* - ------ That Is Going On In The Business World--The Markets. Toronto Railway company earnings for January amounted to $204,812. The Metropolitan Electric Works at Britannia have been offered to the city of Ottawa for $200,000. C, U. Bluckader, i newspaper propriet- or of Hulifax, was elect to the board Of the Halifax Electric tramway. The Montreal Mining xchange has voted to increase ts wembership to thirty and to offer the ten new pcats at " { Buy Solid Silver orks and Spoons and you will have a feeling of satis- faction as the years come and go. X We carry in stock, several d patterns and in buying Eh til be able to Sesigna on a } ding to them the future. Our Teaspoons at $10 dozen are excellent 5A al Res, head of Queen streot. - Canada's Highest Grade business school. Book-keeping, typewriting, tele graphy, ad tho a atom mercial Subjee roug! ught tent, experienced Hovinig night classes. ter at = very moderate. H. P. METCALFE, President, J. B. CUNNINGHAM, 'Secretary. time, ESTABLISHED (1847) This great Canadian Compan made for Canadian people by nid adian people 60 years ago has now Assets Amounting to $32 ,280,518.00 Assurance in force $112,572,028,00 Surplus (or Profit Account) of | $1,882 750.00 m Stands in an wmgue position all along the line. Have the best Life or Podow- ment Assurance by selecting the CANADA LIF. If you eall "i the Office, 18 Market street you will he cheer. fully shown the 20th Century Policy issued by this Company, nnual Guaranteed Dividend Policy. which is modern to the moment, also actual results to Kingston. policyholders. Talenhone 708. Special Agent. -------- Canada Life Assurance Co'y, J. BR. URQUHART, 153 Alfred St., J. 0. RUTTON. Manager price of $300, At Ottawa the Winnipesr Electric Yail- way company opposing the applica- tion for the incorporation of the Mani- tobn Radial Railway company. Montreal capitalists have purchased the Giroux awd Farr claims in the township of Buckle for $50,000. Tt is understood that the properties are to be merged aid perhaps »ut on the Montreal market. Montreal is to have a big new cotton mill, W. T. Whitehead, formerly of the Domidion Textile company, and tor any years identified with the cotton interests, has been successful in forming a company with a capital of $1,500.000 under the title of the Mount Royal Spin- ing company. ; Orders for steel cars £150,000,000 are now In the hands of the carbuilding companies of the Pitts burg and other districts for construction 'this. year. Inquiries are coming in for cars that already give indications of orders amounting to from §UO.000,000 to $80,000,000 more. Reports presented at the annual meet. ing of the Montreal Cotton company showed prosperous conditions (he vear having been one of the most successful in the After paying 7 per cont. dividends amounting to $210, 500, and making the usual appropria- tions for defence action, ete., there was left 841.972 to be carried forward to {profit and loss. : ---------------- MINING STOCKS. Furnished By J. E. Cunningham, 40 Clarence St. amounting to y's history. Toronto, Ont. Feb. 18th. 1 pan. Buffalo $325 8250 Comlages | 4.50 4.00 McKinley D. 2.60 2.20 Nipissing . .. 14.50 13.76 | Red Ro : 1.25 1.00 Bar ... wags AS 36 White Bear 10 09 LAST SALES, Foster a At § 2.40 Leat : Feiaiaanss witarainin © 181 Green Meehan 1.144 Jueen .,.... Soiiiney 2.18 Trethewey | ' 1.04 Peterson Lake : AY WANT THE LAW CHANGED. Making Municipalities Not Liable For Non-Repair. : At the present time, the city has several demands upon it for damages in view af injuries to persons by tuus an alleged defectivé walks. The city solicitor will report upon these de mands, to the board of works. The Ontario Municipal Association, for the past two years, has been endeavoring to get the law changed regarding the liability of 'municipalities for acci- dents on its highways. The city council of Kingston has been asked to sign a petition to the legislature requesting that the law he amended, making municipalities not liable for non-feasance, but only liable for mis- fonsance. The meaning of this is that municipalities should not be held liable for walks or roads not being kept in repair, but only liable for accidonts caused by placing obstrue- tions on walks or roads, such as poles, stone