B't let the want of from securing 5 Kent, it was decided shou committee, in regard ness stand. A caused by the tar jneer said that for the streets, mittee for the latter amount. The city ing the Of from the Macdonald park A to have the sented by trade ropresentatives larging the Welland canal. The question of ref action was nized that the first thing to must be the financial question. After it had been decided how the money was to be got, the board could decide as to what kind of material to use on the roads. Thiz matter will be gone into more fully at another meet ing. . A Business Proposition. The boom in mining interests throughout the country during the past two years has greatly increased the number of investors in this class small amounts ary cagerly seeking daily news of t he market and of the New York Commercial has grown to be known as the leading authority, and investors can do no better than read ita columns daily. The financial and insurance departments are among the strongest in the country, and the dry-goods, grocery, drug, metal "snd by those in the various lines as most valuable and authoritative, One drug- gist, who owns two or three stores in New Jersey, states that he has saved thousands of dollars by keeping in touch with the market through the columns of the Commercial. As « business proposition business men will find in a subscription to the New York Commercial a valuable asset. New collars, 2 for 25c., at Bibby's. Chown's. The walks in the husinees section of the city are in a dangerously slippery condition. Sand before Sunday. Cures Colds, ve Asthma No treatment is tarrhozone--it's medicated © |B A, and Kingston, Ont. Cure. er has tender shins, received at . and don't get any further riches and fame. Try it. season for suckers is never closed. in the carver of a chronic borrower. --Some men chase an honest livelihood glear to the doors of the penitentiary. early this morning. tar faved" that trouble. Ald, wi t tr Ny B : n said that part of the other | PL this year. nuisance came from the Marloay pork grease, etc, entering the sewer. It was POM oul that Tofuse from » actory was not sow matter, and the city could ovo Eo let- ting it run into a drain. The board of warks recognized that it must do some Shing to abite the ius. Ald, suggestod that the casiest way out of the difficulty would be for the [ety to the wharf property ~ a Mr. Crawford oy ihc the Kirkpatrick estate. This, he tl t, would be cheaper than di- erting the sewer. On motion of Ald. that the board Should Jove a Sobfersmte hy a N. , manager of the light plant, and Ald. Tove, chairman of the light to completely sopping the -tar from entering the ip. Xe this juncture, Ald. Toye entered the committee room, and Chairman Gaskin at once placed him on the wit- . Elliott and Gaskin both held that the chief trouble was : entering the slip. Ald. Toye held otherwise, and some loud talk ensued, but it ended in ter, Chickering's, Orders at MecAuley's store, Cape Vincent, N.Y., will hereafter street. less, a library for the poor and an admonisher for the lawless. made enhances. the perty in and surrounding it. company Elaying at afternoon and to-night, arrived in the last. year city this morning from Peterboro. the ol works was given $13,000 This year, the engi- neer said, the board must have at | last $16,000 to do the necessary work. It was decided to ask the finance com- who died on October 3rd last, left a will in which he appointed the Trusts and Guarantee company, limited, To- ronto, as his executor. The property rer's plan for extend- ill street sewer pipe through a concrete pier, and filling in the outer point of the pier to shore was adopt- od, and tenders for building the pier and laying the pipe will be asked for. Ald. Gaskin drew attention to the fact that Kingston should ask the daminion vernment to do more in debentures and real estate. for the remodelled Fastern Methodist church