street. OFFICE, MODERN IMPROVED, SUIT able for law, to the i unda: = . : - = - FeAl eState Of agency "She Wedding wm D 0 oy on i Charcoal, , simple charcoal, ab- xurd. imum charge. for, one: in sited house, centrally located. Apply Business. = Apply Geow Cliff Estate nesday, of Miss Jean Kirkhope Bert-4 gorbs 100 mes its own volume of a stating reat, to Box 668, care Whig Agent. : ram, daughter of Mr, and Mrs." H. gas. Where dovs the gas go'to? It office. -- . Bertram, "Glenholme," to Dr. Alex- | {Huet absorbed hy the charcont--the HELP WANTED--MALE BOISION TRIUMPH PHONOGRAPH ; ander Pirie, of €artago, Costa Rico, fis and there is def S---- " ENLARGING OUR SOLICITING largest in city. el 8. Terms sradunte of Queen's. Among them gas disappears e is loft a | DINING _ROOM GIRL AT ONCE. AP: force ; permanent positions open in moderate. Postal will Spring them, a, gratunle 4 Rs: £ re, fresh, sweet atmosphere, free ply Grand Union Hotel protected territory ; practical train. Thos. MeGiunes, ision street. pe Pr are 5 ©, pune], the om all impurities and germs ere. ing given, requires AUCALION ANA | ee Misses Shaw, Miss Pear rieve, Miss hat' : , GIRL TO ASSIST IN HOUSEWORK, hustie ; no snap. Work means money. | '0 RENT OR PURCHASE, MEDIUM id ot rh That's what happens in vour stom- | T IN HOUSEWOR Address Box 283, Hamilton, Unt. sived House, Wh about fifteen Lorraine Dalton, Miss Muriel Webster, ach wh take: one or two of Apply 120 Wellington street. you minutes walk odern, from Market Square. TERRIBLE CONDITION. Of the People in Russia Told. "Baby's Own" ap --is made right with the right ingredients for a perfect soap. It gives a rich creamy lather beautifully foamy & fragrant ; --it improves the complexion; --it cleanses and soothes the skin ; --and protects it from hard water, strong sun or wind. "Baby's Own" is the best soap for every toilet purpose. Albert Soaps Ltd. Mirs., - Montreal. Beware of imitations and substitutes. 407 ee ------ NIP IT IN THE BUD. PR. S LEVIN , . . Mrs. E. B. Wilcon, Union street, wel comed many friends at a tea on Thursday afternoon. Miss Katie Wil- receiving with her. The hour was which is tantamount an extremely her son, | a very short one, to saying that it was pleasant ome. Miss air and Miss Frances and Miss Car Wilson were about amone the guests, and the tea was in charge of Mrs. RW Miss May Ross and Miss An Their assistants were Miss Miss Janet Richmond. Miss Daisy Fervuscn Miss Mildred Wasmorine, Miss McArthur, Miss Sy- hil Hamilton and Miss i ee 8 | table Rayson, nie Fowler Katie Cotter, Mrs. G University orge Mills ave . | First Appearance of Dandruff a -- Forerunner of Future Bald- New York, Feb. 9.--Dr Shmaryohn | ness. Levin, member of the fir Russian G00: bh Is. he case has heen cone douma, is at presi (SWINE the Un | | y ) i the terrible clusively proven by scientific research. | 11 qd, States .taline of the t erie ton | ------ Prof. Unna, the noted European <kin | dition of hix countrymen ih ussin. | 5 els Are Constipated specialist, declares that dandruff is He has publicly denied tre allegation 2 the burrowed-up cuticle of the scalp that the time was not ripe for the Kidneys Are Unhealthy caused by parasites destroying the Jews to govern themselves by citing | Oonstant Headaches vitality in the hair bulb. The hair be thyt for the election. of the first dou Nothing makes you feel worse than comes lifeless and, in time, falls out.] MA, ninetv-saven per cent. of the votes | |, Ch or. Seems as if every organ in This can be prevented. cast by those entitled to vole Were |... 