i #5 §e za - i $s EaSyot® siz = BHT; a > Hi i i newest and best system of ite unlike that now in vogue / teams in Toronto and West. i bn Butatio. gu Dr, 'Jock' Harty tended | ey cop games in Montreal, in January, he was struck ith the fact that the 'big elubs' discarded the old foursmen-in-g- formation, and were working in play successfully. cover-point und point players also were almost continually moved for- ward to attack, in fact every plaver, with the exception of the goal-keeper, took a try at shooting goals. Thin | system, Dr, Harty has boon drilling | into the lth team, until it is now al- most perfect in this style of play, and they have a most excellent chance of landing the J. Ross Robertson senior time to plays, and in the 'wise' hockey folks on the Toronto s couldn't understand why the 4th should keep winning out. It was a great mystery to them indeed, so they picked Midland, with their old has-bien methods, to defeat the Kings- ton team." "But." remarked James, with a cheery smile, "the poor chaps probably know better by this time, and next year they will adopt the supcessful methods of the 14th Regi: ment Hockey Club of Kingston." Willing To Accept. The Royals would like a game of hockey. with any team averaging nine. teen years old, to be played on the Royal rink. The team's line-up is: Goal, Kennedy; point, McKenwie; cov er, Nicholsoh; centre, M. Ainslie; rove er, H. Ainslie; wings, Boyd, Muckler. Address challenges to the Royal rink, Curling Last Night -- Jemen' J 1 i og Vo t 's singles, were pl A Arensiing Titik. wt nightc In he first, A. defeated KE. J. Reid and W. F. Webster trimmed Capt. muster the new meantime the 1 Estate is the surest tion. % ud let the want of money you. from securing y he Won By Default. i Wanderers won by default from JROCHA, last ni Y The' soldiers 'would like : ave defeated had upy but took a night off, 3 between FBC, 11 ° postponed interest has been killed ; the so far umpestionnd supremmcy of t two lending teams. Victorias have oc- eapicd a midway position, not having proved strong enough for the leaders, and, on the other hand, altogether too st for the second division, The Berlin club has returned the $13.00 roceived from the St. George's as mile on Saturday night, he Berlin management refused to play an O.H.A. game, got $100 from the rink munsgement on the undertaking to play an exhibition, and then at half time. refused to continue unless the St, G e's paid the mileage due for an O.H.A, match, So far this season the 14th hockey team has travelled nearly 1,250 miles in playing. fone matches away from home. it finishes the season it will have travelled 1,580 miles §f it a es St. George's in Toronto, or 750 miles if it plays Stratford in the final. Some years ago, when Frontemacs won the intermediate O.H. A. championship the team travelled 1776 miles. General Sport. sBlamilton Times : Lo, the poor In- dian | Longboat will have to go back to the woods, now that Hotspur Me- Bride is after him. Some of the New York and Buffalo papers are valling for an mvestigation into Tom t's amateur stand- ing. It is d iI that his manager demands for extortionate amounts "ox 2 The Maritime Athlotic Association was organized as a result of diseatis- factiob over the control of sport by the Maritime Province AAA. The new organization will affiliate with, the international Skating, Association. Communications on the matter have already been exchanged. Suspension of Belyems and Jegan by the M.P.A. AA, for skating at the recent Mont- veal tacos, was the last straw in this case, and Jed to the forming of the new organization. © Besides skating, it is planned to foster all kinds of ama- teur sport. WAS A BIG HOUSE TO SEE THE SHOW AT THE Sn The Scenery Was Fine, the Acting Quite Good, But the Singing Was Flat--Othet' Events For the Next Few Nights. "Peauty And 'lhe Beast" company played po the Grand tast night to a ull house. The show is an old Eng- lish pantomine in three acts and wen staged. 