Daily British Whig (1850), 14 Feb 1907, p. 1

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NS! ) TABLE LINENS, , 85c. ) TABLE LINENS, y 95¢. TABLE LINENS, , 1.35. w designs, We could not we do if we had not plan- these for they were pur- since then -these Linens greatly. Napkins Napkins 3.00 afd on up to 600 Special Bargain [o-Morrow Morning 300 PILLOW GASES ound, hemstitched, and made inglish Pillow Cottons. The v and width would be 25. rrow Morning it lasts 17c. or 50c. 8. alues, at Te, 20. 20c. : 12}c.. 15¢. de, 15c., 20c., and on up 1Cc., THE HABIT. RING Ig you these splendid Shoes. ar, and we can fit all in. Glad to show them. Call in. feet, YEAR 4. NO. 38. 'Seeeesecessssessesses FEBRUARY SALR OF FURNITURE Re -- Stil making im provements, refit. ting, another addition to our pd large wareroom: © Look Out for the Bargains China Cabinet, Fogular price, $16 » : $12 China Cabinets, regular price, 20. $16.50. Bufletas, and China Cabinets combined, regular price, S10, ol $32.50. Polish Oak Extension Table, re, $ » » lar vrice, $18, for 15. Dresser and Washstand, Polished Oak, from $18 to $50 cach. A few extra Special Pr Bedroom Setts, Roe i THIS SALR 1S CENUINE. add ROBT. J. REID 230 Princess street. The Leading Undertaker 'Phone 577 Ambulance FIFIIIISISIIIIIIIIINe NEWS FOR THE CITY OF KINGSTON -- There is a New Shoe Re pairing Shop started at 201 Princess St., near cor- ner of Clergy St. By takiog wour boots, shoes and rubbers there you will save 25c. on the dollar on the price and on the wear. If you cut this advertisement out of the paper and brine it with the shoes, it will save you 20c. on the dollar. JOHN GREEN, 291 Princess St. 15 Horses For Sale This Week. All classes consisting of General Pur- pose, Delivery, Drivers, and Cheap Work- ers. Horses sold on six months credit hy giving approved note, with interest. All horses sold with a warranty are return- able any time before 12 o'clock noon, of the day following date of sale if not as represented. For further particulars; apply at 112 CLARENCE STREET +s... Or-42 PRINCESS STREET Hockey Match SENIOR 1.C. H. UU. McGILL vs. QUEEN'S FRIDAY, FEB. 15th. Game called at 8 p.m. Admission, 25c. Reserved Seats, 25¢. and 50c. Plan opens on Feb. 14th, for sale of seats at Rink Office. Acknowledgment Pp. J. WHELAN. DESERONTO DE- sires to thank most cordially Dr. Garrett and the Sisters of Hotel Dieu Hospital, Kingston, for the very successful way they treated his wife, Who, although undergoing an operation of the uw malignant and severely critical nature, is home agaiw perfectly restore d wit hin four weeks after operationl No words can express the kindness and devoted attention she received from the above persons, SALE OF HORSES FEBRUARY 16th. : 0 Registered Mare, heavy in foal wr Colt, 9 months old, standard. bred. . WM. MURRAY, Auctioneer. ENQUIRIES Are coming in for residential property to purchase and Tent prior to May next. Let me aid you to dispose of yours to good . advantige. 3 SWIFT'S S Real Estate and Insurance Agency ------------------------------------------------ AS Tenders for Supplies SEALED TENDERS FOR MEAT, Bread. Milk, Groceries, Coal and Wood required for the House of Industry, from March 1st, 1907, to March 1st. 1% will be received by the undersign wed until Feb. 22nd. Further information given upon in- qiry, R. MEEK, Secretary. em Kingston & Cape Vincent Heated Cabs leave for Cape Vincent any time--day or nivht Cabs. leave to éatch all trains Telephone 490 And they will CALL AT your resi dence. Clarence Street Hack Stand. TAKE NOTICE Between Season's we sell very small profits. That is what like. Try us for the fun. TURK'S S SECOND- HAND STORE | ncess Street. Goods on you Sam The Safe Broken Open. Drenden, Ont., Feb. 14.