Daily British Whig (1850), 21 Feb 1907, p. 6

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Ha D, ; BRITI(Sh WHIG, THURSDAY. FEBRUARY 21. WHAT WE ME ETN [52.7555 NEW OF NEIGHBORS] WHAT WHIG CORRESPOND. ENTS TELL US -- The Tidings From Various Points i In Eastern Ontario -- What LL ------ Type-talk never does half | . . : People Are Doing And What | : hi h d 0ods They Are Saying. | Justice to g gra c g . Farewell Supper At Stella. Th t f Seal Br d Coff Stella, Feb. 19.--Tantio Lodge, No. c tes 0 an ee 184. A.0.U.W. gave an oyster supper | a . 'on Monday night, in honor of D. T. | 1S mn the Cu . Finlay, who is about to leave the is | 251 Lk Cup, Jad. Alter SUpPer an address was pre | sented to him by W. H. Moutray. | \ Speeches were made by Rev. James | CHASE AND SANBORN Cumberland, Rev. Joseph Lidstone, R. ALL GROCERS A. Fowler, H. Filscn, W, Allen and 7 Disteiet Deputy R. W. Longmore, of 'amden Fast, : Miss Naggio ok Miss Alma Pat- ---- ! terson and J. Kilpatrick left on Spi. TE. es the west, this fam (Loot, O08 visit 0 friends in De IIS AICI i seronto. SHRI SCRE 3a HEH SHG sims hore" Yon | oF Vin] drip Sf fm -- : : made. Three new 'offices: have been untry ready to their heart and Elginburg Loses Residents. R &® 3 opened out, York, ) iburdean, and hand to She. lone gootler. All sorts Ra Feb. 20.--A number of * whilst t at Cardiff | of evices have t been em- | the young people enjoyed box social x ¥ Londonderry been trans ferred to Exeter. All ployed to make' known their desires. | at Kepler on Mond, ght, Nore 2 1S ee ¥ these offices are now situated on the | At one time a missive in the middle | Graha yy, expects to take possession of | ¥ ® deny ground floor, and have plate 888 | of a Canadian chedder cheese was 8 [his general store on Murch si. Miss $ 3 windows, in hishito give :8 dis- favorite if somewhat haphazard Jackson has returned from Kine. 43 = b of Canada's products. In order means of communication. But a but ston. E. Ryan and family spent » x $ 1 have make a Special' appenl to agricul bachelor recently placed a |v ok at Wolfe Island, Lest week Z 3 TAB [Sn | tre "ny Be hers Fey are [Gots 12 8, Darel of" apple; "ning eT Lakeman Buty "wos hold of | 3 . % was in 8 suitable life | J § |, ke's and this eek a simi), 2 to your order--send | to be placed at the, service of . partner, and entreating the finder of PATty 'was ey a ju % u wear it, and if it | agents t the country in or- | the missive to "deliver the goods." fj 1 |.ke and family moved to} ¥ you send it back | der to ly gratis information re- This letter found its way into the Portsmouth and A. MeRride's family * ; your tural conditions ad British press, has resulted in|, Westbrooke, Myg, Moore visite] x *® will to anyone Winking Mr. Peter B. Bi al of Birmingham, her daughter at Sunbary last week, x over Passage to the Dominion. whose name was "mentioned in the | yr jC Cornell, Gananoque, called ln oi tema nant Eo | fn" Si ro re zen in women, for & num respons to : Iways ti the "ibe | the demand in Ounada is particular. on friends here recently. John Reid spent last week in Watertown. . oshuy " Knight, visiting friends at Clairview > pe e8- 19 years upwards, and one even con. AS Te Fiokte in a 4 Joi have tried most 5 tal) ine else, | tern lady journalist, is for the time fessed to 40, but, according to her let. bas aired. ye alr. Moore, | ¢ me, others fall is where. in of this department. ter, she did not look it, and had: 8 | pide Kine: at KE, ivan's: J. Me ¥ my test success. Write ne and continually busy ans many estimable ies which | ride, Kingston, at J McBride's, £8 will send you my hook on kept wer great y qualities ---- P mi | its Cure. showing my ap- | ing queries from aspirants to Cana-'| counter! anced what might be con- . 3 and eivine you prices and names dian domestic work, and rha| sidered a slight disability in the ma- Lines From Lansdowne. 