DR. SCOTT'S WHITE LINIMENT . io best; Jor. ull' pains, N x ould be without it. It cures a family ~~ Frost vites, Sprains, Burns, Swellings, &c. 2 he aaah Lari bots. deeiY Ie PR. SCOTT'S White Liniment Co., Ltqa. . John N.B., Proprietors of Herners spepsia Cure. For Sale at J. B. ore. SOMETHING NEW ND WORTH SEEING NEXT WEEK, COMMENCING TUESDAY W. F. GOURDIER Has decided to give a free exhibition of Murs. It will'be interesting and in structive as the furs can be seen in the raw state. We will be pleased to give all information as to where they come from und different vurposes or which they are used. In the collec- tion are both mative and imported skins selected in best markets. Everybody Welcome ~ W. F. GOURDIER EXCLUSIVE FURRIER -80 Brock St. Phone 70) McLeod's Drug Candelabras In Bright or French Gray Silver, and New Brushed Brass effects, with Exquisite- § ly Tinted Silk shades, in ' loose effects or with Pierced Metal Covers to match en- tire piece. Any special style or color shades. may be ordered and are sold separa.ely. SMITH BROS. Jewslers and Opticians 330 King Street Issuers of Marriage 15 Horses For Sale This Week. All classes consisting of General ose, Delivery, Drivers, Ars. I'ur- and Cheap Work- Horses sold on six months credit hy riving approved note, with interest. All horses sold with a warranty are return- ible any time before 12 o'clock noon, of the day following date of sale if not as represented. For further particulars wpply at 112 CLARENCE STREET Or 42 PRINCESS STREET GOODS Qar showing of Now Dress Goods 1s proving a big at- + traction to the ladies and 4 their pleased .countenances x tell us how muh thev like + our selections. Elegant x range of dainty Tweed Suitings : for summer wear at : 50c., 75c. and $1.00 +} a Yard. 01s Section ; dainty lines for the warm ns. Orjandies, Dimity, Lawns, : choice is large now, Prints best makes in English Prints' nd figures, perfect colors that nd 12}c. a yard. Near Department in Whitewear of every alking Skirts, Wrappers and felmeinini oles] '3 "OATS FOR LADIES beauties. Have a look at the The children have nct been forgotton, aswe show White and Colored Dresses, Buster Brown Suits, Rom-~ per Suits, etc, Every: thin 2 new at : x federline tee ee weak and sickly. His arms were soft and flabby. He didn't have a strong muscle in his entire body. The physician who had attended the family for thirty years prescribed Scott's Emulsion. NOW: To feel that boy's arm you would think he was apprenticed to a blacksmith. : ALL DRUGGISTS;: 50c. AND $1.00. rd - 1 4 4 - ww 4O000LO000000000000000 - ose s------ sss, 20 Per Cent. Discounts For one week beginning February 18th. We will give a 20 per cent. Discount on all goods in cur store, with the exception Cottons. 10 per cent. on all Cottons, or if our customers of prefer they may Bave Double Cash Coupons. Be sure to take advantage of this exceptional offer. 20 per cent. off Dress Goods, Silks, Ribbons, Trimmings, Carpets, Curtains, Oilcloth, Hosiery, Gloves, Underwear, Flannels, Flannelettes, Blankets, Sateen Underskirts, Umbrellas, Sateen Lustre and Silk Waists. 10 per cent. off all Muslins, Prints, Linens, Towellings, Sheet- ings, Ginghams, White Waists, White Underwear, etc. 50 per cent. off all Millinery. Go with the crowd to GRUMLEY BROS. Mail orders promptly attended to. Orwell's Bankrupt Stock OF TOBACCO, CiGARS AND PIPES AT LESS THAN COST About thirty thousand 10 cent Cigars will be sold for cents each, or $5 a hundred. Toy, Lord Craines, Reekies, Russel, Olymphia, Rothchil ds Tennyson, 10 cent Cigars for 25 cents. About 100 Fountian Pens cheap. La Premiads, Lenicos, goods can be had at JOHN ROUTHEY'S, 173 and 175 Prin cess street, and 354 King street, Orwell's Old Stand. | | | JOHN ROUTLEY KINGSTON, ONT. VIII OIIIIIY Seog oL8848484 200844800488088106064848488048 e FVIII 5 Club House Special, The Duchess, The Diploma Grand, San