in Napanee, re-dedicate. the edifice on March 10th. ed to vote 350,000 for electric lighti and water works plants, The Rathbun gas works and waterworks will be Lought for $30,000, the way dmproving the harbor. Large amounts money wi Ig | on other ore, while Ki gaon's was almost being neglect- od, to the city Souneil had not pressed t| vernment to do certain things. hy had to be alert, and its pon the government, ig would ned ge ing. On i 'Ald. Elliot his Suggestion, t moved that the council ask the dominion vernment harbor droge the King street breakwater repaired, and the harbor shoals re- moved, and that this petition be pre: the civiv and board of who are going to Ottawa next week to press upon the government the necessity of en- To-Night Lem. B. Parker's dramatization of Berth M. Clay's "Thorns and Orange Blossoms," will be scen here at This is a Rowland and Clifford at- traction and all that scene painters and costumers could furnish to make the settings appropriate, effective and beautiful Bnbeen supplied. The cast is 'an evenly-balanced one and ¢on- tains the names of many who won distinction heretofore. iring the streets was again considered, but no definite taken. The board revo: settle 'forbes Robertson Bernard Shaw, the author of "Caesar and Cleopatra," was at the time that the actor announced his first appeary ance as time he had enjoyed quaintance with Shaw, who was then one of the most severe critics in Lon- fon. Shaw wrote etter, which 'opened in thie wise : "So you are going to let." 1 presume that you think that you are going to make a great suc- cess of the of securities and holders of large 'and | inform you that you are not." Shaw then followed with long pages of closely-written advice and declared hat if Mr. Robertson did not deviate rom the old traditions and give the role a more human interpretation he would fail. The wining districts. In such matters the [4 provision market reports are accepted |g The attraction at The Grand. on Friday, March Ist is that pretty play "Dora Thorne," : tracting considerable attention on ae- count of the popularity of the novel. -- Of the "Ladies' Auxiliary" Hotel For satisfaction with . glasses go to coroperate with the sisters in the care of the sick under their charme, by rais- ing fund to procure household furnish- ings and such other requisites a8 may be approved of by the reverend moth- er superior, should be sprinkled Just Breathe It! ceeds of *At Home," $101: realized at Humble sales, $335; proceeds of gar den party, $356.50. "Zephra,"" 873; small donations. $6.- 52: valuation placed on poultry, fruit, wine, Swift's, $75. Total, wards, $100; painting, plumbing and furnishing wing formerly used for con- tarious diseases, strument sterilizers 8335; cheque giv- en the reverend mother use assshe thought best, $155.75: wn derwear and air pads, $5.40: poultry, fruit, wine, ete., $35.81: incidental ox penser, 64c.: cash ip Total, $1,078.00. Cash on hand. 81.83, Catarrh. simpler or more pleasant, No remedy so free from per: nicious drugs. You simply inhale Ca- vapor does the rest. Won't you use Catarrhozone and be cured ? Two monthe' treatment $1. Sample size 2e., all dealers. or N. J C. Polson & Co., Hartford, Conn., U. bilities, butcher, who fractured hic ankle ah out a week ngo is reported doine well thourh it will be several weeks vet he fore he. is able to go to work. atarrhozone Hibby $2.25 hats, Na A my every knock: Lots of people pray for the poor, Printers' ink. marks the path to One of the easiest things in the world to get out of is n job. A frenzied i says the open There are' many touching incidents Try Bibby's new $1 shirts, The. thermometer registered sixteen below zero at the dey dock ng 8 ham Street Methodist church will aim to raise $2,000 for missionary . Cunmngham, piano tuner, from run its municipal elections on party lines. They'll be sorry for doing so. Burteh's horse radish, for roast