Daily British Whig (1850), 25 Feb 1907, p. 6

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0, and wecting of the 589,000 | gocident near Fort William, earnings, Facninge, PAPendes, f S30. an increas in Stee of #8 month of last year. COBALT STOCKS, Market Street. Toronto, Feb. 35th." 1 pm, & Asked, Aleit... .... ... $a $ 329 wey | BOD 1.42 Silver ' 28 2.15 Ureen is i 300 1.12 MISSION SERMONS. 18 Brock Street Methodist churen ; on Sunday. The tind wea thir small at Brock Streat Mothodint church yester: day, The efficient choir was out in force, and rendered admirable service, the %olos by Mis. Gordon and Miss being effective. In the morn ng Dh. roy amswered objection often vhowing against 'missionary appeals, that the cost of administra- tion was exceptionally low, that mis- sions have paid in a commercial, ma- terinl and political sense, an well gs in moval and religious results, In the evening Rev. T. E. Shore, B. D. who has just started in his work as field of the results already won in most all foreign countries as well as in the needy parts of civilized lands and home on all the responsibili- ties and the joys of eo-operation in so great a work for the Kingdom of God, and for the uplifting of our fellow men. Long Course Commences. The long coursé at the Royal Mili. tary College commenced to-day, The following officers will attend to com- | plote thair courses : Capt. L. Garow Regiment; R. N. Hefidorson, 36 Regi ment; A, de M. Zl, BE. C. Doan and W. A. Simpson, C.P.A.S.C.; Major: L. W. Shamton, DS. AMD, No. 1, and Liout. F. Homer Dixon, RM.C.; M, R. Capts. A. D, C. Gray, R. C. R.,, N. B. Lindsay, R.C.F., A, H. Powdl,R.C.D,, and C.. Van Stranbenzie, R.C.D, Big Rush For Seats. The advance * sale of tickets or Forbes Robertson opened this morn- ing at nine o'clock, There were about hundred people waiting in line to se cite their seats. The sale is the at $10 per A Teaspoons are excellent value. largest this season, but there are still some. good seats left. AH who have seats held for them at the bax office are requested to cali for the same, on Tuesday. Veterans After Land. Robert Boyce, of Belleville, and George W. Ball, of Auburn, N.Y., have made applimtion to Col. Hunter for voteran land grants. Col, | Hunter hag signed tho necessary papers, and sent them on to Toronto; for: approval. Col. Hunter has received nine such applications within a very short time. F. KNAPP, | 130° 83. Parisian has arrived at vermment Employ vorpool, t, Kingson, or {1 : Fe. LvNGSTON 4 Bho, | - §{ OPENING SALE OF NEW '§ SPRING SUITINGS 'Our stogk is now complete, Will be pleased . to show you through our beautiful stock 'of 'Fine Imported Woolen. i Suits $18.00 to $30.00 Japan More » » s operating | Gussie Whymby Wa Furnished By J. 0. Hutton, 18 Offered. | #¢t in the case of Herman and Hein- Foster fe penn Sid G8 2.284 | with the theft of 10,000 pounds of fat won Meehan... 113 1555 | from the Harris Abattoir company. Sy af 464 | The fat was shipped to Schwab & iver 2.16 215 | Co., Hamburg. Bruning was a book- rethewey ..... yo 1.63 161 | keeper for the two Krulls, Biter Lal re em na and * attenctions | holders entered into an option against elsewhere made the attendance rather | the agreement to sell 10,000 shaves of the "missionary service in| t sooretary, was suffering from a bad throat, which interfered with hi# speaking, and of course placed him {oder u disadvantage. His address in every part of the earth, and some » gE EXERC REAL t N Newark, NJ. by drinking a solution £7 rE low i issuing of liquor roenee ibibo miles of & mining camp, , 8 commercial against the Canadian ' Pacific : for 810,000 damages for sal negligence; he was injured in'as Frank Keller was, today, sentenced to three years in penitentiary hy Pol: 5 Magistrate Denison, for attempting highway r Denim on Friday sna a chatelaine from Miss pursued by the woman, and with the aid of some Jantersiry catght. He had a couple of ousebreaking charges "againet him, and had been out of jail for only a A warrant was issued, today, for arrest of Rudolph