Daily British Whig (1850), 5 Mar 1907, p. 3

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fod nik YOU CAN MAKE A QUART OF LIQUID BEEF EXTRACT from a Tiny Jar of Armour's Solid Extract of Beet Fluid Beef is a manufectured product made from Extract of Beef Fresh From the, Gardens | INEWS FRO PICT Of the finest tea in nest -producing country ANOTHER CANNING FACTORY FOR BLOOMFIELD. Get Rid of Your Piles Right Now ; [Death of Walter Donard--Lenten reenter bought on Sh open Stier iv oe Evry ~Eyramid Fie Cure Can Do " BY NAY isi OR Rote a , Se Servi Evening--Can t Quickly an inlessly. First fnsertion, 1c. a word. Each con ot: Yeu 66, care eo ning Factory May Be Erected --p-- secutive insertion thereafter de. & fos . . in Rednersville. Free Package Sent To Prove It. word: Minimum charge for one a. ADA' 4 y 3 (Picton, March 4.--Morc canning fac- | ~ gs of offer sertion, 256. BACKWARD PUPILS TO COA A I mn O 18 | § ho) tories ! It seems' keenly nD ah los hos the rr and torture of experienced tlie xe ca ny I, IN i Prince Edward has not yet reached its | PUSS RAS BOSE Bon told But mo} HELP WANTED--MALE. oer vAgdre Py Ot . we Ls limit in this rapidly progressing in- of | almost ona cos : i So l 1d 9 4! Ir 1( i dustry. . It is--announced oy the | of-piles is 00 oxerueinting for {yp nov, AT Tan RANDOLPH | FIFTY XTRA SALESPROPLE. . g DELICIOUS PURE HEALTH FUL Canatbign Canpers' Consolidated Co., fo grin ox if you are fear- Hotek "Apply at RE aA A LOL: ues by unreachable itch- Clothing. Apply at once, EB. PB, Limited, will shartly cominence 4 He, or whether you have only a mod- dkets only. 960, 306, 40c, 50c and 60c per 1b. At all grocers hutkding of ER oui erate case of "piles, there is positive the | relief, and quick too A GOOD SMART BOY, 18 MAKE Jenkins & Co, himsell generally useful. 1 Lockett Shoe oo Pity Load in Pyramid Pile dicate" their THRER EXPERIENCED R RING SPIN ly PRIVATE SALE. A Qu representative in Soares su Steak) 2 ; Ar 2 Cure, . 9 4 ; i ore xin potted in Canad, ee ------------------------ Quaker settlement hat been ip the 4: You need mol. ake for cranted al 0 0uper box. maine a Sr FLOR Ca ar No. 0 % "rrovten actA To - S ®t 3 we oul Ves y about our Pile Rem- chance. "nl ngstol . i = Sol VY tie FNC , and guacan: THAT TIRED, HEAYY FEELING IS UNKNOWN TO stood, is too inadequate. for the | 1 OW Ne Sa) abou our Bile Rua | ty Ringe FR ER Negi best beef, THE MAN WHO BREAREASTS ON along the 'track of 'the COR and | We want you to send for a free packs , LOST BRICK i 7-ROOME, GOOD Thee uity uk aduiterss factory, Hera | 989, tosdny, of the marvelous Pyramid FOR AUTO-SPRAY. . Pn aa ton 1a Aimar Pod of Beef, automatic. limits of city. Por 6 A MINK SCARF. ON SUNDAY, FEB. to $44 Victoria street. : and as it Joes four tinies as far as othe brands--i noma: 8 4 is more eco . ARMOUR LIMITED - Toronto CANADIAN FACTORY™TT rRont STREET EAST a i NOTICE! WE PAY CASH FOR ALL KINDS OF Mth. Finder will be rewarded on re turning to Whi ol -------------------------------------- CHESNUT STALLION, a ket. Reasch i leaving cit Appl Meow, Vou. Be Main SU Kemgston: Ly # A GOODSLING WA eh; oN SATUS sled, RO THAR A $30 NOTE. THE FINDER WI BE > . rewarded hy returai it to Ld office, or to owner, Walter MgNichlos, Glendower. : ¥ SALESMEN opposite the Parmers tory. 4 Bl hand the new factory 'will' be erected at an Pile Cure, We. want to vag theso plo a approved estimated cost of £10,000. statements to you FT oma y, so that agent. Cavers Bros., Gait, : It is understood that Mr. Dempsey, | YOU will ge a Yourself. I - [the well-known apple man of Reduer | « Pyramid Go Das cured the}, aENERAL DRY 'GOODS SALES. [ville, is pushing a scheme for the es. | Worst form of piles known. We prove . man. Apply, wiving refarence and ex- { tablishment of a canning factory in [its Jerience 'to Ln Clancy: 'Sens, & & Co, that village and the indications are Instant relief can be gotten by using had : Habitual meat