'I'he principals are all good actors but r singers. The cos tumes looked pretty and the scenery was fine, The story of "The Beauty And 'The Beast" is taken from the old fairy tale of that name and proved entertaining from the rise to the drop after the third act. -As the Princess of Beauty, Belle Williams, made a de- cided hit. Her acting was funny but her voice was spoiled hy a severe cold. The comedians, Harry Devine and Saunders, as the King and Queen, wore very langhable, Miss Miller, as Prince Charming, has a fine voice and = her mako-up--was faultless. A feature of the show was the singing of Malevol entia, a witch who works the magic spell on Princess Beauty, Miss Ar nold's witch was fine and she is an acquisition to the company. "Thorns And Orange Blossom:." One 'of Rowland & Clifiord's newest offerings is the Lem B, Parker dra matization of Bertha M. Clay's fam- ous novel, "Thorns and Orange Blos- soms."" It is a play that appeals to the masses and the patron of every part of the theatre cannot fail to en- joy its numerous interesting points. The scenes are all comprehensive and superbly set with a scenic environment deren and designed in a highly ar tistic manner. An unusually strong company has been organized to pro- perly depict the important parts and the performances is o delightful suc vets everywhere. "Thorns and Orange Blossoms" will have a presentation at the Grand on Saturday, Feb. 23rd, matinee and night. Forbes Robertson's Appearance. The production of Bernard Shaw's "Caesar and Cleopatra' given by For- bes Robertson and Miss Gertrude FEl- liott is declared to be historically cor- rock in all its accessories. Since the the Piles Cured In 6 To 14 Days. Pazo Ointment is money refunded. 50e, ing, today, in honor of Washin 'x birthday ito | There is a report that "U. B. Cald: well, W.P.. has purchased the Haw: mill at Carleton Place, of the was written for Mr. Robertson in actor has heen active in the " fmatter of historical research in order ve She comretuene of vay de- al costume, v and scenery. a he Grand ry. guaranteed to ~ure any case of Itching, Phind, Bleeding or Protruding Piles in 6 to 14 days or United States Consul Van Sunt has his big Stars and Striper flag font: earth is controlled | the board of works SY y alterncon, were Gaskin (chairman), Free, Gra- McCann, Elliott, Hanley, and Anglin, J. J. Carrington, Ei C. ell te David Leslie, property owne River strect, "Were present in regard he River street bridge, 4 déminion railway commis- sion has condemned and ordered eith- er raised or removed. Iu is impossible to raise ity a grade would be too great for vehi fe traflic, zo the other and divert' the highway to east. 'Iile property owners protested against this, as it' Would dere the value of their perty x City Solicitor - i present, suid that residents inter- ested would, no doubt, have a claim agninst the city for some compensa- tion, on. gecegunt of through the difficulty of reaching their street, $ Ald, EHjott asked who built River street bridge. Ald, Gaskin re- plied that the G.F.R. company built it. Then Ald. Elliott said it was up to the Grand Trunk company to make all the ichanges necessary. The city in connection 'with the matter, Ald. Kent said that he had at first held the same apinion, but, judging from recent events, he was afraid that the city might be called upon to pav part of the cost 'if it did not fol- low out the advice of the railway com- mission and remove the bridge. If the hiridge was removed, the commission secretary intimated that the railway company could be required to provide a suitable crossing for traffic further east. Mr. Anglin said that the whole mat- ter could be "'owred' by the building of a draw-bridge. There was a man there night and day, and he could at- tend to it. The city solicitor said that it was doubtful if the draw-bridge suggestion would be considered by the railway commissicn, Mr. Mitchell pointed out his firm had much team-drawing from their storage place, and if the bridge was removed, there weve times of the year when traffic over other streets in the vicin- ity was almost impossible, Mr, Lsslic stated that only two men had been killed by the bridge, while four had been killed at the Anglin curve, where there was no bridge. Ald. Gaskin stated that the law re- quired that the distance from the tracks to an overhead bridge be = at least twenty-two feet? inches, At present the height is &iX¥téen fect seven inches, 1 Ald. Kent suggested that the city solicitor write to the commission sec- retary, Mr. Cartwright, pointing out that the removal of the bridge would result in serious depreciation of values in certain properties, and asking that some other method be adopted. He moved that in the "bpinion of the board the bridge cannot be dispensed with, and that the board suggest that a draw-bridge 'might be practicable, as there is always a signal man at the bridge, who could operate it. This was adopted. The hoard discussed the extension of the Queen street sewer pipe in order to hate the nuisance in that slip, The city engineer said he had plans partly: prepared for diverting the sowage in that district, His idea was to take the sewage from the © Queedy street slip entirely, and divert it te below the bridge. The engineer said that the only other method outside of diverting the sewage was to attach an T. company pier. Permission do this would have to be seewred from that company. 