Daily British Whig (1850), 20 Feb 1907, p. 1

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saving opportunities in d Children's DERWEAR (OW OFFER Special alues In htgowns ention was given to this year'a 0 larger assortment . was ver before. It would be a plea- ou a complete list of all but 50 we merely mention the range «. 65¢., 75¢., 85¢ , 90 C. 39, 1.49, 1.65, 1.99, and on ges to 6.00. 99. and on OWNS Dutch neck and elbow 90c¢. Ty gener= d special Chemi Skirts t values we have ever rts, as you will agree $1.20, 1.25, 1.35, up to $7.50. p) the Cold For of Winter. 3 Yaw] I SLIPPERS IZES I es' and Children's, ¥ nd 75¢. Pair : Shoe Store | and 3, 28c. + YEAR 74. NO. 43. KINGSTON, ONTARIO, SDAY, FEBRUARY 20, 1907. LAST EDITION. from Trapper ToWearer MCKAY ¢ LOOK THEM OVER JohnMcKay FUR HOUSE 148-1563 BROCK ST. 1 Sydenh; h ing th , This day in | 6 § } DAILY MEMORANDA. Board of Works, 4 p.m : Thursday. M.C.A. Anniversary, * " : versar) St ow' church, 8 p.m. Anirews Attend the Rummage Brock St. Friday evening f Joseph regular price 85c. a dozen. Yours while they last'for 30c. a Dozen Robertson Bros. Waggoner's Big Clearing Sale Now Oa. Call and see the great values now he- ing given in Suits, Overcoats and 'Frousers. Suit lengths' sold by the piece. Gceods must go at once to clear up stock. Alex. Waggoner, 188 Wellington Street. 15 Horses For Sale This Week. All classes consisting of General Pur- pose, Delivery, Drivers, and Cheap Work- ers. Horses sold on six months credit by giving approved note, with interest All horses sold with a w wnty are return able any time before 12 the day following date of sale represented: apply at 112 CLARENCE STREET Or 42 PRINCESS STREET y'elock noon, of if not as further For particujars, "Tenders for Supplies SEALED TENDERS "FOR MI Bread. Milk, Groceries, Coal and Wo requiréd for the Ho f Industry March 1st, 1907, to March will be received by the undersi Few d. Further quiry. information given upon in- Rt MEEK, Secretary. KINGSTON & CAPE VINCENT STAGE LINE, Tn connection with N.Y'C., ILR.R.R Co. earryini passeneers, mails and ex 5s. Istablished, 18¢ w heated stages leave daily (except € Sunday), at 2 p.m., making Aections for all New York St Phone 31 for a Hack to Call Office Foot of Brock Street direct cor BUY PITTSBURG-ELY COP- PER SHARES, 50c. If you buy now you will be'n lowed five months to eke equal monthly payments, 5 per cent off for all cash. 'I cot res in the best Co in the world, Aj owns 350 ac Mining district Ply to ; JOSEFH F. SWIFT. To Contractors TENDERS ARE INVITED FOR various trades works required in « tions and additions to store situate on Princess stroet for George Mills & Co., Fu toa. Plans and specifics inspection. T THE tera va, FRIDAY, B 22 any towder not necessarily accepted ARTHUR ELLIS Architect Office, Cor. Queen and Bagot streets "FARM LABORERS AND DOMESTICS. Any person requiring such help, : please notify ne by letter, sta ing particulars. J. F. KNAPP, Canadian Government Employ- ment Agent. TAKE NOTICE Between Season's we sell very small profits. That is what like. Try us for the fun. TURK'S SECOND-HAND STORE 808 Princess Street. Goods on you Germany Is Satisfied. Constantinople, Feb. 20 An imperi- al irade orders the banishment of Fehmi Pasha, chicf Of the ot police of the palace, @nd favorite of the sultan, Mhose - punishment Wwe de- manded by Germany rosnlt of his seizure of a ship's ¢ Huotwirg, and he Mudania, a town of the Sea of Marmora. s that Germany is now satisfied, reo wtended for * heen sent tO Asia Minor, on it is understood "the Yukon, when Mr There is nothing nicer these cold n.ornings than a cup of our Java and Mocha Coffeg It is healthful too, as the following extract from 'The Spice Mill," written by a coffee expert, proves--"It is our sincere convic- tion thatyCoffee, viewed in the broades} sense, is one of the blessings of existence, to millions and nfillions of peoule it is as Pity as the bread they eat and as beneficial to them as that staff of life." Jas. Redden & Co. P.S.