May not EXCEL, but certainly EQUALS the best. A genuine 01d Scotch Whisky. Try it. TO BE HAD OF Jas. MePARLAND Wholesale Wine Merchant, King 8t., Kingaton, "Magix ef" Atlast. Here'ss cake of od of soa Tha yeti HR toc, for Calevs~zse, for Black. Nurses' and <igafest regulator for baby. Prevents "¢olic and vomititig-- ful fest ~cures diarrhoea without the harmful effects of medicines containing opium injurious drugs. a2 that the "Alon Frolessional and Amateurs to Play Together-- The 0.H.A, Will Soon Have to Situation. een 2 A London, Ont., despatch sgys: The present drift of affairs in the hockey world, mad the attitude of the O.H.A, on the question of amatewrism is un- ly resulting in killing the gume in what would be good hockey towns if fairly dealt with, and has re- sulted in a movement in this eity to- wards the organization of a new asso- cigtion, which will accept the defini tion of an amateur as laid down by the more ewsive athletic bodies of ' which permits Shiatousa 0 y with or mst professionals bill affecting it standing as aumtours. This move has not been undertaken without due consideration, and considerable encouragement from Western Ontario enthusiasts, who see approaching result of the policy of the Ontario Hockey Associa- tion, which at the present time is ap- parently afraid to denl with the charges laid. against certain players. The OHA. knows full well that to place thesé men under the ban means the breaking up of the association, and the coming of an orgunization which openly izing professional isn, is able to deal" with it, and able to control the paid men playing in its cGovern taken A photograph of wh was in his prime and when he wus known as "Terrible Terry.' 'The otograrh hos been supplied to us by {8 wife who is now living in Nrooklyn with her two year old boy. We have been informed' by the physician in charge of the sanitarium at Stanford, Conn, where MeGovern is mow confined, that he will hever recover his sanity. The recent benefits in Philadelphia and New York on his behalf netted close on £10). 000 ds all hls old sporting friends volunteered their services and helped to make the benefits a success. ranks. It is expected to - organize Woodstock, Guelph, Brantford, Lon- don, Galt and possibly Berlin and St. Thomas at ove into a senior series, and from the encouragement received from varions cities, competition will be in full swing next winter, Duty Of The 0. H. A. The Toronto Mail and Fmpire has now joined the campaign against the shuffling poliey of the 0.H.A., and publishes the following : "The sooner the O.H.A. realfzes the bitter trath that professional hockey in Ontario has taken root deeply and inevadicably, the better for both hoe: key and the O.H.A. The 0.H.A. must, and donbtless does, recogmize™the ser- iousnesy of the situation, and the fact that a procrastinating' policy will merely effect a temporary putting off of the evil dav. Professionalism some- times thickly, sometimes thinly veiled ~has for years abounded in the O.H. A., though in the majority of cases positive proof was, and is still, a minus quantity. Many clubs, too, it in true, were; and are, innocent as re- gards the paying of players. Still the taint of professionalism is there, and cannot be entirely washed away with- out entirely annihilating the associa tion. Knowingly allowing the taint to remain, and claiming to be adher- ing to amateur principles at one and the same time, would be a combina- tion which, if adopted, would leave the OHA, open to the broadest ridi- eule. It must be one thing or the oth- er. Either the OHA. must violate its principles and take over control of professional hockey as well at ama- teur, by dividing pros. and Simon Pures into separate series, under one amd the same governing body, or sub- mit itsell to relegation to the position of a minor and impotent orgaviza- tion. Which course will the O.H.A. pursue Hockey Notes. Hawkesbury landed in first place in tie L.OH.A. saries by defeating Vank- leek Hill in a leagae game, by a score of 7 to 6. Tonight's Bastern are Ottawa at at Montreal, bo League games obec, and Wanderer of which are likely Lr Er rd r-- ---- Prevent A Cold Ri a ay of Mathieu's Syrup. Take a doses whenever ; shivery, run down or ,out of sorts. It {is the best thing to take at any s of a cold: It is a gE NINATHIEVS SYRUP of Tar avd Cod Liver Oil I Shiaaiere, 33, large bottle, prooke. PQ. or Sale ut all y a druggists and (Kenora Sh car Re on Mpie nq {5 ico. © Niptasing Ext: Temishaming Cobol # Red-Rocn i ; Ranger <$ Iso Maina Co. COLEMAN JACKPOT ] Le Montreal! Bynclicote Co §, Bt Louis LORRAINE Oras Silver Mines Cv SILVER BIRD is su-rounded by the greatest producing mines in the Cob:lt District. SILVER BIRD is absolutely inside property, consisting of twenty acres (patented), being the west half of the north-east quarter of the north half of Lot 8, concession 6, Coleman. $ILVER BIRD is a mine in full operation, with two 25 h.p. boilers, steam hoist, steam drills and all machinery and buildings necessary to complete an operating mine. 3 SILVER BIRD is working two saifte and is in full operation both day and night, sinking upon three vains and in the same for- mations identical y as in the O'Brien, Timmins and Right of Way iuines and lying immediately between these mines and the Green-Meehan, Red Rock, Cobalt Contact and Nipissing Extension. The