Daily British Whig (1850), 15 Mar 1907, p. 1

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tment is now ready with pring's Materials. We cay ve are anxious that yoy pring Goods. iffon Finish. h Goods 5, French Mouslins, ints, Dimity, Fine -- Wash Dresses t of ¥ alateas Drill¢, d Pinks, yeashore Checks, raists are now ready and ; 25, 1.50. 9, 2.25. .50. Gloves 10ice of the season. res are made from y one of the best MESSRS. PER- ot oble, France. DRGET | Boots caf Brand TE oer ar art jorferiferd Shoe Store nks just arrived. VIOLIN INSTRUCTION .°E. N. MERRY, '*° S¥RENFA™ ; fon Taper To¥earer EAMCKAY Furs|| ALCS TERED Mounted Specimen Rugs Polar Bear Russian " Grizley * . Rocky Mountain Bear- Black Bear Bengal Tiger Leopards, Etc. John McKay FUR HOUSE 149-153 BROCK ST. Kingston, Canada. LIBERAL WARD MEETINGS Subdivisions will meet for the election of Chairmen at the Re- form Rooms, Golden Lion Block, as follows :-- On FRIDAY Evening, March 15th inst., at eight p.m. Nos. 7, 8, 9 and 10 Cataraqui Ward. Nos. 11, 12, 13, Frontenac Ward. Nos. 18, I 18, 19, 20 and 21 Rideau Ward. ov J. McDONALD MOWAT, President Kingston Reform Ass'n. A Unique Demonstration For a few days will of 14 and 15 a young lady demonstrate the gsuperiority Holbrook's Worcester Sauce In our 'stome, and will the various purposes for it can be used. Jas. Redden & Co, BRITISH - AMERICAN HOTEL KINCSTON - - ONTARIO Has undergone alterations and Is now open to the travelling sublic. W TELFER I have sold thousands of shares of the Pittsburg-Ely Copper Co., 4 in Kingston. Don't neglect the opportunity of securing a block large or small of this promising stock at the present rice, TS explain which Proprietor o higher and in all 3 is bound "to g bility will jouch this year Se or§h.00 JOSEPH F. SWIFT. FARM LABORERS AND DOMESTICS. Any person requiring such help, please notify me by letter, stat- ing. particulars. J. F. KNAPP, Canadian ~~ Government Employ wert Agent, Kingsion, Ont, ree meses Art Studio MRS. COMPTON will open an Art Studio at her r@sidence, 66 Barrie street, opposite City Park, ont MONDAY NEXT. Class days on Tuesday, Thurs- day and Saturday afternoons. ORCHESTRA MUSIC Pound of the Mexico steamer } ao. . charter, both equip cannon and wit _ Myers' HOME MADE kth 3 Sundav's 1 The Very lat day, Campbell Bros.' assassinated, 44 DAILY MEMORANDA. est; Marks' Co., Grand Opera House, 8.15 p.m 7 utiven. Opera House, to-morrow, at 30 o'clock. ~ Livoraf Ward Meetings, GolMen Lion Block, 8 p.m. Recital, St. Janes' church, Saturday 4 p.m: Organist, Miss M. Wormwith This "day in, history --Juiius Caesar parliament, 1871 Millinery openin Greaza's, 182 Welli March 19th and following days WHIG TELEPHONES. 243--Business Office: 220 Bditoral Rooms. 292--Jobbin~ Department. Everything that's printable. New Spring B.C.,: First Manitoba Hats. g at Miss E. V ngton St., on Tues- DINNER SETS A special line with Gilt. 97 pieces complete. Best English Earthenware. FOR A SHORT TIME ONLY 39. Robertson Bros. 19 jurious tc quality-- Reo gains, 500 lbs. ern beof, 15¢. gual 300 Ibs. ( per 1b a0 Sweet 1b. 100 bs. Ib. Ih. 10 Choice Ib. . 60 Select 300 lbs. that can ed, per b Chickens, Ibs. 3ve, the office 5 o'clock 19th inst. Cathy by quality foods. Choice huck 50 Sides Best our 300 lbs. Pu Also Lettuce, Turkeys, Try a pound Anderson Bros Store News for To-Morrow|' Saturday. Study your health--nothing more in- ) your All everything clean, appetising in our departments. the great display and great bar- Some cleared out at following prices : Rib for roasting, very ity for, § Pickled Yickled Hocks, Smoked Smoked the ham . rs Pork be had, Hundreds of other will pay vou to come and se Another lot of choice ag .. Radi of o 1b., for to-morrow only, 'Anderson Bros 'PHONE 