--About four o'deck, this morning, Dresden post office was broken into, the safe blown open and all the money, stamps and registered Jetters taken. The parties entered by # Side window, two reports were heard. There is no clue as yet. ee ere widow in hall-mourning Apoth by thad sign confess o That she is hell a mind to--3a . It's wp to you to uess. toni co. Dr. Chown's 'Besi, Marks' Company, at Gr D House, 8.15 p.m. "5. Orem Limestone Lodge, No. 91, A.O.U.W. meets Thursday evening at 8 o'clock Sherman died, 1891 Met licndin church, 8 p.m. Admission, 20e¢. DAILY MEMORANDA. Board of Education, 8 p.m, Rummage Sale to-morrow evening and all day Saturday, at 53 Brock stree Zion, good skating to-night, skating romenade to-morrow night, 14th Band This day in history ;--Buller drove Joers from Hussar Hill, 1900 ; Genbral Come to the Men's Social, Brock St. Friday, Feb. 15th, at Good programme. Refreshments. WHIG TELEPHONES. 243--Business Office. 229--Editoral Rooms. 292--Johhin~ Department. Neat, Tasty Programmes Printed. Goblets Goblets A SNAP! We have about 25 dozen very nice Goblets, all finish- ed, but a little off color, regular price 85c. a dozen. Yours while they last for 30c. a Dozen Robertson Bros. Furs REGISTERED Fur Coats --IN-- Raccoon, Beaver and Fur-Lined Beat ths World in Value, Comfort and Quality. LOOK THEM OVER John McKay FUR HOUSE 149-1£3 BROCK: ST. "Board of Trade THE MEME Trade am Beck or Comn meeting in the NIG a S OF THE BOARD OF a bunguet to the Hon the members of the at the close of th Hall, on FRIDAY r tickets will Kind- eer arly tomorrow Ct NNINGHAM Secr ~ NOTICE ly in AT THE RPQUEST OF THE BOARD of Trade i Hon. Adam Beck and the Power « will address the citine itv Hall, on FRIDAY EXHIBITION. Grand Exhibition of Prize Poultry lego *heasants, 261 Ontario St near Prince FIIDAY and SAT URDAY, open from 10 a.m. to 9 p.m Admission, 10e. JAPAN WILL WITHDRAW. Will Evacuate Manchuria Out + of Friendship For Russia. St. Petershurg, Feb, 14.--Dr. Moto no, the «d a note Japanese minister, has hand to M. levolsky, minister of foreign affairs. informing him that the mikado is desirous of re-establishing o normal state of affair® in Manchuria and as also showine a sincere desire to resume complete friendly relations with Russia, has ordered the immediate evacuation of the province. The only troops which will be left are those strictly necessary to guard the rail way. The Rheumatic Group. When there is an excess of uric acid in the blood, one of the group of affec- tions is bound to appear sooner or later; Rheummtism, Gout, Sciatica, Lumbago or Neuralgia. To expel any of these diseases the poison in the blood must be neatral- ized and expelled and the disordered condition of the kidneys and digestive organs must be removed! If this is done the disease is cured and its return prevented. Dr. Hall's Rheumatic Cure will do these neces- pr tary lampbell-Bannerman, was KINGSTON, ONTARIO, THU RSDAY, I ---------------------------------------- WONT TAKEIT Lord Charles Beresford De- clines Appointment. UNDER CONDITIONS THAT ARE AT PRESENT IN FORCE IN NAVY, The Music Hall Fight Has Been Turned Over to An Arbitrator ' --The Hopes of the Irish People For Home Rule Are to Be Fulfilled Says Secretary Birrell. London, Feb. 14.--It is stated on high authority that Admiral Charles Beresford, 3 appointed to the command of the Channel fleet, has declined the command under the who was re to assume present lime ited conditions. He holds that the fleet as at present constituted is al together too inadequate for the pur- posa. The tarifi reformers have decided to » an amendment to the g the whole question of colonial preference, In the debate on the speech from the throne, of Commons, yesterday, Long, at one time Ireland, raised the Augustine Birrell, the ry, replied that he, like address, reply to the in the House Walter Hume chief secretary for Irith question, and present chief Premier pericctly solution satis- majority of the is generally call- sutisfied that the only factory to the great Irish people is what od the home rule bill, and that nei- ther he nor the premier would assume responsibility for any measure likely to obstruct or interfere with the ful filment of « these hopes. This state ment was greeted with loud ministeri al and nationalist cheers. The contending parties in the music hall fight have accepted the arbitra tion of G. R. Askwith, K.C., agree ing to abide by Mr. Askwith's deci sion. The banned halls will stay banned. pending this, but the Nation al Alliance undertakes to abstain from further managers. aggression against the UNUSUAL EVENT. Widow and Widower and Daugh- ter of Each Married. Montreal, Feb, 14.