--Our '"Java pure. "By John H. Mills Parniture, ete., FRI at the residence of No. 18 Rideau St Vix Bru and Couches, Fine Arm ark Chairs, Rocking Tables and Mocha' is ssels JOHN 11. MILLS, Auctioneer eee EIGHTY SKULLS FOUND. ee Discovered By One Seeking Treasures. Koirville, Tex., Feb, 20. The fam wish gold and silver mine according to the ancient ar chdves in Mexican hisgory, produced several million dollar worth worth of rich ore during the period it was worked, has n rediscovered in the Frio mountain neat here, by W. Ww. Chambers. In one compartment of the abandoned mine Mr hambers and other members of thy exploring party have found eighty "human skulls. Four crumbling smelter furnas and an ore erasher found in the "canyon near the uw Blockade. 20. The Released From Ice Sarma tnt, tug Latz, « the ice blockade and driven nin, has been relased by the ear ierry Inter in the Wolverine Huron. She has and number of plank Ihe Lutz wat used by hot contest. tte cod liver oil, 5c. bottle, only at Gib- Red Cross Drug Store. son's A spreading rail caused the wroek of the White Plains Express on the New York Central railroad, Saturday which twenty-one persons BREAKFAST IS READY the Per Maryfiy railroad to assist the ear ferry International during the winter months and the ice ae this port has been very heavy Was A Hot Game. Morrisburg, Ont, Feb. 20.--Comn-¢ wall and Morrisburg met, last night, for the first time, thig season, on loca jee in a scheduled gdm of the Fede- ral lx The final score was: Cornwall, 11; Morrisburg, 7. It wasa Red Cross tasteless preparation of This is the key-hote of the morn- A HOT TI NE Aroused The Sleeping Lion "On acto » er cosremco [| | Siri Ter flops Leo Xi In Commons. died, 1855 ; V orn. 1698 TS L¥ WHIG TELEPHONES. clay: || zope gre FOWLER AROUSED : 229--Fditoral Rooms. ! 2 --J ohhin~ Department. sen Is on short ne Fur Coats A TAUNT THAT SMACKED OF = LAND DEAL. R £000 B Goblets He Was Ready to Launch Into a n, saver G bl t Private Character if Need Be F ; . O ects --Language Not Parliamen- and ur-Lined a -- a tary--Sensation is Promised Ea . Later. Beat the World in A SNAP! From ry vn Correspondent Value, Comfort and We have about 25 dozen Oita vy, X 20.11 has often been Qualit very nice Goblets, all finish- said that son has lacked im y- ed, but a little off color, te , which may be defiped in slang as "scrapping, It came yesterday with g vengeance, Duncan Ross, the liberal memix for Yale-Cariboo, roused the sleoping lion in the per on ol George W. Fowler, the conser vative member from Prince. Edward Islawl, and the event may be historic, if the threats of the latter are éver carried indo effect, Mr. Fowler had been aiming some personal darts at Ralph Smith, the wpémber for Nanaimo, for his ambi ions regarding the governorship Hof Ross intervened and that the ambitions of Mr. Smith were entirely laudable, em- they did, hopes for im- ugestod bracing, as provement of his position, while the ambitions of Mr. Fowler were those of becoming a lumber king, amassing wealth and so forth, There was a sug gestion of the insurance commission revelations. The fat was then on the fire. Tt provoked the stormiecst speech heard in the House of Ce nons for many years. Mr. Fowler said that any land trans action he had engaged in was a pri- tra jon, was land purchased fiom private parties, and with it the house hard nothing to do. He held up vate an example of what the liberal pert, was doing in a public way with land, the Robbing contract, d ssed in the house--+ other d He said Mr, Rosd, hed ho been present, wotld have voted for it, for he was "a move an tomaton, a wooden man, who jumps i { : Med ™ BE he ie alle. clara that | . Evelyn Nesbit. Thaw had to tell the if attacked he would dis without | jury to-day of bonsts that Stanford fear or favor, the character cortnin | White had made of his power over the ar oF Or, Lt Chin 1 speak of | @itk Oly a month before Harry Thaw memisrs opposite. n pen hot Fin to death White told o the indigposition of