§ Sabot de Bibs dat LING 18 UNKNOWN To » Biscuit --Try Trisonit lor on. rton, or 2 for 25ec. | HKEEEEF FEF AER Never cook stove to do as much put a HT RANGE istomer said to us yesterday ing. If you require a new nds who are using a "Happy 69 and 71 BROCK STREET POO0000000000000000000000000600 C ' 3ig Sale of 'urniture We intend rebuilding and uire the room to make rations. EVERYTHING AT OSE OUT PRICES James Reid The Leading Undertaker STORE OPEN NIGHTS 5 wder e days. Since George's, they es that Mother d cook, now? ood in, more ther ER. Is now Woman's Health Every woman may be attract- ive. Bright eyes, pink cheeks and red lips 'are her nature- given right. A sallow skin, lack of animation, low spirits and weak nerves may be avoided by the use of Beecham's Pills, a remedy that well deserves the confidence of every- woman. Again and again they have pioved to be invaluable at those recurring times when so many women feel debilitated and suf- fer from nervousness, headache and depression. It is wonderful the way these pills assist Nature and relieve the suffering. Every woman who values health and good looks should become a user of BEEGHAN'S PILLS Prepared only by Thomas Beecham, St. Helens, Lancashire, England. Sold Everywhere in Canada and U. S. America. In boxes 25 cents. ALL THEWHEAT That's Good To Eat. . Beaver Flour contains ALL the nutri. the he Je, id Beaver Flour is a'blend of Magisbe Spring Wheat og way. No bleaching process ith the grade of wheat we use. Atl your grocer's. Dealers, write for prices on all kinds of Feeds, Coarse Grains and Cereals. T. H. Ti Co. Limited, Chatham. i leart Strength Heart Strength, or Hoart Weakness, means Nerve | President Roosevelt as "to whether his Strength, or Nerve Weakness--nothing more. Pos: | quarrel was with all the railroads, or ftively, not one weak heart inm hundred 1s, In it~ | (},o(her he merely was on the trail of {bad managements with the Big Stick. | The president sent back word that his self, actually diseased. It is almost always a hidden tiny little nerve that really is all at fault. This obscure nerve--the simply needs, and must , more controlling, more governing strength. Without that the Heart must continue to fall, and the stomach and kidneys also have these same controlling nerves. Ve, Inore power, more This clearly explains why, as a medicine, Dr. | Bhoop's Restorative has in the past done so much | for weak and afling Hearts. Dr. Shoop first sought | the cause of all this painful, palpitating, suffocst- fing heart distress. Dr. Shoop's Restorative--this | popular prescription--is alone directed to these weak and wasting nerve centers. 4t strengths; it offers real, genuine heart help. 1f you would have strong Hearts, strong di- | these gestion, nerves = re-establish them as needed, with Dr. Shoop's Restorative 'At All Druggists. Wood's Phos Tones and favigarates the Whole in oa Veins. Cures Nerv Brain Worry, Des pondency, 2 Sn "Emiaion ts, Sper matorrhea, and Effects of Abuse or Ercesses. will please, six wo $1 per box, sixfor 8, One or Toailed in plain pkg. on of price. New pamphict ne Co. mailed y Fhe Wood Medicine Co. ont Some people are housecleaning all ready and are using ARK, BRAND READY- MIXED PAINTS ) AND ALABASTINE For their Walls. You can purchase these articles and everything else for Tlouse-Cleaning at Tayor @ Hamilton 81 and 81 Princess St Ladies' Tailoring 1 have much pleasure in announcing to the Iadies of Kingston that I have secured the prémises, 261 Princess St. CRUSH HARRIMAN THIS WAS INTENT OF STOCK * PANIC. -- e-- what is lawful and what is unlawful. He has a lawless nature. He; has no moral sense. He is a menace to this country. He is a dis- grace to the institution of railroads. The government purposes to follow him up and expose his dealings ¥% and practices against pub- # lic morality and business decency until it is impos- sible for him to stand up DAILY BRITISE WH1G, might be hit in the smashing of Har- riman properties, bit nothing more. Then Morgan went to Europe, Jeav- ing the campaign mapped out, so that he would not be annoyed by ap- Peals 'to avert "the disaster." Then followed the onslau it, the "mystery" of which kept w Financi i uessing. T} i and Readi oi out Campaign Buea "ye Pasifie and ne Hole He Ordered Man to Make Fament . Aid 10 [banks suddenly 'called ~ in Joans on Three Years Ago Intended For Overthrow Operator in Obedi- | Harriman properties, Grave. fares ence to Ultimatum. The Harriman interests couldn't hold Munich, March 19.