--Wednesday a somewhat unusual matrimonial event was celebrated at the parish church of St. Louis de Mile E when an elderly widower, a father of five chil dren. was married to a widow, who also had five children. At ihe same service a daughter of the bride and a danghter of the groom were also may ried. Special permission was gr inted the younger couples to undergo the marriage ceremony of their re- spective parishes in order that the par ents and children might join in the nuptial family reunion. Fric nds of the six participants witnessed the unique wedding. outside SKIN CHANGES COLOR. New York Girl Victim of a Rare Malady. New York, Feb. 14.--Mary Figholz, eight years old, at Bellevue hospital, is a vietim of purpua hemorrhagia, a malady rarely found except in old peo ple. The child's body at times presents the appearance of having been tal tooed, the skin changing color like a rainbow Beneath the skin blotches of a plum color, ranging in size from a pinhead to a penny, change shape and form odd like water under a gla figures. The physicians say "the dis case is probally the result of a :heu matic ge rm. Have Some Canned Mermaid. London, Feb. 14. --~"Canned mer * will soon be obtainable in Lon don and Paris as the newest exotic delicacy. This strange viand comes from Ques nsland, where the dugong, the curious aquatic animal which was taken by the old voyagers for a mer maid, is common in the shaMow water along the coast. The dugong was called a by the carly ite habit of standing upright in the water, clasping it8 young to its breast. It is a clean feeder, living (in sea grass, and its flesh is said to be quite palatable. maid' "mermaid" navigators on account of Driven From Stage By Critics. Philadelphia, Pa., Feb. 14.--Fanny Ward, the wife of Joseph Lewis, the South African millionaire, who has been gppearing as leading woman with Kyrle Bellew in his "Marriage of Reason," * did not appear in the cast last night, and her absence, in all like- lihood, will he wermanent. Her place was taken by Julia Dean, who took the part at two honrs' notice and made a decided hit. Tt was because of the "roasts" of the critics that Fanny Ward left the show. Eminent Engineer Dead. Paris, Fob. 14.--<leon Serpollet, a noted engineer, is dead, in his forty vighth year. He was the inventor of 1s GOOD TO SISTER. Millionaire Will Give $2,000,000 as Wedding Gift. Pittsburg, Pa, Feb. 11.--Surpass ing many tales of princely mefierosityy comes an announcement that Charles M. Schwab, former president of the United States Steel corporation, will give hig sister, Miss Gertrude Schwab, S2000.000 as a wedding gift when she it led to the altar In David Barry, of Johnstown, Pa. Misc Schwab is re ported as saying "My brother is the that any girl ever had' She, has always been the brother. In apnea him. She is still under medium hei; has the same jolly ce and infections langh that are characteristics of the millionaire, and has wealth of chest nut hair, and fine ) best heother idol of her we she resembles r thirty, rather and plump. She ol eyes Miss Schwab lives with her parests in Loretto, in the beautiful home Schwab built for the family Mr. Bary, while not wealthy, has a competence. He is the cashier of bank. He is still wider the shady side of forty. t ALGER, Washington is a Michigan SENATOR RUSSELL A Whose sudden death great shock to HAHEI TAKEN BACK. Toronto, Feb. 14.