4,4y had gone wrong. Newhro's Herpicide kills this dand cast by Jews. What the liver needs is the etimuls ruff germ, and restores the hair to its - tion afforded by Dr. Hamilton's Pills; patural softness and abundancy. they wo right to work on a lazy fiver thousands Notes From McLean. sostore it in a few hours. Herpicide is now used hy of people--all satisfied that it is the McLean, Feb. 7. Service most wonderful hair preparation on here Sunday by Rev. Mr. (row, Arden. William Rawley is very tha market today. Sold by leading druggists. Send 10e. in stamps for sample to The Herpi- William Arney had a runaway Monntain Grove John Walton, the attorney-gen will be held Taken at night, your're well next of | morning; that's how Dr. Hamilton's ill act. - the other day, and his little son, Arthur, cot seriously hurt about the head. E. cide Co.. Detroit. Mich. Two sizes, | © 1 soc. and $1. G W. Mahood, special Vanvolkenburg is drawing logs from agent ike ' : Mclean to his mill at Wagarville a | Joseph MeRory is at Edward Brown's, Had Bad Taste And Headache. Thus writes Mrs. D. F. Fowler, from Yarmouth : "1 to frel drowsy and heavy, my color was sallow, and there was usually a bad taste in my mouth. 1 had vague pains all through limbs and sod an annoying heacache registered school conducting a three-yea Applicants must ha Send us your name and address to crade roe dav and we will at once send you hy graded cow one year Hieh every city and town in Canada. Correspondence solicited. . Traders Bank Building, Toronto. Cobalt Inyestments. LAW & COMPANY, da and ple package fron, Address, | Siioor mark of Tia emuiealert |For F. A. Stuart Co., 54 Stuart Building, intarmation address Mina x ranoes . id Wack, Superintendent, 7 ottage Marshall, Mich aT 7 | y gs : > BUSINESS OPPORTUNITES. nue, duplicated her pleasant little tea em ---------------------------- of last weck, cn Thursday. Herdgugh- | nic MONEY IN COEUR TD ALENE ter. Mrs. E. M. Ely, Willow City, | Stocks Largest producers of silver ta 3 ' { cad ore he Work pd {0 o D., was again the raison detrv, and | ook (Broker ~ giving full informa the assistants were Miss Frances and | tion Free. Fosselman-Longshore Co. Miss Laura Mifls, and Miss Alison | Spokane, Wash Black. There wees. gbott "thirty | esemm--" as EE °©N guests. a | patrick, and her very capable little - > . % v Miss Mildred Worm The pxecutive © mittee i the | assistant were 8 " A Shay hee SUI re | with and Miss Sida Nicolle. The quests of the dancing , element, who | rooms were .decofated with pink and pleaded for a dante © on Monday | White tarnations, yy - , » i~ht. § that evening po : TT a siete hg the club |) elightiul evening was spent, last 5 3 Monday, at the home of Mrs. William night." This will be. the Jast danee be fore Easter, and also the «lakt "dance ender thy auspices of the sont com- mittee. As the memboes ve made these hons everything that could be Cesired their proposed adtirement from executive functions is viewed with un feigned regret. Grimshaw, Wolie Island, when a party drove over from the games mode the pleasantly. Dainty at midnight. | of young people { city. Dancing and | evening pass very refreshments were served ies Sh Mrs. Oliver Chown, who intends giv- ing a of small teas, gave a pleasant little guartette table tea, on | series | | Thursday 'There were about twenty | » - Mrs. W. H. Sparlinz is entertaining at. tea, at [the parsonage, Colborne " . : { ests, who brought their needle stre-t, this afternoon four guests, » broug - . . work, and they were waited upon hy overal little girls, friends of the hos tess' daughter. * Mrs, Payee, Johnson Richard J street, will entertain at tea on Tues . day. ' oe . . - | There was a Badminton tournament | at the armouries, this afternoon, for Invitations have heen roceived for a | } | a prize put up by Mrs. Norman Stuart A HOSPITAL NEEDED . IN PICTON, AND THE PEOPLE ARE AGITATING. Picton Hockey Team Bows Down and Prince Money Deal. Picton, ton aro agitating for an hospital, "It most urgent needi hospital before a town hall," voiced a