inch longer waisted and ed if their Corsets were de to. produce the desired * for the first week or so t was new, but up to the ar--only the right Corset -H MODEL SET , 1.75, 1.50, 2.50, pes of figures, all wanted te, ton's Corsets makes, at 1.00, 1.25, 1.50. A. Corsets 50c., 75e., 1.00, 1,25, . , Corset Waists 9€. 398. 25C. Corset Waists tisi Corsets . sizes, for stout people. ing Corsets In all sizes. le Corsets ht and very comfortable, -- nething dypecial for nesday ! secured something that will ngston woman and will have or nesday. ouncement To-morrow Night. ( ftrd "EMPRESS SHOES FOR LADIES NONE BETTER. FEW AS GOOD New Spring Stock of cithese Famous Shoes. just.arrived. Prices: $2.75 to $5 T SHOE STORE . J : er YEAR 74. NO. 36. msn FEBRUARY SAL OF FURNITURE ROE Still making improvements, refit- ting, another addition to our now large warerooms. Look Out for the Bargains China Cabinet, regular price, $16 for x ge . $12, China or Buffetts, and combined for... Polish Oak Extension lar price, ¥18, fo Dresser and Washstand, Polished Oak, from $18 to $50 cach. A few extra Special Prices Bedroom Setts, 3-pieces. THIS SALE IS GEN ROBT. J. REID 230 Princess street. The Leading Undertaker Phone 577 Ambulance I PPPVR EEE L ce, $20, $16.50. China Cabinets . regular price, $40, - £32.50 Table, regu- r $15. Cabinets, regular pri on . COAL! The sudden changes in weather ought to suggest the wisdom of putting in some good Coal. We sell good Coal. It's the kind that sends out the most heat, and makes the home comfortable ; it's best money can buy, and ere is none better mined. We deliver it to you clean and without slate, at the very bottom prices, : BOOTH & CO., | Phone 133. Foot of West St NEWS FOR THE CITY OF KINGSTON There is a New Shoe Repairing Shop started at. 291 Princess St., near cor- ner of Cle St. By takiog your boots, shoes and rubbers there you will save 25c. on the dollar on the price and on the wear. If Vou cut this advertisement out of the paper and bring it with the shoes, it will save you 20c. on the dollar. 'JOHN GREEN.-291 Princess St. MELAGAMA Will be demonstrated store for one full week, February 9th to 16th Come in and have a cup. Jas. Redden & Co. Hockey Match SENIOR I1.C. H. U. McGILL vs. QUEEN'S ' FRIDAY, FEB. 15th. Game called at 8 p.m. Admission, 25c. Reserved Seats, and 50c. Plan opens on Feb. 14th, sale of seats at Rink Office. 15 Horses For Sale This Week. in our 25¢. for Al pose ers classes consisting of General Pur- Delivery, Privers, and Cheap Work- Horses gold on six months credit by giving approved note, with interest. All horses sold with a warranty are return- able any time before 12 o'clock noon, of the day follgwing date of sale if not as represented ,/ For further particulars, apply at / 112 CLARENCE STREET Or 42 PRINCESS STREET Wa. Murray, Auctioneer 27 BROCK ST. New Carriages, Cutters, Hacuess ete., for sale. Sale of Horses Every Saturday °® ENQUIRIES $ Are coming in for residential property to 'purchase and = prior to May next. Let me aid you to dispese of yours 'vo good advantige, a 'Q Real! Estate an SWIFT S Insurance Agency 00 TAKE NOTICE Between Season's we soll Goods very small profits. That is what like. Try us Tor the fun. TURK'S SECOND-HAND STORE 398 Princess Stroat. on You House, 8.15 p.m. Meeting, 11 a.m. Bethel church, 2.830 p.m., Wednesday. coming next 1809 ; 4 Duke of Zaragosa. a grandee of Spain DAILY MEMORANDA. Board of 'Trade, Marks' 8 p.m, Company, at Grand Opera K. & P. Railway Shareholder's Anhual Wednesday. AHiance Convention Christian opens, This Great Frnest Thomson-Seton is Monday under the auspices of the Y.W.C.A., Opera House. This day in history :--Darwin horn, Abraham Lincoln born, 1809 ; Lady Jane Grey beheaded, 1555. WHIG TELEPHONES. Business Office: 229--Editoral Rooms. 292--Johhin~ Department. Neat, Tasty Programmes Printed. Goblets Goblet A SNAP! We have about 25 dozen very nice Goblets, all finish- ed, but a little off color, regular price 85c. a dozen, Yours while they last for 30c. a Dozen Robertson Bros. 7 FomJrapper Weare | MCKAY URS REGISTERED McKay Fur Coats Raccoon, Beaver and Fur-Lined Beat the World in Value, Comfort and Quality. LOOK THEM OVER JohnMcKay! FUR HOUSE 149-163 BROCK BST. A CHRISTIAN ALLIANCE CONVENTION Will be held at Bethel Church on Wednesday, Thursday and Friday Of this week Meetings begin cach day at 2.80 and 30 p.m. Rev. Dr. Wilson New York, . Jno. Salmon, " and Rev. Mr. Leishman and Miss from the Congo will be the Chief Speak s Collections will be taken in aid of the Alliance Work. EVERYBODY WELCOME Kingston & Cape Vincent Heated Cabs leave for Cape Vincent any time--lay or nieht Cabs leave to catch all trains Telephone 490 And they will CALL AT vour residence, Clar Street Hack Stand ce DRIVES LOCOMOTIVE. Grandee Leads Ordinary Life of Fellow-Workmen. San Sebastian, Feb. 12.