an honorable mem- dd r lenth hi ( May ber of this hou he aid, "1 shall | Mackenzie, with scornful laughter, in tell exactly what was and how it disc ussing the wedding of Harry Thaw was brought og, 1 shall allow mx and Evelyn: Nesbitt : m to make ateattack on me in Their love won't last; I'Ny get her character without retortin I back: I'll get her back. discuss the character off honorable | Mr. Delmas had a few more paper members opposite, whether they be | Tor the wit to identify, one a let ministers "or private members, and | ter from Thaw to Anthony Comstock, their connection with women, win which Me. Delma : vend. In it Thaw and gv It has come to a pretty | deseribed the studio in the Madison n when men, because they happen Souare tower, and said it was filled to be in a representative capacity are with ne pictures and ought to bw nestion whether or not dhall be liable to all sorts of sland shat kind of thing 1 do not to be singled out for There are very frail ¢ a little trouble together some of them, and if I am attacked do not propose to allow any such ir men ass houses, have and pains ginuations as were made by the house : the member for Kings will see will happen; the minister of justice hy provided ertain monibers opposite wit 'Wait until we come and the a brief, and the and he has prepared ! i this were going to work am prepared to defend myself, and an ) \| ir carry the war into the eovntry. and give them not one enemy Meat. If you save your coupons, of valuable premiums. The largest to Orange Meat, Kingston, will re ceive a prize of $30.00. Kingston, y witen the prize will be awarded. ing. The woman who has no maid feels luxurious when she has Orange save those in Orange Meat packages, and | you may win $30.00 and the choice ¢ number of coupons mailed by any one person on or be- fore March 30th, 1907, and addressed All letters must reach the office of Orange Meat, Sor before April 9th, 1907, | there 'the matter meanwhile ends There were all sorts of rumors in | lobbies last evening, and if thay come RE .. | Tribune, is maid to purpose running to gnything we are promised sensa If you mre emslipated, dull or bil | {.r member of the provincial legisin- tions. v ons, or have a sallow, lifeless com- |, for Killarney. in opposition to Hen. Thomas Greenway was dleetad | plexion, try Lax ets just once to see | (i..r Lawrence, the present conser: chairmen, vesterdav, of the snecial | what they wi El do for you. laxsty vitive member. committee to investigate. the alleged | are little Grothsome candy tablets Misn Holmes, Tillsonburg, wants to we ster lumber combine. - | ern parties were summoned to at the next meeting and give eviden A laron delegation from Onshore hore. They ate asking for three ad tional acres of land for the Ross rifle to be abused throughout the lengthy aided cribed the studio of and breadth of the country. Are voi . which he said was oing to lower the to of public life | "conse auchery."" and was lo sb e that if a man goes | used bys r of rich eriminal into polities, he hall he smeared and The letter d attention to still have mud thrown at him by every | another ayimy: "You may a dirty ar that goes along he | abolish wr place at 122 E strocts 5 nd street, onan used secretly hy The chairman-- The hon. gentleman | three or four of the game scoundrel iz out: of order." Young girls are taken there." Mr. Fowler--""There ar dirty enrs . - - along the street besides what may Pe On Cross Examination. mentioned in this chamber and 1 wa New York, Feb. 20.--Counrt Spend not necessarily referving to any WME ooo, oalnek, with Evelyn Nesbitt ber of this house : lie Fiji on the stam. There seems little The chairmen--""That is not parlid | gy that, if the court will allow it, mentary language \ in 1 Mr. Jor will continue the search Mr. Fowler--*1 cannot sce whercih 1 ing-cross examination which he began hate wed by saying that because to yesterday, and, without doubt, am not applying it to anyovein the | (iy 4 Co" Loh incident as it wa ho I am simply disenssing the |g gg C0 ihe' dirt examination and a public man ana blame simply because he happens | rohable will allow him to go into to belong to, one political party or | thie. various incidents at any length another. 