--~The Bell Telephone company has agreed to take back ail the operators who went out on strike. This affects some forty girls who are still out Fak AREER RARE Terre am aE y HE SHRINK PITH OF THE NEWS. The Very Latest Culled From All Over, The World. The United Stytes alien has been increa od to 84. hgad tax There is 1 lomrer any serious ap prehension « ig shortage in the west I. H. Vanams , & prominent busi ness man « wnwall, died Wednesday morning. Napoleon 6 an Ottawa civil servant, « suicide by hang ing himself Brazil is said to be almost in finan cial straits, hor deficit this year being 26,000,000 A large | h of Salvation Army emigrants sailed by the Lake Cham plain, yester All the fishermen on the ice floes in oe GO Finland, were rescued, loss of life. The report that: Dr. Flood, surgeon it NW. M.P., perished while hunt ux been confirmed. he C.PPR. company is building mers in Great two of which are lake trade Kate and wnd three new st Britain, intended for the James McMullen, ter ged about sixty were frozen to death in their dwelling at Garden Hall station. Tlohn Ennis, brother years, who recently resigned a position with the Allan Line com pany after forty-seven vears' serviee, is to be ppesented with a testimonial, Dr. Roddick, nt the MeGill medical dinner, was prsented with a hand. some silver loving cup in honor of his marringe. and of his final voar as denn of the ral faculty. Rumor in Paris says that M. Briand has prepared a new document for the lensing of the churches, which will both satisfy the Roman Catholie church apd meet the delicate require ments of the political situation. A thirteen-year-old boy in Owen Sound is likely to lose both feet. He savs the farmer he worked for forped him io drink when they were driving home, after which he fell out of the sledy h, and, after wandering about, lay in a barnyard all night, with the mercury twenty dogrees below sero The Japanese: budget provides for a tots! expenditure of £305,000 000, sixty millior = over that of last vear, and mors as much as was re anired ta cover all' expenses prior to the Russo-Japanese war. The opposi- tion. hawever, appears to he quite powerless in the house. Heori Bourassa, MP, for Labelle, sneaking at the Conadian Club, Ham ilton, said he had been accused of disloyalty heeause he had opposed the Joor war and the doetrine of Cham berlain, but the principles of Mr Chamberlain carried into offect would ultimate disruption of the than twics mean the empire, Tron and. Wine, 50c., Jorge bottle. Shon some men are sure you are sary things every time. Its aetion is |' "team ~ boilers with flattened" heats prompt, certain and thoroygh. en | Subsequently he dnvented automobile days' treatment, price 50c., at Wane on ines, Drug Store. ---------------- Spectacles and eyeglanton that look You may be sure you are wrong neat, feel comfortable and secure, and a guarentee to give perfect satisfact {ion at Chown's drug stores A report is current to the effect that FEBKUARY 14, 1907. Were Alone Saved Wrecked Steamer. WAS FRUITLESS. It is Thought That Most of tal numbr of two are women. All day, fishing boats and WW Island Sound, in the or raft might be discovered th might contain some sign of life. fniled to find anything, but bodies, bear back ta Block Island, Only few bodies wore washed ashore on tl island during the day. It ful whether many more recoversd, most of them bodies will probability it how many lives were Jost in this dl aster, but the Block Island, R.I., Feb, 12.-One of forty-seven Salvation Army m Josus, lover of my soul, Let me to Thy bosom fy, While the angty waters roll, While the tempest still is high. ing upon the deck, mighty to hear the little bund, of themselves, that they seemingly unmindf had a chance to sa themselves if they would fight as di the others, knelt and prayed. The spell cast over the however, stake, passengers, TWO WOMEN From L0SS OF LIFE, 126 SEARCHING FOR THOSE ALIVE the Bodies Were Carried Out to Sea--It is Likely the Complete persons aboard the yesterday, gs scourad Block ope that a boat They in doubt- by undoubtedly having been carried out to sea. In all will never be known latest estimate makes the minimum total loss of life, 126. Sang While Ship Was Going Down the thrilling scenes of the Larchmont disaster was that enacted hy the band and women, who went to their death with smiles on their faces and hymns In the fitful half light of the night PO singers Taddled a invoking the Al- "their prayer, while others fought savagely for the boats that their lives were at shipwrecked was but momen GOING BACK WIIH CORPSE. Valuable Horses Drowned at Glen Island. Special to the Whig. Picton, Ont. Feb. 1. ~At midnight, while en route home from Kingston, with the remains Clark, Messrs. J. of the late George M. Martin and An: son Farrington drove into a crack in Glen Island. Two valu: were drowned, but, for the sleigh, with the casket remained on the ice. With the help of a rescuing party from Glenora the men got safely on land. the ice, near able horses tunately, mn it, BLOCK WIPED OUT. A Serious Fire Damaged Ridge- town Property. Loss of Life By the Disaster| Ridgetown, Ont, Feb. 14.