£3 TT Cobal¥ \ LORRAINE Abitibi ete etc esetecencrseegreessacll. PY the official maps. The shaft-houses of the map. { t half of the north-east quarter wad all machicery and buildings hree veins and in the same for- '¢ mires and the Green- Meehan, , with depth now 40 ft. in ehaft. "0 compasy. Tle capitalization shy with 500,000 shares in the ition and the large amount of oZo-ed in Cobalt mining shares. made. sued--also the prompt and safe } Street west, Toronto, to act as se of Law & Co. Applications Ang street west, Toronto. \gents, ing, Toronto, Canada. it and forward.) , Limite 1, west, Toronto, Ont. Rat sxanasasnanenss aes shares of ted. You will find herewith full payment therefor. Issue and Durability Is Our Maxam 150 different styles of Fancy Parlor Tables for our BIG IM- PROVEMENT SALE. No: order too large to fill, or too small to have our prompt attention. --AT-- ), THE LEADING UNDERTARER . PHONE 147. SKY LITTLE FELLOWS ATHER, BREAKFAST ON YOU CAN MAKE A QUART OF LIQUID BEEF EXTRACT froma Tigy Jas-gples Armour's Solid Extract of Beef Fluid Beef is a manufectured product made from Extract of Beef bought on the open market-- water, salt and other ingredients, ---- La Jae 11000 B a Solid Extract (porrep in canaDa) is pure extract Jone? in Canada, "gold by the makers, and guaran- teed to be the best extract of the best beef. _ There is no opportunity for adultera- tion in Armour's Solid Extract of Beef, and as it goes four times as far as other brands--it is more economical, 89 ARMOUR LIMITED - Toronto CANADIAN FACTORY™T77 FRONT STREET EAST re eer eee eee. Weak Women To weak and ailing women, there is at least one WY to help. . But with that way, two treatments, must be combined. One is local, one is constite- jsional, but both are important, both essential Dr. Bhoop's Night Cure is the Local. Dr. 8hoop's Restorative, the Constitutional. The former--Dr. 8hoop's Night Cure--isa topical /mucops membrane suppository remedy, while Dr. |8hoop's Restorative is wholly an internal treat- iment. The Restorative reaches throughout the system, seeking the repair of all nerve, all Hague, and all blood ailments. The "Night Cure", as ite name implies, does its work while you sleep. It soothes sore and inflam. od mucous surfaces, heals local weaknesses and \discharges, while the Restorative, eases nervous jexcitement, gives renowed vigor and ambition, {builds up wasted tissues, bringing about renewed strength, vigor, and energy. Take Dr. Shoop's Restorative--Tablets or Liguid--as a general tonic io the system. For positive local help, use as well Dr. Shoop's Night Cure At All Druggists. IT 1S TO THE ADVANTAGE OF EVERY HOUSEKEEPER IN CANADA TO USE a en - a Magic Baking Powder. Qillett's Perfumed Lye. Imperial Baking Powder. Gillett's Cream Tartar, Royal Yeast Cakes. @iliett's Mammoth Blae. Magic Baking Soda. Qiliett's Washing Crystal. @ADE FOR OVER 5Q/ YEARS. (ssTasuisnED 1082) E.W.GILLETT 00ives TORONTO. ONT. You cannot possibly have a better oa than EPPS'S A delicious drink and a sustaining food. Fragdant, nutritious and economical. This excellent Cocoa maintains the system in robust health, and enables it to resist winter's extreme cold. COCOA Sold by Grocers and Storekeepers in }-Ib. and §.Ib Tins. « REPAIRING Jewelery, Watch and Clock repairing is our specialty. We ca. for your clock, re pair and deliver it and see that ie rune to time. Kinnear & d'Esterre, 100 Princess Street. { FIRE WOOD , Just received several cars . of Good Hard Maple Wood. - Can furnish it in long 4 lengths or sawed short ready ¢{ S for use. 1 r 4 $ NICE AND DRY | Write, 'phone or call and OLD LONDON LETTE MISS EMILY TALBOT THE passing Almost -------- 'the supply of catalogues rin oat. It was early in the afternoon when the attendants sold the last catalogue, and the stream of well-dressed people i the turnstiles began to de. | mand catalogues in indignant tones. , They crowded around the empty cata- | WEALTHIEST LADY, logue stall, and refused to move on to the exhibition rooms without the printed guides. : 1 One attendant at. last, had the Cause Supply of Catalogues bright idea