1g Men's 1g Suits tirred up over our hand- Lidia bib vitin g ue, They ly "It." in Clothes, and we make | ok, so dear to the heart § he Best Makers see ® pew spring cut ty and shapely at the ers loose, with the fullness ~ 5, $18 and $20. he Young Man wants. ibby Co. rappers rrow nnelette Wrappers, ality or original price. es 32 to 44 bust, worth $3, os '32 to 44 bust, worth $1.50. Reitnrines isnt sini J 85e¢. s 32 to 44 bust, worth $1.25. 85c. lack Goods. Something new Suitings, New Black Goods, for more dressy costumes. r lining. 3ros. to make r. To do this we will mark ha zx Sale of rniture intend rebuilding and the room to make ns. arything at e Out Prices IR LEADING UNDERTAKER PHONE 147. API t Patent eather be soft, smooth, uni- se from 'defects, they "would soon 'y Rog) lose their 4 oes unsightl; rtable. y - Patent Leather is da all sizes and er Shoe Siore i Mre. Pinkham claims that there is a kind of dyspepsia that is caused by a deral nt of the female organism, and which, while it causes a disturbance similar to ordinary indigestion, cannot be relieved without a medicine which not only acts as a stomach tonic, but has a peculiar tonic effect on the female organism,' As proof of this theory we call at- tention to the case of Mrs. Henry Beaubien, 58 Sparks 8§., Ottawa, Ont; who was completely cred by Lydia E. Pinkham"s Vegetable Compound after everything else had failed. She writes: Dear Mrs, Pinkham : "1 had been troubled with indigestion and neral stomach disorders for nearly a year. had a soreness in my stomach and was un- ible to digest my food. I dieted and doc tored without success; but Lydia E. Pink- ham's Vegetable Compound "brought me permanent relief. I used three bottles and it cured me of my stomach trouble and built up my general health. I now enjoy a spleud appetite, can eat ail kinds of food, have no trouble with indigestion, and kriow that I owe it all to Lydia E. Pink- bham's Vegetable Compound.' No other medicine in the world has received such widespread and unquali- fied endorsement, or has such a record of cures of female troubles; as has Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound. FASHICNS FORM, -- White Em- Blouse of Batiste, broidered. The model illustrated showed an oririnal touch in the embroidery of little rose garlands in n#tural colors, which outlined the voke. The dainty little flower design was carried out in wash cottons in faint pinks, pale blue and green. The yoke cluny beading and Valenciennes, strips of Valenciennes. also being let into the lower part of the waist. The sleeves showed a little of the hand embroid erv and were finished with cuffs of in sertion and plaited lace. * was of William Wray of Tweed, has been ap pointed notary public for Ontario FATHER----MOTHER. For ° Your China ake Rea This. : Are vour children pale and listless? Do they act differently from. other children 7 xo they sleep poorly: and cat poorly ? Does vour boy avoid the sports and games of other boys? Do:s voor girl complain of headache and: tind her studies a hardship ? If so, yon may make up your mind they gro growing too fast. They need something to help nature in her great work of furnishing the necedsary ele- ments fr creating lh and" muscle tissue, bone structure and rich, pure, red blood, George W. Mahood, our well known druggist, will 'give vou a medicine, and along with it a, guarantee to pay, himself, for all the medicine your boy or girl will take if the medicine he re commends dees not restore vouf child to a perfectly healthy condition. It is his famous Vinol that he will £1Ve vou on this guarantee. I'rue. Vinol, is a cod liver prepara tion, but--your child, will never know 1t--it neither tastes, looks, nor smells like cod liver oil: vet it is guaranteed to contain all thes curative elements found in sad liver oil actuallys taken from cods' livers fresh from the water. _ Because the vile-smelling: and taste ing grease has been discarded and all of the other disagreeable features