BL CE . «3 fair there is no sure to a woman's heart, conceded way me on aie cook is PRICE $1.25 T0 $1.75 - CORBETT'S 'the FOOD STOMACH To wrong action of the stomach and im- paired digestion a host of diseases ows #0 it 'oan digest the the Bi Sr ~~ SOLD ONLY AT Mitchell's Hardware, Caps, etc. early ISAAC ZACKS 271 PRINCESS ST. ORDERED FOOTWEAR pn, Let us show sample .and tell GLEAKING OUT SALE OF WINTER STOCK Overcoats, Suits, Sweaters, duction. Everything must go to make room for Goods. Come ~i your choice. Underwear, Great re- New Spring and get If you have any Foot Troubles, bring them to 286 PRINCESS ST. A.E HEROD THE HOUSR OF QUALITY g Canada Life Assurance Co'y. nS TABLI4ARY use") 8 ie ereat Canadian Compan, * Hunde for Canadian people by od dian People 80 yeurs ago hag Assets | Amounting to pene sions win. $82,280,518.00 Assurance in force $112,572,028.00 Surplus 'or Profit Account) of . $1.882,750.00 Stands in a unique position all along the line. ; Shave the best Life or BEndow- en ssurance by selectin, the "CENADA LIFE. . If vou eall in the Office, 18 Market street you will be cheer v lly shown the 20th Century Policy issued by this Company, the Annual Guaranteed Dividend Policy. which is modern to the moment, also actual Kingston policyholders. J. 0, HUTTON, Manager Telephone 703. J. BR. URQUHART, 153 Alfred St., Special Agent. OF COURSE YOU CAN CURE YOUR RHEUMATISM | No matter how long you have suffered of what remedies you have tried without relief, Bu-Ju will cure you. We know what Bn-Ju has done for , bedridden and helpless, We know results to tortured with Rheumatism, Sciatica, Lumbago, Neuralgia. Bu-Ju, The Gentle idney Pill, cures Rheumatism because 7 Seiachotis deposit of uric acid in the which causes Rheumatism. Bu-Ju will cure your Rheumatism, Take it on our guarantee that your money wiil be prom. pily refunded should fi fail. soc a large box, At all druggists or bv mail from T Claflin 0 hemical Co. Limited, Windsor, Ont. 9 It you wish to be successful at tend The Kingston Business College Limited, head of Queen street. Canada's Highest Grade business school. Book-keeping, shorthand, typewrit ing, tele graphy, and a com- mercial subjects thoroughly taught b; helen EN, 4, warm wiord's | y pent, experienced teachers. Day and nirht classes. Enter at any time. Rates very moderate. 'Phone; 440. H. F. METCALFE, President. J. BE. CUNNINGHAM, Secretary. IN THE GOOD OLD FASHIONED DAYS. Powdered Wigs Formed An Im- portant Adjunct to a Gentle- man's Apparel. It is safe to say that the majority of bald men of today would gladly revive the old, dignified custom if they could. But they can do the next best thing to it, that is, hold on to what hair ve. pulh has not been completely destréy- ed by parasites that infest it. New- bro's Herpicide will do wonders in the way of encouraging 5 new orowth of haiv. Psstroy the cause, you re move the offect. That is the successful druggists. Send 10¢. in stamps for sample to FheHerpicide (o., Detroit, Mich. Two sizes, 50c. and 81. G. W. Mahood. special agent. L-- Burtoh's horse radish, for roast and all kinds of meat. It's one domi. Have no TROUBLES it acts directly on the kidneys and stops pit the government contributes $4,000 In cases where the hair root or hair mission of Herpicide. Sold bv leading CHE WHIO EDW. J. B, PENSE, Managing Director. Daily Whig. Clamour For Redress. , Mr. Whitney, in an interview with the Toronto Star, intimated that he was willing to listen to any reason- able request regarding the three-fifths majority in local option elections. But a few days ago, replying to Mr. Graham. the premier intimated that the clause as it is would stand. What has happened in the mean- time ? The government has been hear- ing things. Mr. Hanna does not see any reason to change his mind and he is the dictator of the hour. Among the "kickers" is Rev. Mr. Hobbs, n liberal, who worked and voted against the Ross government on the temper ance question. Mr, Hobbs expected that the clause would he amended at this session. In eighty electoral divi- sions there was option law voting in January, and because of the three fifths majority success was recorded in'only half the places. With a maj- ority vote only