--A forty Will Never Be Known. thousand dollar blaze here, early this AE 3 . 5 morning, wiped out the entire Queen's Provider, R.1., Feb. H.~-0f the to- hotel Ho At times othet buildings Th-2 ore in imminent danger, and only ill-fated steamer Larchmont, it is wow | 3 / t almost certain that only nineteen Whaohgh Fd efforts ol. fenton Sud have heen saved, and of these only | STH00" BOF Wow Sa fo 4 obtained from Rlehheim, about nine o'clock, and at ten o'clock the fire was. practionlly under control. The loss to J. Sheldon, the owner of the burned building, will be fully twenty to thousand dollars, with an insurance of twelve thousand dollars, Other - losers are: Me. Dauphin, confectibn. ery, loss over $40,000, partly covered insurance; MeMustor, hardware, lose over R13,000, insurance $7,000, and Mr. Dolman, whose barber shop adjoining the Queen's, was gutt loss unknown. at be ise SUN SPOT DISCOVERED. Electrical Disturbances May Be of Experienced. Pittsburg, Pa., Feb. 14.~Prof. John J. Brashear, of the Alleghany obwer: vatory, announces through the press a discovery of one of the greatest sun spots ever called to the attention of of praise upon their tongues. hen astronomers. fle says, as a result, the two boats collided men electrical disturbances may be ox. with women for their lives. he ought jenced throughout the country, vationists took places on - the on he prosent dpot is so large it can be and begun their army prayers, soon through smoked glass, and, the Slowly and distinctly rose the hymn, ashen int ¥ plddi, - Bo of the Joy y strong > pe guining in strength as the mommts ment of 'the discovery; Prot. Brashear says *Thia is the largest spot that has been seen for several years, and its approximate length is 115,000 nil and 30,000 miles wide, povering area of about 3,500,000 sghare allen; " Fractures Skull By Sitting Down. Cleveland, Ohio, Fob. H.~Charles i Pierson, Woodland avenue, is dead, at ul | Huron Road hospital from an inter ior fracture of his skull. Pierson had been arrested in a saloon. Soon after his arrival at central police station he was discovered ta be in a serious condition. Coroner Burke found that the fracture which caused death was ve id tary In a ir i gr twa they ike an interibr one and advanced the Aguin whting for their. lives opinion that Pierson might have re demons ' ceived it from witti wi ravily Slowly the steamer settled. The itting down * heavily Salvationis -- minutes passed, and the ts . still prayed amd sang. The water was Engine's Boiler Blows Up. soon at their feet. At the touch of |, Middletown, N.Y. Fob, 14.--The its icy fingers they felt the hand of | boiler of an engine pulling: an Ontario Jeath laid upon them. A few minutes | & Westen railroad train, which left and the water was to their knees, | here yesterday * afternoon, exploded There was a wavering of the song of | Dear Lavon, Ontario county. The train but it was not stilled, Gradually, one by one, succumbed (Of the entire party, one of the Salvationists saved---a w man, whose body, coated wns dragged from the surf off lighthouse at Block Island. the little bon of the TALSe, army. Upon the ocller ing the cross, HOW TO THRIVE. culture, and if he eats more which will be good news lose weight, will gain, thin who want to get fat. Pr. Wiley says every should consume four and a kh pounds of solids and liquids day TO GET EXTENSION. larging Territory. Ottawa, Feb. 14.