eat- the magvelous Pyramid Pile Cure. It that one will be started for the com- ers. will find the ing soason's crops. There is, it is | immediately reduces all congestion and SPRING SUITS TO MAKE. GH thought, ample field for a factory in swelling, heals all sores, ulcers and cheap up-to-date sult ase. this district, ns there is as yo. none | irritated parts, : price and Snish cusrentaed. on the northern shore of Abe county. The moment you siart to use it, aud be . . Gulloway, Work has alreatly commenced on. the | your suffering énte and the core of , 181 street. foundation of the new factory at | your dread disease is in sight. Here is Hillier, to be controlled by the Bloom- | one of the many thousand letters wo MEN AND WOMEN TO oLBARN he : 3 field Packing company. Barber Trade-in 8 weeks. Ane EDUCATIONAL. | TOLET, | " earn $10- to $18 ki As the result of a fall on a slippery I secure nositions, sie een Inst i § i chi e oe beneficial A GOAT SKIN TX ROBE, ) ocality ii driving hous and as e whole t 3 agton, stable, Seen. : Biscuit makes the Fan or dre Se Pe -- to Water. on a or tle. ® Apply * br care ve of Whig this Office, most nourishing meal in the world. During Lent Breakfast on the Bisouit--Try Triscuit for get about this great cure : have been a terrible sufferer of NTERNATIONAL CORRESPOND- middle of last weck, when the ~acci- | free to tell all saffercrs of this dread Lonslle, 87 George sree Eunchecn. Vi t, by which spinal trouble re- | piles for fourtem (14) years, and dur yoar for our. graduates. Catalogue ance Seran . : e A ie ILLINGS, OFFT ,, STORE All G 13 °o - Red, with Yanai setting in, the ng all this 'time vou can have 'an free. Moler Barber College, Queen and ee ioc en ot ° PWELL ine MeCann' or To Broek a rocers--13c. a carton, or 2 for 2c. death occurred on Sunday of Walter iden of how many kinds of medicine I Spadina, To - od to . 1 Saturday il, Rep : | Panard, a well-known townsman. Al- | tried. But 1 found no rclief whatever. HELP WANTED-FEMALE 10 hans soz roll Pre | BRICK DWELLING, No. 5 though in his seventieth vear, doceas- "Now, after uw ping but one treat- . ton St, city ¥ ed was active and healthy until the | ment of your "Pyramids I am free, Te 5 Immediate ! wosanion" Av Anni, . A HOUSEMAID. APPLY MRS, MONEY AND BUSINESS. BE. Cunningham, Ta with its fatal result.. | ful disease to try. this medicine the de nt happe med, Danard, as he was familiarly | Pyramid Pile Cure. It will cure when | pvp 1 Gonvan AEA OUR POLICIES COVER MORE ON|LARGE FRONT ROOMS, a N end oh CO - 'e 2 >%9 ey around town, had been a farm- | all others fails Sincerely yours, | A AL Bny HR PLY Sms, building and contents than any other modern % The Real French "Consomme kor, prod ton a | Snares Besa Schl. Ph figs | aed" BEER RE urd Abpiy 160 King St. ---- "degree" from h Yl known tenden- | The Pyramid Pile Cwe is put up in [GOO GENERAL SERVANT AT et Square. is found perfectly combined in cies toward the care of animals. He | the form «of casy-tousm," specially once. Apply 289 Divison St., city, WRLTURGSED orric l wag horn in the county and had long | made suppositories. They are 300th | see LIVERPOOL, LONDON AND To LOBI Might, " . : 66 ® been an resident of the town. Beside | i painless, instant and certain. A Gogh SUMMON SENSE COOK FOR Fire wasate $41 167.088 ompany, catianie over J. s EXCLUSIVE FURRIER ? . his widow survive one son, in the s trial treatment will be sent youd Apply Bo Belleville. Sauhth tore: Bat M8 ph Street. . west, and one daughter, Mrs. Hall, | at once by mail, in plain, scaled) wrap 'A COMPETEN® nose Mam WITH security bd mited liability of wll . 78-80 Brock St. Phone 700 Picton. per, without 'a cent of expeasd to Vol, Anoly Hugh | ©. She, 3 oiers, Jorn and | PRICK nwmLITNG: XO. 181 DIVIBON ---------------- Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Hambly return- | if you send your name and address to Nicki iss' Earl so rates. natur ar oid. or, uh dine : 83 Pyramid Build: tes from Strange rooms, ex ed on Saturday after a month's stay new business get ra ing Ee Ap Mitenun, aot Pyramid Drug Co., THE DELICIOUS FLUID BEEF Be A TARLON. THATS. APE aE] | Iriadusinten tah, o rae oy Y LAG . 