Daily British Whig (1850), 16 Feb 1907, p. 1

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'O 12 O'CLOCK. re secured 2 remarkably good with you To-morrow, nds Fine » LINEN >m one of the most reliable manufacturers. These ends 2} 23,23. 3 yards. Dif- a quality considered exceed- 1.00 yard. 'O~-MORROW 9c. Yard. s 'Fine White le. Cotton s wide and a very fine make, and Children's Underwear, ottons are required. This rly at 12%c. yard. rrow While Lasts Yard. "KINGS THE FAMILY. tockings, 25c¢., 35¢., 89. wockings, 45c¢.. 50¢, 65¢. re Stockings, 20c., 23c., 25c.. n Cashmere Stockings, 5 quali- I THE HABIT ARING nd Shoes ) A Pair ring you these splendid ~ Shoes. wear, and we ean fit all feet. st in. Glad to show them. Call in. - it Shoe Store ejrieduiuflneinl sjelninieleieielninieiniiniek TURK eee YEAR 74. NO. 40, etteecncestscensecs FEBRUARY SALE OF FURNITURE Stilt making im v provements, efit- Ling, another addition to pi arge warerooms. Look Out for the Bargains 5 3 bri China Cabinet, regular price, $16 2 China Cabinets, regular price $l 01 wi * ) . ¢ Buffets, ang China Cabinets Sombined, regular price, $40 for..." $32.50. Polish Oak Extension Table, recy. lar vrice, $18, for wie. $10. Dresser and Washstand, Polished Oak, from $18 to $50 cach. A few extra Special Prices . Bedroom Setts, 3-pieces. THIS SALR 1S GENUINE. ROBT. J. REID Princess street. The Leading Undertaker : & 'Phone 577 Ambulance 3 VIFIIIIINIIININIIIIIIS AT VAN LOVE'S APPLES--Spies, Cooking Apples. BUTTER week, Roll ORANGE Sweet Val LEMONS. on Talmons, Russets, s¢arce, prices same as last t 25¢. and 26¢ Navals, Stedless, Mexican, pecial Prices. McLaren' elly Powder, 3 pkgs., 25¢. Battle Creek Health Food Co Granose Biscuits, 2 pkgs., 25¢ : Toasted Corn Flakes, pkgs. 10¢ o& atsup, bottles, 10c. large bottles, Be Choice Mixed Pickles 'and Chow-Chow, 40 ounce bottles, 25¢ SOAP--Judd's Pressed Rose, (special), 12 bars, 25c. The New Naptha, 6 bars, 25c. Naptha Powder, large pkg., 10c Famous Dutch Cleanser, tins, 10c. Let us have your order. F. W. Van Luven, Phone 417 - 246 Princess St. 15 Horses For Sale This Week. All classes consisting of Ceneral Pur- pose, Delivery, Drivers, and Cheap Work- ers. Horses sold on six months éredit by giving approved note, with interest. All horses sold with a warranty are return- able any time before 12 o'clock noon, of the day following date of sale if not as represented. For further particulars, NCE- STREET apply at so A, CLARENCE: Or 42 PRINCESS STREET FIRST AMERICAN TOUR OF MR. FRANK SPREAIGHT Eneland"s irentest Interpretor of Dickens, City Hall, "Tuesday, Feb. 26th Plan at Uglow'e Tickets, 23c., 50c., 750. . A Matchless IHumorist, who calls Mr Pickwick and his friends into being ; Kindly secure seats early for this treat. MELAGAMA TEA Will be demonstrated in our store for one full week, February 9th to 16th Come in and have a cup. Jas. Redden & Co. Tenders for Supplies SEALED TENDERS FOR MEAT, Bread, Milk, Groceries, Coal and Wood, required for the House of Industry, fvom March 1st, 1907, to March 1st, 1908, will be received by the undersigned until Feb. 22nd. . . : Further information given upon in- quiry. R. MEEK, Secretary. BUY PITTSBURG-ELY COP- PER SHARES, 50c. If you buy now you will be al- lowed five months to make equal monthly payments, 5 per cent off for all cash. This company owns 350 acres in the hest Conper Mining district in the world. Ap- ly to PY OSEPH F. SWIFT. Kingston & Cape Vincent Heated Cabs leave for Cape Vincent any time-=day or nicht . Cabs leave to catch all trains. Telephone 490 And they will CALL AT your residence. Clarence Street Hack Stand. a ---------------------------- KINGSTON & CAPE VINCENT STAGE LINE In connection with N.Y C.. HRR.R Co. carryine passenvers, nmils and ex- press. Established, 1860. New heated stages leave daily (except Sunday), at 2 p.m., making direct con- Sunday), at 2 p.m., making direct con Phone 31 for a Hack to Cal! Office Foot of Brock Street -- ee ---------------- TAKE NOTICE ween Season's we sell Goods on go Ret snall profits. That is what You like. Try us Tor the fun. 296 Princess Street. Try Billhy's special $1 trousers. war ended, 1871 ham street Choir at Concert, at Uglow's, for Ernest Thomson-Seton 'S SECOND-HAND STORE DAILY MEMORANDA. Board of Health, 4 p.m. Monday, Basketball, Queen's vs. McGill, 8.1 n.m, © Sietvien in Convocation Hull, 8 p.m. day. Zion, skati Band, 15¢ Redden & Co. lovers of Tea. This day in h ng promenade to-night, 14th At Home this evening to A istory :--Franco-Prussian Marks' Company, at Grand Opera House, 8.15 p.m _ Queen's vs. McGill, Bask in Queen's Gymnasium, 8 Ruthven Mehoanald bail to-night, 5 o'clock. will assist Sven. on Feb. 26th. Reserve vour seat without extra charge Monday night, Opera House. WHIG TELEPHONES. 