458. Cheapest Place in King- ston for Boots and Clothing Is at the foot of Princess Street. Have just received a fresh stock of new Boots, which I will sell at greatly reduced figures. Remember the place. A. LIEBE 439-1 PrincesaBt. TO CONIRACTURS. TENDERS WILL of the nodersigned (where plans and specifications may poi; for the several trades works on required in remodelling mises of James Reid & Co., Lowest or any tender, accepted. WM. NEWLANDS, Office, 'Wonderland See the moving pictures suitable for Ladies' and Children. Change of pro- &n alyte, Monday, Wednesdiy aid Fri- an riday and Shturdn ny Hour,' Joseph H. Gorrie, Gen. Manager ET 'MAY BE NAVAL BATTLE. Sends Out Gunboat and Steamer Well Armed. Puerto Cqrtez, Honduras, The Hojduran gunboat Tatumbla and Roasts, Shoulder Ham, per Eng. Special shes, Green Onions, Fowl. ur Japan Tea 200 25¢ BE a large Ameri 3 rier General ur, on. boar i ¥ Fi system than poor our goods are best neat .and special lots must be s, best young west cut any wer 1b. 12§e. 10c. quality, Se for boiling, per Se Br. Bacon, per 17e Rolls Bacon Hams, per ii Sausages, Sausages, the | per 1b. special prices--it Potatoes reciiy $1.00 N RECEIVED AT Le seen) TUESDAY, up to March the business pre- in this city not necessarily Architect, 258 Bagot street. "Pig "on Berty, + Crime on Ratiway." March 15. Olympia, uader ped with rifles and and well LORD (ie Won Out Fore Chancellor Of Oxford. POLITICS IN CASE SN ROSEBERY DID NOT GET HALF VOTES OF OTHER. Britain Would Enter Into Com- munications if it is Deemed Necessary Should Any Tariff Arrangement Between Ger- many and United States Be Adverse to Britain. London, March 15.~Foreign Seere- tary Grey was asked, in the house of commons, yesterday, whether the gov- ernment would take steps to ensure that any tarifi arrangement between Germany and the United States would not operate adversely to British trade, Sir Edward replied that should an to in the history of the university chan cellors had besn chosen without a con test. Yesterday's contest had a poli tical aspect, Lord Curzon being servative and Lord Rosebery excited the keenest interest, a con. a liberal, AHRIIIIIRIIINOIINK *® * GIVEN KNIGHTHOOD. Ottawa, March 15.--It is tend. The honor will be a bel buial oe REFERRER EEE EE EEF EER ERK Freoeocoonooentoeoenek trespassers on the tracks of the Stony testified at the whom were Guard Chamberlain, mountain penitentiary, tering of arms and ammunition on the woman have been murdered by robbers. An attempt was also made in the same several members of his family. him to take when hi na xt g tions came around A Big Success. _Ovr now spring hats are the hit of néral elie li the #eandn. Wave wou seen our stylish derhic t from 81° Campbell 5 Of Southern, Pacific New Youk, March 15 ley's name has come Chicago Theory to Explain Why Mrs. and killed wells rN by Herman of police p theory And Have Damaged Property ener: ably At f Dalhousio Tucsday, Vesta, Mion, animous wll to" become pastor of the char: MADE D DELIVE ERY Into Har. . man's Hands: EDWIN HAWL Fdwin Haw- greatly into pro- arrangement between United Staves | minence in connection with the investi and Germany be concluded tirent gation of E. H. Harriman's railroad Britain would = enter into such com: | acquisitions. It was he who was large munications as should be required. ly responsible for the delivery of Lord Curzon, of Kedlestone, ex-seorve- | Southern Pacific into ye He arriman's tary of India, was elected chancellor of | hands. Later, he plaved a large part Oxford university by 1LH1 votes over |in taking the Alton from the same 430 cast for Lord Rosebery. Hither hands. HE REFUSED TO GO w. C. ELOPE AS ARRANGED. GUERIN WOULD NOT Police Have a New stated, this morning, that McDonald Used a