to buy catalogues from | Ran Out--Blind Man Wants to th» departing visitors, A more curious Climb Mount Blanc. { scchs the vestibule of Burlington London, Feb. 9. ~The death of Lady Douse never saw before. The attend- Burdett Uoutts, has left the position "Dts were discreetly offering to buy of Britain's 'wealthiest woman to Miss th: catalo wes of society ladies, art- Emily Charlotte Talbot, an elderly SFiti®*, and Academicians; while: those spinster, who is hardly known outside lacking catalogues eagerly watched the native Wales, where she owns two "CRults. The possessors of catalogues Riot Among Society People at Royal Academy Be- DAILY BRITISH magnificent estates, Miss Talbot in- herited from her father, Christopher Talbot, M.P., all 'his real estate in| Wales, which is worth $7,500,000, and a reversionary interest in a huge trust fund. She lives very quietly on her \ Welsh property, ry visiting her , London house, and dispenses charity ! in a splendid manner. : More prominent socially, is Miss Alice de Rothschild, cousin of Lord Rothschild, and heiress to her broth- | er, Baron Ferdinand. She owns Wad- desdon manor, the finest of the Roths- child homes. She is very charitable, and 'her great hobby is gardening. In Waddesdon and at Granby, France, where she has a villa, her gardens are famous, seventy gardeners being em- ployed at Graase alone. Miss Rothschild is able to. dispose of | her brother's fortune exactly as she pleases, but she will most probably leave it to her own family. Princess Marie Bonaparte, daughter of the late Prince Roland Bonaparte, inherited a vast forjune from her ma ternal grandfather, the late Edmond Blanc--"Monte Carlo Blane." She is twenty-five, pretty and accomplished, and although not affianced so fars is very likely to find, a husband among the rovaltiee of Europe. Princess Marie has also golMen expectations from her uncle, Edmend Blane 11, who is a multi-millionaire, * Although quite blind, a man men- tioned by the Bishop of London, is ambitious to climb Mount Blanc and to cycle round the world. The bish- op speaking at the annual festival of the Royal Normal College for the blind at Norwood, London, said he had received a letter from this daunt- less blind man, who was a former student at the college. His training there he wrote, had been so helpful that he was able to walk about Lon- don unattended and to take a daily cycle ride. His ambitions were appar- ently impossible feats for a blind man --the ascent of Mont Blanc, and a cv- cling tour of the world. Acclaimed in America and Furope as the best-dressed actor, M. Le- Bargw. of the Comedie Francaise, has given his own view on the matter. He is making his first visit to London for fourteen vears, although his wile, from whom he is seeking a divorce, acted with George Alexander, at the St. James Theatre, about three years t ago. . "I think," said the great Parisian bean, "that possibly Englishmen dress better than Frenchmen, but the difference is slight. even though now. adays in Paris, English fashions are not followed. Our standards are the same, that is all. "As for myself, the matter does not xt me greatly, I have been told here that I possess a universal repu- tiation for elegance." (Here M. Le- Bargy laughed heartily.) "It isa ter. vible thing to support; a serious thing to live up to." London has had amateur pantomime acted by satiety, and mounted gor- geously at great expense At the other end of the scale is the pantomime written by the vicar of St Senulehre's, a poor city parish, and act:d bv children from the worst London slums. The Rev. E. Rogers, author and pro ducer of the pantomime, described "The Demon King's Capture," as pro"ahly the cheapest pantomime ever publicly performed. The fanciful cos- tumes were made from odd seraps of material © at the vicarage, and the D mon King was equipped complet for exactly forty-one cents. London slum chi'deen, he says are particularly quick in. learning. but soon forget what they have learnt. He allows for this characteristic by giving child actor a spegking part. mt mak- ig no part except the two principal