Craven Penetallas, McKinley, Lord Lord Grant, R. V. Maritana, 4 of any brand of other A lot of Pocket Knives, Pocket Books and Razors, those | FIP IIIIIIIIII VIII FIGIIIIIY a BS oN i * | FOR SALE: ENGLISH PIG LEAD Canada Metal Co., Ltd. Toronto, Johnston's EB" You Can Save Money on Every Item 2 {Quoted Here To-Morrow. Ont. 180 Wellington Street 180 Wellington Street : y 12 : Hosiery Bargains rib} 10 dozen Ladies' Black Cashmere Hose, or plain, 35c. quality, 25¢. per pair, Skirt Bargains Ladies' Tweed Skirts, in light and dark mixtures, with side pleats and seli-strappings, gular price tomorrow, $2.98 each. White Underwear Our display of White Underwear is the best in town. rom a great many customers. And,, as usunl, our lower than what you pay elsewhere, Corset Covers, and Gowns, B0c. to $1.95 each. One Special Skirt for $1.19 £3.50 end 84. . to 81.50. Sk Made of fine cambrie, nine rows of ; Bed with Jace. The best skirt in $1.19 exch. White Silk Waists We just received co-day, some very natiy Silk Waists. t short sleeves, "Some embroidered, others Jace and insertion Special at $2.50, $3.25, $3.75 and each. Dress Goods at Popular Prices Our Dre Goods 'stosk 'isi now complete. We show some very Twieds, Mobairs, Cheeks and Plaid with deop floun ee, Kingston for trim 8, of Lands in stoel-No trouble Es La for nine and cleven gored, Special That's what we hear s are just a little irts insertion, and frill, Pattoned back, ned. swell lines in Black and White lads, Light Greys in plain and faneh weaves, Panamas. Redona Crepes, Armnures, Chiffon and Nor ticn Broaglcloths, Cream Moir, Serges, YVoiles, Paniptmiis--in fact everything that is mew will be found in our Dress Goods sect : BOERS TO THE FRONT WILL HAVE MAJORITY IN THE NEXT PARLIAMENT. Botha Likely to Be Premier--Sir Richard Solomon Among the Defeated--Progressives Are Do- and altogether the progressives made a better fight than they dared antici pate. A YOUNG ASTRONOMER. He Has Written Works of Excellence. Much DATLY BRITISR ¥ Poisoned S rac , Clogged Brain, Wavering pbition, Failure-- Unless He Seizes His Op- | f-- RATES THE PE CONDENSED ADVERTISING -- eA A Y MAY 1st, OR SOONER, MEDIUM. sized house, centrally located, Apply BILLIARD TABLE, York 3 9x CAROM, NEW space. First, take an umirritating cathartic | Hundreds of sufferers in far worse | cal option by-law by 411 a majority of 73. The law has so grown there through effective operation that in the recent election, it was sustained bv a vote of 512 to 206, a majority of 336. dh The rear part of these townships is nol quite so populous, but in the vote to 338, on the local oution by-law on Janu ery 7th last, the poll stood 220 for and 216 against the adoption of the by law: thus in a much smaller vote, and yet by a much larger majority than first obtained in the Front, the electors of the rear declared them selves for local opticn, but here the three-fiths requirement steps in. and prevents the benefits that the eitizens from the Front have emphatically ap proved of Test Gin Pills at Our Expense A CURE--OR MONEY BACK We don't ask you to buy GIN PILLS --but to try them, We simply want you to see for yourself what GIN PILLS will do for you. A cent for a post card is the only expense, Shuply write us, mentioning this paper, and saying you went a free sample of GIN PIL wre doifig you good, get a box at your lezler's, on our guarantee that they will continue to help you, ILLS regularly and faithfully, and they vill eure you of Backache, Rheumatism, Sciatica, and every trace of Kidney and wdider Trouble, the empty box and your omomptly refund the money, We know that we have, in GIN PILLS, praised, Rtarrat, Ont., Peb, 16, 1906, nelgeed please find §ioo for two boxes "Gin Pills" as I am nearly out, *\ wa | physicians in the United dress to-day for a frée trial package, if you are satisfied that GIN PILLS, Take GIN Yad If you are