eli minated, Vinel i¢ the greatest strength and health creator known to medicine. inol acts favorably on the stomach creates' an "appetite and enables the food that is eaten to do the greatest {Possible amount of good. "11 makes for cach child new vitality, sound flesh and muscle, strong bone structure and rich, pure red blood. We ask every parent in KingMNon, to try it on our guarantee. George W, Ma: hood, draggist. Ui for unnatura' alte : £004 irri ulceration: , of mucous membranes Painisss, aud not astris gent or poisvnous: Sold y Druggirs, sont in plain wrappe express, prepaid. fo JR. or $ bot lies 22.76, nl on rete [NEWS: 70. THE FOLKS x at DAILY BRITISH WHIG, MONDAY, FEBRUARY 25. -- . FROZEN TO DEATH. Sergt. Lett Returns From a Visit to the Ratclif Home, North of Estevan, Where He Finds the Family Hearty and Comfort. 5 able. » "stevan, Sask Feb. 35. Sergi. | Lett has Just returned from y most hazarlous trip of about 120 miles t investigate the. story of the freesi to death of the entire Ratcliff family, He Stsen bul to usc the shovel to ex- Cavate the horses in order t¢ make the Ratclifis' home. On knocking on the door he 'was received by Mr. Rat- cliff himself, who, on being question: ed, stated that he never hard heard the news of the freezing, and produced his wife and . thre fat, red, roundfaced nor'-westerns:" 'They are all comfort able 'and 'Haveélots of provisions and fuel to last till navigation opens: Constable McAlpine could not give the sergeant his bearings of the home, nor go with him, _ Peter Fostom has the credit of start ing the false alarm, stating that he went to Ratclifi's with a letter, and found them all frozen. He is now in the states and may never be got at. One Cousins and Rookson were stay- 0 ing at Rawliii's daring the severe weather to save fuel, ete. The former left in January 23rd, for Sandhofi's ranch, on snowshoes, but was advised not to start, as the weather was threatening. He started out, and in an-hour or two a storm came on and he has not been heard of since, PERSONAL MENTION, Movements of The People--What They Are Saying And Doing. Archdeacon Carey is visiting Canon Baker" at Guelph. William Francisco went town, N.Y., on Saturday. Miss May Andrew, New York is vis iting her parents on Brock street. Major Carruthers paid an official visit this week to Ottawa and Mont real. Percy Harrison, of Watertown, N Y., was a visitor. in Kingston, over Sunday. Henry R. Lawson; of Toronto, spent Sunday in the city, and left to-day for Montrgal, i= Edward LE = or Divison stra spent. Sunday at Stella, the guest of W. H. Moutray Dr. G. F. Horsey .is registered at the Canadian high vommissioner's oi fice in London, England. Misses G. Dawson, M. H. Bapcock, C'. Dopkins, and G. A. Shier, left on Saturday; for Cape Vincent, N.Y Charles Stokes, Sudbury, arrived 'in the city; Saturday morning, and left in the afternoon, for Watertown, N.Y. H. A. Thompsgn, who has becn em ployed« at «WoMe Island for some time, past"left on Saturday for Watertown, wo Water- The condition of Police Constable Tynmerppng re seen seriously il, is home, the past week, was wlichanded toh 12 TF "Tak = Manager Culverwell, of Healy Falls Development company, paid a visit of enquiry and consultation to King ston on Saturday: Frederick Sharmon: of Stratford, Ont,, is the guest of friends in King ston, for a few days. He will visit in Cornwall, before returning home. George Yorke and Bride (formerly Miss Minnie MacDonald), visiting friends in this city, will return | to their home, Mountain Grove, to-day. The names of Rev. W. P. Reeve of Kemptville, dnd Rev. Canom Starr. of Kingston, are mentioned in connection with the vacancy of Trinity church St. John, N.B, W. Hazlett, engineer of the new R & 0. steamer, Rapid King, left yester- day. for Toronto, the work of fitting out the engines of the new steamer. I'he: following were amon~ tne senoers for Cape Vincent to-day J. Stevens, A. Finley, Mrs. B. Yeaman, "E. S. Elliott, Couper, A. E. Young, and