: ne, i A y ChNADS LIFE. - If vou eall in the Ofce hh 18 street ~ shown. he' Oo Century issued hy this Company, Pe anual Guaranteed Dividend oly. which is modern te the RRA have their capabilities , and beea unt Globe : late the 14th Re- {eam can t 100 cont. better than they did agAiast The Argonauts, it is dificult to see any chance for them to win from Midland next Monday. The style of hockey they play would never beat a good TH the Montagnards, of Montreal, 'win the Federal League chamnioneh: prwill put In of the league team, would be used in (the cup series, so that it would not * the Federal Learwe cham- . Pitre and . and Stuart, Gless and Johnson. of the Wanderers, ore among the players wanted for is purpose. London Advertiser : "Weep. ye hoe- key fais, weep ! Never again, so we are informed, will "Chaucer" Elliott oceuby foe space in the canacity of hell-tinkler. Nay: "Chancer" savs he has had an overdose of the great ice game and will henoeforth devote his [sare moments to managine diamond outfits, and watching for offside plays on the ovidiron. Well, 'ere's au re voir, "Chaucer," old soul. We sin- cerely trust that vowr avowed retive- ment is' of the Patti order, and hope 4to see vour smiling face and your Anollolike form floating about on runvers when the snowballs bloom again." General Sport. Herreshofl. of Bristol, the builder of the Relianee,. Constitution, Columbia and Defender. is building a defender for the Canada cnp. Peter Maker in the most unlucky fiohter in the ring. He knocked out his mother-in-law in one punch and had to go to nil for it. Harvard will wot row Cornell on Take Cavnga on Memorial dav unless the Cornell authorities give their as- surance that no steamers will follow th» twa crows over the course. Eben Byers, of Pittsburgh, National amateur golf chamvion, has sailed for Freeland to plav in the British ama- J championship tournament at St. Andrew's course. in Seatland. The council of the Fhglish Hackney Horse Society have offered to the New ork Horse Show Society a challence enn valued at 8500 as » mark of the friendlv fecling of the English breed ere. . ; London sports are worked un over he coming chamnionship battle be- ween "Gunner" Moir and "Tiger" , which is slated to take place ore the National Spoftiig Ohh on - and Tonic Combined Mathieu's 'Syrup has a mar- velous, curative effect on : all affections of the throat and 1} . It is the quick- e5t and Dest cure for Oonaok . vit soothes HATH of Tar and C "the ho TI Liver Oil oe 3 SYRUP Cod This coupon is good for owe trial of Hoge's Obesity Reducer With testimonials from hundreds who have been greatly redticed, ale ree name and address on Batted lines be- low and mail to F. J. KELLOGG, 4464 Kellogg Bldg., Battle Creek, Mich. Aig KINGSTON ONTARIO Day and Evening Classes Moderate Rates, oN. STOCEDALS, "Phone, 680. ---------- February 25th. There will be plenty of high cla wrestling in and about New York Ci this year. The Metropolitan Associa- tion will hold its championships sdme time in March, and in all probability the National Amateur Athletic Union championships, open to all registered amateurs of the United States, will be held in Newark, ism. By declaring that he will not inter fere to provent prize fights, Rev. Gov, H. T. Buochtel, Colorade's new preach- er-governor, will. probably * make his state the home of glove contests in the future. According to the committee in charge of the fund for Terry McGov- ern, after Paving all expenses, there lance of wearly $15,000, the: Sonu > list's family. Peter Felix, the giant colored heavy- weight, of Australia, is to be "Jack" Johnson's first opponent, in a battle in Australia. The men are to battle twenty rounds in Melbourne early in h and Johnson is guaranteed £1,500 for his ond. If suvcessful in ting Felix, Johnson will be match- "Bill*: Squires. , . It begins to look as though the mammoth tourney ides has been aban: doned and that the Britt-Gens cham. Pionship will be the only one decided, in the orapah aren ane, if even } goes. Some people are pessimis. tic enough to think that the Britt affair is in move too good a and, all things considered, the ardly be blamed ------------ Ladoga is the largest fresh water lake in Europe. : Its area is 7,000 Sqpare miles--that is, thirty-one times as large as Lake Goneva + Bewenty rivers run into Lake Badoga - her role. ARtore, "|THE JAPANESE-SAN FRAN- CISCO TROUBLES SETTLED. When Congress Does Its Duty in Abolishing the Oriental Schools the Frisco Public Schools Will Take in Japanese Scholars. MAYOR SCHMITZ. Washington, Feb. 16.