Daily British Whig (1850), 19 Mar 1907, p. 5

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ng Overcoa stion ? 1 Solved It? u. uld care to wear. s meet this. season. ve many "warm" friends. ravenetted, Spring Rain-Coats larity. our elegant medium length Black Dressy Majority. ter Spring. Overcoats than ply perfection. ), $15 to $18. Bibby Co. ase. You will not find ali ty at the price of ibbon . icious, refreshing and able or social use. bo. $0 §1 a Ib.-- All groears ours Long price range, > oo t CEOS COCO 000000 that the starch you 'Buy it by name.. "of Bother The starch that needn't be cooked. -that won't stick..thatgives a bril- liant gloss with almost no iron-effort..ign't ought fo have them use on your clothes? your dealer sells it, ASKING FOR GRANT - * PROPOSED : MONU- "MENT TO OR. Gu BELL, [A Brantford. Delegation Waits on the Cabinet Ministers--Pro- i | mised Very Careful Considers. tion. | Ottaws, March 19. Asking a federal | grant towards she proposed memorial | in that.city to Dr. Graham Bell, in. ventar of the telephone, a Brantford de- | putatién, accompanied by members and | 8 ators, waited upon Sir Wilfrid Laur- {ier and several of 'his shinisters this | afternoon. They emphasized the dis. {tinction that attaches to the inven tor and the city wherein the invention was perfected and strongly urged the | goveramint's assistance to the sug- | gested "memorial, which is intended to | take the form .of a monument 'in a GOODE POPP OP0000oe en- OOO eOLr00PPO00000000000 SODA od SALBRATUS E.W.GILLET 18 THE BEST. COMPANY LIMITED TORONTO.ONT. * : ® + S Oo | | LIQUEUR SCOTCH THE SPIRIT p > ---- "CHAMBERLAIN PIOIOIe } {Publie square. The deputation in- | claded Mr. Wilkie, K.C., and Ald. Pit. cher, of Brantiord, Sir John Carling, { Senator Cox, Senator Jefiray, Senator | Jones, J. G. H. Bergeron, M. P., and | Pr. Worthin dton, M.P, They were | courteously received and the premier {promised careful consideration of the | request, ---- LETTERS TO THE EDITOR. "Prof. Gill's Statement. | torial are correct, but your deductions | are mearrect. 2s may he easily seen an reading the whole of 'the act from which von quote. Section 7 of this as follows : Any student who has + examination prescribed by ct is entitled to receive a * di- a corporate mem- ploma and becomes ber of the From this section it is clear that the | passing of the examination ipso facto | constitutes admission" to corporate | | = i sed | | | | society, | > OF : THE AGE <« i : $ i WOLPERT IEEE CIIIIIIeeY You cannot possibly have a better oa than Cures Coughs LAY'S SYRUP does that one thing, loes it well. It's no "cure-all," bat RE for all throat and lung troubles. AY'S SYRUP OF RED SPRUCE | stops the irrit the soreness--sooths fepand CURES COUGHS to stay ne the less effective because it is ant to take. 25 cts. battle. Adnan ~ % bers dubbers anadian" rubbers, known and. wear--if you wan dian". ; $1.00 and $1.00. C, 70c, 75¢ and 8oc. 0 5, 75¢. , 12 and 13, 6oc. to 2, 50 and 6oc. Ss 5 to 10%, 40c: sizes 5to 10% 40 and t: 3 * the old package w food. economical. ux lasting as and equal success a Ladies should "DIAMOND DYES" they purchase. Refuse avoid Gonorrhe: 1 40 HOURS. Cures Kid~ A delicious driik and a sustaining Fragrant; 'nutritious and This excellent Cocoa maintains the system in robust health, and enables it to resist winter's extreme cold. OCOA "Sold: bi Grocers and Storekeepers n $-Ib. and §-Ib Tins. ¥ depend. Sold in t 0 of strength---No. 1 Hi No. 2, 10 degrees stronge No. NO ei roe druggis oy or sent repaid on Joosipt of of prict reo pal joiBlet A Cook Mepigixa Co., TORONTO, ON? Gormerly Wis remedy for Gleet, a and Runnings ney and Bladder Troubles. The "COME INTO MY PARLOR" Story The invitation "of The manufacturers of muddy, package dyes 10 'the ladies of ( 'anada blotchy and adulterated to use their poor: colors for home colori" is tis dangerous as the wll of the spider to the fly. The vitae tion of the makers of common dyes if fered serious losses. The DIAMOND DYES, tivilized world have god and profitable work for our wo- men and girls. dyesggare as used all over always done appear on afd substitutes [if you, ouble. a sent free i f tor ition in theso lefters to discuss the 1 merite of the bill, | to incorpept statements. I have no in- ner support it.