iif fit: fr g i 1 if - Mise Carrio Tee, Depnuvi D, Coulter's; Mr. and Mrs. Snngator; Mrs. J. Kelly, Irish Creek, at Leman's. ; Fike and. mother spent A da ivan, Te TL Hotel Dien, Ki Former Arden Girl Married. Feb. 18.-The many renila has the i plete], wood. Seabrook for circular sawing in , Kingston, at Mrs. : A. Donnelly made a busi- "ness trip to Kingston on Saturday. ville Movements. friends [pills make new, rich, red blood, that here. Mr, and Mrs. William " am} family have loft for their h Bropdview, Manitoba, after spending a few weeks with his parents, Toppings and other friends here. The many friends of Miss John Toppings moved on Monday in- new home, which erected since the fire in the fall. Philip Aswald, Odessa, called oun friends here last week en: route to Michael Corri- goan's, at Albert. Michael Ryan's sale on the 12th was well attended. My. Ryan is on the sick Fermoy Items. Fermoy, Feb: 18.--Some of the farm- era are busy drawing logs to G. But. Net Hy haa: a LF sgt mh what the r says. If yon ash, who are unde loctor" ve Bladder Teouble, E dney Didease oc. care, are Still vey Hl. P. Botti fn s an | borne, Feb, Mth. Meeting at - Our school is pro- favorebly under the Miss Annie Hill. Miss y a Di Bal h EH Ban Tame. "Dr. Williams' Piak Pills for || The Gentle Kidney Pm. | $0c. & large box. At Druggists, or ¥ i ic pega. Eh ob | LO The Claflin Chemies! Co., Ltd., Windsor, Ont. : 31 Con 1 of a | Ghickering's, "li a ns Orders at MeAuley's , Perth Road, at A. A. Barr's; daughter, Effie, Fosterville, at Chas. Ennis', ---- News From Vennachar. sufferers with grippe, Andrew Wil- son's family has suffered the worst, as three of the family were down at one time and death relieved the suf- fering of Clarence, about four years old. The funeral was conducted b Rev. D. L. Sontes on the Sh. A twelve-pound came to the home of John Cowan. Messrs. James John ston and son, Edward, Wensley, have bought all the horned stock from Wil- liam Goodrich and son, Herbert. John isco, Jr., Matawatchan, has bought the farm from Mr. Goodrich. Charles Ball and Miss Beatrice Holmes visited at the latler's uncle, J. H. Youmans', Denbigh. Herbert Cood rich ix at G. M. Bebee's. Master Charles and Russell Ball have gone home after a ten days' visit at their grandmother's, Mrs. R. W. Conner's. Mrs. John Grefl, who fell and broke her arm two weeks ago, is improving nicely. William Goodrich is able to be around again. The school has been lately equipped with new globe, maps, angle, triangle, rules, measures and library, On Maple Avenue, Odessa. Maple Avenue, Feb, 18.--Farmers are drawing logs to W. F. Anglin's saw mill. About thirty young people of day night. Miss Florence and George Joyner, of Lapum, and Courtland Sni- der were at A. Bu * Sunday. Miss Lillian Ruttan, of Sydenham, has been ing a few days with friends here. r. and Mrs. Alva Snider and daugh- ter spent a few days visiting friends in Sydenham. Miss Annie Johnston has returned home from Belleville after spending two weeks' there. Ila Frink has returned home after spending go couple of weeks at Sydenham visiting her grandmother, Mrs. Beem. Manuel Storms is moving on the Misses Sni- der's place on west end. of Maple Ave nue, and Hugh Cambri has rented the farm that Mr. S was on and is moving on it. Lillian and Fred. Ruttan, Miss Co of Syden- ham, and Bertie Smide#j were at Alva nider's Sunday. Melville Shaw, of low's, at son Snider's: Mrs. Ralph Burgess has heen under the doe tor's care, but is better. James Dil- lon, Westbrooke, is at A. Snider's. PURE RED BLOOD 4 Is Necessary to Health, Strength and Happiness. Pure, rich, red blood is what. is needed by every woman, young or old. , | Thin, weak, watery blood js the cause of all the headaches, and backaches, and sideaches--all the weakness and weariness, all the dizziness and des- pondency, all the nervousness and fainting spells that afflict girls and women. The only thing that can help vou is Dr. Williams® Pink Pills. These gives new life and strenwth to every organ of the body. In this way they make pale, feeble girls -develop into healthy, happy women, and for the same reason bring edse and comfort, and regularity to women at all ages of life. Miss J. Dietrich, St. Clements, Que., is one of the many thousands made well and happy through the use of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. She says: "I tried several medicines but cot no- thing to help me until I took Dr. Wil- liams' Pink Pills. 