1 fou are going to begin {he may please with Mra, Thaw. The Propose such attacks tleman opposite. living in taken | in an to gather some data with respect to ber for Yale-Cariboo to pass without | frichds and the members of senate, on retaliation." | February 20th, the senate will, this "I heard before I came to this | afternoon. vote on the resolution de what advance copies of the evidence in con necticn with the ipsupdnee commission | demaocratio matter uy prepared, along with that defence, Ro- | republicans, Hs Savetnl west foppear factory there. The com ROW ein: ploys about 360 hands and if it is en: abled to increase its works hy the ad: diticn of this land it is said they can employ as many mor The land ask ed is part of the historic Plains of Abraham. Dr. J. K. Foran, of House of Commons, received an autograph letter from President Roose t night in viting him to give 5 lecture in Wash ington on histoFical topics. The date Fhas not been arranged vet, but the [lecture will take place in the fnture. An important pronoincement by the minister of justice was made in the commons railway committee vesterday. It wos in the shape of a report by the minister on the bill respeoting the Joliette and Brandon » which hud referred to department of justice for a report to jurisdic tion, The minister of justice reportid that the right of par! to declare a jroject 'for near way, been advantage of Canada" was at the discretion of parliameat and that in this case the jurisdiction of Quebec + not assail of. The bill was reported BOASTED -OF POWER THE SACRIFICES SHE IS MAK- ING IN TRIAL. Mrs. Thaw Again Undergoes An Ordeal to Save the Life of Her Husband--Comstock Ask- ed to Close Dens. Now York, Feb. 19.-With Harry Thaw's madness at the time he shot Stanford White attested by Doctors Evans and Wagner, with Thaw's queer tters and stranger will in evidenee, Evelyn Nesbit Thaw came back to the witness stand to-day. Outside a big Lrowd fought vainly against the closed doors, hoping that they might see and hear. The pallor is the only sign by which the slim little wife of Harry Thaw be- trave her condition of drawn nerves, and the dark, lurking fear that, in the end, her great saerific have been made in vain, and not win her husband his life ant freedom. At his first move {to-day Delmas plac ed in the fluttering: blue-gloved hands of Mrs. Harry Thaw some twenty-five letters in the handwriting of the man whom she has sworn despoiled her girthood and imnocence. These letters of White's were not written to Evelyn Thaw. The purpose of their introduc tion in evidence is yet apparent. may may not require the witness to swear to the "| truth of each one. The court's ruling question is whether that ruling road enough to allow Mr to put other witnesses on the stand effort to controvert these facts as Nx y now appear on the record. Jerome I To Vote On Smoot To-Day. | Washington, Feb. 20. 1 Iv agroement entered into between Senator Smoot's not entitled to his seat, The programme of dealing with the 18 | report of the committee, as tentative h | lv discussed when \ + matter was last before the senate, "pyovides that a presumably Mr n | claring him senator, ww or Mr replace the wv | 1 y committee resolution 1] the expulsion of the Mormon senato WROUGHT UP Over Overman, will propose 5 prints a report The Outlook For Home Rule. RUSHING WRITERS TO IRELAND TO LOOK OVER SITUATION. The London Papers Devoting Much Space to the Question in View of the Fact That the Cabinet Seems Intent to Do Business in the Matter. London, Feb. 20.