IARI EPIPILI000000000s 2 BY' S "we T SUITS » want something Swagger in a | 3 4 its of Young Men who want every | o the last tick of the clock. are built to fit and satisfy. Tailor in everything but his price. 2, $15, $18 & $20 our service and, when you meet our o face, there will be something do. | CELIA EEE ed) ng Shirts are Beauties. s- Hats have arrived. ). Bibby Co. nd Men's Furnishings, Princess Street. 0 TT OK HS 3 SHA vf ind TUTTO Week .49 are selling a lot of broken h Laced Shoes, consisting r Calf and Patent Colt. rly sold at $3.50 and $4. 1 in Window : 'eek Only b /e SHOE STORE thy's HK oH 9 There are as MARY | kinds of GOAL OIL as there are of . p Some good. Se 2 better. Some best. Shite § satisfactory try "Our Best." . Birch, roubldtnor: expense to xperienice has taught us 69 and 71 BROCK STREET BLOCK TIN jar METALS * : : aR SHAHN HHS 3 N Wi Your Stomach' is the way people in China say "Good Morning." The greeting of almost every nation is an inquiry after.health. The Chinese have the root of the matter. A strong stom- ach is the foundation. Look after this organ and the general health cares for itself. Man is; so ti- tuted it cannot be otherisd] § is: the mission of BEEGHAM'S PILLS - to keep the stomach well, the liver active and the bowels regular. They dispel sickness and create health. Dyspepsia, Indigestion, ness or Constipation cannot exist when Beecham's Pills are used ac- cording to directions. For over 50 years they have cured disordered stomachs, and are now a world-fa- mous remedy. They merit your confidence. Sold Eve America. where in Canada and U. S, In boxes 25 cents. SYNOPSIS OF CANADIAN NORTH-WEST HOMESTEAD REGULATIONS, A even numbered section of Domia fon ds in Manitoba or the North West Province, excdpting 8 and 26, wot reserved, fay be homaesteaded by any person the sole head of a family, or mak pver 18 years age, extent of one-quarter section, of 160 acres, mor pr less. Application for homestead entry or in- spection mnust be made in person Db the wpplicant at the oflice of the local Agent pr Sub-agent. An epplication for entry or inspectior any Sub-agent's office the local Agent by the the ap rense applied for i» a OE Tae rrivciey adh. tie application to ve ority an land will be held ntsl the ok Boy papers to complete the transaction ar 1 1 personation" the entry wil be summarily cancelled end the applic cant will forfelt ail priority of claim. An applicant for inspection must be eligible for homestead entry, and only pne application for inspection Will be receiv from an individual until that application has been dispol ofy A homesteader whose entry is im good standing and not habe to cancellation may, subject to approval of Lepartment relinquish it in favour of father, mother son, daughter, brother or sister, if eligible, but to no one else, on filing de claration of an abandonment. entry is summarily cancelled pr voluntarily abandened, subsequent to institution of cancellation proceeding® the applicant for inspection will be en or en' Htled to. pH DO anh state ir | Rook vs other mines, has made it what particulars the homesteader is oF | one of the most popular issues that : delatlt, ad Ho anBSqUentIY tie sisle has been placed upon the market so fal particulars, the apniicant will los: | far. Those who are well posted upon any prior right of re-entry should the land become vacant, or if entry has granted it may be summarily canceled Duties.--A settler is required to per form the conditions mnder ome of the following ord Ld (1) At least six months' residence un on and cultivation of the land in esac' year during the term of three years. (2) If the father (or mother, father is deceased) of & homesteader resides upon a farm ia tne land entered for by such 8a ed by father or mother. (3) If the settler has his residence upon farming land owned by nim in the vicinity of his homestead, Te eo auiretn to Yond. iron Tonic Pills build health:by sup- Before making application for patent | plying the system with rich vital the settler must give six months' motice |; 0 Ly y in writing to the Commissioner of Do HOO, minion Lands at Ottawa, of his imten- They arc a great nerve strengthener tion to do so. SYNOPSIS OF CANADIAN NORTH WEST MINING REGULATIONS. Coal.