Bruning, on the charge of 'being an accessory after the rich Krull, the young men charped An action was entered, to-day. by J. W. Boyle. a one-third owner of the Canadian Klendyke Mining company, on behalf of himself and shareholders minst M, O'Brien and Sigmun thechild, Detroit, to restrain them from acting as directors of the com- pany and for the appointment of a receiver. - In November last O'Brien acting as - trustee for certain share- anadisn Klondyke to the Gug imer. Exploration company for $180,000, . nis agreement was confirm- ed by the shareholders and the certifi- Cates: issued. The plaintiff now elaims that by the transfer of these 10,000 shares O'Brien and Rothschild no longer have a controlling interest in the company, | ENDS LIFE WITH POISON. Young Wife. Syracuse, N.Y. Fob. 26. --George R. Losey, brother of Prof. Frederick B. Losey, the lattes of whom was form- erly of Syracuse University, killed | Aimsolf, Friday night; at his home at He died in the acms of his young wife, who was Miss Mary Ellen Blair, a graduate of Syracuse University last June, whom he married, in this city, on the last of November, about eight months after his first wife had died. A despatch from. Newark states that thé came of his act is unknown. Mr. Losev was forty-eight years old and was Now Jersey agent for the Fidelity and Casualty company, of New York. A Very Close Call. « Belloville, Ont., Feb. 25.--8S. John- son, of Campbellford, a cattle dealer, was walking on the track at the sta- "tion here when, in gotting out of the way of one engine, he stepped in front of another with the result that he was thrown to one side with considerable force. His back was injured and he was taken to the hospital in the am- bulance. 'Mr. Johnson's" escape from death was miraculous. } Former Soldiers Sent To Jail. Watertown, N.Y., Feb. 25.--Upon be- ing convicted of stealing shoes that were not mates from John Mangano. Thomas Murphy and John Gray were committed to jail for fiftynine daye. Both men admit have recently deserted from Kingston barracks. Gray says his home is in Bay City, Mich., and Mur phy claims a residence in- Montreal. Trial May Be Quashed. Ottawa, Fob. 25.-The charges against Messrs, MacLaren, Kiernan and Cummings, who were dismissed in the Bucki wn case; on Saturday, may bé revived. The crown prosocu- tor has appealed to the Quebec gov- orpment as to the illegality of trying but three out of nine prisoners. The trinl may yet be quashed. McConkey 's, "the choice of royalty," candy. Sold only at Gibson's Red Cross drug store. John Fire, taday, destroyed the Now Irv. ing hall, the Delmonicos of the east side, New York, entailing a loss of $150,000. One man, employed in the kitchen, is missing. Best's eight-day clock, though still running, is losing much time; fourteen dave today. . William H. Musham, former chief of five boi cee Loronto, has entered an ¥ | movement it is important for the dis. AS AN EXAMPLE. # | trict represented by the Kingston § | branch to send delegates. London, Feb. . 25. --8ir -- Vietor Horsley, Sademing * Fight On The Street. a& temperance meeting in Two young men had an argument Glasgow, held up the Can- ¥ lon rn a near Brock Sa- adian system of temperance BH tarday - af n, and got so warm "in the schools and 3 | that they came to blows over it. the high license system as ¥ | However, the bout only lasted a fow an example for this 3 | minutes, as the one who had come out country. % | second best hastened to the police ¥ | station to lodge a complaint, sud it AGHA £ | may be that a police court case will ~~ r-- George R. Losey Dies in Arms of Looking For Ship Carpenters. Peterbors "Shipbuilders A. -------------- The Great Humorist. pical scenes from of humor. 