--A sensational J their stocks. They simply had to let |... der m was partially solved them go and floods of long cherished securities were, thrown on the market. "Someone" had to get money. The someone was Harriman. Whether or not he got enough by his forced heavy selling to save him remains to be seen. He says he did. The wise ones on Wall street think otherwise. They say it will be found that Morgan and his associates hold the control that gave Harriman the powerful leverage he is said to have used to gain his ends. In any event the government will find him submissive hereafter. ---------- son of the Drapietor, of a stationary SPORTING NOTES. circus at mich. Hentchel and Nei en 2 | derhofer were nearly always together, Interesting Items on Various |Hentchel finding the money for their Sporting Topics. amusements: : Toronto Globe: An Ottawa paper Hentchel Suddenly eapreated, on publishes the plan of the new rink to May 2th, . aL BOL TR pn be built for next season's games trace of him could be Jou): rime That's nothing; we had plans for a big ban susppeted, : in he police Shen. o rink in Toronto long before Ottawa doned Te a gations - witheut E. H. HARRIMAN, thoight of it. Amy il ® | finding the least clue. 3 MANNE | thea it. And we still have {'s fow days ago Neiderhofer attempt In all probability the amateur pool od to sil to a iteler several Articjen New York, March 18.-- championship of Canada will be play- of value which Jormwrly belonged to Harriman has got to go. ed in Ottawa next month. It will Hentohel, and; as it happened, the He has po conception of open to all hona fide amateurs nthe jeweler remembered that they corres country. Players from Toronto, the . police describing articles of Kingston, Brockville, Montreal and jewelery which Hentchel commonly other points will be invited to par- |, s ticipate. extremely expensive b ple Montreal Witness : Whether Smith ghd er Teh otely onde. and Westwick play in the Stanley cup ted - with the police, and detained hockey series or not, it will be inter- young: Neiderh until they arrived esting to see how the trip to the west will figure 'out when it comes to mak- ng a declaration of the amateur sta- tus of the Ottawa Hockey Club next season, American Sportsman : The eternal of public opinion that will ¥ * # longer against the storm #¥ overwhelnr him. » HOR HEREX EEE EEK AREER EHH ER The above ultimatum from President sun will never shine on a world where enlightened man has discarded the horse for a machine. No intelligent breeder need fear that Gods best ani- mal gift to man will ever go out of fashion or cease to hold his value, YIELDS UP ITS DEAD MURDERER SEES HIS VICT- IM'S BODY | FOUND. this afternoon, when the body of a wealthy young man named Hentchel, who disappeared from hort at Munich \ years , Was dug up on a Stiet of oo. land outside the Ba- varian ital. was the son of one of the wealthiest business men in Munich, He spent money lavishly, attended the pleasure resorts regularly, be longed to the fashionable: clubs, gambled and kept race horses and motor oars. 2 He was very friendly with another young man named David Neiderhofer, ponded with particulars circulated by wore. These included diamond rings to arrest him. Publication of the news of Neider- hofer's arrest brought other suspic- ious circumstances to light. A form. er employee at the Neiderhofer cirous informed the police that David Neidvr- hofer ordered him about three years ago to dig a deep hole in waste lamd adjoining the circus. He had no idea for what object the hole was dug, bug. offered to show the police where the TUESDAY, MARCH 19, vither for usfulness or pleasurable re creation. The latest sporting exchanges from England throw much light on some points which the Englishmen intend to observe Roosevelt to J. Pierpont Morgan, when the magnate pleaded for a halt in the administration's fight on pre- datory railroads, was the real cause of the sensational - upheaval in 'the stock markets in the last two weeks, | the latest King pin of finance has lost, lor will lose, the eontrol of the whole games. For instance, t limit the entries the different this will prevent and the