--L. W. GILL. pe Novelists Canadian-Born. Has it ever beey noticed what a great Maoetionzol present-day novel: railway held over till expected will have been formed re "garding PERSONAL MENTION. Movements of The People--What They Are Saying And Doing. L. T. Best, druggist, is in Sarnia on business. Hon. William Harty went 6 Ot tawa at noon to-day. A. Avery, M.P., Sharbot Lake, in the city on business. \ W. HB. Godwin went to Toronto to- day to Attend tion. Messrs. E. Reid, E. H. H. Reid went to Festerday. rs. George Mace died a on March 16) } Jorete was a resident of Kingston. D. G. McCanh, Smith's Falls, was the A.0.U.W. conven- Sterling and Cape Vincent, in the city, to-day, the guest of his brother, J. 8. R. McCann, Queen treet. Charles McClellan has returned te Watertown, N.Y, "after spenthing a couple of days Bagot street. James Lawless, who formerly con- ducted a groeery business on Montreal street, left to-day. for Cobalt to open up a similar business, with his parents on Miss Alice Sparks, We ington streat, left, to-day, on the noon train, for Smith's Falls, where she will spend a week with her grandmother, rs. R. A. Hodgkins. ------ RECEIVED SFRIOUS INJURIES. Carl Goldman, Division Street, Kingstoh, March 19.--(To the Edit- Was Assaulted. or): Refer or le SEring + to your gona, in As the result of an assault made up- Ne os eu in Xn ie h You reiter- on him near Folgers' wharf, Monday gineers' bill, you i "a To Soldat Jaw; ued ) Prove | thirty-five, livin h that the quotations contained in your |g to-day, ane i" Rion i { editorial of the 12th are correct, con- on his nose ¥ han MVS va in nv Ja the Juntentions contained in | face. It was ----- a han She mx Totter of A 2 orted tha tm ra Bonnin i Guldumen'y nose had been broken, but j etiam] in vour two editorigls it Rr ert Hanley, ho, attended him. { will be found that they are quite dif- he h hi 2 5 Bop. the vase. 3b | forent 20: That vs bo 2 Mind Hug his injuries were of a very ried tly eure is adrdttad. serious nature, Goldman was able to { we Hfiutations ib omordav's 'edi call at the police station, Tuesday morning, and lodge a complaint. Goldman says that he the was down at wharf, where a number of men were engaged in loading up scrap. Ae- cording to his suggestions to one ference done, provocation him, struck. him a severe blow on the nose, stunned by the blow, covered, story he made some of the men in ro- to how the work might he when the stranger without anv whatever, came up to Goldman was and when he rs his assailant had made good and ran away. | mer mbership, and no ballot is required. | bi8 eseape. Goldman says that the By-law No. H, to which vou refer, jy [man who struck him had some hard rot a pert «of the Quebec act," but js | Material in his hand, and it is | simply one of the by-laws of the #g- | thought that perhaps a pair of iron | ciety under its original charter, ane | knuckles were used. | is not legalized in Quebec. Asx to the EE a { proper interpretation of this act, with TO BUILD BRANCH. respect to its regulations for admis- |#ion to practice, FT am prepared to | From Cobalt to Sudbury--A Gov- | Te ave it to the decision of any legal ernment Plan. | 2 unthority. oo FRegarding vour use' of the word Joronto, March 1927he Ravin: "Kill" in this connection 1. nay say ment is considering the advisability that mv only obietion Tt of "building a | branch of the Temis- { Supesije ed Your kaming railway from Cobalt to Sud- 1 unc whic io 18 0 "founded = fae. Buy. .! The the road would open. spa I Nobody iwi es -- Shink ad bangle