-That the declara- tions of the cabinet 'ministers relative to Irish home rule, are taken most wriously, is shown hy. the great amount of space being devoted to this stion by the great daily papers of this city. Most of them are sending special correspontlents to the Pdistressful country." Ome leading journal is ae tually sending a military expert | to write a series of articles on "Home Ruleé and the Army," believing that if the magistrmey of police is handed over to un nationalist government lre land will have the interests of Great Britain and of the minority practical lv at its merey. This paper asserts that under home rule the whole postal telegraph sys tom of Ireland would be placed under local control. Military despatches and messages might be delayed or lost in transmission, and offending subordi- nates would no longer be subject to the stern control of the postmaster general in London, A Lively Debate. Landon. Feb. 20.--In the House of Commons, yesterday, J. W. Hills, Durham, moved an amendment: to his address, expressing regret that no re ference wns mude in the king's speech, to the golonial conference, and that no opportunity was thereby offered for promotmg free trade with the em- pire and closer lations on a pre forentinl basis. Evelyn Cecil seconded the motion. Ramsay Macdonald said, when ome asked the colonies what they meant by preference, one discoversd nothing at all: it was meely a political ery. donar Law spoke of the danger of Canada concluding a reciprocity treaty with the United 8 Winston Churchill, responding for the government, denied that the gov ernment was not taking the colonial conferen seriously, The govetnmment, ho declared, did not enter the confer ruce with an open mind on this sub ict nor. did the colonial premiers, ho had their instructions. The gov ernment had also ita instroetions. and would not fail to-earry them out, If the op tion wished a policy that would bring against the colonies the antagonism of working classes here, they could not more surely intlicato it than by this amendment. At any time and place the government wns prep 1 to meet the opposition on the issue of colonial proference, which wmly wonld introduce a perpetual surce. of inwry and friction, leading to an entastrophe, Mr Balfour mov ed the adjournment of the debate. PITH OF THE NEWS. The Very Latest Culled From All Over The World. After next general election there will he 221 instead of 214 members in the Canadian commons, Louisa Routhier was killed and Thom Watson, seriously injured, on the railway at Lachine Nineteen persons were frozen to death at various places in Prussia the past few Brough, days Arthur aged pine years, of Bolleville, choked to death on a piece of cake while on his way to school. In honor of the visiting colonial pre mis rala musical performance is to in London on April 16th. A bill to deal with companies that seek to eseapn provincial jurisdictian was introduesd in the Ontario legisla- ture on Tuesday. One man was killed and two seri- ously hurt in a London, between the Titernational Limited and n fregght during Y eriven collision at train Alexander, a has Tale to be farmer at Ten- shot and killed hy James by Man., Willioy Tieve heen insane, 1 and Briand ir William Hingston, pre clinical surgery at Laval University and I was to be attacked. Well Tam | which provides that Mr. Smoot's seat Montreal, died suddenly, on Tuesday not afraid of any attack. Let them shall be de «1 vacant, with a sub- | of heart failure. Tle was soventy-five trv it on as quickly as they like, I | stitute = hidh shall declare in favor of | years of age. r A syndicate of French-Canadian and residing in Mon- German merchants from Utah move will, it is un re | derstoord, effect tabled by the vote of §; jected of X of the senate Ye large majority miee to eat, nice in effeet. vo | ! co. | that is pleceingly desirable Handy for i the vest poche! or purse 1. nx-et (li. | met every desive. Sold by all deal |» ers, receive the support of the will be to No gripieg. | bw + in. Jost a gentle laxative.sfiect treal N York A New for the erection of a partmental store in Montreal. 