Daily British Whig (1850), 21 Feb 1907, p. 4

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College KINGSTON oNTARIO d Evening Classes Ts N. 8TOC KDALR, Principal. hink of it, only ge. for 24 pes for business, 60e, per t. Books, Fools- » for 10e. per 100 gsr Sheet Music, 5 copies for especially every improvement WEAK HEART SYSTEM WASRUN DOWN Ea naturally, it es times, o minute hon owner ightest inconveni. distress. for contributes. ig the Permanancy of the plant, for when the Property rewverts back to the city an arbitration court will determine the value of it. Under : Hs and IC. Ross e liberal these circumstances the competition of "OSS, the liberal, facilities which the company or city !, . ¥ Sa yinvaded the constituency nnd may provide, the elevnted may he come a. necessity. But that day seems to be a long way off. Toronto, with all its pretensionsp-and it placo--is hot a New York or Boston, | only safe way to clean of clothing or drap- shocking enough. Myr. Whitney will not admit that the business of the | was on the defensive, commissioners is being examined, as | had the, réquest was made by the members grace. It of thé board for a vindication. tive The report so far shows that the | =poils per box or 3 boxes for $1.25 Now going on. Come quick for Sprin Hats now in ; bewutios. Every grocer keeps WINDSOR SALT. No other is so pure, so delicate, * Best for the table. assortment, $1 ang 9c. ISAAC ZACKS i 271 PRINCESS ST. PIAA AAs Improved Saw } Sharpener and ... Emery Grinder De Srapared to Gum Saws of all descriptions at lowest prices. : 8. ANGLIN & 0, Foot" of Welling- COMING! oromto, will be at , on Thursday, Feb. 28th it put." way HAIR GOODS Ne There was a notable should see his pate TOUPEES and WIGS Perfectly natural in a Securely fastened suggested that be was being bribed. kness, Emissions, Sper ahlic opinion demanded some notice to be taken of the rumors that were current, and whatever the result may he Mr, Whitney ean lay it to the folly > 4 i liguor |} nse law > ous, ' J Hh WW i ha » and other ques a ! Belleville, after several times declar- long, was artily y N A r | his surrender to the mon who . A heartil; endorsed by the _ Clearing Sale Now 0a. Rreat values now The political sensation of the day is 0 : '+ vs. nt't dt ordi the: demand of Governor Hughes, to do wo? Superintendont of The difficulty about ments is that they Suit lengths sold by the piece. creetly, Mr, Kelsey was not selected must go at once to clear up stock i As > for office beeause he Kad a special fit. ness, and now that he js installed jg has not dawned upon him that he i unequal to Wellington Stree a per year 4 o'clock. in y mornings at $1 a the best Job P.int- ot Ing offices fn Canada : rapid, stylish and theap work ; pine improved presses. The British Whig Publishing Co., Limited : .EDW. J. B, PENSE, : Managing Director. Dail p Whig. -- Moving The People Around. = Toronto's method bf meeting the defects in the to organize of company and propose the construction of an elevated roud. This is "the movement of a private company, not the movement of the | €ity corpomtion which is Interested primarily in the success of the surface road. There is reason in this. The railway Gelongs to the eit, It is leased to a company for a period of years, under conditions which are not | satisfactory, The revenue side of it is very perc. able. The city enjoys a percentage of the earnings in an ascending scale, At present it amounts to nearly half a million dollars a Year. In a sense, this is a good kind of public ownership, The manmgemont is private, and on that gheount more economical, and the benefits are constant, steady and increasing, iWhy the company hesi- tates. about meeting the rospirement s of the city is beyond our ken, The traffic is enormous, and the profit of is mormous, Every improvement, which moves the people more expeditionsly, THE WRIG _74th YEAR AL BRITISH WHIG, published .. ny At 806-810 King street, {save him. Mr. Hughes, however, ilw hol 3 | means action. He showed this when | to be thankful for. Breet railway Sepvive is The called Mr, Kelsey to » public au- | dience, and proceded to question ¥ y : x Many worthy tions in connection with the insurance companies, designed to Protect the | Right Hon. A polieyholders, but had remitted their | Sir Charles work to a firm of gee untants, of | Should not vote let the public business drift, with only ane consideration. z politics. They have clected a man for | od his breath, The cat governor who js going to do whole duty to the state, who know what he he 4 DAILY BRITISH WHIG, THURSDAY. FEBRUARY 21. E-- EI ------ --_-- -- . islati i ilway siuess, amd