1 was subject~to pal Pitation of the heart, a throbbing in the head. and dizziness and fainting spells. I had no appetité and was weak pale and discouraged when hezan the use of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. Six boxes of these have made me feel like an altogether different person, and ve given me new health and strength," . Rich, red blood is the true secret of health and strength, and it is simply because, Dr. Williams' Pink Pills make new, pure blood, that they cure such trou . 88 anaemia, loss of appetite, indigestion, neuralgia, rheumatism, St. Vitus dance, partial paralysis, kid- -- troubles, and the svecial ailments t only women folks know. But You must get the genuine with the fall le People" on the wra around each box. If in doubt, send to the Or, "| Williams' Medieine Co., Brockviile, Ont., and the pills will be mailed at 80c a box, or six boxes for $2.50, ----l Mrs. John Downey died at Brock- ville, on Monday, aged thirty-two years. She was the only daughter of r. 'and Mrs. Bascom Champagne. - whole life was spent in Brookville her age, in June, 1905, t, a Downey, a cabinet-maker of Chat- m. 0 Many young Jadies who wero sup- to be going into decline have jo Je Resto a eulth and vigor by . itller"s Compound J *| Pills. For sale by W. H. Medley. =" t Irvine Byers, som of Mrs, James Byers, and Miss Ada Leonora Jane, socond danghter of Mrs. Gordon Empey, Brockville, were married on Rowing. illiam MoMillan, Lyn, aged fifty- Seven. died in "Brockville hospital, on Tuesday, from dropey. H. Cunningham, piano tuner, from son, : Mr. and Mrs. John Linklater and Veonachar, Feb. 18.--Among the day, for 1907. Carried. Moved, ried. Moved, ' Spooner-Purdy;* that Councillors Gordon and Reid examine road and fence complained of by E. of granting $10 to the Muskoka yeas and nays were called for with the don, Reid, and Spooner; Nays--Messrs. Ayleswroth and Purdy.--Motion car- stine, $10 for D.R.O., poll clerk and polling booth: John Long $18 for job on Day's Hill; R, C. Hawkey, $10 for George W. Bell, auditor, $6; W. J. George W. Smith, 86, for cord of No. 3; clerk. $4, re-election: Frank H. liam Cashman, $8.50, for benefit of H Why Vinol Is Better Than Any Other Remedy to Restore ealth = Strength WE RETURN MONEY IF IT FAILS TO GIVE SATISFACTION GEO. W. MAHOOD, Druggist g Because Vinol is a real Cod Liver Preparation and does not contain a single disagreeable or harmful ingredient and is not a secret formula. Because Vinol contains all the medicinal elements -- the soothing, healing, strengthening and flesh creative properties of Cod Liver Oil -- but without oil or grease. Because everything in Vinol,--except the tonic iron and a fine old wine,-- is actually extracted from fresh cods' livers and their oil. Because Vinol is deliciously palatable and agreeable under all conditions. Everybody likes it. Because Vinol tones up the system, strengthens every organ, nerve, muscle and fibre of the whole body and thus overcomes weakness by thoroughly eradicating the cause of discase. That's Why Vinol is altogether different and better than any other remedy for Coughs, Colds, Bronchitis, and all Throat, Lung and Wasting Discases. That's Why Vinol Restores Health and Strength to Delicate Children, Feeble Old People, Weak and Sickly Persons, Nursing Mothers, and Convalescents. wr YEARS MUNICIPAL MATTERS. Kingston Township Council. February 11th.--Members all pre- sent. Moved, Reid-Gordon, that the auditors' report be received and ad- opted. --Carried. Moved, Reid-Spocner, that the reeve, secure six seats at 75 tents each for the hall. Carried. Mov- ed, Gordon-Spooner, treaurer and Councillor Reid purchase six bracket lamps and a hanging lamp for hall.-- Carritd. Moved, Gordon-Reid, that the reeve secure legal advice re em- ploying a township engineer, the quali- fication required, etc.--Carried. Mow- od, GordowReid, that the assessor value property on a two-thirds basis. --Carried. Moved, Reid-Purdy, that the widow, Mrs. Cunningham, receive a ton of coal and $2.50 per month during the pleasure of this .council.-- Carried. Moved, Reid-Gordon, that owing to increase of wages and the township assessment being lowered, it is advis- able to raise the statute labor from fifty cents to seventy-five cents per Spooner-Purdy, that the proposal to move school house in Section No. 9, nearer to the centre of the section, be laid over to the next meeting.