Daily British Whig (1850), 16 Feb 1907, p. 4

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f a pretty good man, who found the in- i § £ £ £ i i fF i the grievance to him. commissioner (hearing the charges), thought that Mr. Van Zant should have dismissed "the trouble: iH E defence dissented, and with good reason. The situation was critical. Mr. Van Zant was conscious of the con: | spiracies against him. He could have souffed them out by the dismissal or suspension of certain officials. "That would have been a courageous J way of dealing with the difficulty. Ho endured 'the vexations. for a seavom, patience, however, pend such developments as wold secure enquiry has not been in may do more than re-etals- lesson to the eovern: its surrender on the spoils A ------------ {at the Trent Falls, transmitted to Kingston, and sold hero for $21.43 per horse power, The calculation is founded on the assumption that 2,700 horse power will'be contracted for. If such a daily Mantity cannot be used the price will be hightr, and if the yuantity used be greater the price per horse power will be Jess. ° : The speech of Mr. Bock is prelimin the council and the people. It must be voted on, and intelligently. Before the polling the council will have a sumed, and the people will be assured of a certain patronage before they as- sume any liability in the case. Mean- while the issue is ono which invites closer attention from the council and citizens. Writ ng in The Schools. The writing in the public schools came up for discussion at the Board of Education Thursday evening. This writing is not as good as it ought to be, in the opinion of some of the trus- tees, Wut the sause of this dissatisfac- tion is hard ta determine. The sys: tom has been' changed, and it-tekes | time for the working out of the de tails. The hand of the pupil may be changed, but opinions differ as to how fast this change can be made. It is about three years since the ver tical system of penmanship was aban- doned because some business men and parents found fault with it, and the medium slant a cross between the vor- tical and slant--was adopted. The chunge should have been pretty radi cal in that time, and yet it is alleged the results attained have not been quite satisfactory. This raises a new issue--the efficacy of the direction to- wards change or the merits of the sys | tem itself, There is 'undoubtedly something in the contention that "system" is not everything. The individunlity of the The governor appears to have been by greater public burdens ? is enabled to speak more clearly. His opinion, so largely quoted, is this : without proper custodial protection." The suggestion is important and far-reaching. It is that the govern that they may not a2 made the means, innocently, of adding to the race a larger rate of persons mentally defeo- tive, The change is a great one, but, seriously considered, and with a re- gard: to the consequences that may follow the continuation of = present conditions, there is economy in the re- commendation of Dr. Smith. Rejarding Bounties. ¢ The government has made public its mining scheme. The proposal is to en- | courage the smelting of ores in Can- ada, 'and it promises to be fairly ef- fective. The method of encouragement is. to. pay a bonus or bounty on metals or compounds when produced in Canada and from Canadian ores. Ontario, for many years suffered its logs to be rafted and towed to Ame- rican ports, there to be reduced to lumber, the process involving an ex- penditure in labour and materials which very largely benefited' the Ame- rieans. The flaw which forced the manufacture of the lumber in Canada was revolutionary in its character, but it had the desired result. The only regret expressed with regard to i was that it was not enacted and some years ago. Then the same reasoning applies to the metals. Ontario has suffered by the exportation of its ores for years to the United States. Its pickle has been the best in the world, and in constant demand, and it was ship- pod to the United Stales, there to be refined and made valuable by the lar- ger expenditure of money upon it. The ores of Cobalt ave being similar ly dug out of Canadian territory and shipped across the line, The aim is to, have it, and the ores of Sudbury, smelted in Canada and this object should be attained. The new law will collect an acreage tax from all mining lands, whether in organized or unorganized districts, ary to the submission of the