But does NOT Tell Him Al clan's consulting room. earching questions and Thousands of women and -their good looks, ysical troubles to Mrs. red of female diseases. le Compound e world. If you are in doubt am, Ly Mass. You will m is daughter-in-law of Lydia d since her decease, she has suppressed periods and mn phy sicians' preseri nkham's Vegetable OW was regular, rs t Lydia E Pinkham's tel, Ottawa, Ont. - vice. lescribing my symptoms lowed all your directions Mrs. E. F. Haves, res Where Others Fail Lo 3 » ' 3 3 rtment is the birthplace of many he Suits we put forth this season e and the best in every way, we pit dbbiald al : best of wear resisting Cheviots, hb = have been used. : % is an exceptional value for the 3 resister. E st popular suit on account of its are Suits fit for a young prince. |, Lelia r alin ¢ 14, $2.50 to $6.50. to be appreciated. Brin have to show in Boys' in the othes. SALE: PIG LEAD DALY _BRITISH wma, Wili build You up A run down condi- tion of the system is due to improper nour- ishment. What you need is a food, not a tonic. Beef is the most nourishing food there is and therefore the best for building up a run down condition. But © the difficulty with beef is that many people fine it hard to digest. BOVRIL contains all the nourishing properties of beef: in a highly concentrated form, easily assimilated hy the most delicate stomach. Kioiey Disease comes ON QUIETLY Perhaps no other organs work harderthan the kidneys to preserve the gemeral health of the body and moss people are troubled with some form of Kidney Complaint, but donot suspecs it. It may have been in the system for some time. Theres may have been backaches, swelling of f ho feet and ankles, disturbances of organs, such a B brick dust a I in the urine, nigh scanty or cloudy urine, Ee frequent or supressed urina- -- sensation when urinating, etc. not neglect any of these sym for. i if dd lected they will sveptosl Tedte s ree, Dropsy and On the first sign of dr aie: Doan's Kidney Pills ' SHOULD BE TAKEN. "They to the seat of trouble, strengthen the pide aod them to filter the blood alltheimpurities whioh fo An troable. Me omas Putty, , Ont, writes: '"'After I ar- rived in Oanista Ee sate | of su much from kid Joan apn, 1.4 very m ki thay did did } Finally a y did me no oy came so lame I could marcely work. Iwas advised totry Doan's Kidney Pillsand after taking them I felt like a new man. Price 50 cents per box or 3 boxes for $1.25 a8 all dealers or mailed direct on receipt of Rea. Doan Kidney Pill Ce. ,Taromte, The sudden changes in weather ought ta suggest the wisdom of putting .in_some good Coal. We sell good Coal. It's the kind that sends out the most heat, and makes the home comic yrtable ; it's the pest money can buy, and Ahery "is none better mined. We deliver it to you clean and without slate, ht the very bottom prices; BOOTH & CO., Phone 133. Foot of West St' and relieveall the troubles fond t to ae a site of the + system, such a8 Digziness, Nausea, Distress after Be er iti Liver Pills are wiating Anacying oatsiain vii Sy Hos ven this t, whi ay al en pee thestomach stimulate the and regulate the bowels. Even if' tha{rgoodness notend whoonuvetry them will find these little pills valo- Aa AGIADS Jays thu thasthey il Nl ox not Dh "ACHE Jina et so ing fives Shut hace ds WANS Sin RAE | Li Pils are small cod 7 ar do ke. One or two pills makes ded but by their oy pia n ae five for $1. Sely ai anys 20 sts sent by mall, | » CANTER, MEDICINE CO., New York, Sal fl ful Do fall Pom My ers' SousdtAve [TERMS ARRANGED FORTHE SEVLENENY oF By a Fire in Picton Recently--The 'Sale of a © Pine Residence-- Death of Oliver Dingman-- Personal Notes. Picton, Murch 4.