2 i lee the question of expulsion square ? { twenty Rolande for their | DP ya ' conti i Tusd, Tue Ty hon gentlemen op. | Iv before the wmate, and the ine Robert Reid, transcontinental rail one {Mver, wan 1 thi en : i tions arc strong the resolution | way commissioner. is sui the Lon posite to understand this. providing for expulsion will be re don Free Pre for $20,000 damages There was more of the tirade, but | . for Yibel in confection with statements made veg R. 1 hardson, of and hpsn't passed examinations. experience. On th dentist necosEnTy eight veors' # | strength of this she asks support foe private bill before the legislature. ANOTHER CANCER "CURE." an eminent physician commissioned to part, .and says ; which according to them pauses a neighbor, who is be' The French cabinet has unanimously approved the agreement on the church: state question reached by Mm. Clethen- fessor of is negotiating mammoth de rding the envelope contract. the Winnipeg the Shoe bas had -- -- - -- Remarkable Things \Ascribed to Two Welshunen. London, Feb, 20.-The Daily by Dr. Hugh Mail iddle, investigate alleged cures of cancer hy two Welsh brothers named Evans. He confirms the stories about them in "Their method is to apply ointment or herbal decoction to the cancer, the, roots on all sides to withdraw into! the original growth, whi then falls off. After this the «kin heals over the wound "They assert that they never tum cases awav, and have had only one or two failures in many years. "The brothers live very unpretenti ously on their farm, about two miles from Cardigan. Everywhere there sooms to be the same utmost confid- ence in these simple physicians, Far from being advertising quacks with a desire for notoriety, they are deeply religious men, and it is very diffieult to got first hand knowledge of their methods. They speak very little Eng- lish and understand loss." T0 SUE PARENTS FOR ALIENATION OF HER HUSBAND'S AFFECTIONS. The Wife Was Formerly Head of the Kingston Ladies' Tallege ~Married the Young Man While He Attended Royal Military College. Montreal, Feb. 20.-Mrs. A. W. Ag new, Kingston, is taking steps to sue Mr. and Mrs. William Agnew, of this i for 853,000 damages, alleging the alienation of the affections of her hus: band, Augustus Waterous Agmew, for merly a cadet at the "Royal Military College, Mrs. Agnew, Jr, is a gradu ate of Queen's University, and was formerly 'head of the Kingston Ladies' Tolloge. In May, 1905, Mr. and Mrs. William Agnew instituted © action' to annul the marriage of their son, the wife's maiden name being Miss Mary Gober. It was in connection with this suit that the alleged libels and slan ders are alleged to have been uttered. This case has not yet been concluded. Mise Agnew ia also mentioned in con: nection with the case. : Auction Of Society Hotel. Nuntucket, Mase, Feb, 20.- With an indeitedness amounting to over $190, 000, and tied up with mortgages and attachments, the Sea CHA Inn, Nan tucket's largest and finest summer ho tel, and froguently styled "the society hotel of New England," is to go unde the anctionser's hammer this after noon, The ( hotel was run by the "awelle" of Providence society and was in fact a society corporation Col. Rowers, 8S. Washburn was the president, amd W. Guild's salary as manager was placed at $1,500, Among the shareholders are Marsden J. Per ry, the wealthy Providence bankers Col. Samuel 11. Colt, and others wel known ih The creditors are legion and the general impression is they will be lft in the lurch, society Archbishop Ryan's Birthday. Philadelphim, Pa., Feb. 20.-Arch bishop Ryan is celebrating his seven ty-wixth birthday today. In compli ance with the warchhishop's request, that no social demonstration be made the only official observation of the day was a low mass of thanksgiving, which was celdbrated early in the moming in the cathedral. During the forenoon many members of the clergy of this city, and other cities, called at the archbishops residence to offer congratulations. Archbishop Ryan is still hale and hearty and looks twenty voars vounger than he really is 110 was born in 1531, in Tharles, Tipper ary county, Ireland, England And Germany. London, Feb, 20.