008000000022923000000004 BY'S + ng Off for Spring h Everything - and Nobby. LOO00000000006020000080000°620000 500040084 4288008 New Raincoats a New Trousers : o New Neckwear S T : ~ : ¢ 8, New Hosiery, Etc. : ® 3 25 Derby. pecial $4.00 Trousers. $15.00 Silk Faced Dvercoat. Bibby Co. 20000000000000000000¢ {00000000000000v000000s : [RITIOUS SUBSTITUTE RING LENT, TRY heese, or a it makes a oducing luncheon. J RISCUIT for Toast. arton, or 2 for 25¢. IG AFTER SHAVING ES, NO ANNUAL TAX * a Lifetime first and last you need ever )Y FOR USE om your dealer on 30 days 56. La: Sot of Two In LHe Leatrcr Case $4.50 { ar ho N, New Yor Eo Fan li © LVAe ere Te » 476 Broadway, N.Y. 83-87 PRINCESS 8 STR EET LL, ork upon the nerves, the brain eh EEL GTOFMALT rating : it is fhe best abicid § ha LE bl ! Fa UR "DEALER." Druggist, Cor. King and {2 New Scientific Appliance, Always a Perfect Fit--Adjustable to Any Size Person--Easy, Com- fortable, Never Slips, No Obnoxious Springs or Pads ~Costs Less Than ¥. Common Trusses--Ma(le For eT or Upon His Children--One is Children. Blind From His Abuses--The SENT ON - TRIAL Story 'Was Most Shocking. J Have inverted a. rupture polianes Moatrcal, March 7.--James Allan, an Shot 1 ean ely. say: hy 30 ex: Englishman, of short residence in this only ono that. will ahgol the couftry, was, to-day, sentenced to three: years in the pe nitentiary upon' conviction of having so maltreated his two little children that one of them is blind, and the other, besides $ "| many bruises, had an arm broken in two places. When Allan learned that stops were being taken by the Society for the Protection of Women and Chil- dren to prosecute him, he hurriedly started for England, but was ap- prehéndcd at St. Johan, N.B., and brought back. « 'The 'story of the way he abused his children is one of the most shocking in the annals of phe Montreal courts, The little ones were masses of bruis- y judge expressed regret that he coul C. E. Brooks, the Inventor. aot pive hi 1 al bo: Wau 9 riptitre and. never Slip and Tver ig Hght, JOO TYE ina ohyer sentence, cool, comfortable," conforms to every ec movement of tho body without chafin PERSONAL MENTION. or hurting less than ordinary tr are no E The Te ear Ee Movements of The People--What ta rupture Branly wit They Are Saying And Doing. A . e put . 3 ri Persons, 'rich K. J. Pltote is in Ottawa on busi- X itely guargn- | ness, : Miss Laura Andre is visiting friends i it to your -order--send in Watertown, N Y 2 i : fo Jou-you wear it, and if it W. J. Crothers and wife left yester- oesn't satisly you send it back | giv' on a trip to Boston. : to meand I will money. refund your That is the fairest proposition ever , , pecialist. Th sible citizen in I you that the way ly on the tried Where « If you have come to me I have my greatest to-day and I will sed y book on Ruptlre and its Cure ing my ap- pliance and wivine i and names and been when all no salves a straight price C. E. Brooks, 4372 Brooks Bldg., Marshall, Mich. GILLET of people Who ha cured. It is ir others fail. Rew Y harness 1 J husiness deal at a reasm I 1s ABSOLUTELY PURE CREAM TARTAR. « Nearly al? goods in this Ive. ot ha IL present time are aduliarated Jact unfit to fr GILLETT'S. is used by the best bakers and caterers evarywhert REFUSE SUBSTITUTES. CILLETT'S costs no more than (he inforior adulterated goods. ai ite REFUSE SUBSTITUTED. E.W.GILLETT Scyrany LIMITED TORONTO,ONT. - PAIN Pain In the head--pain anywhere, has its causa, Pain iscongestion, pain is blood pressure--nothing else usually. At least, so says Dr. Shoop, and to prove it he has created a little pink tablet. That tablet--called Dr. Shoop's Headache Tablei-- coaxes blood pressure away from pain centers. Its effect is charming. pleasingly delightful. Gently, though safely, it surely equalizesthe blood circu. lation, If you have a headache, it's blood pressure. If it's paint) periods with women, same cause. 