t tan tent of LEIRK Flour, 'and go. We carry in stock, several Food patterns and in buying om us you will be able to snatch the designs when ad- ding to them in the future. 3 dozen are excellent value. Spangenberg Pleweler and Witchmaler © KING STREET: Our Teaspoons at $10 per 3 MILLS, Catharines yl BONDS AND aii ; 'and Sold on Investment Securities { STOCKS Commission Information upon Request qo TORONTO [dE 5 P, H, EDITION WAS POULTRY THIEF, | Howard Granbers Taken to Peni- tentiary, Sheriff Gamble, of Chatham, arrived in Kingston on the night train, and had with him Howard Granbers,: sen- tenced at that city on February Sth, by Judge Dowlin, to two years in the penitentiary. Granbers was one of a number; found guilty of stealing poultry at Dresden, a town near Chat- m, and was the last of the thieves to be sentenced. Upon his arrival here, Sheriff Gamble left his prisoner in the cells at the police station over night, and this morning called again and re moved him to the big prison. The poultry thieves gave the police of Chatham and Dresden much trout! and people suffered a severe loss. The officers spread their nets well, howey- er, and succeeded in bringing the guil- | ty parties to justice. ---------------- LEG WAS BROKEN, George Spratt Meets With Un- fortunate Accident. George Spiutt, a young man engog- od in Jackson's camp at Lime Lake, near Marlbank, was the victim of an unfortunate accident Wednesday after- noon. He was engaged with a number of other men, in felling trees, when he met with the mishap, A tree had been cut down, and as the first cut was be- made, it took a sudden swerve, de | 8nd Mr. Spratt's left lee was pinned 050 nour tenting wd Jfut al in with the rosult that she member was broken. The fracture was set, and the injured man was brought to the city this morning on the Bay of Quinte train, to undergo treatment at the Hotel Dieu. He was removed from the K. & P. station to the hospital, in James Reid's ambulance. Was Sent To Montreal. Arthur Cochrane, ghe elder of the two boy vagrants, was sont to his home in Montreal, to-day, by the po lice, The other lad, Leonard Shil- ling, reached his home yesterday. Both have promisad their parents that they wil, lead a better life, and they will be given another chance. The boys were not called upon to answer to a charge of theft at the Iroquois hotel, They confessed to what they had done, and the articles stolin were re turned to the owner. The youngsters spent fhree Jays in the Jockup, and this was probably suficient punish- ment for them, Try Bidw's special $2.25 hats, A guar mien to give satisfaction goes with' every pair of glasses pur chaser at. Chown's Drug Stove. On Monday Ethel Gertrude, youngest daughter of Ringer, Smith's Falls, passed gway at the home of her grandmother, Mrs. R.A. Hodgkins. For the past six months Ethel has been gradually fading away. She w aged nineteen yoars: J. W. Flavelle has withdrawn his re- skrnation a8 a member of the board ofl governors of the University of Toronto. That's all. 'Nuf said, when vou say that lollister"s Rocky Mountain Tea is the greatest family remedy on carth. It does you good going and coming. 33 cents, Tea or Tablets, Mrhood's drug store, Two Saline Laxative, regular 25. a bottle, 2 for We. only at Gibson's Red Cross Drug 3fore, During special sale. George as Try Biblg's new 81 shirts, SELBBAABAANA0AEL000000000888000000000004 THE HOUSE OF GOOD TAILORING 1847 TO 1907 years ago the Corner Stone, the quality stone, 8 Rae Tai and on that we've tir id to tion, so that to-day we're enjoying ome of Sass Tailoring and Habe Trades ; Sowing Io: and will grow right along lines and ¢ 5" fixed D LIKE T0 MAKE YOUR SPRING SUIT HIKE TO MAKE YOUR SPRING OVERCOAT for build the in on the very closest basis. 70 RUS MUST BE READY BY JUNE 1ST 1909. For Every Day It is Completed Before That Time the Con- tractors Get. $1,000 ; if After, They Pay $1,000 a Day. Windsor, Ont., Feb. 21.