piles, unguarded cxcava- tions, eto, It is held to be unfair to hold municipalities. responsible for every loose board that might occur in a walk, or for an icy pavement that might cause persons to fall. This is the same law that is in operation in England and in Nova Scotia, and it is eld that Ontario should also adopt it. HAD A BAD MEMORY. He Could Not Tell Where Got Liquor, Edward Powers, a young man, was placed under arrest, Sunday night, by Constable Mullinger, on a charge of being drunk. In the police court, this morning, he was fined $2 and costs, with the option of spending a month in jail. About a vear ago the accus- ed appeared before the court on a similar charge. The magistrate as to where he questioned Powers had been saved li- 'though they for lunch and DEAD FROM BULLET| = Amweore At the anniversary services in St. Andrew's church, Sunday, a collection for the extinction of the floating debt was taken. up, and the magnificent sum of $1,126 was realized. Death At Wolfe Island. The. death ocetrred on Wolle Island, Sunday, of Mrs. Davis, wife of James Davis. Deceased was thirty-two years London, Ont. Feb, 18~Lieut. [of age, and had = been ill for four George A. Macbeth, a veteran of the | weeks. She was formerly Maud Grim- South Alrican war, and a respected | shaw, and was a daughter of William young citizen, wos found in his room, | Grimshaw, of Wolfe Island. In religion at Wolsely barracks, at 1.20 o'clock, | deceased was #4 Preshyterian, A fami- this morning, by Major Mills, with a |iy of four children survive. The fun LIEUT. MACBETH FOUND DEAD IN ROOM. He Was at Wolsely Barracks-- Went to Find a Revolver He Thought He Had Left in Co- balt--It Accidentally Went Off, shot from a thidty-vight-calibre re | eral will take place Tuesday afternoon volver in hig brain. Death had been {at two oiclock, instantaneous. \ Major Mills détated that he and Mr. Macheth had been in the city togeth- er, during the evéming, and had re- turned to the barracks about mid- night. They sat together talking for some time, their tonversation touck- ing upon a Cobalt venture in which both were interested, According to his companion, Mr. Macbeth spoke of how they had gone to the silver country together to in 4 rsd Lt" vica-Didaidants spect the property, and, incidentally, |B RE Sharks, Joe ry ident said he had taken his revolver with | te loa nelle : " him, and that he did not at the pres: f Sher. A silver solleetion will he tnken ent time remember whether or not he | *4 the doors. The building will be clos- heel brought the weapon back with fd so that all may attend this lecture. him. Romarking that he would see if | he could find the revolver, he entered his bedroom. Major Mills heard a shot almost im- mediately after and going into the bedroom found, to his horror, that Y.M.C.A. Anniversary. "That Boy and Girl of Yours," will be the subject of the popular lectuie to be given by Dr. Wilbur FF, Crafts, at St. Andrew's church on Wednesday evening of -this week, under. the guspic- es of the local Y.M.C.A, Dr. Crafts is known the world over as the president of the International Reform Bureau, {and a writer of Sunday school topics -------- Skull Split Open. Peter, the twembwryenr-old son of Patrick McGarry, postmaster at Me- Garry, met with a very serious acci- dent on Monday, #He and a hired boy Mr. Macheth had shot himself behind | were engaged in chopping (blocks of the right ear. The bullet had taken wool. Peter had inserted his axe into an upward course after entering the | the block, and leaving it there was skull' and had come out on the same | stooping slightly ovér the block hold gide. It is believed the shooting was ing on to the axe handle, His com accidental. panion, opposite him, swung his axe [ to come in the same opening, and | thus split the block, -_n Aarards | The axe deseend- SISIIISIIIGIIININN | ; i HOIISISISISIOICICISISIIISIIIR ed on Peter MeGarry's head, and the sharp blade split open the skull. He HIM | I A TOLD TO GO. | was able to walk into the house, Belleville, Ont., Feb, 18. { " : --It is openly stated here Marine Intelligence. that John J. B. Flint, for Capt. Hugh Hagen, who, last year, over twenty years police sailed the steamer A, D. Davidson, of HERE RAHAE magistrate here, has been