may as well get acquainted with M& the start, for it must he occasionally in this article, Tt is the kilogramm eter, . Subpose you an object weighing one #, Lifting Dirt With Shove/ I8 Mlogrammetres a Day Directly a meter from the equal to 39.37 inches.) Now, it was desired to get a unit of measurement which would take in- to consideration both the weight and the height it was to be lifted, and so the words kilogram and meter were combined to form the word kilogram- meter. The term is equivalent to sev- en-and two-tenths foot-pounds. It means that the force required to lift body 1 one kilogram one meter from: « the floor . To return to the soldier. How tan the working capacity of this human | motor be described in kilogram-met-. ers? Some experiments reported from France explain just how if ay be It was desired to kitow "how thy hru-' | man machine could: work, to best "gd vantage in moving a quantity of dirt from one 'detation 1d sinother higher, ane. Why "should 'hh take two days fo it if he couldido it" in'gne? Or why tire himse]f «6. 'with doing sit in one Since ho was on the payroll of thi FOR, the question was 'peac:. 3 "at " i It .wns simple enough. Just: let try lifting the load in the've ways, have him examined "by oa' cian each day and = conipmte i each' instanée - the kilogrammeters of "work which, hé was able to do in atday by each ethod. : 3 . Eight méthods were tried raising the dirt with. a shovel; wheeling it yg inclined plane with 'a barrow; Saftying it up a plane on his back, raising 'it with a bucket with a rope' by hend; using a 'pulley, with a drum and lever; lifting it by a' capstan operated hori zontally; lifting it hy means of an endless chain and buckets operated by a crank, and lastly, lifting it" simply by his own weight, that is, by riding down in an empty hucket, while. a full one went up at the opposite side of ths pulley. It was found that this last method --using his own weight as the mqtive power--was far and away the best. While in a day he could produce but 38.880 kilogrammeters of work hy tossing the dirt up with a shovel, he could by other means do 280 kilogram. meters--more than seven times as much as with the shovel. Next in order of procedure to lifting by the' worker's weight came the end bless chain; them, in turn, the capstan, the crank, and drum, the pulley and the rope, the inclined plane with the load on the worker's back, the plane and barrow, and the shovel, Determining Working Power. It is unmecossary to go info an ex- planation of these methods. One can, for instance, easily see how a bag of As now made, Ayer's Sarsaparilla does not contain the least pargicle of alcohol in any form whatever. and alterative effects, without stimulation. jers Sarsaparillc Ha : NON. ALCOHOLIC will know. it, and will tell you of it. new kind contains no alcohol no secrets to hide! formulas of all our medicines. Yo ou get all the tonic tis needed, your doctor We pub- g Chemists, Lowell, Mass, kilogram (two and two-teaths pounds) . (A meter is the stomach of héating day that he would be npfit next day? | st By Hono Power - 23 Nilogrammelires Applrea Power carth, well balanced on one's back, could be curried. up an inclined plane more easily than it could be pushed ahead of one in a barrow. The other differences should be as apparent; al though it is significant that in many; if not, most, modern operations the shovel method is clung to. a So _it seems perfectly possible fo de- termine man's * wosking power when he uses his body after: the manner. of a mechanical dévice, Just. as i, is poss sible by means 'of a gauge wo deter- niine the horsepower. of a lotomotive, In preparing the analogy of the. hu- man motor 'to the mechanical motor, one ust bigin with what might be culled: "firing. up the furnace," which is aiothing less thd placing food in ba converted into power. How this power is tranemitted to the blood has been not: inaptly likened to the conversion of water, by means inte steam, Hut it asin the action of the heart in 'taking care of this stopm that the est mechanical principle of all may be noted: The heart i# the chief cylinder of the body: ) ere, 400, is. seen a system of safe: 1 ty yalves 'hore wonderful thav that ak the cylinder--valves Which open and y#i- Palint with elock-like refmlarity as the blood' passes from ond chambée to the otherand ~ which seeids the blooil shooting thro the manifold arter- ies, vessels and veins 16 supply' the power for every member, This, to be sure, is neither a new truth nor an" accidental discovery; in- deel, it is" undoubtedly. the knowledge of the truth that' furnished the idea for the invention of the valves, Another mechanical analogy is found in the eye--the