a -- Your Doctor Can cure your Cough or C 14, no question about that, but why go to all the trouble ang inconvenience of looking him ur, and then of having hisprescripti filled, when you can step into any drug store in Canada and obtain a bottle of SHILOH'S CURE for a quarter. wr pay Iwo $0 five dollars wenty-fiv bottle of SHILOR will cure yo as guickly ? 5 Sure you y not do #8 hundred, thousands of Canadians hao. done for the t thirty-fo years: let SHILOH bey oF tor whenever a Cough or Coig appears, SHILOH will eure you, and a.l druggists back up this statemen wis positive guarantee, next time you Cough or Cold cure with You SHILOH a ii Ds SOMETHING NEW AND WORTH SEEING NEXT WEEK, COMMENCING TUESDAY W. F. GOURDIER Has decided to give a "free exhibit of Furs. It will be interest ne and i structive as the furs can be seen in the raw state. We will be pleassd to give all information as to where the come from and diff which they are tion are hoth mative skins selected in hest purposes In the colle and importe markets Everybody Welcome W. F. GOURDIER EXCLUSIVE FURRIER 78-80 Brock St. Phone 700 Ip Bright or French Silver, and New Brushed Brass effects, with Exquisite ly Tinted Silk shades, in loose eflects or with Pierced Metal Covers to maich en- tire piece. Any special style or color shades he ordered and are sold separately. SMITH BROS. Jewelers and Opticians 350 King Street may Issuers of Marriage Saturday Night Specials Ladies' Elastic Ribbed fests, good weight, worth 5c. and 3oc., for 19c. a Garment. Men's Ribbed Worsted lose, fast black. Regular rice 3 pairs for $1.00. Our rice To-Night 25c. a Pair. Men's Extra Quality Fast lack Cashmere Hose, ld everywhere at 3 pairs r $1.00 To-Night 25c. a Pair. Notions Reduced 36 inch Boot Laces. 5c. a Hzen. 5c. bexes Hair Pins, 2c. 500 Brass Pins, assorted, r 5C. We have the swellest Dress 'Goods In the city at 25c. a yard id up to $2 co. EWMAN & SHAW PAINS IN BACK Indicate That Your Kidneys Are Diseased. Warner's Safe Cure Absolutely and Permanently Cures all Diseases of the Kidneys, Liver, Bladder, Blood, U and Rheumatism and Diabetes, WARNER'S SAFE CURE CURES TO STAY CURED. A TRIAL BOTTLE OF THE WORLD'S GREAT EST KIDNEY CURE SENT ABSOLUTELY FREE TO EVERY READE OF THE WHIG, : : a" rinary Organs Mrs. E. E. Van Denter, Los Angeles, California, Sec'y. Social Science Club, had kidney trouble so bad that she could not straighten up. She feels like 8. new woman since she was effect- ually cured by Warner's Safe Cure. May 12, 1906, she writes : I am so eratefu a g ET TE tO give you mv expe resulted in Kidney ind back pained me Warner's hat 1 am pleased heavy cold and my Bide uch thy w imable to be ont my Lh nonths. The 0 iad was able to rive me hut I told him ot to come an re began using Warner's Sa ir mueh relief rom pain in the course of three weeks, 4 as 1 continued to improve all the time, 1 used ei~ht bottles in all and hat effected a completo cure. I feel so relieved and well now that I am like a liferent woman. a wow, what I nonths aro Van' Denter Angeles, Cal Club." straighten up to do a few yours, ¢ BE 9th St Social was u Los Science MRS. E. E. VAN DEN Cures Kidney Disease . When the kidneys are diseased the uric acid carried off and this causes Gout. Lumbago, Rheumatism of the Joints, Rheumatistu of the Muscles, Rheumatism of the lleart, Rheumatism vverywhere. s not and the liver torpid In Bright's Disease the bowels are often constipated 1 no ill ufter effect is experi- Warner's Safe Pills quickly relieve this condition, and enced. WARNER'S SAFE CURE is put up in two sizes and is wists, or direct at § ) A BOTTLE. Refuse substitutes drugs which injure the system. TRIAL BOTTLE FREE sold by containing all drug- harmful To convince every sufferer from diseases of the kidne liver, bladder and blood that WARNER'S SAFE CURE will eure him, a trial bottle will