Q | silver in x jereater then. in yea Geotail Fog Re ah a iy 3 a pally mentioned. he oa 000 1s credited. which 1a $160.00 than in 1905, The tots] of 3a0.488.5800, which is 900 SOLD LIQUOR TO MINOR. a AN Court. In the police court this moming, Louis La . proprietor of the Westorn Hotel guilty to a or ta a minor, 826 and costs, with the option of two mantis in jail. behind the charge, told the magistrate | that the selling ol liguor to minors was becoming too prevalent in the city, and that he was endeavoring to put a stop to it. "Is that the case?" asked the magistr, te, "1" understand 0" renlied | Mr Wright. "1 cannot always lay my on the cases, hut [| am determined to puto stop to it." A tissue builder, reconstructor, builds up waste force, makes strong nerves and muscles. Somo people do not realize what a great remedy Hollister's. Rocky Mountain Tea is. 35 cents. Tea or Tablets, Mahood's drag store Prevost, Brock street, will give a {choice of $18 and $20 suiting, made- to-order for $16. Good fit and good UTR England, and Be different makes), : have Just received from Manchester, and Mill Ends of two of the largest Belfast, Ireland, the over- Linens, otton Sheetings, ~~ Quilts, Etc. 4 comprise remnants of Table Linens, bleached and unbleached (all qual. ities), Roller Towel Linens, Linens for Glass Towels, Dish Linens, Odd Dozens of Bedroom Towels, Bath Towels, Odd Dozens of Table Napkins, Bed Quilts (20 | Remnants, Pillow Cottons, J they can be of REV. O. 8. BBY, D.D. Rev. Dr. Eby has informed quarterly board of Brock Street Meth- odist church, that he wishes to retire from the pastorate of that church at the end of, the present conference year. Last October, when he met with an accident, he strained the sinews nf his leg, ocoasioning a lameness, from which hé recovers very slowly and he has found the pastorate work of such a Share too heavy for him. Whet he will take an easier field or retire from the pastorate has not yet been decided. His heart is in Japan, where he spent twenty of his best years in mis- sionary work, and nothing would plense him better than to receive an appointment there, where he would be practically free to devote himself to literary, pulpit and platform work. No Cwnadian missionary had great- er influence in Japan than Dr. Eby, and aw grey hnirs and experience are at a promium, there, he could he a gre service in that field, and especi- ally at this time, when negotiations ure in progress with a view to con- smmating a union of all the Methodist churches in that country, Rev, J. G. Dmlop, B.A, of this city, but lately returned from Japan, states that he was surprised to find Dr. 's work known in the remotest regions of the islantl empire and uni- versally appreciated. The Japanese hawo petitioned the general board of missions to send him back to Japan again, and many of his friends in Canada are at a loss to know why a man of his ability and knowledge of the Japanese language should not be given an appointment there in prefer- ence to young men who must spend years in Studying the lang before muds apevice in Joa coun Whatever his lot may be, the toni st Kingston will wish him wall. o is a scholarly, kindly-spirited man, whom to know is to respect and' love. INCIDENTS OF THE DAY. Newsy Paragraphs Picked Up By rters on Their Rounds. Semi-Ready clothing is fine. 6 tins pork and beans, 23¢., at Mul- lin's. McConkey's and Huyler's high class candy. Sold only at Gibson's Red Cross Drug Store. New spring shirts, $1. Bibhy's. Five or six cars left the track, at Lancaster, and crashed into the rail- way station, making a spectacular wreck, Buy Winter Cream for chiyppedi hands at Gibson's Red Cross Drug Store. Phone 230, Reserve vour seat without extra charge at Uglow's for Ernest Thom- son-Beton, Monday night, opera | house. Yesterday's snow storm has put an end to ice-boating for the present. The club has been pretty slow, this win- ter, with their annual races. New golf caps, 30c. Bibby's. The executive of the City Hockey League meets, on Monday night, to | fix the dates for "the championship | games and to transact business, All who have heard Ernest-Thom- son-Seton want to hear him again. Opera House, Monday night. Try Bbby's suspenders, 25¢. and 50c. Nesterday afteengon, Rev. Dr. Mac- Tavish addressed Queen's theological students on the orgenization and maintenance of young peoples' so- cieties, Bloud's Iron Tonic Pills, Réd Cross kind, two bottles for 25c,, at Gib- s01's Red Cross Drug Store, y At the YMCA. Ladies' Auxiliary meeting, yesterday, Soveral new mem- bers were enrolled. Arrangdments were mahe for sending flowers to sick mem- bers, A Shankofferingt meeting for March was dispussed. : Try Bibby's $12.50 serge