not - 'ectly satisfied --you have only to tern ealer will cuffs of the three quarter length sleeve, the greatest cure in the world for Kid- ney and Bladder Troubles, and Rheuma- | tism. No other medicine in the world | is so widely known and so highly | of The slore ot Burks Falls, where I got my burned down & couple of weeks ness . rules or of condition than you have leem posi: | tivelv eured of dyspepsia hy these won dorful little tablets. Forty thousand States gnd 1 Cpnada recommend them | | If, you are upcertajn and wish fur | ther proof, send us your name gnd ad | which we will gladly mail vou at once. | iF. A. Ftuprt Co., 74 Stuart Building, | Myrshall, Mich, | For sale at all aruppists | MORMON EMIGRANTS BARRED. Swiss Police Department Restricts | HECTOR McPHERSON. Exodus. | Londen, Feb. 21.--H« MePher Ceneva, Feb. 22.-The police depart- | son, u Scotch youth, « en years [tient of the cantons of Berne and | old, is known as the 'hoy astrono Fhurgovie have issued warnings ad- { mer Twelve months ago he pub- |vising the people not to emigrate to | lished a book entitled 'Astronomers | Salv Lake City. | of To-dav," and in order to get ae Mormon niissionaries have obtained curate information learned the [many converts, almost exclusively | French, German, and Italian lan. [young girls, in these two cantons guages lis est book, "A Uen- (and letters which have been roc tells in an easy vein | from some of them are now published x progress that has heen [by the police . made in tronomy during the past From these it appears that t) hundred S is ¢ her of 3 vay by ti several European astronomical so ! of Jife ; cicties. that when they arri - tn what money they po A Comparison. turned" out on the streets Pioneer, Toronto. An interpellation on the subject i The townships of lweds and Lans- | shortly. ta be made in the Swiss par downe are divided into Rear and |lLament I'ront under separate municipal or- . ganizations. Some time ago the Front Street Costume Of Broadcloth. of Leeds and I ansdowne carried a lo- Light bluish used for the model of the costume il lustrated, the cont of which was a lit- gray broadcloth was tle double-breasted Eton. Flat braid in self-tone was Wilk match. The little infer vest wadiem- fasten the front of the coat, smaller buttons to match being used on the {The skirt was plaited and trimmed { with braid shout the lower part. Is It A Wonder ? Rovelations made hy the den ger sig are almost beyond helief. of the number of wrecks caused officials of the road to make the test of | ed down. ' | Mes, Carscallen is suffering from the | clear the yard Fyiapy Criticisms | Selecting a safe place they tuned cut | the | on Bundav. Th "7 Hebe township A GENERAL SERVANT, : First insertion, le. a word, Each con stating rent, to Box 06, care Wiig Apply through Whig ong » i ing Fairly Well. : : secutive fnsertion thereafter go. a | office. Joh, $ y 2, y There is no good reason for any word. Minimum charge for one in : AMERICAN ENCYCLOPED! NEW iy lana Sug Fé, 21.--The elec man's remaining a dyspeptic--y burden wertion. Be. PLAIN. SEWING a0an pT ER Xtoen volumes, at & disesunt, for that the: Boors known indicate 1, "himself and family, when he should - Shes. "Ahgiy ta Mm Th Special reason. Apply through * Whi 3 B v ve majority ucer. HE ANTED-MALE i : 4 in the next parliament Fighteon re be a prod c LP W. ( asl gressive, six tonal lL. Eo There's only one reason why he has A SECOND HAND SET OF TELE | pp. Me HOUSE. IN WEST END, 2 EE nationalists, sixteen Leen a dyspeptic and that is because | GROCERY CLERK. APPLY J. GlL~ graphic Instrainents, with batteriis, vooms, ond oeliar, shed and Atel eh betty candidates, 'one independ. 