the Great Lakes mand St. Lawrence dismissed by the Whitney I'ransportation company, will com- Mr. Flint -de- is mand the steamer Majestic next sea- son. Capt. Collier, of Napunee, who re- cently purchased the yacht Dorothy, is having a new oak - hull bailt for her, When completed the captain will have a very handsome yacht, much more roomy than the old Dorothy. Forty United States vessels and for- ty-eight Canadian craft were engaged in carryfg grain from Port Arthur and Fort William last season. The American boats twansported 3,000 as against 4,575,000 bushels by Cana- dians, a striking, comparison in clines to talk. His success- or is not named, though ¥ government. * * ¥ there are many rumors. FY KEE ENQUIRY OVER. The Girls Accept a New Working System. Toronto, Feb. 18.--The telephone en- quiry came to an unexpected ending, this morning. After refusing to accept the verdict of the board of medical men, who might investigate the work- ing conditions of the operators, the officials of the Bell company -put forward a new working system, and after a lengthy consultation the girls' committee decided this new system was more in the interests of their health than working for five hours without the carrying capacity of the vessels of the two countries ---------------- «1 Beg You Pardon." Three small boys were idling along the street, the other day, hockey sticks in hand, talking. The eldest of the three spoke. "I be~ your pardon," courteously said ome, a wee chap, not any regular relief. Seeing that the | hearine the remark. 'The biggest one girls agreed to accept the system, | faced him--* 'What's that you said ?" still contended these | "I said, 'I beg vour pardon.' re DAILY BRITISH WHIG, MONDAY, FEBRUARY 18. ------ sm A A ---------- ee DIED FROM BURNS SAD END OF WIFE OF REV. JOHN TURNBULL. Her Clothing Caught Fire--In- haled the Flames--Her Son Was Badly Burned Rescuing Aged Mother. Montreal, Feb. 18.--A very sad death occurred at the Royal Victorig hospital on Sunday evening, when Agnes Me- Lean, wile of Rev. John Turnbull, died of the result if terrible burns she re- ceived on Saturday. The deceased lady who was seventyfour years old, was engaged on Saturday afternoom cook- ing on the gas stove at the family re- sidence, 131 Park avenue. She was at the time wearing a light kimona with wide flowing sleeves. Evidently one of the sleeves waved into the ges and aught fire, as Mrs. Turnbuid's' son George, who was upstairs, heard his mother screaming and ran down, to find her enveloped in flames, her light clothing being all ablaze. He hud pre- sence of mind and secured a quilt, which he wrapped around his mother, and soon extinguished the fire, Not, however, hefore the whole of the upper part of her body had been severely burned, while her face was also bad- ly seorched. Mr: Turnbull also re- ceived some very nasty burns on his arms while rescuing his mother, W. J. McGee, the defaulting secre- tary-treasurer of the Peoples' Mutual Building Society, was committed for trial before the court of king's bench on the Brown note forgery ease. There are a number of other specific cases of the kind %)ill pending on which a hearing will shortly take place. The American Tobacco company of Canada is a very close corporation and refuses to give out anything ab. out their 'business for publication. INCIDENTS OF THE DAY. Newsy Paragraphs Picked Up By Reporters on Their Rounds. Skating at the Royal rink to-night. Best's 'Short Stop! cures all coughs always and costs but 5c, T'o-night, Ernest Thomson-Seton, Shera house, under the auspices of the I's no guess work when you buy Gibson's Red Cross Cough Syrup. Two bottles for 25c. Cures any cough. Come down to the Iroquois to-night and hear the full reports of the game in Toronto between the 14th Club and Midland. The board of héalth was called for four o'clock, this afternoon. Several important matters to be con- sidered. Con. Millan of the Iroquois Hotel, has made arrangements to have the l4th-Midland game telegraphed to his hotel to-night. The Allan steamer Parisian, for Liy- erpool, sailed from Halifax on 17th, with twentyrnine cabin and ninety-five steerage passengers. Prevost, Brock street, will give a choice of $18 and $20 suiting, made- to-order for $15. Good fit and