1f you are sleepless, restless, nervoys, it's blood congestion--hlood pressure. That surely is a certainty, for Dr. Shoop's Headache Tablets stop it in 20 minutes, and the tablets simply distribute she unnatural blood pressure. Bruise your finger, and doesn't it get red, and swell, and pain you? of course it does. It's con. gestion, Llood pressure, ' You'll find it whero pain always. It's simply Common Sense. We sell at 25 cents, and cheerfully recommeénd Dr. Shoop's Headache, Tablets At All Druggists. Gale Cotton Root Compound onic, aa2 I have sold thousands of shares of the Pittsburg-Ely Copper Co. in Kingston. Don't neglect the opportunity of securing a block large or small of this promising stock at the present price, 50 CENTS It is bound to go higher pnd. in all. vrobability will touch this year W or $300 Jos SEPH F. SW Roysl Insurance Co OF ENGLAND. Busivess in Farce ...$109,000000 Assets : Lo 44,000,000 Profits Paid {1905) 8,226,000 This Strons British Company has void the same profits for the past FORTY years. SEUURIYY unequalled 'by any "{ sign of i ------ FOR THREE YEARS AND JUDGE WAS SORRY NI WAS SO SHORT. The Horrid Brutality of a Father J. Burgess, Watertown, } yesterday. W. 8S. Hagrock, Toronto, will referee to-morrow night's hockey game, Principal Aylesworth and Miss Par- ry of Frontenac school are on the sick Queen street, went to sl Yo: ng is confined to the avith an injured leg. He had a house fall. J. 8 R. McCann went to Toronto, this morning, to attend the funeral of tht late Dr. Oronhvatehha. Paid Hunter, Johnson street, returned home after a pleasant with friends at Snow Road. William Smith of Watertown, who has been in the ety the | weeks, returned home yesterday Wilbam Punnigan has returned to the city, from Hamilton, where he at tended the funeral of his brother, Fa- ward! has visit N.X.; at few Instructor Henderson, R.C.H. ton, is in . St. Catharines, and will instruct the 7th: Field Pat- tery during the coming month. Marie Hall was kept. busy, to- day, writing autographs for collec- tors. 'She rites a dashingly, strong hand, indicative of strong individual ity. Inverary Tidings. Inverary, March 5.--Revival services wil be. continged in the . Holiness Movement church 'during thie week, Miss Mabel Gummer accompanied her cousin, Miss Pansy Holland on her re. turn trip to her home at Cape Vin: cont, and purposes remaining for some time. Mr ames Shepherd has scmewhat rd from her late ill- Frederick Ferguson has arrived with his. flock of nine thoroughbred recove Holstein eattle, which he purchased up west. George Aykroyd secur three. It is a good thing fcr Ster rington that they can boast of a few enterprising farmers. A fow of the farmers purchased cows at Frederick Palls' sale for which they paid 850 each. John Clark and family leit for their home at Estevan, this morning. A. Ferguson and family. will short ly take their departure for their new home in the west, Mr. and Mrs, J. E. Storms, Florida, spent Sunday at J. N. Holmes', R. Ball and J. Dil- lon spent Sunday in the village. T. Clark, Battersea, bas rented Wilton Pufl's farm dnd is moving on it. J. Gibkson has sold his factory which he lately purchased from W. Dufi, to ( Barr and William Jobnson aml Fer dinand TTolmes is off on a 's va cation. Miss Luvea Tolls is away on a lengthy visit to Odessa. G. Shep Lerd sold three horses to W. Suther land for a fancy sum. ) week A Musical