suits, The sweeper was on the street car track last night, keeping the track open for to-day. The street railway any hye heen fortunate this year in he matter of snow storms and it ould preve a financial suecess for the company. = 3 yt is to consider the advisability - of 'assuming the -owner- ship of both the water and lighting ts. In the event of the town as- suming control it is within the hounds of possibility that an electric light plant will be installed in connection with as t. The dh Pian ists were forced to walk to their hotel, last night: The local livery mmn sent a van after the team, but the snow was too deep to enable the horsés to make any head- way. The walk of nearly a mile was not greatly appreciated by the visit st ing hockevists. Fie Trust and Guarantee company, limited, Toronto, has been appointed administrator of the estate of the late R. B. Fleming, of Saugeen township, who died in No , leaving an estate of $25,000, consisting of farm Scotland. Semi-Ready clothing is fine. property in Saugeen and intebests in ] the | ing light wei ( pounds short of weight. Lasier claim- gramme, provided entirel was very enjoyable. W. Keelev sang and told stories in ) able way; voice and pieces, while Messrs, Churchill, ! Smith, Coatts and Gage provided entertain. ment by readings, recitations, and in- Strumental selections. the satisfaction cluding a very pleasant evening. et takes pleasure American tour of Frank Spraight, known throughout the Nogtn ., breadth of Great Britain as the "In- Yofprefu of Dickens," study of Dickens' characters, He has | ] visited their haunts, probed into their | 730. in St. inner life, learned their. speech, ed their come thoroughly imbued with their at- | gentleman is one of the mosphere and their outlook upon life; knowing them so well, it soon became second 3 fe 5, ullin's, corner Johnson and a Bigs, Tug Saginaw Sold. The Towing company sold t Capt. Er AL Bost ton. "Fao, : Blackwell , and will be Lrought Kingston when savigation opens. An Tilegal Act. It may not be ally known, but it has fon that any merch- ant, while selling goods by weight, who weighs paper or wrapper with the article sold jis liable to be punish- ed for so doing. The courts have held he can be properly convicted for sell: it. Married In Utica, N.Y. A very quiet, hut pretty wedding, took place, Tuesday, February 12th, in St. John's church, Utica, N.Y. when Rev. Father O'Connor united in marringe Miss Genevieve, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William Spain, of that city, and Michael F., son of Mr. and Mrs. Patrick McCormack, Colborne street, this city, | . * x BEEN INDICTED. ¥ ¥ pLondon, Feb. 16.--~The St. ¥ &* Fe co ndent 3 Woof the Paily To aph ¥ BE says that Count Tolstoi, ¥ # son of the Russian Novelist ¥ reformer, has been in- ¥ ¥ dicted for h treason for ¥ ¥ printing his father's politi- ¥ | 3 cal pamphlet. x Case Was Dismissed. Tn the police court, this morning. William Moberly accused Samuel Lazicr, of selling him two bags of potatoes, which did not come up to the standard weight. The potatoes were gold from a car at the G.T.R. freight sheds, and it was pointed out that the two bags were twenty-nine ed that he told Moberly that he would sell the potatoes by the load, but not by the bag. as he had no seales that could be used for the weighing. He also claimed that he had offered to Inaks good Lite Mr. Dlobarly, any loss or sustained. was dismissed, - -- A Men's Church Social. In spite of the incloment weather, a fairly large audience was present at the men's social in Brock: Street Me- thodist church, last evening. The pro- ly by the men, n his usual inimit- J. Cousins sang in splendid recited several very taking At the close of chairman, Mr, r men to furnish which they did to the of everybody, thus con- programme the iodwin, called on the reshments Interpreter Of Dickens. The James B. Pond Lycoum Bureau In announcing the first r. Spraight has made a lifelong sketch- | surroundings, and has = be- ) nature to impersonate them. At city hall, Tuesday, February 26th. Plan at Uglow's. Baby's Best Friend. Baby's Own Tablets have saved many a precious little life. There is no other medicine to equal them for stomach and bowel troubles, colds, simple fevers or teething troubles. They are good for children of all agest--from the new bern babe to the well grown child. Add the mother has the * guarantee of a government analye that _ they do hot contain opiates or harmful drugs. rs. Jelin C, Gildart, Prosser Brook, N.B., says: "1 have proved that Baby's Own Tablets are a great help to mothers, and are baby's best friend. They. act almost like magic and 1 will always koop them in the house," The Tablets. are sold hy