possibility of pocketing. Trustee Foran, of the Stanley cup, decided that "Hod" Stuart and z g to The New York Despite E. H. Harriman's denial to the contrary The Dress asserts that press in each event from Union Pacific system, which includes the Southern Pacific and the Central | Mas Pacific, the. greatest in the world! Not "only this, but « Reading and mn the Stanley mp hockey games. practically all his other seizures have hey should have heen protested be- ben. or are to be wrested from him, | fore the eastern championship games started, and are in af entirely differ- eut position to the Ottawa players who are now with Kenora. Eastman, the professi®hal who has been running in England and ix engaged in the £300 match to be run on Good Friday, is said to be a Canadian, as represented. He is Eldridge Eastman, a young colored man, hailing from St. John, N.B. He He is. to be driven from the financial world relentlessly, just as he de throned . Stuyvesant Fish in the Ilh- nois Central and others of his victims. Morgan sent an emissary to sound with regard to the Olympic fev intend to countries, \as they think crowding, jostling Riley Hern can play for the Wanderers sprinter; inc, or Heart Nerve It builds; | | Morgan. trial and an actual contest, even when conditions are {only purpose was to stop law-break- ing. Morgan then went personally to as- sure the president that the wiser man- agements would be glad to come to dn understanding under which they could obey the laws more intelligently. "That's not enough." said the presi: dent "What is required of us ?"" asked Mr. |, | | Then the president made his extra- ordinary accusation against the man who hos succeeded in putting himself at the head of the American railroad world, after years of fighting, with re- morseless methods. : Morgan pleaded that the only possi- ble means whereby Harriman could be overthrown was manipulation in Wall street, which would tear the whole market to picces and probably re- sult in a panic from which the eoun- trv might not recover for years President Roosevelt replied . that there micht be a financial panie, but that could not alter his determination to do his duty. If the financial powers more of Harriman than of then all right; the would go on thought anythine else, Roosevelt - programme just the same * Mr. Morgan asked for time in which to confer with the Rockefeller interests and other financial lenders. They gave in, deciding to onst Harriman to ap- pease the nresident. who promised that the United States treasury would aid in helving "the innocents" who Sick all the Time with Kidney Trouble 4 BOXES CURED HIM Mr. Whellam was a mighty ill man this spring. He had been ailing for almost a year. Sharp pains in the back and through the hips, Dull headaches seemed to taste right, a friend who was in 'just that condition and who was cured by GIN PILLS. Mr. Whellam tried them. would not know him for the same man now. at worried, strained look about and have opened up a First-Class Ladies' Tailoring Establishment. Style, Fit and workmanship guaranteed. Kindly call abd see me. Will inake up from your own cloth. Prices moderate. | bee | A. METZ | Graduate of Yarando Cutting | School, Regent St. London, Eng. | BRITISH - AMERICAN HOTEL KINGSTON - - ONTARIO "Has undergone alterations and open to the travelling face is e. His eyes are bright-- ho pian rosy. He enjoys what lie eats--has gained in weight--and sleeps ke a top. He bi kidney trouble. 'GIN PILLS practically gave mew d strengthened these organs-- Sootired the bladder--and freed the s: | fall. They fact, they 2 of. A m they hid him Medicine he took rowed a trial over the Mortlake thirty-one seconds. were nearly twenty ri rend bout | plaited panel in the Finally, an old f wid im 4 front 'and back, the fullness at the sides being laid in small gathers. A And you gd of tucks been a great had much success in his races down by the sea, and went to England about a year ago. Oxford crea Putney to nineteen. minutes Ou Saturday thew five. lengths behind when Cambridge finished the same course in minutes twenty-six seconds. is a vast difievence between a Two weeks ago the course in There more nearly identical than it is possible to have them cn two days on a tidal river. Gown Of Veiling. |) psa 1 i HENS io The illustration shows a street frock of dark blue veiling, trimmed with bias folds of a and dizzy spells. Appetite poor--nothing the satin-finish taffeta of The skirt had a middle of the same shade. finished the bottom. he corsage was trimmed with shaped bands of the silk, a picce of embroid- ered veiling connecting ends of two middle of the front. velvet ribbon also was run in verti lines between some of the straps in the front and back. The yoke was of chantilly lace, of net, shirred to bands of lace match- ing the yoke. the , rounded these straps .in the Narrow dark blue the undersleeves being wer's Mills Movements. Brewer's Mille, March 18.