4 ymes ¢ op- | ing, Marshall, Mic h. hone Co ; res ow burn has returned from Oil City, Pa, After Voufreceive the sample, you can Dishes Saat, King aon, be prov---- | Welk, Boy ARCHITECTS, ta regular-size package of Pyramid | eee TF Hepburn; who | ge vile Cure, at your drugyistjs, Tor 50 | GENERAL accompanied hy Mrs. 8 the winter at her Rich by its nutritive properties its flavor bracing and invigor- has been spending SERVANT: NO WASH- * v ating. home there. cents, or if he ham't it, send us the br to Mrs... A. 8S. Oliver, ARTHUR Jia, ARCITTEOT, 0 OF- MEDICAL. | Gandelabras Indispensable whenever a cook cares for perfect food. Mr. and Mrs. William Madlinhvie, money and we will send it to you. 59 Gore stroet. fics, Cor. Queen an ao 3 : : Toront » guest Mr. anc TH. | tty oy ~ I " s q "VITA is unexcelled as to quality and delicacy, Hepburn, Miss Nella. Clapp: leaves | GAUSE OF FALLING HAIR. | Cort of Oreimaint GEARN THE | TRNRY CF etidig, Market Square this week to enter a Buffalo hospital ---- ing, trimmin~ ete.. tailored gowns "Phone, 345 In Bright or Riench Gray For Sale by JAMES McPARLAND, Kingston. as nurse-in-training, Miss Tot Car- Dandruff, Which is a Germ Disease Turitey pes cloaks. coats and PONENTS son. AROTITEOT. NH. Silver, and New Brushed rier, Toronto, is visiting at "Ricker- --Kill the Germ. ty. Mme. Eider, 2358 meh Ie, hanes . I Ming, corner Brock Brass effects, with Exquisite: ton Castle," during the absence of Mr. cad by dandruff corner Sydenham. and Wein B ding. ae 213, lv Tinted Silk = shades, ir ee ee ------------------------------------------------ and Mrs. B. R. Hepburn, on a trip to |, Falling hair is causal by , -- -- - New York and Virginia. which is a germ disease. The germ in - During the mont of March, every [burrowing into the root ot St als, Big Sale of evening, cxcept Saturday, Rev. W, L. where it Huttoss hai vith ll oy . Armitage will hold Lenten serviees in |beir, causing " tle a or the parish house. This is a departure digs up the i toute ittle geale Lenten ser. | od dandruff or sewrf. You can 't stop FF . from other years when L urn itu re vices ere held each afternoon. the falling hair without curing the 39% DOA. pass é dancrufi, and you can't cure the | "We. intend 'rebuilding and dandrufi_ without killing the dandruff require the room to make It Cured Their Rheumatism. "Pestroy the canes, alterations. loose effects or with Pierced Metal Covers to match ent tire piece. for a certain sum of money, variously estimated at from $100,000 to $2050, 000, This money, it in declared, was to be delivered to Mr. Glover on three conditions, as follows: First, neither he dor | his household Ee second, Ea hed ert no_ objections to the probuting of any will that, might be offered oH her that they should not does ok ok epee eat any a aknibe OFFER FROM MRS. EDDY. Said to Have Made to Her Son, dr. Glover. Concord, N.M., March B5.--Ge 1 Frank 8. Streeter, the legal via Mrs. Mary Baker G. has Pub: lished 5 statement ps a ly fo vari: ous allegations in the rept of equity which has been brought againet trus- Any special style or color shades. may be ordered and are sold separately. SMITH BROS. . germ. A remedy must of course be judged | move 'the eficet."" Newbro's Heepicide by what it docs and we shall be glad | is the only hair preparation that kills Jewelers and Opticians to have Dr. Hall's Rheumatic z ure | the ainpdsuff ig Herpiside ) wit Sons and directors = of the Christian | death; third, phat ra : put to this test. The remedy has been |a delightful hair dressing. Sol y | Science church by relatives. of Mrs. | seek by any legal authority or pro 1' tendencies and conclus- 850 King Stroet - EVERYTHING AT