RHEUMATISM | pts In a few hours. Positively cures in 8 few dann, does sot put the disrsse to sleep ba drives = the ystems ~wreves, Exhibition Gourdier's Fur Store pen Until Saturday Night veryht d | Welcome W. F. GOURDIER EXCLUSIVE FURRIER -80 Brock St. Phone 700 * ' In Bright or French Gray a [ Silver, and New Drushed 3 Brass effects, with Exquisite ly Tinted Silk shades, in loose effects or with Pierced Metal Covers to match en- tire piece. Any special style or color shades, may be ordered and are sold separately. 7 SMITH BROS. Jowelers and Opticians | 350 King Street Issuers of Marriage Licenses. WEN AND WOMLn & for unnatural re do want the space they od i . weight, Special to extra good, were $1.25, ial, 25¢. , worth $3.50 and $4, vy weight, were $1 and yard. 5, for 75e. ir cent off. A ad 12¢., to clear at Tie. des; fast colors, 15¢c. | 1 or white at Ge. a OWING f Ladies' \ : oats § e them early. been sick they need Scorf's Emul- ion to bring back health and strength. Emulsion is that you don't have to be es It keeps up the athlete's strength, puts. fat on thin people, makes a fretful baby happy, 'brings color to a pale girl's cheeks, and pre- vents coughs, colds and consumption. Food in concentrated form for sick and And it contains no drugs and no alcohol. , ALL DRUGGISTS; B0c. AND, $1.00. Three Seventy-Five Buys from us A Man's Patent Colt Lace Boot of one of the best 'American makes, Three different shapes to choose from. - Sizes 6 to 9. Regular $5.00 Values. SHOE STORE i McDermott's Big Sale of Furniture We intend rebuilding and require the room to 'make alterations. g Everything at Lome a Close Out Prices JAMES REID. M8 si vitae STORE OPEN NIGHTS Bashibnsie a BUY THE BEST} GANONG'S G.B. CHOCOLATES i A. J. REES, 166 Prings. ss, Strect FIFIFIFIIVIVIIIRIIIIIV FVIII IIIR EFI IIIISIGNe Soe ee Gray's S: r Red Spruce Gum For Coughs and. Colds. The Big Saturday Snaps! Meet your friends here on Saturday and take advamtage 'of these extra special offerings. 4 SE ; Every Item A: Money. Saver LADIES' VESTS---25 dozen Ladies White Morcerized Vests--these are called sogonds, but are all perfect--just an odd one soiled--short sleeves and sleeveless--neck and armholes lace trimmed--the regular price would be 260. to 38¢c. each. Saturday smap, each 15e. HOSIERY SNAPS--50 dozen Ladies' Fast Black Cashmere Hose, in all" . Sizes, full fashioned log, and seamless--the best * 45c. stocking in the trade, "Saturday snp, 3 pairs for..........c.. whims tien seine $1.00 DRESS GOODS--We have all pur New Dress Goods in stock, and you will find some of the newest makes and weaves.hepe,--@nd all at popular prices--Black and White, over. Plaids and Checks, in great variety Fancy Tweeds, in all the new shades and mixtures, +30, to $1.50 per yard. For to-morrow--10 pisces of New Tweeds, 41 jpehdw) wide, very special WHITE QUILTS--10x4 White Marseilles Quilts Detierns to' choose from, $1.50 i : pod' large size, three good oe 50 is the reguir frfee. SILK. WAISTS Ladies' White Silk Waist, made of Japanese Silk, an ox- ceptionally, good quality, trimmed with Val. Lace and Insertion, 'short sléeves and amare yoke of lace insertiongdegular jon! Fatucday LACE CURTAINS--69 pairs Nottingham Lace Curtains, 3} yards long, 60 inthes wide, good patterns and corded edge, you will pay $1.50 pair Iat- er, so buy them on Saturday for, pair o 00 y id 830g 0 5 HERE'S A SCORCHER! ry TORONTO NEWS SCARIFIES WHITNEY GOVERNMENT. Surrenders to the "Patronage Mongers--Onslaught on the Members of Government and Parliamént--J obbery Going on Unchecked--A Mess of Nast: Details. . Toronto News. No more striking and no more ob- vious example od be afforded of the 'malign influence of patronage on the administration of law than has heen furnished by the license investigation. What are the facts ? : Soon after the Whitney government came into power, a new board of license commissioners was appointed. The general public was well satisfied with the new board and it was ex pected that the administration of the liquor license law would be just what Mr. Whitney had promised--a non- partigan administration. The new board of commissioners worked in | harmony with the chief license inspec- tor, who bad held the position for | many years, knew the hotels and their management, and was thoroughly -ae- quainted with the conditions govern: ing the licensed trade in Toronto. The board had confidence in the chief in- speetdts The government had request ed him to retain his position for rea- sons which must have been strong, in view of the demand for his head from the patronage committees. For some time everything worked smoothly and the public, as a whole, had confidence in the new regime. But meanwhile the patronage mon- gers grew more and more savage. Why fill their rage? Because the license commissioners refuse! 