be sent, ABSOLUTELY 1, postpaid, to any one who will write WARNER'S SAFE CRE CO., 44 Lombard St Toronto, Ont., and mention ha 1 this liberal ofier in Kineston British Whig. The genuineness of this off illy puarantced. Our doctors booklet containing descriptions of symptoms and treatment many convincing testimonials free to every ome. SE » send medical of each disease and BY A CANADIAN COMPANY. AE: I OUP NAME has been closely allied |ovith the' development 'of Sewing Machines In Canada for more ithan One Third of a Century, because we |have a Machine which 'bears investigation and stands any test. Taellew] THE WILLIAMS MANUFACTURING CO. | GompANY OFFICES: MONTREAL, P. Q. nee. TORONTO, LONDON, HAMILTON, OTTAWA, ST. JOHN, N. 8. ~ = AGENTS WANTED EVERYWHERE. M. W. SIMPKINS, AGENT, NEWBURGH. At Home, most delicious-- For the Afternoon fragrant, aromatic Tea is the Blue Ribbon Tea has no rival in health giving flavor. It stimulates the enervated and is a wholesome tonic for all. Black, green, mixed --25¢. to $1 a Ib.--All grocers Saturday Night Snaps $1 CORSETS FOR €9c.--75 pairs of $1 and $1.25 Corsets, made of French Coutil and Satin Jean, all good models, medium or low bust, with or without Hose Supporters real value, $1.25 and $1, TO-NIGHT, 69c. pair. ELTS-- 20 dozen Ladies' Fancy Collars, in Oo maf dozen Silk Belts, black and white, all new styles, the regular price of collars and Belts was 35c. each. Special TO-NIGHT, 19c. each. : i Cashmere Stockings CASHMERE STOCKINGS--10 dozen x . ribked or plain, the 35c. kind, TO-NIGHT per pair, 25¢c. i ) 11 mew white SILK WAISTS We are showing som# very swe and black Silk Waists at $2.50, $3, $3.50 up to $5.50 each. THE JAMES JOHNSTON STORE 180 Wellington Street. 1Gold in the See when they. heard of Mrs. Norman Stuart Leslie's skating party on Thursday afternoon. The' hour set BGuwilight FIVIIIVISIIIIIIIIIIIIY "Just like old times," s:id many people who remember Kingston when it was really much gayér than now, was hall past three, and the arrival of the skaters amongst those invited was very prompt. The ice at the bar- racks rink was in capital form, and with the deep blue of a cloudless Canadian afternoon, just the needful amount of cold to send the blond dying, and the music from the band in the barracks square combined, the covered. x | DETECTIVES | SHREWD, RELIABLE Very handsome open Motor Launch ; afternoon was a gay and: bright one. You belch gas in company, some wan for profitable secret service, to. #8 ft. long. 4 fl. 2 inches beam, ope . The band was enjoyed, not only by umes, by accident, greatly to your A erty. ~ nator, he - DE pnt Sastond, the ONE OF THE FINEST STORES ON p y CAE E ne \ - x ¢: S Mrs. Leslie's guests, but people cross- | O¥D humiliation. That is because Tndiananolis, Ind. 3 : lings, Cushions aml all 'accessories. py a hin oie Sty. ear Boxe, ing the ice were stirred up hy the | there is a great amount of pas being | This boat new Daly, 1908, Rous and . . : 2 . i y t p ament- ING KE 2 +3 ine. in perfect condition, no : : 5 strains, and many teamsters pulled | ormed in your ¥ omach by forment> § yoURG MER. DRAKEMAN, PITRE | se power. engine. Will _gusrantes | FURNITURE STORAGE, DWELLING up their horses to listen for a time | ing food. Your stomach is not digest} an, etre ecomnry Name post: | better than 16 miles an hour. Will stores, offices, factories, eto. to the music as it floated out over | IME your food properly. Gas is in Yon 60 positions open. Juter, Rail | - #ell delivered to any point on the St. Cam's, 81 Broek street. the ice-bound lake. Mrs. Leslie, look- | evitable. Whenever this happens, just way Inst, Dept. 97, Indianapolis, | Lawrence River free ol, Ni, harass -- ing very well, indeed quite herseli | take one or two of Stuart's Charcoal Ind. for "8800. (Rargain). Quick swle: [pnicK DWELLING. NO. 3 WELHING aT Toc ivedd : : i a richt after cating, and vou| ---- ddress : ton St. ommosito the City Park SK Tesebred i downsteies; x he a how ich they will | GENERAL BLACKSMITH AND Cc P 'WISER Hatha 30 Ciara St. parracks., and tea was Serve up- > « y . horseshoer, With some. experience at Fo Cunningham, 4 larente. St. stairs in the mess room. Mrs. Iva | act. No more elchings; no more sour wood work. Business worth §1,000 ISAA . ' bd ~ iad: N fy Po! . ti rom Martin poured the tea and cofice here | FiSIngs. Fat J you istit and whit pon aatum. Tas niin eG. Me Prescott, Ontario, Canada, EDISION TRIUMPH PHONOGRAPH ; at a table very lovely with golden | you want, an in ere 18 any gas Ginness, Emerald, Ont. P.O. Box 204. largest in ¢i.y. 200, selections, ol daffodils and silver. Among those | going to be formed, one of these won i moderate. Postal AGI bring them. © ¢ yresent were: Mrs. W. D. Gordan, | derful little abe bees, a Start , har- | SPRING SUITS TO MAKE. ar B ARCHITECTS Th McGtunes, 381. Division street. Pagila EN " i ro of , , bri wn cloth an t a . 5 a A ss Bessie and Miss Nora Gordon, conl Lozenge, will take enrc of all the i own sloth and Rime. | A WELL-FURNISHED: OFPIOB; GOOD Mrs. Acthur Cunningham. Cclonel and | gas. . # > price and finish guaranteed. Pressing | ARTHUR ELLIS, ARCHITECT, OF ght, wvood vertilation. Situate © 48. Mrs. Victor Williams, Mrs. Douglas And it will do more than that, Ev- Phd repairing done well. Galloway, fico, Gor. Queen and Bagot streets. over . Forrest Gent's Furnish. Young, Colonel E. T. Taylor, Major | rv particle of impurity in your stom: The Tailor, 181 Bsock street, ee og as 0 Jt ing street poly and Mrs. F. D, Lafferty ond Miss | ach and intestines is going to be car | Soomro uuu l™ og Tanny | 1ENRY | F SMITH, ARCHITECT, on pei ! Hs s Yrwi ve i i . . , , . 2) N J JE 1 ol S : Gladys Irwin, of Ottawa; Captain and ried away bs tho Charcoal. this uh Barber Trade in 8 weoks. Graduates ste. Anchor Bullding, Market Square. | 010K DWELLING, NO. 181 MVISON 4 Mrs. H. R.°V. de Bury, Colonel and | seams to know Why it does this, but earn $10 to $18 weekly. Help Niroot, twelve rooms, extension dine Mrs. James Messio, Miss Edith Mas. | it does, and does it wonderfully. You secure vositions, secured Jou last & SON ing room und kitehvn, hot water sie, Mr. and Mrs. John Bell Carruth- | notice the difference in your appe Fear Jor que. Eradugies. Sutaloxue chant's Dank Building, heating ; Gomsusion nest of May, Ah ¥ Mrs. R. E. Kent, Mrs. John Coch- | tite, gencral good feeling, and in the Spadina, Toronto. and Wellington stro Division street, EEG rane, Miss Christine Cochrane, Mrs. | purity of vour blood, right away. - WM. NEWI ANDS, ARCH] OF > y " a oN Mai r » 4 re ste 1 NEWL. NS - > » id Fdw. J. B. Pense, Miss Elsie Penge, You'll have no more bad tast in HELP WANTED-FEMALE, fico, second floor over Maheod's Drug MONEY AND BUSINESS, I ------------------------ "og. gs DUCHESS OF MANCHESTER, Who is to Tecome a lady-in-waiting to Queen Alexgndra. She is the daughtor of Mr. Zimmerman, of Cilicago, and is the first American woman 10 receive this distinction. Mr. and Mrs. I. E. Martin, Miss Phyllis Short, Mrs. Alexandr Kirk patrick, Miss Ftta and Miss Kathleen Kirkpatrick, Mr. and Mrs. J. C. C. Almon, Miss Adelaide Ritchie, Myr. and Mrs. F. H. Macnee, Mrs. Arthur Flow- er March, Mrs. F. Brownfield, Miss Mabel and Miss Dorothy Brownfield, Mr. and Mrs. James Gildersleeve, Miss Mabel and Mr. Ernest Gildersleave, Mr. and Mrs. John Macnaukhton, Miss Macnanghton," Mrs Hiram Calvin, Mrs. Howard Folger, Mrs. Henry Boak, the Misses Ferguson, the Misses Cottle, Miss Beatrice Tandy, Miss Nan Skinner, Miss Kathleen Harty, Miss Alice Macnee, Miss Dora Herchmer, Miss Constance Tandy, Mr. John Mc Intyre, Major Burstall, Major Mozley, Captain Russell Brown, Mr. H. Boak and Mr. James Swift . . . . The skating' party given