action of 'the light on the reting and its transmission to the brain by the optic nerve is almost identical with the ¢atching of an ob ject by a lens and recording it on a photographic 'plate. en, the principle of the telephone is found in the action of sound waves on the ear. drum. The bending of the arm and leg are clearly nothing more than applica- tichs of the lever principle. Some of the figures given in connee- tion with the tests made in France recently adnit of a very amusing cal- culation. Every one recalls from his school books the queer challenge of Archimedes, the discoverer of the lover principle-* 'Give me a fulerum for my Pr and I will move the world." He meant it, theoretically, if not literally. Indeed, we are left to be- lieve that the old mathematician died .J grumbling becanse Mars or Jupiter or some other planet didn't come near enough so that he could use it as a support for his lever while he should pry down on the handle and send the earth bobbing out of her orbit. Let Archimedes now if he be suscep- tible 'to mundane impressions--be as- swwl that he could never fulfil his boast. The science of the human mo- tor explains why. The French scientists say that wn man can do 1728 kilogrammeters of work in a day with a lever. Using this as a basis, it is calen- lated that for Archimedes--or any one elsa---to have moved the earth one mil- limeter (one-thousandth of a meter) would require more than 900,000,000,- ON} centuries. In other words, if the learned Syra- cusan were still living, and had work- ed constantly during the 2,000 years since his declaration, he would have moved the earth only the forty-fifth million part of a millionth of a milli: meter--an inconceivaidy small distance. All engineérs * know that machines should be built with special reference to the resistance they must offer to the work they have to do. For instance, if the piston of a steam engine should, by a direct application of 'er. \ 200 Souls Tot dirt a small fraction of an inch from the ground, the cylinder would haye to be made very large. pound the eylinder section might be 200 times smaller than in the other case, but the movemont of the piston would have to be 200 times Inster. Tn each instance the volume of steam would be the same if the same pres sure be assumed, A Muscle As A Piston. Or Showlder: 86 Nilograrrmetres arce is an appliéation of the sprinters of the use of the arms has shown by » used in an effort to raise If it were desired to lift but one Lost LFlective. Then "th e application of the rule means that the farger the muside the larger the effort it is capable of. If large and short it should produce a great effort . multiplied by a short line in which to exercise itsell; if long and thin it 'works in a longer range but with- less expenditure of energy. The_ sterno-mastoid and sartoriug musc)ds, for instance, hdve a long sweep 'and proportion of brawn; while the pectoral masclé and the gluteus large in volufbe but short, must work in limited range, but have a large ca- padity. When the human motor is used © in walking and running it in some de piston wea." And in this connectioy the scientists have found that the energy expended by the contract is compensated for when they relax, although some original effort must be added at every exertion. muscles when they Regarding the piston-rod principe in the leg, theoretically the long-legged man should be the swiftest ranner for a short distance, while the short-leg- ged man would be the better long dis tance runner, It is found, ough, that ii two same figure, weight, musculdr power [and having the same length of leg be{ chosen, the faster will be the one whos whadse leg is shorlgr in the lowerpart. thigh is longer but The anatomy of Rwaenzlein and that of Duffey, the American hurdler and sprinter, was studied in coming to this decision. By on identical method of reasoning it declared that the horses called "'fly- rs," such as Eelipse, Gladiator, Holo- caust and Flying Fox are large and powerfully constructed, while the "stayers" are generally small, some times even bony, as Arabian ana Sy- rian steeds, How the lever theory enters into the redenily been experiments with dumb- bells. Contrary to common belief some- thing more than' mere strength must be considered in lifting heavy dumb- bells. Suppose two men of different builds lift the same weight above their heads. They may rank equally as to strength, and yet the larger man must do more work against greater résistance, be- cause the leveraffe of his arm is long- er, This accounts for the fact that in athletic contests, where the classifica tion is made according to the total of weight kfted, the short, muscular gth- letes are generally