ractive and Smart irt Waists Skirts the NEWEST models ng and the prices at which make them thebest values to inspect them to your resses LINENS, 12ic., 15¢c., Ip to 4oc. I LAWNS, 20c,, 15¢,, RIZED MULL, asc, | ORGANDJE, asc. NG, 1sc, 20¢, asc, OT MUSLINS, 12jc., C., 39C., 45¢. Is, 15¢., '20¢., 25¢C. '8, 20¢, 25¢C, 35¢. ins; in Floral Designs, PATTERNS ED TO ND 15 CENTS HIGHER i 6600040000000 000 000005 or Now Ready. TRIP TR, $ - MEKAY Furs REGS TERED Furs Stored AND Insured TELEPHONE 489 . TO CALL John McKay FUR HOUSE 149-153 BROCK ST. WHIG TELEPHONES, 243-- Business OM, 229--Exitoral Rode. 292--J obhin ~ Department. Eve! hing that's print Board of sday Thurs. General an mery-epetring, | Qf I From The Neal dow pro. 07 Plow. pro. Old Land. Isaac YEAR 74. No. 61, ---- e-- m---- KINGSTO! es 1 DAILY MEMORANDA, | np ; = | x Banta of weitat-Arms, 8 ju GREAT INFLUX [0 CARE FOR THESE HOPED OLDER PROVINCES TOILET SETS We are at present showing some odd quaint shapes, in Old English Designs. Also a large variety of pretty colored sets, $1.48 Robertson Bros. from. WILL GET MANY. The Export of Electric Power and Gases to Be Regulated By Governor-in-Council--The Fut- ure of Hon. C. S. Hyman~The Lumber Combine. From Our Own Correspondent. Ottawa, March 20.-- (he infix of uew population into Canada this year wil reach at least 300,000 souls. The Statement was madé by the immigra- tion department Yesterday. Practically every berth 'on every stemmship . sche: duled to leave Great Britdin for Can- adian ports is taken up to July 3st, and many hundreds of immigrants will have 10 come via New Yors and Boston, The officials of the department are planning aborately for the care of these newee Ss, and it is expected Universal Food Chopper Cuts Everything But a good housewife uaint- : ance and that we will siake Reputation will hold ull death p We are demonstrating this week py Lot us show. vou its merits 4 | costs $1.50. We have other makes at $1 but insist on gctting the UNI VISAL. Sold only by Mitchell's Hardware, 85 Princess Sireet. IF YOUR BICYCLE IS DIRTY AND NEEDS REPAIRS HAVE IT MADE RIGHT BY MECHANICS WHO KNOW THEIR BUSINESS. Moore & Co., 18 Montreal St. A Unique Demonstration For a few days a young lady will demonstrate the superiority of : Holbrook's Worcester Sauce In our store, and will explain the various purposes for which HRAIACIIKIICIINIOIO Hk ogi 5 Cg CL W CUT, MEDIUM and HIGH CUTS JE EMPRESS HA AAA AAA ARR We EADS THEM ALL. We have a splendid assort- ut of styles in this famous e, to suit all tastes and as. "all and see for yourself. AAA AAA NAAN FARAH EAH it can be used. f Jas, Redden & Co. I have sold thousands of shares of the Pittsburg-Ely Copper Co, in Kingston. Don't neglect the opportunity x of securing a block large or all « this Peotnisiun stock at the Spr sent ice, CENTS. t is bos to go higher and jn all obabi 11 touch this year $2.00 o 38.00." wil JOSE PHF, SWIFT. Wm. Murray, Auctioneer 27 BROCK ST. New Carriages, Cutters, etc., for sale Sale of Horses every Saturday ORGHESTRA MUSIC VIOLIN INSTRUCTION Harness TAKE NOTICE Between Season's we sell Goods very Seite. That is what - like, for the fun, TURKS Sesond-! ) Store, 398 Princess St ji I a Bo. MERCY, steer The Annual Meeting of ston Reform the King- will Association held in the Whig Hall, be on Ursday Evening March 21st, at 8 o'clogiks yg J. McDONALD MOWAT, President. NOTIC E HORSE FOR SALE THE COMMITTEY ON FIRE AND ie Lt w sell hy aucti or Market Saturday, Mar. 23rd one Be wel ; hg about 1 \ MURRAY Ww Ww SANDS neer Cit « Clerk. oH "Wonderland ' '" { iv tal « Monday Wednesday and : 1 Thursday O That i MN sadventures of a Hat" Joseph H. Gorrie, Gen. Manager that. with the co-operation of the vari- ous