used in this locality for years. "It Br oS iEuista Send a an Eddy with the view of obtaining an coeding to set aide any wikis, Jevdnon he averywhere Where . has been employed in all sorts of [stampe for sample to he Herpioic accounting of funds, The statement | conveyances that Mrs. y might meri antl rationally Issuers of Marriage CLOSE ouT PRICES acute and chronie cases. It has cured | Co., Detroit, Mich. Two sizes, 500. J says that Mrs. Eddy Ay in he en) make during her lifetime, think rel on a you will L ia when other remedics hve failed-u/hon and $1. G. W. Mahood, special agent. | of mental, health, and is able to ---------------- Unitarians. Truth is one, and lea: no other remedy would even transact business with' accuracy. It Real Estate Booming. to a common conclusion, It is It deserves a thorough test by eny- FOR TEACHERS ONLY. also. says that the amount of Mrs. I have sold mine dwellings and three [the man who blindly James Reid one who has rheumatism or neuralgia -- | Eddy's property has been grossly | farms for good prices and have several | stubbornly retains what hefb The Leading Undertaker ind any form. Ite action is thorough. | Teacher's . Disability Policy is | multiplied by rumor and unfounded | more for ssle on reasonable tims. copted, whose ough STORE OPEN NIGHTS It can't harm. It will cure. Price, Good Thing. report. She is not possessed of large | You can see me at the Windsor hotel jswung over to the new and Jury 0c. Ten days' treafment. At Wade's | 7he Fidelity and Casualty company, | wealth as the. term is used. Mrs. Ed-| or 438 Princess street. E. B. Purdy,{conceptions of the piberal religion. 1 you would escape your sole ni lies in not king: dy receives no income from the church, nor from the publication society con- nected with the church. Her sole in| The armored eruisers Vietor Huge come for many years has been from [and Kleber, which will attend the the copyright om her own books, and | Jamestown exposition, under command the amount from this source has been | of Admiral Thery, have been d greatly overestimated. with picked crews and are being clegn- It ix reported that on Friday last | ed preparatory to starting for America before the suit was filed." Rev drug store, ona of the 'oldest and-strongest acoi- real estate agent. dent and health companies in the world, provides an indemnity of $10 pr week against any "ilness for twen- y The threatened. duel between French Deputies Lucien Gasparin and Maxnail- lian. Carnaud will not take place, the seconds having decided that the cir. cumstances did not warrant an en- counter. Do You Prize Tea for its body, its six. weeks, ond in case of accident, $32.5 ality beyond bh or age of fragrance, flavor, purity and wholesomeness ? Biue Ribbon Tea is perfect [+ all these qualities, For morning, afternoon or evening--for every use--it's the best. Pure and invigorating. Black, green, mixed --25c¢. to the same for 200 weeks; also quartedy for total. the 200th week un Prevost, Brock street, has received | sevenly, years, Un ohise of accidenta elo Irving [early in May: three cases of imported goods for his | death or a railroad or steamboat, | C. Tomlinson, ane of the defendants The Allan steamer Sardinian, fot order clothing department, consisting | street car, passenger elevator or in a named in the suit, left Concord, his | Halifax, sailed for Havre, on March mission being, to go to Mr. Glover, | 4th, with 92 cabin and 387 steerage Fddy. Mr, Tomlinson | passengers. in his possession for{ The new Transvaal ministry was sworn: in at Pretoria on 'M hy burning building, 85,000. This policy is more libera] and gives more for the | the son of Mrs. premium chargdd than ead be had else- | is "said to, have where, and is the only company in the delivery to Mr. Glover a deed of trust supposed to be extinct, haw opened up world issuing a contract of this kind : a new mouth and is emitting dense (to. both male and