'to make . the administention of the liquor laws part of the machinery of the patron- age committee. The board was not subservient to the patronage commit: tees, but neither was it hostile. The board was concerned altogether with giving a thorough and non-partizan administration : the law, and was eoncerned not at all with the efforts of the raging patriots who demanded control of the license system. The board went on about' its 'business quietly, ignoring . the incessant de: mands of the patronage managers. And the patronage managers decided that they must apply pressure higher up. A united and insistent onslaught was made on the city members, and through them on the government, These city members, it must be re- membered, were the men at whose request the chief license inspector had been retained in office. For a time the government resisted. Then it capitulated ignominiously 'and took the one step necessary to turn the whole license administration into the hands of the patronage com- mittecs, Without preferring charges, without investigation, without vouch safing a reason, the government dis- missed the chief license inspector Whom the same government had expressly roquested to retain his position, and who possessed. the full confidence of the license board." "This was too di- rect a blow to be ignored, and the commissioners resigned. The patron- age committees were sucoestful, and little. more remained to be done. New license inspectors were appointed at the direct nomination of the patron- age committees, with the apparent éx- pectation that they would be willing tools in their makers' hands: Now license commissioners were appointed by the government, It is too soon to apportion final responsibility for the jobbery that has been going on' un- checked. But it docs svem clear that the hotelmen became convinced that partizan considerations were all-pow- erful; that only conservatives necd apply; that comservative solicitors were, necessary; that money was not to 'be despised, 'and generally that the administration of the liquor law in Toronto had berm reduced to the sordid science of providing political pep. And this is the mon-partizan admin- istration of the liquor license law which we were promised ! What further revelations may come about if the inquiry is fearless and thorough we do not know. But it has been established beyond doubt that we had a -non-partizan administration in Toronto, and that the raging de- mands of the noisiest and really the least influential element in the party finally forced a surrender by the gov- ernment and the resignation of the license board. The nasty and sordid details which have come out in evi- dence have sufficiently established in the public mind the evil of the inter. ference of considerations of patronage in the liquor law administration. Men's flannel shirts, 69. Bibby's. Crippled With Rheumatism CURED BY GIN PILLS 'Mr. Derraugh certainly did Bee a hard time of it, winter bef; I cold, and it settled ia his First | {hing he knew, he was in with | Rheumatism. He nearly went -mad, the | in was so interfse. doctors gave im the usual trestment--snd pretty nearly burnt his legs off with liniments and blisters--imt the Rheumatism went | Derraugh ha vis GIN Mus. never such a man in your altet he had take tro Dor al ne---stiffness and. fRfi--that ache in back and hips dis : 'Saloon *cub 'on the Tale of a down in the hy bottom, with its "af: W hE RE id streets of yeoden slabs and : ; loose stones, rotting cu thick | ~ Be mud, However, Johnny . A] tenement hut, where he was born. At this age he had already become inducted into the lo- cal penchant for utting. = nil g . : for nothing. evening st in Q Ww "py B front