provincial governments proportion than heretofore in the older provinces. Mr. Aylesworth's hill to regulate the export of eleetric power © and certain iquids and gases was considered by the commons vesterday. The propos: tion is that the exercise of the act will be placed ip the hands of the governor-in-council. To this Mr, Bor den objects, and moved an amendment accordingly, which was defeated. Mr. Borden prefers that the working a greater will locate of the act should be left to the rou. | Belfast to Build a Monster pins declarations. June 2th. Inst, the date on which Way commission, it being esse tially « Liner. Thaw Killed Ranford White " Sel. non-political body. He would like to llinst, Mareh 20. Messrs. Harland LIKELY NO GAME *| mas offered it, in evidence after he have see the p : > vouivid finished "with his experts, last night, ¢ name of the railway commis. and. Wolti, of Belfast, have recvived an : " m \ i. sion changed, and have it constituted [order for the construction of the | For the Stanley Cup at Kenora | but Jeroms objected to its admission 28 a public utilities commission Inrgest twinsserew steamer inc the Tu diignt. » J Mr. Aylesworth argued that the world. Winnipeg, March 20,<It is highly To Bush It ireugh. . Lard of railway commissioners would lhe new vessel is intended for the improbable thut the Stamey cup game Ottawa, March 20. deputation have to employ" experts, just ns the | Hamburg-Ameriegn fine, and in re | hotween Kenorg Thistles and the Wan. | #Hich arrived in Ottawa, last night, governor-in-council wouldy but the Int ter would have them at hand. There is stilt a good deal of specul- ation regarding the future of the Hon Et < + 8. Hyman. It will be a good deal i810 be jt was considered possible, lust night, of a surprise to most if he does not | introduced tor ew piv time on an | thet the first game might not be pall intend to get out of polities altogeth- | Atlantic steamer, while the provision | of off before Friday and possibly not This spect of accommodation and speed it Ing medi the ibd en Jeaturcs will be a g MARCH 20, 18 cowve, Telephone. Too Siw For Men of Future Londou, | i Lu-The forecast of We teiogragni ments whieh will ronan following Gey elo come mo bong in COMBECLION w.th Connnercicd / Wor. iS given in a | rominent ewetniead And Also A Victory For The Tne pig business houses will have Government. their private telegraph Lines to the nearest postelfice A typewriter telegraph instrument teng placed ab the macuant's oitice, a typist will type messages previously atctated, andl these will ue received on a printing machine at the postotlice The degpping of. un indicator will warn the operator that o message is Waiting; it Will be tanen from wie re ceiver unl dispatched tion without deluy Jt the message is an order to anoth: er merchant, the | or will in 'a few minutes see it sig to his office, and going to the receiving instrument will simply abstract it, acknowl edge it in a similar way No lass aa Worry. Ao waiting to got on the telephone, with the loss of time and temper. E.erything working smoothly. and . quietly, awaiting the approach of the millennium, IHE PROGRAMME OF MODERATE LEGISLATION WAS OUTLINED. There Was a General Dehate and Then An Ultimatum That the House Must Confine Itself to Legal Paths--Will Not Be Ter- rorised. Sto teiasburg, March 20.~The dou ma met, yosterany, in tae hall of the Collegh of the Nobiiity, the proceedings r sulting in victory for both the gov. vinment and the douma. Prime Minister Stolypin recited, amid silence, a programme of moderate le gislation. the was suceseded on the-tri- 18 destina- led and vune by Prince Teretelli, member tor RAAIAARATAAAAANRIAAR the Caucasus, who declared, amid # w | cheers irgm the ma,ority, that the exe -» STILL OPPOSED, # | coutive 'must give place to the elected wh We | legislators. 