ones, more than a dozen lines long. Mr. Rorers. who thinks that acting plays is a better wav of ednes children than the ordinary mithed, is | writing a faree for production by members of the parish hovs' club. There was nearly a riot among the society and artistic crowd of visitors ta the Roval Academv show of Old Masters, at Burlington House, Lecause every Fooled the Doctors and Got Well GIN PILLS CURE RHEUMATISM ! They certainly were a surprised lot of doctors out Tyneside way. They had been treating Mrs. Harris for years. Gave her about everythiug that was ever heard of for Rbeumatism--and then told her the disease was chronic. A friend told Mrs. Harris about GIN PILLS. Just to oblige her friend, Mrs. Harris took a box, ne, she dismissed the doctors and ught another box of GIN PILLS. By the time these were e, she was so much better that she it the third box and laughed every time she saw a doctor. oxide - I received you meade bd oh Sin ut as there was onl! ¥ & box from our and now I an taking the fhird ux, in aeron By back kid- rd 1 bave Tor Terre : Sayveites 1 was a great ) | sufferer from Rheumatism, but it has ail left me. Mas. T. Hanns. @ your order will have prompt { € and careful attention. The doctom can't explain it. They : i don't try to. They said Mrs. Harris : could not be cured. GIN PILLS cured § icces" Do YOU werk ents Write 3 want rite, mentioning this r, for a free i S. ANGLIN & 60. ot oin Fis Whi ey en smple ellings en see what Gin Pills will Foot of Welling- oor OT ane ai ten Street. Co., Winnipeg, for a free sample, § | Sold by dealers everywhere. soc a box Cie a ag UB LenS forgaigen: aA 9% 7 did not all part with will'ngly. Some" ladies refused tp lis- ter copying their notes into their note- books, and guinea for his catalogue. Child's Dress of Cloth and Em- broidery. When that was their treasures n to any offer, others sold theirs, al- one critic demanded a FASHION'S FORM. nn The little frock depicted in the sketch was in the original model of pink broadcloth, but the design is sim: ple enough to serve for even a school frock of dark colored serge or of linen. Stitched straps and buttons with braid or cord loops were the only trimming beyond a guimpe and under sleeves of fine embroidered washable batistdé. -- THE SPORT REVIEW. News From All? Quarters. | Varsity intends challenging the win- ners of O.H.A. senior championship for provincial honors. McMaster has dropped out of the ju- nior intervollegiate series. Toronto St. George's cinch on the | championship ; of their senior district has faded away considerably in the'last week or so. { Concerning the Queen's-Varsity match the Toronto Mail-Empire says: "The local collegians fought desperately to forse the rubber past Mills, but with- out success, the visitors' guardian of the posts was' well-nigh impenetrable, | and the shots he stopped were both many and furious. It was a splendid exhibition 'of goal keeping." The Globe says . "Varsity had much more of the play than the visitors, but ap- parently could not negotiate the nets, end even when they did Mills, who put up a great article of the game, was always in the path of the flying disc The Latest ' : oh * the Unionist League. Col. J. Frank He wus subjected to a terrific bom- 010 "Gil be the toastmaster bardment in the second half. Serim i Chicago, Feb. 12.--Banks, the board mage after scrimmage occurred in the i (rude 'the Stock Exchange, courts vicinity of Queen's nets, and Mills was and ther vablic' inatits wer so closely pressed that he once picked () cad here. to-day, in ho of Lin up the puck ond threw it away. He 1° birth! Ihe" thief event of was subsoquently put off for going to (ho day's exercises was the public me his knees." morial meeting in the GAR. Me At Cambridge, Mass., the McGill unt- 1norinl Hall Association. Various versity hockey team defeated the Har- | Grand Army posts, as well as othr vard team by 8 to 2. | organizations, held commemorativ Relleville's junior O.H.A. team thinks they are equal to the task of trim | ming the Lindsay Midgets. Rowley Young, of the Toronte pre- | fessional team, has gone