veins are broadening out and are increasing in values, with depth now 40 ft. in shaft. LAW & COMPANY, Fiscal Agents, 523, 524, 526 and 527 Traders Bank Building, Toronto, Canada. Applications This map can be relied upon for accuracy as to location of the mines indicated. It is drawn from and upon the same scale as the official maps. The shaft-houses indicate the correct locations of the working of the mines. Silver Bird may be seen in the centre of the map. SILVER BIRD bas no indebtedness; there are no incumbrances against the propery or stock of the company. The eapitalization of The Silver Bird Cobalt Mines, Limited, is but §1,500,000.00, par value of the shares $1.00 each, with 500,000 shares in the treasury, of which 200,000 shares are now offered to the pablic for subscription at 15 cents per share. Considering tho inside location of the property, development done, results obtained, low: capitalization and the large amount of shares in the treasury, this is unquestionably one of the best bargains (if not the greatest bargain) that has been offered in Cobalt mining shares. We predict this first allotment will be largely ove-subscribed and we urge that early application be made. To guard against over-issue and to guarantee to investors the genuineness of the certificates when issued--also the prompt and safe delivery of same--arrangements have been mude with The Trusts and Guarantee Company, Limited, 14 King street west, Toronto, to act as Trustees, Transfer Agents and Registrars. Orders may be telephoned or telegraphed dircct to Law & Co., Traders' Bank Building, a' the expense of Law & Co. and remittances, however, should follow by mail direct'to The Trusts and Guarantee Company, Limited, 13 King street west, Toronto. L Soliciters « « The Trusts end Guarantee Trust T Fe THE SILVER BIRD COBALT MINES, President - J. F. LENNOX Sec.«-Treas., W. A. ABENDROTH HN LENNOX & LENNOX, Toronto and Cobalt. IMITED, Authorized Capital, $1,500,000.00. Company, Limited, Torente, Ont., Agents and Regi APPLICATION (Cut out and forward.) To The Trusts & Guarantee Company, Limite1, 14 King street west, Toronto, Ont. I herewith apply for................ shares of The Silver Bird Cobalt Mines, Limited. You will find herewith in full payment therefor. Issue to serve as useful work-outs for Ot- tawa and Wanderer, The Winnipeg Tribune says: The members of the Kenora team, who have just returned from the east, pick the Ottawas to win the championship of. the Eastern lcague this winter, though the Wanderers have the ad- vantage of one game over them at the present time. Bellefeuille, who was discharged by before "Tom?!" Phillips' team started after the Stanley cup, and 'then was announced as having made a place on the Houghton team, has been turned loose' again. He is now trying for a job with" Calumet, and may taken on for a game or two, as Calumet is short-handed. The O.H.A. executive has practical ly concluded the investigation of the charges made by Mr, Irvine, of Guelph. The cases of Tyner, of the Marlboros, and McGionis, of Berlin, are still pending. All the other clubs and in- dividuals are exonerated. A. S. Par kin, manager of the Lindsay Club, was expelled for playing Oulette, of Fenclon Falls, under an assumed name last year. ~~ General Sport. That the Japanese and Chinese stu- dents in the mission schools indulge in all kinds of athletics and that some of their records would compare favor. ably with those of the American col leges, were some of the interesting re- marks made by Prof. G. B. Palmer, At Charlottetown, P.EL, in the maritime skating chunpionships, Bart. W. Duffy, St. Johm, won the quarter, half and one mile, defeating A. W, Gaudet, who later won the three-mile in 935 minutes, beati the mari- time record of '10.39. Dufiy did one mile in 3.03 3-5, beating the maritime record of 3.05, The event of chief interest in the second day of the Winnipeg bonspick was the international competition fer a beautiful trophy = presented by the Walker Theatre, four rinks a side com- peting. Jt was played on Granite ice, and was won by the Canadians, who defeated Duluth and St. Paul's, by a score of 42 to 29, 3 of the St.John's University, Shang- hai, Chita, to some Cornell students. In speaking of the athletics of St. John's, the professor said that there was an inter-collegiate athletic asso- ciation in existonee there, and that track, baseball and association foet- ball games had been orginized. The track teams are rim on the same prin- ciple as in America. The 100 yards race has been run in ten and a half seconds, the half mile in two minutes ten seconds. The record for the broad jump was twenty-one feet. Rheumatism Always Yields. Any disease must yield when we can find and remove the cause. The cause of rheumatism is uric acid in the blood. If this poison is remov- ed it is impossible for any symptoms of the disvase to wemain, Dr. Hall's Rheumatic Cure always neutralizes and expels this acid. It does even more, for it enriches the blood and restores the normal activ- ity of all the vital organs. It leaves the system in better condi tion than it: wus before the rheuma tism . A positive cure also for sciatica. Ten days' treatment, pric 50c., at Wade's Drug Store. Nuns Die Of Influenza. London, Feb. 9.