female teachers. smoke. There have been slight earth- | Full particulars bv addressing or call quakes in Calabria. ing upon Ww, J. Fair, insugance hrok- EVEN HER BLOOD | | mes 3 MEDICAL SUPERVISION NEEDED TURNED TO WATER| TARTIFS 2D 4 rEu. TO PREVENT THE SPREAD OF ~~ CONSUMPTION IN SCHOOLS. of Scotch and English tweeds, serges, cheviots and vicunas. A great variety of them to choose from. The erater of Zoilatara at Pozauoli, mbroideries AFA wv Insertions Men Sent to Prison For Kissing in Chureh. Vienna, Murch 2 Twenty Ruthenian ELL E00040080000600000008080808000800000880 . BUY THE BEST! When Dying i Pernicious Anaemia Her Life Was Saved By a » f peamants belonging to Ispas, in Gali- , - ' 3 - FERROZONE a | cin, have been sente 'need to various Medical supervision of the schools is badly needed, and ) GA NONG S G. B. ] | ---- . terma of imprisonment from a week steps should be taken to provide such, 'according to Dr. W. E, { , to a month for kissing 'each other in Fairfield, House Surgeon at St. Mary's ital, Green Bay, Probably very few cases are on re | church. } Wis. Tuberculobis, the disease which takes Roh lives of hun- A feud had arisen between two "| parties in the town, and the priest preached a sermon in whith he urged cord in which an absolute cure been made of pernicious anaemia. But Ferrozone did cure Miss Elaine dreds where bthers claim one, Dr. Fairfield believes should be t grappled with and overcome in its very earliest stages when CHOCOLATES A big range of the daintiest pat- rns ever brought into this city From the verv narrow redgirf the wide flouncing and allover idths, our showing is most com- ete. We ask a careful inspection the stock. ' OUR JRESS GOODS Are creating a great impression THE FINEST IN THE CITY. ONLY 50 CENTS re LB. A. J. REES, 166 Princess Street FIIPIIIIIIIIIIIIIIRIININ oe "Wo Aro Showing All This - Some of the Swellest Dress Goods To be seen in the trade, many lines only to be Rad at this store. New Light and Medium Shades, in Tweeds, at 50c. to $1.50 per yard. New Black and White Check and Plaids, in all the different size checks, at 50c. to $1.75 per yard, Stanhope--cured her absolutely, and her mother, Mrs. G. Stanhope, of Rothesay, Ont.. says the following': "My daughter complained of feeling tired. She was very pale and listless, and kept losing strength till too weak to .attend echool. The doctors pre- scribed different bottles of medicine but Elaine kept getting worse instead of better. She had Anaemia and we were afraid for a while that she might never rally. We read of a similar case, that of Miss Descent, of Stirling, Ont., being cured by Ferrozone, and this induced us to get it for Flaino. It took three boxes of Ferrozome to meke any decided improvement, but when six boxes were used my daughter was beginning to be her old self ngain. It didn't take much longer to make a complete cure, and. I am convinced that there . is no better .bla than Ferrozone. It has made un new girl of Elaine. She hus gained ten pounds in weight and looks the picture of perfect the peasants to make friends before they eame to church again. They took him at his word, and on the follow- ing Sunday the two hostile Ja tic marched up the church side by side and kissed the altar. They then solemnly shook hwwls, and kissed one another on both cheeks in the Polish fashion to seal the reconciliation, The kissing scene excited laughter among the members of congregation; and the priest prosecu- ted the peasants for unseemly con- duet in church. The court held that a church is no place for kissing, and found the peasants. guilty. loud the W. C. Gray, Edgarton, Mass., has heen shut up in his house at Asheville, N.C., for two weeks with the body of bis wife and refuses to permit burial. The body may be forcibly removed if her husband insists upon keeping it much longer, as the straim wpon his mind is greater than he can stand. : } ; p h p manifested among school