Daily British Whig (1850), 13 Feb 1907, p. 5

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mile With Every Suit : ind selects one of our Nobby ® rorth Suits te, pays it. We tell him that we'll | . send it to him in an hour, he al- § Bail FEA bbb tabd det LY he smile and but a moderate price ¢ 50,515, $18 & $20 4 active this season and the Suits we know anything about. i le waiting for you, Sir. e of Overcoats is On. TL Rte of tee Give) \L BRIDE AND GROOM. f the Abruzzi to Princess Helene of The prospective bridegroom is a is world famous as an explorer. ter of the King of Servia. staan ---- --_--_-- -- I -------- READY FOR COMPROMISE. | Further Malpractices of the Bu- reaucracy Revealed. a ' St. Petersburg, Feb. 12 --Further revelations of the malpractices of the bureaucrats are brought to light to day. Not only have the officials stolen and appropriated state lands, but they have sold 20,000-acre tracts of these to foreign syndicates, while the managers of the imperial appanages were in league to sell the czar's pro- perty. The discovery that the heads of the reactionary Russian league, whick pro- claims loyalty to the throne, had hir- ed the assassins who killdd M. Herton- stein, and had further endeavored to organize a court and military con- spiracy for the overthrow of the em- peror himself, in case he. yielded to the constitutional democrats, . has definitely persuaded the czar that « constitution is the only remedy for Russia's troubles. He is now ready to come to a compromise with the con stitutional democrats if the latter will alter their agrarian projects, meet- ing the nobility: half way, and re nounce their proposals for ojual rights for Jews and for Polish. au- tonomy. on, AA THE { I CONSUMPTION | VE BEEN AVOIDED | es ---- ent practitioner of Chicago, in the importance of Physicians re- berculosis in its early stages. Dr. f the asatha attributed to com- ven! e patients' s toms ed when first ony ay, s$ © assume from the very first that in all cases' where there is the . its psesence, and to Prescribe 5 in the chest, or difficulty in | t treatment, as the . id a s condition for the tubercular amp for consumptives in the Pine great attention because of his 8 the use of the following simple 2k 'up a cold in jpwenty-four J at. is curable : Take one-half ), two ounces of Glycerine, and Shake well and take in teaspoon- i WAAAY ured from any good prescription e_easily prepared. The tient Virgin Ou o Pine (Pure) in ut up expressly for druggists t Sealed in o y. Se a round wooden eran, name--"Virgin 'Oil of waters, often make Constipa- tion worse. They merely irritate the bowel and force them to move--stop taking purgatives and the bowels become *'tight" again. * Fruit-a-tibes" are the because their action is upon the liver, "Fruit-a-tives" are a liver tonic. They stimulate the secretions of bile by the liver, this bile causes the bowels to move in the natural, regular way and completely cures Constipation. "'Fruit-a-tives are fruit juices' with tonics and antiseptics added. In ' Fruit-a-tives" one atom of bitter replaces one atom of sweet in the fruit juices, forming a new com- pound which is many times more active, medicinally, than the fruit juices could possibly be. soc. a-box -- $2.50 for 6 boxes. At all dealers'. Hil alos © (FRUIT LIVER TABLETS.) 4 THERE BRE TANY BEING POWDERS | BUT THERE IS ONLY ONE MAGIC BAKING POWDER The Largest Jack Manu- facturer in the World Writes Regarding your Zutoo Tablets I beg tc say: I have been a sufferer from head ache since childhood and have used all or nearly all, of the so-called "cures" or the market, till warned by my physiciar to discontinue their use on account of their bad effects on the heart. Some months since my attenticn was called to your Zutoo Tablets and I have been us- ing them ever since with the most grati- fying results. I find they cure a "sick" or "nervous" headache in a few minutes and leave no bad effect. My family use them whenever needed with equally good results, I have frequently given them to friends who were suffering from head- ache and they never fail to give quick re- lief. I find them a good remedy for "sour" stomach as well asheadache. I al- Yrs carry them in my grip on the road and would not be without them at any cost. A. O. NORTON, 286 Congress St., Boston, Mass. 10c. and 25c. at dealers or by mail. B. N. Robinson & Co., Coaticook, Q. Samples free. to any Y Color At Home! "Maypole" is a cake of soap that washes Dad dyes at one operation. Not an old fashioned dirty, m powder dye. ba Sives byiifiant fast colors beds anythin, o any color A TAmoE To that i 4 the dye house-- dye at home with Maypole. Maypole Soap Made in Englond bul sold everywheve. 