by the offi ors at. the covered rink, afer the hockey match between the girls and themselves, was very jolly Many people turned up for it that do not usually favor social affairs with their and helpad to make it all Waltzing on skates is a er. great feature at the rink nowadays, and there was much of it, to capital music, on Wednesday. The supper was delicious. . . ss a At the bridge tournament, at the Armouries, on Wednesday, two tables in play, some of the la dies having been unable to take ky that miternoon. The players were Mrs there were John Bell Carruthers, Mrs, Iva Mar tin, Mrs. F. Brownfield, Mrs. James Gildersleeve, Mrs. Walter Macnee, Mrs James Cappon, and' Miss Lois Saun- ders. The prize, a very beautiful solid silver bon-bon dish, was won by Mrs Gilderslcove * ve » The American tournament for the Badminton people, wegan at the Armourics this altgrmoon > -. - - The party given by Mrs. Walter Mac nee, Unibn street, on Wednesday even- ing, for Miss Norah and was very jolly. Nine tables of little had great fun over it. wera totalled Miss Mabel Richardson Douglas Carruthers prizes. and had wom the . . . . plies its bealing, svothing propertie and away goes pourulgia, rheametism Wounderful < Absorbing Power of sorbs 100 times gas. is just absorbed by the charconl--the gas disappears and pure, fresh, On Your Stomach Charcoal When Taken in the "orm of Stuart's Char.' coal Lozenges. Trial Package Sent Free. | Charcoal, pure, simple charcoal, ab- | its own volume of Where docs the gas go to? It there is left a sweet atmosphere, free from all impurities and germs. That's what happens in your stom: ach when you take one or two of | Stuart's Charcoal Lozenges, the most | powerful purifiers seience has yet dis | ATURDAY, FEBRUARY Charcot Staps Gas 23. CONDENSED ADVERTISING FOR SALE. - WANTED-GENERAL. RATES Bh i x sised house, Centrally located. - Apply First insertion, le. a word, Each con stating rent, to Box 66, care nig {een TR Whigs R ushion pace. nil 3} secutive insertion thereafter fo. a office. ees moa ------ word. Minimum charge for one in © tte oa . \ vy By RW , PLAIN SEWING, GOeD REFER. | AMERICAN ENCYCLOPEDIA, N sertion, dde. ences. AnplY to rs. Park, 188 sixteen volumes, : HELP WANTED-MALE., BY MAY 1st, Ot SOONER, MEDIUM- BILLIARD TABLE, CAROM, NEW York ; xs y at a fii Nelson street. apeciag reason. Apply through Wai a oihee. v4 a ee A SECOND HAND SET OF TELE ers ------------------------------------------------, 4A GROUEBRY CLERK. APPLY J. Glis graphic Instruments, with batteries, FRAME HOUSE, IN WEST BEND, 7 bert, 124 Barrie street, or residence, in good order. Apply to "CPV rooms, gond cellar, shed and stables 870 Brock street. 108 Raglan street, City, Large lot §900. Apply "A, LU, D." Whig oflice EE N ALEIMEN 5 FOR AUTO-SERAY. ant Prayer mi , automatic. --- Machine free 10 approved FOR SALE. TO-LET. Sample 3 agent. Cavers Bros., Galt. OWELLINGS, OFFICES, STORES ote., at MeCann's, 51 Brock TORR, oe -------------------------- hor friemls, people played progressive games, and When results up it was found that Master Miss Etta Callaghan is receiving, on Saturdays, over at Garden Island, as that afternoon is comparatively from "days free and her friends can thus your mouth or bad breath, either from and i % store, corner I'rincess Dagot a v-- drinking, eating or, smoking. Other|, GENERAL SERVANT. APPLY 133 streets. Entrance on Bagot street. | OUR POLICIES COVER MORE ON people will motice = your bad breath Earl street 'Phone, 60%. vuilding and contents than omy other ink ¥ i rourself fr --- company offers. Ioxam em A quicker than: you will yourself. Make tet---- i rnibanrtat " mas a JANERY PREPARERS AT THE Godwin's Tnsuranee Fmporiam, Mark your Breath Be on] il Sweet 2 NL aeile ili k PERSONALS. ot Square. when you a. 0 ouhers oO A -- ni-- ance disgust them. Just one or two Stu-|, GENBRAL SERVANT. APPLY | MERCITANT, MERICAN WIDOW LIVERPOOL, LONDON AND GLOBE art Charcoal Logenges will make your Mra. A. Strachar, 98 Bagot St, wealthy hy lonesome, wishes ® Fire Insurance Company, Available breath sweet, and make vou feel bet- a . Spugenial ile 1° bik on his howe, assets $01,187,815. n nadition oe Ca all over for it. You can eat all |GOOD GENERAL SERVANT A% ox 42. 