--Coal lands may be purchased at and $30 for than 820 acres can be mcquired by one individual or Royalty at the rate of ww $10 per acre for soft coal anthracite. Not more company. cents per ton of 2,000 pounds sh collected on the gross output. Quartz.--A free miner's Sartifeats - \ rd can granted upcn payment in advance per annum for an indivigugl, and $50 to $100 per annum for according to capital. A free miner, having dt al im place, may 1,500 t. The fee for recording a claim fio $5. At least $100 must be expended on th claim each year or Daid_ to the minin recorder in lieu th upon having a survey made, acre. complying With otber requirements, pur ch: a royalty of 24 per cent on the sales. Placer mining claims generally are 10¢ foe remewable feet square entry $5, A free miger dredge for gold ol five miles each for rm of twenty pars. discretion of the The ation within one season from the of the lease for each five miles. $10 per annum . Royalty $10,000 W. CORY Baputy N. for. advertisement will not paid pbubbihons ahaa HOTEL FINCSTON - - Has undergone alterations and |m Is now open to the travelling sublic. ~ TELFER > Buy when You COAL From P. WALSH 0 A 2 clad You get genul Scranton asa he {handles nothing vicinity of the hy homesteader the requirement as to residence may be hat such person restding with the permanent satisfied by | POVOr to accomplish things. Wade's a company scovered miner locate a claim 1,5003 ereof. When $500 has i rm . \ : been expended or paid, the Jocates nay liam Cunningham and the payment of obtain two leases to renewable at th i. inister of Interior Jesses shall have a drodge in oper ate for each mile of river at the rate of 24 per cent collected on the output after it ex- ceeds of the Minister of the Interior. The report if*cirédflation that Major ~Unauthorized Publication, of thie eet BRITISH - AMERICAN ONTARIO {odedovn. : Md many a girl marries the wrong art because the right one failed to Proprietor ere THE DAY'S" EPISODES | LOCAL NOTES AD THINGS IN Occurrences In The City And Vicinity--Other Briel Items of Interest Basily Read And " embered. * What: does the Citizcns' League think She general hospital is still erowd- ed®with patients. 'o-morrow 'is 'a University holiday, it being Ash Wednesday. > + A 25. "purthase made Wey beoworth $10 to you. "thee anybody clse the conserva- tive council can help back to office ? "Hazoline Snow" is sold at Gib- son's. Red Lross drug store. Fresh there. What place is Ald. Givens after? Does he want the mayor's chair or one in an office ? "Forty cents" worth cough syrup for 25¢. Cross drug store, The score in the Thistle-Beaver hoe- key match on Saturday was 7 to 0 in favor of the Barriefield Thistles. The great Ernest Thomson-Seton is coming next Monday under the auspi- ces of the Y.W.C.A, Opera House, "Winter Cream," a delightial pre- paration for chapped hands or rough skin, in 25¢. bottles, at Gibson's Red Cross drug store. : At a mating of 'the School of Min- ing governors, votes of thanks were passed tol all those who assisted in the ntertainment of the legislature members, who visited Kingston last Wednesday. "Beer in mind" Gibson's Red Cross cough cure cures any cough, in old or young. Two twenty-five cent bottles for 25¢c. at Gibson's Red Cross drug store. No one knows better than those who have used Carter's Little Liver Pills what relief they have given when taken f dyspepsia, dizziness, pains in the side,.constipation and disorder- ed stomach. "Are vou sick ¥" Take Red Cross Blaud's Iron Tonic Pills, two twenty- | five cent bottles for 25c., during February at Gibson's Red Cross drug store. A car of oil for the Kingston light plant was' among those bummed at Belleville last week. Ald. Toye, ¢hair man of the light committee, has or- dered another car tank, and hopes to ; BY it. here before the present supply AS, at Best's of Red Cross Gibson's Red A Popular Stock Issue. Cobalt, Ont., Feb. 11.