prominent citizen, It much is the town's that too have been divided county of the a "monster of winter In ---- has bee money commedl a the need of a new hospital. In a hockey match dance at the Royal Military College, . on Shrove Tuesday, | Leslie. » eT. - | . . . . Mrs. William Allen, Clergy street, | « The bridge players will, as usual, entertained at a small quariette table | pursue their favourite game, at the ten, on Friday, which was principally | armoaries, this afternoon, while the | Badminton people toy with the battle A Be d She, Stoney ira ---- my m for Mrs. Charles Martin, of Do: ches: : , eral. In a speech a oeds deciar . . iin as well, - \ i » eo) dore dA shy ecock. that the House of Lords was entirely Th: English and Scottish societies 'After one dose of Dr. Hamilton's IB ig Sud Mise Satuh veh, Sa gre andl shurtieso Earl street, re- "out of harmony with modern de- | of Ottawa will jointly obser the | Pills there was a sudden change. 1{ten received with her mother and Mrs | evived, as usual, on Thursday, and a moeratic institutions ond must go." 200th anniversary = ol the union of | felt better, my appetite increased, and | W, Newman and Miss Mabel Milo as. | great many friends dropped in to see Good tomatoes or corn, 3 tins for | Foglanc and Scotland on March 6th. | that exhaustion and depression gra- sisted with the retrodiumints The de- her, ond * congratulate her on the 250. Fdwards & Jenkin / One pound box of good chocolates, {dually left me, Life seemed brighter | corations wore pink and white carn | brightn ss of her daughter's wedding Advertise in the Whig. / 125c. Edwards & Jenkin. and happier after 1 used Dr. Hamil- | {ions i ning The usual procedure of the ton's Pills, so 1 strongly recommend ¥ . . - . { afternoon "oall" was varied and am- tS To=Night's Ribbon Sale § inch all Silk Taffeta RiBbons, in also black and white, regular price, 20¢c, HOSE SUPPORTERS: Hose Supporters, with satin Pad. Silk Elastic, 25¢. line, TO-NIGHT, 19c. pair. Ladies' Black Cashmere Hose, all Pure Wool, full fashion- ed, 35c., for 25¢. pair. WHITE UNDERWEAR- Corset Covers and Drawers, Lace and Embroidery, med, worth 35¢., for 25c. pair. SILK BELTS. Black and White Silk Belts, 35c., for 25¢c. each. every desirable shade yard, TO-NIGHT 13ec. all shades, trim- E JAN = :S JOHNSTON STORE such good medicine." Debility. "] was rin down," writes Albert E Dixon. of Fairhaben, P.O. I constantly suffered from rheuma tism. - "1 found it hard to sleep and fel worn out and tired all the time. Dr evor you think a purifying tonic wil = No Appetite--Bad Color--General "My eolor was dull and appetite was poar, and improve the tone of the kidneys, liver, Mrs. William Gill, University acenue, | pl'fied by the visitors being allowed a has asked a few of her friends to tea | sight of the pretty gifts, on Wednesday. | . . . . - - ; { We hare as proud as punch of ous Mrs. James Johnston, University av-| curlers of course. Miss Mabel Dalton has issued invitations for a tea [with her win from Mrs. Whitehead's on Tharsday. rink, and her own points' score, will . 8 pm { be receiving all sorts of congratula- Mrs. Frameis ~ Phillips, Tice | that on her return. When it i< known t street. has asked some of her little] that the best the men did in the way daughter's friends to a party to-night. | of seoring points in the big bonspiel Hamilton's Pills made an instant . eo. was thirty; Miss Dalton's score of change. 1 grew strong, my blood was . & 2 . 