3 0b 0 Uoiod Tis stomach so thyt | oo 4ert 134 Barrie street, or residence, | iN, SO order. Apply to "CF, Large lot $980. Apply Box Abts. ent tes been re. 3. le 370 rod treot. wlan § + GI¥, rd * » --- and three laborites have Te {it cannot secrete the juices and work Packs Stee D. Whig office, | Tha + soles necessary to dige » | SALE 5 TO. = The returns from a number of conn- fhe Tos to digest the HALESMEN. a a O-NPRAY. LOST. TO-LET. try districts have not yet been an- | 199% Sample Machine frees 10 approved nouncéd, but these districts strongly agent. Cavers Bros., Galt. A HORSE BLANKET, ON JOHNSON | DWELLINGS, OFFICES, STORES, favor the Dutch party. The Duteh | Und ty Ave. or Barl Sis. Finder ote. at MeCann's. 51 Brock street. 5 a : « 3 A YOUNG MAN TO LEARN CLOTH- will be rewarded by retursing it Ww party, the nationalists and the lahor- LEAR 535 Hrock street yy ites are allied. It i ¢ } | ing busines, also a young man to he k Werner. FURNITURE STORAGE, DWELLINGS, G allied. 1t 1s expected that learn en's Furnishing. Apply by - , stores, offices, factories, ote. Me --_ Botha will be invited to form a | letter to The MH. I. Bibby Co. A BROWN aan HAND-RAG, Cann's, 51 Brook streot. cabinet, and that the new ministry 1 . ------- ee, oxid wer rim THES, SORTA RRR p---- will include Gen. Smuts and Gen. De- | GENERAL BLACKSMITH AND] sum of money. latch Key ete Ham. | BRICK DWELLING. NO. 3. WELLING." larey Y | horueshoor. Sith some sxperionce ut RA red wtreet. Kinwton. ton Nt. opposite the City Park. ART . | WO wor Business 'worth ' . RL . ¥ late jon. Avmly t Ji Sir Richard Solomon, e¢k-licutenant- { per annum. Last man Tetired . from E. Cunningham, 40 Barong dy wertior of the T 'nal. Ww | li-heaith. Arnly to: W. - Gi Mes ARCHITECTS. 20 Transvaal, who has | i E joined the Dutch party, and who is | Sunes, Fierald. Dat. R R ELLIS ARCHITECT, OF BUISION SauNel PHONOGRAFRH | swresenti pi EAS ARTRHU TLL « PROT, P. argest in eit W Feghided as representing the interests SPRING SUITS TO MAKE, GENTLE- RTM Cor. Queen and Bagot streets. 7 rab Postal Thay ol the British literal government and en, bring your own Sloth wad Seta Thos. MeUinnes, 381 Division street. the leader ol the nationalists has eap up-to-date suit 5 yie, " a v + FEC = Sn te ts ------ A ---------- been defeated at Victoria in the most | Drie and Salsh Punta "ales 1BERY Avior Ta, TT: A WIL FY RNISHED OFFICE, GOOD Fig Sethe Da De The Teilor, 383 Srunk street. Fons, $4 Er Barren at ate. : , Urey rilzpatnck, the progressive | > TI CM . ing store, B48 King street. Apply f candidate, w is ini ' > Him | MEN AND WOMEN TO LEARN | POWER & SON, ARCHITECT, MER- aM : > hi The lars rho. Ba Dy op magnate Failure Stazing : In The Face, | Rarber Trade in 8 weeks. Graduates chant's Bank Building, corver Brock 10 Mr. Forrat ; the Hritih parts Tt il > 85 | What the dyspeptic must do is to) earn $10 to $18 eekly. Help and Wellington streets. "Phone, 213. MONEY A BS = 8 arty. 18 sh DOSS - fu of | secure vositions, secw ! an ------------- ------ 4 ND INE . ble, however, that the Dutch purty DOP the stomach ut. It is full of | SG" for our eredustes. Catalomne | wat, NEWLANDS, ARCRITEOT, OF- ar imimmiap will ask Sir Richard to accept the a poisonous pile of erme nting, nau- | free. Moler Barber College, Queen and ce. second floor over Mahood's Drug | OUR POLICIES COVER MORE ON § sresniershin, in which & ® senting food. Instosd of being assim- Spadina, Toronto. store, corner Princess and Dagot building and contents than sny other pres las i 5 hig ie h évent a seat for ilated and carried by the < 10 Dees - streets. Shh Eants on Bagot street, empung Jilers. Examine at i e { . OM, w 5 - The defect ot Sie Richard Soloman | make neeve and muse and rebuild the | HELP WANTED---FEMALE, ohh, Godin 3 Insurance Tmporium, Mur was entirely unexpected by vither 20 wasto tissues it lies there inactive, MEDICAL. LIVERPOOL. ing last as Mrs. T. proceeding to church, she While no bones were broken shack th fall. and bruises occasioned by Mr. and Mis. Frank late William Thomas. They returned to Montreal on T lav. Mis, (Dr) James