--(Special)-- The low price at which the new issue of the Silver Bird has been placed up- on the market has created considerable surpuige ahd gomenent. The favorable location property, being so near the Sa Coronicl and i mines, and lying directly between these properties and the Green-Meehan, Red | the oration of this property and the deyelopment-sork done think it a low price for" 'thé' shares and predict a great advance in the near future. Con- | siderable of the shares are being taken here in camp. Let Health Bound Upwards. If you are run down start running up towards sound health. Debility means a los. of a portion of life it self. Vitality means new life, new ea- ergy, freedom from disease and the In boxes, 25c., at Money back if and blood maker. Wade's Drug Store. not satisfactory. ---------- Daily Papers Delivered. The New York daily papers will. be delivered tq any address every day at a special rate during the Thaw trial. filled at once, The To- rontd Dail§ Globe and Toronto Daily Mail and Empire delivered by special niesseng®t Ammediately upon arrival of train from Toronto 10c. a week. Ap- ply at McDermott Bros. 260 Princess . street, 2 motorman and Wil W. B. Smith, conductors, charged with using dig- gers ta extract fares from the Hamil ton street railway company's fare boxes, have been sent up for trial. New 'turk Herald, World, Telegraph, end American, Harry Kendall Thaw- es | Stanford White murder trial number, for sale at British American hotel news stand. The fees of the provincial weeretary's department, proper, in January, to- Joseph Piper, Movements of The People--What spending a few days in Kingston. returned fiom a visit to relatives in this city. from Newburgh, to résume his studies at Queen's. 2 noon, to-day, for' the Cobmlt, on a about it? laasiness trip, favorably after a serious illness mt the general hospital. Clifton Springs, to resume her duties as hurse-in-training. frey, were among those who went Cape Vincent on Monday. Horsey, manager of the Lake Ontario at his home in Picton. be read at the Oki Boys' reumion of +hand, . DAILY PERSONAL MENTION. They Are Saying And Doing. Mrs, John Stanton, of Toronto, is Henry Strawbridge, of Ottawa, has H. B. Longmore rcturned, yesterday, Daniel McFurlane, of Odessa, left, at Dr. Charles Moxley is progressing Miss Ethel Gibson left, today, for Dr. McFarlane and wife, who have | starving and in a destitute condition. been visiting in this city, have re By a vote of four to one the Gan- turned to Watertown, N.Y. anoglie town council has refused to Stanley T. Chown, a former Kings- | accept the resignation of Thomas tonian, has been elected chairman of | Dempster. the Renfrew Board of Education. M. Patterson, Almonte, druggist, Mrs. Henry Jefircy, George Burdick, | ox-alderman and prominent citizen, E. Hill, T. W. Mills and J. D. Jof- | did of Pneumonia, at Cobalt, on to John Noxod, father-in-law of E. E. Navigation company, is seriously ill B. Blackhall, chemist for N. C. Pol- son, has been asked to prepare a pa- per on the Kingston penitentiary, to Church street school, Toronto, on February 22nd. Rev. Father Charles M. Field, who preached a mission in All Saints' church, some years ago, and is affec- tionally remembered by many children, with whom he was very auccessful, has been made superior of the Cowley Brotherhood, Boston. AND VICINITY. Pioneer Roberts Ill. * Pioneer Roberts, of Tete de Pont higr- racks, is laid up in the hospital, suf- fering from blood poisoning in his right Busy Day For Plumbers. This was a busy day for the plumb- ers. The sudden change from yester- day, played havoc with gas and wat- er pipes throughout the city. To Live On University Ave. Mrs. Myers and her two daughters, who lately came out from England to keep house for Mrs. Myers' son, who is at Queen's, have taken the house owned by Prof. Dupuis, on University avenue, and which has been lately va- cated by George Mahood. Another Dance. The cents, stafl-sergrants avd warrant officers gave a dance in the sirgeants' mess, at