-June ist, 1909, is the date set for the com- pletion of the tunnel beneath the De troit river. Butler, Bros., the con: tractors, are to receive $1,000 per day for every day the tunnel is in opera- tion before the time limit oxpires. On the other hand the tunnel ec ny is to receive $1,000 per day from Butler Bros. for every day that the tunnel is not completed after June 1st, 1909, It is expected that the first portion of the tube will be laid May Ist, Most of the work. will Le done with divers, a9 the contractors do not wish to take chances of blocking navigation in the Canadian channel during the summer months. PERSONAL MENTION, Movements of The People--What They Are Saying And Doing. W. 8. Grant, of the court house, has returned after three weeks' leave of al.sence, E. T. Daly, scerotary of th Cereal works left, yesterday, for Winnipeg, on business. A. W. Adams, who has been in the city the past few days, returned to Watertown, N.Y., yesterday, Mrs. J, F. Fleming and Mrs, A. Robertson loft here yesterday for Cape Vincent. Mrs. Charles Bostridge, who has been in Toronto, for the last two weeks, returned on Tuesday. E. Walters, manager of the Forbes Robertéon company, which appears here next week is in the city on busi- ness, Prof. Adam Shorttis to be called before a parliamentary committee to state his views upon co-operative so- cioties, Miss M. Arniel, Gore street, has re- turned home after spending a couple of months with her sister, Mrs. W. J. Atcheson, Bay City. Mich. A very enjoynble evening was spe Thursday last at the home of Miss Mabel and Edith Clarke, Sixth street, when they entertained about fifty of their voung friends. "Pioneer" Roberts, who has been in the hospital at Tete de Pont barracks for several days, is much improved. His many friends will be glad to hear of h's speedy recovery. - Jobn MeGuire, formerly a letter car rier in the Kingston post-office, is now a resident of Calgary. Alta. William Ryder, formerly principal of St. Mary's school, this city, has establish- ed a separate school in the place. above INCIDENTS OF THE DAY. Newsy Paragraphs Picked Up By Reporters on Their Rounds. Try Bibby's special 81 gloves. Frontenac reeves: are asking the On- tario government for colonization roads and larger school grants. Two boitls of Red Cross Saline Laxative, for 95c. only at Gibson's Red Cross Drug Store during special sale. The Wanderers and to-night .at the championship of City League series, Try Bibby's special 81 swpators. The master carpenters and contrae- tore had a meeting, last night, and came to the conclusion that they must refuse the demands of the union in regard to tht proposed raise in wages asked by the carpenters. Dr. Chown's Little Pink Laxatives cure constipation, biliousness and dick headuche, 25c¢, I Kingstua purposes to have a Vie- toria day demonstration it is likely the Yst Regiment, of Hamilton, will be willing to visit the city if invited. WEST MIDDLESEX ELECTION. R.C.H.A. play, Royal rink for the group B." of senior Why Whitney Government is popular. Toronto, Feb. 21. Commenting this moming on the result of the West Middlesex election, George I. Graham, leader of the opposition, said that Hon. Mr. Whitney was somewhat do ceived by the press of his own party into believing that the country, as whole, was pleased with bis govern ment. There was every evidence that it was not satisfactory. The causes thar led to the victory of Mr. Ross, said Mr, Graham, were the popularity of the candidate, the hopeless bungling of the educational department, the ne- gloot of public rights, the reckless cap italization allowed in Cobalt. the Central prison wood-working contract the graft which had been going on in Toronto and all over the provinee in conneotion with the administration of the liquor license laws, Un- a A Uric Acid Solvent. Dr, Hull's Rheumatic Cure ucts as a solvent for urie acid and expels it from the. system. It docs more than this. It overcomes that mothid con- dition of the system that allows the uric acid to accumulate. It cures Rheumatism, Sciatica, Neuralgia, ete, and its action is so thorough that the disease seldom or never re turns. It can be depended upon in all sorts of rheumatic troubles. All have the same origin and all yield to this time-tested remedy. Try it and note how promptly improvement bogins, Price 500. Ten days' treatment. At Wade's Drug Store. Mullin's Weekly Bargains. Two doren large oranges, 250, Four dozen nice lemons, 25¢. One peck good apples, 2c. One gallon tin anples, 20c, Seven tins sardines, 0 These tins pink salmon, 25 Two tins red salmon, Be Two ting Clover Laat salmon, 25e. Four bottles 125 cents. Three tins tomatoes, MWe. One poimd pure 35c. J coffee, 2c. Commer Johnson and Division streets. Kuw collars, two, fi 2c. Bibiby's, Worchestershire sance H TUNNEL high school trustees, Headaches And Neuralgia From Laxative Bromo Quinine, th Id- wide Cold and remedy er cause. Call for name. Look for signature E. W, Grove, 25. etal SRA On The Sick List. The many friends of Constable Tim- merman will be to learn that he is confined to his home, with a severe illness, Of To Montreal. : Edmund Fairburn and wife left ves- terday via the CPR. on a trip to the ok! comntry. They will sail to- mores: on the sfeamer Empres f Ireland for Liverpool. er BpEess. 