to Pittsburg to play for Pittsburg in the games | against Calumet this week. General Sport ( leveland Plaindealer : About three years ago Louis Bruce, a youthful in dian, set the Eattern League on fire with his great pitching and batting, being used in the outfield by Toronto when not needed in the box. Connie Mack put up a big sum for his re lease, but the Indian failed to make good with «the Athletics. | At the Buffalo, N.Y., indoor running races Robert Kerr, of Hamilton, clean ed up in the 100.yard event. The Cay nadian flyer was in rare form. | At Dublin, in the third game of the International rugby football series, Ire- lend beat England by 17 to 9. At Utica, N.Y., the international Gordon championship medal was won | by the Canadian plavers in the annuet curling contest. The United States teams were made up of New York and Utica players. The score was 38 to 31, the visitors winning hy seven points. It was one of the greatest ice contests ever held at Utica. The Shah Concedes All. Teheran, Feb. 13.--The shah, last night, sent a message to parliament granting all the popular demands, in- cluding formal recognition that the country is under constitutional gov- ernment. This message was telegraph od to the Abrix, where the veonle had seized the arsenal and closed the gov- ernment offices. AR is now quiet. Mystery surrounds the sudden death of Viee-Admiral Hairi Pasha, lately appointed chairmen of a commission to examine the battleship Assar-I-Tew- fik, after her re-armament. Three dnvs after his appointment he was told that the appointment was withdrawn. He objected, und though up to that noment he had been in perfect health, in four hours more he was dead. Burtch's horse radish, for roast hesf, pork, and all kinds of meat. T's fine. Ask your grocery for it. Have no other; only 10c. . Baltimore, Feb. 12.---The Lincoln day "banquet, 'tg; Le held in the 4th Regiment armoury, here, to-night, ter, of Maryland. The wi Se . will speak "St. George's Baking Po is good enough for me." "What if 1 can make more profit on a powder that you say is just as good"? «I have no use for those ¢just .as good' things. And 1 LINCOLN'S BIRTHDAY. It Was Honored at Points. Washington, Teh. 12. The memory of Abraham Lincoln was honored, to- day, in the capital with appropriate ceremonies. All the big business houses and many private residences throughout the city are appropriately decorated while the nation's flags are flying from the White House. Many promises to bE the most important of its 'kind ever held in the country since the death oi Linco the speakers will be ice-Prm Fairbanks, Secrelary of the Treasury Shaw, Attorney-General Bonaparte, Senator Scott, of West Virginia; Sena tor Dillingham, of Vermont; Senator Warner, of Missouri; Senator Henne way, of Indiana; Senator Spooner, of Wisconsin Congressman J. Adam Pedd, of Minnesota; Theodore EE: Dur ton, of Ohio: Penrre, Mudd and Watch banquet is be ing held under the Young Men auspices of the Republican Clubs and meetings in the city Brooklyn, N.Y.. Feb. 12. At th amnual bangnet of the Lincoln Club a portrait, by Benjamin Eggleston, will be unveiled, John Temple Graves, of Atlanta, Ga.; Townsend Scudder, jug tice of the me court, and otha distinguished speakers will be present Springfield, 111, Féh. 12. Lincoln's birthday was observed by exercires at Lincoln's tomb, in Oak Ridge ceme ery, where thousands of people as sembled. The exercises were under the auspices of * Stephenson Post, GAR. and Stephenson Women's Relief Corps Se al eulogistic speeches were deliv r Numbers of floral offerings were placed on the sarcophagvs from all parts of the country. New York, Fob. 12.