--The young is to be seen twice a week driving the express from Madrid to the French frontier. Duke de Zaragosa used to do the same thing last summer, but the fact did not become known until the last fow days owing to a match an- nounced hetween the express and a mo- torcycle to be ridden by Senor Her rera. Duke of Zaragosa, on expressing his wish to be appointed. drived of one of the trains running from Madrid to Irun, naturally much astonished the members of the committee of the North Spanich railroad. most of whom are noblemen and personally acquaint- ed with the duke. The application was at first thought to be a hoax. but on the Duke of Zaragosa insisting, he was put through an examination, in whi h* he proved to be a very skilful driver. He dresses as a common driv- er and lives the same kind of life his working cownrades. with no gard to his title or his wealth. She Assails Her Father. Paris, Peb. 12. Princess' Louise of Peloium, the divéreed wifa of Prince Phillip of Ssxe€aburg-Gotha, in an letter, published in the Matin, hat ! as re of the h in which her father, has" nhandaied her, even al- © Council. (AST NIGHT'S WORK THE TAVERN LICENSE QUES- TION IS DISPOSED OF. The City Council Had the Matter Under Review--Opposition to the Reduction--~Wish of the People Carried Out to Some Extent. By a vote of 14 to 8 the city coun- cl, at its meeting last evening, de cided to ask the liquor license commis sioners to reduce the number of tav- «rn licenses from thirty-one to twenty- dght, and a by-law was passed to this efiget. There was a lengthy discussion upon the report ot the finance com- mittee recommending a reduction of three licenses, the objection being rais- ed that the city eould mot afford finan- cially to do s6. However, the vote of the people a month ago in favor of reduction was before the council and it could not be ignored. Finance com- mittee representatives said 'they had hadn't oem ole argument advanced in | considered the financial aspect of the favor of it. There « only twenty- | * matter most carefully, and were pre- | five per ce more voles given by the pared to support a reduction of three. People in favor of license reduction h Mayor Mowat intimated that per- scnally be was opposed to reducing the licenses, but as the people had voted for reduction he would carry out their wishes. When Alds. Givens and Rigney moved the finance report be adopted, Ross moved in amendment, ccnded by Ald: Gaskia, that the license reduction recommendations be referred back to the committee. Ald, Ross said that while the people had spoken upon the matter he felt that there were several points that de served special mention. Several things bad occurred since the vote that were not then taken into consideration. There was, first, the breakwater dam- age to repair, and that would cost much money. Further, it had been preached by the Citizens' League that the city could increase the license fee, but this wag not found to be so. Then it was unfair to cut off license holders with only we six months notice, At least a year's time should be giv- en. Ald. Ross took the stand that the city could not afford to lose $750 by license reduction. Financial Demands. Ald. Carson said that while the peo ple voted for a reduction things had cropped up that ncithcr the aldermen nor the people wnew of before. He quoted the extra demand upon the city's revenue this year, viz., the recomstruction of the breakwater, the appointment of a market clerk, the completion of the O'Kill street sewer, the attention to Queen street sewer, the increases of salaries, the increase of funds necessgry for school purposes. Ald. Carson said he was agreed that the mating should go back to the finance committee. He did not think that the cutting off of some licenses would decregse the drink- ing. If it would he would favor re- duction, but as an instance that it wouldn't he pointed out that the cul ting off of a license uptown recently only resulted in other hotels having to engage extra help. Ald. Gaskin claimed that a commit. tee should not bring'in such a report unless all the aldermen knew of