iuestion t, {and a tax upon the products of the mines, with profits cxempted up to $10,000. This tax, all of it, or all that is collected and more, will be canvass made for patrons, it is pre- distributed in the bounties which are provided for--$60,000 a year in me- tallic nickle or refined oxide of nickle, $30,000 a year on metallic cobalt or refined oxide of cobalt; $60,000 a year on metallic copper or refined sulphate of copper, and $15,000 a year on white arsenic or arsenious acid. The department to have the option to change the proportions of these boun- ties, according to circumstances, but the total to be limited as speci- fied and the arrangement to hold for a period of five years. The proposal is one which is worthy of trial. The Whig and the Whitney government are not in accord on most things, but on this matter it seems that the government is pursuing the course which prudence approves. Editorial Notes. Delmas. ix getting $100,000 to defend Thaw, and Jerome is making him earn his money. The Manitobans will elect a new legislature on March 10th. The gov- ernment is on trial. "Provincial rights." is an old issue revived in the legislature, and with a solid house upon the subject. Mr. Greham did not steal the plat- form of the government in the local option vote. He and his party are following independent lines. The cheap power meeting last even- ing was a success. It gave some peo ple the better idea of what was going <i. When some people have nothing else to talk about they tur fo the writ: | Dr. Smith is" the inspector for On-]; Jlario of "the charitable institutions. | int therefore, had experience, and by it he | The Galt school board has appoint- ed a special teacher for the individu- al instruction of 'backward pupils. The sthoals are not closed half an hour before the regular time on this account." The scholars are simply giv- en. coaching in the subjects in which they * require special help. Will the rovernmént change tactics in the Liquor license Act? Tt has an- nounced that it is satisfied with the effect of 'the thyee-fifths clause, in lo- cal option contests, hut it may hedge now that 'the opposition has come out strongly for the majority vote. SPIRIT OF THE PRESS 3 --- An Honest Hope. Toronto Star. 17 © Although the' C.P.R. still has ten million acres of North-West lands to wll, the management hopes to avoid that pitch of fortune at which ten per cent. dividends give rise to taxes, Some New Developments. Montreal Gazette. One of 'the insanity experty in the Thaw trial, in of the_contention timt the wag il , men- tioned that he had a i pulse, It may not, however, be well for ev- orybody whose mode of life bas ai fected his vital # to go out and kill his enemy, trial is not over yet. Tavitation To! Trouble. Montreal Herald. The king's speech not only invites the two' houses of parliament to get into one of those periodical rows about Ireland which do so much to keep the blond boiling, but also sug the lords: and commons up a little with each ot! a tes hich ute thi bot tue men, With such a programme parliament might do something for the national debt by charging an admission fee to lovers of sport. The St. Catharines Sensation. St. Catharines Star. Un the face, however, it looks as if agents for rival ving companies have been endeavoring to obtain busi- ness in this city by the same means that civic ' inquiries in other cities have shown pe to have employed there, There is no word in civie, pro- vincial or federal politics that smells go foully as the word "graft,'"and the citizens will hope that it will be prov- ed that not even the faintest odor of it can be detected with the adminis tration of our civic affairs. The in- iry should, however, serve to put the gquietus on every attempt by pav- ing agents to "work" aldermen, here or elsewhere in this district. Duties Of Wealth. Goldwin Smith. It cannot be too often repeated that wealth, especially wealth possessor has not himself earned, has its duties, and that it is miserable and vile to live in idle luxury on the EE ------------------ No Appetite Your Food Disagrees. You're Tired--Lifeless. Skin Is Yellow. You'll Feel Worse Every Day Un- less You Brace Up Quicki-The Best Treatment is Ferro- zone. Every day comes the good news of | cures with Ferrozone, n Peterboro it rote marvels for Louis Mechan--put him right on his feet--made him entirely gh "About three years ago," savs Mr. Mechan, "I had the Grippe, which left me in a very rundown condition that finally into Dyspepsia. was unable to cat but a few things and had a craving for acid. I gave up treating with .the doctors because they did not help me and on the ad- vice of a friend used Ferrozone. It not only cured me of Dyspepsia and Bili: ousness, but bas built up my strength to what it was before 1 had the Grippe. 