-The Lincoln an niversary was duly observed here. All banks and public buildings are closed since noon and the leading places of business are decorated. The Lincoln banquet will be held in Delmonico's torntght. A number of prominent men Are You Weak Instead of Strong ? You are discournged You feel old pnd worn. : Amongst | ; restr will meal, impure baking powder in my store at any price." "No, sir! People,who deal here, expect me to protect them against doubtful goods. am not going to risk losing good © customers by sellin Powder that I can't intelligently recommend." "1 Anow that ST. GEORGE'S is a pure Cream of Tartar Baking Powder, it gives satisfaction and I'll stick to it." "You are just wasting your ~ time (and mine) trying to sell me anything else." "Good morning!" Are you ever at loss as to * what to have' for breakfast, luncheon, dinner or tea? Book tells how to prepare 100 dishes, for every ! Sent free if you write the National Drug & Chemical Co. Limited, Montreal, s by its exquisite flavor ; it Sr hens: Tt gives appetite, it helps digestion and by its nutritive qualities it restores st rength and rolieves the exhaust. i» ed nervous system It is the Ideal Beer ron sax James McParland, Kingston £3 RS Re 9) not have ¢cheap', And I a Baking Our Cook infuses a new life into the 1.4 224 ASK IT FROM YOUR DEALER me GANANOQUE TIDINGS. A Young Couple Married--League Hockey Match. Gananoque, Feb. 12.---At the Maple leaf rink, last evening, the . high chool hockey (leaders in the league) met the St. Lawrence team The latter won by sixteen to two At St i church vesterday morning at seven o'clock, Miss Emma lane Gagnon, third daughter of Me, and Mrs. Edward corner Brock and Stone streets, was united in marriage to Walter Keyes. The ceremony was performed hy Rev, Father Kehoe, after which the wed. ding party repaired to the home of the bride's parents, where breakfaxt was served. Mr. and Mis. Keves will setthe in Gananoque. Rev. Father John Hanley, ldo, was in town during the part of last week. Mrs. Leo Turcott, f acuse, N.Y., is spending a short with friends and relatives in Alired Cheeseman. who, for several months past, has been engag- el as an employee in the works of the Toronto Polt and Forging com- team #ohn's Gagnon, of To- latter Lie town pany, here, left this morning for Hamilton, where he has secured a situation, Joseph Geroy, Charles You are sick, but not aware of the fact. ou can drag yourself around---but work is impossible With your stomach crving out for assistance and the nerves all on edge why not try Ferrozone--it will surely do vou good. Ferrozone is a wonderful combina- tion of vegetable extracts, fortified by excellent tonics for the stomach. When vou feel despondent, zone cheers vou up. Ferro- When sleep is impossible Ferrozone calms the nerves and gives vou test. For bounding health, good looks, good wpirits, nothi equals Ferro- zone; makes the weak strong and the sick well. Good fgg men, women and children: trv Ferrozone, 50 per box, at all dealers, nerves and When langour and oppression weigh you down, Ferrozone braces you up. street, spent vesterday in Brockville, with friends and relatives, William Bedard, River street, left vesterday or a short visit with friends in 3rockville, Vegetable Cough Specifics. The Diamond Cough Remedy is made of Wild Cherry, Hoarhound, Elecamp- ane and like No opiates, Pleasant, prompt and certain cure for Coughs, Colds, Sore Throat and Honrseness wally good for young or old. 25¢c., at Wade's Drug Store, remedies, The man who murdered Miss Made line Luke, the daughter of a British army officer, whore mutilated body was found in the par in Essen, Germany, 1. at Otoboer, has given himself up. Fehmi Pasha, the chief of the Mul tan of Turkey's secret police, on trial lately for the seizure of a ship's cargo billed to Hamburg, is to be banished. w pian ge {20 PER GENT. DISCOUNT SALE During the month of February we will offer d for sale our entire stock of Enamel Ware which consists of the best Canadian and Ger- man and Austrian manufacture AT 20% DISCOUNT Try our Brilliant Coal Oil and you would use no other. ELLIOTT BROS. 77 Princess Street. : CPPFP FIPS S HPI PIPS VIII II SII IPI SIS PIPE 3 : 8 Pl 3 i Woodenware To Users of Pails?and Tubs A word of caution may not be out of place. The E. B. Eddy Company's wares are FULLY GUARANTEED against factory defects, so it will be to your interest to see that the name i Geis 2 , is stampéd on every package vot 8 J : Always, everywhere in Canada, ask for EDDY'S MATCHES. « $ Sian iy ks gmt 3 F ST Nee