--San Fran: cisco school controversy, growing out of the tion of the Japanese school children in that city, has been settled, by Mayor Schmitz and the members of the school board agreeing, after the passage of the bill, as re ported by the conferees in congress, to abolish the oriental schools and to readmit Japanese children into the white schools. President Roosevelt and Secretary of State Root have given assurance that if the bill is not passed at this session of congress an extra session will be called, imme- diately after. the adjournment, on March 4th. GRAND OPERA HOUSE. Marks' Co. Completes Its Engagement To-Night. Notwithstanding the disagreeable concition of the weather there was a good attendance at the Grand opera house last evening. A southern piece was presented entitled, "On the Mo- i the scene being laid in Ala- Gracie Marks, "Lap#a Hat- " gave a clever interpretation of Elizabeth Bates and Emma Ballard were at home in their several parts, E. M. Wilgus, "Billy Dix," the bashful lover, did.some fine acting. Mr. Stenford, "James Major, the spi- der," as usual, received the disappro- val of the gallery for his realistic ef- Jorts. W. Crockejt, 'Pompey, a color- ed servant," was good. The specialties were new. The Sours inferno scene, acrobatic work and dub swinging gained for them applanse. The illustrated songs by H. M. Wilgus were much admired. The musical bells yand cathedral chimes by John Nalon were also appreciated. The movin pictures were very pretty. com- ly this afternoon played before a Po audience, "The Prodigal's Re- turn." This evening The will be presented a drama, entitled "The Dewil's Lane." Being the company's last appearance the drawing for the $5 gold piece will take place. "The Beauty And The Beast." Dazzling in splendor, gorgeous in scenic display, bewildering in costume effects, and displayed with over ome thousand incundescent; lights, the cur- tain will rise on that magnificent English and American spectacular pantomime from the Drury Lene and Broadway theatre: "The Sleeping Beauty and the F * booked to ap- pear in this city. Never in the his tory of weird productions has any- thing like it ever been attempted k fore whether in this country or Fng- land, and it poes without saying that our local patrons can consider them- selves in store for a big treat when this company makes their anpearance at the Grand on Thursday, Feb. 2lst. "Thorns And Orange Blossoms.': » dramatization of the famous "Thorns and Orange Blos- iS even more interesting than ding of it. The drama opens a wider play upon human emotions and human passions than perhaps any melodrama that has been produced. ] reading nublic is familiar with the story, The scenery is especially adapted to the production of this vlay, and the company prese nting it i an exceptional ome. "Thorns and Orange Blossoms" will be the attrac tion at the Grand on Saturday, Feb. ruary 23rd. ---------- Silver Bird Selling Fast. The manner in which Silver Rird is being bought mot only by Toronto investors, hut by Montreal, Ottawa, ndon. Hamilton and other cities and towns throughout Canada, in- dicates that the shares are well thought of by investors in general. Cobalt, North Ray and Haileybury are also investing largely in these shares. Word has recently been re- 'ceived from the mine that the veins are increasing in value with every blast and that considerable of the out- put is now rich enough to sive for shipment. When the present allot- ment has been taken wp the shares will be placed upon the Exchanges, when a rapid and permanent advance is looked for. Insiders pradict that the shares of Silver Bird should ad- vance steadily and will be at par within a few months. This is the general feeling of those who are well posted, and the manner in which shares are being taken by investors, indicate that this is the general - ing of the investing public--that Sil. ver * a gdod purchase at 15 cents per share. ; ------ One hundred ti Ericka" sold this week already. Every house should pour grocer for it. onic Pills, two bottles : for e., at Gibson's Red Cross Drug Phone 230, ET THEM This is the box that has;the biscuits that are always fresh, crisp and good-- that are made in the best bakery in Canada by the best bakers. If these are the Biscuits you want, always insist on your grocer sending ] PCOS : G. Fey / f % Easy to Apply Quick to Cure Don't you see this is something en- tirely new--something far more effec- tive than any amount of poisonous dope or drugs. It does not patch you up--it cures you permanently and quickly. All suficrers from Rheumatism, Lame Back, Indigestion, Nervous Debility, Loss of Ene » can. have a modern complete Electrical Treatment in their own homes. Doctors endorse Electric- ity--Hospitals and Sanitaria ust it, and are curing thousands annu- lv. My now Style. Patan Belt applisncs 15 A WONDERFUL jor all the above diseases. No need to give up--Wear my Belt --It will flood your system with mew lifo--new hope and new health. It brings to all an inexpensive Electrical Treatment in their own homes. IT IS EASY TO BUY. 1 will send my high grade Belt to every sufferer on - such easy terms