beef, pork, and all kinds of meat. It's fine, Ask r grocery for it. Have no other; only 10c. Men employed by the corporation were engaged, this morning, putting sand on the sidewalks, they having become rather slippery. Try Bibby's special 81 gloves. Cream s made from pure cream, noted for their flavor and quality, cream puffs, charlotte russe and cho- colate eclairs. R Toye, King The newspaper is a law book for the indolent, a sermon for the thought- There should be no 'factions' in this city of ours. E Every improvement value of all pro- The "Thorns and Orange Blossoms" the Grand this * Try Bibby's special $1 sweaters. The late George Keys, of Guelph, to be administered consists of cash, Trinity church is the name chosen Rev. Dr. Potts will Deseronto ratepayers are to be gsk- Try Bithy's new 81 shirts AT THE GRAND. "Thorns and Orange "Blossoms." A decidedly finished production of widely read story, The Grand to-night. have "Caesar And Cleopatra." One of the first experiences that had with George At that a personal ac. Hamlet in London. Mr. Robertson a play 'Ham- part, but allow me to Forbes Robertson and Cleopatra" "Dora Thorne." which has been at- -------------- REPORT FOR YEAR 1906 Dieu Hospital, Kingston. The purpose of the auxiliary is to Receipts. --~Membership fees, £97: pro proceeds of ete, proceeds of tea at Mrs. § $1,079.83. Exvenditure.~ Painting of hospital : water and in- superior to hank, 8145.40, ' as i : The apxiliary is free from all lia He Is Doing Nicely. M. Kennv, the vounc Princess Street Mr. Stokes gives an the Gospel of St. John. day next, February 27th, ters of the Empire are asking friends to a tea. with them, in the old collegiate building. i _WHIG: SATORDAY. FEPRUARY 23. CHURCH SERVICES FINE PREACHERS TO TALK ABOUT MISSIONS. In Sydenham , Street Methodist Church--The = Filling of the ~ Pulpit in Various Temples. Bethel chureh~The preach in the morning and the Rev. J. Charles Villiers will preach in the evening. Queen Street Methodist church Rev, W. H. Sparing, B.A, pastor, will preach, II wm, *The First Pil- ish Choice." Special music. Sunday school, 2.45 p.m, Mid-week service, Wednesday, 8 pam, Cooke's Preshyterian church, Brock street.--The pastor, Rev. W. & Mac Tavish, Ph.D.,, will preach at both services. Sunday . school and Bible class at 3 p.m: young people's meet- ing, 815 p.m, Strangers made wel come at all services, Chalmers, Presbyterian, Parrie and Earl streets.--~Pastor, Rev. M. Macoil livray, D.D. Services, 11 a.m., the pas- tor will preach; 7 pm., Arthur T. Barnard, B.A. Sunday school and Bible class, 3 pum. Prayer meetine, Wednesday, 7-30 pm. Strangers cordis ally invited to all services First Baptist church Rev. Douglas Laing, pastor, at both services, 11 am., "The Dawn of Christ's G ory"; 7 pm, "The Judge of All the Earth Doing Right." 245 pm., Sunday school and Ble class. A cordial wel- come to everyone to all the services. Sydenham Street Methodist church Rev. C. E. Manning, pastor. Mission- ary anniversary. "11 am. Rev, T. E, Shore, B.A, field secretary for foreign missions 7 pam, Rev. George To son, B.A, of Sherbourne Street Meth- odist church, Toronto, late of Edin: burgh. Be sure and hear these dis- tinguished men, First Congregational church, corner of Johnson and Wellington streets Pastor, Rev. J. Charles Villiers, Wor- ship : At 11 a.m., pastor will preach on "Was Christ Sinless ?"; at 7 p.m. Rev. George A. Mackenzie, of Bethel church, will preach. Sunday school at 3 pm; mid-week service, Wednesday evening, at 8 g'elock, A cordial in- vitation to all. Seats are free. Brock Street Methodist church--Mis- sionary day. Ul a.m., the pastor, Dr, Eby, will speak on missions: anthem, "In Heavenly Love Abiding," by Gracey; solo by Mrs. Gordon, "He Was Not Willing" (Meyer). 3 pom., Sunday school and Bible classes. 