Tete Je "ont bar racss, Monday night, and all present TI NEWS OF DISTRICT] of Admaston township, has wed Miss erect an abattoir LOCAL NOTES AND THINGS IN GENERAL. The Tidings From Various Points in $ Ontario -- What People Are Doing 'And What They Are Saying. W. H. Butler, of Moosejaw, formerly Bessie Johnston, of Renfrew. Scott '& Jameson, Renfrew, are to amd cold storage plant on the outskirts of the town. The family of James C. Kelly, of L'Amable, North Hastings, were found Friday. D.. A. Jones, editor of the Eganville Enterprise, and Miss Elizabeth A. Foley, of that town, were married on Monday. William Johnston, druggist, Smith's Falls, was recently fined 850 and costs for selling liquor without a doctor's prescripti JH1G, TUESDAY, FEBRUARY fit » ¥ "February GIRLS' and CHILDREN'S GIRLS' nd CHILD REN'S RIBBED 1 5 Drawers at - - = = . WOMEN'S RIBBED VESTS, 15c., 825¢., 50 85¢c. and - - - - - = = . WOMEN'S FLEECE- LINED VESTS - - - - 3) "A VERY FEW--the last-of the Tweed Coats at $1.00, sizes 30, 32, 34, 36 and 38, only - $1,00 «Any untrimmed felt hat in the store, =~ Bargains" WOMEN'S , RIBBED DRAWESS, 50¢c., 35c. and - + - -% - cae 25 GIRLS' and BOYS' HEAVY WOOL HOSE 15 CHILDREN'S and GIRLS F LANNELETTE Drawers, 206¢., fo! 15 RE t= WOMEN'S FLANNE- LETTE DRAWERS, 35 worth B0c., for - « - = * WOMEN'S ETTE CORSET COVERS, worth 50¢., for » « « - Wi 280," SPENCE'S ™ Leading Millinery and Mantle Store on. Dr. G. H. Cowan has been appointed medical. bealth officer of Nupanes, W, 1. Bennett is appointed asscssor of Napance at $200 per year Prescott « Jost a bright and intelli- put young citizen, on Thursday, when filliam - 6. Mossman, eldest son of William HH. Mossman, passed away V. E. Hunt, Montreal, made ar- rangements for the purchase of the hardware business conducted for a number of pears by W. 8. Gordon, at Tweed. A handsome vacht, 100 feet lone, with torpedo stern, was pur- chased in New York last week by Hon., Clifford Sifton, for his private use on the St. Lawrence. J. L Murphy, who filled the posi- tiori of C.P.R. operator at Tweed, a few years ago, has recently been ad- vanced to a responsible position on the company's western lines. James Fair, of Augusta, arrested, churged with deliberately pointing a gun at the plaintifi's three young children, pleaded guilty and a fine of £10. with 86 costs, were imposed. Prockville's share of the railway taxation fund is 8715.20, but as the patients' mpingenance from the town in the different asviums reaches a to- tal of $604.20, the exchequer of the municipabity is enriched by $111 only. On Saturday, at the home of his daughter, Mrs, Herbert Fish, Cape Vincent, occurred the death of John Milligan, Sr, after an illness of seve ral months: Mr. Milligan was eighty years"of age. new spent a most enjoyable evening. Dune- ing was indulged in until 2 a.m. Lhe R.C.H.A. orchestra provided the mustc, Refreshments were served at midnight. migration agent of the district by the -------- Denies The Report. It was reported to-day, that Lieut.-Col. Young, of this city, had been offered the position of chief of police of Toronto. When seen this afternoon. Col. Young said he was not aware of such offer, in fact he had rot been approached about the matter at alk Kidneys Must Have Aid. Unlike other diseases, kidney troubles seldom show any tendancy to cure themselves; their tendency is to grow steadily worse. Disorders of the kidneys lead to lumbago, gout, rhoumatism,; heart troubles, lake Peok's Kidney and Liver Pills and be cured. In boxes, 2 For sale only at Wade's Drug Store. Money back if not satisfactory. most Yacht Club Dance. The Yacht Club dance, on Monday night, was the best attended one this The youthful element, which attends these jolly hops, went to the hockey match first, and "came down after. Mrs. Merry supplied the music, and this was excellent. Mrs. J. C. C. Almon and Mrs, Tremayne, of Hali- fax, patronized the affair, which was kept up till a late hour. season. La Grippe Mastered. La Grippe can and should be cured as soon as it starts. The remedy to use is