243--Business Office. 229--Editoral Rooms. 292--Johhin~ Department. : N Tasty Programmes Prin Goblets Goblets A SNAP! We have about +25 dozen very nice Goblets, all finish- ed, but a little off color, regular price 85c. a dozen. Yours while they last for 30c. a Dozen Robertson Bros. IMCK AY Furs AEGISTERED Fur Coats ~LNay Raccoon, Beaver and Fur-Lined Beat World in Value, Comfort and Quality. LOOK THEM OVER JohnMcKay FUR HOUSE 149-163 BROCK ST. . By John H. Mills Auction Sale of Furniture, ete., FRI DAY, Feb. 22nd, at the residence of Mrs. Jas. Morton, No. 18 Rideau St. all of the effeets, "vix :--Hrussels and other Carpets, Sofas, Couches, Fine Arm and Easy Chairs, Parlor Chairs. Rocking Chairs, Walnut and other Centre Tables Hanging and other Lamps, Cushions, Black Walnut JFixtension lable Crockery Silver Plated W Linen, Beddinie Mattresses, Marbi , Springs 1. Wardrobe Brass Ded 1 Sew ing Machin. Hat ange Kitchen Utensils and various other articles. Sale #t 10.30 a.m. Terms cash, THlephone, 665 JOHN H. MILLS Auctioneer THE MEMBERS OF KINGSTON Lodge No. 59, are requestad to meet at their Hall at 2 o'clock, MONDAY, 18th, for the purpose of attending the funeral of our late Bro Archie Sinclair. Mem bers of Sister Laoxlges invited F. KILWATRICK, R. 8. National Council of Women of Canada E ANNUAL MEETING OF THE Kingston Woman's Council. will be held in the City Council Chamber, next WEDNESDAY AFTERNOON, at 8 o'clock, when the Annual Reports of the Comneil and its Federated Societies will be presented, and business outlined jor the ensuing year Dielegutes from Federated Societies will make a special point of attending but ull Women are cordially invited To Contractors TENDERS ARE INVITED FOR THE various trades works required in altera- tions and additions to store premises, situate on Princess street for Messrs. George Mills & Co 'urriers and Hat Plans and & rations now ready inspection. Tenders wanted Vefore § FRIDAY, Feb. 22nd. Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. ARTHUR ELLIS, Architect. Office, Cor, Queen and Bagot streets. Try a Pound of Myers' nowemane Sausages Por Bundav's Breakfast, A0 Rpock Si SASAD TALL That Comes To Hand From Far North. DR. FLOOD PERISHED WHILE HUNTING FOR QUANTI- TY OF LOST GRUB. Story of a Dog's Devotion--Othe:. Sled Dogs Ran Away, But the Leader Remained and Met Death With His Master. Winnipeg, Feb, 16.--Further details of the tragic death of Surgeon Flood, RN.WM.P., at_Fort Churchill, who was frozen to death in the great storm of November 20th, have been learned from W. Beech, the courier who brought the first tidings to civi- lization. According to Beech's story, Dr. Flood, Major Moodie and Engineer Thibadeau, who hid been surveying the harbor and dock reserve for the federal government) at Fort Churchill, left homé on November 25th, for the purpose of exploring for timber. When they left, the weather was fair, and everything looked favofible for them, They hall prepared a camp up country and proceeded to that; but when they arrived they found that they had dropped their orub box on the way, and were without food. Laughingly the fact was noticed by Dr. Flo, and it was thought that it was not far' awav. With | light heart the doe tor said that he would go back for it.and he jocularly treated Major Moodie's offer of assis ©. He took the dogs back, and as he disappeared over the snow the last of him was seen until his dead body was found by a mournful search party three days late. While he doubled back over the track a snowstorm came up, and he lost the trail. Over the bleak wilder ness, miles away from anv chances of succor, unless he could find his way to the camp, he wandered, until he dropped from exhaustion. When the body was fomd it was a pitiful sieht, Flood lg in the snow, and his faithful Jeac lav aleneside of him, also frozen stifi. Faithful un til the last, the doe had tried to keep his master's body warm, and had per- ished. The