Treat. With the "Uncle Josh Spruceby' company, which comes to the Grand | reil said on» dealer. "There has on Saturday, March 9th, matinee ond | been a heavy drain on the supply we night, is the celebrated Spruceby or- | 20t in at the first of the winter, and chestra. of ten soloists. This musical | deals are forced to put up th organization has a wonld-wide reputa- | price." tion and is under the directiof of a A woman who went to one of the talented leader and composer' of note. | dealirs to ordvr a ton of coal, was A very popular programme is render | much surprised when told that the ed between the acts. A big band .is |Ivice had .gone up. carried by the company, and a novel and wmigue parade is given at roon daily and includes a concert by the band. A carload of special scenery PALPITATION & 1ZZINESS. For 5 Years She Suffered Before read what Mrs. J. S. dlackabes, of Elginburg, Ont., says.. "For almost five years I suffered in that way, is hor statement, "'After meals 1 had pain and felt bloated, and when the Hazy spells and palpitation came on [ had to give in and lic down for an hour or two! I feared heart trouble, but found when 1 began to take Bileans that my heart was sound en- ough and the treudle arose from acute digestive disorder. This Blieans' soon corrected, and to-day 1 am cured com- pletely. Bileans are just as good for constipation, headache, piles, female ailmpats, anaemia, blood impurities, pimples, ete. All druggists and stores at Bc. a box, or from Bilean Co.. Toronto, for price, FHASIOIIIASIISIIISIIIIIEN TO GET DEGREES. London, March 7.~The British Empire League has raised a large sum for the entertainment of the colon-- ial premiers. Among the donors is Strathcona. The programme includes visits to" Edinburgh, Glasgow, Liverpool, Manchester, and the Universities of Oxford, Cambridge and Edinburgh, where honorary degrees will be conferred on the premier. a A DELIGHTFUL CONCERT RRR ERS ERAN : By Miss Marie e Hall and Miss Lorne Sasche. A large audience heard Miss Marie Hall, the eelebrated English violiniste, in the City hall last evening. She played five numbers : oncerty in A Major" (Vieux Temp 8); "Othello Fan- tas a' Ernest); "Ave Maria," (Schu- Lert-Welhelmy ; "Valse" ('1 schaikoni- sky); "Molo Perpethlo" (Paganini). Miss Hall played ¢ven better than she did when here in December, 1905. She still' maintains a swaying movement that is not noticeable in violinists gen- erally, Whether this is necessary for improved tones, or on account of her physical frailty, it is difficult to say, I'he young artist must have been ex- ovedingly gratified- at the hearty re- ception accorded her. Musical artists seldom have received 'sudh storms of applause after renditions. She was recalled again and again, and was oo- liged to play three encores,viz: Cho- pin's "Nocturne in F Sharp's "Le Cygne" (Saint Sans); and *'Caprice Alcantara (Sinigaglia). 'lhe "Concer- th' was admirably played, and gave a good opportunity for technical display in which Miss Hall exeells, "Othello Fantasia' was beautifully played with flawl ss execution, The pianist and accompanist was Miss Lorne Pasché, who contributed a large sshare to the audience's enjoy- ment. Her accompaniments were begu- titully played, and her solo selections d:dighted the coterie of Kingston's skilled pienists who have studied in the old lands. Miss Basche's rendi tion of Mendelssohn's Wedding March occasioned particular notice on ace count of the rapidity with which it was played. After Miss Hall had played her ge- cond number she was presantad with 4 Louqguet of roses hy little Miss Mignon Telemann, who gives promise of being a famous violiniste some de ay. PRICE OF COAL UP, Trying Bileans Now Cured! 