forty would have cargied. Mr. Hobbs worked and voted against Mr. Ross in his own riding last elec- tion. If there were an election now he says he would have to operate all he sould against Mr. Whitney. "He has a large majority just now," said Mr. Hobbs recently, "but majorities fade away." It is a significant warning, and in the face of it Mr. Whitney hows his discretion by saying that he is amenable to reason and politi cal persistency. . : more by-laws Duty Of The Government. The report of Dr. Smith, 'the inspee- tor of hospitals and charities, calls for more than a passing notice. He reports that some of the refuges in Ontario are badly kept, that they are n an unsanitary condition. What is the power of the ' government under such circumstances ? To simply cut off the grant, according to the time the patients are kept or confined ? lhe penalty is not corrective or re lormatory, There should be legislation it possible, to make the city or coun- y perform its whole duty to the re fuge and place its institution in a proper condition. Aggressive and de- termined "action hy some ome in au- thority, hacked by a competent or comprehensive law, should produce the desired result, Then the demand for hospitals or sanitariums for consumptives peratively demanded. Dr. Smith recites an instance which appeals very strongly mon humanity. A man sixty years of age, suffering from ecomsumption, was rejected at hospitals and homes. He even applied to be sent to jail, For is im- dead in a hotel shed, where he had beeen lying utterly neglected for days. Other similar instafices of cruel and heartless treatment supoest the advis- of the act relating to ment of municipal sanatoria. Under and $1.50 per week patient, towards each | F Suggestion has had without its day, and result, Something more per emptory is required and Dr. Smith tells what it is, The province, how- ever, has a duty devolving upon it- self in providing for the consumptives. Phthisis is contagious and the ordin- ary hospital should not take in cases of it. The proceeding is not safe. The only thing there is to do is to erect the sanatoria in suitable places, and with accommodation quite equal to the demand for it. The "White Plague" is the most serious of all things. It is even now engaging the attention of the physicians generally: and they will make representations to the govern. ment which should be respected. Labour In Discord. There is a difference of opinion, and there ought not to be any, among the labour men in regard to the Industrial Disputes Investigation bill, which is now before parliament. Parliament has had its own experience respecting strikes and lock-outs. It has had a labour department, whose officers have been at the disposal of disputing parties, when the "intervention of a third party was hecessary to peace. The defect of the plan lay in the fact that the government or its labour bureau could not force results. The de- puty minister of labour could offer his servicos, but they could be refus- ed. The Lethbridge coal strike was en- ough in itseli to wake the ment up to the necessity of doing something aggrossively. The labour burcau did all it could to settle the govern- DAILY BRITISH WHIG, ~74th YEAR in the meantime » serious condition PALLY ok Maire had' ben reached, cand the 8 verison MEETS | of it hae fn enti, ot mornings at & year. of it has been exemplified, still furth- rapid, sty! A d tu one ima ached le one of fy bast Job Print. rk ; Presses. tional. bounties, subject of great concern to the ability of statutory enactments com- | s school. words, without whole proceeding is wrong. legislature, ject, ect of bill was then projected, and the need case. Here is g strike which would not have ocourred bad there been provi- sion for enquiry and comciliation. The company; however, repulsed the de- puty minister of labour whem he es- sayed a yeconciliation and the enquiry which the government at once ordered is having its effect. The Lemieux bill provides for com- pulsory emquiry as to the causes of strikes and lock-outs, and the publice- tion of the award, leaving the imple- menting of the award to the Torce of public opinion. * It forbids employers to cause g strike or lock-out, and