it be- forehand and had time to consider it, He opposed license reduction on finan cial grounds. The streets needed re pairing badly, and as chairman of the board of works, he didn't want to be certain since a stool-pigeon, with no money to put the streets in repair. He must have money for the streets. Ald. Gaskin claimed that it would cost $3,000 more to lay the O'Kill street sewer exten- sion. Then there was $3600 to be spent by the city solicitor for consolidating the by-laws, and another $600 for printing them. Other sums to be paid wete enumerated by the speaker, and hence the city could not affosd to lose any money through recucing the liquor license, - The rate of taxation would have to be raised two mills, the speak er declared, dise where is the money going to come from? he asked. If the temperance people wantec the li- ecenses reduced let them come forward and put their hands in their pockets and pay the loss in revenue ? That was his idea. Ald. Gaskin said that Kingston and london had been com- pared by the Citizens' League in re gard to the number of licenses in each place. Kingston had more, but he pointed out that Kingston was a ma rine city, with hundreds of sailors and alg a military station. Hénece it re- quired more licenses than a place like Lo#don. People Must Be Obeyed. Ald. Angrove said that it seemed strange that Alds. Gaskin, Carson and Ress did not have an eve to the city's financial condition before this. Why didn't they look into the question be fore ? The speaker had his own pri vate opinion as to leense m but the people had spoken upon the matter, gnd so far as he was concern ed he 'was going to fulfil the duty that the people had sent him to the counail to do. He claimed that the finanéial excuses offered were very pal- try. The finance committee was com- t to judge of the matter, ond hen why vefer the eten Fad looked into it carefully and guen their cecision. TI ONTARIO, TU (UT OFF THREE The Action OF The City all concerned. The down this opportunity. ed were not known to the finance com- ment as Ald. Ross moved, when there council surely couldn't tum down the ¢ g Said that there was rot one of the arguments advanesd hy Alds. wo Larson and Gaskin, but what was counsiderec. by the ine ance . Notwithstanding all these argaments ond facts the lance committee Was confronted with the in- structions from the people that there must be 'a reduction in the number of licenses. THe question to be got back to is this? e you going to carry out thy wishes of the people? 'Ihe council must do what is fair to ali parties and act in the public interests, The finance committee's recommenda: tion was g very reasonable red iction To refer it back to the finance commit tee would be to gain nothing, as all the ground Bad been gone over. As ty, the fairacas of giving only six months notice Ald. } raig said that a man went into the liguor business knowing that he got ls only for a og and might be cut off thea. 5 tuted by the princi He was ac- 0' of fair play to . ouncil would Le doing a very unwise thing if it turned Council's Self-Respect. Ald. Chown pointed out that the amendment was peculiar. The mover, Ald. Ross, said that the citizens did not know ' eertain things. He could not say that these things he mention mittee, That committee strongest one of city council, and had pretty keen fore sight. Would it not be injustifiable for the council te Carry such an amend wasy the the | i k than there were against it, the figures being 1,963 for, and 1,521 against. The 1 sentiment of the people in favor of a reduction. The only thing for council to do to save its self respect was to vote for the report the finance committee, Ald. Elliott said that it would be more honorable and to the point ~if the mover and Seconder of the amend ment had moved to reduce the licens es by ten or hy five than to come out and say that there should be no re duction.The amendment they moved showed that they were hedging. There scemed to be g tendency to shirk the « I ¢ of question, and throw the onus the | quence of being unable to explain a The lion went quietly enough, but Wy Eth Ald. te de. | deficiency 'in his wecounts. A letter the lioness refused to move. Where clared. He said he was in duty bound | has now been received from a man in mM. Valeuda apiekly sioppe te to carry out the wishes of the people, | Canada, converted by, the Salvation { the and th, lioness, a and vote for u reduction. 