Revolver on i Hon. W..3 Sean the Man She Was So Deeply wi receive the onor of + Knighthood on the oc- Satuated W t casion of the Colenial Con- Chicago, March Mix. Dora Me ference © in. London mext Donald, wile of Michael McDonald, ex month. which. :he.will at. political boss manbler, who shot Guerih, it was ios : + leclarad da coauss he ke + recognition of his work in Jes ri : iy | : 1 ts Ne he ui "with } : : : Mn ol >. Ow 2 ee connection with the tariff han principally. This startling theory was advanced Schuettler, /assistant chief and his detyetives, it is said, is based on the testimony of witnesses, who, it is PITH OF THE NEWS. declared; hesrd a quarrel between Guerin and we woman prior to the The Very Latest Culled From Al | a0ting Over The World. poli weert they have learned Felix Latour, a Hull barber, died in| that compl arrangements had been a fit of hiccoughs. made betwen Guerin and Mrs. Me Maurice Grau, the opera manager, | Donald for the clopement. At the last ditd in Pans yesterday. moment | in, it ix said, remembered Renfrew, the Ottawa * Valley cham: | his whose heart had been pions, ha ve challenged for the Stanley | brojen by former escapades, and hy cup. ' 3 resifted the temptation held out by Rider Haggard told army emigrants | the ros. The police theory is that a that in Canada "every man hes ao | rev t and death was the rea chance. sult . Hon. Walter Scotf will spend' som ireumstances eorroborating time at Bermuda. His health is great theory of the police ly improved. testimony which A motion to repeal the Irish erimes iven before the cor act has been passed in the British ie Guerin tdstified that jus Hous» of Commons, ef we studio a short time I'he tourist rate to Muskoka will be of his brother, much lower than formerly this sum h ed a h ad mer, owing to competition. Ww The Orange Grand Lodge, of West? am through with von, that's all ern Ontario, meeting at Orangéville, | I. am not going to New York without elected E. T. Esscry, London, grand| vou. Don't think for a minute | would master. put a bullet in my deart without tak A C.P.R. express ran into a wreck- | ii von wil . ing train on a curve near Port Ar Web : 1 veel to have thur. One man, a Mr. Palmer, Ros | backed o of the torfiplated. elope port, was killed. ment | rds of Henr A proposal to set aside - 250,000 | Foldmar Guerin that acres in New Ontario for the Salva-]| "Mike Mel make short tion Army, has been made to th work of him" if he dismovered th Ontario government facts After the Press Club luncheon, in Mrs. McDonald's condition" remains Toronto, Hon. J. W. St. John shipped | ne ed and from present appear on the stair nd fell heavily, injur- § ances ill be unable to attend the ing his left tdder and kne {vial From February Ist, 1904, to Marc tim-- 3st, 1906, the railways of Canade FLOODS ARE DREADFUL. killed 402 people, a large number -- in Three States. Winnijeg nssizes that prisoners placed Pittshurg. Pa. Musch ia Alarming s re me time: de | reports of floods are pouring to tL in the praniey dls ge vo . city from almost every town in Yew re Gagarin director of the Poly-| crn Pennsy Ivania, West Virginia and technic Institute of St. Petersburg, has | parts of Ohio. Hundreds are hosclew ¥ rni . _ | throughout the thr stutes ridges bocn. jdaurged for poruitting the-ahul are downs everywhere, and traffic is guspended throughout a premises, for revolutionary purposes. te In the city. nearly 100,000 Fourteen science sophomores in Me- | #8 tof work from the flood, Gill, for their actions in conection | "WI" fF To till risiog. It His with the ammonia throwing incident, is inet up to the thirty-four foot have been suspended from all privileges level. th o Highest reached in seventy in the McGill union until September, |. "= ay