-At a meeting of the Imperial defence league in the Army and Navy Club, last night, Lord Roberts, who presided, said the Brit ish nation eonld not lose wight of the fact that afl the new equipment of Germany was aimid at 'Great Bri must have, space to only be had after defeating England Directly Great Britain was sreduced t the rank of a third rate power, Ger nmitny would be world supreme. "Burning Up" Money. Loridon, Fob. 20, that Tard Rosebery is worried , | who recently inherited $500,000 fro . {an aunt. Of course, Lord Re dn LALA 4440400000040000 Advance CELLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLE00L0000000¢ SLL00444 tain. The fact was, he said, Germany colonize in and suitable space for that purpose could A story is current over his younger son, Hon. Neil Primrose, ---- WEATHER PROBABILITIES, Toronto, Ont, Feb. 20.10 a.m.)== rsterly 10 northerly winds, fale. Thurs- ortherly winds, light snow and lerably colar. Shipment § Spring Dress Goods NEW SPRING DRESS GOODS Ready for inspection. A select advance shipment of ' this Springs Dress Novelties, | every piece of which hax been endorsed by the World's Fashion Centres. Among the many beautiful weaves will . be found: Cheok & Stripe Worsteds Fine Scotch Tweeds Plain and Fancy Serges French Chiffon Voiles Silk Check Veiles Vollettes and Marquisites French Chiffon Broadcloths Fine English Worsteds § Satin Stripe Voller, Eto. dd dd dd Dressmaking Parlors open on or about March 1st. Orders booked now. STEACY'S JINN UROOMS «At Sydenham, on Feb. 16th 1907, to Mr, and Mrs, Fdwad Grooms, a son, GUESS. At Watertown, N.Y., on Feb, 20th, to Mr. and Mrs. D. E. Guess, nwon, FOURNIER. At 285 Earl St, King: ston, Fob. 18th, 1907, to Mr. and rw. J. Fourwier, a daughter, MARRIED. WORTH-~-BARTER.--~In st, George's Cathesdeal, Kingston, on Tuesday, February 19th 1907, by the Hey, Canon Starr, M.A., Thomas Worth, Sergt Major Aetipecer, RCH. A, to Alice Barter, of Kingston : REID-ROTHERFORD ~«(m Feb. 18th, 1907, at the home of the bride, hy the Rev. Boyd, Kathleen Annie, daughter of J, 8. Rotherford, to Frederick Reid, son of the Inte John P. Reid, both of Kingston. Monday, DIED. LANHAN In Kingston, on Feb, 16th, 14 Honora, widow of the hie Charles Lanhan, aged sixty~ thres years Funeral took place, Monday to St Mary's Cathedral, where a golenm res quiem mass was sung for t repose of her soul. » tr------------------------ ROBERT J. REID The Leading Undertaker 'Phone 577, 227 at. SR (GRAND (OPERA HOUSE THURSDAY, FEB. 21st. New York's Most Emphatic Hit Stupendous Production of the Drury Lane Spectacle Q The Sleeping Beauty and ™ sons have been reared in opule young Neil never had half a miljon, spend before, and he i now sph be at Monte Carlo making h lamented relative's Another Of The Victims. Now York, Feb. 20 Elsie Sniffec twelve years ' the, effects of injusics recvived in th way, Saturday night. Her death ha brought the list up to twenty-two. A most interesting ture hall by Prof. Shortt. The sub. ject, "Banking," interest all business o | cordial invitation is extended to all , | day Dentists aré up in arms, pam. late cash fly faster than it ever did when she was alive. old, died, today, fram wreek on the New York Central rail lecture will be given in Sydenham street church leo- is one which should men. A most re action. Aduission. free. Thurs. | The dew which falls on a grass field " evening, February 21st, at 8 | dmow a year ta i the Beast Greatest Indoor Entertainment in the 0 | World. 60--Persons in the Grand En- semble--00. 2 Carlonds of Scenery. Prices, 25¢., 50ec., T5ec., $1. Seats now on Sale. SATURDAY, FEB. 23rd. Matin t 2.80. , 8.15. A comedy dramas © | THORNS AND ORANGE BLOSSOMS Bargain | The new An intensely human dreams' od by- "1a Superior and . with - scenic mounting pit and ate, inee--Children, 15¢. : 25¢¢ me Ce 300. 5c. and Sle. Seats on sale Thursday. p - | Wed., Feb, 27th.--Forbes Robert son. ¥

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