0 -------- - Saw Mr. Sewell Of. Fone Sewell, the Commerce Bank manager, did not leave for Toronto until noon to-day. Many of his friends were at the G.T.R. station to say good-bye, Among them were 4 number of the Elks, of which Mr. Se- well was 5 leading member, ---- ; Injured At Lumber Camp. yeorge Spratt wi has been workin at the Lime hob camp -- brought to . the city, on Thursday moming, with a fractured leg. The injured man was taken to the Hotel Dieu by James Reid's ambulance, and Dr. Bell attended him. ---- Gave A Concert. The inmates at Rockwood hospital were treated to a fine concert on Tuesday evening. The Queen street quartette, Bradley, Rutherford and Manhard, was numbers, ist, also gramme, and Miss Retg Mitchell, solo- contributed to the pro- ------------ Brought. To Kingston. 7 he remming of the Inte James EK. Mains arrived in the oity, on Welncs. day night, arel were conveved to the family residence at No. 12 Russell Street. Deceased's © father, James M: s, of Waterloo, Quebec. will ar- rive in the city to-day. The funeral wil take place Friday afternoon to 'ataraqui cemetery, Trouble For Him. A man named Shate was brought to the county jail from Oso and will be charged with illusing his wife. I appears that the two had a row while they were ep aged in loading, and it is further al eged that Shane altompted to strike his wife with a pitch fork, The date for the case has not been set. ---- Traps Were Stolen. Some person made a visit to the Promises of John Hogan, a ving rear Kingston Mills, off 'with eighty Mr. Hogan paid a visit to the city, Wednesday, and had a search war- rant taken out for the missing trap, and as a result 'a number of the were located A police court case will, in all probability, follow. farmer and mad Eczema Cured For 25c. Wade's - Ointment cures Eczema and all other similar diseases. At the same time there is no more perfect remedy for cuts, burns, cold sores, and other Try it and you will never I out it, Cures cczema, salt Itching eruptions of t blotches, dandruff, ete. In big boxes, 25¢. at Wade's Drog Store. » with- | rheum, scaly or | he skin, pimples, | Elect All Trustees. { I is understood that at ' a recent | meeting of the advisory council tog the minister of © education it was unani- mously decided to recommend that of public, high and technical 2 or piblic and high schools be rds oar scho amalgamated, and that all trustees be ¢clected by the vote of the ratephy- ers, thus abolishing election by wards and also \ doing awdy with appoint- ments by city council, as now, of ---------- The Board Of Works. Two important questions were to come before the board of works, this ulternoon, with reference to the building of hms stone macadam ronds | and the other garding the O'Kill | treet sewer extension. The city engi 5s to how many lime blocks ean ke con 5.000. He will also a plan regarding the scheme to lay the O'Kill street sewer extonsion Pipe. hoard latest er This scheme is to build a concrete pier out 150 fect and lay the Pipe in it, Th would be $1,200 pr any other method. Cost Just as cheap as Queen's Dramatic Club. The Dramatic Club of Queen's Um versity, 'some time ago, made it pos- sible for the people of this city to Witness the Shakespearian porform- ances of the famous Ben Greet play- ces (This year the same society has arranged to bring Miss Minnie M. Williams, of Now York, before the RNingston pubdic As a professional re citer, Miss Williams has hud experi- tice extending over period of twelw years, and during that time has made two tours in England and Scotland, Visiting such cities gg London, Edin- burgh, Birmingham, Liverpool, ete, She has thus earned for herselil the re- putation of a scholarly interproter of Shakespeare's plays. The following, from a long let of referchoes, is hy Rev. Prof. Anderson, of thas Theologi- cal Seminary, Colgate University: it shows the Kind of audiences ta which she appeals, and the appreciation called forth : "I wae delighted with rom of "Hamlet. Voice, a&tare, facial ex ession, gititu ., mterprotation all RT com bined to produce a natural and im- pressive impersonation of the differ nt charactors in this great tragedy. Hamlet," both in' detail and as a whe will mean mote to me than jover, because I saw and heard your recital An expert optician examines your s