1t wig decided to leave the matter in the hands of the chairman, the solicitor-angd the engi: neer for a report. The board resolved to ask the city council for 8500 for preliminary work in connection with the restoration of the King sf«eet breakwater: "Kingston's Famous Fur Store" Removal Sale We don't for- sget to put in a word for good quality when we're quoting such low prices on a fur as ALASKA SABLE Alaska Sable Scarfs, 6 tails, 2 heads. Reduced to - $4.90. Alaska Sable Scarfs, 4 skins, extra choice, fur. om both sided, 8 natural tails, great value at $20... Reduced to $15. Alaska Sable Muffs, round style, medium size, regular price $10. Reduced to $7.85. Alaska Sable Muffs, large Empirg shape, very full furred, regular price $15. Reduced to $11.90. It will pay you to buy for dext season at these prices. alternative Ww ao remove the bridge | tyre, who was the depreciation that would 'resilt to their property =] the should not be roguired to do anything extension pipe to the bottom of the | sonal matter, In fact this note s to | sounded | i | | | RUARY 22. -- Noldedision was remshed-in regard to the O'Kill street sower extension, but the board expressed itself as favorable to the city engineer's proposal = to build a concrete pier out 150 feet and to lay the pipe through it. - The pier would he two and a half feet wide at the top and about cleven feet at the bottom. Both sides would be sloped so that in case of ice shove the ice would run over the pier. it would he protected most of the way ont by filling in the bay with stones and street serapings. The cost would not exceed 81,400, The ae reported that $15,000 would construct twenty limestone ma- cadam roads, properly built, 'with conerete water channels, He pointed out that if the roads were to last any time, they must be properly drained, and water channels must be construct. od on both sides. The question Was diseussed at some length, and finally it wae decided to adjourn util three o'clock this afternoon, and come toa decision. Hutch, A Body Builder. When one eats food the nutritive part goes to make up the different tis sues of the body. If there is any flaw in the process it will result in dis- enss of some one of the organs of the body. The digestion in this way plays a most important part in ones and stomach treatment, It is eompos- ed of ingredients which are chemically combi to keep the digestion in good working order. Hutch will not | afiow any clogging or derangement. Hutch is a doctor for ten cents. On "Canadian Banking." Prof. Shortt, of Queen's, delivered his popular lecture on "C anadian Banking" in' the school room of the Sydenham strest Methodist church last night, before a fairly large audience. The speaker went into all" the details of the work of a bank in the carrying on of the business of the country, and the address throughout was most in teresti At the close a hearty vote of thanks was tenaered the lecturer. rr rn \ Another Cold Dip. The weather man handed out anoth- er cold spell last night. At 6:30 o'clock this morning the thermometer at Richardson's elevator = registered twelve degrees below zero, and at cight o'clock it was ten degrees be low. Quite a change from the mild weather of Wednesday and Thursday. Miss Minnie M. Williams. Will give two Shakespearian recitals in Convocation hall, Monday, February 25th, 8 p.m., 'Hamlet'; Monday, March 4th, 8 p.m., "The Winter's Tale." Admission, 25c.; reserved seats, 25c, extra. Plan at Uglow's. ! "Three Swallows." Sir John Power & Son's "Three Swallows" Irish Whiskey, Famous for over a century, Of highest standard of purity, Distillers to His Majesty the King. WHAT MEN CLAIM AS TO THE CAPABILITIES OF JAMES O'RIELLY. He Was An Eloquent Lawyer and on One Circuit Had His Eag Full of Briefs--To Advan.ige of Every Thing. Toronto Saturday Night. 