a minerals and the revenue from these wl on fact and through frieght wy would war- hh $onclusio rant its construction n intimation or Foe ou al pl | ht th eriment wn hiking oy of the bill, I am prepared to as- flee proposition Sus given by. Hon sist in - the "killing," hat Jet wa, Bo | Nr. Newric, of - the Jogislntive ruil sure of our facts, and my sole obj; way _ceommitier, at 4. .mt ting held, iis. seniting dato Xeaiate bio ject this morning, when . Mr. Aubin's bill! g gister my objection | incorporate the Sudbupy-Cobalt reached. and, was Thutsday. when jt is government' o decinion 1, was the When Coffee Came In. Cofee was first publidy drunk in England when Ted Edwards opened his ists, are. Capgdiap 'by birth ? coffee shop in London in 1652. He im- rb notable of "couse, is Sir_Gil- ported the idea from Cairo, in which bert Parker, whose novel, "The Weay- city cafes have abounded for centuries ers," is mow appearing serially, and | back, there being no fewer than 2,000 won suc ch fame with. "The Right of | there in the year 1563. French coffee Way, and" other books. +o much in vogue with certain drinkers, Then there is Basil King, who imi- began its history with Louis XIV, who tated Gilbert Parker net 'only ing born in Canada, American "wife. by be- | but by marrying Irank the first cup. Taverns for the sale of coffee were first opened in Par- an He is about to pub- {j« in 1672, and in the following reign lish a new novel entitled "The Giant's they had increased to the number of | Stre ngth.' G00. 'The present yearly consumption nor. Glyn, too--whose. most. recent | {o each person is, in round numbers novel is "Beyond the Rocks," and who Brazil, 14 pounds; Belgium, 11; United is also well known for "Vicissi- | States, 7: Germany, 2 France, 3, and tudes of Evangeline" and" "Reflections "14 oun. 5 accepted, means loss of £404 ruin of valuable clothing, ani .wa- terials; the acceptance by the f ot the spider's offer, is death. Today, many ladies know too well that in the past they have been vic timized by the false 'stories told by { makers a erude dyes, and have sul- | of birth, Doviglas Ambrosine"'--is Canahian by her father being the late Sutherland, "of Toronto Norman Duncan, also, ' whose novel will shortly be published by the |! Harpers," is a Cpnadian, having been | ¢ bore at Brantford in 1871. Other prominent names might new be England, William from pneumonia. The Late Mrs. W. Richardson. The death oceurred on Wonday after. won at her home, 308 Johnson street, f Flizabeth Wastell, relict of the late Richardson, after an illness Mrs. Richardson had added: and it is a point of great ad- Zeached the oceable Fd g sighty- ditionad interest that .the Canadian | 31% Years and ten months. She was born in London, England, and came literary workets do not all go to Fng- land or all to the United States, but to Canada in 1870. Her husband died 1 4 that while some, like Elinor Glyn-and|in Js. One don. Ww. oN Richardson, Sir Gilbert Parker, are fascinated by SRE a Seug by i 128 seh nd London, others, like Norman Duncan | FOURC: SUEVL 18 Siteask] was » and Basil King, pi more strongiv at- Ave of the First Congregational n 3 urch. tracted by what, outsidefhf our ain chur 2 de 3 ate "the hordore, is often denominated he Stock Prices Crumbled. States. y . 4 New York, March 19.-- Prices crum- . bled away during the first hour of / y : : 0 Slater's Rink Won. trading in the stock market. to-day, this morning, the presi At the T. Slater's curling rink, rink wrested and the precipitancy of the decline re- called the market of last week and dent's cup from the rink skipped bv | gave rise to renewed uneasiness. Short. Prof. Gill. The ice was good and ally after noon it was learned, from an more enthusiastic gathering of curl | quthoritative source, that a private ers was never goside the rink. The | settlement had been effected between ame wes fast and the best rink won, | at least, two stock exchange firms and Sought the professor's men were out their creditors. It was also said that having a game for of frractics; not' about two weeks, all danger of sospensions or failures had passed for the day. The preddent's cup is a handsome sample of the silversmith's art, and A Serious Disaster. | will. be presented to the winners at . : the next meeting of the club. Harbin, Manchuria, March 19.