10¢. for Colovrs--1s¢. for Black. ¢ on rece BD pies; A Brox Menon Co..ToRoNTu. Ont Former sao tWwWhen You Buy COAL From P. WALSH Youget genuine! Scranton as he) handles nothing, ¢ else ¢ The hest place Lunch fn the citys on shortest notices -------------------------------------- ET tle St. Valentine's tea, on Monday for Miss Leng Wilson. There were twelve Englisi Rose tooth paste. Specially rhiions v | rocomme or smokers, T be NewYork Chinese Restaurant guests, and all the decorations rv Focturmaenin for sic ors 2 Ytbea EE -------- -- eoses | Miss Vyvyan Petrie gave a tea for iC 1d . 6 ther, toy Which the bride-elect, her : . 9. The dance at Mrs. Ramsay Duff's, Guwilight Princyss street, on Saturday night, 5 5 DAILY BRITISH WHIG, WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 13. bridessnaids, the groomsman, and the ushers at the wedding, were invited. - * - . was for the not-outs, Miss Jeon Duff's 5 # - % friends, and the cadets, and was as PVIIIIIIIIIIIIIIEIIOY [jolly os Mrs. Duff's parties usually Miss Annie Fowler, Union sfrect, | 87 The younger ones among the who always spends much thought on ' YO4NK people cannot complain of lack preparing for guests when she invites | ©f Saiety this year, for the greater them to her father's house, and jn- | number of parties have been given for qridbly makes the hours spent 'there them. pleasant, planned surprise for her + x ea. on juin The pA Wore wi By a misunderstanding of a tele. students of Professor Fowler's class, | Phone message, Mrs. R. J. Boyer, and a girl or two from the city to Johnson street, was reported, in Sat- even up the sexes. On arrival the men | WrUoy's Whig, as giving a oo Tri were given a green paper heart, bear- | Tuesday. The hostess was Mis. Charles ing half of a verse or quotation, the | "¥*% Alfred aden girls receiving a pink heart, having ipo it the ending of some oe heart's sentiment. Piecing out the | | * Mrs, William Gill, University av- enue, is ontertaining at a little tea is ternoon. thymes and sentences was great fun this: aRterngon. wd wh n hearts were joinéd the own wr of the green heart took the owner | of the pink one into tea. Everywhdre hrough the rooms were streamers of dink and green hearts, a very pretty rangement coming down from the handelier to the comers of the tea- 'able. Upon this were pink carna- Mrs. D. Phelan, Johnson street, is tions and pink candles in silver candle- home from Moatreal, where she has icks. It was altogether as pretty as beep visiting Mrs. Henry Kavanagh, 19 nossible, and most enjoyable, Miss Lorne Avenue. : : i'lian and Miss Ethelwyn Mowat and | "Nr Francis Botterell, of Montreal, Miss May Ross were in tharge of the | sailed to-day for England. - Miss Nora a things and ices, and. as mention- Macnee. may go down to spend some 'd before, the men looked after the | time with her aunt during his absence. adies in the matter of refreshments. | Mrs. G. M. Bosworth, Sherbrooke in . . =r ! street, Montreal, entertained informally The Shrove Tuesday dance, at the at luncheon in honor of Miss Con- toyal Military College, last night, was stance Tandy ist the same as évery other dance Miss MoKeon Johnson street, is hat takes place there--perfect in ev- ! visiting friends oh Montreal. ry way. A great many of the young- | The Misses Macpherson, William r people went over to it, ed none {oat will spend the month of April stayed away but those compelled to, i, Washington. nd deep were ; the regrets of those Mrs. Allaire Shortt's friends here will Wie Colonel wail 'Wes. FE. T. Tavior be sorry to hear that she is again hav- cel ved, and guve the hearty welcome ing trouble with her injured leg. The hey always do to the guests of the many calls of New York life have temp- taff and cadets. Mrs, F. D. Lafferty . L " 5 t uc Xertion, vas also there, and the