J. Frawley In Saturday's paper in the report of a social in the First Congregational hurch hall, the names of Masters | Homer and John Routley, in a voeal | duet were omitted. They sang: finely. Miss Bawden, of Kingston, is prov ing a fine domestic science teacher in Peterboro Y.W.C.A. Her efforts are meeting with mi Her de monstrations are interesting and help-| ful | At a Lansdowne recital, Mrs, Tolg mana, elocutionist of Kingston, gave several numbers in such style as to be heartily encored. This was Mrs Telgmann's second. appearance in | Lansdowne, and those: who heard her before state that she excelled herself. Hepgey G. Fleming, who was operat r appendicitis in the Hotel . is reeovering Yapidly pander skil ful nursing. His two brothers, Rich ard. from Syracuse, and John from Amherst Island, were with him. His to take charge of SROCeSS, HEARD NOTHING OF BEING| { and | of the City HOCKEY COMMENT. % --------_ The 14th Should Win the Series With Stratford. * The Tth hockey team will practice at the rink to-night at nine o'clock. Vanhorn is causing the mana nt of the team some anxiety, as he is on the sick list with grippe. The team is in good condjtion otherwise, and should "put it over" Stratford here in the first of the finals on Fri- | day night. The line-up will be the same as usual and the locals are quite confident of their ability to trim the westerners. A Toronto man, in an in- terview with a Whig representative, said that Stratford had only a fair team, but were playing very lucky hockey. Easson and Lloyd, the west- erpers' wings, are the dangerous men on the forward line, and MacLaren, their goal, is good. Outside of these players the westerners are only very ordinary. The 14th team is a well. balanced organization and they play together to a --unicety. The referee for Friday night's game has not been chosen yet, but will likely be Wag- horne or Elliott. "Chaucer" Elliott is city from Oswego and thought * Midland the equal of the 14th before the contest, thinks that tho local organimtion will have little trouble in defeating Stratford. In speaking of the 14th-Midland game, the great referee said that Gould, of the Midland team, was wn great gene ral, and while he placed a man to stay with Whiteroft in the contest with Peterboro, when against th 11th Gould made the great mistake of not covering Richargison. This, ae cording to "Chaucer," was responsible for Midland's defeat. In the finals the Stratford team is undoubtedly strong- er than St. Georg: but "Chaucer" thinks the westerners as Varsity trimmed them by 10 to 2 and as Queen's trimmed 'Varsity on their own ice, it, séems reasonable that the 14th team, which is reckoned far stronger than Queen's, will have little trouble in winning the coveted pennant, representing the senior OH A. championship. back in the though he Locomotive Team Wins. After many futile efforts to the two clubs together, arrangements were finally concluded whereby the Locomotive works hockey team known bring | as the Whirlwinds, and Messrs. Worm- with & Co's. representatives, the Or gan Grinders, met and played an in teresting game at the Royal Rink, on Saturday, helere.an-enthusiastic audi- ence. The game hadn't proceeded but a few minutes. when it became quite clear that the Locomotive works puck | thasers ®ere much the more. scientific exponents of the. game, handling themselves like. veterans. "'Geroux' Lumb was only called upon to stop one shot aimed at him. The half-time score stood 2 to 0 in favor of the Whirlwinds: to which they added three more in the second half, the final score being 5 to 0. Whirlwinds Lumb, goal: O'Brien, point: Bearance, cover-point;: Derry, | Keeliher, Serutton and Parking, for wards. | Organ Grinders--Lotto, godl: Huxley, point; Byrne, cover-point; Stanton, Duffey, Boyd and Curzon, forwards. Refcree--Rescola. : Meet To-Night. The executive of the City 'Hockey League hold an emergency meeting to night to' decide the dates for the finals in the