» here, church, wa are stron the piles of paslogs that hole ] down the stréam durin 'years is somethi i eng late 'are in Point Road, Feb. H.~Many A hy the anon broke up n ra farmers Flintcn, Feb. 9.--The shan ' breaking up and the men are returning after a very successful winter, work. Ri W. 0. Hornic Cardinal. fA SG p-- » At Brewer's Mills. Brower's are taking "advanta f drawing logs to F, ih A number from here too) Battersea last ased om James Mrs, James Milne LN Rochefort, attended ' yl ce at Kingston. NM Rochefort has ---- : ON y on A a ast week, Miss Jen- in town on Saturday. a long and pros the urch, SE ------ Point Road Pointers. hauling ice he 7th, under the m Indios ned tin day the a few. days as Patterson, = Mrs. for some time, in ing a few day: » guest of A ) JB Fad Ssiiiin Burridge Buiridge, Feb, 12.~A number of the jahed. the ing. in the. wood. bn son by 3 ole are rowing wood 6" to a number aveings J. aluable y e A. Bygrove nding ¥a News From Flinton ties are were no snow storms to hinder ' Mys. John Jerome, of , 'paid a short visit to her and, friends. | ? Lahiuey talking of moving rook to. finish up some job the past ul. The Mrs. William | Dafod, George liam Beatty," William Van- vd and Moses Lessard. is visiting friends at Alexander i were Amos i La Mills, Eeb. 11.~The roads L condition and some them by nglin's So mid HN weok, a MeK anne 8 _hondsomd, Gugnett colt Webh, dt. a wood. figure, 18 ou the sek list, atid © sisters, and F. Busi 0 sinese, Colleg Murray' six Sister Elizabith, Hotel Dien, "+ | iting for last | Mr. and Mary O'Neil is fe of seaclet + Cora Belle, on] a y death ar His ay rat in -- yodist church, will twentieth year and suffered from pneu- monia, next Monday afternoon, in anagement of JE. Barrett, E, Sibbitt and 0. Seale, vas 3 Band micoess. There were A but fifty vouplés present, Refresh- of its were served at twelve o'clock of committee. "The "the. Waite an 0G st of fit. Mrs. C. H. Savior . Me- | Gorsline. ering. | §' Floor "El live with his son, William. ae Hill Rochefort, Howe gt oe or's, Rochefort, bardy Locals. , gave ednesd Aout trey of the 7. People at L been visiting ockey rink Wednesday, J . Mr, | Mrs. Ri , are mo this week, Thonias Evans has sold Smith's Falls to chaser] a property t few days for repairs. Miss Fv ley returned home on Wednesda r. day with Mr. bett, at Roseville, Death At Bloomfield. Bloomfield, Feb. 11.--~The sympathy liam Stafford and family, in January 20th. ased from which she was thought fo he recovering when she suddenly expired. At the same time her hrother the same people | disease, hit is now on the road to re- are engn to their ice | covery. | houses rd hauling necessaries. The " given in Barriefidd town hall, was dangerously sick with large the been a here during There has amount of sickness past few weeks. : A meeting of the council of the vil- lage and township was held on Fri- day night to arrange for the division onerties owned hv the township allowell, before Bloomfield was ated g¢ a village. No settle ment was reached. Deniff Haioht was ot Seaforth, last week, arranging for the purchase of & new. threshing out- and Mrs. astin was away on busi . ory in the place one now ted by A. B. Savlor A child are visiting friends 'David Hicks lost a valu- horse last week. John Joslin is list with pneumonia. Mr. 4 Gibson and family y at Geor Valleau's, Met Mills purchased the pro- William Gilchrist, Mr. = Gil- nds ing to Natotiows to Ie welby. perty. To yagpinst over-issue and to guarantee to investors the genuineness era are pressing their hay. The price delivery of same--arrangements have been mude with The of kay 1s down a little. Thomas Gib- Tr , Transfer 'A and Regist Son spent last week at Latimer where he intends to make cheese the coming soeigon. John Hall has rented Robert, Cold Springs. George 8 in- tends pv his cheese factory and ing a cement floor, The new steel is up ready for travel. It is intended to raise the bridge two feet and put a cement covering on it when warm weather comes. Rev, F. T. Libbs is building a new church at Morvin of cencrete bricks. Mr, and Mrs. B. S. Kellar «pent last Saturday in. Kingston. Ger- main Valleau and Mise Cora Swith were married on Wednesday evening