druggists or by mail We. a box from The Dr. Williams' Co., Brockville, Ont, Medicine It is reported that Hon, Colin Camp- bell, attorney eral of Manitoba, will resign, and be sucereded by Hon. J. H. Agnew, provincial treasurer, Hugh Armstrong being appointed to the treasurership. Thirty-six children have guessed on the clock competition at Best's, A handsome $2 Brownie camera js the child's prize. The first end mail since the o of A war between Japan and Russia, left Berlin for Shanghai yesterday. ; Plan for Frnest Thomson-Seton at Uglow's. Hear him Monday night, Ofira House, : 0 cure any cough, take Gibson's Red Cross Cough Syrup. Two bottles or 25e. R. B. Van Horne has been oint- ad manager of the Ciba Toi C WGILL 1S HERE WRRIVED a1} NOON, THIS i John Dorsay, Sentenced to Three Years For Theit, Also Arrives ~Scene at the Station. Charles McGill, the convicted ex- manager of the Ontario Bank, a man who has been before the public eye in the investigation carried on at To- ronto, has arrived at the Kingston penitentiary to serve his five years' sentence. man who was known as a "good fellow" by all his friends, and who entertained at champagnd dinners, is known to them no more. If his health spares him, he must spend the next five ydars of his life behind prison Bars. It was not gene- rally known that McGill' would reach the city to-day, and thus there were very few people at the outer station, when the train pulled in. Deputy" Sheriff Jarvis, of Toronto, ; had charge of McGill, The prisoner was not handcufied and walked from the train to the cab which was wait- ing, with a steady step. He appeared to be in good health. He was dressed in black, and wore a stiff hat. As the cab was reached, the driver went to close the window. "Oh, leave the window open so we can get all the fresh air possible," ro- marked McGill, and the window was left open. A constable from Toronto accom- panied the deputy sheriff, and he had with him John Dorsey, a young mar who was found vilty of stealing brass fixtures in Toronto, and sen- tenced to three years in the pen. McGill was free of handcuffs, while Dorsey had shackles on. He and the officer in charge of him got into a second cab, and the party drove di- rect to the big prison. McGill found himself about one o'clock, within sight of the scene of his future home, at least for some vears to come. As one glides along on the train beyond Collins Pay, the dome of the penitentiary glistens for a minute or more and is then lost to view, In ten minutes more the G.T.R. Junction station is reached and hete the joke is always perpetrated om the Prisoner hy telling him: "Here you are, five years for refreshment |" McGill had little to say and nothing for the city reporters who wanted to get a minute with him. The officers were too alert to let them get a chance. Before. the day was over McGill Jost his name, for hereafter he will be known by a number only. When a convict enters the penitenti- ary tol serve q sentence, he is taken to the warden's office and handed over to. the warden by the sheriff, who re- ceives a receipt for his person, from the warden. He is then conducted bY a guard to the chiel keeper's depart ment, where he is shaved. clipped. bathed, and any special marks noted. He is then dressed in the prison garb. his record entered in the record book and he is placed in a "newcomer's cell," where he remains till taken be- fore surgeon for 'examination, to as- certain if he is suffering from any in- fectious disease. At noon, the follow- warden who instructs him in the rules and usages of the prison and assigns him to whatever employment he is considered best fitted for. NEW CANNING FACTORY. Twelfth Will Be Soon Establish- Picton, Ont., Feb. 16.--A new can- ning factory will shortly 'be erected at Hillier, at a cost of $30,000, for the coming season's work. It is under stood that the Bloomfield Packing company, and Mr, 8 se, of Hillier, are behind the enterprise. established, this will increase the number of canning factories in Prince Edward county to twelve. With so many factories in the county and district, it is urged that a large in- dustry for the manufacture of cans should be established in Picton. Try Bil by's special $4 trousers. Pure nnférmented grape juice, pts band ypharts, at Chown's. The annual charity sermon, in aid of St. Vincent de Paul Society, will be preached to-morrow evening, at Mary's cathedral by Rev. Callaghan, of St. Patrick's Montreal. The reverend best pulpit orators in the dominion, so a rare toeat is in store for those who at- tend. See Bibhy's 815 pring overcoats. Among the choruses to be given at the Sydenham street church choir eon- cert on February 26th, will be ."Baby- lon's