- -Xun Thee curlers will now take home| the result of a collision, to-day, be- | their stones, ms the last match of the tween a uassenger and a freight train, Sou wak plaved this morning. at Turuschiche Station. seventeen per- The inks w %ons wee killed and thirty-five were ¥. B. McKny, "RJ McKelvey, S. | injured. | W. Dyde, Prof. Gill, skip--10. No other package A clock is Seige erected at San ¢ strong. bright, full and } Diewa, Cal. Which vill tell. the tine of the DIAMOND DYES; | oll nations at once on separate dinls. young can use them with At will chime "Blue Bells of Scot ase leasure. and," "My Old ~Kentocky Home.' I that the - words "Kathleen Mavourneen." and 'The each | all [jhours. The tune for. the curfew at 8.30 | number J. Drives; D, 'Smith, J. Gibson, ul T. Slater, skip 17. A Deposit Of $100,000. Toronto, March 19.--The provincial treasury has received $100,000 on ac count of swcoession dues from the ex- tate .of the late Timothy Eaton, the Toronto merchant prince. s------------------ Last Rose of Summer," at E Herriate | each evening will be "Home, Sweet : 5 te thi and Card Quaker Bitters, the great stomach Sain from Toronto an hour late this or , at # An effort is to be made Buy Bi-Ju Kidaey-Pills at. Gibson's ted Crass drug store. Fresh there. to have the of chaplains in the United States navy increasid. to-day The storm made the fast wwrnoon. 6th. For several years she 4 death ahd disposed of the E FORTUNE FOR A PETERBORO LADY. Discovery Made By a Mere Acci- ~ dent By Her Son--Matter is Being Investigated. Peterboro, Ont., March 19.--By the simplest pircumstances brought bout by | merest chance, Mrs. Harriett Goselin, wife of Francis Goselin, George strect, has fallen heir to, many thousands of dollars. Al-9 this is not altogether de: finitely known yet, is practically as- sured that she is the person whose name is istered on the list in pos session ol almost. every lawyer con taining the names of those to: whom unclaimed money is due. The matler was first discovered by James Goselin, butcher, and son of Mrs. Harriett Goselin, who happentd to be in a local harrister's office the other day and on casualty glancing over the list above mentioned dis covered his mother's name. The book wad accidentally opened at the page which gave the first knowledge of the unclnisied Mates Mr. Gosclin wh ho made the discovery intends following up the clue. So far the exact amotint of the legacy, and where the money rests is unknown, but Mr. Goselin hopes to have these leared up in a short time. GUARD WOMEN, Mrs. Kemwitz and Daughters Suspected of Murder. New York, March 19. Mrs. Annie Kemwitz and her three daughters wore placed under a police guard in their handsome in the Bronx to-day, as the result of the mysterions Killing of Henry Kemwitz, father of the family, who was 'shot while asleep, Saturday night. When an undertaker was called soon after the death he refused to touch the body on account of the my- sterious circumstances. Mrs. Kemwitz told the undertaker that her husband had been killed by falling from. a covch and stoutly denied the ence, of a bullet wound clearly in the dead man's temple She scouted the idea of suicide her daughters, all whom were ly imposed, corroborated their er. Coroner Schwanneck made a close inquiry that Kemwitz was very ing retited from a large butcher busi- noes. He said the strangest part of the death was that there was abso Intely no sign of blood about the man end that the pistel could not In found. t The detectives are secking to prove whether the wife and daughters could have cleared away signs of vioient exint- visible and perfect- moth- and detectives They learned wealthy, hav- weapon fe fore' they oalled the undertaker, who says though he was called hurriedly, the man had been dead at least two hovrs before he arrived. The four women have been placed in difierent rooms pf their home and e~ch is guarded by police. The coron- er expects sensational developments soon. Death At Florida. Florida, March 19.