good trimmings, a genuine bargain. The first of the finals for the Inter- were hours were too long, the commission | peated the small lade "I didn't hear decided not to hear any more evi- | what vou said," "Humph ! vou're get i dence and adjourned gine die. tine society," sniffed the bigger lad, | The new porposals provides that | and by this time the grown-up list- | onerators work steadily for two hours, | enor was out of ear-shot. The big boy | then have half an hour relief, one | made a seriobs mistake in his last re | hour and a hall more work, an hour | mark. The most lenient of critics will | the same hours in the | say that the small boy's manners had | afternoon. By the system no girl will | nothing in common with much of so- work lonwrer than two hours continu- | ciety. so-called, In it manners and ously, though the hours to be spent | courtesy are conspicuous hy their ab at the switchboard will number sev- | sence. The ahove shert tale is not a en the girls will be required to spend | trumped to hang a moral nine hours each day at their work. | on. The little affair hapoened near Ba The company and the long distance | pot street, and the polite small boy, | operators will make some * special ar- { just a diminutive member of a family | rangements amon themselves, The ["all the eldér branches of which y | companys officials distinctly stated | distinguished for eourtesy and nee that low pressure would exist under | feeling. | | up story LICENSE ENQUIRY. the new system, nn SPOKE AT PORTSMOUTH. Rev. A. Ainsley Gives Address Be- fore Orangemen. | | | | | { | | \ quor on Sunday. "Two fellows gave it to me out near the poor house," said Powers not get the liquor in an hotel "1 don't believe that, because too slim a story," remarked the magistrate," as the court adjourned. If you are constipated, dull or bili- ous, or have a sallow, lifeless com- plexion, try lLax-ets just once to see what they will do for you. Lax-ets are little nice to ent, nice in effect, Cross Drug Store, Skating at the Royal rink to-night. EI IE RELELA4042000004044000 0000084000000 00000000 Initial Showing of - Spring Woolens Too early to buy tor spring? No! Never too early to select from our magnificent col- lection of Spring Suitings, Fine Imported Worsteds Fine Imported Tweeds 'Blue and Black Worsteds, Vicunas, Cheviots, 1 Spite to Order, $18.00 to 28.00. it's | No griping, | "1 did | tyothsome candy tablete-- | oon row v | no pain. Just a gentle Taxative effeat | account of Mr. Moss 1s was tn [the lodge, was present for the occa- that is pleasingly desirable. Handy for | ted that both Hynes and Rr. Beattie {sion, and rendered some fine selec the vest pocket or purse. Lax-ets | Neshitt had an interest in the lease of | VON . . : meet every desire. Sold by all deal: | the property, and Hynes made out a | The lodge is at pr Sut in a very ers, check for 8900. in favor of Dr. Nes. |Prosperous condition. ithin the past For afternoon tens, McConkey's or [bitt, who, however, denies receiving two months wenty Rew merhers Huyler's high-class eandy. the choice | the check. {have heen I, and the re m Airy of royalty. Sold only at Gibson's Red | Dr. Neshitt protested against his | that as many more will be taken A Thousand Dollar Cheque Sent | i in oh ; the Chairuan, Rev. A. Ainsley, who is in charge of | ™ y EE {the Preshyterian mission at Sharbot Foronto, Feb. 18.-Thé: license cn- . | Yuir » ned th i 'ni 1 f ~ Lake, gave an address before the 5 y i ; - oy Tang: be ore | members of Portsmouth Loyal Orange | EV R Lk iy ye w hon 34 ilodee, at their hall, Sunday evening. came ont that John ynos, who lq" oaker dwelt upon the work of | was interested in a property on Yonge | py R i street, upon which F. WM f-{the order, and . urged gre sired 1 Bot He 1.1 OSSOP de Tamong the members, Mr. 8 "1 red to evéet an hotel, wad sent a travelled extensively in Quebec } check for 81.000 to Dr. Wilson, chair ' ; ¢ : y the Cobalt, and he gave his he 5 man of the board of license commis raluable inf 1 his sioners. The lalter yet 3 tl some valuable information about has | ek throu Lie, Te ¢ ltravels. At the close, the mem ers | o ong § or, Jo A check, throuch hi awyer, yhn A tendered the speaker a very hearty Ferguson. The cheek was ia vote of thanks f | "A choir, part of 85 sived from James Cosgrove, the Cosgrove composed of members of 2 3 i i 0 ne nonths, name being brought into the enquiry. in within the next two month ---------- MOST BEAUTIFUL WOMAN. Y.M.C.A. CONVENTION. | e---- | | Stokes Returns Home Lady Pole-Carew Wins Prize - on | Secretary | From Toronto. Competition. | London, Feb. 18.