favored. It is simply 4 demonstration of man's wonderful adaptation te mechanical privciples when using himself as a hu- man motor, i ------ When a4 man thinks ho is a great man it's a sign he hasn't any children to prove to him that he is a fool. No inventor has yet found a to make both ends meet. Do These Symptons Fit Your Case P - Are you dizzy ¥ Does your head swim ? * Does everything turn dark when you rise after stooping ? ' Are vou const ¢ i ho lantly suffering from Are you short of breath after going upstairs ? Is your tongue coated and furred ? These symptoms give warning that your system needs a thorough cleans. ing--all poisons must bo flushed out. The remedy is Dr. amilton's Pills. Marked benefit - itfmodia tely follows their use. x These famous pills loosen the bowels and stop constipation: they act on the liver and = kidneys, make them strong and vigoraws, This ensures health and purity for the blood and consequently the whole system henefits. No other medicine tones and braces like Dr. Hamilton's Pills: they at ones cure biliousness, headache, dizviness, Poor color, coated tongue and all dis. cases arising through fault of the stomach, kidneys or liver: try them. way How does this affect the human mo- tor ? « Suppose 5 muscle he considered Ihoxes for 81 instead of a piston rod. Result prove the merits of Dr. Hamilton's Pills, 950. per hox, or five " at alk dealers in medi cine. By Wheelbarrow aad ine hiried Pam 93 Kilogrammetres . Japan Urged to Adopt of Japan to MN 2 as their national religion. If this can nan. This will cause Sprisiter Dully, Show. Durkd for #orvy Gnks oo A GREAT PROGRAMME. Moham- medanism. A newspaper in" the: Malay language for Malay Mohammedans, published at Singapore, has recently addressed an appeal to the government and people adopt Mohammedanism be done, it promises Japan the hege- mony of the Asiatic world. To be- come a great and a really conquering leader of peoples spived by a fervent and bellicose reli- gion, and for this purpose it is invit ed to convert itself to the faith of Japan must be in Islam. As its reward, the fifty mil lias of Chinese Mohammedans will go over to Japan, draggine at their heels the rest of the Chinese, empire. The Mohammedan religion will pro gress northwards from Singapore, through Siam and Cochin-China, till it meets the Mohammedans of Yun a Mohammedan revival in India (where Britain may be allowed to continue to administer ander the advice of Japan), and Per- sia will straightway. look for vrotee- tion and advice to Tokio. Later on Mohammedan Africa will join in the same grouping. If, then, the so-called Christian nations of Europe and Am. erica leave this new Mohammedan world in peace, they will be allowed to maintain friendly and commercial relations with the vellow man and the negro: otherwise there will be a fight to a finish. Suicide's Letter To Himself. London,Feb. 16.--0On the body of 'a Kingston horsekeeper, amed Mar shall, who swallowed only lie acid, was found a letter addressed to hiw self, in which he said: "I am as hamed of what I am doing, but | can stand it no longer. I have been straight in all my dealings. My tru bles T shall teN to no ome: they may be found out." ---- La Grippe Mastered. La Grippe can and should be cured as soon as it starts. The remedy to use is Wade's Cold Cure Tablets (Lax- ative). It provides just the aid re quired to prevent the disease getting hold of you. Just as effective for curing colds and for headache and con- stipation, " If boxes, 25c. Sold onlt at Wade's Drug Store. Money back if not satisfactory. : His Offending Camera. Beffrade, Feb. 16.--A Montenegrin priest who was shipwrecked in a small boat off the Cattaro coast, was refused shelter by the inhabitants because it was reported that he had committed the sacrilege of photographing his daughter and her husband after the wedding ceremony. -------- Forgotten Aches. Those who keep Smith's White Lini- ment at hand and use it when reguir- ed, are not troubled with aches and pains. It stops rheumatism, lumbago, neuralgia, ete., in the start. Have the remedy at hand asd keep these ail- ments away. Large bottles, 5c, at Wade's Drug Store. Half the time a man stays out late because he is afraid to go home at an hour that isn't so late but looks like it to his wife. 5 v Every bald head believes it was his active brain that did it. Lifting the Sane Werght NEWS OF 'CHURCHES VARIOUS EVENTS IN THE RELIGIOUS WORLD. Rev. Mr. Meikle Becomes Synod Evangelist--Has Fine Gifts For the Work--The Union of the Methodists of Japan. All but $200 of the sum promised by the English Congregational Union to clear off debts on the ' Cadadian churches has been raised The quarterly board of