for- bils employees to go on strike on accoint of any dispute, prior to a referende of dispute to a board of conciliation and investigation, and provides for a continuation of the operations of the public utility in question by both parties pending the decision of 'the board. No employer may dismiss an employee because he is a member of a union; no employee may go on strike by reason merely of the fact that his employer has em- ployed some person who is not a mem- ber of a union. The bill was supported when mention- ed, by two labour leaders in parlia- ment--Ralph Smith and Alphonse Ver- ville. It is supported by these still. But it is now opposed by some orders or organizations, to wit the locomo- tive engineers and firrmen, the Grand Trunk telegraphers, and the Montreal Trades and Labour Council. The strong objection of these is to the clause which prevents their acting as the situation may suggest, "The strike," is regarded as the only ef- fective remedy for some conditions, and labour will not surrender its right to precipitate an eruption as it pleas- es. Labour should be united. Capital is united. Public opinion, which is af- fected by strikes, favours any cause which will prevent interruptions in trade and commerce. Labour loses by a strike. The telephone girls thought it was the only thine they could do and more than half of them are now out of employment and will not he taken back. It is possible to adjust cases much as this without serious disorder and personal loss, in work or wages, to any one, Editorial Notes. The spoils system is geiting a rare airing in the West Middlesex election. The electors there have been receiving a rare exemplification of its iniguity. Talking about writing in the public schools, How could it be good when there is so much note-taking at a ble ? vantage of investigating every case um experience is certainly « Speaking for the !! Mr. Hyman's health has become a con xpect its sympathy. F F Inspector Meade, of Windsor, is op- posed to the memorizing of notes He says they simply aoguire ideas, and that the |¢ Mr. Downey, M.P.P., says the gov- ernment will, at this session of the repeal the "'compulsory clauses" of the Education bill.' Dr. Pyne is fot saying much on the sub- « The conservative candidate in West Middlesex, G. A. Stewart, has already been defeated twice. "Three strikes and out," in basebull parlance, is the order, and the indication is that Mr. Stewart will have this experience. -- The expenditure of the province has been increased a million and a half in two years, and Mr. Downey, M.P.P,, speaking at Mount Brydges, said it was a mere "'question of book-keep- ing." That is a new way of explain- ing things. It is hardly reasonable to suppose that the Whig niust not say anything about anyome or anything in the leg- islature lest the School of Mining be denied a larger grant of public mon- ey. The members of the loeal house have not yet takem leave of their senses, Duncan ©. Ross is having a cordial reception in West Middlesex. The peo- ple at the nomination were decidedly in his favour, and Hon. Mr. McKay wus cheered when he said it would not be good for the government that its majority in the house should be in creased, Mr. Stewart, who is anxious to oe succeeded, eventually, but cupy the seat. Hon, Mr. Ross filled in FRIDAY. FEBRUARY. 15. the erisis is still apparent in Jions i Shae. x the fuel famine in the North-West. The Ea er; experience in Bell Telephone Toronto Teleeram. pace which forces the pupils to scrib- | such chances as go The city will presently see the ad-|y which calls for its support. The asy- | must be left to our com- 1 eduen- The conservative party, servative party as a whole might be glad to be rid of Mr. , The bounty scheme of the Ontario | Mr. Borden is in the saddle and there government will not commend itself to | will be no seat vacant on the back of three weeks he wandered about sleep- | the Weekly Sun. : : 3 aR ; . or + nex > slection. ing in outbuildings. until finally found | farmers, it is against all bonuses and |" the next general election took. place at "the home of Mr. and . Mrs. E. M. Smith on Wednesday even- ervative party. A man, according to |ing, February 