4 restored, rheumatism vanished. To Mrs. Samuel Pailey, University av- twenty-three is one to be elated over. day 1 am vigorous, cheery and | f0ue, gave a little party, last night, | - - . . Qhealthy in every respect." : for about a dozen girls, friends of | Mr. Charles Abbott is down fom SPECIAL NOTICE. ~The secret of Miss Ida Smith, her, nite. { Stratiord to spend the week end With \he wonderful success of Dr. Hamil : | bis mother, Mrs. Christopher Abbott, ton's Pills is due to their ability to Mre. W. J. Mahood, Queen street, | at the Bank of Montreal. entertained at tea, on Wednesdav, for | Mr. Ernest Strange is in town for stomach and bowels, thereby assuring | Miss Lena Wilson, who will leave, Sunday. : an ample supply of rich, nourishing { next week, for Medicine Hut, NWT. Miss Lucy Merrick, Bagot street, blood. which circulates its strengthen | Mrs. T. C. Wilson will follow later. | has returned from her visit in Brock ing influence to every part of the sys sie mine { ville. . : ¥ tem that requires assistance The three young matrons visiting in Miss Gertrude Connolly, of Yarker, Take Dr. Hamilton's Pills when | town, Mrs. 5. Ely. Mrs. George is 'the guest of Miss Bessie Smythe, you're well, when you're sick, when- McKinnon, and Mrs. €. P4 Johns, were West street. She came down for the il { the cause of the very tiul little sconce dance, do you good. Sold evervwhere in | tea given, yesterday, by Mrs. W. H. Miss Muriel Webster, of Rockwood vellow boxes, 25¢. ach, or five for $1. | Worni ith, Clergy steeot. Miss Hosvital, bax gone to Brockville, to Insist on having only Dr. Hamilton's Warmwit received with her mo vist Colon] and Mrs, Cole. ke and Butternut. In the temvoom wis Miss Nellie Kil last at th the local night, a aggregation from Bloom: field, by twelvg goals to mix. Picton's good lowers, nay's Whig, that Picton test the game, is far from likely. The | game was won by the bétter team and the officers of the Picton Hotkey Club desire to congratulate their victory, honestly w J. J sion of Miss friends J and, BO. Benson, Bank of Montreal, has returne Currie, NPP, the Barker and Miss Muriel Backer have gone to Montreal for a miont Sarah Van in Toronto. Some town visitors include : William Wilson, of Winnipeg, 'and Mrs Br: te in jupior OLA. The report which they th on, Royal Church has returned from the North-West, "a wiser and richer man." Recently he made the trip to Saskat- chewnn, but the eountry fell below his accountant legislature. Cleaf . Branscombe, of Amos H. Baker, was expended in the building of the county House of Refuges that the sum thus used should At the last session councillor characterized the House of Refuge as extravagance." Thi there have heen -woveral stances which prominently brought out Bankers would pro- | Belloville in Toronto for the ses- is visiting Unitarian: -- Religion And Culture. Said a minister in "Unitafianism is not a religion an, ins in human life. Certainly, culture of th¥-trugst and best n. said | this is not religion, it matters in m- Address Mr. Casson for free ture. Mine Jem Donatd, Miss 3» Sent, Mina Siaart's Charcoal Losenges, the most | ROY TO LEARN UPHOLSTERING. Address "articulars and terms, Box | A. McKenzic, the last ree being | powerful purifiers science has vet dis-| Also man to assist in packing furmnis | gut 2 htt abalalelniairiniel C.,"" Whi~ office, > Queen's girls, and Mr. Stuart Polson. | sovered. ture. Apply T. F. Harrison Lo. * EE, ae em 4 . . | memset teamed FOR SALE You belch gas in company. some | rk , PEOPLE ARE HONEST. . Colonel and Mrs. J. A. Fages will | times, by accident, great! V. Some |pyuEl BOYS, ABOUT 18 YEARS SE . | leave Tuesday, for Halif 3 | men, Bu astident, ray 0 AON) who want steady work, good XL | TLLIARD TABLE, CAROM, NEW cave, on Tuesday, for Halifax, and|gun humiliation. That is because | pay. APPLY Gould & Co,, King St, If you wish to recover some gq, 'York make: 9x0 feet cushion space. { goes to part with both of them will | there is a great amount of gas being | near Queen. lost article advertise for it ine Apply through Whig office. Kingston be. Colonel Fages has been | formed in your stomach by