1 can recommend Ferrozoue as an ideal restorative," ' Ferrozone gives you force, energy, vim. Tt st thens the stomach, cures in digestion, prevents hea: aran- tees he - Thousands use Ferrozone--they all i better. health--look bet- ter--fel betta: tev it yourself--sold in We, boxes hy all druggists, $e! smith. J. evening. Miss Deatrice which the }qv ; the dedication of Home is 'a telling answer; © 4t mmy be one which dema- is not' ly to take to heurt Er ut Thdy so. take 1 beurt holding out the lire of confiscation. . Japan's Chivalry. The conquerors crow on their high places and erect memorials dead. monument at Quthee, which all Cana- fs 5 the work of neither party, but of the childrén of both. Japen has oatdone Christendom in' magnanimity in ercet- ing two monuments conquered the Japancse who Arthur, and one the ians who died in its de fence. This will surely do away with much bitterness and prove a cond of affection between the Russian common ¢ and the Japanese, whom in their protracted struggle they learned to esteem. '""BROF."" BERNHARDT. Actress Gets litle ; Have Cross of Honor. SARAH BERNHARDT. Paris, Feb. 16.--Sarah Bernhardt has been appointed to the professer- ship of dramatic declaration at the Conservatory of Music and Declama: tion. The appointment is made in order to remove the objection of the chan cellery of the Legion of Honor, which has steadfastly declined to confirm Mme. Bernhardt's nomination for the ¢ross of the Legicn of Honor on the ground that actors can only be decor- ated in the quality of professors, GANANOQUE TIDINGS. A Whistle Startles the People of the Town. Gananoque, Feb. 16--The league hockey game scheduled for last even- ing between the Star-Bachelors and G ue high school teams 'niu be postponed on account of © the storm. . Messrs. Brennan and Ledger were summoned to appear before Police Magistrate' Heaslip for keeping their billiard and pool room open after hours. They pleaded guilty to « the charge, and settled by paying five dollars and costs, The Canada Cabinet company, which bas been in liquidation for sbme time Past, caused a little flurry of excite- ment yesterday morning. Work havine just started, it was thought best to test the whistle, which was done by blowing a good long blast. Some one supposing the place to be" on fire, sounded the general alarm. Mrs. J. R, Stafford * who has been visiting in town with friends and re- latives for some weeks past, left on Wednesday, to join her husband in Hamilton, where he has located: for the present. Miss Norah Cowan, Athens, spending ten days with Miss S. A. Cross, King street, left for home yes- terday. Mrs. Joseph Cornell is spending a week with her daughter at Harrow- Mitchell, of Stouffville, has arrived in town to fill a position as druggist's clerk with Clifford * ine, at the Corner Drug Store. Miss Essib De Long, Charles street, held a class re- cital by her pupils, at her home last Fakins, who has been spending some time past in Montreal, the guest of Rev. and Mrs. J. Wood, of Westmount Methodist church, has returned home. THE ICE IS FINE. The Cheese Patrons Have a. Good Maker. Crow Phe, Feb. . 15. ~The joe'is in excellent condition and . the farmers are taking advantage of it drawing wood and logs to the mill. There was a lively time on Wednesday night' at Joseph Cote's. He had a bee draw- ing wn wood during the day. A num- ber attended the raffle at William anley's, Thursday might, where they enjoyed themselves in games and dane- ing. William Hannah has moved to Bolingbrooke. Mrs. Hannah is ~reatle missed in the league. The Orangemen of this vlace attended the meeting at Tichborne; some members took the scarlet deoree afterwards. They enjoy- od an ovster supper at Mrs. J. Brown's Hotel. The patrons of Crow Lake cheese factory had their meet- ing on Raturdav evening. Thev have secured Mr. McElroy, Philipsville, as maker for this year The' quilting bee at Mrs, R. Rey- nolds' 'was a very quiet one only im- mediate friends were igvited. Visit- ors: Mr. and Mrs. James Davis at George Pradchaw's: Mrs. Miriam Wiltse at J. W. Knanp's: Otic Thar vet, home from the shanty: Mr. and Mrs. William