Daily British Whig (1850), 16 Mar 1907, p. 4

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Rev. Dr. Crummy, of Toronto, has attracted wide attention because he > | hus, in recent sermons, emphasized the @ | manifested failure of some evangelistic | tor's remarks, so plain, direct © and has an lioation: before. the Jegisla capital stock from three to four mil amplification .of his first lions of dollars. It is 'that' the revival is not | rol, but not municipal management. , of inviting those outside of the can run the business as well or aslcant lame is not made to pav any of of stimulating | cconomically as the company. The t into greater wpiri-'| post of management would certainly fhorease. "Another move would be," "The charactertistic method of the | ho said, "to reduce the cost of elee- past half century," said he, "was | rie lighting before the city had really gelistic, and of it we might state | found 'out where it was at." that men adopt it, shat it in the best What is 'the recommendation of 'the : . reme diffi- then ? Guilty: is that it ait to condgnas nto. [AO Iasiueas Mad to. dect. the. of 8 few. weeks what can be accomplish. | fairs of the service, and he should be ed normally: only by continued of. | @i'en a free hand, and at the samc fort; and in the desperate effort to do | Lime be held responsible for the suc- all [#0 resort is made to methods hay § SH of the service." This is Mr, in themselves indefensible." * | Coatsworth's summing up in a fow are Dr. Crummy's plan of enlarging the and usefulness of the | It represents the solid sense of other i §men who have had the opportunity to study municipal euterprise and to dfaw their own conclusions. Ald. of Chown's idea is that it is worth . They should have, however, above | $:000 '@ year for a committee to else, a manage the . Kingston water depart ment, and at the best it is very little that the commiitéee can understand about it. "Its information comes from the officials, and its discussions would be fortunate if they - were generally abaped or advised by these officials. "Public - utilities, say some critics, which involve technical treatment, are "fonder ih the "hands of experts, when these have the confidence of the peo- and are tolérably free to develop plants as their oxperience sug') gests. Mayor Coatsworth may be cor- roct- in his reasoning, and the people of Toronto make no mistake in giving it their 'support. He meant that 'in the transfer of the electric light busi- ness from the company to the city care should be taken to protect it from the spoliation of aldermen made desperate by nancial pains. ' ------------ | + House For Working Men. | i The sworkingmen ingmen's house problem has been advanced a stage in Toronto. Industrial. Canada, have begun steps | which are calculated to brin~ about satislactory results. A committee, having before it the experience of Eng- land, so far as certain great corpora- tions in populous centres are comcern- od, suggests this as the basis of ya 2 working ageeement : Let thére be no misunderstanding | 1. That: a company shuld be or- n this poi i ganized, having for its purpose the erection in suitable localities of - one thousand = workingmen's houses 6m simple but sanitary lines--estimated to cost $1,200 each, including land. . 2. That these houses shall be sold only to recommended by the 3. That each shareholder shall have the right to recommend one pur- ohnser for 'cach one thousand - dollar! wubscription. 4. t the house shall be built in Ba fe ve or 'moro in out- ng portions of the city. iin from the shareholders a { be appointed who shall administer the fi . These shall serve for a period years and their ser- - and office staff only shall be "1 76. That the monthly purehaser shall include prinei- payments made $ i and to cordial rela and the In Toronto the workingmen cannot get the: desire, at any thing hi s classes. That is 'shown by a ustrial Canada. "In trom | The laf Marshall Field built up his The body that] Pls fe worth copying. does, and it would not be surpris- Fou ct we ad ae "an ity council, as an-alder- lie: ownership." The last and' worst al- ; influence of the sex remains. the % somewhat hurriedly prosented, because | Pressure hae been used to have Lord the company which owns the plant] S | searching, and it bas meditated upon ture for permission to increase ita] in accordance with the truth. : Mayor Coateworth is convinced that i ed in) reasonable, wheth- | (he city ' should acquire the property a Sand Brodens up the aterage man | o4 once. He favours municipal con. 3 nist > ing, especially erected for its accom- imodation. Mr. 0'Beimne, its publisher, iis to be sincerely congratulated. p= proud of his discovery. the case of Robert Reeves, shall be honorary. The man- jon a Reeves told: the court that he had not. "the dumped any ashes on the Mills pro- pal, imterokt charges, taves, local im- jPerty. It was stated that other cart : rates, maintenance, fire fers besides' Reeves had FANE ; pihes, and. for. :reason, the post Can: Bros. For a No old styles | 'Miss Bertha Stratton suturtained i i at ome, pag at S Fog Rd ing was t with cards and music i £ has returded from s few days' stay in this city. Prite, 'wah given to Mrs. 2. A. , when the members of Mount Pleasant church with others met at her home," and presented her with an address and. a beautiful hymn-book, as as slight token of their appreciation of on the 12th inst. He contracted se- vere cold some two months i wages | haffled medical skill, wes [SPIRIT FULT e-------- . 