Wilson, § former ly Constance Hurshaw, arrived home on Mondn last. Last December her husband, Dr. Wilson, was taken ill on the Africa const, of typhoid fever, apd they pre pvided to the Canary dslands, his death occurred shortly after Wilson's many deeply sympathize with her in her sa My wi friends in Napanee FE. Ming ix in Toronto, this attending the horticultural heid there this week, Frank 8 able to by nd again fin weeks' confineme to the v with typhoid fever The house social given by Mrs. H | Vandervoort, in aid of the funds of the choir of the Presbyterian church Vucsds enipe. wns well attended nice little sam for the A. Blewitt is spend i the week ir Toronto. Mrs M A ghion Mr W K. P'ruvn and \ W. 8. Herrington ore spending in Toronto ---------------------- BUDAPEST WITHOUT COAL. Danube in Grip of Cut Off. 20.-A Budapest, qui coal fami in reevived an fire ly, « aepreely in the vity in two. cold ¢ iee-hound, so that ne sup o transported by river of people clamorad for win merchant's ofice, yester day, and when he showed them « his pent tock, which amounted to only ht. a fight follow y whith a + police had to be summoned people were hur | The supply of the state railway low, and unless this enn be au mented immediately, the have to stop running on several line trams w Wheat Famine In Mexico Mexico City, Feb, 22.-Owing tot ent scarcity of wheat all over t { country the four mills are nearly { shut down. During the past mon {little "or no flour . native wheat that rema in being sold at 88 per 300 poms to reduce 1 an { { { movement made recently {duty on™ American wheat will he { brought before the government this L afternoon or to-morrow. I is con | fidently hope! that the govern es the market. Last vesr there i a similar searcity and the duty | port Wd. The searcity {gronthy inereased ig due to consumption white bread by the Mexican people, { to sicken or distress your child. swoet, pleasant,. and safe syrup, celled g does the nal {est on the Lake Shore railroad | oy oq doas it cnickly. Pr. Shoop's Croup Cure in for croup alone, remem: the | pir It does pot claim to curs a doz that's afl Dr. Shoop's Croup Cure. Len ailments. 1x for crown - G. Carscallen was was struck | on the crossing by a horse and knock Thomas, Montreal, were in town last week ate tending the funeral of his father, the wher Ice--Supply ard unless there ill prevails, and the to his been produced {will issue a decree removing the duty on forvign wheat until such time, at used ge tf | least, ax this year's native erop reach- ming. alohg with nurrow soutaehe to | w A. Powers, a native of Ganano v n 3 5 1 n t is il ® he he all th ins A he nt as Was | broidered mo silver, and" Dresden colors, | moved with the result that a great and a large silver button was used to | quantity of American wheat was md the of | Croup ean positively be stopped mn twenty minutes. No vomiting--nothing hockey team was defeated by St. Law- renge, 6 goals to 3. + the police court Richard F. Hardy was arraigned be fore Police Magistrate Heaslip on a charge of drunkenness and disorderly conduct, and fined $2 and costs. At the regular session of the town council on motion of Ex-Mayor W. N, Rogers, seconded by Councitlor James Donovan, the police magistrhte was requested to make a quarterly return of all fines and penaltios to this cor poration, the first to be given for quarter ending March 31st, ; 'ihe rokidenee of Mr. and Mrs. Hugh MoFadden, Stone street was the seene of a very pretty event on Wednesday morning, the oceasion being the mar riage of Mrs, McFaddon's sister, Miss Bertha Tye, of Lyndhurst, to Gerdon KE. Mogens, son of Mr, and Mix. Wil liam Meggs, Garden streets, The core mony was performed by Rev. William Fimberlake. Ihe young couple were unattended. The bride was attired in a neat suit of pearl gray. After the on Tuesday, ceremony a wedding breakfast © was served, following