4 oD Blpitation, apis Zo dizziness, OCCURRENCES RECOUNTED "smot ering" an sinking" feclings, stabbing pains around the heart and IN BRIEF FORM, that "all gone" sensation! Do you -- have these serious symptoms ? If so, | Matters That Interest Everybody NEWS OF THE WORLD: --Notes From All Over--Little of. Everything Fasily Read and Remembered. The Dowager Fupross of Russia ar rived in London, this mor ning. The government had no intention of selling the old military barracks at Levis, Que. The New York Ce its holding in Rea H. Hareiman. The Grand Trunk ready to invade th tral has not sold ling railway to E, Pacifie is geting Yukon , t writony via Skagway. The Allan steamer Protorian for Live erpool, arrived of Fastnet, at 10.30. am., on the Tth. - The Allan line steamer Pomeranian for Havre and loadon sailed from Halifax, at 11 pm. One hundred ms the wort on th on Gth, who struck on gan Central railway in Canada have returned to work. This morning the bhody-of br Oronhyatekba was taken from Massey Hall, Toronto, awd scnt by a Grand Trunk special train to Deseronto Despatches from Yoko deseribe the stranded ste } na as be and say it can be saved ing in a very bad posi is uncertain whether che { The - re signatio n of Cecil B. Smith, on the hwvdro-elec power commis ¢ | sion, has been accepted, and that W ¢ | K. McNaught, ¢ | pointed. { At the Canadian Prof. Vanhise, of Wis frem his. obsory ther districts would turn aut to be just as rich as Colnlt The seal fishing steamer Leopard was crushed in tl soft Cape M.D. has been aps g Institute, mnsin, said that believed « Race during a terrific ¢ at mid. night, and was totally wiveked. Her crew of 103 men reached land safely, A report fron Castellamare, D1. says the British \ \ .was wrecked almost a t of 1 and off that port. Thirty ¢ s have been recovered and it is the whole ship's company peris : The receipts for the various schemes of the Preshyterian church, up to Feb 2th, the close of the church . are much behind the require The ree ipt in round num s, R33R.800, and 4 amount re quired $385,000, 1.0 ing a deficit of $16,200. A bemb wag throw aom to dav, into thé a t pied hy Prince Argut r of the nent h Warsaw. The are wreel hut the princes was not rower of the bomb, a youth, succeeded in making his escape. At the Moscow University, tod", while the officials wer seven ermed men entercil and threat ened all present with sthls and de- manded money. The intruders then seized twent t sand dollars and decampand killing a sirgeant of being paid off, police, whom they met at the door The annual meeting of the Dominion Coal company, to-day, was transform ed into a lovefeast instead of the big rampos expected ns a result of trouble between cit and the Dominion Steel company. _ otiations are on for a comnlete Senator Cox "be a decided not to leave the directorate Parry Sound couneil has on ' ment with the Dominion Smelters, erection of a custom Limited, for the r The plant i smelter to cost a Severe Winter Has Been Hard on |« : : Supply. | & The price of conl in Kingston has | take an advances { per ton Co al which has been selling at £6.50 per ton, all through the x winter, | is now selling at $6.75 5. Dealers say that the cause for this advance is the fact that the winter has been so se- vere, that the coal supply has been avout exhausted. "The coal we are selling now has heen brought direct from the mines by "Well, was mare it's a good thing the advance near the of the said the lady with a smile, "we will not need much coal now to do the close sen. son," J. Connor's. Hugh Kelly and E. 3. 