something that counsel for the legislative comunitt og § railway busi we thing i is imowdiate attention which ancarthed so much rottenness | 20% 8 -------- in connection with jt. He was the (man. who dictated the legislation ' . . before the Insurance Commission, SH WHIG, 12 pages ' which nimed at its complete reform. vars on Nonday { When he became stormed and scolded, Now he is storm- the governor he began {the personal examination of the pub- lie departments, and what he saw and ; leafed surprised him. The result was has gone off a little too SOON. a hint that Mr. Kelsey be remove | le ---------- . from the insurance 'office, - and this hint was made quictly, suggestively, SPIRIT OF THE PRESS tin a way whieh the average official scenting danger would be glad to ac- -- cept. ing and scolding in parliament and threatening to do some thing fearful should an attack he made on him. He A Blessed Omission, Mr. Ke i publican and the | Montreal Star : Mr Kelsay Ma republican and the Mr. Delmas says that owing to the party has undertaken to screen and excitement Mrs. Thaw forgot the worst Part of her story. That is something He's Had His Drop. : pom . > Lomion Advertiser. him. The Superintendent admitte ev. Dr. Hossack was a hero in the that he kept about him certain dis. eyes of the conservative press when he credited officials, and that this very | was abusing the Ross government. The presence was a menace to public effi. | Same Press now accuse s him of gratuit- : : ously insulting Mr. Whitney, and de- ciency. He. had not made hims:lf seribes him as a case of familiar with the recommendations of ego." tie insurance commission and the re Guirements of the new law. He had 'exaggerated Quite A Few. not presumably attended fo the elec. | Ottawa Journal. Mr. Fowler, M.P., when a witness 0000000000000 06600000 a TVVVVIIO0000000090000900 DOLLA: oOo ' Oddo veooeee persons, including Col Sam. Hughes, Sir Wilirid Laurier, and J. Baliour, agree with Tupper that the od money which some > be plse js y SDE 3 ore » whose performance he really knew no- Sods Sls x = pend at "a Te ane | 4 . wi 8 Some votes mot counted. thing. He Practically admitted that - he had failed to rise to the demamls Take Warning. of the hour. Toronto Star Perhaps the people of the great From Kal "mazoo, Michigan comes state of New York may | ili the last word of an ev present dang- | a ew or nay be w mg to; er. A prominent citizen arriving home | late from lodge fell ; mto a heavy and that for party | slumber, during which a pet cat sueck- was discovered | | | hi dead in the morning. is : hase 3 : and thas Commercial Enterprise. accomplished, | Montrea) Gazette fearlessly, courageously, honestly, bn The Alberta government, it is ar wills to the intame of the compuay. a minor office, may surmise hat he | ™'meed, has a plan for vroviding Brventunlly the city will h Ave to pay all these advantaged as : son of Senator Ross, is he The an elevated road would be against the O88, is the TH surface rond and the revenue it should produce, It may be that despite the increasid Ve . i - 4 House by Premier Whitney. | Scdndat In License Business. meritorious aets, however, were in - } Tho evidence which is being laid be- | significent when compared with the Change Of Boss. Peter fore the commissions Y, appointed by acts which were not meritorious. Montreal Herald. i Winnd ' . Me a : . on Of Winnineg, wha | ute Whitney government to enquire | In the Kingston byeclection the vears has been paraded by into the manner in which the license government pleaded for an Xpression Conservatives as 'a terribly honest is being enforead, in Toronto, je | i system, its deliberate conver shippers that he ¥ either abl Rp for al i i } } Ba. ap ed, uoright, or honest ndependent or alarm, ram, conservative . ror sion of the license boards int the | .. Telog am, conser alive, h wd ground 3 : : nn | liberals ape that only when th "V are for its remarks when it said : political machine, its reckless in useful to their natural ene mies *Toronto's license administration crease of the public expenditure, its tn 3 ht in itic . 