-Tt boundaries will carry that allel and the Churchilh preset oastern and darics are not likely but will be merely ward, 1 this river. to be distur projected is done Manitoba Hudson Bay. The already the northern British Columbia, katchewan and Alberta, Long In Public Service. Windsor. Ont., Feb, 14. Magist ninth year in public service in city. He began his public life as Miss Alige Philips has purchased the property known as the Graves' House, , Pieton. Although eighty-four venrs of age still performs } ever. the members there was only with ice, She wore blue skirt and the red rib her coat was the insignia of her call chemistry of the department of agri- is authority for the statement the fat who want to get thin and the individual every Outlet on Hudson Bay By En is said that the proposed extension of Manitobn's province northward as far as the sixtioth par- western boun- north- get the outlet that she is secking on sixtieth parallel boundary of Bartlett has just concluded his forty- clerk, and after holding this position with the secretaryship with the board of education for about twenty years, resigned to become police magistrate. | the diftios of the lat- formerly known as the Yarwood home! tor office in as capable & manner 'as | for 5c stead, was runnine at the rate of forty miles an hour. The fireman and an unknown man, who was riding in the cab of the engine, were killed, the envineer fatal oy hurt, 'and several other persons were seriously injured. Will Lose Her Title. Berlin, Feb, 14.-Countess Augusta, of | second daughter of Prince Philip Zu he Man Eats Head Of in 100] complaint before the kaiser. The Days. countess will Jose her title, Washington, Feb, 14.--Dr. Harvey W. Wiley, chief of the bureau of Clergyman Co-Respondent, Washington, Feb, 14, Bassett was granted o that & man vats every day "one per [his wife, Fannie Rice Bassett, a cont. of his weight in dry food, and {daughter of Ex-Senator Rice, of Ar that it requires one hundred days for | kansas. Rev! KE. L. Hunt, Brook him to eat his own head off." yn, was named as co-respondent. He says if 0 man eats less he will he To Wed After Consideration. to London, Feb, M.-Edna od to marry Oscar Lewissohn, wiving the matter many months' all | sideration." place this year, Will Go To Prison. assessed agmingt them A Big Fire. New York, Feb, The | works of the company, heed, | Inorned, to-day, of $400,000, Has No Intention. Paris, Feb. 14.- immed, to-day, of Premier Clemenceau his office. Lieutenant Assassinated. Tangier, Feb. Jd. formerly Raisuli's lieutenant, will 1 is the reports Ras rate this } sassinated, to-day, opposite the Span: fox rie Toul ail Jas, Redden & Co Prevost, Brock street, will give . . choice of $18 and $20 Elenburg, an intimate friend of the kaiser, has been married to a Rou manian, named Jorallinsk, formerly Prince Phillip's private secretary. It is stated Prince Phillip has laid « Charles C divoree from rida yesterday, for | Sat. Night-- Lomlon, Feb. 14.--Fiftysix women suflragists, arrested, disorderly conduct, to-day, elected to #0 to prison rather than pay the fines H.-The motor Daimler Manufacturing at Long Island City , were with an estimated loss Formal denials were that intends resigning Ben Mansour, was as- We have just received and place on sale TO-MORROW the most attractive shipment of Swiss new kinds as as staple lines. : facilities § enable us to Sitar many ex- Siysive o be had 4 $a3. : i" i early is apparent. Call <Q and MOTIVES and MEDALLIONS SPECIAL MERCERIZED EMBROIDERIES and IN. SERTIONS, Many of these in matched sets, Steacy's BUCK-VH ok i ROMAN A0n Tusaday. w "i ba McOnmus, id Seumbore. to J to iiitiase : t ta eek Ma Ermattomo ts DIED. LBADER ~At Kingston, Feb, "1 v Florence I. Loader, Pr hi Yours and ten months, Funeral private, from her late rehidenct, 288 Barrie street, Friday, at 2. May, the - a actress, announces that she is engag- "after eon- The wedding will take MARKS BROS. BIG Ate, 100 In & Repertoire of Now and Plays. th i -20. w Sones. New Fiectrieal Effects. Hiustra "nd To-Night-- 'The Limerick Lass ~"ON THE MOBILE." iy ~"THE PRODIGAL'S - RN"; Matinee, Children 10c. ; Adults, Fp 10.95.28 ge Seats now on Sale ee ttn, i, MELAGAMA TEA Will be demonstrated in our store for one full Week, February 9th to 16th Come in and have a cup. to-order for. $15. i Iron Tomie Pi 2Be., at Gibson's Red during the sale. Phone 230, Good fit: end good 2 bottles | for Drug |

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