junior and senior series to hear a protest against the Aberdeen hockey team. Frontenac Business College team is behind the protest. and Boxing Bouts To-Night. The postponed Watkins-Preston {Na panee) bouts will be the at the Whig hall to-night. finished training, Saturday, interesting bout is expected. attraction Both men and an 'Play To-Night. Stars. a ladies' hockey the Kingston Business Collage play 'hockey at' the covered rink, to night. An interesting game is expect ed. Thea team, Hockey At Zion. In a fast game of hockey on Satur day afternoon, the Victorias of Wil Jiamsville defeated the Kingston Busi ness College septetie by the score of 2 goals to 1. There were no scores in the second half, ELECTED PRESIDENT. Judge Ouimet Given a Financial Office. Mobtreal, Feb. 25.--Hon. Joseph A Ouimet was, today, elected president District * Savi Bank in the late r William Hingston. He has been on the board of directors for some years. He was appointed judge of the court of Queen's bench, in 1896, prior to which he was prominent in the life of Que bee, having held the portfolio of pub lic works in the administration of the late Sir John Abbott cession to mother is staying with him during his illness. > | Granger Electrocuted. Ossining, N.Y., Feb. 25. Holding | steadfast to his faith in Christian Science, to which he' had bien con verted since his incarceration in Sing Sing, George Granger, twenty years old, was!electrocuted, to-day, for the murder of Charles" Lutz, a Duchess county dairy farmer. A Moral Calamity. Winnipeg. Feb. 25. ~Rev. Dr. Bland, professor of theology im Wesley Col- lege, has been constrained to make his first public declaration of a political nature. In an appeal to the electors | he. save he. would regard the return of | the: Roblin administration' as nothing short of a moral calamity. "Best's toilet ; cream" makes the skin soft and, obh, - v E. Dore Wilson, Athens, aged eighty vears, died suddenly on Friday. He lived: at" Athex fitwenty 'fears, pre viously livipg af-Eyn. Buy. Peruna, "the great tonic,' at Gibsop"s Red Goss drug store, Fresh thedeciyt § a Zion, skating o-night, masquerade to-morrow, ~ 14th bana, 15¢. © Wampole's. Kola Wine is sold at Gibson's Red Cross slrug store, At The Barracks. + : [ra Hill, of Teta te- Pont Bar racks, is laid up in 'the hospital with | a sprajned wrist Ex-Corpl. William Morgan, late of "RB" Battery, to-day, joined the staff of the ordnence store corps for a three-year terns A new recruit was taken on-the battery this morning. There are at present four patients Bh the hospital. Epworth League Rally. An Epworth League rally" will he held: in Bethel church on Sunday, March 3rd, at 4:15 p.m. Binnie 8 Black, B.A., of Queen's University, will give an address. The rally will not interfere with the Sunday schools and it is hoped that there will be a lerge attendance. Piles get quick relief from Dr. Shoop's Magic Ointment. . Remember it's made alone for piles--and it works with certainty and satisfaction. Iteh- ing, painful, protruding, or blind piles disappear like magic by ita use. Try it and see ! Sold hv all dealers. Buy Beecham's Pills at Gibson's Red Cross drug store. The gmiuine " are sold there. Mise Williams, night, 8 o'clock. Best's "Short Stop' cures all coughs | always and' costs but 150, ' Convocation hall, to are over-rated, | HE WAS SIARTLED WEAPON DISCHARGED BY FALL FROM SCF 4. Weldon Lockie of Gouverneur ly Wounded By An Accidental Discharge of a Revolver in His Pocket. . Gouverneur, RY Feb, 25. ~Neldon Lockie, a wealthy young man, of this town, 'was accidentally" shot thriligh the back Saturd worhing at bas home. Mr. Loekie had been hunting Friday on bis farm in pany with several companions, He returned home late in the evening, as the day had been bitterly cold, and being ex hausted irom the day's tramp, he lay down on a sofa in the house near the fire to warm himself and probaljy fell asleep. In his pocket he had a 3% calibre revolver. About one o'clock Saturday