3 Foople who have tried it amd been also to a future spousejfor the lonely trimonial stakes. There were. fair, | Lansdowne Feb. 20.--Fer r 3 dt. is instant rele when ail al » or a young Te Remember 1 use no walves. | Swain of the prairie. 88 also | dark, and auburn maids, as well A% {team the Ramblers are making a fine W harness, vo lies. Just a straight | succeeded res promin-' fo" wiaow or two, with varying num- { showing: The pressed hay business in | * del at a reabonable price. ent ists in this special bers of children, too ready 20'; this section is a very important: one] 3 . Brooks, 4372 Brooks Bldg., | branch of emigrati . share the fortnnes of apple pack- { now. Every day a ay suniler of | Z . © Marshall, Mich, - It Post - er. One Wee a-M wi cars are shipped and more would Be if $$ e---- - h incredulous 'when informed of they could phe obtained, Norton Edgley One aiarants otter ay a i has purchased the Tosidesoe owned by worth to. U6 was neither S. Warren. Joseph Latimer has bought 8 spinster nor widow, but a married t the livery business and premises woman with one Sho stated oa Gordon Peck, G A. Redme r ac eck, G. A. Re md es, Sesenitly dwoy Shots Seimpled ht he and Rr oMushand. had not Spent Sunday with his mother and suggested He factory made inted that he was | "ister, in South Mountain, S to hard werk. So they ! Dixon, our Popular painter, he or rather he had done | turn d with his bride (nee NM. E. Fowi the ing, and she had gone home | er), from 4 trip to eastern points, to mother's. She had, so runs the {Jonathan N i o on C.K re- on. "Are you Hood at cooking and do- Westie work p™ inquired the polite of- complete hardware - ' had h os ! store in the premises pow owned by Lor', yes answered » one of consideration decided i Mr. Nunn, N. W. Webster has purchas- Pempily. wj should just'say I could. better Imilf go hs own way. She her- {ed the scales and coal business from ad to cook my old for | self J. and T. J. Darling, and will carry ast five in connection cement, stoves, vehicles, and other goods. unn and W. P. Moor in j tend starting H. S. Merrill has TT sold" out his general store to Arthur since mother died. My sister's old FOR i o r I ¥ enough now. went to work > AN ALL-EMPIRE CABLE Latimer and wil go West again this pris »80 } ed " -------- ' { spring. The rink 1s booming $ now; the St. Lawrence from Ganano ue, came ts | down 'for a game, but were not m it Principal Gordon Outlines Scheme For | Saturday evening Gathering News of the Empire. hockey team "Those of us who are at any stage of the game with the don't they?" are not ith because ! a desire _ tor Ramblers, the score being 10 to 2, ip "Such a thing has happened in | Ein. er 2. it % Jesite a closer favor' of Ramblers. Wiltiam Mitchell oases, vas the ly. Serism, bul for a more friendly inter- has sold his reside nce here 'and bought An , OW does the oof go? You coumse am the various inions & large cheese factory at Bethel, on Xow, ow they up? What's and oy of the Crown," said the main road. I. B. Truesdell has Pretty High Figure. Principal Gordon of Queen's Univer- "They pay out there as much as sity when addressing moved into the residence he recently Empire purchased from Firman Cross, Firman Club in Toronto recently, cipal ' Cross has opened up a salesroom next four unds a month and everything Gordon pointed out auly little, after the town hall for vehicles and ma- ;, more that even in some all, Canadians knew of the = other chinery. CALL FOR on Possessions of Britain, and these joo mee : 'Come, get off, mister, whose leg | sessions probably knew as 'little of HOW HE WON. are young: | Canada. Th: lady's polite way of intimating #4 fairl t did not believe this statement, and jt! | of adian affairs was so well * George Some time to convince her she k that it not to | -- Fae not ing "codéled." as sh ® a aa it amaary Pretty Romance. . ¢ Pp » | Pittsburg, Pa., Fet 21 t % did 1 i