responsibility of the dug train is felt by that animal, and when Flood drgpoed in his tracks, the oth er dogs 'bit themselves free of the harness and each other, and sought safety, while the leader lav down he ide his master, and with him died in the snow Major Moodie and Mr. Thil took two days in getting tack to headquarters, and immediately on their arrival all the white people Indians and Esquimaux turned out to rch. we storm was the worst that. Mr Beech has ever seen. The thermometer fell to twenty-five below, and the wind blew sixty-ong miles an hour. The damp atmosphere alone the coast of the. bay makes twenty below ex tremely cold, and much worse than forte helow in Winnipeg. The dogs which broke loose from the sled and their faithful leader, returned Churchill -seven days after they had left the Ap on their ill-fated jon nev in search of the grub box The body of Dr. Flood was buried at the barracks at Churchill. and h is the first grave, and the first death in the history of the Roval Vorth West Mounted Police in the Hudson Bay district, Dr. Flood was thirty vears of ace, and went north from Ouebec, where he was born. A brother is now resi- lent in Winnipeg TO ASK COLONIES. Regarding Rights of United States Fishing Vessels. St. John's, Nfid., Feb. 16. Premior Bond's proposal to address the seer taries of the colonies, on the subject of the modus vivendi, with the United States, regarding the fishing vessels of the latter country in Newfoundland waters, was adopted in the lower house of the Newfoundland lecislature by a vote of twenty-five to three af ter a debate lasting two days One member of the opposition, Mr. Bland ford, voted with the government par ty. The matter goes to the upper house for concurrent action. The Late Rev. W. J. Young. Toronto, Feb, 16.--Rev. W. J. Young, a Methodist minister, of Sea grave, Ont., died gt the Western Hos- pital from appendicitis. Decegsed, ab out seventy~years of age, had unde gone an operation, which terminated fatally. Rev. Mr. Young had filled a number of stations during his minis- try, principally in Eastern Ontario He had been both secretary and a- sistant secretary of the Methodist conference, and was treasurer of the contingent fund. He entered the ministry in 1867, his first circuit being Amelinsburgh Since then he has had charges at Stirling, Wilton, Catara ui, Pitts burgh, Morven, Demorestville, Mil ford, Mount Albert, Thomashurgh, Tweed, Odessa, Canifton, Cherry Val ley, Rednersville, Tamworth. Young married people and old ones, too, CoO, Try Bibby's $12.50 serge suits. _ KINGSTON, ONTARIO, SATURDAY THE NEW PRESIDENT -- Pennsylvania Rail- JAMES MeCREA sylvamia railvo.d al statésnent declaring rort of Philadelphia and dsepenine the Delaware river % | 1 ¥ 2 FUMES KILLED THEM. first-class passengers of the Swedish steamer Olaf Wijik, day from Gottenburg, were Their deaths were due to fumes which escaped from a matches stored in the hold directly beneath their state- from her primary duties, ( . the womnn should v woman can, and ought ishand and father IHHAAAANAACE RN N He LOST HANDS AND FEET. KEN Cheboygan, Mich., Feb. house in Inver- ness township, burned children were alane. aged 7 years, ran barefoot- ed, clad only in her night Amputation pro- have to be re- FEF FFEEFEEEEF EXER FSIS SAVES 100 PASSENGERS. Train in Peril. Gap on the Southern railway, twenty waggon in the road and taking off his passenger train from Birmingham. The ation made up a purse for There were about one hundred passen- gers on the train. CENSURES ONTARIO PREMIER Repealing Three:Fifths Clausé in Bill. open letter to the Hon an open letter to r him for not repeaiing the th IT WILL PASS Sald British Members Fav- or Scheme. WOMAN SUFFRAGE THE PRECISE TERMS OF MEASURE NOT DECIDED. The Unionists Will Not Oppose the Bill---The Government At- titude is Not Known--Fran- chise to Go to All Married and All Rate-Paying Women. London, Feb, 16.--The precise termé of Mr. Dickinson's' woman's suffrage bill, which will be introduced into the Commons, have not yet been sot- tld, but the bill lays down the prin: ciple that all mattied woman and all- rate-paying women shall réceive the fraffchise. It is stated that the Union ists will not oppose the bill, but will submit an amendment - giving both sexes oqual franchise rights on the present basis. According to one 'esti- mate 400 members of parliament will support the bill, which will ensure its passage by the House of Commons The government's attitude on the bill is unknown, CONTRACT FOR RAILS. Algoma Steel Co. Gets Order For 65,000 Tons. Toronto, Feb. 16.