--A very large and appreciative number gree ted "Dr. Dyde, of Queen's' University, in the lecture room of the First Methodist church, on Friday evening, to hear his lec ture, 'Shakespeare and Macbeth." During the evening an instrumental duet was rendered by Miss Geraldine Allison and Gerald Allison and a voeal duet by Miss Low Macdonald. On Sunday Dr. Dyde preached at both services in St. Andrew's Presbyterian church. * The fine brick residence on street, the home of the late C. S. Wil- was sold, last week, to T. E. president of the Bloemfield company. It is understood the purchase price was $6,000. By the will of the late owner," thirty feet width of the property is not included Main son, Owens, Packing in the purchase; this part going to the First Methodist church, 'that a front entrance may be. bad for their handsome new parsonage, adjoining the site which was also a jgift of the late Mr. Wilson. Mr. and Mrs. Owens will make their home in Picton after April Ist. It is understood that Messrs. Cay- ley and Tanmr have effected a settle ment with the insurance companies for their loss in the recent big fire, without a lawsuit, as was anticipated The firm, it is understood, have re ceived $X400 in full of their claim of 216,000. Messrs. Cayley and Tanner have returned' from Toronto, whira they were all last week effecting the above settlement. After an illness of death occurred on Friday of Oliver Dingman, a wellknown Prince Fad- warder, at the advanced age of sixty- four years. Deceased had been a farmer in the county umtil the past ten years, since wher he had resided in town. He is survived by a grown. up family of four sons, one of whom is Norman J. Dingman, revenue in spector, ' Kingston. Hector Fielding, teller of the local branch of the United Fmpire Bank, has been transferred to Cobourg. Har- vey Bongard, son of Capt. has joined the staff of the Bank, in the vacancy caused by th removal of Richard Hadden, to. Col- borne. Frain} ously ill several weeks, the Bongard Standard Spencer, who has been sri at his home the past two months. has recovered and left Frida. for Toronto to resume his third vear studies in medicine at the University of Toronto. Ir. Willinm H. Peake, of Winnipeg, is the wuest of Mr. and Mrs M. E. Knox. C. M. Yarwood and family have left for Alexander, Alta, to. reside. 158 Gena Hepburn has left for New York City to eter a hospital as nurse-in~ training. Mr. and Mrs. 'Ber vard: Hepburn accompanied her and will rovnerin 4 a couple of weeks, Rev. William Shearer was called to Sherbrooke, Que., on Friday, owing to the eritical ilness of.a former parishioner. He will be Shion a week or =o, stopping in Montre: al for treat- ent for his eves Mrs. A. J. hashberlain, who has Leen with' her brother, J. W. Tay- lor, the past few br left this week to join her husband in Winnipeg, where they will make their home. Sha PERSONAL wENTION, Movements of The People--What They Are Saying And Doing. to Watertown, James Carey went Y., today. The new, canal from Bruges to the sea was opened to commerce to-day. Messrs. Heney and Howard Folger are expected home from New York, to- ny. Capt: A. M. Bell, 4Tth régiment, has been awarded a certificate in equita- tion. Wesley Martin and wife, don, went to Cape Vincent, day. Henry G: Watson, of Ottawa, was in the city on Sunday, the guest of friends. George Berryman, the guest of friends Sunday. Salem A. McMillan of Claren- N.Y, to: Peterboro, was in Kingston, on is spending a THE DAYS | 'S EPISODES LOCAL NOTES ANC AND THINGS IN "GENERAL. ---- Occurrences In The City And Vicinity--Other Brief Items of Interest Easily Read And Stratford hockey match results at Randolph: hotel, Monday nigh. Direct wire will furnish full returns of big hockey game at Club hotel, to night. 'The landlord may raise your rent, but you will have to raise the mone yourself, H. Cunbing , piano tuner, Bon Chickering's, at McAuley' 'short last pleasant visit at Mrs. Prit- tie's, 451 Princess street. Major Bruce Carruthers returned from Montreal, yesterday, after con- | ducting a signalling inspection. Hon. Lemuel J. Tweedie, now pre micr of New Brungivick, has been ap- pointed lieutenant governor, George Mudie, Ottawa, a former Kingstonian, was in the city, yester- day. He is on a' trip to Edmonton, A United States mail waggon econ- taining registered letters worth $5,000 was stolen in Chicago on Saturday. Miss Ida Lesnan, of Watertown, N.