3 uld ningstomans and other Eastern Cntario men still claim that James U Reilly was the most eloquent, per suasive and witty man thau ever plead ed before a Canadian jury. As an epi it is said that on one circuit he had cighty-tve civil briefs besides some cri- minal cases. His great speech while prosecuting Whelan for the assassina- tion of UD Arcy McGee in 1868 is still talked of. O'Reilly anc Mclee were close friends, and the lawyer made the avenging of his friend's death a per was rather more strongly than should have been allowed. But it was effective. the various After knitting strands of evidence as strongly to- | gether as nvossible the great pleader to his grave satislica if he could trace the villain who had killed D'Arcy Me- Gee. Answering the assertion that no | one had seen Whelan | told the jury that he would go down | | do the deed, | O'Reilly dramatically asied : "Who saw him 7 God in heaven saw him on that beautifiil night when all the heaven was lighted up--on that night when a dastardly decd was per- petrated which will bring down the vengeance of both God and man." A thrill ran through the jury and the whole court and it was felt that Whelan's doom was sealed. Mr. O'Reilly also knew how to use to advantage tha comedy of a situa- tion. In a breach of promise case he had for his client an elderly cook, fat, rubicund, and with hut one eye. There was only one thing to do, and that was to laugh a friendly verdict out of the jury. O'Reilly showed how hospi: tably his client had treated her lover, and put in two photographs of the "before and after" order to prove his assertion 'that the jilter had, during his courtvhip of the cooked, gained in weight some forty pounds. "To whom does that forty pounds belong if not to my client 2" pleaded the wily lawyer, in tones that convin- ced the dullards and amused the brigh- ter 'men on the jury. the apoeal proved to be more cessful than Shylock's for his single pound of flesh, for the twelve good men and troe brought in a verdict for the cook of £200, evidently rating the recreant lover's eorooreal 'increment at five doMars » pound. Sue tm ms Hay Nearly Al Shipped. hav buvers have nearly finished smiecessinl sonson. In' another th hay will ail be shinned from { Wolle ldand, and alresdy Simcoe 1s. iand is vid of her consignment. The The a very wie! eract nember of tons that have he shipped this winter ie unknown, but it is ¥nown that sowie Wolle Islanders sold "their "erops for nearly £2,000 this SeARON. The island it said to be as "0% a hav-growing distriet as there is in Canada, health. Hutch is a splendid digestion | dence of his popularity as a lawyer | LOCAL NOTES AND THINGS IN GENERAL. Occurrences In The City And Viecinity--Other Brief Items of Interest Easily Read And Remembered. William Swain, piano tuver, Orders recived at McAnley's, Capt. Donnelly will give his marine lecture to-night. The board of education will likely ask the council for about $10,000 this year to run its affairs for 1907. The thermometer registered seven- teen Hogrees below zero at the gov- ernment dry dock early this morning. H. Cunningham, piano tuner, from Chickering's, Orders at McAuley's book store. The Kingston Foundry company is 'shipping to Huntsville a steel trame for a steamer 115 feet long. "The Beauly and the Beast" com- pany left en the early train for Otta wa, where they play 'the nest two nights. A Chicago business house advertises for red-headed boys. The manager they are guicker and smarter than the other boys. The building of the four new nor- mal schools to he erected at Hamil ton, North Bay, Stratford and Peter horo will be commenced on Monday. Dr. Shoop's Rheumatic Remedy-- when used faithfully will reach chroaic and difficult cases heretofore regarded as incurable by physicians and is the most reliable prescription known to clean out and completely remove every vestige of rheumatic poison from the blood. Sold by all dealers. A few nights ago it was reported that a muskrat had been killed on an uptown street. It has been brought to motice since that to see the rodents waning about in the vicinity of Rut- tan's pasture and Rideau street every day ocemrtence. en for tha muskrats leaving their quarters is that they are starving. The water at the marshes is frozen to [ays is an The reason giv- for food. It seems sad that so many of these animals should be destroyed when their hides are so searce. Considering The Offer. A deputation from the congrega- tion of St. Paul's church drove to Lyndhurst, this week, and waited up- on the Rev. W. 19 Fitzgeeald. MA. of that place. The deputation con- sisted of : Capt. Gaskin, Ald. R. F. Elliott and Heory Youlden. and they { fonrneved to offer him the vicariate. | Mr. Fitzgerald is favorably consider- ing the request of St. Paul's cangre gation and an answer is expected hy the first of the week, Asylum Section Pipe. Kingston Foundry company ii The dition to the Rockwood asylum suc: tion pipe. The present suction pipe is only 100 feet long. The new pipe - is of steel, and "it will 'he in position next week. William Tait hag been en- gaged for the diving operations. The oundry compuny was given the con- tract for the pipe last November, Taken To The Pen. John Lapman, sentenced at| Lon- don, Ont, 10 two years and six months, in the penitentiary for theft, was