children, Other contagious diseases, such as diphtheria and smallpox, are placarded and "guarded against, but there is practically no attempt made to prevent tubercular infection. Children afflicted with this dread disease are allowed to mingle with healthy children as though there was not the slightest danger. Teachers could do much to aid in eliminating con: tive children from the ranks of the healthy. The first we tion of tuberculosis is an afternoon rise of Teachers could be taught to take the temperature of tha. ren and report suspicious cases. These could be sent to the health officer and reported to the parents. Children shown to be infected could then be kept apart. Fresh air with proper § treatment would result in restoring health, while confinement in the school room would only give the disease an opportunity to build and grow. It is among the apparently su coughs and colds that the disease is most often found in its incipiency. 4 'Coughs and colds should not he neglected. A simple for- mula prescribed by a noted authority will break up a cold in twenty-four hours. It is said to be so effective that it will cure any cough of a curable nature. The ingredients are inex- pensive, and can be purchased at any well stocked drug store. Mix a half ounce Virgin il of Pine (Pgre) with two ounces of Glycerine and a half pint of oe . Take a tea- i 1 4 1 4 4 1 i 1 AUCTION SALE: Book at once with the ..r Leading Auctioneer JOHN H. MILLS Sl. DEPARTMENT OF BAILWAYS & CANALS "* QUEBEC CANALS NOTICE TO DEALERS IN CEMENT SEALED TENDERS ENDORSED "Tender for Cement," will be received hy © the undersigned, until 16 o'clock on Wednesday, the: 18th March, 1907, for the supply of 10,000 barrels of Portlul" Uement for the uso of the Canals. Specificatians fue For ot 1 can ol t peTin- of the RE Hache Canals, spoonful every four hours. £4 { health. She is stronger aml enjoys Radi ° Virgin Oil of Pine (Pure) is at 4 tor diapensing' 'only, in 3 ; Te are: Moucrral, IE the best of spirits. The eredit of her The deserted. village of Allaire, NJ, recovery is entirely due to Ferrogbne." | was hongh t by Arthur Brisbane, edi- Every growa girl and young woman | tor of a New York newspaper, and is om Poplins, "Armures, San Toys, Crepe Redona, Panamas, Voila, Serges, Crispens, Salin Cldth, Chiffon, Broadcloth' and enet - ong ladies with good taste: pular weaves in all the wanted half-ounce vials. Each vial is securdly 'sea in .\a round rtment. vooden . case with engraved wrapper. sh Canals, tawa, on 1 . the name-- ades. Drop in and look at the : mw TRIMMINGS. ed make heesolf st I healthy | to be converted imto a farm. The Pure aly b: -- hemical the 4th March ev' - We have a large assortment Braids, Guimps, All-Over Laces TLS eeRy Soy wm Y | piace takes in some 600 acres and it is Yon oi " Piue { be git only XY kaneh. Shani The Department does not. bind itselt to P y: and Insertions. : It Inakes blood, nerve and tigsue | said that Brisbane paid $125,000 for bulk and the many rank nk bmi tations of Virgin Oil . of Pine By order, No trouble to show Goods AT 'makes it { es it to stay, (Pure) put out under similar THE JAMES JOHNSTON STORE 180 Wellington Street. AETED perfect, nerves get new strength, lect health is the reward A reine rive 0c. per box; don't tract. Complexion soom becomes len Doole, the tiredness [a explorer, author journalist, died on Friday. in London. He was born at St. Quen- 859, eo, which is sold by | tin, Franee, in } Charles Bertram, "the conjurer, died in Lonuon on Friday. | Ee, Laan os And style of package are not only ineffactivé for the Ne t are often dangerous. It is always well to remember that the sole object of an imi- tator is to deceive. There is no known substitute for Virgin Oil of Pine (F 1) . : ASSL ARR partmen! Secreta) Departmént of Railways and Canals, ° L. K. JONES, z ry. Otlitwa, 1st March, Sor. |i Ee

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