other married | ted her to om ch exeriion cople were Mrs. John Cochrane, Mrs. | 5 . on Murtin, Mrs, Ho JV. de Bury, | sii Chatles Abbott has returned to nd Mrs, RW. Garrett. Some of the \SRatoN- Lo i abloads lad their own troubles in |, MSS Alona night will go on irom rotting there, as one or two drivers | boronto to Hamilton and Dundas. ave them an extra, but rather unde- | Miss Vena Henderson, Bagot street, . oe Mrs. J. O. Hutton, University av- enue, will give a children's St. Valen: | tine's party, on Thursday. ee Mrs. James Johnston, University av- enue, will give 4 tea to-morrow. . . * -. ire turn up the lake. The atmos- has gone over to Watertown, N.Y, to here was hardly conducive to the an- Visit Mis Betty . Lachland. 5 oyment of a lengthened sleigh driv) | Miss Elsie Gillies, who has been visit Towever, all'such suplunary things as | Ing Mrs. J. S.R. McCann, Queen old and discomfort were forgotten | street, has returned to Carleton Place. nee within the college walls, Sos aong those present, h, : BLAS: ae | to visit the ruins of the recent earth- Bernard Browne, William strat, | quake. a terno-n. In the tearoom were | ing Mrs. Charles Boye Alfred street. Mrs, D. Stewart Robertson, Mrs. D. | Mr. A. do B. I'remayne, of Halifax, han, and Mrs. J. M. Campbell, and |is the guest of Mr. and Mrs. J. C.( mong the corps of assistants were | Almon, Barrie street. lohinsony . Miss x onstanésy. Cooke, Miss Etta Ric nond, M Milly Ferris, and M oretta Swift. The tea-table was «¢ orated with pink earnations, the tL andles. The hostess' little daughters, swrooms and stones and such, but with |W, Wright, Colborne street. hursday night some of them went to ftreal. t the Forost and Stream Club in their returned, on Monday, from a fort honor. On Friday there was a smart night's visit to her old home in Pic ea at the Montreal rink, and on Sat- ton. : . i stay of the curlers was a happy one. y - - - - ! serious accident while bioyeling. ninton tournament, at the armouries, ; turned, yesterday, from Montreal er herself, | has remained in Montreal with Mrs, ruthers, a clever little ple the best player in the club, and they home yesterday. nade. a winning combination. The | a 6 8 » nrizes were put up by the president, Mr. and Mrs. Charles MeKay, John an exceedingly pretty blue velvet and | visit to Ottawa. hat also given a prize to be com- | West street, has returned to Yarker wied for, shortly, by the bridge play- | Mrs. James Massie, Bagot strect, re mouries. on Badminton days. On | tea at Mrs. Fenston's, on Tuesday af Saturday, as usual, was a cheering cup of tea. lal TE dig cone of the first prizes. Mrs. W. H. Sparling gave a very en. | from Montreal to-morrow, lovable tee when her guests, about forty in num the R.M.C. dance last night her, were principally married people, Mr. George Eade, Jr., will be here street \ : | assisted by Miss Pauline Sparling in | her cordinl, sincere welcome to ail, | Wee d in charge of the tea things we 4 1 ¢ ] and 'R Wook Miss Addie Tove, Wise | Fade, Sr. and the Misses Fade. Mrs. G. W. GG, Grout, Drock street, Morrishurg. "+ : : cman. | ee indacrt care sn informally. pleasant little Mr. and Mrs, W. T. Minnes, . Hill- | their ture supply of wood. Mrs, ¥ croft," are home from a short visit to . tea, on Monday afternoon, in honor | © of Miss Alice Kemp, of Toronto. Mrs, Toronto. "is +n R. W. Rayson was in charge of the tra things, and Mise Leta Elliott as sisted her. Among those present were Grier, es +» «dl. The marriage The tea given hy Mrs. Charles March. Boyes, Alired street, on Tuesday, was \ as a great success. About thirty guesis| Walker's Walk Out With Cash. . lion dollars. The shortage already mott, King street, gave a pretty lit- | ing. There is a run on the bank. winded of Cupid and the game of "Thearts, Store, Gia: Hvery hoy y Miss Mildred Jones, who went down | Thomeon-Seton. the author of to Montreal for phe marriage of Miss . Mr. and Mrs. James Kingsley, who . . RTM 3 a 1 5 D, )i the rosebusds to unfold in June were | have been spenuing the winter at Palm | Beach, Florida, have gone to Jamaica | ' ¥ rtaned at a pleasant tea on Tues | Mrs. John Charles, Yarker, is visit: drs. Browne's sister, Mrs. Herpert | _ A great number of friends were down odith Folger, Miss | at