--~The Temiskaming & Northern Ontario railway commis- sion, yesterday, awarded the contract of supplying 65,000 tons of rails to the Algoma Steel company of the Soo. Ths will complete about forty-five miles of road. Cars are now running on tho line as far as Englehart. The distance from here to the proposed junction with the Grand Trunk is 112 miles. When this is complete the T. and N. O. will stretch 250 miles }e- yond North © Bay. From the junction with the GT.P., to Fort Churchill, on Hudson Day, where the line will 'pro. bably be extendod to, is 1,100 miles, RETURN TO EMPEROR. Jap Count Urges Nobles to Abolish Peerage. Tokio, Feb. 16.--Count' Taisuke Ita- gaki, founder sof "the liberal party, has addressed a circular to the nobility in Which he advocates the abolition of the peerage. Ho says the presence of a litinet class between the imperial house and the people is injurious to the vrogress of the nation and advis ex the peers to return their titles to the emperor, just as the old feudal barons or daimios relinquished their prerogatives at the time of the aboli- tion of feudalism in 1718, This radical suggestion, from a man of Count Itagaki"s high standing. causes great excitement and wonder. ON HIS WAY TO PRISON. General Manager McGill Enroute Here. Toronto, Feb. 16.--Charles MeGill, former general manager of the Ontario Bank, who is under sentemes of five years imprisonment for making false returns to the dominion government, left, this morning, at nine o'clock, for Kingston, The prisoner had been detained here to render assistance in the investigation being carriod on by the curator into. the affairs of the Ontario Bank. The prisoner's family wns allowed By the authorities to say farewell to him, yesterday, at the of fices of the bank. GENERAL.LAKE TO GO. Accompanv Canadian Delegates to the Conference. Ottawa, Feb, 16.-1t is understood that Major-General Lake, chief of staff of the Canadian militia, will accom pany Sir Frederick Borden to London in April in connection with the disens- ion of the question of imperial de fence, whicn is one of the important itms on the programme for the col- onial conference, Canada Wants Labor. Lemdon, Feb, 16.-Lord Stratheona, high commissioner for Canara, receiv- ed a telegram, yesterday, from the minister of the interior, at Ottawa, that contractors in Canada declare that 20,000 men will be wanted this vear for railway eonstruction. The Grand Trunk Pacific Railway company alone will require 10,000 men, Only One "Bromo Quinine." That ix Laxative Bromo Quinine, Similarly named remedies sometimes deceive, The fiest and original Cold Tablet is a White Package with black and red lsttering, and bears the sig- nature of E. W, Grove, 25¢, The Duke of Devonshire, as chanedl- is appealing for funds for the univers ity, whidh is unable to keep pace with modern requirements, owing to lack of means The university, he says, Fopuires nearly $7 500,000, which amount, he adds, might be immedi- atdy expended without extravagance for aquiptnent and pew professorships, Sir Frederick Borden is now said to That have no children to laugh and | ma Find their troubles will "Little ones" | he, wes she Ji they take Rocky Mountain Tea. (while | be the likely sucdossor of Lord Strath. cona, when the latter rotirad from the post of high commissioner, A world's Runday school convention is to be held in Rote in May next, Oe of the sessions will be held in the Colisouin. lor of the University of Cambridge, VALENTINES FOR THAW. No Question as to His Present State. hae MRS, EVELYN. NESBIT THAW, New York, Feb. 16. Despite the in terruption of the trial of Harry K. Thaw, there appears no basis for 0 doubt that the case will be resumed, a8 planned, on Monday, Thaw, who had been reported as cast down because of a possibility of a mistrial, declared himself in good health when his wife visited him at the Tombs. If his spirits were not in keeping with his physical condition he did not make the fact known, With his wife, the prisoner went over the hundred or more letters and bolated valentines that the morning mails brought him. None seemed. to please him more than