morning his mother went to arouse him. When she called it startled him and he rolled from the sofa to the floor, the revel ver in his pocket exploding when he struck the we » His mother immediately secured hitp and physicians were summoned, who did all in their power for the sufferer Dr. Madill, of Ogdensburg, made an ex. amination and found that the bullet had, plowed through his side, almost severine the spinal column. He ad Nviced that the bullet be not probed for. as to do this would endanger the patient's life, which now hung by a very slender thread. The body the hips down is paralyzed, and no hope are entertained for his recovery Mr. Lockie is about twenty-eight [years old. He is a graduate of Col gate and comes of a wealthy family For a year he was a member of the Mead & Lockie Brug company, of this village, and 'is one of the best-known young men in town. NEWS FROM THE Y.M CA. from |A Camp 'Supper--The - Meetings Held on Sunday. : Saturday night the Camp Reunion took place. The senior reading room was speciilly decorated for the ocea sion. and looked quite inviting with the gleam of the open fire and the display of bunting. A company of about twenty 'sat down to camp sup per, prepared in Chef Moller's style, the meat being a present from Mr. McConville, the Barri butcher. After supper a musical pro gramme was sustained by Hairy An grove, Nelson MeCartuey, "Jack" Crawford, and J. Dunn, while H Warwick gave one of his characteris tic sketches. . Physical Director Bur ton gave plans for the summer camp and a discossion took place as to changes to be made in the conduct of the same. Mr. Maginnes was in at | tendance with his powerful phono- { raph, which provid a most fertile | source of amusement. Yesterday at the boys' ecting at {10 a.m., the attendance passed pre- vious totals. Rev. Dr. Eby gave a most instructive address and its development. At the senior Bible class, at 3 pm. Mr. Stokes gave an introduction to the gospel of John, proving its autho- ship from external and internal evi dence. At the men's me at 4:15, Dr Lake fave a Bible i on the in heritance which proved most helpful and instructive, The athletic committe turday atthe Y.M.C.A draw up rules to govern | hockey league. 1 | the first of next w | The physical department committes Watertown's challenge basketball on. March return best street met on Sa rooms to the indoor eames will start have ace ior a ga i Sth in Watertow: Ihe gaan will be played the following week | The seniors are requested to be on | hand for hall to-night. The ltenm to go' to Watertown will I | picked after to-night's practice, i men. sem 0 { Latimer Tidings. Latimer, Feb. 22.-The many friends of Miss E. J. Tavlor, R.N., of Golden Bridge, N.Y., will be sorry to hear that she was one of the number in { jured in the wreek on the N.Y.C.R. at | 205th street and Webster avenue, New { York city, but will be pleased to hear that her injuries were slight. Mes. F Brady of Golden Bridge and Miss Tay lor were gitting in the same seat. Mrs | Brady was injured so that she died | Her death will be a severe shock to Miss Taylor, as they were intimate | friends. Charles Patterson, Inverary, | was injured last week by a falling trep. Mrs. J. Taylor and littie Glatlyvs, [have returned from their visit at Op- inicon. Mr. and Mrs. R. Dixon, little Denzal and Miss Mundell, spent Wed nesday at Sunbury. J. Taylor, had | his cheese meeting last week. Mr, Ta lor was appointed salesman and tres urer. The secretary has not vet been appointed. Thomas Gibson, Morven, is engaged as cheese maker. A Great Steal. Chicago, Feb. 25,--Somewhers be | tween $150,000 and £200,000 was stol en from the local sub-treasury. last week, according. to the Tribune. Every employee of the office is under surveil: lance, -- tes | |" Buy, Dr. Pierce's preparations at Gibson's Red Cross drug store. Fresh there. : Misa Williams, Convocation hall, to- night, 8 o'clock. The existence of a businfks arrange- ment between the hrewers