} | who has been visiting at her home in Badlord, veturned to Watertown, to- day. The clerical centre, in Germany, is which may result dissolution of the reich- causing dissensions in the early stag. : George W. Hancock, 'of Toronto, has been spending a few days in this city | with friends. "He retuned home day. Une to- hundred and twenty-one China- men were arrested by the Toronto | police in one raid on the charge of | gambling, Three nfon were buried by a cave-in of a coal pile, at Lachine, Que. Em est Malone was killed and "the other two injured. The French cruiser, which went ashore off the north-west coast of Africa, February 12th, broke up in heavy storm. Edward H. Jeag Bart, Pens: is removing to To- ronto, on transfer from Georgian Bay survey work to the staff of resident | j public works engineer George W. Hoyt, erican hotel staff, for a few days' of the British-Am- left, this afternoon, visit with friends ih New: York and Pennsylvania. Ernest Barry, the young English man, is the first to declare his inten- tion to challenge George Towns for the world's chaimpicaey, : Ernest lromside, C.P.R." operator, at Mackenzie, was abied to death and his body was placed on the rails with the object of covering up the crime. Andrew Camegie has offered to give $50,000 to McGill University College of British Columbia, on condition that a like sum - is raised in a given time. Sergt. McGowan returned to the city yesterday, after conducting a class on signalling in Montreal. Sergt. Mc Gowan leaves on Saturday for Peter boro to start a class there. The French and Spanish governments have signed a convention providing for the construction of three new rail. roads across the Pyrenees, the work to be completed w thin ten years. Rev. Dr. Crothers, for the past three { (Rev.) G. store. The first of the indoor hockey games | take place at the Y.M.C.A. this after noon 'dnd night. A fresh shipment of Huyler's ~ high- class candy. at Gibson's Red Cross Drug Store. Phone 230 The Y.M.C.A. basketball team, which will visit Watertown, N.Y, on Friday will hold a practice to-night. Prof. Jom Marshall will give am address to-moXrow. cvening at the board of trade rooms, ut 8 o'clock. When a girl gets on Princess street so often that the boys begin to flag her, it is time her parents called her in. The men summoned to court, charg ed with loitering on the street, and who asked time for payment, have set Hed up. Con. Millan of the: Iroquois hotel. will have bulletins of the 14th-Strat ford game given out at his hotel this to-night, The members of the Masters and Mates' Association had a most enioy ble time at their aturday night. regular meeting, The City League championships will be decided this week, likely by a double heater a the covered rink on Wednesday ni Tho hoy Ip. of matic friends 'will be extended to Mr. and Mre. John Ab bott, of the outer depot, in the death of their infant daughter, Bertha A. aged two months, There was a fair attendance at the young people's rally in Bethel church Sunday afternoon at 1.15 o'clock. An instructive address was \given by Mrs A. Mackenzie, who spoke on "Christ Feeding the Five Thousand." The Donnelly Wrecking company will send men, this week to begin work of wrecking the United States. Steel Trust's steamers Nottingham and Smith, which are high and dry in Buffalo harbor. The company will have to save the vessels or no pay. The News--No Pure Drug Cough Cure Laws would be needed if all cough cures were like Dr. Shoop's Cough Cure is and has been for twenty years. The national law now requires that if any poisons enter into a cough mixture it must be