a sympathetic message from a little girl in Baltimore, As the case stands, Thaw is assum: od to be of sound mind, No one of the experts called by the delence has said that in his opinion Thaw is in. sane now, The defense has announced its plans for next week. Dr. Wagner and Dr. Evang, the alicnists, will be recalled, to tll of conversations had with Thaw, which the court hae ruled may be admitted, The prisoner's wife will then conélude her story, after which Mra, William Thaw, the defendant's mother, will be called, ® TOOK THE PRIZE, * We y We Bologna, Feb, 16. --Giosue ¥ % Carducci, an Italian poet, ¥ ¥ who was awarded the ¥ # Nobel prize for literature ¥ 3% died, yesterday, of pneu- 3% monia. His funeral will be ¥ ¥ conducted by the state. *® » HE KILLED BY EXPLOSION. The Disaster Occurred at Sea, Wednesday. New York, Fah. 16.-Soeven persons were killod and three injured! and con- siderable damage was sustained to the vessel by an. explosion on the Gorman steamer Valdivia, at sea, last Wadnesday moming. The donkey on- gine boiler exploded, throwing the steamer's funnel over and ripping open and oho woman, the stewnrdess, Couple Were Married. Toronto, Feb, 16.~Among the papers found in the house, where yes. terdnv's double tragedy oceurred, was found a marriage cortifiente showing that the vietims, John J, Raymore and Mra. Mary Charlton, were mar. ried in Buffalo, on July 1st, 1904, by Rev, Mr. Pattyson, Methodist minis. ter. It is said Raymore tried to de torn and almost illegible. Contesting Abandonment. Montreal, Feb, 16.---The Royal Bank Meat Bargains At Mullin's. per Ib Try Bibby's handsome 81 shirts, house, Hicks, Navinka. See Bithy's new spring suits, always and costs but 15e, take place to-morrow in Pembroke. For run-down aywtems, Dr. Chown's Spweial Iron Tonic Pills are the best; 26¢c. and 5c, See Bibhy's nobby $2 hats, George Clare; M.P., taken from the house, last night, ill, sufiored from but temporary indisposition. VERY SPECIAL PRICE, the upper deck. Among the injured is the first officer. The demd are six men BAKER. On Feb. 16th, 1907, wn » ly. KENNEY. ~In Kingston, Feb. 15th, 1907, stroy the document which is badly KENNEY ~In Kingston, Fab. D. enney. SINCLAIR. ~In Toronto, on Feb. of Canada is contesting the abandon: ment of the estate of W. J. MoGee, the defaulting secretary-treasurer, of the People's Mutual Building Society, on the ground that he is not a trader. Funeral from his mother's residencs, Tonight: 3 the. good steak, 25¢.; prime roasts, Bc. and 9c. per Ib; stewing mwat and brisket, 5c. and 6c. Reserve $our weat without extra charpg at Uglow's for Ernest Thom- son-Seton, Monday night, opera Winnipeg's bonspiel is over to-day. Winners are: Emphe trophy, Mathe. won rink, of Rossell, Man.; Tuckett, Braden and Russell, Winnipeg; Royal Caledonian, Dunbar, §t. Paul, Minn; Walker trophy (international), P. A, Macdonald, Winnipeg: Asginiboines, Flectrical Effects. Tustrated foving Pictures. Best's "Short Stop" cures all coughs The cortege of the late Judge O'Meara, to the station at Ottawa, was largely Attended and floral offer. ings were profuse. The interment will Some will say We're late te lime. ® are, hut the best of vo you, ments that willbe in v over the Uni! States th the entire The daintiost, mont most fashi Li Er OR A FEW OF THE LATEST ;« =~ White Shirt Waists Me FRE row ye Joni down oahu of 1 on ; back to yoke depth, daint; Kftached. A " sleeve, with duteh cuff, tr with lace, open at back vt elbow os, with dainty oulls.el tucks and lave, open at bael giving individuality to wearer. $5.90, Eis Ladies' Underskirts | Of fine cotton, several styles, kind with flounce to knee alternative rows of fine and lace, lace at bottom, dust frill, % SPECIAL PRICE, 7Be. Night Gowns SPECIAL AT $1 and $1.50, Corset Covers FROM 13¢. to $1.25, INSPECTION INVITED See Window ; Display. = § STEACY'S GHB ERER Sree BORN and Mrs. P. H. Baker, William St. a daughter. Mother a dnughter doinw nicel : : » to Mr. and Mry, W, D. son. enney, a the Infant ®on of Mr. ame 1907, Archibald Sinclair, Second of ne ate Rater Hine ry thirty-six years. Frontenac St. Kingston, on My afternoon at 3.30 o'clo J acquaintances respect fu! invi attend, 3 ROBERT The Leading "Phone §77, Special. 10-18-26 gies To-Night--* 'The Devil's Lane. Seats now on Sale. ;

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