2. : : 1 was brought into politics, and the perpetuation of the" inheritance tax Short-Cut Curing. ke baser clements of (he party got their which had} i 11 i When: you hav vey in It wv PH al Ly n 3 ™ \ x 0" ave » severe stra . P chance to set up a toll-gate and sell | : a een). tennunced by th ax : 3 ™ influence which they of liquor os bout while the Now Y, rk SoClety is a trusg, has raised . rn the shortest pos ble time. © hr S a 3 i and he , i ssible f ar ng ang Ro; The electors seemed to have sized Nothing ean reliove and cure quicker Club is vith $65,000. The sal- | n d has made it impossible for licenses in Toronto 18 rich in possibi up the Situation. w , rect] T 0h a iE i r I X ries of the Chicago White Sox will 'Person to buy a Bible of a Pible he : > sttuatio ery correc 0 § th's te nimen MORE A go 3 : . litics of danger to eve ry government, | R y correctly. h than in i 4 _ 'ment. Tt Pe amount 860,000. Then comes De- | €ely in England or Canada Whitney government had the | OPPosition was worthy of support, thie rates Soy and relieves Ni Bges troit, $58,000 w, hington, with |consent of the New York Rible hous whole business well out of politics and | government of condemnation. The | Inflammation | ang pam Le magic. : gq 000, an *hi dphia, with $14. Stilton says at in two years F arge bottled 95. t Wade's Dryas HS , anc h iphia, wi i, ) h ) lacked the strength and sense to keep result is one that the people rally Stor a" UC. 8 aces rug 000. In the National Le gue it is be- local Bible Societies in United Sta: will approve and applaud. D. ( Ross lined that the N, w York clu pay we heen ~ absorbed. Dr. the conservative party alloged that showed evidence during the fight of hi roll Zon About the oat 860.000, | I Haven, 'of New York, while ni. ; i Widence zr » fight s And > . 2 y - the liberal administration of the li ! abilit sid jo a ¥ i gh! ] P. BE County Old Boys with Chicagu's about the same. Pitts- ting that a combination exists, law was not satjsh, etory. The | 2: and iz expected to give a Prince. Edward Cp ity. Old Boys burg comes next, with possibly 350. clars jt je for the purpose of red. I ? 3 nlisia Ly. 1 | good account of himsolf in the legis 1 r _anmual paecting in St. 009, drookhn's will foot up !ing prices, Whitney combination would relieve the + lature: hall, Toronto, on 7 vestlay close Cincinnati will h we | ------------ 0 of a political complexicn The --- sven It was decided to hold an a low salaried team, the total being | Watch The Kidneys ------ rr > « n bel . it did this was remarkable. It \t Home" at the close of the Lenten pot than $35,000, while Phila- | When the kidy vs falt i i Seas f also dn Bet Srhi 6. al . ie Kvdneys falter jn discussed the old Tioonse hoard. com Editorial Notes. ' on and a} © 10 run an excursion | ge Pliia will Lo go al e the $30,000 | work the blood If immedigtd ; . : r. Potts € a % © Hicton in July mark. losto « St nis . SS > posed of liberals and conservatives, Dr. Potts denies that he in any w Ty Tvo hundred dollars was forwa lex AP USI B . mn lk ed with Poisons that should hav : : ; ds | defend mdorsed the threo. ie ' ars was forwarded | clubs an un osnallerp),, Yt, Joisor ER and appointed in their place boards : en t me endorsed the three-fifths to the school bonrd at Picton to ap: amount, as nearly all of the ir players | °°" expelled from th system, wholly made up of partizans eanse of the Liquor Licens act. Helply to the obtaining the h ghest marks at 1 8, though tor 8, were men of ex The slanders A \ entrance examinations to high sche Ii \ ceptional fairness. | hv had hardly 3 andy 8 of the conservative were "elicted as follows chumpionst P, begun their rule when the Inspectors | CAMprigners in West Middlesex had Dr. A Noxon; first vice- ' hability were dismissed, and the commission- | little effect, Fhiy will eventually re | president, FE Roldin: second : V ! : atk 1h wesident x. J. Fraleigh: secre. | Toront. arsit regarded this asa partizan move | Beet upon the men who sent them ip } ess Jt, a be, R Fraleigh; secre. | q --_ A OD . sirenlats ary, Br. A. Rose: , ant' secretary. | oronto E hs circulation. i Wal. and retired from office. Morlly Delonge wer, H. We-{ th result is apparent. The men rh < : banks; chairman of ursion commit- | fornarded a "pull" have been buzzing The Hamilton Herald thinks a man J tee, N. Finlay Spar chairman of | which .: we mofo A % is humiliated when he is mt | the | catertaimment conn ittee, Dr. A. J. ! versi hround, The grafters have been busy, , put n Fraleiod \ oe 3 and in the recklessness of their work | Prisoner's dock, When charged with , | Frale be Jan. of imombership | x i : ia . Committ rmiston | lenge chairman of the board got go | fdony the humiliation js more im ! i chook for 81,000, without any explanu- | a2inary than reg) but * under circumstances which gated. No other course was possible, | Poudingly depressed, nts, -- ing default to Lindsay juniors in the She---Yau say she is an entertaining wanted in the leense husigess the very people of West Midellesex, {game ordered for Tuesday night, ex talker ¥ thing he v up| ome to oo domn, : a -- a el 1s j perienced smother change of heart and He--Oh ! my, vos; she can enteMain HN he wastsapy ! een. The fonsarvative opposition tried to | wanted to play. The rink and the herself for hours at a ti side-track the Dispmtes" hil) in the . 