brought to the city, torday, by Deputy Sherifi Waterworth, Lapman is a comparatively young man, and was never in the penitentiary before, 2 Prints, will stand the wash, at 10c. Dressing Jackets. OUR NEW SPRING range to-morrow. THE DAYS EPISODES| the bottom and the rats cannot forage about to start to lay a 500 Jogt. ad. or -- DR. SCOTT'S WHITE LINIMENT the best: for all" Jina, No fami hould be without it. It cures ainily Frost oites, Sprains, Burns, Swellings, &c. nd as a reneral household remedy iy has no equal. Large bottles, 25c. DR. SCOTT'S White Liniment Co., Ltg St. John N.B., Proprietors of Herners Dyspepsia Cure. J. B. For Sale at Store. SOMETHING NEW AND WORTH BEEING NEXT WEEK, COMMENCING TUESDAY W. F. GOURDIER Has decided to give a of Murs, It willibe interesting and in structive as the furs can be see 1 thy raw state. We will be please give all information as to where they come from und different vurposes v which they are used. In the colle tion are both mative and imported skins selected in best markets. Everybody Welcome - W. F. GOURDIER EXCLUSIVE FURRIER 78-80 Brock St. Phone 70) In Bright or French A Silver, and New Brushed 7} Brass effects, with Exquisite i ly Tinted - Silk shadvs, in } loose effects or with Pierced Metal Covers to match en- tire piece. McLeod's Drug exhibition Candelabras Gray or color Any special style shades. may be ordered and are sold separa.ely. SMITH BROS. Jewslers and Opticians 330 King Street Issuers of Marriage (7 15 Horses For Sale This Week. All classes consisting of General .T'ur- pose, Delivery, Drivers, and Cheap Work- ers. Horses sold on six months credit hy giving approved note, with interest. All horses sold with a warranty are return able any time before 12 o'clock noon, of the day following date of sale if not as represented. For further particulars apply at 112 CLARENCE STRELT Or 42 PRINCESS STREET DRESS 'GOODS XN Goods is proving a big at- The Wash Bods Section Looms up with very many dainty lines for the warm weather. including Dcess Muslins. Orjandies, Dimity, Lawns, etc. Not too early to buy as the choice is large now, A beautiful range of the best makes in English Prints' neat patterns in spots, stripes and figures, perfect colors that In the Ready-to-Wear Department We show the very latest in Whitewear of every description ; also Ladies' Walking Skirts, Wrappers and Have arrived. They are beauties. Have a look at the 2 effete deeded Qar showing of Now Dress .. P traction to the ladies and ee their pleased .countenances tell us how mu.h thev like + our selections. Elegant x range of dainty 3 3 ffi a) Tweed Suitings for summer wear at 3 5§0c., 75c. and $1.00 - a Yard. Prints oles? ole and 12}c. a yard. COATS FOR LADIES The children have nct been forgotton, as we show White and Colored Dresses, Buster Brown Suits, Rom- per Suits, etc, Every- thing new at wieeleiriefelnielninlninboinieinininininieideinioiieiei dd He didn't have a entire body. The physic the family for thi Scott's Emul. NOW: To feel t would think he v blacksmith. 20 Pe Disc For one week beginning Febr cent. Discount on all goods in ou Cottons. 10 per cent. on all Co they may Bave Double Cash Cou; of this exceptional offer. £0 per cent. off Dress Goods, Carpets, Curtains, Oilcloth, Hosi Flannelettes, Blankets, Sateen TU, Lustre and Silk Waists. 10 per cent. off all Muslins, ings, Ginghams, White Waists, W 50 per cent. off al Millinery. Go with the crowd to CRUMLE Mail orders promptly attenc BOALBLLOEAAEALLT AAA ® Ory Bankru OF TOBACC PIPES AT LI About thirty thousand 1 cents each, or $5 a hundred. Club House Special, The Toy, Lord Craines, Reekies, Russel, Olymphia, Rothchil Tennyson, Grant, R. V. M 10 cent Cigars for 25 cents. About 100 Fountian Pens A lot of Pocket Knives, goods can be had at JOHN cess street, and 354 King s! JOHN | SHEL LL4 8484 20L6864600486884810660664048408 $ KING! FIP IIPOII I $9 FOR ENGLIS Canada Metal ( Johr E° You Can Save | 2 :Quoted He 180 Wellington Street : Hosier 10 dozen Ladies' Black Cashmere 25¢. per pair, Skirt Ladies' Tweed Skirts, in light ani with side pleats and seli-strappt tomorrow, $2.98 each. White Our display of White Underwear rom a great many custonw lower than what you pay clsow] and Gowns, B0e. to $1.95 each. One Special Made of fine cambwic, with deep f fed with lace. The best skirt . White We just received, co-day, some ve saort sleeves, Some embroidere Special at $2.50, $3.25, $3.75 a Dress Goods Our Dress Goods 'stork is now cot Twieds, Mobairs, Cheeks and F In plain and fench weaves Chiffon and Venetian Brea Yoiles, Pangmiie in fact everyt Dress Goods section, | Braids and ning of all kind § %