7 pm., Rev, Hgerton E. Shore, B.D., assistant secretary for foreign mis- gions, will give a missionary address; anthem, "1 Will Feed My Flock," Caleb Simpers solo by Miss Ada Rose vear, 'I Heqrd the Voice of Jesus Say" (Rockhouse). Everybody wel come. St. George's cathedral---8 a.m., holy communion; 11 a;m., matting, preacher Canon Starr; 3 pm., Sunday school and Bible class; 7 p.m., gvensong, stu- dent service, cher; Dean Farthing. Daily service at 9:30 a.m. and 5 p.m., except on Wednesday, at 8 pani, when the preacher will be Canon Jarvis, Napanee; Archdeacon Maecmorine will conduct the meditations at the five o'clock services, The regular service will be held in Convocation hall, on Sunday, at three o'clock, when the special preacher will be Rev. George Jackson, B.A.. of Sherbourne Street Methodist church, Toronto. Mr. Jackson came irom Ed- inburgh, with an established reputa- tion as a preacher, and his name is already known in Canada. This is the first opportunity the students of Queens have had of hearing him. -------- Y.M.C.A. Sunday Notes. Men's meeting to-morrow at 4.15. At the 3 o'clock senior Bible class, introduction to At the boys' meeting at 10 a.m. Dr. Eby gives a talk on Japan To Celebrate The Day. To celebrate Paardeberg day, Wednes the Daugh- thei Trv Bibby's special 1 gloves. | actor followed the EE ------------ advice and the result is the greatest of living Hamlets. will present "Caesar at The Grand on Wednesday, Fobru- ary 27th. : "Kingston's Famous Fur Store" REMOVAL SALE The Mercury and our prices are away down these days. When could you buy to better advantage than now ? You have a large selection to choose from, and our reductions of 15% to 50% off regular prices are genuine. We are clearing out everything: before we move, ¢ 75¢. buys a Maramot Ruff. $1.90 buys a good fur cap, one that will wear well. $4.90 buys a genuine Al. aska Sable Ruff. 35¢. buys a good cloth cap with a fur band. A look would be worth you~ while. Georg) NilsSG Try Bibhy's 50e. knitted gloves. 106-10R Princess St. City pastor will grim'; 7 pam., ¥A Young Man's Fool Thompson's er's produce. his pBiatoes and apples partment stores take only his monev. Our home merchants, but for accommodation and to assist the farmers, buy some farmers do and take this very same money . and at home. Everybody Come. ] Where ? To the tea and concert in Bethel church, February 27th. Tea served from .7 to 8. Good programme. Admission, 25¢. Secured The Privileges. Kerrigan Bros, Toronto, were the successful tenderers for the news stand privileges on the St. Lawrence River Steamboat company's boats for 1907, Only One "Bromo Quinine.' That is Laxative Bromo Quinine. Similarly named remedies sometimes deceive. The first and original Cold Tablet is a White Package with signature of E. W. Grove, 25c. Quite A Novelty. A decided nowelty to be seen on the Streets these days, is the dog which rides about on the back of a cart horse, balancing himself to a nicety. He evidently finds the long winter coat of his friend a comfortable place for his feet these zero days, and as the horse doesn't seem to mind carrying an outrider, the dog takes advantage of the transportation facilities pro- vided, Eczema Cured For 25c. Wade's Ointment cures Eczema and all other similar diseases. At the same time there is no more perfect remedy for cuts, burns, cold sores, and other 'minor skin troubles, Try it and you will never he with- out it. Cures eczema, salt rheum, scaly or Itching eruptions of the skin, pimples, blotches; dandruff;- ete. In big boxes, 25¢. at Wade's Drug Store. Discussed Harbor Matters. On invitation of the marine commit- tee of the board of trade, Governor Engineer Fuller, who has been taking soundings in the harbor, had an in- formal conference with members of the board, Mayor Mowat and several of the aldermen yesterday afternoon with reference to the needs of the harbor. Mr. Fuller said that he had not quite completed the taking of soundings. He discussed various mat- ters regarding the harbor