ferment- | ee e---- "The Forum" and you will + - given two months' leave of absence ing food. ¥ th is not digest. | TE DOLLARS PER HUNDRED : T : AMERICAN ENSYCLOPEDIA, NEW ing . Your stomae t digest be sretly sure to get it The peo-o Miss Bessie Moutray, of Amherst 1s |: i t - h pasting up small stickers. Se pretiy 0 g* . F sixteen volumes, at a discount, for i, =. AL tri 4 i ing your food properiy. Wms sane | stamped envelope, Zeck Company, ple are honest; you can trustg special reason. Apply through Whig land, is visiting friends ip town. evitable. Whenever this happens, just Sanboruville, NH. al tA > time! + office. | Me \ Alfred Fair have . Rp] 3 | ) them ninety-nine times out of a | Mr. anc Mrs, Alfred Fair have gone | take one or two of Stuart's Charcoal | mi hundred. The finder: will be glad | over to Rochester, N.Y. 1 i fter vat ad SMART BOY, 153 TO 18 YEARS OF . 3 y & 150 GASOLINE ENGINES, DIFFER Miss Cherie lewin Union street, is somenges right " a SLE: ar you | age, to learn the Clothing and Fur- to return the article if you lot & ent sizes, building at our factory in S$ : , $ » 35 will be pleased how quickly they will] nishing business. C. Livingston & him know to whom it belongs. oe Kingston, with or Without boats, at home from Ottawa. : : act. No more belchings; no more sour Co. Hrock street. On Wednesday a lady's white reasonable prices. Call and see them Mrs. Charles Stafford Kirkpatrick, risings. Eat all. you want and what | eee, S------------ rE Wa timed in the 1g. Davis Dry Dock Co. Williazn "street, went up to Toronto | you want and then if there is any gos | MACHINEST, WITH SOME KNOWL- on 8 tod yin : eis any gas | Tl lage "of holler making. Steady work. Whig as having been lost. On MONEY AND BUSINESS o-day. . going to be formed, one of these won- | The Steel Trough and Machive Co., Thursday it was retiened to the * Among those who went up to To- | derful little absorbers, a Stuart, Char | Ltd., Tweed, Ont : Yh» a - = canto, to-day, was Miss Rose Lazer, | conl Lovenge, will take care of all the | == Whig by Mr. Donaldson, 9 Pem- ob | OUR POLICIES COVER MORE ON po Ae A a ' ' Ie ue rg I o y Sp iF; yroke street, ge building and contents thén any other The Avonmore. Ace a TT Ld EED x AN Sprayer dT . On the same day an employee F company offers. Examine thew ot Miss Mona Knighy, Alice street, leit And it will do more than that. Ev-| Stmple Machine frea to appro of Tweddell's tailor shop A a Godwin » Insurance Bamporium, Mark- {for Toronto to-day. erv particle of impurity in your stom: | agemt. Cavers Bros., Galt, a y ¥ bBo et Square. | "Miss Macaulay and Miss Frances] sch and intestines is ing to be car | mmr mee pair of gold-rimmed spectacles. dy | ---- A | Macaulay, King street, are home from | ried away by the charcoal. No one | SPRING SUITS TO MAKE. GENTLE- An advertisement in the Whigs LIVERPOOL, LONDON : AXD ALL08E | Tor Ry oi i men, bring your own cloth and get & brought them back at onee, + jro Insurance Company, AY4 Ww {Torento. wo. Lowy soeans to know avhy it does this, but | cheap up-to-date euit made. Style, . ussots $61,.187.915. In addition to | it does, and does it wonderfully. You | price and Anish guaranteed. Pressing | J which the policyholders have for Mrs. Ex R. Rogers, Tor has i i d done well. Galloway security the unlimited lability of alt | rs. Pdwin R. Rogers, Toronto, hag | notice the difference in your appe- | The Roairing J rock treet. + | ------------ the stockhokiers. Farm and city oro- been the guest of Dr. and Mrs. Ryan, | tite, general good feeling, and in the | : LOST perty _ insured at lowest possible } ionk won Hous," for a few days. | purity of vour blood, right away. | MEN TO LEARN BARBER TRADE, . rates Before renewing OM ur tere She was: one of the guests at the You'll have no more bad taste in| in eight Weeks, juates earn . u w . 