which the happy couple left for Brocksille and other plisces, Last evening Alma Irene, infant, Jaughter of Mr. and Mr Richard Running, Stons street, passed away after a short illness, The funeral 'will tuke place today, to Smith's Falls loads of Ganunogueans at tend d the tea meeting at South Lake Orange hall last evening, under the auspices of South Lake Orange | ioe Several Some local talent took part in the programme. Probate of the last will and testa ment of the late Daniel Boucher has been granted to John B. McMurchy of this town, executor namcd therein, Miss Maud La Lande, of Vancouver, RC. is making a short visit in town with Miss Essie Gordon, First street. Henry Upton, of Montreal, for some time mafiager of the Canada Cabinet compuny here spent some time in town during the early part of the week, William Pratt, Kihe street, who has been ill for the past two months has so far recovered as to be able to take up his vsual duties. seriously WOMAN'S NARROW ESCAPE. 'Corpse' Sits Up and Asks Food, Berlin, Feb. 22.-A woman nated Hecker haul oa narrow escape of being buried alive at Potsdam, She had apparently hi her doo tor had given a eertificate, and the undertaker was on the point of plac ing the body in its coffin, when the woman sat up and demanded some thing to eat and drink, Relatives who were in the room fled in terror, but afterward returned and fod the awakensd sleeper. Thirty-six hours had elapsed between the sup- fowd death and revival. All signs of mourning were removed, but she died next day, For -- LY ------ stories, 5 complete drama of the Rus cian Leopold Kampf, snd stage production of this trsmend ous arraignment of conditions in the fund of the czar were Suppressed hy the governments of Europe, the torned to America, where he has only found a publisher, but has arran- it's made alone for piles--and it works in ira, aud § do net kuow where to get them : i . 2 . : ot Dy writing to Hopi "ill certain lights in the signal towers, | que, died in Watertown as the result | with certainty and estisfaction. Toh Aare Arad Them by vetur mall 4s T saa Bearly signilying that there was danger ghegd, lof injgpries sustained while trying to] ing, painful, protruding, or blind piles wavid c's Qo without theme, 0 #10 Uy pen watched results. Of gwenty: | picid Fron, mpl, BV 1A 6). pram: dissppeat like magic by its use. Try § youn pikcduony, Fostiastér, five trains, twenty-four rushed rigat { pin miother ix stil a resident a Tort Mall nate . seu'l put it off. Write ns to-day and by without paying attention Lo thi] of Gasdnogue. : "Hun or old. coins is such a pro: Poul pu o ; GIN bd Reg thus showing utler soeklass: | William Henini Newvgrle, NF dio | finble business in China that it is A P dorented wae born "Transatlantic Tales" Tor March eon tains, fn addition to a sears of short revolution, "on the Eve," Ly Dr, # the publication author not ged for the play's production in a ly sealed in a round woo len New Yorks thogtre. ease with an engraved wrip- 1 Piles ger quick relisf from Dr per showing the name Shoop's Magic Ointment. Remember Virgin .0il of Pine (Pure), Pn iN APPLY 182 1LIVERPOGT. LONDON AND GLOBE . 1 iE | arl street . <r. - "ire Insurance Company, Avail and get rid of this food, ¢ en | ym DR, McCARTHY, OFFICER LATELY nanety $61 187.918, n able Second, get a BUC. package of Stu | yh) NERY PREPARERS AT THE occupied Ly Lr. Ryan, corner Mon- which the policyholders have for art's Dyspopsia Tablets from any Somerville Co treal and ¥ stroets, security the uniiniited Viability of wil w HS , o sal | oO '%. Farm oa vy Oo 1 druggist and take one at ea h meal | . HOUSEMALD APPLY Mis, | DR, 1. WOOD, DR, J. F, SPARKS, perty insured at lowest le £0 and at bed time. The tablet will do | A | HO Guorge street. : Physicians and Surgeons, Corner rates. Before renewing. old or elvine' the digesting whilé the stomach is re