when you get glusses at Chown's 3 's special $225 hats, The volice made no arrests. vest Tr day, thus ug police coutt eases this DAILY BRITISH WHIG, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 5%. on a re ------------------ p-- i ------------------------ composed of Messrs. Shea, | pressnt and rendered several excellent | i | of his muskrat traps. | | : tion by Mary { {in regard to | is : : ta sh a dorporation expresses ite minor skin troubles, i hut when a corporation expresses i | intention of extending operations be- { vond the vravince a federal charter is | ment | privy council, | who claims that the NEWS OF THE WORLD OCEVRRENGSS WErUUNED -------- . Matters That Interest Everybody ~Notes From All Over--Little of Everything Easily Read and Remembered. At hockey, Peterboro defeated Marl- boros last night. Toronto operators of the Great North-Western Telegraph company will ask for an increase of wages. ' Hon. 'William Paterson gave a' din- ner at Ottawa to John Bain, retiring assistant commissioner of customs. The Ontario branch of the Dominion Alliance opened in Toronto this morn- ing with an attendance of over 400, Robert McKnight, Toronto, eigh- teen years of age, was instantly kill- ed by the accidental discharge of a 'rifle, The Collingwood winter poultry show is a great success, and fanciers claim the best of the kind held for many years. Rena Johnston, six years of age, was fatally burned at her home, 100 Fern aventie, Toronto, and died at Grace hospital. The grand council of the Royal Templars of Temperance endorsed the action of the Dominion council in raising the insurance rates. Raisuli, the Moorish outlaw, is waiting patiently in a mountain vil- lage for want of pay to create a mutiny in the sultan's army. The French cruiser Jean Bartix is ashore off Galha Point, on the west ern coast of Morocco, and will be a total loss. Her crew got ashore safe- ly. The steamer Teutonic and other liners scheduled to sail from Liver- 20th, were unable on account of severe pool, on February to leave port storm. Senator Cloran will, probably, he appointed to the vacancy on the Gt- tawa Improvement 'Commission, in place of Sir William Hingston, e- ceased, After an illness of a little over a week's duration, former attorney-gen eral, John Cunneen, a leading member of the bar of the state, died at his home in Buffalo, N.Y., this morning At Belleville, Ont., the death occur- red, Wednesday night, of Michael J. Lally, for many years license inspec- tar of Hastings. Mr. Lally was sixty years of age and a well-known libe ral politician. The supreme court has given judg condemning the Bank of Mon- treal to bear the loss of $70,000 pail out on the Mnftineau forged checks The case will likely be carried to th; £ The privileges committee of the commons met, to-day, to enquire in to the validity of the resignation of Hon. Mr. Hyman as member for Len- don. All correspondence and witness es are called for Thursday next, A writ was issued, to-day, against the Toronto General Trust corpora Jane Scott, Toronto corporation as trustees of the late James Scott are guilty of frand, breach of trusk, mistake in the handling of the trust Hon. A. B. Avlesworth states that the dominion government have no de- sire to prejudice the rights of Ontario control of companies, the only legal thing Fire At Pictou, N.S. Pictou, N.S., Feb. 21.~Fire was dis covered in Henderson's block, situated on Water streot, at 3:30 a.m. Build) ing. together with stock, badly dam Over one thousand bottles of "Best" Short Stop" have been sold. and not one dissatisfied person. "That's a pretty strong recommendation." It cures all coughs "always and cost: but 15¢. To get. relief from indigestion, bil- iousness, constipation or torpid liver without disturbing the stomach or purging the bowelsi take a few doses of Carter's Little Liver Pills, they will please you. fry Bibby' special $4 trousers wt your glasses at Chown's Drug where you are guarnnteed pevicet fit Dr, Chown's Special Iron Tonic Pill make pure rich blood, . and bbe, Carnival at the Rayal rink, Friday nighty 1th band; good prizes A farmer named Radcliffe. with wife and three children, were to death at Estevan, Sask. Radeliffe was a homesteader, who came hera for coal 'about a fortnight Special values in Chown's Drug Store. Try Bibby's new $1 shirte his frozen ago. chamois vests at Tenders FOR RUBBLE STONE HEALED TENDERS WILL BIE RE- ed until 12 noon, on THI RSDAY, eg for the supply in whole or of 400 Toise mare or less of Rough ie ar