and gave some very interesting information. ---------- Dance At Harrowsmith. A dance given in the hall at Har rowsmith, Thursday evening, by Miss E. McAuley, of this city, was a very pleasant affair Over forty couple were present, "including several Kingrstoni- ans, and all voted the affair a most enjoyable * one. McAuley's orchestra provided 'a programme of music for the dancers, every number of which received a warm encore. Refreshments were served at midnight and the last dance was given at 2 a.m. The Kine- stonians returned home on the early morning train. -------------------- A Mass Meeting Called. A mass meeting of the citizens is called for Tuesday night, in the coun- cil chamber, when an address will be given by Mr. Storey on the 'Made in Canada" exhibition held in that town. Such an overwhelming success did it prove there that the auxiliary of the General Hospital think of car rving out a similar exhibition here. The affair brought in thousands of dollars to Brockville's Hospital, the success being due to the hearty co- operation of all, voung and old. in the little town. ---- Sunday School Social. Last evening, the annual Sunday school entertainment was held in the First Congregational hal}. After sup per had been served, an enjoyable Programme was rendéred, consisting of a piano solo by Mrs. Villiers; flag drill by Miss Scott's class: grama- phone selections by Spencer Hender son; recitations hy Arnold (lanahan. Mr. Barnum, "Jack" and Gertrude McKelvey; instrumental selection, H. Routley; topsy turvy chorus, Miss class;. mando'in and piano selection. Mr. and Mrs. Rout- ley; flower drill, twelve young ladies. Ever Think Of This ? With them he finds a ready market for his butter and eggs, These de- not for profit, ! a hiz produce They sell it in some cases for less than they pay for it and handle it at a loss, vet not appreciate this send it "to a department store when they could get hettr bargains right Made In Canada Exhibition. Every citizen interested in the weliare of the General Hospital is asked to attend a meeting in the council chamber, Tuesday evening, Feb- ruary 26th, at eight o'clock, to hear from Mr. Storey. Brockville, how the peonle of that place cleared £7,000 for their hosnital, on a "Made in Cana- da' exhibition. We believe it nossiklo to hold a successful exhibition in Kinston if we have the assistance of oll interested in the hospital, Come to this meetine. and by your presence enccurage those trying to help this good wosk Military Notes. The lates date of th militia orders give the "astern Ontario command comp at Kingston from June 17th to 28th. as announced by the Whig a month aco, : Sergt.-Maj. Reuben Stafford has hoon made regimental sergeant-major of the 14th Princess of Wales Own Reciinent. Lient. Col. J, A, oranted leave of 15th. Tisnt. D. D Fages has been absence till April Young, has been made adjutant of the Royal Cavadian Dra- goons, fice Capt. C. T. Van' Strau- benmie, whe vacates the appointment Major H. A. ted der uty yuarters, _Panet has been gazet- adjutant-general at head- On the 27th Lieut.-Col. Williams and Maior Carruthers will attend the Paardeborg dinner at Ottawa. Maior Carruthers will inspect the Montreal signalling corps next week. Tey Bibby's speciul $4 trousers. black and red lettering, and bears the | jo 0 ated with flags, They are as harmless as the results are astonishing. been cured in a week by acting' remedy. It contains the most effective working power of any purifier ever discovered--omicium sulphide. Most blood and skin treatments are terribly slow. Stuart's Calcium Wafers cured boils in 3 days. Every particle CARNIVAL AT ROYA THERE WERE MANY SKATERS IN ATTENDANCE. The Prizes Awarded to Miss Pear- son and H. Kelley--The Rink Was Prettily Decorated<--Some of the Costumes. The second carnival of the season held at the Royal rink last night, proved most successful in every way. Despite the cold a large