'The Army, confessing he was : angry beakt sprang at him ® committee - hid "gone-inte 'the mmtter } and J tiom, eit Co Phim a violent blow wargsa th brensty thoroughly, hut had decided that they At the meeting of the Chorlton | which tore his coat to ribbons gn could afford, by careful finaneing, to reduee the licenses by three. To make such reduction would press the finance committee {0 the utmost, but there was mo oth r way of carrying out the wishes of the people than by making a reduction. In justice to the people, the finance committee had no other alter native but to recommend to council the reduction of the licenses by three Ald. McCann said the finance com mittee had taken into full considera tion the financial aspect, and what the reduction of licenses would be Last year there was an appropriation made off the hoard of works' surplus for the purchase of a road plant. He would move, if the reduction passed to reconsider and have th that appropriation vote, amount (8800 or $1,000) placed in the wral funds where it properly belonged. This would offset the loss in license reduction. Ald. Mc Cann said he could not vote acainst the recommendation © of the fimance committee, nian Recommendation Quite Fair. Ald. Givens held that the finance committee's recommendation was quite fair. The committee had congidered the question from all sides, and with the desire to keep the rate of taxa tion down to its present amount. The council had been asked to decrease the number of licenses by eleven That would practically mean throwing elev en vacant buildings on the city, and losing a large revenue in taxes. Re cently, the closing of an hotel had been the means of a revenue loss to the city because it had been vacant ever since. The chief point was that the people had voted for the reduction of the licenses. To the voice of th people the finance committee felt that they must pay attention. That was what weiched most strongly with the committec, A reduction had to be made. The committee went into the fisures, and arrived at the conclusion that they could not reduce the Ii censes by more than three if the rate of taxation was to remain as it is now, If the rate was to he increased, then there could be a further rede ton. Ald. Henderson said that the vote of the people was hardly fairly taken. The vote was a test of public apinion, but property owners could vote in every ward. For instance, he voted four times om the question. He held that six months was not long enough to give the licensé holders to get out of business. Twelve months was little enough. If that was given. then this year's finances would not be affected. Ald. Nickle said that he had been opposed to the matter going to the finance commitice. He was also obpos- ed to the way the finance committes took up the matter. However, he was naw convinced that to refer it back to the committee would be useless, The guiding of th neople should be the peaple's wish. The Mayor's Stand. Mayor Mowat said that, persosmally, he was opposed to the reduction of the licenses. If Re thought «that "fe duction would decrease drinking" be would vote for it, but the Citizens' League had failed to show that drink- jug would bo lessened. As to the FEBRUARY 12, 1907. LD LONDON The News Cabled From British polar expedition next E. ants of Capt. Scott, the leader of the Discovery Antarctic new expedition will embark at New Zealand, whither the ship- will return after landing machine was e Washington, King the Order of Merit upon Mr. Bryce, principle seemed to be this, that the vogue y obeyed. wa* not going to oppose That Point. 10 AUTOMOBILE TO THE SOUTH POLE ACROSS THE ICE, A Lively Discovery in Home of Count Witte--Order of Merit Conferred on Ambassador Bryce--The Deficiencies Are All Straightened Out--Emigration to Canada. London, Feb. 12-A new South will start, year. It will be commanded by H. Shackleton, one of the lieuten- expedition, The the expedition at the discovery's winter headgnarters, leav ng again in the following year to wing back the explorers. The most ro.el feature of the expedition is an automobile especially adapted for the ce surface, A special despatch, received here, rom St. Petersburg, says an infernal discovered, accidentally, ast night, in a chimney in the house yeeupied fv Count Witte, the former wemicr. The machine was tiwd to explode after the family had retired or the night. Ambassador James Bryce and Mrs. Bryce had a farewell audience of King Edward and Queen Alexandra, yester lay, when