3 oreph which the policyholders ave iE lee To 1 is once. Apply 230 Division St, city. me ree . - wocurity the unlimited liabiliv w the onions and lodorous foods Nou | reir mrere A MIDDLIZAGUD WIDOW, WEALTAY. the stockholders. Farm and ety sre. v pC the differ- SINS h x fee looking, tired of 'single blessed. perty HU want, uid Ho omc ean le a A GOOD SUMMON ied COOR FOR hall With to sorgedpond. Look rates. Before renewing old or elving poe. : ; a: hotel. Apply ui . 405 Bt. Joseph, Michigan. pew business get rates from Strange Besides, charcoal is the best laxative TT rg we TIE 0) , TN known. You can take a whole boxful TRAIN AD NUR at ih 'the "Training | PROF'S CARL & ROLLIN TRUTH: and no harm will result. It is a wou- school, fer nurses of the Buffalo ful, reliable convincing Clairvoyents derfully easy regulator, Homeopathic Hospital, a high class Foretoll your future for dime Jam LOST OR STOLEN. And then, too, it filters your blood registered school. nineteen Jour old. and bigth date. 490 KN: Clark 8, | oo ---- , condutting a three-year gra ed course Chicago FOX HOUND, BITCH, COLOR WHITE on rl ~every purticle of poison or impurity Applicants must have one year High Ee a. { yt TANS with lemon colored spot in vour blood is destroyed, and yon Sehool mark of its equivalent; For A PARTICULAR MATRIMONIAL ear. J. M. Theobald, Kingston. X : iff pe in your information address iss Frances sency for particulnr pwople nitro . Sn Bn ue % _ --lr Hack, Superintendent, 74 Cottage duetions hy road to best classes fate' fist > Ahingwyour ear Sample St., Buffalo, N.Y. socially and fivancially Confidential MEDICAL. on. information free (sealed) Walter Me- 4 Stuart's Charcoal Lozenges are made EDUCATIONAL. Donnell, 483 Madison Bt, CHOW: | BR. MeCARTHY, OFFION LATELY from pure willow charcoal, and just a ee cop aes ere ADE "ala TS Spr ny fittle homey is put in to make them | sNTERNATIONAL 3 CORRESPOND, LOVE. MAN RIA how te win the dur treul and Brock oo ,alatable, but not too sweet, ence Schools. Serantom. Pa Loew oie, und alse how to Hr ment b wh - iMhoy will work wonders in your Office. 57 Protk St. Gfcs hours, able Teco our Wirth dite and | DR. I. WOOD, DR. J. IF. SPARKS » you feel fine and a.m, to 5 bm. Saturday Svining. © Toe, J. Grant, Box 267 Lachine, P. Physicians Surgeons, Corner stomach, and make you feel fin to 9 o'clock, J. Carroll, Repre Shy Burgeo f [ ood and breath will be y 0., Que. ugton and Will treote. } fresh. Your bl and breath wi sentative. purified, i thi . -- We want to prove all this to you,} = or x : so just send for a free sample to-day. FASHION'S FORM. NEWS OF GANANOQUE. The Paragraph J ip : Then after you get it and use it, you -- k -- - : will like them so well that you willl g;mall Hat of Draped Felt or | George Taylor M.P. Stuek For -=.C w asian OTTAWA go to vour druggist and get a 2bc. Velvet. One Hundred Dollars. R . W. h box of these Stuart's Charcoal Lézen ges, Send us your name and address to day and we will at once send you hy mail a sample package free. Address, F. A. Stuart Co., 54 Stuart Building, Marshall, Mich with a clea take up the whole afternoon in going to see her > sv conscience, In honor of Mrs. J. C. C. Almon and Mrs, Ernest Cunnineham, who are | leavine town, the members of the ( url ing Club will give a luncheon party on Tuesday. * . . » { Montreal papers have been speaking | highly of Miss Elloda Perley very singing. She is said to have scored triumph (at the fourth Sy mphony concert, at the Academy