--There has deal of timber hauled {kind friend told me of the remarkable hole was made. =| Excavations on the waste land be gun early yesterday morning, and con- tinned all day without success. When they were resumed this morning young Neiderhofer was brought to Wwateh the work, - handeufied and fet- tered, between two policemen. Late this afternoon Hentchel's body was recovered, amid the intense ex- citement of all present. Neiderhofer trembled violently, and was (nite un- able to overcome his agitation. He was then taken back to prison. Stop Having Colds. Colds and the results of colds are unnecessary. Taken in time Wade's Cold Cure Tablets (Laxative) prevent colds. | Taken after a cold gets started "the remBdy cares in twelve hours. Just as effective for La Grippe, Headache and Constipation, A harmless, scienti- fic remedy that can't fail. In boxes, 25 cents. Sold only at Wade's Drug Store. Money back if not satisfactory. Lavant Station Items. Lavant Station, March 18---W. W, Roche has returned home. Miss Sarah Jameson is visiting her aunt and uncle, Mr. and Mrs. John Watt. Mr. and Mrs. William Thomas are spend- ing a few days with their daughter, Mrs. Robert Ferguson, at Snow Road. A number from kere attended the party at George Dennie"s. Mr. and Mrs. John Watt and son, Herbert, visited friends here last week. Mr. and Mrs. William Thomas visited Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Lee last week. A. Lord conduct services here and Wilbur, on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Browning spent Sunday in Lavant Settlement. Weese's wall paper sale now on. Burdock and Sarsaparilla Compound has no equal as a spring medicine, 75c., at : Gibson's Red Cross drug store. Admost six thousand miles of rail way are at present under contract in the prairie country between the Great Lakes and the Rocky Mountains, a substantial portion being already un- der construction and nearing comple Sion, opportunities of a lifetime to secure "The Montreal Stock Cos, Remarkable Sale Is attracting buyers as irresistibly as honey does the begs. Never before "has such beautiful, up-to- date; honest Clothing, Furnishings; Dry Goods, Furs, ete., been sold for so Kittle money. But as the old sey ing goes, "AN OUNCE OF SATISFACTION JS WORTH A TON OF TALK," we ask you to come, look over our stock and compare values, then judge for yourself, You will find yourself face to face with the greatost Genuine | ing, Dry Goods, Men's No doubt-the public are all aware that there are several Bargain Sales going on just now in our city, We also hope that the people will quite understand that the more stores having cheap sales creates more competition. The more eompetition-- the morg bargaing offered. savings for the buyers. Our belicl only true way for consumers of goods (particularly those who have large familia and not too large an in- come), is to go from store to stom and buy their goods from the merchant whe gives them the best value for their money, We had an instance of this last Saturday, when our store was cro wded with o'clock in the morning. until eleven However, wo have provided ourselves with extra help for this week, and we now feel confident that we shall Bargains in Cloth- Furnishings, &c. And the more bargaivs offered--the more is that no buyer should attach themselves to any particular store. The eager buyers, from nine o'clock at night, but unfortunately hundreds had to go away unserved. be able to serve' everybody who will favor us with a eall. THE MONTREAL STOCK CO. { F. X. 180--Princess St.