Gh Pittsburg will Ie. ty be at least a million dollars. In the - o] proprietor of an ghtate in Eliza- | 1. rivion too the damage will be bethgrade, Russia, five faborers, and a | great. town to bring on a massacre of Jews, The court eof but it was frustrated By--troops. appes! conviction of Hon. J. P. Whitney has assumed the | Charles pr sident of the ditties of acting ministef of lands, Grand feeting to furnish forests and mines, om the departure of ai eont a mi erviee, The egurt Hon. - Frank Cochrane, who will take | | ide that if any action lies it should a trip to the Meditarranean, Yo against! the company and not a short stav in Great Brit: against ithe president. on. Louis P. Brodeur, minister | of | 4 noi cimonial surprise came on amarine and 'fisheries, denies the state { March 7th, in the announcement of the ment credited to Mr. Girard, of the | marriage of John Frnest Doohier and Quebee legislature, that be had an ar- fyi 0 ry 1 Walters, both of Lanark rangement whereby a newly-appointe The : ny wae firmed at the senator merely kept the seat warm for fo roca tia mal mange, Middleville n lsrze and ropverentative meet. congregation bold on Rev. James A. Mclean, was given a hearty, ua- Has sold | ic On Thursday. LOSSES ARE HEAVY NO FAILURES, HOWEVER, WERE REPORTED. Ri --_-- _§""e"™Y ao Officials of Clearing House and Bailkers Had a Conference in New York and it Was Declared That Not a Bank Wanted Aid or Asked For It. New York, March 15.-~In the stock market, yesterday, there were losses of from $10 to $20 in many railway and industrial sconrities, which have long been known. as standard invest- ment stocks In the cases of Reading and Union Pacific, the loss exceeded 820 a share. In the total of securi- ties on the list there were heavy net osses, representing in the aggregate move than half a million dollars, to say nothing of the losses in the out- side market and resultant losses in markets in other cities. The average decline of twenty railway stocks, used for statistical purposes, was $7.81 a share, as against $5.10 on the pre veding day. The market, as the figures show, lapsed from the condition of demoral- ization prevailing on the previous dav and on two davs of last week, into of absolute panic! Yet, whatever the clearing house sheets may disclose, on the show down, this morning, no failure was reported up to late last evening. The situation is regorded ag amazing. Late yesterday afternoon there was an informal conference of officials of the clearing house and' re prosentatives of some of the largest clearing house banks. By personal interview and by telephone the situn- tion wi thoroughly canvassed and every ort was made to locate weak spots. In the language of a pro- minent clearing house official this was the result of the informal action : 'Not a single bank wants aid or is asking for it." one SLEW MISSIONARIES, . Shanghai, March 15.-It is reported, from Chinese sources, that a Wesleyan mission has been destroyed, at Ningpo, and that the missionaries were killed. XEEXEXEERS | SOLD HER DAUGHTER'S SOUL, Evelyn Thaw's Mother Arraigned by Relatives. Pa., March 15In a siz gned statement the mother and of Evelyn Nesbit Thaw's father out and blamed Evelyn's Mrs. Charlee J. Holman, as for all the troubles of the Pittsburg, mother, responsible fe of the man on trial for the mur- Stanford White + mother ax "a human is scathingly arraigned monster." The state ment was drawn up at Miles City, Mont. March 4th, and has just been received in Pittsburg. 