last. Charles Wilson has bought the EM. Smith-farm and is building a house 'on it. John Hall' has rented Archie Ruttan's farm. Byron Jackson and Elias Smith are able to be out again. Frank Depyon's, of Fellows, is movifig on his farm which he pur- chis:d from George Clapper. -------- NORTH LEEDS ORANGEMEN, Meet at Westport--Increase in Membership Reported. The annual meeting of Loyal Orange County lodge of North Leeds, was held in Wesley hall, Westport, on February 5th. Delegates from the various primary lodges, to the num- of aha one hundred, were in attendance. The chair was taken by worthy county master. Reports from the different lodges show a de- tided increase in membership and in lodge property. The following officers byt counfy recording secretary, C. R. Taylor; county treasurer, 8. W. Hall: county director of ceremonies, I. F. Boothe; county lecturer, William Jae- ques; county deputy lecturers, Francis Gry and George Gilbert. The officers webe installed by Past County Master A.W. Gray. Lyndhurst was chosen as thé next place of meeting. In_the evening a lodge of instruc tion" was held in the Oddfellows' hall at which Past County Master R. (i. Harvey presided. Afterwards the brethren retired to the lodge dining- room, where a repast had been pro- vided by the local brethren, Speeches le hy the various officers and ul meetings of + most the county lodge of Leeds of Nort} Leodn was brought to a close. ny sevved the London Times at the battly of Bull Run. -------- wan who has an exalted ovin- of himself is nearly always a poor of human nature, at a lot of things vou wouldn' PEGE fi BC fo S$. gts us Points| ' «Lom What Lombardy, Fels; 11.~Mr, and Mrs. a What |: arvin, of { a very evening # ombardy Miss Sadie the week with t Hughes in Smith's past Te weeks Sam here on the 10th. to Smith's Falls itd farm. and with his family will go to pride, having pur, thete, H. A Sree saw mill has been clofed down for the from Toledo, where she has heen vis. the past couple of weeks. Mrs. J. J, Breen spent Sun- and Mrs. James Cor- of this community is extended to wil the re in Toronto last weel. he ness, several, davé Tart wenk, The can- building a new gn Be i 3 2 wil Purtelle. teller in the Stand. r & a here, has heen moved to Wel- lington. Mr. Wales, of Picton, takes "his place here. ' Mar Budget EE es ice has ch oF han from Robert Gibson to i "the idoyte, Drummond' Valleau 0%] aad wife and ae hening io a Morven. Gibson's place for. a term of years. | Robert Gibson intends moving to his | cheese factory this coming week at | and Miss Harris | e Y, FEBRUARY 12. en Y SILVER BI a roe y Hurts of ; 3 3 £ ety ral, = rmasiaming 180 Mining Cobold RArgenii oh i BUCK Xs AMicheli-MininqCo GreenVicehan of Cesalt Cortoct 3 Nipissing Ext £ ; At 15 Cents Per Share £ _ « Red-Rocn ol & Ringer We 152 Mara Ch, es [ Nova Scotia Muncie JACKPOT 2 of / } : Ad Kz 7 £5 panmace | Soiusl- & 3 SILVER BIRD is surrounded by the greate SILVER BIRD is absolutely inside property of the north half of Lot 8, concession 6, Coleman. SILVER B1RD fs a mine in full operation, with two 25 h.p. boilers, steam hoist, necessary to complete an. operating mine. SILVER BIRD is working two saifts aad is in full o mations identical J. #8 in the O'Brien, Timmins and Right of Way Red Rock, Cobalt Contact and Nipissing Extension. The veins are SILVER BIRD has no indebtedness: there ar of The Silver Bird Cobalt Mines, Limited, ie but $1,500,000. treasury, of whicls 800,000 shares are now offered to the public for sul This np Sat Bdrelied upon for accuracy as to location of the mines indicated. It is drawn from and u big 47 1 : indicate the correct locations of the working of the mines. Silver Bird may be secn in the centre of the map. i Orders may be telephoned or telegraphed dirgot to Law & Co., Traders' Bank and remittances, however, should follow by mail direct to The Trusts and Guarantee LAW & COMPANY, Fiscal 523, 524, 526 and 527 Traders Bank Buil , consisting of twenty acres (patented), be € no incumbrances against the woterioe LORRAINE ¥ Hennescey r SA Abitibi Proffet BF Louls ¢ i st producing mines in the Cob:1t District. peration both day and night, sinking upoa three veins and in the same mines and lying immediately between the:e broadening out and are increasing in values, Company, Trustees, Transt THE SILVER BIRD COBALT MINES, LIMITED. Authorized Capital, $1,500,000.00. President - J. F. LENNOX Sec.