5 - oA Governor Who Governs. : York, ior the vosignation of Insurance hele, all these appoint- | are not made dig {alt | that will essay in the lar, ties of the day. by be a sad disappointment th tingent of conservative : press presented on behalf of the 18 'an. airy | party. Its candidate ought to he heen charged With elected, was said, as an encouragement iid alton ito the government in well-doing. Its pre did not possess | same party, in opposition, but which their dupes thought they bery of the dead. of ri possessed. The handling xeeption. Ty | thinks tha the Foronto the now license ecommission- | in all tases, The electic naof DO, Ross, in West is : Middlose ad its off The Whitney government want it Culesex, had its effect i latwre, The opnosits as to be understood that as soon as the Pposition wa a : i. | elated, ana o " ~ scandal became public it was investi- 8 the government Mr. ( | dles | Weighed in the wanting, oh ? the emergencies of the | The railway | her something ta di in discovering . farmers throughout the €or responsibil telephone connection ot year, and of providing long 4; connections for the price of § Ross, The Member Elect. Stamp. Something will have i this promise is sought to he The West Middlesex election is over, I may be the telephone comp and 5 | fits, or it m Wy be Alberta's or dit pro- mber Hunting Heads. Brockville Recorder gov- Commissioner Judd, mayor of I on- con- | don. will pot have mich 'time for the members who [duties of the m mic oflice, as the Whitney government Keeps him in the a substantial majority. This will + to its head, and to the . . tourist seeking the heads of righed against the liberal party. grit officials. He ic. now getting fat tL . an false, ¢ Is Q qT a fa It was a Pitiable plea which the | uhm at the Toronto jail in an effort tory | to oust Governor Van Zant, ar has n of untv, tha decapita of deeds of Dundas « approval, because the government upright and public spirited ci a8 a rob XUise, pain in the back, or twinges matism or peur; + You want relief society's $300 fund, the e | INterest of which" will 9 prizes each majority should ru given in to the three py on's Red (ross Deng Store. the first book jn which cig in the legis. | mentioned js the "Histrics Yentures of Johy ( whbury ed ih 15740, Our iden of one whe weather, » of course, Corres a strong-mind never talks about the to -- ook grestion, the X, all agninst the gove signifying to the Party in power Prices for women, men a do. tp I Fo, pn an How disdppointing the people. bulance and found | Tole intandy » » -------- « makia commission of Canal better wearing. SOLA: These Shirts were sold regularly at 75c. and $1. SALE ve 00000000000 0040000 4a These suits are beautifully tailored, made up in this season's style, but h Pattern, we have marked the OOOAL AS & 0 66000a | : 8 | : THE SPORT REVIEW, The ler, was } ated in the Ontnrip land son, American pugilist, defeated {ment that the champion Purfmen, who have ground carefully, practically race bill to fing bany. declare that th re will Jockey Clup Zen, ised mach. In West Middlesex it | cause he } not' see eve to In two years it | Mth Manitoba liberals, has now ; Sar. It to be his duty to st nd as 'a lib- popu degencrated and fallen fro eral candidate in obbosition to the the was attacked for its defee Roblin government. Hereafter it legislation, its surrender to the [not he conceded by his former wor- SO many Powerful intiues rit- Present appears to } It has been hgured out that the Am- ericad Paschal year, Boston elub is Hockey News. neys University, champions of Intercollegiate Hockey Leagus a challen a A sociatiqn Forty Little Liver Pills for 10c. Gih- match _-- pionship of Canada. are The St. Nicholas Hox key Club, of nd Ad. | New York, publish- | pionship gue, by defeating the several nn Creseents, by a score of | man is | cha "Jack iraham's position on the spoils er ---- [Plaved a star g System, the school | | winners. The game was veky stremu- Pen-Angle de. | lindsay tenm had heen notified of : own dealer so Lindsay, nine, ve clad hs in 3 guarantees it. and will play sad Underwear thus The OHA. are authorized to tr3demarked is and St. George lor wrong, , in the weston sen- | at our be decidid tw home $ nn more flexi abd-home games, in Stratford om Fri . ne les day and in Toronto next Monday. The winner will meet SPECIAL FOR BOYS We have about 10 dozen Boy's All Wool Sweate; Boy's, 4 years to 12 years, regular prices, 65¢c., 75¢ Price to Clear 49c. | i SPECIAL FOR MEN We have finished stock-taking and find that in our ck, we have an accumula tion of sizes, 14, 16! 