~The Evening News Secretary Stokes of the Kingston announces the result of a plebiscite | LC.AL returned home on Saturday, its readers as to who are the most | from attending the Y M.C,A. conven- beautiful women in England. { tion at Toronto. He reports that the Lady Beatrice Pole-Carew heads the | delegates had an invaluable time, and list with an overwhelming vote, fol- [that the convention was a great suc lowed by lasly Helen Vincent, Prin- s. He made reference to the stir- cess Henry of Pless, and the Duchess | ring addresses delivered by Rev. Dr, of Sutherlarfd in the order vamed. The | Johnston, of Montreal. : stage secured 'the filth aod sixth | [ypcidentally, it has been found from places with Julia Neilson and Evelyn [facts and firures that the Y.M.C.A. Millard, {has contributed forty per cent. of the | physical directors on the continent of | copted the collegiate championship (junior) will be played in Kingston, this week, be- tween Queen's TIT and Varsity IIT. Only one more day of Best's clock competition. Remember, eve 20¢. purchase entitles you to a guess. The dedication of the new Stewarton Predbyteriant church, Ottawa, took place on Sunday, Rey. Dr. Gordon, vrincival of Queen's University, preach- ing the dedicatory sermons, Huzoline : sold at Red Cross Drug Store. Phone Kingston marine men who the yacht being built at ronto for Dr. Oronhvatekha, of the Foresters, will least $10,000. It. is a clumsy looking model and could be used 'for freight as well us passenger trade. The R. M. C. team arrived homg on Sunday from Toronto where Snow is Gibson's 230, have Dese seen say it cost at hockes they lost the intermediate C.ILH.U. championship to Va II. The Ca- ldots, like good losers acknowledged that the best team won. Edward Goodwin, on behalf of him- sell, JI. Warwick and .J. Dunn present Kipling's "Jungle to the library. Mr. Stokes ac behalf of the Y M.C.A. and thanked the donors. The recent snow fall has made to- | bhogganin® good on the Fort Henry Hill. _ The lovers of this sport have been prevented from using the hill for the greater part of the winter, he- cause there was not sufficient snow to cover up the big stones near the foot of the hill, e Croup can positively be stopped in twenty minutes. No vomiting--nothing to sicken or distress your child. A | sweet. pleasant, and safe syrup, called | Dr. Shoop's Croup Cure, does the work and does it cuickly. Dr. Shoop's Croup Cure is for croup alone. remem- ber. Tt does not claim to cure a doz en pilmente, 1t'e for croup, that's all, Sold by all déalers, The Wolfe Islanders in charge of the races, which are to he held on the 27th and 28th of this month, marked off the track this morning. It was re- rorterd that the races would be held in the Kingston harber, opposite Point Frederick, but the majority of the is- landers want the races held nearer the island. The entries are filling up ina satisfactory manner Cyrstal velvet bath powder is sold at Gibson's Red Cross Drug Stare. ed a copy of Book," roby on The Merger Complete. Hamilton, Ont., Feb, 15.-Col. Gib- son and W. CC. Hawking, respectively Just a Fow Suggestions. There will still be several weeks of extremely cold weather, and for that time we offer the following : - - Mauy of these lines of goods we are forced to part with at a severe loss in order to make room for new gools now on the way out from Europe. 