SE gs a. . D. = Sc tch \ to Ten for the first time she turned ie Sid god Choa tnt oe. dompanion, wi © remark: gi ti ies lonial af. icorge restinghouse, | J 0 "Lop, Liser, just ae pvr dians relative to British colonial Westinghouse to Wed the an- ment of to Miss i they are now | ed by the Geversmerod interested, Westinghouse. Mise Prookl, nk and the establislnent of to not know that Mrs. Westinghouse ha ather news in Australia, RL a son, for at this time, George, th 'Zealand, - South Africa, Canada and heir to 850,000,000, was busy in other parts of the empire. greasy jumper in his father's immense What Imperial federationists de. 'work. learning the business. He was 'sired was that the cable now running not even mixing 'with his father's household. Ope day, in being shown through the We stinghouse works by a . guide, Miss Brocklebank wgs attract. first section should be a cable from cd by a large, intelligent looking man Britain to Nova Scotia, and across with a jacket, Canada to Vancouver to join the Pa- Nothing to beat ijt! Old and well matur. ed on fresh sherry casks. TRY. IT, flocking to the Emigration Office im information. A pale and hollow-faced young man, with the office-stool marked plainly fupon him will ask for his grant of! land, and express considerable annoyance at ® : not being able to get the ecessary : document forthwith: Ad te |: idea of these youths/is to live midat of three oth the social whirl of Py buh boring city, 30d employ others to look after their CH who was mixing with PILIVIVIIVINIISVIIe ; the common workmen. She w As im- Then, perhaps, will Come along a'| cific cable there; then from Australia 'pressed with him, and asked ns or 8 a ig young fellow in leggings | and New Zealand to 'India, and a information in the an , "who ' third section from India to course of her Cape search. He answered her Kindly as a [ i Town, South Africa, thence the workman should and she Jeft, not West Indies, with branches from knowing who he was. The pn xt time these latter islands to Nova Beotia, | they met it was in a London drawing- and to Great Britain, This was the room, and she recognized her work. of game { proposal whieh Sir Sandford - {man friend ¢ of Pittsburg, Now they Outlined, and for which he | will be merric ' 3 even of age. Se ------ Children Fags © Many Dangers Press, so The Work and W. seri ou to do a bit a rawnching, = dontcher ow. Haven't much e; dare say could get hold of ten' thoy. or 50, enough just to by a de- Sob little show, "wi a bit t on it. § orry and Closs Cone there surely could be no seriaus dif. | fnement of Their School Days and How They Can Be Safe-guarded and you go dangera, Malta- Vita, th i form a bond of union b all a pe Shale wheat food, containy icles, A joined half a ilar} - | parts of the empire more ol fo | el necessar o the maintenance a Sophos dosen Similar ita and giving information whitay Bingen othe bit adr tag discuss e inf tion obtained. would be valuable in trade and com. "Malta-Vita®" gg meaningless Some of them are under the impres. | merce. The oost of such a cable | colned wora, Its literal sion that the office is Prepared to ad- | Would be about twenty-five million Shutlation from I mea vance fares to the lang where work dollars, not a sum which should pre- original phiaas "For He pits 1s the 0 ARID hounds. Some even Bluck up cour- | vent its construction by a united | tte" is the starting roint and final NY put a query on thi point, and | empire. winning post of Malta-Vita, on account of its large percentage of maltose, or A natural sweetening agent, 2 Hibie ARG readily essimi- MeAaley's wy he mn men economy, forming ta ice reading in a H. Cunni whom, piang tuner] «| sasily Chickering's," Orviers at -- hk store ero makes yn i Try a Pound of Gough, i : Violet, daughter of Sir | homas and + 8ll yer grub, and a chance of Suir. oh} "a A Shadian news. Lady Rrocklcbunk, of England, caused Colds. ° splicin' the boss ! Canada's a bit of supplied by agencies catered. 