Leastie, { & Wellington and William 3 how, Dusinons, get rates from Strange gaining its forces, Before the box is | goon GENERAL SERVANT AT Strange, A vents. gone, your stomash will be vastly re once, Apply 289 Division St, city, EDUCATIONAL. VETERINARY tioved i mot curved, Why? locause 4 3 ' tic g } | 1 3 SENSE COOK F NTERN J CORRESPOND. Stuart's Dyspeptic Tablets contain the | A do0D COMMON ort A RA INTER IA ry es 4 PR. 4. W. BELL, V.8.. HAS RB." very elements which your stomach pos. [ARE i -------------------- Office, 57 Brock St. Office hours, 9 moved to his brick block, on Clarence : goised when it was healthy--pepsin, | A GOOD GENERAL SERVANT. NO am 0b u Wh Saturday. sveniue. 7 atreat, Just_sbove she Post, Of \ diastase, golden seal and others. "It | washing or ironing. Apply to Mrs, 3 atire. As , promptly attended to, 0 was because your stomach kept losing | Manning, 181 William street 3 bl its supply of these digestive ferments | S---- -- le that you become dyspeptic. GANANOQUE TIDINGS. Th { P . h | | 3 Stuart's Dyspepsia Tallets do te NEWS FROM NAPANEE. 8 aragrap u 5 t work simply, surely, and without in ti Marriage of Miss Tye and Gordon Unitarian J jury. 'They are'nof & medicine, hug | Personal and Other Interesting $0 2E. Noges. REV C.W.CASSON, OTTAWA the working out of a scientific prin- | Notes. - Gananogue, Feb. 33.~The high: school n-- : ciple upon the food yon eat | Napanee, Feb. 22.---On Sunday morn: rananogue, be Bay ol 0 Saving The World. You want to save dhe world? So da I. You want to gia in the king. dom of heaven ? So To 1. You want to make men stronger, better, wiser, purer! So do You want to pick up the Towest man, and set him upon his feet, and give him courage and power ? So do I. Bo do we all, Our aim i one, though oir methods and messages may be different. Then let un each to his task, you in your way, | in mine. We both are le in the world work, Tire is no need of antagonism. There ie no. time for it. Go oul and speak your message : do vour work, play Your port No \ will L Address Mr. Casson for free liters ture. BOOK SET WITH DIAMONDS, Catholics of Brasil Send Tribute to Pope, Rome, Feb, 22. Tne pope has reteiv- od from the Rowan Catholics of Bras iil, ns un mark of gratitude for the aps pointment of a Brazilian as the first South American cardinal, one of the most costly books in existence. If is an album with a cover of pure gold inerusted with precious stones. itis adored with a medallion por trait of the pope, surrounded by nine ty dismonds of the purest water, and bears the papal monogram in dia monds and emeralds, ------------ Success has no time to stop and of fer gn apology. TT ------ a DANGEROU noe TO NEGLECT A COLD. The danger of neglecting an ordinary cold can not be too strongly emphasized, especi- @ ally at this season of the year. The natural effect of : a cold is to cause the lungs to become sore and thus render them most liable to develop acute diseases, as pneumonia, for example. At the first indication of 4 a cold steps should be taken 4 to check it at once. This can readily be done by § $ following these simple direc- | tions : Procure from the } nearest drug store a hall ounce vial of Virgin Oil of § Pine (Pure), two ounces of glycerine and a half pint of good whisky. Mix well in a { bottle and tale a teaspoon- ful every four hows. A } noted authority on lung trouble prescribes this for. mula, and claims it will break up an o cold $ rdinary over night, and will cure any cough of a curable nature. necessary ingredients are inexpensive and can bel purchased at any good pres- eription druggist. Caré should be exercised to use only pure ingredients and to 4 this end, it is better to pur- | § ~hase each separately and 4 mix them at home. Virgin 0il of Pine ure) put up for dispensing only, in half. ounce vials, each vial secire- did epared only b Lech b -- Co. i Sor Qu. platar 3 iF in. some