that I will be almost giving it away. I have every confidence you will be cured long before you have paid for the Belt. I do not undertake any case that I think I cannot help. | I have written a book on Curative Electricity, which 1 want to send you. This book explains fully and clearly how electricity pro- perly applied does cure the above ailments. From it you can learn all about my new appliance and how it is used. Address : DR..J. MN MACDONALD, P.0. Box 565, Montreal, P.Q: L004 06006 0006000000006000 $000000000000000000000 Woodenware To Users of Pails?and Tubs A word of cautipn may not be out of place. The E. B. Eddy Company's wares are FULL Y GUARANTEED against factory defects, so it will be to your interest to see that the name is stamped on every package you buy. Always, everywhere in Canada, ask for EDDY'S MATCHES. | 20 PER GENT. DISCOUNT SALE During the month of February we will offer for sale our entire stock of Enamel Ware which consists of the best Canadian and Ger. man and Austrian manufacture AT 20% DISCOUNT Try our Brilliant Coal Oil and you would use no other, ELLIOTT BROS. | 77 Princess Street. Big Sale of Furniture We intend rebuilding and require the room to make alterations. Everything at . PHONE 147, STORE OPEN NIGHTS SYNOPSIS OF CANADIAN NGR HOMESTEAD REGULA Any even numbered section « ion Lands in Manitoba or t West Provinces, execpting 8 an reserved, may be howmesteaded person the sole head of 4 famil over 18 years of age, to the one-quarter section, of 160 acr or less. Application for homestead en spection must be made in pers. applicant at the office of the le or Sub-agent. An application for entry or made personally at any Sub age may be wired to the local Ag Sub-agent, at the expen plicant, and if the land vacant on receipt of the teleg application is to have priority lund will be held until the papers to complete the tran received hy mail In case of "'persnnation' the be summarily cancelled and cant will forfeit all priority of An applicant for inspection eligible for homestead entry, one application for inspection received from an individual application has been disposed ¢ A homesteader wh entry j standing and not lia 0 ca may, subject to approval of In relinquish it in favour of fathe son, daughter, brother or eligible, but to no one else, o claration of abandonment, Where an entry is summaril or voluntarily abandoned, sut institution of cancellation the applicant for inspection w titled to prior right of entry. Applicants for inspection mu what particulars the homestea default, and if subsequentry t ment is found to be incorrect ial particulars, the applicant any prior right of re-en 1 land hecome vacant, or if granted it may be summarily Duties--A settler is require form the conditions under or following plans :-- (1) At least six montls" resi en and cultivation of the lant year during the term of three (2) If. the father (or mothe father is deceased) of a ho resides upon a farm in the vic land entered for by suc he the requirement as to residenc satisfied by such person resi the father or mother. (3) If the settler has his residence upon farming land him in the vicinity of his |) the requirement may be sat residence upon such land. Before making application # the settler must give six mon in writing to the Commissio minion Lands at Ottawa, of tion to do so SYNOPSIS OF WEST MINING Coal.--~Coal Lands may be pv $10 per acre for soft coal an anthracite. Not more than can be acquired by one indi company. Royalty at the rs cepts per ton of 2,000 pounds collected on the gross output Quartz.--A free miner's cert cvranted upon payment in adva per annum for an individual, $50 to $100 per annum for @ according to capital. A free miner, having discove al in place, may locate a cla 1,500 feet. "The fee for recording a claim At least $100 must be expen claim each year or paid to recorder in lieu thereof. Wher been expended or paid, the loc upon having a survey made complying with other requi chase the land at $1 per acre. y patent nrovides for the | A royalty of 24 per cent Placer mining claims gene feet square entry fee $5, yearly, A free miner may obtain tw dredge for ~old of five miles discretion of the Minister of the The lessee shall have a dreds ation within one season from of the lease for each five mile $10 per annum for each mile leased. Royalty at the rate cent collected on the output a ceeds $10,000. W. WC Deputy of the Minister of th N.B.--Unauthorized publicati advertisement will not be paid SIGNET RING We take a delight in ing our stock of Rings We have them in beautiful desiens, plain chased, in Bright, Ro Rose or English finish both ladies and gentlemer Kinnear & d'Este 100 Princess St. If you have any F Troubles, bring them ORDERED FOOTWEAR A. E HERC THE HOUSE OF QUA The Chinese government aside $10,000,000 to begin t struction and modernization Bavy.