the station to bid Colonel and Mrs, ) i 'ages good-bye, yesterday. We are lad to know that - they are parting with Kingston with deep regret, for they have been parted with most un- 1 entre "Woing of 'pink tulle, and pink willingly, Hazel and Doris. showed visitors the | Mis. F. W. Branscombe, Barrie street, ay to the dressing-rooms. Mrs. Hen- { and her baby, will leave, shortly, for v Hubbell, Mrs. Browna's moth, | Toronto. Mrs, Branscombe has not elped very much to make the tea | been well ond needs a rest and change. "our cnioyable. | Mr. Archibald Christinas, of Mon Tee wo. in |treal, was in town for the week-end. The curlers have come home, from | Miss Bessie Moutray, of "Famhwn, fontreal, not alone with tales of | Amherst lsland, is now with Mrs. U. ecountings of much social festivity Miss Hannah Breden, Stuart street, Daily there was a lanchveotil for them | is spending a few days with her aunt, \t whichever rink they played. On | Mrs. Holton, Metcalie avenue, Mon- « dance given by Mrs. Henry Joseph | Mrs. E. E. Horsey, Frontenac street, rday aiternoon Mrs. Alexander Gor- | Peojle who met Mrs. Walker, of ie (neo Yates) gave a bridge for | Hamilton, Bermuda, when she was here hem. Mrs. St." Pierre Hughes has in the summer, will be sorry to - hear brought home a charming memento of that she and her family have been this last, in the shape of the first laid up for most of the winter from prize, a beautiful vase. Altogether the | various causes. Her young son, who { was here with her, met with a very ; a | There was a very interesting Bad- | Mrs. R. J. Hooper, Albert street, re- wm Saturday, when Miss Marie Car- | Miss Lorraine Dalton, Johnson stréet, drew Mr. P. G. Campbell, said to be |(laxton. Miss Mabel Dalton came | Mis. Norman Stuart Leslie, and were | son street, have returned from a short silver pincushion, and a silver calen- | Miss Gertrude Connolly, who has lar, with ivory tablets. Mrs. Leslie | been visiting Miss Bessie Smythe, ws, who play their game at the ar- | turned from Torénto last night. Ata , ! after play, there | ternoon, Mrs. Massid was u winner of Miss Mildred Jones is expected home THE DAY'S EPISODES LOCAL NOTES AND THINGS IN GENERAL, ---- Occurrences In The City And Vicinity--Other Brie! Items of Interest Easily Read And Remembered. Shut that. door ! Try Bivby's $3.50 trousers Wait for Semi-Ready Clothing. Skating at Royal Rink to night. Perth board of trade is to be resos- citated, Buy Infant's foods at Gibson's Red Cross Drug Store. Frosh there What are you going to forego dur ing Lent? 'There was no police court session this morning. John T. Purdom, of London, Ont., is here on business. Huve you any of vour . good New Year resolutions left over ? Plan open to subscribers, for Ernest Thomson-Seton, Thursday, at Uglow's. Buy your cough mixtures at Best's, and have a ¢hance to gain a valuable prize. If the peach crop was as sure as is the ice crop there would be few mis- givings, Don't forget the sale of Blaud's Iron Tonic Pills, at Gibson's Red Cross Drig Store. Mr. and Mrs. Wiliam Wright, Owos- so are visiting at Willimn Stanlake's, Pine street. Secretary Stokes and Physical In structor Burton, of the local Y.M.C.A,, are in Toronto attending whe Y.M.C.A convention. The great Ernest Thomeon-Seton is coming, Entertainment original and unique. Lantern slides Wait for Semi-Ready Clothing A fresh shipment of McConkey's high cluss oandy, this moraing, at Gib son's Red Cross Drug Store. McKenzie Miller, convicted of forgery at Cayuga. and sentenced to five vears in the penitentiary, was brought to th: city this morning Ladies ! If you would he strong and healthy and have good complexions, take Miller's Compound Iron Pilla. For sale by W. H. Medley. W. McKeever, advance agent for "The Sleeping Beantv and the Peast," is in the city bookini his show. to ap pcar on Thursday, February 21st. Foster Donnelly, of the local opera house staf. returned. this morning, from Peterboro, where he superintentd ed the staging of the "Zephra," The Whig got its advertisement (at the inaugural council meeting in Kingston, We step up and will he giv en notice in the legidlature. And so we nrosper, Charles W. Hall, of the Hotel Ran dolph, has received a bag of fine pe cans, from his friend, James Bute, of Houston. Texas. who spent last som. mer at his hotel, Mr. Bute save that the weather is of the best there at present. Ser Ribhy's R12.50 gorge suits, A little lad thinking much about the prophesied carthygnake, on 'Saturday, was, that day. on the Queen's excur- sion train, and when the burned: dis trict of Toronto was reached, he w marked, "Ma, | guess they had the ontthquake here all richty 1 felt the shoke on the train. didn't von 2" Blaud's Iron Tonie Pills. 