printed on the label or package. For this reason mothers, and others, should insist on having Dr. Shoop's Cough Cure. No poison- marks on Dr. Shoop's labels--and pone in the medicine, else it must by law ibe on the label. And it's not only | safe, but it is ®aid to be, by those | that know it best, a truly remarkable cough remedy. Take no chances, par ticularly' with vour children. Insist on having Dr. Shoop's Cough Care. Com pare carefully the Dr. Shoop package with others and see. No poison years pastor of George street Metho- marks there. You can always be on the safe side by demanding Dr. Shoop's MONDAY, MA ARCH A The effect of Scorr's Emulsion on thin, magical. pale children is ites thom plum sour active, happy. Joti make fat, a that it is easily by little folk. ALL DRUGGISTS: 500. AND 31.00. Hopaphesphites y gented helps your kidneys. * Bu "Bu Ju' the kidn poisonous « "Ba-Ju" hips bladder trou! "Du-Ju" that will d " "1 had suffered almost continually for seven years with Kidney Could scarcely walk, end was nuable to attend 10 my farm the kidney pills, advertised and procured a Lox After taking the first few pills, I feel much 1 after taking half a box, was able todo a full days work. saved nie $40.00 doctor's hills and 1 think cures Bu-Ju" " 1 VE the we les. wali akness soothes irritation and heals inflammation. increases the excretion of urine. --opens up the pores--clears the system of ail posits--and makes the kidneys well and strong, takes away the pain in the back and threugh the and nervousness--and relieves all e you practically a new peir of kidneys, lo their work in nature's way. does all this--and more--at a cost to you of MARKRAM, ONT, pi Bu-Ju ». on our unconditional guarantee that they only 3c. a day, Trouble work, Saw" Buju from my ut uggist, yetieved | 1 Anew one box of * Bu-Ju they are the finest Ville made, Bu will cure or money refunded. If y THE CLAFLIN CHEMICAL CO, Limited, :« WINDSOR, Ont. 49 ur druggist does not handle them, write to us direct. This flushes Dec. 1st. 1903 JAMES ABBOTT. Zephyr Factory Ends, We have just received from a large manufactory, These Ginghams come in and each end contains from 20 to-50 yards. Ginghams. 25c. Ginghams cme FOR ee 12c. A ------ A -------- 6,000 yards of what is known as to 36 inches wide, roN& Pe MBROKE ALLWAY IN ° CONNECTION bet THE © C.P.R Low Rates West 1X os FROM ENGS7ON Second Class One-Wiy icket, good" Be Karch Ist to April Ha Special Ww rates to other Points, Full particulars at K. & P., and C.F eR, strvet. Ticket Office, Ontario PF. CONWAY, Gen. Pass. Agent. Bay of Quinte Railway Poi mgs ag Ta Bh bee By oe leave City Hall Depot atépm; Fy CONWAY, Agent B. Q. Ry.. Kinestons Between Montreal and the At. lantic. ' INTERCOLONIAL CYNON is the all CANADIAN ROUTE TO CANADIAN Jina ports, St. John and Hall. It in to spend the early months of Dew year in warm climate try the West Indies Full particulars about regular sailings and of a Yachting cruise to ths rs, ai Mo DAYS fax, January 20en, and On application to MONTREAL GITY OFFICE 181 St. James Street Low Rates Wert ay. apcond-class tlekets | will 1st to oS ARE Soh 0 at Butte, Mont Helena, Mont., wana wh Poche: Col ' Utah will spend a week or so en route with | dist church, Peterboro, has ben in. C. Is Simply : rel 6,000 yards Pure Zephyr Ginghams, 27 BO ernes itres her mother in Kingston. Miss Ante Ged to become pastor of St. Paul's [Cough Lure, Si nh Bocept worth 18c., 20c., 22¢c. and 25c. per yard. Sale price, 12¢, Seattle. Wash., Portland, Gillespie is visiting her siste N ethodist church in the cit ft S..b sn 2 : ia i i Oregan, Tacoma Wash..,.... Robert Jaffray, Jr., in Paton: Mins Catharines, Ont . In . These Ginghams are in pretly shiaflés of bias, pink, helio, greys Westminster, B.C............ $46.00 Pear] Tavior, of Tox oa, The governors' of the school il The Lady Curlers. etc.,'in checks, stripes and plaids, an are suitable for e g of Ne ao Teron sd he gu rine Prot. the = oa], s In the singles for the Shaw medal, or boys' dresses, or suits, men's shirts, or pretty house or street | Mexico City, Mex. . . . « $46.76 street Die, SE ng demonstrator in cemistre n exh [at the ewrling rink, this morning, Mise costumes 'for ladies. Lon i) vCal, Sanfrasiels: : Mrs Go Mearn is in New York heavy gold ring, in recognition of | Hocus. Owning, aim won from Mis SALE ON WEDNESDAY AND FOL- , 847.96 with her daughter, Miss Madeline Al- [Services rendered in te ti Mr Ro Bo : os ae. Son low rates to many other corn during G. 0. Aleorn's, M.P., stay | banquet to the Onturis Ppniehding | ea Ry Hoopes rink, tn LOWING DAYS. points. For full particulars, apply to in Ottawa. Mrs. (Dr.) T. 8. Philp | members in Grant hall last month. oss don (andy, Vion Sap, Mis ---- y. x ent was the hostess of 'a very pi avant fiw, Willing Howitt, BAL. Bb, of { Nod, Butte and, Wiss Julin Lyman, : Coruet. Jan oe = Ea afternoon tea, on Wednesday. Mrs. F, | Morrisburg; preached excellent Fe Figuk 4 The f i X 'the a ro will | ALL SALES FOR CASH eT S. Wilson and her mother, Mrs. fe 5 mons in Queen Street Methods . ju k, . © a $s in v he sing . il ba hg 0 Y A \t of Napanee, have gone down to New | church, on Sunday. His eveni I- Dap : tomorow omit. 4 Spe York City fo Ks' In ng ac tacular fight is promis, to-morrow Clara Ports Iya woe 5 Stay. Miss, ig oni a full expusition on apos | aftemoon, at four o'clock, when th 5 Ne Sr uter is Yi iting Re Mr. and ee, Aeryone wha, through nobility | Westenders, skipped by J. B. Walkem, onary n at Forrester's Fy alls) Ont and self-sacrifice, did a deed of Worth | will cross brooms with: the: Eastend She will Ys it Ottawa friends before | and helpfulness, was an apostle by the | : skipped tn W B. Dulton a, Sat.'3 Har returning home will of God : ers, "> . on, s Victorian ee. 2 Mar, : Tumisian, ZI. "FAL, 8 Mar, Sat B Mar, -- ------ : de. ve t., 16 Mar. GRAND OPERA HOUSE. Leaves Kingston With Regret. | Pope Fruit For Yasmals sa ba an at TE - » -~ . > ancy oriida grape « pt Cy : Rev. C. E Manning smnounced to [per doz., at Carnovsky's. El gi RA NAA Ay whut, RATES OF PASSAGE. Production "The Volunteer Organ- his cong avetion, on Sunday, that af- | -------- £4 $~ First-Class, $556 and ly, mccorce cet? ter mierring with the . f i alkoe n » ie ing to steamer, _ 1st" on Saturday. Sedenie ane Soest Methods ch F. J. Walker a d Emma Puddi ond-Class, - $42.60 At the Grand, on Saturduy after had 1 tk combe, Stratford, exceutors of the es b Third-Cl lass, $27.50 ad $28. . noon and evining W. W. Newcombe he SE the position of field sec- | (ate of William B. Puddicombe, are presented . "Fhe Volunteer Organist" | 12 for home missions, which means | quine the Canadian Pucific_railway 1 For further afore tion) appl Se J. 5 two Lara 3h Mh yy. | that his pastorate in Kingston will | i$ 000 for tl h of Mr. Pudd P. GILDERSLE +3 Gintenco t., J. to Iwo "large audiences The play | terminate June or 85,000 for the death of Mr. uci P. HANLEY, EVE Ry. deals with the life of Howard Sturges 3 In «une next He stated | combe through negligence, 3 a minister ih a small town I thet lw to Kingston, on | Every person practising the art of \ rele Th itty on ther, Tom to remain here for the full term of h aling, Mi ; i Phy fegulas > uber ; IF Y ou WAN I THE BEST 7 RY US. - Sy Sr bl * : % o tom TRan- | four years, but since the church had of the College of byeicians in _ . os ; int, ue pa hii mm ji Frederick | called him to a larger sphere, he felt | geons of the province, wi iy Be WE SELL . HOTEL serpin one showing the it to his duty to respond to the call I » Hable os fine of from #25 to 3 Q . t § Ch u the cho VS as very ev, statex]l that it was a surprise to, |1OF every ofience. 3 pretty. The majority of the minor ] 1 ql - - 4 4 ST NT ) 3 3 earn of his int t d | : ly lutte wre Weedon, though the act- a ay 2p nt ta "Jad RHEUMATISM CURED BY b 4 KING ON 0 ARID De : iri oS Sloe, ns nce signed fom the pastorate with some | : "NERVILINE." 