the New- castle Methodist church has extended a call to become pastor of this cir- cuit for mext conference year. The congregation of the An- drew's church, Westmount, have sent a unanimous call to the Rev. William J. Clarke, pastor of the First Preshy- terian church at London, Oht. Bishop William C. Doane, Epieco- pal bishop of Albany, N.Y., is known as the "bullet hishop," because in writing or speaking he never uses a sentence over ten words in length. St. James Methodist church, Mont- veal, has invited the Rev. William Sparling, B.D, formerly assistant pas- tor, to return to them in June, 1909, as pastor. Mr. Sparling is at present in Winnipeg. The Sunday school of St. Luke's church, Winnipeg, of which Rev. T. W. Savary, formerly of Kingston, is rec tor, is supporting a real live mis- sionary entirely. She is Miss Hettie Bowman, B.A., and she has lately sailed for the Orient. . : Bishop John W. Hamilton, who was expected togsail for Jamaica about the firsi of January, was prevented from startine, and in consequence is still in the United States, thus escaping the disaster by which he might otherwise have been overtaken. Bishop Earl Cranston, who will be one of the representatives of the board <Q Drake, the navigator. Ere Ilfer [Grr Works ore = ~ a. of bishops of the Methodist Episcopal church at the approaching general conference of the new Japanese Metho- dist "church, will also represent the board of foreign missions of his church at the conferences at Shang- hai, in commemoration of the centen- ary of missions in China. An important conference will con- vene in Tokio, Japan, on the 3rd to the 7th of April next. This will be the seventh conference of the world's student Christian Federation, and will be the first international conference of any kind to be held in the far east. Nineteen hundred separate societies of Christian students in eighteen differ- ent countries are affiliated im the fed eration, the combined membership be ing 113,000 students and instructors. Rev. William Meikle has been re- quested by the evangelistic committee of the Presbyterian synod of Toronto and Kingston to become synod evan gelist. Mr. Meikle has devoted much of his minsterial life to evangelistic work, for which his experience and his natural talents both fit him well, and in which he has had remarkable success, He is a graduate of Queen's University in arts, and of Princeton £ in theology. Recently he has been pastor of a congregation in Glace Bay, C.B., and before that was is charge of First church, Vancouver. Kidneys Must Have Aid. Unlike most other diseases, kidney troubles seldom show any tendanov to cure themselves; their tendency is to grow steadily worse. Disorders of the kidneys lead to lumbago, gout, rheumatism, heart troubles. [Take Peck's Kidney and Liver Pills and be cured. In boxes, 25¢c. For sale only at Wade's Drug Store. Money back if not satisfactory. A tortoise brought by Bishop Land to Lambeth when he became archbish- op, outlived eicht archbishops, and died at 130 years old. h- 4 Old St. David's Church, Radnor, Deleware County, Pa., about 'which an interesting history has been written by Henry Pleasants. It was erected prior to 1705 and. the old church yard are Anthony cendants. Judge William Moore, of Moore Hall: H Yates Carter' who was assistant surgeon on Nelson's flagship at a number of the Drake family, who are descended from Sir Francis amongst those who are buried in Wayne, and his ancestors and de- afalaga and ; e é YEAR 74. ) REGIST McKa Fur Co: FI eee Raccoon, Be and Fur-Lin Beat the Worl Yalue, Comfort Quality. LOOK THEM ( JohnMcl FUR HOU 149-183 BROC] 15 Horses F« This Wes All classes co pose, Delivery, I ers. Horses sold on six m giving approved note, wit horses sold w uk any tim the day following represent apply at 112 CLARENCE Or 42 PRINCESS Tenders for S SEALED TENDERS Bread, Milk, Groceries, required. for the House March 1st, 1907, to will be received by th information § R BUY PITTSBURG- PER SHARES * JOSEPH F Kingston & Cap Heated Cabs leave for any 1 Cal ht s leave t ? Telephone And they will CALL AT Clar e Street Hack 8 Try a Pound of Myers' HOME-MADE For Sunday's Breakfast, To Contra Ak INVI Ge & Co 1 r 1 ende » DAY ¥ any or RTHUR ELI Office, Cor. Queen and TAKE NO Between S 's we very small s. Tha like. Try us for the fu TURKS SECOND-} 398 Princess You need neve vous about r buying White] Flou It is wunequa cakes, biscuits, is a general fav can also be bread. Put up 24! 1b. sacks. Kingston Co., Lim ms HIS TITLE CFE "Cold Storage' signatio! Ottawa official title been changed bn councii to dairy an commissioner, in view importance which the vision of his work is Ruddick has given a atterition to questions yal 5