375 Pairs Ladies' and Children's FANCY! KNITTED GLOVES The regular 25¢. quality. Yours To-morrow 1215¢ 127 Children's Knitted Buster Brown House Jackets | Buttoned down front and with belt. Regular values 1.25 and 1 35. Pte To-morrow 75c¢c Different sizes, and in the different colors, WOOL FASCINATORS ONE-THIRD OFF Children's Knitted Gaiters, Oae-Third OIff. Babies' Knitted Drawers, One-Third Off. Children's Mitts, One-Third Off. 275 Girls | Natural Wool Under- vests and Drawers 30¢., 35¢., 37c.. 39. Qualities. To-morrow we expect to clear the lot at any time after 9 o'clock, 25c. Each Ah. fot pc Men Hurt In Collision. | North America to colleges, athletic | the president and secretary of the Toronto, Feb. 18--~Thres men were | Associations and places where train- Dominion. Power and Pronsmission injured by a rear-end street car col- {ing was taken up, company, returned} to-day, from ni ya g { Sth Chicago, where they completed the lision, on Yonge street, shortly after | financial end of the £2.500.000 twelve o'clock, today. An Avenue | CHALLENGE FOR BROOKS "0" 9 He 32a00,000 mer- road car, south bound, stopped at | : | Grokvenor street, when a Yonge street | Has Been Issued By Peter " ; {air. following, crashed into the re Segarics The Melrose oil well has been sold { datiorm of the © Avenue road cr Peter RQ a Wat Aowh. N 3 to Toronto parties, who agree to go | olor Seg . atertown, 'ni Iwas packed with business men return Ling from luncheon. Albert Wylie had {dropped into the Whig office this morn Lan artery m wel in the loft cari John {ing and deposited $25 to bind his chal IH Smith had a foot eruched, and E. | 'evge to W. H, Prooks. The match to} take place 'anywhere in Canada for anv part of $200, Mr" Segaries guar antes to weigh*in at 148 pounds at sereet, have (ring side. The match to take place the Syierthatn {on or before March 2nd. 0-MOrrow. |W. Monaghan had his face cut. din _-- =r i AMofue Bros., Princoss | two horses entered in ioe 'races, which start t on with the drilling, and sink the well 2000 feet or ok further to strike oil if necessary, in or se cakes 2c, at Shamrotk _ Gibson's Red i soap, thre Cross ® are Ald at Just Keep Out the Gold For The Balance of Winter. ALOT OF FELT SLIPPERS ALL SIZES Men's, Women's, Misses' and Children's, regular prices 30, 60 and 75¢. 35¢c. A Pair sefeufoce te feed. i tefefotolofeler fle befotod of 2 + Sh The Lockett Shoe Store Ladies' Rubbers, sizes 2} and 3, 25c. rfstefetmlefeteatetofe effete YEAR 74. NO. FEBRUARY SALE ( FURNITURE Still maKing improvements, ting, another addition to ou large warerooms. Lock Out for the Bargai China Cabinet, regular pric Fo iouabte China Cabinets, regular pric $ or... Buffetts, and China Ca combined, regular or Polish Oak Extension Tab! lar vrice, $18, for Dresser and Washstand, P Oak, from $18 to $50 A few extra Special Price Bedroom Setts, S-pieces. THIS SALE 1S CENUINE ROBT. J. RE] 230 Princess street. The Leading Underta Phone 577 Ambulan BIPIISIIIIIII IIS Waggoner': Big Clearing S: Now On, Call and see the great value ing given in Suits, Overco Trousers. Suit lengths sold by the ple must go at once to clear up | Alex. Waggon 188 Wellingto 15 Horses For This Week. All classes consisting of Ge pose, Delivery, Drivers, and Ci ers. Horses sold on six month giving approved note," with in horses sold with a warranty able any time before 12 the day following date of sal represented. For further apply at 112 CLARENCE STR Or 42 PRINCESS STK o'clo Tenders for Sug SEALKD TENDERS . FC Bread. Milk, Groceries, Coal required for the House of Ind March 1st, 1907, to March will be received by the unders Feb. 22nd. Further quiry. information given R. M KINGSTON & CAPE ) STAGE LINE In connection with N.Y'C Co. carryine passengers, ma press. Established, 1860. New heated stages leave d Sunday), at 2 p.m making rections for all New York S Phone 31 for a Hack Office Foot of Brock ¢ -------------------- BUY PITTSBURG-EI PER SHARES, ¢ If you buy now you Ww lowed five months to m monthly payments, 5 p off for all cash. This owns 350 acres in the hes Mining district in the we ply to JOSEPH F. S Try a Pound of Myers' HOME- MAD) S For Sunday's Dreakfast. 8( To Contract TENDERS ARE INVITE various trades works requir tions and additions to sto situate on Princess street, George Mills &. Co., Furrie ters. Plans and specificatio for inspection. Tenders wat pan. FRIDAY, PF 22nd. any tender not nw 3 ARTHU of TAKE NOTI( Retween Season's we scl very small profits. That 1tke. Try us forthe fun. TURK'S SECOND-HA 398 Princess St Do You Bak Your Own B If so, have you tr PATENT HUNG FLOUR Made from selecte toba Hard Look for our UD bag. Kingston M Co., Lt -- Over one hundred new be founded between Win monton this year by th Pacific alone, to say nd that will spring wp on of the other roads. °