of Music), | with her charming voice, and the puri tv and intelligence of her method which made every 'nofe of her songs sale blue velvet 'was used for. the . hp Pa tell to its full value, The critics were |, ou. shown in tho sketch, the trim also delichted with her girlish fresh pinkish lav ming consisting of a larg ness, and ingenuousness, Rhich gave | der roses with foliage, and a cache significance to selections hackneyed in | peigne of falle to match the velvet, the hands of unfeeling singers. | he model would also be good in black . ar | velvet, with an American beauty rose Mise Herchmer, of Belleville, ie the! und black tulle, or in various other guest of hor sister. Mra. Charles Gil: | combinations to match the costume | for which the hat is designed, DIED AT PICTON. dersleeve, King street, : Mise Gladys Irwin, of Ottawa, is with Mrs. F. I. Lafferty at the stafl adiutant's residence at the RM.C | on Friday morning, to Montreal, to visit Mrs. Francis 0 © Douglas Koss, third son of W. Botterell . W., Ross, cdlector of customs, and Mr. and Mrs, H. H. Gildersleeve of Eh ots Jr. Ross' had Collinewood. were in town far a day been ili for the past several months. or so early in the week. Early last fall he went to the Ad- « ®_ 8 1 irondacks for treatment snd returned : Jrockville somewhat the re- | to his' home in roc of. tin Al improved n eit. = was Jats rie y ward {again taken ill and conline to Brook- me he Hg thos be houd | ville hospital till he was brought to . Ee . " ' ily residence dieto t been most popular, socially. They were | the Sustily residence in Picton two 5 i : | Weeks . Shot [deniers = Re ain ub. | Mr. Ross was born in Picton thirty. whi has given so sure for | ! nd ¢ winte { one years ago and lived in town un She bast a gh In ihe Yahi | 0 five years ago when he married Clubs both M2, ond bee. ined. In | Mrs. Buller, daughter of A. Macnider, I I nocapdile. hive filed a | superintendent of inspectors of thy every, fq of & . d i itehi | Bank of Montreal. 'They made their roe space, Miss Adelaide Ritchie, too, | DANK | The) lates po vory much missed by the | bome in Brookville, Howicden his widow 5 © s decease ung younger peoble, and the younger peo {and one child the deceased young man ple again will be extremely sorry to part with "the Almon boys Miss Loretta Swift, street, is suffering from a sn wrist, acquired while tobogganing. -. . The news of the certainty moval of Mr. and Mrs. J. C. ( n Sydenham | oval branch of the Bank of Montreal, snrained I | Empire bank, and one sister, Mis. Car ay Ross. church last cupied the chair and an © gramme 2100, | ia survived by his futher and mother, " | two brothers, R. G. Koss, teller of the *. (3. Ross, of the stafi of the United the lecture Mothodist peo Feb, 23.~In room and parlor of Grace evening, the yovng plo's social was the best ever known in the annals of the church. The place was packed to the doors with old and Rey. William Timberlake oe Gananoque, s-- Concerning Proselytes. No Unitarian has ever tried ta | make proselytes. Our' task is not to destroy faith or to swerve any man s support. To those who are happy in and made strong by the orthodox jlent pro faith, we have no word to say. at was rendered, Refreshments to those whose faith has gone - hose were served. George Taylor, M.P., had ideas have Shang, whe sun a offered to donate an amount equal to | ae accept the a oL oth rel * that raised by the young peokls OP 18 | raligion any' satisfying cr sesh i bas wr 0 onin oreo, we have a de forth to goin as Suth, a8 § osrible from tain ihoh n 8 olid -- ie M: Tayloe 4 Sharak ol ev. he " " These paragraphs are de ned for the crowned their eflorts, § pi being 005 man who needs this new faith, iH you ut the duor, making RE of the are happy and helpful where you are, dollars net receipts in behalf ¢ | they are not for you. organ fund. ------ Two large sleigh loads of local Odds {oq of Me Casson for free literas, ture, young. follows went last evening to Clayton in charge of Thomas Baker, to accept a fraternal invitation from the sister lodge in Clayton, to put on the first degree there, Mrs. Henry First of Lafargeville, who has been spending a week with hee sister, Mra. Ira Moore, has ree turned home. Miss Gavin, King spreet, has returned home after spending a few weeks in Mallorytown, Brockville and Westport with friends. Town Councillor John Munden has been con- As | imrrvm 6c fined to his home for the past few days Admission, be. reserved seats, 20c. : » Uglow's. with pleurisy, John Moore and Miss extra. Plan at Uglo Macgie Moore, of Watertown, N.Y. ae " A Rvs Seed ipenching a week with Dr. Chown's Bucher Juniper Kidney - ee ri ---- her daughter, Mise Maud Corpell, has, returned home. Mrs, Frederick 3 Kkinner, King street, held a reception at her home yesterday afternoon, © Miss Minnie M. Williams. = uf Will give two Shakeapogring recitals in Convocation hall, Mon 25th, 8. pm, "Hamlet"'; y Murch 4th, 8 p.m., "The Wintar's 'l ale. 3 « CUre doamehe ry rows Miss Muriel Webster of Rockwool {w. D. Ross Passed Away on | relatives have returned home Mrs, Pill ur backache and kidney « 2 Hospital, has returned from a visit to | Friday. Joseph Cornell, wha has been spend ne, oN bby's special $1 trousers Brockville | Picton, Feb. 23.--Av the family resi- | ing some time in Harrowsmith with Try Bibby s spocia Mrs. Walter Macnee, Union street, | dence, "Ihe Gables," at an early hour, mr -- onl Miss Nora Macnee have ~one down } occurred the death SOR ET 4 THERE IS NO MORE WHOLESOME OR NOUR- ISHING DIBT THAN fL is more sustaining than ' meat and supplies the en- ergy oil strength neces 7 sary to accomplish things. Keeps the body healthy ond mind active. é During Lent Breakfast on BI SCUIT. Try TRISCUIT for * Lune heon. All Grocers--13¢c. a carton, or 2 for 25ec. SS HR EB Milton, N.Y. » MY suit Mrs. B.C. Carter, King stéest. will | Try Bibby's special 8 doctor; try a 200, bottle. Nerviling is as good as the g x 1 needs | vive a farewell tea for her daughter, | For chronic coughs and colds take Jundeage any ache or. pain. that needs | eive So ole Th A | br Ohown's . Emulsion of Cod Liver hi i . 5 )i Much sickness saswd in the home | afternoén: § Nuk > i "Nerviline,"" "omti lies SOY A fresh lot of taffies and a large as by omptly applyi Nerviline, {Continued O00 YP, 4 0 For Pesiner ills and "Shildren's, sick - REF tment for Saturday. BR. H. Toye, spells Tee Pibkw's now 81 shirts. ing street. a , 5 ALL TURN BELIEVERS. On Tamday lush sil nures-woe §. Thomas Slattery, weight and scales regia Many have aches and pains that jor graduated a St. Luke's Church hos { snmpeetor, is confined to his home | = years have defied all treatment. But | pital, Newburgh, N.Y. 'attended by a { through illness. Miss Jean Roberts, PY YY aaa 4 once "'Nerviline" is used, doubt turns | programme of addresses and music J Adalihusigwn, is yeiting her sigter in into belief that no aches, pains, or | Miss S. E. Adamg. Belleville. Ont; illiamstown, N.Y. n route home -y brutses exist that Nerviline won't Mise FE NM "Cudlip, Montreal: Wies M, J ate will visit Hrs, Clatie Wright na BUTTERETTES cure. Greasy liniments stay on the |1. Deane, Newburgh: Miss Edith Hovle, {| Kingston. Miss Gena Hepburn ns ois . outside they can't pent rate-but | Firtheliffe, NY. Mise Fmma F. Pence, | returned from a visit in Bellevilie. A. Delicious Candy, 25 Cents Per Pound. Nerviling sinks right in, gets where | Kingston. Ont.; Miss Edith Skidmore, | Frodick has yeturned from a trip to the nerves and muscles are sore, ap { Montreal, * . . . I. MINT CUSHIONS Extra Strong, 30 Cents Per Pound. A. J. REES, 166 Princess Stree Glasses that entity, Dr. Chowa's, New collars, 2 for 25c., ut Biblyy's. PR