2 bottles for 25e., at Gibson's Red Cross Drug Stare during the sale. Phone 230 Let children do your drug shopping that they mav have a chance to got n beantiful Brownie camera free at Best's. Miss Maogiec Mathewson, Simeos street, entertained gbouts forty of her | friends, last evening, including. about twente-five members of the Wednesday Rrwenine Dancing Clube. Music, games and dancing were indulged in, and songs were given by Messrs, Partridge, Parrin an Chown Dainty refresh ments were served at midnight, after which the gathering broke un, all high lv pleased with the evening's pleasure REPORT SATISFACTORY. Annual Meeting K. & P. Share- holders and Directors. The annual meeting of the share holders and directors of the Kingston end Pembroke railway was held in the offices of the company, here, to- day, when a report, considered most satisfactory in every respect, wos pre sented, W. D. Matthews, of Toronto, was reappointed presadent, and W, R | Baker, of Montreal, was appointed vice-president and general manager, Directors were appointed as follows : W. D. Matthews, Toronto; W. R. Bak- r, Montreal; H. I'. Timmerman, Mon at th» parsonage. Col Mr. Chipman, an ex-cadet, has been horne street, on Saturday afternoon, | in town for a short visit, and was at : . » Te company has done considerable with some of the girls to make ths | on Saturday, from Chicago, to pay Jfternoon bricht. Mrs. Sparling was | his sister, Mrs. George Mahood, Gore 5 a visit. And in a econple of time Mrs. Mahood expects to have with her Mr. and Mrs. George 1 : Miss Florence El Miss Amy Cameron, w ho has boen flab) Mito, and Mi k . visiting her aunt, Mrs. W. B. Fergu- HOLL: - - . «om, Union street, has gone home to The engagement of Mr. John B. Mc Cuaig, of the Canadian Bank of Com- | Mrs. Josenh Elliott, Mrs. W. B. Car. | merce, Toronto, and Miss Beatrice M. | Mrs. VW. RB. Dalton and Miss | Brown, daughter of the late Alber ART ! Brown, of Napanee, Ont." is anngunc will take place in rt filled the hostess" pretty room, in New Britain, Conn., Feb. 13. The which pink carnations formed the de- | shortage of the savings bank of New coration, Mrs. Charles, of Yarker,| Rritain, through the alleged specula- | visiting at F. G. Littlejohn's Miss Dora Pooth, and little Miss Arm- | ticn of the missing teller, William F. strong were aides, Walker, may amount to half a mil- won is Miss Gertrade and Miss Ida MeDer- | ghout 350.000. and it is still grow- | animgl stoves, Monday tservives in the sale of forty acres of trea A. R. Creelman, Montreal; { James Oborne, Toronto; R. V. Rog | ere, Hon. William Harty, J. B. Wal { lemn and R. Crawford, Kingston | work the past year in the way of im | provements, and it is the intention to | do more during the present year. From Chaffey's Locks. Chafiey's Lock, Feb. 12.-The people of this Jocality are taking advantage of the excellent sleighing in hauling logs to the sawmill, and procuring G. Littlejohn is on the sick list. Miss- es Anna and Mazy Burns, Oates, are visiting their aunt, Mrs. J. K Reg an. Miss Sadie, M. Murphy and friend, Brockville, are visiting friends hore. A varty of about thirty from Newhowo. | including the Fleming and Pierce or- | chestra. drove to the home of H Fieminz on Friday evening last. The evening was pleasantly spent in pro gressive enchre, with vocal and in- strumental musio. About midnight re Patsy Was Murdered. night, at his home in Marlbyrough. E. P property in Cobal Lydia E. Pinkham' I REC . This perfectly natural change in a woman's life Is too often ac- companied by painful, distressing symptoms due to female troubles and slight irregularities in her deli- cate organism. The woman who passes this change without the development of tumors, cancers, or chronic invalid- ism enters a new field of happiness and usefulness in the domestic cir- cle and in social activity, Her phy- sical ' system should receive the necessary assistance at this critical period. Lydia E.Pinkham's Vegetable Compound is exactly suited to woman's needs at this time. It strengthens and cures all derangements of the female organism, it overcomes the hot flashes and dizzy fainting spells, and all other distressing symptoms. Woman's Friend During Change of Life Dear Mrs, Pinkham :--~1 owe my splendid health to Vegetable Compound. Iam the mother of three children, have safely passed the change of life. and feel ss young sud strong as 1 did efouty yore a and this is all due to your friend of women, Lydia B Pinkham's table Com: Ie Toff Ant on ton Joes it off and on for ness such as most women have to pound. 1 took it before my children were born, and snd saved me much pain, and during chan, years, and had but little trouble and » endure. Mas. Jauus K. Many, 806 Bathhurst Street, Toronto, Canada. The whole secret of safety at this time of life Is thorough preparas tion before the change begins. Fortify the system with a course of Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound. This wonderful medicine has carried thousands of women through this danger period. No sach helpful advice to women who are sick can be had anywhere as will be received free by wddressing Mrs. Pinkham, Lyon, Mass. Mrs. Pinkham is E. Pinkham, and for twenty-five years under her direction, and since her decesss, she has been advising sick women free of charge. wh 3 900009004 0000000000000 This Is The Age Of "Why 2" s Vegetable Compound Cures Where Others Fall People no longer buy things blindly of promiscuo they buy for certain, well understood reasons goods by the mame or brand. The reason that some people give for buying and using a "Happy Thought" Kitchen Range Is that nine out of ten of their neighbors use this wonderful Cook Stove, and sound its praises appearance, perfect working and easy on fuel, and call constantly as beautiful in McKelvey & Birch, 0000000000000 0000000000000000000000000000000 Hides used for are selected with care. crack, split, and and uncomfortable. all widths, $5. freshments were served. T. Nulger and | daughter, Christina. Gananoque, are | Neintyre & Melntyro | | | Ringstom, N.Y., Feb, 13.-- Because he obiceted to his wife receiving atten- tions of other men, Patsy Corrado, forty years old, was murdered, last Kadlack, of Cobalt, is suing T. and girl shoold, hear | E, O'Keefe, of Chatham, fo: $15,000 } ries. Municipal "and County Deben- those | commission, alleged to I» due him for _ received and interest allowed. McGill, t known ps the Em- Mortgages jrirclu gad. Deposits alle * Oftice, ¥7 Als Sp auaging Kingaton. i | We invite you to | 1 not satisfactory. The American Ladies' Tailoring Cn President--Sir Richard Cartwright | 231 Princess Street. Phone, 556 Money loaned op City and Farm it | : Edinburgh pulsory, 69 and 71 BROOK STREET About Patent Leather VICTUS Patent Leather They must be soft, smooth, uni- form, and free from defects. Otherwise, they would shape making the shoes unsightly INVICTUS Patent Shoes are made in all sizes and The Sawyer Shoe Store ia E, Pinkham's of Lydia RELIABLE FOOTWEAR FOR BOYS Just oat you: Gin: far, this time year, someth w stand the wear ond tear. ' Tua't fall to see our Boys', bes fore you purchase. Our Price $1 50 and $1 75 H.dennings, King 8t. Waggoner's Big Clearing Sale Now On. Call and see the great "Values now bes ing given in Suits, Overvats and I'rousers. : ; Suit lengths sold by the plece. Ceods must go at once to clear up stock. Alex. Wi ner, 88, Wolington Street. BRITISH - AMERICAN visit our establish- th eee a ST Ely 02 THE FRONTENAC Ee ae LOAN & INVESTMENT SOCIETY. | 0" leet Alluaciory: ESTABLISRED 1863, | Big Reduction to fight one i simption hy waking notificat.on com- HOTEL KINGSTON -/- ONTARIO Has undergone alterations and Is now open to the travelling ; BARRISTERS mel. "Vou "will Te delichied with "the MONEY TO LOAN We Comping ihe mon carefs -l w man sublic. . * KIKG STREET, KINGSTON { ip, most ex designs, x ed \ graceful models and the result is Proprietor Ep a, WU Deankite ond attrast] W TELE ER on Skates

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