2 Strange, A~onts. asvium ball. your mouth or bad breath, either from | to $18 weekly. IB nches, through pt SMALL PRAYER BOOK: XN FRENT n err 8 Mrs. Edward Ryan, "Rockwood | drinking, eating ov smoking Other | Canada and Unt Catal ue. hs . hs MEDICAL. { House . is going up to Napanee, next people will notice your bad breath | Moler Barber "Eollege, Queen 0d | A CRESOBNT SCARF PIN J | eutte for a short hal awl, thereiore, quiches than you will Fours li. Make Spadina Toronto. with pearls City Hall, Friduy night. DR. MeCARTHY, OFFICE LATELY will not receive next uesday. your preat pure, iresh and sweet, so Pinder please return to this Office, oceuph by . Ryan, corner of | Miss Ethelwyn Loucks, Barrie street, when vou talk to others you won't | HELP WANTED--FEMALE NP nx OE re rr treal and Brock streets. wae expe ted home, to-day, from Mon | disgust them. Just one > two Stu Toon COMMON' SENS COOK | ooh COMMON' SENSE COOK FOR wold pin, with wishbone sot in pearls, | DR. I. WOOD, DR. J. TF. SPARKS, | treal. . art Charcoal Losenges will make your a hotel. Apply Box 472 Belleville in City Hall, oii Wednesday evening. Physicians a Corner } Mrs Edward McLean Ely will re- | breath sweet, and make vou feel bet Finder return to 78 Gore street. Wellington and William streets. | main in town some little time longge, | ter all over for it. You can eat oll | GOOD PLAIN COOK. APPLY TO MRS, ES PR TW | the state of the railroads in the hel the onions and odarous foods you Nickle, 130 Earl in the evening. HORBR . BLANKET, os JET WE ARCHITECTS. on account of snow storms, preciud- | want, and no one can tell the differ- | 7 | at Wison's Livery, Finder please re- ------------------ -------------- eben" eomptry eov t nie| AERE C C moo com | Nin EVE wrap Ae | Anon ms. ARRIRCRS® { hong psides, s the best laxative | Queen. at - si 3 { Mrs. G. F. Emery is expected up | known. You can take a whole boxful | LADY'S GOLD WATCH, MONO. : : : . , { RR ERENCES 2, y . GQ. W.,"* al v HENRY FP. SMITH ARCH | from Ottawa, next week, to visit her | and no harm will result, It is a won- | WOURFRIATE, REFERENCES REC | Ried KGW on hack, betwieh | Tote. Anchor Bufldine, Market , ; | mother, Mrs. Samuel Birch, Bagot] derfully easy regulator. ain A done . Union St. Reward for return to 113 y , B48. ; + 1 And then, t it filt z Wood | University Avenue. Allred street. Aan en, O00, Mlers your co dna-- - -- SLL» | Miss Beatrice Birch, Bagot street, | --every particle of poison or impurity | CIIEESEMAKER, FOR RAILTON i POWER & 80K Ae tore od | returned to town on Tucsday. in vour blood is destroyed, and you Cheese Factory No. wo Apiiy Me: PERSONALS. and Wellington streets. hones, 31%. | Mr. E. H. Pense is up from Ottawa begin to notice the difference in your Auley and Carey, Railton, . . ee -- --------------------------------------------. ¥ ale 8 ius Y De at | thing your clear complex: | X GoOp GENERAL SERVANT. [PROPS CARL & NOLIN rruTH. | Wi, NEWLANDS, JRC, {| Om Wednesday, Mrs, Octavius Yates ion. | small family and no washing Apply ful, reliable convincing Clairvoyanta store sqtuar re | (nterta ned at a bridge "party at' the Stuart's Charcoal Loz npee are made Mrs ¢. Lockett, 54 Wellington F hetall 3 ay ute or He streets. trance on Bagot street. | home of her daughter, Mrs. Richard | from pure willow charcoal, and just a| _ eset. oy Le and birt o \ St, Phone, 008 . | Hooper, Albert street, end it was | little 'honey is put in to make them | TENERAL SERVANT. NO WASHING ee ------------------------------------------ 18 | most en ov able. There were four tables | palatable, but not too sweet | or ironing. Ap petween 7 d B| CHARMING YOU NG LADY HAS $10 VETERINARY, lin play, the players being Mrs. Noel | They will work wonders in your] in the evening Mrs. ames (ild- 000.00 cash