~The crossing on Mud Lake is in a bad condition. On Wednesday, John Davey an old and Fespected, reside mt, passed over tothe great wigority. The funeral, on Fri day, was largely attended, W. L. Stormes \ has. purch 1 a fine horse from" 'Mr. et Tamden East. Mr. and Mrs. W. Ackroyd Inverary, spent afew days with Mr. and Mrs. W. L, ors; A few from hese attended the concert at Wilton, on Wednesday The teacher, Miss Freeman, spent Saturday and Sunday with Miss Lena Hodge, Wilton. Mrs. Fox Martyn, for merly of this place, now of Sydenham, i= very ill. Much sympathy is extend ed to Mr. and Mrs. B. Redden, over the loss of their infant daughter. Mr and Mrs. J. E. Storms spent a couple of days recently at Juverary. S. Mar tyn spent Sunday at Sydenham. H Walker is busy preparing to build a» new drive-house Visitors: W. Davey and' family, at J. E. Storms'; B. Sou ten and wife, Violet, at W. Shelling- ton's: Mr. W. Topping and wife, El gin, J. W. Davey, New York, at J. Wallace's Maple Avenue Notes. Maple Avenue, March 19%.:-A number from this place attendid thé parlor social given by the league at James Dawson's, on Friday night. Manuel Storms, who met with a serious aeci- dent last week, is slowly improving. Mr. Clute is proparing his factory for cheese-making and will commence work: soon. Cyrus Huffman, Wilton, intenls moving his family to' W. H. Smith's house, west end of Maple Avenue. | Hugh Cawbridge has mgved on the farm lately occupied Magn-| Storms. Mr. and Mrs. Alva Snider gave a party to a number of their friends last 'Monday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Danwon Amey, are at their daugh- ter's, Mrs. Walton Davey. Blake Switzer at W. Finkle's; Guy Smith at J. Johnston's; James Clarke at A. Burgess'; Florence Burleigh, Os- car Graham, Ross Parks A. Snider's: Wallie Rattan, Sydenham, at Benson Spider's and with friends. polisher that only at Silvercloth; the handy requires no powder, Best's. Forty-four divorce oases filed and disposed of and forty-lour marriage licenses issued was the record of Den- ver for the first nine days of March. Some Philadelphia policemen get only $1.75 a day, wet New York's "finest" think they are underpaid at $1,400 a year. . horehound No Adulte It defies Competiti Miller rank. [Its superiority is purity is absolute : we have and are making Drink it once: The acknowledged by you. § FIRST MILLINERY 'OPENING and Novelties; will be held and all the ladies of Kingstor 178 WELLINGTON ST. Open in the evening from 8 to 1 o'clock. en -- ENGLISH P IN DIVISION,K COURT. Cases Before Madden. Judge Madden presided at a session Several Judge of the division court on Tuesday morning. The following cases wore dis- posed of : Robert Boyd ve. Wilmer Boyd--Ae count, % 76.34; guarantee stands to April 9th, J. H. BeM vs. Mr. and Mes. John Lawrence--Account, $91.50. Judgment for plaintifi's a ) Rell Poi J. Baird--ggcount, ed judgment for plaintiff. - George Alexander ve. Mrs. W. don--Aceount, $4.07; judgment plaintifi's agent. Booth & Co. vs. William Pickering-- Acoount, $18.25; judgment for plain- tiff. . FE. Ofiord vs. E. R. La Rush--Ae- count and damage, $70; judgment for plaintifi for 320 and costs. J. 0. Hewton vs. D. Stoness $27.95. judgment for plaintiff in full Toronto Engraving Cd. va R. Rogers--Account, #57. Adjourned: until April 2nd. Gor- for Note, The death occurred Monday, of Mrs. Benjamin Harper, Brockville, after an illness of some months. She