'He rapidly characterized . cessorics bat an ye-glass "ands. hoad kerchief, He acta sacl soe works chairman will have to see that soon, for they of "Skidoo" Park, the walk in front of which remains lengthy periods + The custom house and post office men should be invited to | works a chance. J. A Culverwell Here. J. A. Culverwell, managing director of the Northumberland-Durham Power company, which desires to supply Kingston with electric power at Hy- dro-Electrie commission cates, arrived in the city yayterday afternoon. To- day he had a conference with J. M, Campbell, expert for the Kingston lichting plant, and also saw Mayor Mowat, is evening he will lay the company's proposition before the city council, -------------- For Game Protection. A deputation of delegates from branches of the Ontario Fish and Game Protective Association will pre- sont to Premier Whitney and his cabi- net, on Tuesday; March 5th, at noon, the resolutions and findings of the convention of the association, held last August in Toronto. In view' of the sympathy generally given the be the result, The street was well filled with people at the time, - and there was considerable excitement. S---- The Skating Club. In spite of Old: Probs faithfully pro- misving the regular Saturday thaw, and in spite of 'the weather wise agrecing that all signs pointed to his being right, the weather ahd the ice for the Skating Club meet, were all that could be desired. One or two other things on the tapis made the attendance somewhat smaller than usual, but the numbers were aug- mented. towards the end of the even- ing, when 4 snowshoeing party came in for cake ana coffee. Officers Elected At Queen's. The University Y.M.C.A. has clect ed the following officers for next ses. sion : President, M. N. Omond: vico- president, D. A. McArthur; treasurer, . Y. Williams: recording-secretary, W. A. Dobson: corresponding secretary, A. Findlay; librarian, H. N. McKinnon. The election of permanent officers by the final year in arts resulted as fol. lows: Honorary president, Prof. Cappon; president, P. G. McPherson: vice-president, Miss Clifford; secretary. treasurer, W. Stott; historian, Miss Millar; valedictorian, J. A. Shaver. He Will Be There. The School Trustee, Toronto The many friends of J. G Elliott, of Kingston, will learn with regret that he has not been given a seat on the Board of Education in that city. For fourteen years he has served the city both as public school trustee and as high school trustee. For many years he has'been a valued member of the trustees department of the Ontario Educational Association, and for the year 1904, he was honored by being made president, a position which he occupied with distinction for himself and satisfaction to all. His old friends will welcome him as a visitor at the convention in April next, if he sees fit to be)\present. Sent Down Again. Robert McCauley, who was released from the jail a few days ago. after serving a lengthy term for drunken. ness, fell into the police nets again on Saturday night. He was very much under the" influence of liquor, and en- deavored to raise a disturbance at the Hotel Dien. Constables Arniel and Hughes were called, and as. a result, McCauley spent Saturday night' and Sunday in the police colle. In the police 'court, this morning, the magistrate imposed a fine of $10 and costs or two months. The prisoner had ne money, £0 went down. He wae the only offender Before Magis the Chicago fire departyient, died, on Saturday night, of pneumonia. trate Farvell th morning MeCauley bad a food position in a local foun dry, but drink has been the cause of his rapid downfall. We was piven job after he eame out of jail, hut only worked one day. Belladonna plasters, "the strong | ingston's ; here. § i i ¢ for some Kingston ship carpen- ters, offering threo a by Chin carpenters are scarce everywhere. Kingston used to have scores of them, but nearly all of them have left for other places, principally across the Brooklyn Eagle: Mr. Speaight's sentation included six of the ay Dickens' 'may eco and vividly each person with no ae- ( cack scene drama- tically, and realized the very spirit of Dickens, City Hall, Tuesday night.1 The mayor of Toronto states that Plan at Uglow's, : this year s taxes will be more than 18} ---------- mills, Is This Sarcasm ? The Adlington hotel, Toronto, was Alderman = Gaskin, the board of sold to Hirst & Sons, of Preston, for the post office and customs house care- Rev. Henry George Tomkins, for a takers do not shovel their sidewalks so make a laughing stock unshovelled for wait so ax to give the poor board of EE -------- strong. ed on or before March 30th, 1907, and [THE THAW TRIAL THE STAND. About a Month After the Drug- ging White Told Mrs. Nesbitt An Account Was Opened For Her at the Astor Bank. New York, Feb. 25.