2 Price to Clear 49c. SPECIAL FOR MEN In going through our Stock of Men's Suits, we find ve about 40 Suits, which were sold 2.50, $14 and $15, #11» season at Price to Clear $10. i The H. D. Bibby Co. tercollegiate championship, amatew championship of C News From All ------ Quarters. TRENTON Is DELIGHTED. James Stanbury, ex-champion seul- | i : : defeated by the New Zeq- | Already Talking of New Industries on the Wanganui river, For Town. NSW, "Jack" John: | Trenton, Feb. 21,--~The department colored heauvy is the "best outlat looked over the t chance for t} feneral satisfaction. - ' business here but will also Northumisx 1 favor g the suppression £| Healy Falls ork, and that the! the Trent river Already yur won the sy pport of | new that at ton, no cause -- lL ie (clubs, this | Massachusetts Man Says it is Re. out nearly half a mil- | is 3 in salaries to the plover | straining Trade. san 2 nog D3 i Jos n ¥ 9 > 2 the Cleveland club | Boston, Feb. 21. E. B. matism, lumbago, ing down of the system follows \idney and Liver Pills immediate th trim {back if not satisfactory, ---------- , has to the OHA, New York, Feb. 2). the amateur cham- | Cussed. Already the Zionist Aas appealed to the prominent New York Hockey iheral aid. are bromises of | 21 there wore thousands of rs, of Kingston I all the universitie * at point for the i T : | Bolloville's defanlt, but 51 we agreed commons, and failed. The wanded it 7 mark (in red) on by the : subs commi that if Catarrh Cannot Be Cured. : 1 8 first; now they do not want it. Joge CVEry Pen-Angle Lindsay willing to accept Relle- ih Local, APPLIC ATIONS. 2 they 2 1 What has made the change ¥ garment, tells you * illo's leration the gnme could Catarrh is a blood or constitutions! . it will fitand won't | y on however, would not | disease, 'And in order to cure . it -- . 3 gv on. > 1. | lust. take internal remedies Kingston, East Hamilton, West Mid rede Rong shrink, -- your consent, game was played. C Ton Catarrh Cure is taken internaily therefore; wins the round, DEIS Jirectly on the blood and nye Collingwood. surfaces. Hall's Catarrh Cure is not between Stratford | 9vack medicine It wa of the best or a nined with 3S eet Sting directly on JMucous . he perfect combinctidn of the Kingston in home- [or tionts la what prodges next week] for! the hn Suring 90e Patterns are new aving only one suit m at a price which will sell t announy Ent ways and canals has decidad ul of Australia, in two mine | Trenton i Trent Valley canal was received Its construct there is | wil] not only he a great impoty allay nd-Durham power IS Bolpany to go ahead and gevel "mn and other water power industries are spoken of for SAYS BIBLE TRUST EXISTS. Stilsen, with a pay roll of $50, retary of the Unign Bible Society, cond, with Worcester, oeclares the American Bil With Win or a general bre: give the aid, cleansing wins the O.1.A. senior Strengthening them and insuring is every pro- healthy activity. In boxes, 25¢ doing, the Kingston | sale only at Wac le's Drug Store. Money vice- team will be ready to meet and The Zionist Movement. Promin 3 : Jews. ; is ha " oy > follows : "The Uni- Ce " an hi ;, Sty, peeled mn Toronto Hockey Club, in- Jams. for eoute. last might, wh champions, he reby chal- fans hi esta Blishin,v nm Pa © Senior Ontario Hockey As- or Seoug is Tok school for the champions to a hockey | "tion of Jewish children were stine, movement yall over the country for assistanes i won out the season's Shige | Seinection with the project. i of Stated at last nioht's meeting i Jewish child i Palast rere PIV an enormous crowd. | nn Palestine ¥ho were rverivil i littl or po education, and that near in Eurone wer shutting their doors on Jewish studs . _ years Ar preser: It is composed the best tonics known, surface two n- such wonder The Most Import Household Item (rorTED In CANADA) not only supplies color a to soups, sauces and g * but a quarter teaspoon cup of hot water make: ing cup to the inv convalescent. Armour's Extract of more economical than ¢ cause it goes four time Write for his Booklet i "* which tells Winkie Sotid Beef Extr ARMOUR LIMITED CANADIAN FACTORY "77 FRONT ¢ LIGHT AND WATER May /Both Be Reduced : Year. \ n weil, wi to be considered by h e will be a redquety will cor ! the consu ! nt I" nv \ ) n ure : My hor parents. Mr ading this week und spending vt Trevelvan, Load Catarrh."'-- Catarrh is n causes bad bre Gaus Catarrh Lar hy sroomnent adical, permm | ~ system of the | use catarrh. ; In order to prove t mn this da

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