of a big factory's gate at the MEN rt rade hE, wedka, aHadeates exit of a thousand men, his shrill EE a5 voice, in almost a tone of command, ry crying the stereotyped appeal : Treo. Moler Barner "Mister, give me what youse got Spadina, oJ left." That he came = to look. upon the HELP WANTED--FEMA LE. : APPLY MRS atrest. d workmen's emptying of their dinner pails, as really his by right, was seen in this, that a year or two later, when a gang of Inborers chanced to get their buckets on a pile of mould-! oupprENT MoOTHE HELP AT ers' [rames, got out of sight once. Apply 831 University Ave. aronmd a distant corner, Johnny, po ith two of three other free lances, {GOOD GENERAL SERVA AT] Tu every semp of food the pails onge. Apply 389 Divislon St., citys contained, amd stole to their hothes, "Good * said Johnny's mo! . COMMON SENSE COOK FOR when her bor, revelled on the heap of A go ter Apply Box 473 Belleville. bread amd- meat spread out on = - the two planks nailed down for a!piNING ROOM @IRL, AND 'A kitchen table. Then she added with an chambermaid. Apply Oongress Hotel, encouraging smile : "There's a penny King stroet. . : : for ri is tho preat luck yees Ee -------------------- had to-day." This was a penetrating| GENERAL SERVANT; NO WASH lesson a ohany teaching the preg- Eg ALY te Mrs. A. 8S. Oliver, nant fact in accordance with his mo- ther's.' moral code, that finding and, taking were interchangeable terms as A COMPETENT HOUSEMAID, WITH ralod by suftounding conditions. | | | felersnces. Auniy: Mrs. Hugh "O, Naturally Johnny's ideas in regard to stealing, or the abstruce subject of | yours mine, were more or less ob) secure. Whatever he brought home he found. With his mother that settled ] iy; ip matter, Whether it was 4 taakvt AT ONCE. GIRL TO DO "GENERAL ¥ a Dearby nal > owsework. 0 wa A pply to o cal Pu sneaked from a peddler's Mrs. P. H. Small, 28 Har! street. waggon. is brought them at length to look on all articles Tying woud, A COMPETENT ANT A loose publ wail TY usework, al Jo Be ae lic. property awailing family" Good worm a. Seal : » . t v a Often times hearing bis father, who, Aarons No 001 Bouth State Be. worked & littla on Se ore docks, od Syracuse, N.Y. py ¢ beer and whiskey a oreat deal, Se the savage conviction that OUNG LADIES 0 LEARN. THE "Rich men were thieves who acquired ¥ art of ymaking, cutting, design~ their wealth by robbing voor people,' ing, trimmin~ ete., tailored gowns, Johnny quite easily concluded that it fur-lined opera olokks, conta ahd was the duty of poor people to get Nraps. lav Thier, a indy » specié - back as much as possible of their pro- corger Sydenham. rty thus stolen. And he grew apace % the inevitable wind-up of the pepi-| "=== tentiary. the more certainly as he be- MODEL CONSTITUTION. gan to hang around the low saloon at the corner, where a Half-dozen big-) What Oklahoma's Convention is ger misfits sat by the hour, whittling chips from a bench in mangy lgziness, smoking foul cigars or = still fouler nipes, as they discussed the hick of A _ HOUSBMAID. Leslie, 57 George A GIRL WHO GAN DO GOOD PLAIN cooking Apply in the evening Ro Miss Hora, 45 King street SERVANT . GIRL A member of the constitution con- Jeuticn of Dilahomea wibtent, We wil A ! have the initiative a erendum, wan an bt, Pupil, | Jth 8 provision that ten po cmt of smokibe. cigarettes or stumps of cig: | the voters. at the last procuding wa ats, which he managed "to find. Ha PRU Thi ay both Sulee béchmp thoroughly ifbued -- aad yore ST ace he a of a the halint that . "Work - na | | city, can repeal the wots that their that finding Tings wal A tpl council refuses to pass. Likewise those Ro hd oot nO Nicknd Sh of the state oy Feptel legislation ps i 3 + : | enacted by t ogislature, or pass pieger bay Chan Vitel Yor kicking a | that which the legislature has wofased lame . . : .y or neglected to pass. state-wide ino' a small girl crying, he raspingly simultaneous primary of all parties is demanded : in' for?" rovided, to nominate all officers from a bat's yer ory op k dr Inited States sepators down. In ad- Sam Briggs stole my ako ant Im | 4ei0n we will vote for stmatoriel jai away." ei aaa My mad | didates direct, At the polls, thou Wait a minnitt, Jd Jobin, soon under the federal constitution