-Treas., W. A. ABENDROTH Soliciters « . LENNOX & LENNOX, Toronto and Cobalt. The Teusts and Guarantee Company, Limited, Toronte, Ont., and Regi pon the game scale as the official maps. The shaft houses property or stock of tho compa-iy. 00, par valuo of the ghares $1.00 each, with 500,000 shares in the bseription at 13 cents per share. . Consider ihg the inside location of the property, development dome, reshl shares in the treasury. this is unquestionably one of the best bargain (if, not the | We predi6t this first allotment will be largely oversubscribed and we urge hrs ts obtained, low capitalization and the test bargain) that has been oJosed in Cobalt mining shares. that carly application be made. P+ of the certificates when issued--also the prompt and safe Trusts and Guarantee Company, Limited, 14 King st Building, a the expense of Law & Co. 1 ; A ping the west half of the north-east quarter ey steam drills and all machivery and buildings x hs for- o mires and the Green-Mcehan, & with depth now 40 ft. in chaft. To capitalization large amount of reet west, Toronto, to act as Applications Limited, 14 King street west, Toronto. Agents, ding, Toronto, Canada. APPLICATION (Cut out and forward. ) To The Trusts & Guarantee Company, Limite, 14 King street west, Toronto, Ont. I herewith apply for The Silver Bird Cobalt Mines, Limited. You will find herewi'h ys forward certificates .to Name. ..V..:. ssenvaee Strest............. ae City... - Marsha, J hat d statin en ne aes sn .in full payment therefor. Issue | | A PIONEER GONE. The Late Mrs. W. Campbell, of Flinton. There died ut Flinton, January 26th, Janet Morton, beloved wife of Wil. liam Campbell, Wd sixty-eight years, Mrs, Campbell's girlhood was Spent on the Bald Mountains. Her par- ents were Scotch settlers. The old home still stands, How many times, , after & hen she and ister pieki weeks' visit with friends on . [were clected : W. C. master, James | V ; . her sis ; Warp ng land. J, Shappes is os Bone Th M. Somerville; W. D, mmster, George | ries, they were surprised to see es. able NLL oe : Mr. Bear at a distance hel him- again, after his t illness, Vigi- | Godkin; county chaplain, H. 1.. Dancy; 8 gist, elping . pm tors county fiupneial scoretary, A. B. Dem- | Sell to those dainties. Slapping their hands they. would make him quickly depart. The mountains were a wilder ness in these days, with wolves and wildcats and graceful deer. But those are now passed away; the great iran horse has come to ¢ L those towering hills. } 0. ¥ Wil- ie orton, when she marri liam Campbell, then a young | ok- ih Javed to Flinton, then sur- roun: by lumber camps of the Jate William Flint. There was only one Stare and post office kept hy E. J. Matthews. Mrs. Campbell finally decid- ed {o try store-keeping, They "were quite successful, wiving it un after a number of years and retired to farm- . Catarrh Cannot Be Cured. ith LOCAL APPLICATIONS. as they Se ------ -- Cannot reach the seat of the disease. A Great Editor Dead. Catarrh is a blood or constitutional a and in order to cure it vou London, Feb. 11.--Sir Howard W. must take intermal remedies. i's Russell, editor of the Army and Navy | Catarsh Cure is ta internally and Gadet in i He 'was eighty-six aot directly on the blood and murcus g dead ¥ Surfaces. Hall's Catarrh Curvy is not a vears age. He was a famous war | quack medicine. It was Prescribed by one © ) and, in this capacity, |-of the best physicians in this Country for years and is a regular 'escription, t is composed of the best tome on combined with lood purifiers, directly on the mucous surfaces. 