1¢ is sign- ed by Eliga J. Nesbit, mother of W. S bit, Evelyn's father; and Carrie on Mortimer and Laura C. Galbraith, isters of W. 8. Neshit, and in part says "She knew she was sacrificing her child's soul for money by which to live without effort. Had she been a true mother she would have taken in wash- ing before putting her daughter out as an artist's model or choras gitl, know- ing what temptations under such cir- cumstances would be placed in the child's way Eien a dumb brute wonld protect its young, © but this woman turns against her daughter. Evelyn's father's family was known in Pittshurg and Allegheny City as a family whose men were brave aod honorable and whose 'women wete vie- tuoi As for Mrs, Charles J. Hol man, the people of Pittsburg and Al legheny City should rise in their in- A A dignation and barn her in effigy. e A NEST OF TRAITORS. Mackenzie Bowell Can Sym pathize With Scott. Ottawa, March 15. --Discussing the Girard-Brodeur story in 'the senate, and eympathizing with Secretary of State Scott, whose seat he thosght to be in danger, Sir Mackenzie Bow- ell said: "When | read the article 1 could not help congratulating myself on the fact that history repeats itself. It is quite evident that my honorable friend hag some traitors im his camp, and it is an old saying that misery loves company. Under such circum- stamces | ean, from the bottom of my heart, sympathize with my honorable friend. Tne" only difference between the event to which I have referred and the present occasion is that the honor able: gentleman was forewarned and I was not. He can sit in the senate un- til the néxt general elontion, when his place will be. usurped by one of his orillea:s © Pir. Mackenzie said. that the inkenys iew alleged a bargais overa wngte seat. and if what was stated was te the sooner the Soule hia it the bobter. Sttonsest. rendyamade pa ready-made oily There Was Complete Pan- -4 went usED DYNAMITE To Stop the "Mivanse of Flames in Pit! Pittsburg, Pu,, March 15. A big fire raged on the south side district of this city. The entive block north side of Carson street, 18th and 14th street, was on fire. The large plant of the Oliver Steel Plow company was threatened. The five de stroyed the ant of the" American Sheet and plate company, and slightly damaged the bolt works of the Oliver Iron and Steel works adjoining. Loss about $26,000, second fire broke out on Mount Washington at. ten o'clock. Eleven business and dwellings were destroy- od. Dynamite was used to check the fire, no waiter being available, NO SUGH A THING. As a Brain Storia Said One Alienists. New York, March 13.--~The eross-éx. amination of Dr. Austin Flint, the alienist, was the first taken up in the Thaw case, this morning. Dr. William Hirsch, an expert, testified that Thaw was not laboring under such a defect of reason" that he did not know that his killing of White was wrong. -- fr: Hirsch testified that there was no such thing as a brainstorm, Lynch Law Resorted To. Monroe, La., March 15.-Flint Wil liams and 'Henry Gardener, young no grovs, were "taken from the Jail, this morning, and hanged. Both negroes confessed to having, with a third ne: gro, shot and robbed two Italians, on Monday Bight. BILL IS | "ADOPTED AND WiLL NOW ¢ GO TO THE HOUSE, The Important Amendments That Are Proposed For the Imsur- ance Act--Members of Parlia- ment Giving Testimony. "Toronto, Mareh 15.--The ~ special committee of the legislaturg which has had under consideration Mr. Hoyle's bill to amend the Ontario Insurance oet, this m , passed the bill with some a ments which do not change the principle and the measure will be taken up in the committee of the whole house on Monday. The im- portant features of the bill are: "En. abli insurance comapnies to invest in school debentures, allowing com: panies incorporated in Ontario to hold their meetings outside of the province, but not outside of the dom- inion, enabling the insured person to make a will changing the beneficiary of the policy, the date