McGinnes, at her father's in Westport, Burteh"s horse radish, for roast beef. pork, end all kinds of ment. It's foe. Ask vonr grocery for it. Have no other: onlv 10e, The cenuine Castoria is sold at Gih- cag's Red Cross Drug Store. . Fresh de. Phone 230, - Bo ¥ > a Ad lhl ALLLLLLHOOS Tey OVOP IVIIVTIEIYEY YY »>BIBBY'S Tw Where's the man who hasn't use for an extra pair or tw, of Trousers--when he sees what he likes--and the price is his way ? ' It's about now that you being to notice how dilapidateq your Trousers are. Here are splendid Trousers that will give | * you a new Suit effect. {1 Spring styles, just received, Handsome pair of them. $2.50, §2.75, 3.00, 3.50, 4.00, 4.50, 5.00 ACCORDING TO YOUR IDEA AND TASTE New Raincoats just received.|SA Beauty for $12.50 and $15. New Top Coats, $10 to $15. New Spring Suits New Caps. aide dO0000 YoY yYY ------ rete ite rebel aatterns, every | Gadd Ebb) 11.) Ob OB Oi Bil hp ol Odd are arriving daily. New Hats. | The H. D. Bibby Co. Sod > 2 ORO: M It The Lack of Sleep Destoys Health The leading = Physicians pre- scribe:an invigorating and agreeable treatment ; one half bottle cf ILLER'S EX- TRACT OF MALT Made in Milwaukee soothes the exhausted ner- vous system, gives new strength ; it brings youth back positively ! Kingston. Delicious Candy, 25 A. J. REES, 166 BUTTERETTES MINT CUSHIONS Extra Strong, 30 Cents Per Pound. » » » 2 Cents Per Pound. 3 ¥ * > » » > 2 Princess Street 3 eee LEARN DRESSMAKING IN TWO WEEKS ! Have you commenced your spring and summer sewing ? Are you interested in Dress Making, family sewing. If so do not miss thing from the plainest shirt wais tliat can be found in the fashion b the outer goods in coats, skirts, w dresses, Tare etc. Why spend m having served months there, cutting ? Absolutely nothing ! how to cut out a dress at end ofy went there. So why spend your ti two weeks. Within the past 6 this way, in Western Ontario. No unless thoroughly satisfied. You ca see what it's like. Charge for full course will be on of course if sa , inclu Y which we Sie Jee, We will teach at ston, fro from 8.30 to 5. All to lea to see us at Iroquois Hotel, on W 10 and 5 o'clock. either ofessionally or for your own course. We teach you every- t to the most elaborate toilette ooks. Not only the lining, but all aists, wrappers, sleeves, children's onths at a shop and then after what do you know about For you will know no more ear than you did the first day you me there when we can teach you in rs we have taught over 2,000 in PAY in advance and none at end n all come and try for a week to only $10 to be paid after com- ding most perfect fitting system m Feb. 21st to March 6th. Hours ra or for full ulars be sure EDNESDAY, Feb. 20th, between The Misses Ellison, = Instructors in Dress Cutting, Drawer 771, Streator'. "MR. GEO. 1. THOM 8% Work On the Farn ' Feeling Well All the T Geo. H, Thompson, ( Miss,, writes: . "I bave been cured tarrh by your medi Peruna and Manalin, | been affected with cata the stomach about al life, and was taken bad . Spring and Summer, "I used several kin patent medicines, but did me no good. I then 8 treatment under an ) which did me but little By this time I' hud eco where I could ectnothir a little soup. I had pains, bad lost in weigh not do anything. I be your medicines, Peruna then weighed 196 pound; ing several bottles « one bottle of Manalin, pounds, "I am now at work or feel well all of the tin want to and my friends better than ever befor Praise Peruna for its hes Pe-ru-na Is a Syste; It Peruna proves efficj in one place, it will be in any other place, becs temic remedy. The people generally ; misinformed as to the na Catarrh is usually bel fined to the head, nose a; terly we sometimes hea the stomach and catarrh Beldom, if ever, do we of'any other organs. Tt is not because these subject to catarrh, nor 1 these organs is not a ver ease, but simply because ally known that affect organs may be due to cat You mu The best ¢ our extrac We pay the Freigh in the Provinc Quebec and On THE E. D. © A VERY FEW $1.00, sizes: GIRLS' and CE RIBBED Vests, 1 12}c and - - - - - GIRLS' nd CH REN'S RIBB Drawers at - - - WOMEN'S RIB VESTS, 15c., 35¢c. and - - - - WOMEN'S FLEE LINED VESTS - "Any untrimm SPENC Dr. Hug: Health T: for Women Healthy W Look's Cotten Root dopo Za( of are The Duchess of Roxb was Miss May Goelet, has taken up the proval collect snimals, and she miniature zoo at Floors

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