7 perfect combination of the two n- Glents is what produces such wonder I iresults in curing Catarrh, for atimonials o or J. CHENEY & C0., Props, Toledo, t if you thought your {riends would out ahout them, or Sold by Drugeists price 758: ale Wall's Family Pills for consti- EE------ | ing. Cn the farm the good woman tied. Being a pioneer of the rough | mediately quit the country, she lived to ses Flinto to quite a prosperous hamlet. Mrs. Campbell was of nature and carried the a pure life, \ The funeral was conducted by! Rev. R. W. Irwin, the remains being inter- red in the new English Church ceme tery, followed there by a large con- course of peaple, as Mus, Campbell was widely known. She leaves sorrow. n rise a very getiring white fidwer of ing, a husband, one son, R. J. Campbell, and two daughters, Miss M. A. Campbell, and Miss Lillian, training for a nurse, in western Canada, Mrs. Abraham Alport, on the old homestead in the Bald Mountains, . ------------ Trouble In Ireland. Dublin, Feb. 11.--Ex*va police have been drafted into Thurles county, Tip- perary, to-day, to prevent the holding of a proclaimed United Trish ifague meeting to-night. Serious trouble is expected. Patrick Purcell, who holds ahout sixty acres of land, resisted eviction very stubbornly a few days ago. When the landlord, ba'liffs and police arrived to evict him they found the house strongly fortified. and gar risoned by g band of young men, "The police and bailifis were beatos back and the eviction was abandoned. All land-grabbers have got notice to im- district to save themselves and others from unneces- Sary trouble. Moonlight outrages are of nightly occirrence now in Conne- mara, notwithstanding the large force of extra police. It has been stated that the Castle authorities intend to pro- claim. the counties of Galway, Sligo, Mayo, and Clare under the Peace Ppre- servation act. One brother is and one sister, T's an ill wind that dodei't blow dust in the eyes of a man wha delib- hetrataly horse.' beats his faithful bat tind and Durability Is Our Maxam I50 different styles of Fancy Parlor Tables for our BIG IM- PROVEMENT SALE. No: order too large to fill, or too small to have our prompt attention. --AT PHONE 147. : JAMES REID. THE LEADING UNDERTAKER io WHO ENJOY WINTER' Served with hot! milk of "1; cream, it is | the Hest morning meal : nourish- ing. tasty, and easily digested ; fills. sie - veins With 'rich, - warm, red | hiood, 7. Bivd the éhildren ow Tey TRISOU he REAL LIVE BOYS. -- HUSKY LITTLE FELLOWS "WEATHER, BREAKFAST ON 3 Ld . - ---- YOU CAN MAKE A 0 OF LIQUID BEEF EXTR froma Timy Armour's Solid Extract of Fluid Beef is a manufe product made from Extract c bought on the open ma water, salt and other ingre: Armou Solid Extr PRs (porreD in canaDA) : is pure extract potted in C "gold by the makers, and g teed to be the best extract best beef. There is no opportunity for a tion in Armour's Solid Extract and as it goes four times as far brands--it is more economical, ARMOUR LIMITED - ° CANADIAN FACTORY™77 FRONT ST# Weak Wor To weak and ailing women, there § way to help. . But with that way, tw must be combined. One is local, ond sional, but both are important, be Dr. Bhoop's Night Cure is the Loca Dr. Shoop's Restorative, the Const The former--Dr. 8hoop's Night Cun smucops membrane suppository reme |Bhoop's Restorative is wholly an It iment. The Restorative reaches th system, seeking the repair all' tiague, and all blood ailments. The "Night Cure", as its name im) work while you sleep. It soothes so) 'od mucous surfaces, heals Joc! we discharges, while the Restorative, jexcitgment, gives rencwed vigor a builds up wasted tissues, bringing a istrength, vigor, and energy. Take Restorative--Tablets or Liguid--asa $0 the system. For positive local he Dr. Shoo | Night © At All Druggist IT IS TO THE ADVANTAGE ¢ HOUSEKEEPER IN CANAD. T™ER : . + « Magic Baking Powder. Qlllett's Perfumed Lye Imperial Baking Pr Gillett's Cream Royal Yeast Cakes. @Giliett's Mammoth Bla Magic Baking Soda. Qillett's Washi @ADE FOR OVER 5Q/Y (zsTamuisnED 1082) E.W.GILLETT' TORONTO. ONT. ssibly coa tl EPPS A delicious drink and a s You cannot a better food. economical. Fragrant, nutri This excell maintains the system ° health, and enables it winter's extreme ( COC( Sold by Grocers and St in }-Ib. and 3-1b REPAIRIN Jewelary, Watch and repairing is our special We ca. for your cl pair and deliver it that ie rune to time. Kinnear & d'Es 100 Princess Str p 3 § FIREW 3 Just received Sev of Good Hard Map 4 Can furnish it lengths or sawed she S for use. R § NICE AND | Write, phone or i our order will hav € and careful attentio 4 IN { ¢ 8. ANGL Foot of Wel ) ten Stree! p