crowd was present and thoroughly enjoyed them- selves. Fine music was furnished by the 14th band. The rink was prettily bunting and streamers, while the many-coloved lights shed a soft radiance over the ice which was in excellent condition. Thq rink presented a gay and festive appearance and called forth many fav grable comments from the numerous spectators. The costumes were handsome and unique and showed great ingenuity on the part of the wearers. Bandmaster Walker had the task of selecting the prize winners and found it quite dii- ficult. After much deliberation it was decided that Miss Pearson as "Red Riding Hood," and H. Kelley as "In- dan," were the winners of the first two prizes, The following is a partial list of those in costume: Miss Bessie Wilson, College Widow: Miss Lawless, Spow- hall; Miss JJ, Dennison. Dolly Varden; Miss E. Gillespie, bride of 100 vears a~o: Miss Ashley. Red Riding Hood: Miss E. Bryant, Roval Fusilier; Misses E. McKentv and Shannon, Bohemian Twins: Miss Sowards, Flower Girl ; Miss S. Gillespie. Old Maid: Miss A. Lefamoa, Canade: Miss A. Wilson, Princess Chie; W. Bryant, Buzzy Izzy; Lawrence Fitzoerald, tramp: G. Bry- ont, Imp; CC. Turcott, Indian: H. Goodearle, Newshoy; W.- Millard. Un- cle Sam: Edw. Hobson, Mrs. Thaw ; S. Greer, George Washington: Ernest Greer, Richard Carvel. SEVENTEEN BELOW. Weather Man Continues to Serve Cold Weather. The weather man continues to serve out cold weather in Kingston, Dur ing Thursday night: the thermometer registered twelve degrees helow zero, mercury going as low as seventeen de- grees below zero. The wind this morn- ing was not nearly so severe as Fri day morning, and indeed the cold spell, be as keen as that of Friday. - ~Some workmen are engaged making repairs to the steamer Caspian, at Crawford's slip, and, cold. Working out of doors in weath- certainly not a snap by any means. Advice children waste I strong, healthy and, | vigorQus messenger of or Tablets. Mahood's a swift-winged 35 cents. Tea drug store, Special sale day only, Mexicans, Floridas and navals. R. H. Toye, King street, I'he average man is schooled tq the belief that experience is not only" 4 good but an expensive teacher PIMPLES, BLACKHEADS Get Rid of All Your Face Troubles in a Few Days' Time With the Wonderful Stuart Calcium Wafers. Trial Package Sent Free. You cannot have an attractive ace or a beautiful complexion when your blood is in bad order and full of im- purities, pure face, always, Impure blood means an im- he most wonderful as well as the most rapid blood cleanser is Stuart's Our home merchant takes the farmt | Calcium Wafers. You use them for a few days, and your face right away. the difference tells in Most blood purifies and skin treat- ments arc full of poison. Stuart's Cal- cium Wafers are guaranteed free from ny poison, mercury, drug, or opiate. water, but The worst cases of skin diseases have this quick- have of impurity is driven cut of your sys- tem gbmpletely, never to return, and it is done without deranging your sys- tem in the slightest. No matter what your trouble is, whether pimples, blotches, blackheads, rash, tetter, eczema, or scabby crusts, you can solemnly depend upon Stu- art's Calcium Wafers as never-failing. Don't be any longer humiliated by having a splotchy face. Don't have strangers stare at you, or. allow your friends to be ashamed of you because of your face. Your blood makes you what you are. The men and women who forge ahead are those with pure bload and pur: faces. Did you ever stop to think of that? Stuart's Calcium Wafers are abfo- lutely barmless, but the resulte-- mighty satisfying to you oven at the end of a week. They will make you happy because your face will be a wel- come sight not only to yourself when you look in the glass, but to every- bodv clse who knows you and talks with you. We want to prove to you that Stu- art's Calcium Walers are bevond doubt the best and quickest