Wade's Cold Cure Tablets (Lax- ative). It provides just the aid re quired to provent the disease getting hold of you. Just as effective for curing colds and for hea lache and con stipation. Ip boxes, ». Sold onl at Wade's Drug Store. Money back if not satisfactory. Guessing Contest. The prizes offered by L. T. Best for persons who can guess as to when the talled $30,547, as against $14,720 for the 'same month in 1906, and $11,255 in 1905. licine. [own ask her, 7 homson-Seton, Thursday, at Uglow's than an opportunity to act big. Get Your Bowels To Move. You ought "#0 . know that you can' cure pained in the pains. That stuff you rub on docsn't remov. to do is to get Take tires By er i opment -- 8 ng 4 food It js 17 elixirs, I'S ME camery for the child who as to when Best's dock will Plan open to subscribers for Ernest Nothing pleases a little man more Now see here a. minute my friend. héad, or heartburn and shooting jus. .in the stomach with headache powders and liniments. the cause, You have got to go down' where the trouble is. What you want our bowels to work. toh to-night. Take one the fermentation of cight-day clock, started to-day in the window of the "Best" drug store, will run down, are as follows : Ist prize, ladies- Manicure set, value Moodie had pegished, in November $10 last, at Fort Churchill, has never 4 + . Tos idls been heard of, At the mounted police ae So gents--Travelling case, depugiment chitose (is evommented 2nd prize, ladics--Leather hand bag, Sendra i value $2. het gf consmplion. It. would 2nd prize, gents--Carbo-Magnetio razor, value $2. Children's prize--No. mera, value $2. you to a guess. Concert At St. Luke's. St. : | Monday night, for the § day school, and a fine progr sisting of drills, solos, t| audience. Those who took part were Misses Spence, Newman, ders and W, 'eb. 12th. 1 p.m. e | refroshments were served by the lad- Totahie, Fel 12th Rho s .38 jos' 'guild of the church. Rev. R. S. | Buftalo 3.25 2.76 Forneri filled the duties of chairman Coniages 4.75 435 in a capable manner. The evemngs | seKinley .. rv 2.20 2.05 eotertainment came to a close shortly Peterson, Lake 50 47 Tr "clock Red Roc Saweas o alter ten o'clock. : "iver Har An 35 on is X on and | in' military circles | son 2 Brownie ca- Remember any 23¢. purchase entitles Luke's hall looked very pretiy, unday school tea and contert. The concert was put on mostly by the scholars of the Sun- amme con- duets and choruses was listened to by a large essrs. Saun- Murray, and drills were performed by Mrs. Forneri's class The John Lyoty seventy odd vears of {nge, was relioved of the office of bailiff of Arnprior by the Whitney gov- ernment ant'®oon after appointed im- Laurier administration, Harold RB. Baughan, of the Robin: company, , Napanee. left Monday {for New York, where he has secured « good position. Before leaving, the | Robinson staff presented him with a serviceable trunk, and the Robinson company with a handsome gold loc pt. The remains of Benjamin Perkins, who died in Greenwood, L, were buried at Westport, He was aged sixty-two years. He was in the west for thirty-eight years. He was suc cessful in gold mining, being worth over $75,000 at the time of his de conse. Thomas Murray, for forty years or [more a prominent citizen of Pom { broke. and who has repeatedly been elected to the highest offices the north riding could bestow on him, has yet no notion of retiring to a life of ease He has started to found a city on the Quebee side of Lake Temiskaming to I» known as Murray City, and he and Mrs. Murray have taken up their re sidence there, COMMERCIAL MATTERS. That Is Going On In The Business World--The Markets. Business failures in Canada ust - i woek 81, against ¥2 the same wesk a year Ugo : At Sarnia, Ont., the price of crude oil way advanced two cents, and is now $1.42 The total capitalization of companies ranted charters is $20.6 VOO The ouput of the Crow's Nest Pass Conl collicries for week ending Fehruury Sth was 13,898 tons, or a daily average of 2.315 tons, It is expected that the Dominion Conl company's "Hub" colliery, which was re cently on fire, will be in operation again Within four months' time At a mveting of the shareholders of the Starr Manufacturing company Halifax, it was decided to amalgamate with the Dartmouech Rolling Mills company A committee of the London Hallway company directors with the in Ontario last week Street will confer city with a view to the ale sorption of the system by the corpora tion The Interior Elevator Co. ol Minne- apolis sold 580,000 bushels of Durham wheat to an importing firm in Russia which is buy in this country on ac count of famine conditions at home The fire loss of the United States and Canada for the month of January, as complied from the Journal of Commerce shows a total of $24,064 900, aguinst £17,728,000 in January, 1906, and $19, 378.100 in 1905. The Twin City Rupid Transit com- pany's earnings for the last ten days of January amounted to $146.826, being an increase over the same period last year of #14533 'or 18,99 per cnt. und an increase of $85,265 over the corre snonding period of 1905, The earnings of the Standard Oil com- pany lust year were estimated at over $65,000,000. Thelsurplus of the company is an unknown quantity, as the corpora- tion has never made public a complete financial staterffent. It has been stated that the surplus includes $100,000,000 of Government bonds. MINING STOCKS. Furnished By J. E. Cunningham, + 40 Clarence St. id I mowEY TO LOAN | | President--Sir Richard Cartwright perties. Municipal tures received and Long Distance Phones, Main 6733 and 6733 THES KINGSTON F. H. DEACON & GO, Members of Toronto Stock Exchange STOCKS, BONDS AND INVESTMENT SECURITIES rs dons ly Correspondence Invited 72 West King Street, TORONTO ARD BANK OF CANADA Head Office = 27a Y-! Toronto $1.00 OPENS AN ACCOUNT In our Savings Department, Deposits of $1 and upwards are received, on which the highest current rate of interest is allowed. No Delays in making Withdrawals Savings Bank Departmela Connection with al Branches. - J. 8. Turner, Manager COR, PRINCESS AND BAGOT STS. | ROUTE TO CANADIAN winter ports, St. John and Halle Depot, BRANCH 19 p.m. -- 08 p.m. "15 Local every city and town in Cobalt Investments. Write for our Circular on Rio De Janeiro Tramway L. & Baillie, Wood & Croft Just issued for the first time con- taining information in regard to ORGANIZATION CHISES Mcintyre & Mcintyre BARRISTERS KING STREET, KINGSTON THE FRUNTENAG LOAN & INVESTMENT SOCIETY. ESTABLISKED 1862, Money lonned on City and Farm Pro- and County Deben- Mortgages purchased. Deposits nterest allowed. McGill , Managing Director 87 Clarence street, Kingston. Cobalt| 8.C Offic We are underwriters in three of the Lest WANTED A live agent or broker to represent us in C orrespondence solicited. LAW & COMPANY, Traders Bank Building, Toronto. EEE Canada. ROYAL - ALLAN "wii P. Co. | Direot Serves From Liver pool, London, Glasgow and - imdondony Te CANADA © », ' Prepaid tickets Issued from all in reat Dritain amd tant. ie Seandinavia and the Continent. Jf = 8 Special Rafl Rotes from port of lands nT "destination. yu For full information as to rates, comunodation and sailings, apply to J.P. HANLEY, Agent G,T. Ry., or 3 "Py GILDERSLEFEVE, Clarence street, QUEBEC 5. 5. COMPANY From New York "Pot 8.8. CPRETOMIA 8,800 sailing, 96th Jusvary ahd February, for Barbados, EE ia iates for You can make it for 10ec., and better woods than you can hwy. Cobalt propositions Stocks now on the market. We want capable AGENTS men to present these propositions WANTED to investors. Write for information and terms.' Investment Exchange Company 48 SCOTT ST. TORONTO, ONT. Main® 7418-7419. | 88 Prinooss Street Open from 10.80 a.m. 10 5.00 am The best place to det an + round Lunch in the citys Meals of inde Pe Be J neighbors will know, about it. NewYork Chinese Restaurant | a ro "e3 None' aii ih your MITCHELL'S HARDWARE, Princess St -------------------------------------------- REAL ESTATE OR INSURANCE It you want to buy, or soll City Property, see GEO. CLIFF, at 95 Clarence street, opposite Post Office. Big Reduction