Wave," by Gounod. A splendid tonig, Dr. Chéwn's Beef, Iron and. Wine, 50c. large bottle. See Bibby's special $10 suits. Opera House, Monday night, Ernest Thon Seton. Not a lecture, but an informal illustrated talk, giving in @ racy entertaining way his observa- tions on wild animans, Bibhy's. Father parish, New spring shirts, $1. Buy "Bu-Ju" Kidney Pills at Gib son's Red Cross Drug Store. Fresh.) there, One hundred and fifty-six people have already guessed on t's clock competition. It costs really nothing to guess, as any 280. purchase cn- titles you to a guess. Semi-Ready clothing js fing. Hearing horns and conversation tubes, at Chown's Drug Store. Try Bibby's handsome $1 shirts, Waggoner's Big Clearing Sale Now On, Cal $38 wo the iTeat valves now ber ing given Suits, Overcoats and Trousers. Suit lengths sold by the plece. Goods must go at once to clear up stock. . Try Bibhy's wpecial Be. hose, Alex. Wi ner 188 Walorton Street, ing day, he is then taken before the} To-Night at 7.30. For those who cannot come "during the early hoirs of the day, we have reserved come of the good things we secured during the past week, and To-night will AFTER SUPPER SALE place them on sale at 7.30. x 1,000 Yards Good Quality SILK TAFFETA RIBBON AS FOLLOWS: Yards TAFFETA RIBBONS About 4 inches wide, and considered good value at _ 20c. yard. Yours To-Night at 12 1-2¢. yard. The colors are Light Blue, Pink, Navy, Brown, Black, White. 500 YARDS TAFFETA RIBBONS About 5 inches wide, the regular 25c: quality any- where. Yours To~Night at 15¢, Yard The colors are Light Blue, Brown, Light Navy, Dark Navy, White Cream, Myrtle. info the pc gaiety rei Nice, Jan. 26.--A few years a thought that Nice was rapidly | popularity as a winter resort. 1 that I was wrong. What has giv this new leas: of life, I wonder, * 360 Pairs Ladies' BLACK CASHMERE' Seamless feet, good long leg and a quality sold at STOCKINGS 35c¢. a pair. or 3 pairs for 1.00. Yours To-Night at 25c¢. Pair Sizes 83 9, 93, 10 inches. years ago the Promenade des Ar was a howing desert, and the to let fazing this delightful Wwaik legion in number. Now all has cl ed. The sea front is crowded in carly morning, and again betwe and 4 in the afternoon, and it matter of difficulty to approach wonderful shops of the Quai de senna. : Of course. most of the visito i English and American, and of j latter there are more than the « ary crowd, for Nice has become | orite winter abiding place with fair daughters and stalwart Uncle Sam. What has caused this changed SO) of afigirs ? IT am convinced tha municipality of Nice has pulled together and sought to mak beautiful town more attractive ever. Atvoady preparations are heing for the arrival of King Carai great stands and pavilions ; course of construction in the Il Massena; but of this mor One maw ask : What ot Nice? This is not a difficult tion to answer, for ppa can do everything or noth'r busy yet a lazy Shoule want to be wp and doing. oppe ty presents itself every should one desire to dule to coin a word-- well, one out and listen to music from the morning till midnight. and same time enioy delightful sprin ther, for at the present time ly is spring weather out here one a 1 Diace moment farie can © it 75 Pairs Men's Fleece-Lined The regular 50c. quality. These are mill seconds, some have slight night. Drawers (Only) « imperfections, rT TTY A gs ea 0 8 oe srt tna lk . o . . . . fo 4 . fo Le . . fo Le oe . . > . oe . . . $2 ss obo ss fees wd We Gold Bi OF WEARING others are Yours To-Night 25c. Pair. rh Fre 10ld Bond Shoes ~ $3.50 A Pair Every pair guaranteed to wear, and we can: fit all Spring Stock of this line just in. Glad to show them. Callin. Most neople rise betimes at the bright sunshie forbids loll bed! Tt is cheerful and sunny o'clock in the morning. and too; but not in the shade, an must 'always be borne in mind At The Flower Market One thing I always do at that is to pay a visit market near the fine oper: a sight not to be forgott ip one long line sit hundreds o en with baskets and stalls © full of the most lovely flowers they sell at a price that would Covent Garden turn pale witl This year there has n great amount of you may buy great pink or creamy yellow francs. There are more sale than I cover remember sie Nice--fine, 'longstalked felle sulphur yellow, bright pink or flesh color. It is early orange blossoms, but before will be able to buy any quanti anemones, too, of almost ever As for mimosa, Roman hyacin! all heer frost, conso bunches roses fo carnati Crunso mignonette, they are almos away. | would advise those wl to purchase flowers to go to t ket eafly, for mnt noon a bel and the market is over for ti ee ~~ feet. The freak autobolile, récogd, at Ormond Beach