4 great business by advertising. His ex- The Toronto Telegram the : iy of pub- JE e-- 1 No more dégrees by legislation, itis the young woman who Plondod, d her m case carried the day : gets her Neense as a dentist. The The Baston, Transcript has it that trathcons 'resign his London seat. . | Pressure. "to have him retain it is more SR I "| Sir Matkensie Bowell is deprived of the comfort he thought he had in the "is no foundation for the story. When water extensions are made va- their cost. The landlord, therefore, who was his taxes reduced at the water constmiers' expense has nerve, British scientists ridicule the idem of American doctors weighing the bodies of deceased persons, and in that way detecting the absence or flight of soul. Mind is weighed. -------- ' The Grand Trunk railway is not abliged to furnish cars in which people can travel at the rate of. 2c. a mile. That is the" decision of the court of appeal.' This blow must almost kill Maclean. The single taxer--once "so . conspieu- ous a chardeier 'in the cconomic world --has become *an unknown quantity in Kingston. Any ome who has become a land owmer has no use for the Heury George philosophy. Don't savy Ald. Tove. He has his own worries over the light, heat and Power department. But he has his moment when 'he announces a cut in Miss Maxwell, who perished in the iHochelaga® fire. Heroism is thus ac- knowledged practically. The Stratiord Beacan, one of the |: . x . | entertained at dinner last Saturday brightest of western liberal Papers. is | evening, in honor of Rev. and Mrs. now issued from a splendid néw build- Farnsworth, Yarker, it being Rev. * The purchaser of Jand which he can- is to be sympathized |i that it may be enriched by the un- earned increment, the toil and savings of others, is the last man to air his grievance, Vacant land is not assessed for wat- er rates. The landlord then, who ap- plauds Ald, Chown and hopes he may succeed in 'switching the revenue of the department into the general treas- ury, so as to reduce 'the taxes, is a great curiosity. Ald. Chown must be The provincial treasurer has been made very happy by the notice of the federal government that applications will be made for an amendment to the British North-American Act so that larger subsidies can bo paid to: the provinces. Ontario's dip will be $7580,- 000 more per aantm. At The Police Court. At the police ' court, this morning, summoned charge of dumping ashes rivate: hats ty on Earl strect, --- urther adjourned until April 5th. dumping t was. RG vere served about Ay then had "Henry Watterworth, of Peterboro, On Friday evening last a great sur services as choir leader. John Joslin, Chambers, passed away not matter and cannot be flar. If investors in 'other businesses gratifieations. It will be his happiest [for the college year are nearly. over. le will go to work at the Locomo- tive Works, "Alfie" is a familiar fig- the rates for light. iro oy ARE o, : great changes. He has travelled with The Quebec legislature does itaeli Rs foathull and hoekey teams for eredit in providing an annual pension |gver twenty years and what he don't [for Mrs. Maxwell, widowed mother of [know about handling the men in his y 1 charge is viry little. "Alfie" expects to again join' the next fall, 'and Mrs. Farnsworth's tenth anniver- sary, and Mr. and Mrs. Evans' "twen- tieth anniversary. About twenty guests i down to a sumptuous repast. ot use, 'and which. dep fates because fyou receive satisfaction and a per- will 'of 'taxation, financial condition of the | There the mauulacturers, according tof with. 