--180. NERVOUS mi WEAK | 0OULD Nor SLEEP AT NIGHT To the thoumnds of people all over this lsod who are tessing en stespless pillows night after might, er whe pace the bedroom floor with nerves unhinged, and te whase oyes sleep will not coms, MILBURN'S HEART AND NERVE COUSINEAU, General Manager, Between Redden's and Crawford's Groceries opobee COAL! The sudden changes in weather putting in some food Coal. we soll good Coal. It's the kind that the most heat, We deliver 1t t cieas without ante ot the very eo BOOTH & CO., Phone 138. Foot of West St Suitings I have ever shown. values combined Taal 'offer the blaming of sound, refreshing They restore the equilibrium of the de- ranged nerve centres, and bring back the shattered nervous system te perfect condi- tion. Mrs, Wm. Richardson, Pentypool, Oat., writes: "I take great pleasure in recom- mending Milburn's Heart and Nerve Pills. 1 was troubled at times with my heart, felt weak and mervous and could not sleep at night. I have taken soveral boxes of the pills and am wenderfully improved. I have recommended them to others and they have found them just what they needed." The price of Milburn's Heart and Nerve Pills is 50 csnts per box or 3 boxes for §1.25 st all dealers or will be mailed direct on rocsipt of price by The T. Milburn Co, Limited, Torento, Ont. Watery Blood Nerves are Weak Face is Pallid You Lack Strength You Look Sickly. Until You Ironize and Fortify the Blood There's No Hope of Cure. 4 Thousands of tired need the invigoration, the strength, the nerve force which Ferrozone ean supply. Ferrozone imparts. strength because it nourishes, : Ferrozone is able to nourish be- cause it supplies to the blood the ele ments it lacks. Once the blood is vitalized, its tonic influence is cicenlated to every nook and corner of the body, carrying now lifo with it. Cases on record prove that Ferro- zone builds up when else fails. Alonzo WN. Douglas, of Woodbridge, Ont. says : "I desire to state the results | derived from the use of Ferrogone. Two years ago | was stricken with Pocumonia. and so reduced was my strength that my life was despaired of: | had the very best medical attention, but made no ogress towards recovery. When rede to practically a skeleton, a Pretty Good for So severe was the attack | powers of Fefrozone. An improve: ment began almost at ence. I gained steadily in weight and stength anti Ferrozone made me a new man. | forget during my Pills have beeu to me. this winter to the mill, to be cut up ills into lumber. Many went to Howe Is: land to-day to attend Mrs. Roche fort's sale. Mrs. J. Rogers and little daughter have returned to Cedar Val- ley, after a month's vis at her father's, J. Milne. Miss M. Berrigan returned to the city after a three months' 'visit at home. J. Dock. X ris will gladly answer enquiris from othér sufferers if 1 care to have further particulars about my recovery. Ferrozone deserves its : great measure of success." When a man in Mr. Douglas' | condition can be ly the chances good for yon ry Ferrozone. Pru low The Money The Men's Dongola .and Box Calf Blucher Bos We are show- ing in Our , for $2 this value at"the/money. H.Jennings, King St. I! you wish to be successful at- tend The and workman- ship a to be de- sired at . . WAGCONER'S Call and inspect the stock. Royal Insurance Co OF ENGLAND. Business in Force ..$109,000,000 Anwets x 900,000 Profits Paid (1905) 3,226,000 This Strone Dritish Company has id the same profits for the past 0! ears. SBCURITY unequelled by any LIFE Company in the world, We Invite Your Investigation, W. J. B. White, Agent, Kingston ------------------------------------ LET US SELL YOU AN INCUBATOR ON TIME. Do you know there oney raising poultry. 1s big m In you know an incubator will you bigger profit than any other oe you can have on your place. Well these thi are true thousands of people all over ada, have proved it for_the last five years. og. price on a Chatham Incubator, SOLD ON TIMB FIVE YEAR guarantee. on 8 Call and get a Poultry Book that will tell you how to make mohgy out of chickens. This Poultry Book free and You can get one at 42 Princess street. D.J. HAY and T. E. HUGHES, Agents. A. E. HEROD ORDERED FODTWEAR Now is the time those Re- pairs are wanted. Our anti- squeak is used on all work. tdi 286 PRINCESS ST., . THE HOUSE OF QUALITY Spi og oes Stands in a CANADA LIFE." If you eal Big Reduction' on Skates COME EARLY AND GEI A BARGAIN, Kingston Business ' College Limited, head of Queen street Canada's Highest Grade Hus) Strachan's Hardware