6th, it being the mar what Bu-Ju is doing every day for people | pelling each county to take advantége | it, has no business to become sick and riage of their eldest daughter, the establish- |e mony +" | Horton, In | groom, in the presence of sixty guests {1 he bride and groom have gone wes will take up house where Mr. afternocn at the his second daughter, Mary, be'ng wed ded to presence of a number of invited guests. nm-- West Middlesex, tells the electors that it is not necessary for men to vote as their fathers did. Correct. There is no reason why a lot of conservatives should not vote liberal if they feel disposed that way. SPIRIT OF THE PRESS He's In Danger. Hamilton Times. "os "Canada first; the empire next," .is the motto of W. FP. Maclean, MP, The first thing he knows he will be read out of the party ! Two Of A Kind. Brockville Times. People who babble secrets over the telephone are on a par with those who confide their private affairs to posteards. - Sure. Brantford Expositor. i If every dinky little electric rail way becomes a work 'for the general advantage of Canada,' because its tracks cross the tracks of a big steam railway, then the Ontario railway board might as well shut up shop. Approving Home Rule. Ottawa Free Press. That was a good drive which Mr. Devlin got at Col. Hughes last night, when he proved that his plan of an imperial parliament involved home rule for Ireland, and welcomed the colonel to the rank of the home rul- ers. Get At The Facts. Hamilton Spectator. It is reported in Toronto that cer- tain local politicians took money from a man who was seeking to have a liquor license transferred to him soli, promising to secure the transfer. The government will investigate. And while it is at it, it might consider the advisability of preventing traffic in licenses entirely. Gone Too Far. Toronto News. *In its adminstration of patronage the Whitney government has gone further in the application of the spoils system than any other govern- ment, which has ever held office in older Canada, and it is at this point that the ministry is under public dis pleasure, and has lost the confidence of the more independent element amongst tht electors." Public Ownership. Montreal Herald. The geople of Ontario are undoubt edly mm favor of public ownership. They don't desire to force their views upon the people of Quebec or Nova Scotia or any other province where public ownership ideas have not ad- vanced so far. Why, then, should members from Quebec and Nova Scotia be asked to vote upon a mat ter that concerns Ontario alone, and perhaps force upon Ontario legisla- tioh that would be opposed by its own representatives ? The Party Shudfle. Toronto offers Hon. J. I'. Whitney the reasonable certainty of being premier of Ontario for the remaining years of his active life. Ottawa can only offer Mr. Whitney with the succes sion to R. L. Borden. A vacancy has to be created before there would be an opening for Nr Whitney to fill. The creation of such a vacancy to the logic of events as a whole, {id not chocse Mr. Borden: The con- Borden. But, he long-suffering opposition until af- Weddings At Morven. Morven, Feb. 13.--A pleasing event Cora llanche, to German Valough, a pros serous yountg cheese maker. The cere- was performed by Rev. Mr. pastogg. of the bride anc ym their honeymoon, and in the spring keeping at Oso Valough has hought ao cheese factory. Another wedding took place thi home of E. Lund Harvey Vanconant, of th North-West. The ceremony was per formed by Rey. Mr. Horton, in the Mr. and Mrs. Vanconant will settle ir the west. D, R. Hicks lost a valuable hors last week. Those oir the sick list ar Mrs. D. R. Hicks and John Joslin, the latter being affficted with heart trou ble. The nost-office has been moved te Sheldon Joyce's. Croup can positively be stopped n twenty minutes. No vomiting--nothing to sicken or distress your child. A sweet, pleasant, and safe eyrup, called Dr. Shoop's Croup Cure, does the work and does it quickly. Dr. Shoop's Croup Cure is for croup alone, remem: ber. It does not claim to cure a doz en ailments. It's for croup, that's all. So'd by all dealers. Try Rlle's Me. cashmere hose. The F'n'ario government has given more legislation against the farmers of Ontario in two years than the old government in thirty-three years. the legislature as the popresentagiye of way P Spri styles, just received, pring sty J -$2.50, 2.75, 3.00, 3.50, 4.00, 4.50, 5.00 ACCORDING TO YOUR IDEK AND TASTE ites New Raincoats just received.