was a have heen made happy by. 1 R Mountai daughter of 'the late William 'Koeler, and was born in the township of Au- gusta, fifty-six years ago. Over twen- ty years ago she was married to Ben- jamin Harper, a well-known G.T.R conductor. It's virtues have been establi many years, and thousands of ock ok I beg to annour.c& that the "first supply' of 'Spring Hats Wednesday, Mar, 20 to which [I invite my friends Miss L. Sutherland, TE ---------- Canada Metal Co., | Ltd. ration 18 USED TH yg PRRPARALION OF THE TEA THAT OUTCLASSES ALL JAPANS REFUSE SUBSTITUTES. Lead packets only. 25c¢ 30¢c, 40c "80c and 80c per Ib. At all grocers A ---------------------- on, because it defies . = Comparison High Life THE CHAMPAGNE OF BOTTLE BEERS Its unrivalled qualities place it to the first due to the cheice selec- tion of its component parts, transformed through the unexcelled :cience of reputed brewers. to secure it and to maintain it Its every sacrifice, high and superior quali- ties of " HIGH LIFE" will then be definitely JUST ASK IT FROM YOUR DEALER, FOR SALE BY dames McParland, Kingston, Ont. "The London" |; The New Millinery and Fancy Goods Store. 1. § FOR SALE: PIG LEAD Toronto, Ont. FIFTY PER CENT MORE. Increased Greatly. The ex vear are fifty per cent. is an increase in all products of district, but the lar hay. the crop which has been shown to be so abundant. has come here ment over fore, Kingston: Lon and Robert tenced to fifteen months in jail on Carlin, a tourist printer. shoes, Hutch Induces Sleep. When the body contains a lot impuritieg these One suffers from h: hallusindtions, Hi sorts of sleep dest; a The Exports From Kingston Have ports from Kingston and dis- triet to Be United States so far this ter than during the same period of 1906. There the of' increase fn: In in 'More hay this winter for ship- the border than ever he- The year 1907 promises to be a record one in the way of éxports from At Wako, es, Tex., three Sung farmers, | Gribble and E. R. Hector, were fine! $600 each and sen- charge of setting a bulldog on Legon H it wasn't for the poor man the rich 'man would have to shing his own T_T impurities are ab- sorbed by the blood. The blood in turn carries them to the brain and : » : they produce unnatural conditions 88S { which destroy one's and rest. ) t- wild dréams in which horrible goblins try to tear you to pieces, and. PUBLICATIONS ISSUED BY, INTERCOLONIAL SNES 0 E NG THE Koop | Boating | Keep Posted | Hunting | Posted or Quebec and the Mari- Are now with the printers. You 'ean baye your mame on the list for fees copies hy Wwritin- to Return 1 07 be {swued "1 Single First-Class Fare Good going Thursday, Friday, Satap- day, Sunday and Monday, March 28th, 20th, 30th. Bier, and April Wu 1807, Good returning on or before Tuesday, April 20d, 1907. For Pullman amd Paplor Car AcComs modation, ekoty and all other infors mation, apply t . J. P. HANLEY, Agent, | Office; Cor. Jolson nud Ontario Ste. stmt i QUEBEC 8. S. COMPANY . BERMUDA Raschod te 48 Youre trom Hew BY one. new, Tia Merum 1414 pe SX sian | 5 From Ni 1S. Trinidad, 2,000 ar, Mia ge Grol Sn . hy i. Toix, St. and Bermuda. Rates 1 oceupying 17 Ay $50 to her adi . ory 10 days. 7 vy and amare is 2 ae priors eiving a ROYAL ALL MAL LINE SUMMER SAILINGS 5 ' MONTREAL T0 LIVERPOOL, Ionian, Fri, May 3 May 31st, June Virginian, Fri. May 10, June 7, July Tunisian, Fri., May 17, June 14, July 124 Victorian, Fri., May 24, dune 2 1, July 19. RATES OF PASSAGE. Cabin, Victorian and Virginian upwards, Tunisian, $70 and an ccommoda~ ry yo lonian, $85 and and." Cabin, $42.50, $45 und $47.50, , $37. 50 and $28.75; ictortun and Yirgi ia Triple« nian are 2.000 tons, pros ist. $80 a Lomwd don. avd faves rane with tieu » SLEEVE, Clarence St. J.P. pi . G. P. Ry. of ' HAS REMOYED TO Between Corbett's Hardwi store and Taylor & Han { ton's, directly; Sppesite ) grovelg.ii

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