blood and skin purifier in .the world, --so we will send you a free sample as soon as we get your name and address, Send for it to-day, and then when you have tried the sample you will not rest Contented until you have bought a 80c. box at your deuggist's. x Send us your Ame: day and we will at once send you by mail a sample package, free. Address PF. A. Stuart Ca. 51 Stuart - Build- ing, Marshall, L but Friday night was much colder, the this morning, was not felt to this morning, they suffered a great deal from the er of seventeen degrees below zero is to mothers. Don't let your away. They can be with Hollister's Rocky Mountain Tea. It's health. \ of oranges for Satur: Hose, fast black. price 3 pairs for $1.00. price nd adress tof | on Your Doctor Can cure your Cough or Co no question about that, bor: why go to all the trouble ang inconvenience of looking him ur, and then of having hisprescriptin filled, when you can step into any drug store in Canada and obtain a bottle of SHILOH"S CURE for a quarter. - Why pay two to five dollars when a dsnty-five cent bottle of SHILOH will cure you as quickly ? hy not do 4s hundreds of nds of Canadians have done for the past thirty-four years: let SHILOH be your doc- tor whenever a Cough or Coig Appens, HILOH will cure you, and a. druggists back up this statemen . with a positive guarantee, The next time Iu have a Cough or Cold cure it with SHILOH les SOMETHING NEW TUESDAY W. F. GOURDIER Has decided to give a "free exhibition of Furs. It willbe interestne and i structive as the the re furs can be ¥ state. We will be bin sd to give all informat they come from and different purposes whic they are used. In the tion are both mative and in skins selected in best markets Everybody Welcome W. F. GOURDIER EXCLUSIVE FURRIER 78-80 Brock St. Phone 700 Candelabras {o Ip Bright or French Gray 259) Silver and New Brushed Brass eflects, with Exquisite ly Tinted Silk shades, in loose effects or with Pierced Metal Covers to match en- tire piece. Any special style or color shades. may he ordered and are sold separately. SMITH BROS. Jewelers and Opticians 350 King Street Issuers of Marriage Saturday Night Specials Ladies' Elastic Ribbed Vests, good weight, worth 25c¢, and 3oc,, for 19c. a Garment. Men's Ribbed Worsted Regular Our To-Night 25c. a Pair. Men's Extra Quality Fast Black Cashmere Hose, sold everywhere at 3 pairs for $1.00 To-Night 25c. a Pair. Notions Reduced 36 inch Boot Laces. 5c. a dozen. 5c. bexes Hair Pins, 2c. 500 Brass Pins, assorted, for 5c, We have the swellest Dress Goods In the city at 25c. a yard and up to $2 oo. NEWMAN & SHAW | PAINS Indicate That Your Kidne, Cure Absolutely and P the Kidneys, Liver, and Rheumatism and WARNER'S CURES TO STAY CURED. A TR EST KIDNEY CURE SENT Al OF THE WHIG, MRS. E. E. VAN DENTE Cures K When the kidneys are diseased Cout. Lumbago, Rheumatism Rheumatism of the lieart, Rheun In Bright's Disease the bo Warner's Safe Pills quickly re enced. WARNER'S SAFE CURE is wists, or direct at $1.00 A BOT drugs which injure the system. TRIAL BOTTLE Fi eure him, a trial bottle will be one Who will write WARN 5 Ont., and mention having genuineness of this offer is booklet containing descriptic many convincing testimonials " MADE BY A CANAL 762 I OUP NAME 'has been closely allie with the' development 'of Sewing Machines In Canada for more ithan One Third of a Century, because we |have a Machine which 'bears Investigation anc stands any test. ALWAYS LO Teele THE WILLIAMS Company Orrices: MONS TORONTO, LONDON, HA ~ < AGENTS W M. W. SIMPK For the Aftern fragrant, aromatic Te, lue has no rival in hea) the enervated ar Black, green, mix Saturda $1 CORSETS FOR € made of French Coutil medium or low bust, wi value, $1.25 and $1, T0 COLLARS AND BEL Silk and Chiffon. 10 dc new styles, the regular each. Special TO-NIGH CASHMERE STOCK ribhed or plain, the 35¢ SILK WAISTS-We and black Silk Waists a 'THE JAMES 180 We