0 Has undergone alterations and to eves or, The Ra Yeluctuis and would leave Kingston | "Nothing 1 know of has the reliev- I to the + 1 2 carries : } . Y | with many regrete. ing Power > Nerviline," writes David ai $s now open e travellin| En WI att any oy: etant rep | Wells of 222 Charlotte St., St. John, | § Good Fitters, Good Lookers and Good i" only in one. She her te a A Birthday Party. [N.B. bBo rubbed into .the sore part . Wearers. suoplic. % 5 daughter, Yoken, has been lost. The] A Pleasant gathering took place at | it eases at once. | have proved that ; ? Ww TELFER Proprietor ot concludes i _ sobeihints the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Ben- | Nerviline cures rheumatism, neuralgia, 4 ; ~x 5 4 e plot concludes in the reconciliation of F 3 . the preacher and his brother. jamin, Asselstine, February 26th, |and 'muscular pain; it is powerfuliand |'4 § 1 when a iskidioy party was given in | soothing and the best pain remedy 7 " * honor o rs. Benjamin's sister, Mys | ever tried. 'l fecommend all to use h h WwW COBALT STOCKS. A. Briden, of Wallhalla, Dakota. The { Nerviline." Get a large 256¢c. bottle T e aw er oe tore § hen You Buy guests numbered about forty. A | from your dealer to-day. $ ( : 1 Furnished By J. O. Hutton, 18 [sumptuous supper was served after. | - - wr---- 3 OA Market Street. wards. wr and Mrs. iden peveived | DANDRUFF CAUSED BY A NAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAS iy Pi , March 4th: 1 p.m. many neisome presents owing e | rom . 2 high esteem in which they are held as GERM, -- -- r ¥ ! Queen ing Trethewey Sitver Lent Green Mechan Coniages SALES. Groen Meehan . . At $104 Foster ©... + 237 "The Winter's Tale." Miss Minnie M. Williams will give another Shakespearian rec ial i Con- vocation hall to-night'S at & o'clock, Plan at Uglow's. Buy Infant Foods Cross Drug Store. at Gibson's Red Fresh there. Phone ., on March 2nd, of heart trouble. a reminder td west of the them when in the far | | many friends "they have | left behind them in their former home | at (xlessa. Buried At Deseronto. The remains of late Dr. Oronhya- tekba will be buried at Deseronto, where his wife is buried and where his | daughter, Mrs. Percy Johnston, re- sides. Beforw his death he longed very much to his som, Dr. Acland Oronhyatekha, who had heen telegraph- woe ot Suiini's Bragilaty 30. Bowls Bt Archies bas digh Newbro's Herpicide. ---------------------- 4 samples to The Hesiicide C00 roll ident Roosevelt's young son, | Mich. Two sizes, 50c. a theria, Py Mahood : A Wew Discovery That Kills the Germ and Prevents Baldness. Pretly nearly all the hair prepara | tions for dandruff have some merit in allaying itching of the scalp and iu | being a fairly good dressing' for the | hair, but there is only one that re cognizes what causes dandruff, falling hair, and baldness, apd that destroysl..... | the a little germ--and that 1s cause, This germ eats its way into the sealp, it digs up the | Detroit, , 'special agent, * 2 od for. but whe was unable to reach | scalp into little white scales. Unless it ? him before the end came tis destroved there's no permanent g r * stopping of falling hair and cure of | he Miss Minnie M. Williams. | dandruti and baldness. Newhro's Herpi- | {£4 4 Will give another Shakcspearian re- | cide kills the germ. "Destroy the cause | FRLN ital in Convocation All. from The | you remove the effect." Sold by lead- | Winter's Tale,' to-night 8 o'clook. | ing druggists. Send 10c. in stamps for ------ Big Sale of Furniture We intend rebuilding and require the room 10 make alterations. Sd P. WALSH Youget genuine Scranton as he handles nothing else : EVERYTHING AT CLOSE OUT PRICES + James] Reid The Leading Undertaker STORE OPEN NIGHTS Big Reduction on Skates [COME EARLY AND GET . . AIBARGAIN.