it is returning with NE i id as still necessary that the legislatare do hand. He had fou h y tt A *irla the logal electing. A two-cent railroad he throat it into "the astow ee "| fare is fixed as the maximum, in the Dosssssion, with the CHAP. hal. | state. The legislature is prohibited here, chaw inter this, an' stop bel- |g op (yer placing, by law, a limitation erin'"! .., lon the amount of damages in person- whinse fault ? With) injury cases. In many states the God help him, such parents, and sdf Rucroun One | corporations have got limitations into what other results could soe mee! the statutes. They will not dp it in he said he had 'Half -a--mi ie rh Oklahoma. More than this, we adopt married, go to work, and see iy 't | the doctrine of comparative negligence would pan out that way to live. fed) that is, when injury results from ne he shook: his head a mid tg Iatsr, foo "| gligence of both the injured person inely expreséing the § ¥ ab t :* and the employer, the person injured "No good! All a wifes goed for 1 is not to be dented recovery, his ne- to go across the street for beer Ta 7 | Rligence, compared to that of the em cook: grub." What must tho end be? ployer, shall be held responsible; the jury is to be the sole judge, : Separate schools, coaches and wait- ing rooms are provided for white and ; 3 colored races, All civil power must be day shat the botns he takes exhausted before there shall ever fhe an. unfair advantage U h recourse to the federal government for talks to the pews, and in the natutl | protection ih industrial disturbances. of Hinge, they Sant Hy ne to In connection with this Provision the preacher,' sai he 'was talking © ti fopted the rule that pri- ee very foelingly, of the temptation! vate. armies. op Pinkertons, for os to indecision being the strongtet that! eons should not be given. the pow: assails us. 'Yow and && know how dif- {ers of peace officers. This offended the ficult it in hd defilliy 0. any | progident, and" sent his Taman Wii ject," said he. Now over . matum that unless it was cl church--the congregation: was small | would not issue the proclamation ad i Hard On The Pews. A man was complaining thé other one--and while 1 can't shy ad to the | mitting the new state into the union. women in it. they . pdecided as | Well, the convention hasn't changed to whether they look' test in Blue | it, and there is little possibility that or pink, I would like to bot. a good it will \ deal that there wasn't a man who| An anti-pass provision not only bars heard the preacher, who had ever tried | the taker of a pass from public 1 to be on both 'sides «of the fehee at [but also makes him thereafter ineligi- the same timé. Tt would have done wef hle within the state. Tn munici good to get up and explain this to] ownership the most him." ' of power for cities is granted. ere is a debt limitation, but it is provided that this shall not apply te progisioh of pablic facility plants, whe ne Hamiltpn Spectator | ; shall pay the fnterest on debts ine Some - Kingston comsiriatives are { red in purchase or constriction, trying to boom De. Ryan. new super shall bo no exclusive franchises, and intendent of Rockwood asylum, for a!poae shall be given free; they must be provindial cabinet thom om, the | sold at public nuction to the highest A Better Man Available. aid, | Ryan available Mr. Downey, who bas | tion. The railroad commission is given | the advantage of exporitie and many | plenary power. The rate it fixes go | other adviamtag re pot dinimad for the | jest vhall go into effect at onte, apd doctor, and who in, Saclay a, may mot be suspended pending ap Catholic. {poal. It mwet remain in foroe until an - | mivese jodgmwnt. is secured in the was two years ago and he hes been in perfect ever since, aSontracted o revere ey and t ping took me so nd were so severe that 1 had to mike wT several months J could get mo ly 1 5 Ad around the Bouse. M3, eles Twas and 1 have 3 a retwin of he OM Tradl not had since. 