--The Thaw trial opmed, this moming, with Evelyn Thaw on the stand. Mrs. Thaw tes tified that she had never had trouble with her mother. About « month af- ter the drugging, an account = was opémed for her at the Astor bank. A letter from White, to Mr. Harnett, was placed in evidence, which request- 'ed that Mrs. Neshitt advise : when Ewlyn was going on her vacation and that he (White) would send her $25 weikly and a check for $100. By means of this letter, and the intro- duction of checks, sifted by Evelyn Nesbitt, and her mother, Mr, Jerome refreshed Mrs. Thaw's memory so that she said she lived at the Audibon apartment, from February lst to April 1st, 1992, PITH OF THE NEWS. The Very Latest Culled From All Over The World. great many years a commissary in Athabasca, is dead. Frank A, Gallup has retired from the editorial managership of the Water- town, N.Y., Standard. The body of Jessie MacGregor © was found frozen in a shed in rear of 11 Isabella street, Toronto. ' William Powell was killed by a live wire at the Niagara power substation on Teraulay street, Toronto. The Russian elections up to the end of the past week give the peasants about half the members in the douma. Varsity hockey team defeated the champion Brooklyn trescents in Tor- onto, on Saturday night, by fifteen to five. Mrs. Kidd, mothér of the late Geo- N. Kidd, M.P.P., died on Sunday, af- ter a brief illness at her home in Carp. What is believed to be a lake of oil was struck in Romney township, and several thousand barrels of oil ran to waste, - James Kendall, aged thirty-two, was today found frozen to death in a va cant house, some miles from St. John, NB. Mr. Haldane, British minister of war, will bring his proposals for a reduc. tion in the army estimates before the | | house of commons to-day. Mrs. Matilda Godwin has begun an action against Watertown, N.Y. to recover $2,000 for the injuries sh claims to have received in falling upon the walk. At Troy, N.Y., Woodside Preshyteri- an chapel was destroyed by fire. The. loss is $52,000. The chapel was orect- ed for the church by James A. Burden ard Mrs, Margaret E. Prowdfit. One of the greatest demonstrations ever seen in London was held on Sa- turday to protest against the return of the progressive socialist party to power in the Londen county copncil. The ongngement of Miss Ehzabeth Johnson, « nly daughter of Mayor and Mrs. Thomas J. Johnson, of Qeve land, Ohio, to Signor Frederico Mari- ano, a wealthy Italian, is announced. By the derailment of an electric car on' the Amherst and Sunderland line, Miss Helen Linchan, a teacher in the Cambridge, Mass. public schools, was instantly killed, The "Black Hand" is credited with an explosion that damaged the lower part of a tenement house in Eliza bath street, New York. The oceu- pants were badly frightened, but were uninjured, The terribly mutilated body of Rev, Dr. Everette D Burr, a prominent Baptist clergyman of Newton Centre, Mass., was found, Bunday, by train men. -Rev. Dr. Burr undoubtedly fell from a moving train, Axle Was Broken, MRS. THAW WAS, AGAIN ON | Splendid Values In The constantly increasing trade in our Linen Department is best proof that you can buy Linens at LAIDLAW'S to better advantage than anywhere else in town. IRISH Table Linens Pure Bleached Table Linens, 50c., 65c., 75c¢., in a great variety of new designs for spring, * Pure Bleached Table Linens, 85¢., 90c., 95c.. 99, wide widths, new patterns, very fine makes, Pure"Bleached Table Linens, 1.20, 1.25. 1.35, 1.49, beautiful Lineas in both design and finish. Table Napkins at 1.00, 1.25, 1.50 per dozen. Table Napkins from 1.50 to 6.00 per dozen. 