1 Ketly attended the Sfunersl® of the late i Bryan Kelly, of Micaville. ~ Penalty Of Blood Poverty. Blood is the life. son signal in tho face. If you lack the ruddy hue 'of health you lack life, you are inviting disease. If the face is pale, if the bagds and feet are con tinually cold, or there is any other F deficient circulation, use Wade's Iron Tonic Pills. They are a great nerve strengthener W. J. B. White, Agent, Kingston LIFE Company in the world. and bi maker. dn boxes, 25c., at We Invite Your Iavestigation. 3 sy store. Money back if not . satisfactory. . Tpous 7 Bibby' os I a G and mechanical effects are used, The | remainder of the winter. realistic saw mill seene is' one of the bn -- most startling pieces of stagecraft LEASE CANCELLED. ever produced ! S---- -------------- New One. Ready When Ottawa ---- Lines From Lombardy. Grants One. Lombardy, March 5.--Mrs. (Dr) In the Ontario legislature on Thars- | Pratt, Smith's Falls, visited Mr. and | day, Mr. Mrs. Paul Ryan a few days last week, | turn of correspondence hetween the Mrs. Patrick Deoher and Miss Annie t government and the Northumberland- spent last week in Almonte, where | Durham Power company, with respeet Mrs. Dooher's sister, Mrs. George L. to the lease of the water power at (YBrien, is seriously ill. Miss Susie Healey Falls, said there was a great Balfe, Smith's Fails, visited Miss An- | deal of doubt on his part of the pro- nie Dooher on Sunday. J. Bree is | vinee of the Lona fides Pie com ill with rheumatism at present. Miss | | any. b Marie. Doolier visited friends in| Hoa. Mr. Cochrane said the depart Smith's Falls this week." Miss Eveleen | ment gave the compeny a lease of Caaley, Ottawa, spent Sunday' at . { Hoa Falls with the condition that Life sets its crim- | ¢ ib | from Avimer, Ont. Pease, in moving for a ye four the! commence development in As they did not do so, 1 they months, lca was cancelled. The province would issue a new lease as soon as the company got * their Ottawa one, The mo- nd were prepared to go on. tion 'was carried. Crosse And Blackwell's. | Ih. tin marmalade, 860 { Ib. &in apricot jam, $ Ih. tin gogscherry jam 15. tin strawberry jam, . tin raspberry jam, 1b. tin "orgnge marmala 1b. tin lemon marmalade, 2 Freeh at Gilbert's stores. KS 00 of ~1 af af oy engineer, hailing took a bie dose of Detroit boarding . John Gray, an million and hall, with a eapgeity of a thovsan ve a day and to om plov four vive men. The concern ® to 100.0600, Tey Bid £1 Bay "Ha rough ki Wt drug iry Bibb 25 Russ'a, © A | trina have stion of the limita will not he admit Orainme Being Square With The World If You Would Give and Get Full Value Hero's A Suggestion. Are you getting full value out of life? And is the world getting full lue out of you? In matters of busi- ness and in our relations, man to man, we owe it to ourselves and to the world to do our best--to make our- @olves of full value. Do this and, in turn, you will get full value out of life. You can't do full justice to anything unless you feel right, And you can't feel right unless you live right. Eate ing right Is essential to ving i DL Eat the right kind of food will not suffer. The right kind of food for you and your family, ; the weak and the AO e sick and the well, the grown folks and the little folks, is Malta-Vita,. that delicious, crisp, whole wheat foo A perfect breakfast is Impossible without Malta-Vita, and it's just as good three times a day. Béing a pure grain product, without any foreign sweetening agent or other adultera- tive, Malta-Vita 18 rich in food ele- ments--every nutritious element of the best white wheat and pure barley malt extract---intensely vitalizing. ' Try Malta-Vita with cream