to fix prices {was admitted gt the license enquiry in Toronto. ; Too Much Food. { { { Every time you eat too fast, cram | ton much food into the stomach, vou ; ofiend a law of nature and will yrob- | ably suffer" headaches, nausea, bilious | ness and all. the horrid distrosses which are so caused. ow il you will assist nature a little' in an 'agreeable | manner with' such a pleasant and off- cacions treatment as Hutch you need not suffer 'all these troubles. Hutch will give vou instant relief from 'these little complaints and if vou. give it an thorough trial von eanses which -produce them. Huteh is a doctor for ten cents. 23¢, and 50. . Chickering's, at all drug stores, Seriously and Probably Fatal. | on Japan will find that it | Emulsion. Consuinption is less deadly than R used to be. will result from the following treatment: Hope, rest, fresh air, and--Scors's ALL DRUGGISTS: 50c. AND $1.00. TIPS FOR THE THRIFTY Boot otf one of the Three Seventy-Five Buy s from us A Man's Peffent Colt Lace Three different shapes to choose from. Sizes 6tog. Regular $5.00 Values. best American makes, NO WOMAN CAN BE STRONG AND HEALTHY UNLESS THE KIDNEYS ~~ * ARE WELL When. the kidneys are ill, the whole body fs ill, for the poisons which the kidne: ought to filter out of the blood are left the s; how important it must be to see to it that this system of sowerage be not ol up. Those who have never been trou! with kidney trouble know not the misery and suffering which those afflict ed undergo. Doan's Kidney Pills ares ific for all kidney troubles. The; begin by ing the delicate membranes of the kidneys thus make their action re- gular and natural. ' impurities which have us clearing out the kidneys, bladder and all the uri passages. Doan's Kidne; Ana Fills are entirely vegetable, aad uy bes y Wien by youag sid did. Pills do for what they have done for i, of that is, cure you. Mrs. Jobn Young, Harwood, Ont, writes: "1 was trontied with my kidneys for some time and my back was so lame I could scarcely get around. After using two boxes of Doan's Kidney Pills, I am completly cured. I find there is nothing like them for the cure of all kidney troubles." Doan's Kidney Pills are 50 cents per box or 3 boxes for $1.25 at all dealers or mailed direct on Jeenips of price by The Dosa Kid- wey Pill Co., Toronto, Ont. wimai---------------------- Canada Life Assurance Co'y. ESTABLISHED (1847) This great' Canadian made for Canadian adian people 60 Low Company ie by Cane ago has years 0,518.60 028,00 Assurance in force § Surplus {or I Account) of Stands in a along, the 1 Have th ment Assu CANADA position all wr Eadow- selecting the ance hy Fe : If you onll in the Office, 18 Market street vou will be cheer fully shown tb 20th Century Policy issued hy this Company the Annual Guaranteed Dividend is modern to thes results to Policy. which moment, alxo actual Kingston policyholders Telephons 703. «J, R. URQUHART, 153 Alfred St., Special Agent. Wood's Blood in niency, ual Wenkursa, Erviswions, matorrhan, and Kffects of Abuse or Price 1 por " e will cure, Sold by all druggists or mailed b platn pie on recoipt of price. New pamphle. mailed fre, The Wood Liedicine Co. form Toro: iy Wiliam) nn Institution Frontenac Business College KINGSTON ONTARIO Day and Evening Classes Moderate Ratuse, Te N. STOCKDALE, Frincipal. | { "Phone, 680. ---- | OPERA oemnx ORCHESTRA THE BUSY ONE. | Out-of-Town _encagements | Violin, Vicia, Cello Inktruction. i : © H. MERRY, i 155 Sydenham St Cites | H. Cunningham, pisgo tuner, from , Orders Wt MeAuloy's book store. - Eat ~~ 4 a McDermott's COOP LP0OVV000V0NVOV0 0000000000000 J. 0. HUTTON, Manager ous Dedility, Mental and Brain Worvy, Des 6) Sper per box, six for 85. One will please, wy to, Ont ' . OF ENGLAND, : Business In Force $109,000,000 . Life Funds . we 41,000,000 Profits Paid BRS } Profits, 1905 3,326,000 i Expenses To Income 81 per cent. SHOE STORE COAL! The sudden changes in weather ought to suggest the wisdom of putting in geome