1 with also to say that © Gin Pais ' tall timber. From the bird's viewpodet » single! Home people ound that he is a Catholic Rut if | bidder. we shall have by far the there alow be 5 Verarcy in the tabi- | best railroad rate law in the country net, there is a better man than Dr. | --all of it written into the constite 1 ie ebinaded Shalt wo dhinds of sgmeme court. the male popristion of Phe werd we | tobaooo Win wore Tomm or sme, | A special mowithig off We Senall olf || 1 Bovey year Chief Elmer tells the city worl wine find Tor While sltomnoom, 10 como of the woods to stay fires in . , akon setion on his requests ¥ 2 in the wold 5 Wife wee more fem} Getting unrich quick is often success- in A glad father' makes a joyous house: Courtship Se a wm with conceit, | hold. - ; ~ but marriage als it all oiit of him. | The average man has more friends woman has » real good time shop- | and fewer enemies than he thinks he the years roll by many old pro. verbs take to the rv (Ho that good intentions deserve, do things; others en nds for snipribion. seo] beildings. Has that body ever | world i w Wenp ot winowe md ; I i Probably every one wets all the ere 8 worth he... : HRY Paton Yous ws a | THREE EXP ¥ | EXPERIENCED RING, SEIN. liberal provision | ioe ig 30s, Say pa Joseph Simps Hons, MN \ Godwin's "Insurance o, Mark- ot Square, 2 : RIE ST 2 b, LoNDoR AND GLOBE Insurance Company, Available assets $61,187,213. In atidition to" high de. ieyha have Kk wocurity the unli i Yo, the stockholders: Farm and LIVERFOO * Fire ARTHUR -BLLIS. ARCHITEOT, OF- fice, Cor, Queen and Bagot streets, ? DWELLINGS, ORE ete, at Cann "8. Ivo. 158 hea TONRY © TP, ote. Anchor Phone, 345 SMITH, ARCHITECT, d Market Sq POWER & SON, ARCHITECT, MER: * chant's Bank Building, Brock Sten st, Sonn, "Sk WML NEWLAK(S, ; AnoHpTROD, Seo, second floor_over i trots. Rg on DE 'Phone, 608, . VETERINARY. DR. OG. W. BELL, V8, HAS RE moved to his brick © Just ve ont ils bv or promptly at 10, EDUCATIONAL. Be De INTERNATIONAL CORRE ee, BT Brock Seo Hours, 9 . Im, turday even! . a oN K. Carroll, Repres sentative. 'Phone, LABRADOR THE SUBJECT. -- For the Missionary Study Class, on Thuredé ay. rw J Mise Rogers, of St. James' Woman's Auxiliary, shouldered that branch's re 8 msibiltty for the third of the mis onary study classes, and with rare skill carried Sh whiols # stening throu herself. Her subje ; , a corner of our. land ya Atlgntio, where winter' begins 'on the first of October and does not let go its grip till the middle of June. Mise Rogers first gave some information re- garding the physical features of this lend, the most pathetic of which is, perhaps, the lack of earth--no soil in which to grow good food, or to bury the dead. The next section of the | evening war devoted to a brief sur vey of the work .done for the bodies and souls of the inhabitants, special reference being made to the t good accomplished by that hero, Dr. Gren: fell. After the papers were read Miss Muo- aulay, the president, discussed, brief lv, some of the causes which had seem «d to interfere with work being dome for Labrador bv the W.A, This hronght out the fact that "What-so-ever" Cir- cle of King's Daughters, in this sity, had sent a bale there, and the W. A. of 8t. Paul's, Brockville, had also pre- pared, and sent, a large bale to the needy and desolate region. There was a very large attendance many not members of the Auxiliary be- ing present. SELF-SHARPENING SKATES. A Clever Invention By a Can- adian. *I was informed to-day by & most reliable friend, who had seen the mod- ol, that g Brooklyn man, William H. Haworth, had invented a "sell-sharp- ening skate," His claim is 'the more seems impossible, but my friend, who is a patent expert lawyer, says it is an actual fact." "The above clipping from ome of the New York pers speaks for itself, in- you skate the sharper they get. This} ie CLE 3.0 amet A. COMFORTABLE ROO Wt commis, oe Oty Fark. "Ad --_ - BRICK DWELLING, NO. 5 WH A A ton Sg. Hy Cunningham, 40 Clarence St. rpening St dt. nth. sofar as the William H. Ha it are in poor health, lish ¢ i Wo peep ook nah, 94 os 0 dh ake ation Sper Since 'May, 1906, Ayer's Sarsaparilla has becn entirely free from alcohol. &k your doctor about taking this non- alcoholic tonic and alterative. Le yers Sarsapari If he has a better medicine take his Get the best, always, This is our advice. - The new kind contains no alcohol . We have no secrets to hide! We 2 he foriulas, of all our. m : < ee Manos Ee ring Chemis, Wilkinson, New York' City, . * If you weak, pale, nervous,