'Ine prince spoke on behalf # London; March 20.-- m'of the -inteansigeant section of the # Every member of the #& social democrats. A general debate # unionist party is pledged a |fotlowed in which the speakers were # to fight everything in the ¥ 'all conservatives or sooul democrats, «f- nature of home rule. A. -# | he other partes declining to partici # J. Balfour believed the x1 ot Fnully Premier Stolypin again # sentiment of the country # arcsec and, in a svoond speech, laid' # had not waried on the sub- ¥ {down the ultimatum that the house ¥ ject since the defeat of the # [ums confine itsell to legal paths, # late Mr. Gladstone's home 3 {While Honest criticism was welcomed | « # rule measure. #* 1h: go. erament refused to be terrorized # | by threats of a bloody revolution: he : The debate ended by the adoption of a proposal, by the constitutional mocerats, the day LARGEST EVER. without rogard to M, Stoly- derers will take to strained © relations between the teams which have hewn largely o fue: tor in kevping the executives' apart. ally dt is clajowd, cclipse all trazsat- luntic liners affont, which has proved so Opposite Grand GRAND Central Station UNIO NI NEW York CITY. BL a = ous upward i age bo, and from sta- § | pa tom free uidebook and § | w York City j'tree on receipt of 2 ap oe NX 1 | Assanlt-at-Arms als and Final Boxing s, in Wrestling | | | Farm Labourers and Domestics | I have been appointed by the Dominion | iovernfient to plac British immigrants positions as farm labourers or do-| vicinity. Any} notity me kind of heip | wages offer pot be ply all mit every de to provide each ap- he } required DUNN | Canadian Government Employment | Agent Varker Emergent Meeting THE MEMBERS OF HE A 0. H requested to quest inf eflgiinld this at 8 Kk for { » Jrarpuse of | nakine rents tenel the funeral of their tare th i Ld Grahar PRIDAY ' at 9.15 lock. ih " CARY Secretary. | rm ee se | Give One To CGueen's. In the Ontario legislature on "hes Dr. Currie of Prince Edward unty, advocated a department of professional pedagony at Queen's Unie and Hurlee' high class by old on! ye at ih versity, as: well as at Toronto. i ht ---------- Ordered or ready-made Hrscts. We fap all Kind » DOUMA WON de- | bility of a letter. This ix one of the to proceed with the order of | letters, written by son. Lyon, a Pittsburg banker, belors Bla, tonight, ry ! Mr. Emmerson, Hon. Mr. Seott, Won, ing this morning. The deputation in- cluded the mayor and the warden DJ. WORKMEN w ---- ------ Various Proposals For Advance- ment Made. Toronto, Mareh 20. The (went: ninth annual session of the grand lodge of the Ament Ovder of United Worksuen was opened in «the Temple Building, this morning, with about 500 delegates presmnt. | Gram Master Workman Charles E.. Cameron, lvoe quois, presided. A number of im: portant proposals were brought wp but, in most cases, the final desicion of these was deferred till u Inter wos von. Among other suggestions was one to ervet uw Workman Temple in Toronto. The state of the order com mitte: proposed tea permanent organ izers for the ten districts which it proposed to form. An earnest discassion took place pe lative to the report of the laws com: mittee recommending the appointment of a modical board to act with the grand medical examiner. This also was left over. A special report stats ed that the deaths in the order," last year, has been fowir than in the pre vious year, while the beneficiary fund had 'increased. Past Grand Mastes, F G. Inwood, in his repart, favored the heartiest reciprocal relations with the grand lodge of Manitoba and the west, 3 i" -------------- Suggest Disagreement. New York, March 20.