- Four nuns haw died, during the present influenze epideniic, at the Convent of Notre Dame, at Blackburn. Sister Rose, the place, yesterday. +: ------ H. Cunningham, piano tuner, from Chickering's, Ord { Ep TAT Bay Beecham's Pills at Gibson's Red Cross drug - store, Ri | The funeral of last victim, took Write Rio De Janeiro Tramway L. & P. Co. Baillie, Wood & Croft 42 King Street West, Toronto m---------- L0400000000000000008000 Reessessesessesstesss 20 PER GENT, DISCOUNT SALE { Just issued for the first time con taining ORGANIZATION FRANCHISES EARNINGS, Etc., Etc. for our Circular on information in regard to During the month of February we will offer for sale our entire stock of Enamel Ware which consists of the best Canadian and Ger- man and Austrian manufacture. AT 20% DISCOUN a Try our Brilliant Coal Oil and you would use no other... ELLIOTT BROS. 77 Princess Street BBE SYNOPSIS OF CANADIAN NGRTH- HOMESTEAD REGULATIO Auy even numbered section of I fon in Manitoba or the Wesy Province, excepting 8 and hom 2 pers head of a family, © over 18 years of age, to the ext one-quarter section, of 160 acres, wr less, Application for homestead entry spection must be wade in person applicant at the office of the local 2 b! Supa; t. id ication for entry or ins made personally at Sub-agent may be wired to the Yoel Agent Sub-sigeut, at the eXpense of +t plicant, ana it the und applied Futelit n setuy bh ui be. tw legrar application is to have priority a land will be held until the pupers to complete the transact received by mail. fe In case of "personation'" the su be swnmarily cancelled and th cant will forfelt ail priority of c An applicant for inspection © sligible for homestead entry, ap application for inspection £4 "eceiy from an iMtiyidual unt application has been isposed of A homesteader whose entry is standing and not Lables to canc may, subject to approval of Lep retinguish it in favour of father, son, ughter, brother or eligible, but to no one else, on claration of abandonment. here an entry is summarily or voluntarily abandened. subse institution of cancellation pro the applicant for inspection wil tisled "to prior right ol entry. Applicants for ingpection oust whut particulars the houiestead default, and subsequentry t mont {8 found to Le incorrect | fal particulars, the apniicant any prior right of re-eoiry sh land become vacant, or if entry granted it may he summarily Dutfes.--A settler is reuuirec form the conditions under om following plans i-- (1) At least six months' resi wn dnd cultivation of the land year during the term of three (2) If the father (or mothe father is deceased) of a ho resides upon a farm im tne vich land entered for bv such ho the requirement "as to residence satistied by such person resding father or mother, (8) If the settler has his residence upon farming land nim in the vicinity of his } the requirement may be 8a residence upon such land. Before making application the settler must give six mon! in writing to the Commiesion minion Lands at Ottawa, of tion to do so. SYNOPSIS OF CANADIAD WEST MINING REGULAS Coal.--Coal lands may be Dt $10 per acre for soft coal a anthracite. Not more than acquired by one ind company. Royalty at the r cents per ton of 2,000 pound collected on the gross output Quarts.--A free miner's ce granted upcn payment in adv )er annum for an individual, $50 to $100 per annum for accosding to capital. A free miner, having discov al in place, may locate a cl 1,500 . The fee for recording a claiv At least $100 must be exper claim each year or paid to recorder in lieu thereof. Whe been expended or paid, the I upon having a survey made, complying with other requir chase the land at $1 per ac The patent provides for th a royalty of 24 per cent on t Placer mining claims genes feet sguare entry $5, yearly. A free miner may obtain & dredg@® for gold five miles term of twenty years, renew discretion of the Minister of The lessce shall have a di ation within one season. fro of the lease for each five w $10 per annum for each I Jeased: Royalty at the ra cent ebllected on the output ceeds $10,000: : Ww. W. ty of the Minister of N.B.--Unauthorized publics sdvertisemert will not be 50 SEALED TENDERS A > --- to the undersigned, and en der for Public Building, Ont." will he received at t til Monday, February 2! clusively, for the constructic Building, Owen Sound, Ont Plans and specification cal forms of tender obtuined at ment and at the office Forster and Clark, Archi Sound, Ont. Persons tendering are not ders will not te considen with their actual signatu ach tender must be a accepted cheque on a payable to the order ourable the Minster of equal to ten per cent (10 amount of the tender. whic feited if the party tender enter into a contract whe to do so, 'or if he fail to werk contracted for. If the accepted the cheque will be The Department does not accept the lowest or any t By order FRED. G] Department of Public Work Ottawa. January Newspapers will not be advertisement if they inst authority from the Depart: THE FRONTE! LOAN & INVESTMENT ESTABLISRED President--Sir Richard Money loaned on City a porties. Municipal and | tures. Mortgages purcha received and interest allow 8. C McGill. Managi Office, 87 Clarence stre . Th EAL ES 7 OR INSURA! J It you want to City Property, see G at 95 Clarence str Post Office. New England * Restaurant 28 Open from 10.30 a.m ba in the city. Me Engl 'Pho The -~ rtest tice. notice. Diates' a spegially. OPERA HOUSE