of the will to decide the same, and making the wife a Jogut heir to insurance monies. . Miller and A. H. Jackson have i "write against the Erie Cobalt Silver Mining company and R. Jew- oll. They ask to have set aside the contract made with the defendants for the exchange of certain shares of the | capital stock on the Beaver Silver Cobalt compuny for shares of the de fendant company and to recover the shares delivered, Three members of the Dominion par; lament, who are interested in various industries, gave evidence, this morn: ing, before the logislative committee, which is looking into the question = child labor. D. A. Gordon, M.P. Kent, suid boys were not taken on i= Wallaoshurg glass works till they wore about fourteen years of age. He did not think the effects of working were injurious after this age. E. J), Smith, of Winona, M.P. for Wentworth, who in interested in the canning industry, said he thought that = children unde: fourteen should not be allowed to work at night, nor children under twelve in the day time. D. Mubshall, M.I., East Flyin, gave similar evi dence and added that considerable im- provement had taken 'place dn the sur- roundings of cdnning factories in re- cent years, The age limit, he thought, should be twelve for boys and fourteen for girls, but he did not favar restric tions as to hours. This would be a seriotis matter to the canning indus try during the rush weason. Ee cry CEILINw FELL IN. -- i And Caused, Wreckage in the Chamber. Rt. Potarsbury, March 15-~The evil: ing of the hall in the Taurida Palace, wher the lower house of parlimment mects, collapsed, at six o'clock, this morning, © amd eaused widespread wrockage among the weats helow, Chairs were placed around the rotun- da, and the session commenced, with scarcely "half wi hour's delay, 5 ad ieimi---------- - Went Over A Bank. Meadville, Pa., March 15.- The sc pont section of an Erie freight train over an embankment place, carly to-day. Two were killed 'and 8 number fatally in- jured. Two gengines. and. cars wero i : ------------------------ The Flood Subsiding. Pittsburge Pa., March 15.--The cvest of the flood passed this city at eight o'vlock, this morning, when the rivers began to show signs of falling 5 Davenport derby hata; $2.25. Rib: on candy display Ais ork is larg: at this« trainmen © twenty-one' Torouto, Ont., Fresh southerly to to-day and on Sat wah The new and beautiful ™ which We are exhibiting in' section, has captivated Who has made a visit to it. is « rapid wovembnt wmong noveltion. Many of our weaves. are selling very Se Early choosing in advised, ye WHITE NOVELTY WAIST- INGS, at 13¢c., 15¢., and 25e¢. WHITE PIQUES, 20¢., 25¢. to 3bc. FANCY DRESS lovely designs, 60¢. CERIZED LINS, in white. sh and hello, 25c. FANCY PONGEE SILKS, Aor, dresmes. Materfaly of creat wey ing qualities and warran'od wash, They come in na color. Extra Special, ct 80¢, CALL AND SEB THEM AT MARRIED, COR--STRUTHERS. --~At the Parsonage, 'mtaraqul Charies Con. Coe, to Sarah As ts TERS HARTMAN --At of the bride's Anthar, IeAE Fred Peters, ence Gertrude Hartman. DIED, 4 BATES. In March 1407, Sarah relict of the Timothy G. aged elaht) sléven months and o-- days. Funeral private, from the son-in-law, No. 5 River St, ston, on Saturday. |; ROBERT Jd. R 'Phone 577, 297 Week at 8,45. # MARKS Bn ERNIE MARKS Manages. Presenting New Plays, paanages Moving Pictures and The strated Songs. NE en TH RN i Sa tinee--' Sa Bh LOLER'S § Change of Play asd Spec 8; ™ reas "016.28 Matinee, 10c. and 20c, Sours' naw ou Salers I------ TUESDAY, MARCH 196. The Merry. Dainty, Lyrig Co é The Military Comic Qpe HELEN BYE A Cast and Chorus That po Sergeant Kit Prices, 26c., 50c., 75¢. a Seats or sale Bats .

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