2 great sensation in Pittshurg, to- orl t. Come on, Liger ™ | to other than British people. What day, and there crept out a beautify 1S An the two damsels departed with was uired to insure a better: bit of romance nected with La their stock of pamphlets, knowl, of each 'component off matter. Threo years ago Miss Bro. Ele How Some Would Farm. the empire was, first, an all-British bauk was on visit to Pittsburg with Rh Silt a study from real life to | cable service constructed and operat-' her father and was ao guest of M wal 8 Always ask for DR. J. COLLIS PROWNE" of spurious compounds or imitations. The COLLIS BROWNE'S CHLORODYNE" Wholesale Agents, This week we are are sel sizes Women's High Lance ot Vici Kid, Velour Calf These goods regularly sold = See Them in Window -- This Week Only $2.49 Abernethy's III I HAA HS ing a lot of broken I Shoes, consisting and Patent Colt, at $3.50 and $4. HAASINAHAAN HAH HH Sp " HACK 3: X MorKasiciK Ro SHOE STORE AISSIIIINGIONG DR. J. COLLIS BROWNE'S CHLORODYNF (THE ORIGINAL AND ONLY GENUINE). a « ARUGINAL Avy ly ever I 4 admitted by the profession to m. Hi b the most wonderful and valuable rem discovered. Is the best remedy known for COUGHS, i | COLDS, CONSUMPTION, BRONCRHI- U TIS, ASTHMA, CHLORODYNE=:: a charm in DIARRHOEA, and is the only s ific in CHOLERA, and DYSENTERY © effectually cate short all attacls of EPILEPSY, HYSTERIA, PALPITA. TION and SP. ASMS, our, CANCER, fs the only palliative in NEURALGIA, RHEUMATISM, G TOOTHACHE, MENINGITIS, eto. Sole Mautactarers :-.J, T. DAVEND)?Y, we | | "Wotdenwarc To Users of Pails and Tubs word of caution may not be out of plage. The E. B. Eddy Company's Wares are FULLY GUARANT is stamped on every Package you buy. 8 CHLORODYNE," ang. beware genuine bears the words "DR. J. on the Stamp of each bottle, Sold in bottles. Prices in England, 1s, 13d. 2s 94., 4s. 6d. each (Overwhelming Medica! Testimony accompani + ach batila Linltel, LI%D0 N. LYMAN BROS. & co. Umitea, Toronto D against factory see that the name ' ------ 00000000000000000 ANOTHER SHIPMENT OF ORANGE MARMALA CUTTERS Just in. Let us sh you sample and you how jou can m: it for : 4c. A Bottle » & 8000000030 ¢ 0400009 SOLD ONLY AT Mitchell's Hardw: 4 ¢ $ 81 Princess Street ® INDOOR SPORTS Men of sedentary habits exercise. The inventive genius wi physicians knowledge has d. : EXERCISES That will develop the mu almost any part of the & sired. For that tired, feeling, make a selection good Exerciser from our Sporting Goods. ANGROVE BI 88 and 90 Princess ! Canada Life Assurant ESTABLISHED (184 This great made for Canadian adian people 60 ) now ounting to Assets Amounting 10 n force $112 Surpl is (or Profit 81 88: Account) of ¥ . f And . Stands in a unique posit along the line. Have the 1} select ment As : Ban call in the OF Market street You will b fully shown the 20 Policy issued by this | the Annual Guaran eet - which is modern Policy ma moment, also a thal Kingston policyhold J. 0. RUTTON, M Teléphone 703. RS 1 JRQUHART, 153 id Special Agent RS i If vou wish to be suc tend The Kingston Busi College Limited, head of Queer Canada's Highest | business school ew ritin shorthand, ti 1 by comptent. ex Day and ni tim METCALFE, Pres NewYorkChinese Re 83 Princess Str Open from 10,30 a.m. to The bes place. to wet . Loma rth lt More on - specialty. New Bngland © Restaurant 33% Open from 10.30 a.m. t The best place to get Lunch in the city, Meal on shortest notice. Enalish Dishes a soeedally Wm. Murray, Av 27 BROCK ¢ New Carriages, Cutter e'c., for sale Sale of Horses Ever Ladies' Tei Finest of Worima » Date Styles, and Go antoed. 236 Univer Book at once Leading Auc JOHN H. M REAL ES OR INSURA to It you want ¢ City Property, see at 95 Clarence § Post Office. I. as "oeena QROH USE BO Bn own.

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