Rb also inherit pune EE RELL, Vi. HAN RE i "0 a BR A o od . bead' fine. 2 ersleeve 5 Gore street. mows wants 0 mest yo « ' . ' SLL. 8, o | Kent, Mrs. W. Bamphield, Mrs. A. H. stomach, and make you fea fine and | hep middle age man with view of mats moved to his brick block, on Clarence | Oliver, Mrs. Jumés Higgins, Mrs. J. |fresh. Your blood dnd breath will be | (ATTES TO DO PLAIN AND LIGHT ony, (io teiflers). Address Mise Street, just above the Post Offic, IM. Camplel, Mrs. John Macgillivray, purified. sewing at home. whole or spare time; Hart, Dept. B65, 54 Wabash, Chi- Calls a \loghane or telogra Mrs. W. J Meleod, Mrs, ( Lamberiain We want to prove all this te you, gual pay a work sent aby distance, cago promptly at 0 : as x i ; © i Irwin, Mrs. Eracst ¢\ nningham, Mrs, | so just send for a fred sample to-day. re 4, ind Roond 2" Manufacturing | = - som " = Arthur Ross. Miss Helin Fraser, Wiss | Then after" yau get it anus it, Vou Company, Montreal. 5 C. Hooper, Miss Edith Folger, Miss | wall like them so well" that vou will | -- ee Emily Sears nd iss Josephine | go to your druggist and get & We ED NURSES. rEv JAGAN. . ' : etd Rtitmr \ cies to be od! » { Brown. Miss Fraser and Mrs. Mcleol | box of these Stuart s Charcoal Loren ot De cr Iirses] of the Buffalo | won the price ges pathic oon 3 a high class A : b k t resent us in : Rinlteen years old live agent or broker to rep The Paragraph Pulpit REV OC. W. CASSON, OTTAWA Ottawa lately, ; its a culture," He evidently meant it to be a serious criticism, though proba: Worships ~~ Belleville-- | ply without really realizing what the Edward Men Make | criticism meant. Certainly, Unitarian. in a Western Laid |iem ris a culture. Jt is a culture of chaghoter, a development of the in : a 2 herent forces of the soul, a broadening Fob, 8.~The people of Pie: | and a bettering of the whole man, a cultivation and cherishing of the div- it is ort. I little. If religion, dobs not mean culture, it is not worth having. Any keen observ: er, however, can easily recognize the vital relationship between the two. litera- o Arcoa, 'Wood's Phosphodisa, team Engli femedy, kent {venues tho wh HErvous a, fla Blood in eins, am are | ous ity, Mess and Brain Worry, Thury , Berual Ho enknenty ve or Fr 3 a Ripe ora Powe roty Wi wlsorh on ink was is spending a couple of weeks York city. Mr. and Mrs. J. ronto, Buffalo tary on the wen Roun and Caudebec. who like Maurice Maeterlinek, D. native of Ghent. Mrs. h's visit, Eight separate petitions were 0 sented to the Ontario re. ing for a, repeal of the and Mr. | clanse in thé lacal option law. Lulu l1s- | Oranges, 3 dozen for 28c , 274 Princess manager & Jel ly left, yesterday, on a trip to and New York. and Mrs, A. H. Brewer are visiting in co, New pam; Medicine Toronto. Lreenses. Une willpl ir St WEE Co. Ond, of the Old Homestead conning factory, in New W. Ham- To Mr. expectations, it is understood, and | jn Toronto. They will later go to this week he returned to town, How- | Qorpeuse for a stay and visit Kings ever, it is said that while there he | on friends en route home. and another Prince Fdwarder, 0. = Dulmage, purchased a scetion of land, Maeterlinck Buys Abbey. which, after holding it less than a > : % i . Paris, Feb. 9.--Maurice Maeterlinck: day. they were able to sell and pocket : an increase of $1,200 the famous author, has bought Wand: ant in Fa | noe Abbey, the beautiful old monas- banks of the Seine, he- Chatham, N.B.. where he was ca As C0 owing to: the critical illness 8 hig | The building used to he the home of father, Dr. Benson. Mrs Morley Cur 400 monks, and oe to. Babi rie is visiting at her home in Toront Joa lias : yeatoted fu a ro during the stay of her husband, Dr Aurion Kath oy tha Abbe eh was a Je. mn : Fdwards

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