good Coal. We soll good Coal. IUs the kind that sends out the most heat, and makes the home comfortable; it's the best money can buy, . there is none hetter mined. We deliver it to vou clean and without slate, at the very bottom prices BOOTH & CO., Phone 133. Foot of West St {| ORDERED || FOOTWEAR - +H you have any Foot Troubles, bring them to A.E HEROD 286 PRINCESS ST. THE HOUSE OF QUALITY BRITISH - AMERICAN HOTEL 'KINCSTCN - - ONTARIO Has undergone alterations and Is now oubhs. W TELFER open to the travelling Proprietor SRT TRTTATALBTNS. When You COAL, From P. WALSH {You Retgenuine Scranton as he) handles nothing Buy If vou wish to be successful at- tend The Kingston Business College ' Limited, head of Queen street. Canada's Highest Grade business school. Book-keeping, shorthand, typewriting, teles 8 graphy, and all come mercial subjects thoroughly taught hy comptent, experienced teachers. Day and night classes. Enter at A Rates very moderate, 0. METCALFE, President. CUNNINGHAM, Secretary. Big Reduction on Skates COME EARLY AND; GEX A BARGAIN. Strachan's Hardware » LOOK LIKE 30c. The Profits Paid By Some Companies. t Ninnipex, Yeacow Bay of Quinte Railway CAN ADIAN PACIFICO RAILWAY. Rn ¥ TRAINS LEAVE KINGSTON : 12.50 p.m. Exnrss--For Ottawa Mons Quebec, St. John, N.B.. Halifax, real, Toronto, Ch Denver, Hen row, Mauly, Ste. Marre: DAwth. SE. Foot Winnipeg, ver, | Seattle, Portland 5.00 p.an.--~Loeal for Lake, copmaption ite C.P.R. ar bol Lak " TAS a.m, Mixed--For Renfrew termediate points. - nd Ine leavi 12. Depa Lou, 130 , 85.12 ; Toronto, ym Montreal, 7.15 p.m. ; Boston, 7. ang v ohn, 3: Am cp or 5 Full partials t K.&P., and Picket Office, Ontario strvet, . We F. CONWAY, fien. Poss. A New short line for Tweed, Napanee, Deseranto, und all local points, Traios i 3 leave City Hall Depot atépm, Fy = CONWAY, Agent B. Q Ry. Kingston Between Montreal and the Ate | lantie. i INTERCOLONIAL RAILWAY CANADIAN ROUTE TO | CANADIAN © Fister ports, St. John and Hal. : I insanding se spend early 4 months of the new year warm climate try the West Indies Full particulars about regular » sailings and of a - ' Yachting cruise to the - 42 Wet "Indies and DAYS Sn tonnes ry OD March 15th, ? . On application to 7S MONTREAL CITY OFFICE / 141 St. James Street ' ------------------------------ GRAND TRUN Low Rates West = One way second-class tickets will be sold March 1st to S0th, at the fullowing fares, from Kingston. 1 Butte, Mont., Helens, Mont., Oolorade Ceol, ..... Denver, Col, Ogden, Utah, Pushin, Col , t Lake, Nelson, B.C., Robson, B.C, Trail, Varah nasa my Rossland, B. 8 Wash, .. ¥andouver. B. C., Yiotoria, Seattle. Wash , Portland, Oregan, Tacoma Wash..,.... Westminster, BC............ $46.00 Mexico City, Mex. . .. . . MOTH Los Angela. Cal, Sanfrancis- 00, Hear $47.76 oe oem Special low rates tp mapy other points. For full particulars, apply to J. P. HANLEY, Agent, Johnson and Ontario streets. x ROYAL ALLAN "x" LINE 2 TO LIVERPOOL. Halitax, _ st. John, ? =. Sat, 2. Mar, ' r. Sat, 9 Mar, Virginian - me Sat, 16 Mar. Tontan Sat., 28 Mar, ~= RATES OF PASSAGE, First-Class, $50 and upwa-ds, ing to steamér, e Second-Cluss, $42.50 and B45, Third-Class, $27.50 ard $28.96. Vigtorian Tunisian, werLrds For further information, apply to J. I. GILDERSLEEVE, Clarence Bt., J. P. HANLEY, Agent O.T. Ry. ONE MONTH MORE AND THEN WE VACATE 100 Reams Note Paper, 40c. per only Re. for 24 Sheets Paper. Envelopes, 25¢. per box. Envelopes for business, 60c. per 1,000, 500 Page Account Books, Fools- cap, for 10¢, per 300 pages. All © Sheet Music, opies for 10e. Now is your time, everything goes. T. McAuley 000600000000 000604 ANOTHER; : SHIPMENT OF ORANGE MARMALADE § CUTTERS Just in. Let us show you sample and tell you how jou can make it for . 4c. A Bottle SOLD ONLY AT When Compared With The Royal Insurance Co'y We Invite ¥our Investigation. || W. J. B. White. Agent, Kimgston {Myers mousse $ Mitchell's Hardware, $™ ", 81 Princess Street. $3 do T Tey a Pound of ; .