'But the man who holds land sa OF THE PRESS Mr. Bourassa makes, however, is in believing that scandal is like a flower--the more you pinch it the sweeter: it smells. # Will, He Get It There ? Hamilton Times. No the ministers are after .the buy- ers of stocks on margin, too. By and by, the fellow who wants some ex- citement jn life will have to find ig in checkers and one-cent vaudeville. Safe And Expenditious. i Montreal Herald, The tarilf is through, and a fresh start has been made for another' ten years. There has been no fuss about it. Hardly has its passage been ob- served. Men who could frame and get through so complicated a measure with so little friction must kuow their business, mustn't they ? Degradation Of Parliament. Toronto Globe. X ie reckless and loose-tempered vul: garity of men like Mr. Bennett and respecting citizens on both sides of politics, than all the tna ot a cam- paign or' all the trials of public ser vice, : > They Ought To Be. Hamilton Times. Hon. Mr. Cochrane has about decid- ed to abandon his sliding scale mining tax and substitute therefor a royalty of 3 per cent. on profits over $10,000. A mine that does not yield a net pro- fit of over $10,000 will pay not a dol- ware taxed on that basis, they would 'a fine of not less than $10 and not more than 850 per day for any em- ployee who goes on strike during the pendency of any proceedings before a board under the provisions of the act. The bill does not, unfortunately, de- clare how the amount of the fine is to be collected from men whose world- lv possessions often congist of a trunk and a change of clothing. Will 'Soon Go. "Alfie" Pierce, the familiar and much liked trainer of Queen's Athletis Association, will soon go to work for the summer months. "Alfie's" duties around. Queen's and has. seey "tutoring" staff iii Mr. and Mrs. Levi Evans, Moscow, hen you go to Chown's for glass- Objects of Company to North Cobalt. The Cobalt Development shares in this Corporation. . heal sl and death claim- as its victim, He leaves a wife # Intending investors in eit ) KH -, Mr. Fowler, and ti studied and in- sulting innuendoes of George E. Foster have done more to make the House of Commons intolerable to seli- . be happy. A Weak Spot. thing Montreal Gazette. P Best Clo Makers, The Lemieux labor bill provides for The Hotel Properties in Cobalt. $ good returns to their owners and stockholders as have the Foster, other now famous producing mines. Tailoring It's About Now Suit question on his mind. Many will come to us without any urging on our part Sometimes an old Customer drops out ; pérhaps tries the workmanship and our prices, o We have Built up our reputation - for selling the best of ¢ Clothes by handling only the best production of the World's $' Semi-Ready Tailoring Suits finished to your order in two § hours time. It's just about now that nearly every Man has the Sprig. 4 high-priced Tailor, but he comes back again and tells us frank. ly that he likesiour Clothing, likes the fit, the style, the fabric, ! > So 4 4 ag $ 4 4 4 The H. D. Bibby Co. 78, 80, 82, Princess St. 40000000 Its Millions of Consumers Say So-- Their increasing re-orders say so-- So Blue Ribbon Tea is not only the best Tea IN CANADA, but also the best of all TEA. Delicate, delicious, in vigérating, resting, wholesome Blsek, , mixed --88c. to §1 a 1b.--All grocers build Hotels and a 'Theatce on the townsite of La. : ; An option has been obtained from the Cobalt development Company securing a good site for this, where drainage is convenient and adjacent to the railroad. ompany will not ask any money for land, but will take GOOD AS THE SILVER Haileybury and New Liskeard have made as | TFrethewey, and Look carefully into {his Hotel situation before investing your money elsewhere. ~~ NORTH COBALT 'BUILDING COMPANY (TO BE INCORPORATED) Capital $500,000; 500,000 Shares $1 Each. Objects of this Company to erect buildings in North Cobalt.' : The Cobalt Development Company to set aside every tenth lot in the townsite and will take fully paid shares in North Cobalt Building Company for the lots, Investigate this Company--Houses in North Cobalt to-day are paying from 25% to 40% per annum to the owners; § A Fa Company will agree with the incorporators of this her of above Companies' stock write, phone or wire to i NORTH COBALT | HOTEL COMPANY (TO BE INCORPORATED) Capital $500,000.00, In Shares of $1.00 Each >: Poedvre Sob Sod 0000000600 oe 4 4 My. Tsaac I Jao BROCK, a ci nan county, Texas, ears. ¥or many yes Bosque Falls, eightee 'Waco, but now'lives law at Valley Mills, T Some time ago, 'by Isaac came to Waco m¥ aoBicturey holding in hi cut from the grave of Jackson. Mr. Brock i gentleman, showing f crepitade. His famil preserved, and it show; his birth was written 1 $ . 4 An unusual : in Easter 3 new styles <4 tinents. 4 4 PS { Sper & : VIVO IIITII IY GONE TO RE; The Death , Marl numbered old" his wen N and nome was Cynthi whom have long bourne. deceased wes r Bath. in was married ing huspand on they lived in hap nearly fifty-seven 4 was blessed with four = daughters, who all up to call their blessed. The hon Samuel James, W sldom. . The Mrs. (Rev) 1 A. Perey, who hax b a widow, and Mrs Jax.) Our translated frivnd w to Ged. in early life, und Ary of -Rev.. Sheldon You memory." She united n Cart

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