--Car- . Hyland. --Carried. On the motion Sanitarium for Consumptives, the following result : Yeas--Messrs. Gor- ried. Accounts passed : . Arthur Assel- D.R.O., poll derl and polling hooth; Smith, poll clerk division No. 2, £3: wood; Edgar Tolls, poll clerk division Denyes, $5.25: benches for hall: Wil the Widow Cunninwham: James R. Smith, $10 for D.R.O., poll clerk and polling booth; Edgar Tolls, £5.50, job on road division 41: clerk, $1 re hoard of health: William Ely, $1, caretaker of hall. Adjournment to first Monday in April at ten a.m. . -- Pittsburg Council. Barriefield, Feb. 16.--~ Special meet- ing; All members present. By-law No. 1, confirming the appointment of Alexander Grant, as assessor for 1907, was passed. The auditor's report, de- tailed and abstract statements, were read and adopted; 200 copies to be printed. C. A. Kincaid, refunded 81.50 or postage. On "motion Spence-Gor- don, C. A. Kincaid be given a receipt for 81551843, taxes: $20.87 percent- age: $9.999 yeliofs, being total of tax- ca for 1906, said receipt being in lieu of his bond, which is retained by the clerk. Un motion, Milton-Smith, C. A. Kincaid appointed collector for 1907 at a salary of $100. Adjourned till April 1st. --------k Dr. Shoop"s Rheumatic Remedy-- when used faithfully will reach chronic and difficult cases heretofore regarded as incurable by physicians and is the most reliable prescription known to clean out and completely remove every of rheumatic poison from the blood. Sold by all dealers. M. EK. Tok, Brockville, died at House of Industry, Athens, . aD al ete duration, occurred of Mrs. Oliver McNally, Sr, after an illness of several months' [Ask any Honest Grocer for the Best Sauce and fifhe will Give Joa & When good fellows, get together" REPUTATION BEHIND Fr 1 richness. Our illustrated book, "Homes, Healthful and Beautiful," tells why Alabastine is the most durable of all wall -coverings--how it destroys 127 WILLOW STR At Newbore, on Monday, the denth A & 7 . TE always fair weather 0 n n | x 2 LLL = when decorated with' @=-- Alabastine'have a lustrous ov disease germs, and how you can decor- ate your home with Alabastine at much less cest-than with any other material. Send ten cents for a copy of * Homes, Healthfui and Beautiful," with many dainty, new ideas for the decoration of your home. Alabastfine is sold by hardware and paint dealers everywhere--a 8 pound package for 50 cents. THE Rsk your dealer for tint card: | NEVER SOLD IN BULK. LTD 23. Lge AN IR | | = i 1 ZR E&I Rw 9 4 | ( a AO BR EO « Re an. LJ] | i = - A BE NS ESAT ¥.'T ) pp a MADE IN CANADA BY A CANADIAN COMPANY. REPUTATION. . FOUNDED ON, MERIT AS ., | WELL AS AGE, ALWAYS LOOK FOR THE NAME THE WILLIAMS MANUFACTURING CO. Somrany ornces: . MONTREAL, P. Q. Hu. TORCNTO, LONDON, HAMILTON, OTTAWA, ST. JOMN, N. B, AGENTS WANTED EVERYWHERE. ¥. W, SINTEINS, AGENT, NEWBURGE, you ) EET. PARIS, ONT: A Superior Business Train Institution Frentenac Business College KINGSTON ONTARIO Day and Evening Classe: \ Moderate Rete. \ da N. DTUCKDALR, x Principal. ANOTHER SHIPMENT OF ORANGE MARMALAL CUTTERS Just in. Let us she you sample and t you how you can ma it for 4c. A Bottle SOLD ONLY AT Mitchell's Hardwa 81 Princess Street. 9009009 PGP PDO 4 ! - Ladies! We invite you t visit our ¢ ment, You Will be delighted Su ts; Skirts and © We combine the ship the most most graceful beautiful and attractive. We guarantee a perf k, latest styles and c 0000000000080 0000000000000009 Customers can s r secure them fro: Our prices rre moderate. Mone ed, it not satisfactory The American Ladies' Tail 251 Princess Street. 'Phor TS If vou wish to be success! tend The Kingston Busine College Limited, head of Qu nt Canada's Highest Gr 1 business scho« shorthand, Day classes sou time . Rates ver 'Phone, 410 H. F. METCALFE, Presid J. BE. CUNNINGHAM t A AR EIR RT BRITISH - AMER HOTEL KINGSTON - - 0: Has undergone alterat 1 Is now open to thet sublic. W TELFER nl F NewYork Chinese Res! 83 Princess Stre Open from 10.30 a.m. to 8 The best place to get am Lunch in the city; Meals of on shortest motice. English as dishes = asrweinitv New England Ch Restaurant 33! Kin Open from 10.30 a.m. to 3 The best place to get an Lunch in the city. « on shortest n Dishes a spe v Wm. Murray, Auc 27 BROCK ST. to New Carriages, Cutt ete., for sale. Sale of Horses Every Ladies' Tcilc Finest of Workmanshi Date Styles, and Good anteed. Book & once wil Leading Auctic JOHN H. MI REAL ES) OR INSURAN( If you want te ™ City Property, see GE at 95 Clarence stree Post Office. souse ORGHE! THE BUSY O} Out-of-Town __ engagemen lolin, Viola, Cello Instru bl By EH. | 158 Sydenham Bt.