has just w euoh' 8 sensational gure.in | x TM. of 101 Delorimier Avenue, irted in red blotch itched parts away. arn 4 1 My case I paid my money for no I tried embrocations, and and creams, and tions recommended by druggists and by friends alike. It was no god. and I never believed I could be. cured. Fancy suffering in that way for 25 years | For (ho past irritation were so bad that I was obliged to wear gloves day night, at, 3 " attention and I tried a little. To my amazenent it dit me good. 1 bpught another © . d mote good. 1 tried another, and to my intense delight this herbal balm did what I had been hopiag fo 25 it eured ma, My hands are now healed, and I have put away the gloves which, for two years, had ih mble day sod night. I have been well-known in Montreal and Eastern Ontario for over 30 years, and my case i 4g is one which hundreds of . I am glgd to wake the facts known in the interests of other sufferers who fa] way not yet know how or and how wonderful Zam. Buk is." i. la WHAT ZAM RUK CURES, AND WHY. ---_ ZAMBUK can do what other ointments fail, bacause it is fre from all A first-class Grist N pes animal fats and oils afid from all mineral matter. - It stands alone in ite i ' Bo LE ir composition; being made entirely from herbal saps, essences and oY Mill, deing a large a _Kven its color --green--is due to Nature's own coloring, as in the business: Good locati forest and the herbs of the field. heals all skin disenses--eczema, scaly sores, ulcers, ringworm, Good reasons for sel wounds, barber's rash, pustules, face blemishes due to blood poison, 4 ls, cold cracks, eto: It heals cuts and lacerations, stops bleed- ing, ow Plo. pascy fi ula, rodices enlarged: veiifs. It cures barns and ' hy and it is an-excellont ** first aid " remedy. It is highly antiseptic, For particulars, app : § and Stores tell at 50 cents a box, or from ZAM BUK CO., ¢ : 0, fof prica." Note free sample offer herewith. 6 bozes for $2.80. . T. J. LOCK . Real Estate Agent, K Waggone "ug, GEORGE'S BAKING POWDER is bringing. lots.of : . . The rem Wola sy Big Colson, Lillian trade to my store. ' | Clearing "Folks now know that baking powders -- containing: a 8 |] > Now On. acids, alum or phosphates--not only spoil the baking, but DN : s Soh ud wg the grist. "It keeps me busy filling up the empty places on the shelves." 'Trousers. + A Suit lengths sold by the are positively injurious to health." : : "I tell everyone about 81. GEORGE'S--the new N NF Alex. Waggc baking powder. And I find that where they use one can," 188 Wellin they not only order more, but aiso buy all their | other groceries bere." es Y nN | CROSS! : J Sit certainly does pay to have the best" Pits: : at Nak | Orann maken o $8 80 pretty Crosses i Silver or Jet, eit or stone set. 3f. George's a 1 =e "Phone 336. Kin Baking Powder & | 08 DERE is a genuine Cream of Tartar Baking Powder. It FOOTWEA contains only the purest ingredients, perfectly propor- : If you have any tioned to insure the best results. It proves its quality | Troubles: biiag th by the biscuits, cake and pastry it makes. A.E HER ! 286 PRINCESS ¢ "8T: GEORGE'S is the choice of all discriminating - : : THE ROUSE.OF Q housewives and pure food exponents. | P Big Redud { nobleman and a millionairess. ae - on Skat +. Send'us your name and address for our free illustrgted Cook Book, which contains excellent recipes--and a dashing little story er | Address: The National Drug & Chemical Co. Limifed, Montreal. PEE : SSCOME EARLY AN 3 A> BARGAIN Strachan's Ha Ladies' Tzil Fiaest of Workmansh Date Styles, and Good anteed. 236 Universi AUCTION ~ . | P55 i oh: PIPES 'AT. LESS THAN COST Book at once oi iY About irk thonsagd 10 dent Cigars will be sold for 5 Leading Aucti cents each, o A hundred. © | : JOHN H: M1 Club Houle Speeial, The Duchess, The Diploma Grand, San : Toy, Lord Craines, (Reekies, Craven Pene! , McKinley, Bord ; : Russel, Olymphia, Rothehil ds, La Premiads, Lenicos, Lord NewYork Chinese Re: Tennyson, ant, R..V. Maritana, 4 of any brand of other ' : 10 cent Cigars for 95 clus. + 83 Princess Ab 5 5 Open from 10.30 a.m. to out 100 Fountian J chen Pp. The best place to met an A lot of Polket Kij¥es, Pocket Books and Razors, those Lunch fn the citys Meals c goods. can be had at ROB S, 173 and 175 Prin- on shortest notice. English cess street, and 354 King streey Orwell's Old Stand. JOHN "ROUTLEY "KINGSTON, ONT, Wiohes a snecinlty New England Ch Restaurant ss x Lunch Inthe ete. Mele shortest notice. English & Dain shasiatty: Phones VRP IPVIPN SIRI BIRR ISIE HI Br i | Wm. Murray, Aue - FOR SALR: EE : 27 BROCK ST. - ENGLISH PIG LEAD: Now Cri, Cote,