-As in inter esting indication of the drifg of senti- ment at the Thaw trial, a poll of the | newspapermen who have been daily in attendance was taken, It showsan overwhelming bolief that the long drawn out teial, how in ite nidth week; will fmally lead no further than a disagreement of the jury. District Attorney Jerome ammounces that on a steamship from Europe, fue to-day, -he expects a woman who will give testimony that will convict Thaw. The first thing, this morning, was an argument as to the admissic Thaw to 1. Deni o urge the early completion of Trent canal © was meonived by Hon, Mr. Patterson, and Hon. Mr. Field f of Peterborough, Mayor of Campbellford, Dukes, Trenton, and A. A. Mul Toraato, Ont. OB AIT Decrvasing wit ds nt coddet today and on Si ) 5 i TO-MORROW 3 A display that may be at une accpted as heing nitive oie sor Sod ot of Seat "The | sty are which a} nl a bly to The votaries of gh doo v 3 2% Shaped styles i a loading feiitures and the a iy property. - he en ee Flowers, Flowers "piverywherd and in abundance cof Vined with hawdbome noel long Anoop plumes. You are most cardialiv to attemk this and GRAND EXPOSITION OF SPRING FABRICS AND cary a ay certainly the impression arant . until Saturday evening. esses, : here. on the company's steamer | Hodge and President Strachan, of the holland, Northumberland, Mr. Emmer- READY-TO-WEAR H. P. Wells, secretary of the Moun- | America, will be repeated in the uew | Wanderers, went to Kenora, last even- | fon having heard their views said that tain Lumber Manufacturers' Associa- ship. : ing, to complete arrangements, and | the government's policy waN to posh GARMENTS » ton was examined at the lumber com The pew vessel will be named | ghee team with follow today. If the [the canal through without delay. The bine committee yesterday. He produe- | Grorge Wa glon. us a compliment | axprees is late it practically means supplementary estimates would con OF all kidds, in first and second ed his minute book and took up min- | to the Americars, and she is to be | hut a game to-night is impossible. tain an in An : how the govern floors. utes of January, 1906, in which a -------------- ment's good faith in the matter, You'll enjoy every minute of | man named Jones, said that he was a Success, Messrs CHARGED WITH BIGAMY. your visit, going to Calgary to get the retail olf will procecd with Woman Burned To Death. COME KARLY IP POSSIBLE. men of Alberta to form an associa vival. other Yess | English Bandmaster Who Married | Rochester, N.V., March 0.-- Mrs. Ar ; : tion n the Purpon. of maintaining an a Montreal Girl. the X roms of Shichigany as Surned prices here were advances in prices pes Sher March 20.---Steph Lid: | to death yesterday, a © lar ouse w au np NS ! herbrooke arch 2 phen Lid Te 3 ' Limi of lumber November 7th, 1905) Janu BRYAN LAUDS UNIO! [dell was committed by Judge Mul. | of George P. gig Jvhew hear A ae st i S hrua's: i oo Sax: Made Mistake, But Accomplished jvean on a charge of bigamy, On Dec By at ---- Baglin the j . ugu and September. ost © ese t , Sth. lust the uteused married. a young 1 INE o We « a advances amounted to a dollar a Much Good Mon ol orl mama Bella MeDonald. kitchen wore and i, Some way her & hh Siousund al round st Chicago, March 20 The tions | He already had a wife and family in Sloting ud ian in ant " © Sai that the manufacturers were [have made some mistakes, but they | the od country she wa EnV NEVENS.