Rubble Jor the foundation of 1 ne walks, required hy the the City of Kingston for lender shall state the quantity of Rubble he is prepared to supply, his price. per toise delivered to any rt of the bity in such quantitics and at such times as required hy the Engineer amd his price per toise in the quarry All other information can be obtained at my office ERNEST R, HECKWITH, CE. City Engineer. Kingston, Feb. 21st, 1907, TENDERS -- SEALED 7 ENDERS wiLL BE RE- cvived at the office of the City Bngineer up to noon on THURSDAY, Feb. 28¢h, We bought our Spring and Summer Goods months ago, went or sent to the makers or their agents when i designs and assortments were complete rand got our pick. The goods are just beginning to arrive. | N - i The Wise Woman | Will Plan Ahead Just As we Did She will buy her materials. plan her dresses, while there is plenty of time. Nobody conld make any mistake to buy now, as the Spring Goods we are now showing are beautiful and stylish, and many of the novelties will be im-, possible to duplicate later. You know this from past experience. NEW FRENCH MUSLINS in dainty designs NEW FRENCH BATISTES, noveltizs SCOTCH GINGHAMS ENGLISH ZEPHYRS RESSGOODS Fine or Heavy Weaves in Panama Cloths : Novelty French Stripes and Checks Light Weight Tweed Suitings Fancy Tweeds for Skirts in New Combinations a SA AGA PR. LEIS LR IE MOE PEE = ra Cream Dress Goods in 2 Great Variety of New Designs. ? A Special | Bargain Wf To-morrow Morn.-| ing and After- noon. 450 Cood Quality .. ENGLISH Pillow Cases 42 inches around, genuine. Hemstitched Borders, full ,& inches wide, regular value of this size and make, 28¢) each or 3.25 a dozen. Yours To-morrow Morning 8 17c. Each. 10 A:M. 2 P.M. tee teeeleeeeeededeefe PUT KUBBER BOOTS ON CDI Ey ELIT SE ra Ts ALDER oe 3 I EB SERIE WA I A Mn 38225 EE NIE DS ONT a I 8 § Keep their feet dry during spring months, and you will save colds and doctors' bills. We have a fresh : stock just in, "Maple Leaf Brand," the best to be: had. Fully Gaaranteed. Sizes 3to 7, Ladies................52.50 + 1907, for the following Subpies required by the Corporation of thg City of Kingston, viz :-- i x Lumber Hardware, ete. Grates Sewer Pipe Sand Cement. All the above materisls and suppl to be furnished according to the specifica tions to be seen at the office of the City Enginesr, where any other infor. mation ean be obtained The lowest or any tender not neces sarily accepted. ERNEST R. BECK | ; | Sizes 11 to 2, Girls and Boys....$2.25 i Sizes 6 to 10%, Children's. .......$1.90 : The Lockett Shoe Store ise Stores Plan Ahead = Fur Coat: aes FIN en Raccoon, Beaver and Fur-Lined Beat the World in Value, Comfort and Quality. LOOK THEM OVER JohnMcKa FUR HOUSE 149-163 BROCK ST. There is nothing ricer the mornings than a cup of ov Java and Mocha C It is healthful too, a following extract from "Th MEll,"' written by a coffee proves--"It is our sincere tion that Coffee, viewed i broadest sense, is one blessings of existence, to » and millions of peoule i necessary as the bread th .and as beneficial to them : staff of life." Jas. Redden & P.S.~Our "Java and Mo pure. KINGSTON & CAPE YI "STAGE LINE In connection with N.Y'C., 1] Co. carrying passengers, mails press. Established, 1860. New heated stages leave vail Sunday), at 2 p.m., ma ing di nections for al} New York Stat Phone 31 for a Hack to Office Foot of Brock Stre Sacrifice Sale at F Princess Stree All stock prices to clear out can be renovated in the an entirely new stock. Clothine and Boots at spx duced figures. Heavy Fleece-Lined Un (New) at 65¢. per suit. A. LIEBERMA 89-41 Princess St. must he sold at sn that 1 spring I have sold thousands of s the Pittsburg-Ely Copp in Kingston. Don't neglect the opportur securing a block large or ; 1 promising stock at the price, 50 CENTS. it is bound to go higher a probability will touch this ¥ or $3.00. JOSEPH F. FARM LABOR! AND DOMEST! Any person Yequiring 5 Pare ¥ © Canadian Government ment Agent, Kingston, C TAKE NOTICE : ' a Between Season's we sell very small profits. That is like. Try us for the fun. TURK'S SECOND-HAN 308 Princess Stre You need never be vous about results buying White Ro . Flour It is unequalled cakes, biscuits, etc., is a general favorit can also be used bread. Put up in 1 24} 1b. sacks. Kingston Mill Co., Limite: Créam goods made from noted for their favor n cream puffs, charlotte rust colate eclairs; RH. treet. *'Cophalonia, fn the Ton was known as "Lost Islan us = : hs and 'or chronic'. couchs Dr. Chown's emulsion <