Mr. Bryce "kissed hands," the ceremony is termed, on his ap yointment. to the British embassy at Edward conferred sgo, a gentleman the Over a decade holding a responsible position. in north fleet, was discharged, in conse hoard of guardians it was stated that reports from Canada were so excellent that a majority of the board were more than over in favor of emigra- tion. The gaardians already have sent a number of children to Canada. The emigration boom is in full swingy #0 many people are making enquiries at the Canadian offices that it has bee found necessary to eonsiderably lengthen the counter accommodation DISASTROUS FIRE In the Wholesale Section of Montreal. Montreal, Feb. 12.--~An early morn: ing fire which broke out in the estab: 1 shient of Copeland, Swift & Co, wholesale in caps and furs, St. Paul street, caused damage to the extent of about $200,000. It was ab out three o'clock when a watchman was startld Ly the flames bursting, with the force of an explosion, through the windows of one of the top floors of the four-storey building. Ihe temperature was about fifteen degrees below zero and the fire bri- gade had 4 hard time of it on account of masses of ice whoch froze up every- thing on their apparatus, and which it will take hours to dig out, The building in which the fire originated was sutted entailing a loss of about dealers 2150.000 and the adjoining premises of J. 1. Waldman & Co., wholesale dealirs in ladiest-- cloaks, suffered to the extent of about $80,000 to stock from smoke and water. The rear of the destroyed building is in close proximity to the Albion Hotel, on McGifl street, and there was consider able excitement among the guests and employees, most of whom made hur ried preparations to evacuate upon the slightest indication that the fire would spread, This was not necessary, however, and the only inconvenience rose from the smoke which invaded the upper flats of the hotel. DEAD IN RUINS. Jamaica. Kingsion, Jamaica, 14th, of destroyed great shock January completely by back into their partially homes and the shock, last night, com pleted the destruction of these build ings and, at least, ten pertons dead in the ruins. of the Sault Ste. Marie canal, Th axitios in connection with affairs a the canal. they were in direct viola tion of Mr. Poyvd's orders without his knowledge. ; The government is to have an in vestigation into charges made in reo- gard to the traffic of liquor licenses in Toronto. Winnipeg city iq. aecept financial aspect, he couldn't allow re- {Contigued cp page 3.) not fo. ment's offer to instal a Another Hard Quake at Kingston, Feb, 12.-Many of the buildings shattered during the were another earthquake last night. Many persons had ventured to move their belongings wrecked are Kingston evidence is needed in the charges against Superintendent Boyd, charges are incompetence, discrimina- tion, allowing liquor drinking and Lindsay, are leaders in the Win other irregularities. The esidence is | bonspiel. The strong teams arp lead con radictory, but it is pretty well | ing and are meeting froqiently. voven . that if there were any irregul and done KNIGHTS INVESTED Berlin, Feb. 12.--The Berlin season can be said to have commenced in real earnest to-day with the investi ture of twelve new knights of the (rder of the Black Eagle at the Im- perial palace. Throughout the morni Unter den Linden has been crowded with ambassadors' coaches in mediae- val splendor. Court carviages and pri: vate equipages conveying princes of the blood, court functionaries, knights of the order, in their Velasquez cos tume. and the members of moble Ger man houses. It was the most splendid ceremony of the court season, The following thirteen knights re- ceived the accolade from the kaiser to-day : Prince Oscar of issia, Prince of Waldeck and Pyrment, Prince Albert of Holstein-Glucksburg, Prince Eulenberg, General Von Leszeynski. Herr Von Radowitz, Admiral Senden Bibran, Dr. Von Studt, Count Von Zedlitz, Cardinal Von Kopp, the Duke of Ratibor, Prince of Corvey and Gen eral Von Stulpnagel. Throughout the ceremony the emper- or preserved the dignified end stern countenance which almost all his por- traita present, but as soon as the knights of the order had deposited their long, flowing velvet mantles in the Black Eagle ante-chamber, he was 'ay rnd light-hearted, in congratulat ing the new knights on their freshly gained honors. A EXHIBITION OF PLUCK. A Lioness Attacks Her New Owner. Nice, Feb, 12.