or fruit. «" Xx: There is no other food "just as good." None that can.take its place. AT it's always ready to eat, 0 cooking. No Incanvenieace. All ers, now 10 * Ett pe trcsitn, How can you expect to fet food results when baking if you won't * use the best flour? We «anpbe just what you PATENT HUNGARIAN For Bread . - DatLy BRITISH wa, JTHURSD vY, MARCH 7. Fr -------- - Es " 25¢ Boys' 25¢ ot 15¢ Men's 75¢ Shirts, 39¢. M:n's $1 Shirts, 75c. ing this sale. A la GRACE, and $2. D. & A. Models, and $1. and $1. and 50c¢, ERS at 25c., 50¢. PHONES wi, Listowel, March . 7. St. Clair, m on 'The * declared that the . WHITE ROSE For cakes, biscuits, ete. wg "At all dealers. Kingston Milling I 1 veiling of so-called high improvement over the affans of 2.000 VOurs ago. Becanse of he regards the death, "" Clean OUR $50,000 STOCK 1S IN THE HAND: LEWIS BROS., OF CH For the purpose of making A GIGANTIC SLAUGHTER SALE thing from fl wr to e iling and wall must be closed out regardless of coils or A The chance of a iifz to buy en's & Boys' Clothin Furnishings. Hats, Caps, Etc. 14¢ 14C | 7¢ Stuff and Soft 25 Stiff and Soft Men's $1 50 to 2.00 Suff and Soft Sharts, $1.19 SALE NOW ON. A Few Prices to Convince You That We Mcan Business : Men's 50¢ Suspendcrs, 25¢| Men's $1.50 & 2.00 Flan- nel Shirts, 75¢. : Men's Work Shirts, 39>. Boys' Shirts. 39°. Boys' All-wool Uudervea asc, Men's 75¢ Underwear, 39¢ Men's $1.25 | 75¢ 75¢ Neckties, 39¢ Soe MH P50 Hurry! Hurry ! ! Hurry If you can't run, hurry just a little" oe. Linen I andkerchi Men's 25¢ Sox, 14¢. Men's 35¢ Sex, 19¢ Men's 50 and 75¢ Sox, 3 Men's Hats soc and up. Overalls, = Boys' Sweaters, 392 Men's Sweaters, 49¢. Men's and. Boys' Suits Be with the big Urry who are a YOU KNOW Wi 7¢€ 39¢ Overcoats almost price. x 'CORSETS FOR ALL FIGURES" Tho New Fronch Coutillo Corsets, with corroot tapering walst and attached supporters . . . La DEESSE, special - - - $2, $1.25, $1.50 | 80c., 75e. J-- Clergymad . Believes That Modesty is Harmful, - Pas in an address to his copgre- Perils of the World: E. T. CORSETS, b0c., 75¢c. "UNDERWEAR. FOR ALL" Women's -- Girls" WOMEN'S WHITE and GREY RIBBED Vests, extra value at 25¢., 35¢., 40c. WOMEN'S RIBBED DRAW. | 40c. and | SPENCE'S Ts EP. JENKINS, 113 PRINCESS STREET - Cpl lh CROMPTON at 50c., and $1. B. .% Models at 50¢. and 1 TAPE GIRDLES, s FOSTER SUPPORT to $1.50. T5e. 1 28e, RS, 25¢c. ~ Childron's GIRLS' and CHILDREN'S RIBBED VESTS, 10ec,, 12}¢&., 15¢., 1Be.. 20c. GIRLS' and CHILDREN'S RIBBED DRAWERS, 15¢. and 20e. CORSET COVERS, be. sleeves, 25c., long ~ Leading Millinery and Mentlc Store KINGSTON. [ROR » When You 3 COAL From P. WALSH You get xenuine : Ringaton Business | College Liratted, head of" Queen Canada's Highest est Grade ; business very H. F. METCALFE, President. J. B. CUNNINGHAM, Secretary: TRIAL A MORAL LESSON False tor Robert weasionnl un- Yite shovs no | sharp stitch in the back are the most its Thaw cas: greatest moral lesson of the age. «He affirmed that unice the cede White would bave wen stone 1G v. St. Clair w : revelations the to be Mosaic upon all Big: Sale of Furniture We intend rebuilding and 'require. the room to make alterations. I % EVERYTHING AT CLOSE ouT PRICES James Reid The Leading Undertaker STORE OPEN NIGHTS ny thettrue condition of affairs he en: plained to ovary child vs soon as we child should cms 13 the age «of ne: coyhtability, Lee -- Backaches Are Warning. A dull heavy pain or occasional common symptoms of kidney trouble; and these symptoms must alw, Wa. Murray, Auction . 27 BROCK ST. New Carriages. Catters, Ha: etc., for sale; Sale of Horses every Suturday Book at once ith the Leading Auctioneer JOHN H. MILLS