|JA Beauty for $12.50 and $15. New Top Coats, $10 to $15. New Spring Suits are arriving daily. New Caps. ws 4 Where's the man who hasn't use for an extra pair or two § of Trousers--when he sees what he likes--and the price is his § It's about now that you being to notice how dilapidateq g your Trousers are. Here are splendid Trousers that will give | you a new Suit effect. Bibby |) Handsome aatterns, New Hats. The H. D. Bibby Co. 09602006 About Patent Leather Hides used for making IN- VICTUS Patent Leather Shoes are selected with the greatest care. They must be soft, smooth, uni- form, and free from defects. Otherwise, they would soon crack, split, and lose their shape making the shoes unsightly and uncomfortable. INVICTUS Patent Leather Shoes are made in all sizes and all widths, $5. The Sawyer Shoe Store Thoroughly In Three Minutes Kneads Bread ---- McKELVEY 2 Sizes For Six and Ten Loaves & BIRCH, 69 & 71 BROCK ST. OOO Odd \ every *00 TIPS FOR THE THRIFTY Three Seventy-Five Buys from us A Man's Patent Colt Lace Boot ot one of the best American makes, 6tog. Regular $5.00 Values. - McDermott's Three different shapes to choose from. Sizes | SHOE i STORE Lydia E. Pink} Vegetable ( is a positive cure for a aliments of women. cure the worst forms laints, Inflammation alling and Displacen sequent Spinal Weakne liarly adapted to the It will surely cure Backac It has cured more c Weakness than any ot world has ever know: infallible in such cases. expels Tumors in an ea: lopment. That Bearing-down causing pain, weight a instantly relieved and pe by its use. Under a it acts in harmony with tl 1t corrects. Irregula Suppressed or Painful P: of the Stomach, Indig Nervous Prostration, He Debility. Also Dizziness, F Extreme Lassitude, *' "' want-to-be-left-alone *' ability, irritability, ne: lessness, flatulancy, me "' blues," and backache. indications of Female derangement of the orga Kidney Con and Backache of either s Compound is unequalled You can write Mrs. yourself in strictest confi LYDIA KE PINKEAM MED. TO BUILD AN OP What is Proposed Town. Picton, "Feb. 15 block, destroyed by fi was, together with the the owne Jamies Charles F. Vandusen, farmer near Picton. tion paid for the pre 000. "The insurance © ed by the recent fire Jamieson 'Bros: £6,500 It is stated, on the its that the intentio dusen is to build a ne at a t of $20,000, Orillia's up-to-date the dusen will either form panv or build on h Work will be commen the new building. If 1 as the town voces through likelihood, tha a manicipally-owned likely be dropped. Dr. Shoop's Rheun when used faithfully w and diflicult cases her as incurable by physic most reliable prescrip clean out and complet vestige of rlieumatic | blood. Sold by all di Bibby"s spring hat See our $2, $2.25 derl Pulajanes attacked : towns in the provine Negros, Philippines, members of the cons American teachers, W Walter J. L. Tss are missing. Depends Not Upo Upon Vital A GREAT DIS WARD OFF 01 In 'Kingston lately a good deal of discus old people. Some at themselves old, and while others at sevent tive, vigorgus and yo A reporter of the | pened in the store o hood, our local dru evening, and this sub up. Said Mr. Mahoo gnd we see it illasts right here in Kings years, old age does ) set time, but it is | that makes a person digestion, thin blood lation soon start | and vitality on the the symptoms of old pear. You know a he feels. "On the other han Mahood, "'that old warded off, and 1 in Kingston who f they are go in years the great discovery, that it has vital pri in a natural manier tion, assimilation a tional powers, send coming through th ngw life to every or and this is what m young again." Vinol repairs 'wor the natural decline nest with strength body builder for old We promise you il of all, agrecable, b no fishy oil. Second wine cod liver me all the © medicinal strength-making elo rect from fresh cod wo will return your wt do exactly wha Oe