10c., 123c., 15¢. Household Towelling, soft, fine make of Linen, Linen Crash Towelling, 8c., 12%e., 15c. Huckaback Towelling, 123c , 10c.. 15¢., 20c., 25¢. Glass Towelling. 5c., 8¢,, 10... 121c., 15. Waist and Dress Linens Pure White Waist Linens, 25c., 30c., 35¢., 45¢., and on up to 9c. Pure White Suiting Linens, 49. . 75¢., 90. Pure White Skirting Linens, 49¢., 75¢., 0c. Sheer White LINENS For Embroidering Waists, 45¢., 49c.. 65¢., T5c. HANDKERCHIEF LINENS, 40c., 50c,, T5e. HANDKERCHIEF LINENS, 40c., 50c., 75c. Just at the morning train on the Bay of Quinté railway arrived at the Kingston and Pembroke station, this morning, an axle on one of the freight cars was broken. Had the mishap oc- curred while the train was on its way here, a serious accident might have " 8 boen the result. The necessary we pairs were made this afternoon. The train was an hour and" a half late, to- day, owing to heavy traffic. Died At Uxbridge. Dr. W. Nichols, Clarence strect, re- ceived word from Uxbridge, Ont., this morning. that his mother, Mrs. Wil. liam Nichols, had died very suddenly succumbing to a severe attack of ENTRA VALUE IN Pure Linen Sheetings. grippe. Deceased was about eighty years of age Buy Lydia Pinkham's Vegetable Compound at Gibson's drug store. Messrs. Logan Bros, Renfrew, have turned their woollen manufactory into a joint stock company of local capi- talists. By a vote of ninety-oneé to cighty- six, the United States congress re- fused to restore the canteen to ny- tional soldiers" homes. Buy Custoria at Gibson's Red Cross drug store, Fresh there. In reproducing the Whig's article on professionalism ia the O.H.A., the Toronto Telegram says that "the Whig sizes up the ~ situation cleverly and to the point." ted Cross AN EASY WAY TO MAKE $30.00 and a wholesome way. Just saying slips of paper and cating the best foo you ever tasted. ORANGE MEAT is as delicious as it is nourishing .and fairly melts in your mouth. All you have to do to get this $30.00 for nothing, is to sead in the largest aumber of coupons taken from the 15¢ packages. You can be the lucky ome as easily as not and in doing so the whole family will grow plump and There "are premiums, too. Coupons must be mailed or deliver Kind," are sold at Gibsons Red Cross drug store. f 3 Free samples of Zam-Buk al Best's. must reach the office of Orange Meat : Co., Kingston, before April 9th, 1007, |= » when the prize will by awarded. R ------------------e, ' . THEY ARE THE Maple LeatBrand We guarantee every pair. Try thém, You will not be disappointed. Price the same as the poorer kind. WE SELL THE BEST UBBERS TO BE BOUGHT IN CANADA \-A The Lockett Shoe Store effet fede inte te tne le A first-class Grist Mill Mill, doing a large and | business. Good location. Good reasons for selling -------- For particulars, apply = T. J. LOCKHA Real Estate Agent, Kings SALE OF HOR! THIS WEER -- We have eight Horses this, week, consisting o Te Drivers, Four Work Hox one tw old Gels, at cost this: as we 'sell cheap.: = - Ft . Stable at 128 Clarer Office, 42 street. Auction Sale Hous Furniture Wednesday, Feb, 2th, 1( Mr. Ernest Cunningham, 5 V street, Fine Brussels rpets, ) and other Fancy Tables | an Cosy Corner, Lace 'Curtains, Ss v rd, inner. Waggon ar Chairs, Writing Desk, Pictures, Thought Ranee; Oak Che * room Qak Chiffonjer. Mattresses, Bureau, , Rockers, Setts, Iron Bedstead, Crockor ware, ete. ALLEN, The 'Auctioneer, 24 ham street. 'Phoue, 253. > CROSSES A Cross 'makes a very: able' gift at this season of year. We have some tty Crosses in ( Silver , or _ Jet, either | or stone set. ° Kinnear & d'Ester - Jewelers & Optictan 00 Princess Street. "Phone 336. Kingsto: T have sold thousands of s the Pittsburg. Coppe in ne. Don't neglect the opportuni his Pron B® at ne" "is bound to go higheF and sanoosy FOSS Home. Ban "I sell them for $1.00 es loan them FREE to Depos $1.00 and upwards. . , \ THOMAS MI > 8) ow 79 ¢1 > TAKE NOTICE Betwesn 'we sell © G ery sinall t w) i Lge ND: HANI TURK" + SECOND: HAND

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