-Quite a dramatic in cident took place, this morning, al the Zoological Gardens, at Cimiez The wild animals had bem sold, yes terday, at auction, aud their pw chasers had ta remove them to-day. M. Valenda, tamer, manager of the Menagerie M © at Antibes, wae the purchaser of Goliath and Judith, the fon and lioness of the Legrang: collection. The door of a heavy wood: n cage (called a "sabot") was placed against the door of the Hon's cage, and the animals were invited to move into their new quarters--the invita tion being in the form of jabs with an iron pike. ie Pil yToronto, Geto Feb. 13200 8 ve ces and Nobles Re. | Vesteriv winds, yr - esday, fine wi little or ceive Famous Black Eagle. ature, . th Ae Sign of fashion, but ways wanted. made him bleed profusely. : Valenda stood his ground with 3 the groatest bravery, and, finally mas ARMURES, 80c. to $1.35. tering the beast, drove her into the "eibot.'"' The animals wore then we CREPOLINES, bOc. to $1. curely locked in, and the improvised TOILLE-DE-LAINES, 50c. te cage was transported to Antibes Fl $1. cart. M. Valenda was not severly : hurt, although his clothes were torn HENNRIETTAS, 80e. to into strips, e was covered with 2. $1.50. as blood, but was able to walk to a "And many others which Sor chemist's shop to have his wounds space 'wop't permit us tor i dressed mention, but we invite yom ¢ as fx fi MIR to call and see them. i BRAINS SCATTERED { : - : And Body ying ner the Fly S 3 Wheel. ' . 3 J 5 : g Gananoque, Ont, Feb. 12.-When Steacy S the employees of the Toronto Bolt 3% and Forging company's factory, here, went to work, this moming, Johe Booth, enginocer and oiler, was found dead, under the fly-wheel, with hi: brains scattered on the floor. It jis supposed Booth was hit on the head by the fly-wheel while oiling, He was thirty-five years al leaves a widow and two small children, Telephone Rites. Ottawa, Feb. 12.---An order-in-coun- cil has beon passed, aupointing G ¥ Shepley, K.C., Mr. Buell, barrister, of Brockwille, and Mr. Richardson, woe countant, of Toronto, to go over the rates, ote., of the telephone and ex press companies and report to the railway commission whether they are reasonable or excessive. i Forgotten Aches. Those who keep Smith's White Lini ment at hand and use it when requir ed, are not troubled with aches and pains. It stops rheumatism, lumbago, neuralgia, etc, in the start, Havel the remedy at hand and keep these ail- ments away. Large Dottles, 25¢,, al Wade's Drug Store. reconstructor, , makes strong Some poople do what a great remedy Hollister's Rocky Mountain Tea is. 35 cents. Ten or Tablets. Mahood's drag store. One man was killed wnd several oth- or persons were injured in a fire which started in a four-storey building on South Third street, Philadelphia, on Tuesday. 1 The fire control. "One customer bought eight bottles of Red Cross Blaud's Tron Tonie Pills on Seturday A tissue builder builds up waste I nerves and muscles. not realize to War. 4 re, 8 key th be- $ : oy or he had salen. she bp Washhgton, Feb. 12.--The Rev. Rural Dean Massey, late of | partment amnounces that at | Hamilton, died, on Tuesday, in the f¢hce held betwden Assistant Protestant hospital, Ottawa, aged | Bacon, and the Mexican ¢ e | seventy-two years. it was decided that Mexico You Dr. 8. B, Evans, in charge of the insne hospital, at Morris Plains, N.J., was the first witness called in Law trial this mening. : yi Yelvet" bath powder is Gibson's Red Cross drug Frosh there. t was soon undet at Gibson's Red Cross¥ McKenzie, Indian Head and Flavelle, CHILDS--MARTIN --Ia Kingvton, Feb. 110 1907 tev Laird, 198 Johnson St. Childs and Miss Gertrude M " 1907, Harvey 1 Funeral, _ Vo ay, Feb. 18th, ab: IAM Gi Watertown, Feb, 10th, 1807 5 a ate . I» » » Sidney Haw, god seventy-four yours Féneral from Mrs. Ryder, St., on Thursday, 2:80 p.m. THE LEADING South." "Fries 10-15-26 Seats now on Sale. | The Countyies Must Not ite 'with Salvador, Guatamala, in ntg tions to Hon Pn, to the effect that tries would expected difficulties wit it telart that the arbitral cently terminated at nt la 8 Might.) Conta hundreds of Women who are ; Wook TAFFETAS, 49. to | 1. : Alew, Ga Artin ---- LAKE. --At Sydenham, on Feb. Othe 814 Princess " ROBERT J. REID # UNDERTAKER © Phone 877, 227 Princes Si ALL THIS WEEK. .. MARKS BROS. BiG A Ne. ~20, ew Songs. p Electrical lost, and oving Pictures. i To-Night-- 'The Mountain Maid." Wednesday--"A Girl From Nothing Higher. MUST SETTLE DIFFICUL TIES. Leal * 3 y