~In Kings Maroh & hot m aking roney before that. They [have accomplished mores good," - was i screams Pub honed by her. nipliee; 3 "iver, Filzabeth Rion wile of A hat te m ube She wivance or io out of the keynote eck by Wilks 4 Hamilton May Get The Genesee. Whi Seid Lome. iblun ) apm Novens.. on, Thursday afternoon y ess ( e advance ou Ww ryan yesterday al the conclusion of | Rochester, N.Y March 20 A at 3 o'clock, % much greater but for. fear of . prices | conference in connection with the | pi 2 HBr a) Sum > (Brockville and Ottawa Papers please bringing in outside competition. His Lindt strial exhibit. "When we consider | ee of wel Sntw yachtstton of Hom 'Explosion Caused. By Fowder. : oOp¥ le » organization had no connection with {hat through trade unions wages have PH act ave re a Yudicate Toulon, France, March = 20.--The MAAN Tn Kingston, | M Mareh SOth, 3 2 0 othe Genesee, . . J B. C. Lumber Association on the Paci- [heen increased, hours shortened and | tor boat that defeated the Beavee for | court of enquiry appointed to deter- § oral will leave his Jute residence; 28 fic const. He said the association had | comfort afforded the workingmen in the Canada: cup in 1599. and the boat | Mine the cause of the explosion on Queen St., Friday io the consumer in mind when fixing Joreat measure. '1 think we have a | t@ Canada cap in an e DUAL ponrd the battleship lena, Sevided at 9.15 o'clock, to Sto Sergi Cue . : Eres Bu 4 | will be added to the RM. Y.Cls flewt thedral, wherd a solown = reguivas their wholesale prices ight : the benefit resulting from | pon that the. disaster was caused by . right to say | this summer. The Beaver is also own- "pr mags Will be sy for the repose of \ motion was made at that meet- [she unions cannot 'be overestimated od it Rinslton I. H. Fearnside | "Pontantous explosion of Pow. his soul. Friends asd Acquaintane: 8 ing in January that no sales be made Perhape no other force in the country ly : he dl bl vi : r } der, due to decomplosition and 'the respectiully Ivitéd to attend. byw millinen to municipal con porations. | hag ever been so effective for improve ei i ADE ent a iam. of the irempeeatare of th | ce ; ! as no fecords o . ithen cneral « hos en ; ine. It » stated that it X i re Ww 3 44 Bi wi Ie in the Minute ments in the citizens and general qual | in fest clase shape, The Genesee was Sapation, 1 rs a tole wed "ROBERT J. REID | J. RE) REID 3 k no \ me o at me we ¥ 3 tian The hr dit hoigin tied it rp apie. ballot system, for | PUL at Boston in 1599, by Haoley, a | HF pine previous necidents The Leadl Undartaker 5 e 88 Raid ' Caen "The ustrghian ballot system, ' A . al opinion of the millmen was that | ne thing. is largely due in this coun-, designer of fam - 'Phones 877, {such salastahogld not be made, but | yo (he agitation of the trades un Will Bring It Do An Increase Of Seven. v re made all the same : th 1 Ting wn. pd ; ite ¥ they were made all the sam jong. If the labor union had never i 'i Ottawa, March 20.--A house commit 8 » ; Lotdon, March 20.--Prime Minister * t g ------ done anything else than raise the age te considering representation of the ES Death Of Count Lamsdorff fimit of employment for children in Sir Henry Campbell-Bannernan, roply- new proviness of Alberta and Saskate en ¥ : mit u pro} \ jing to a memorial from liberal and F March 23rd San Remo, March 20.--Cowmt Lams: | the mines and factories, of the nation, | v TI embers of parliament for| Chowan has agreed. upon a plan, by (ORADY OPERA HOUSE) : jorfi, formerly Ruséian ministor of |1 believe that accomplishment alone radial men F which the former province ix to 10 | Haren n Matinee at 2.30, Fron ng at 8.33 | pF opm ry tind gh ie sreday would justify its existences " lt early settlement of the govern etive woven and the latter ten seats THE LINCOLN J. CARTER Produces. foreign & Tairs, dind, tel a * lt an ments policy regarding the House of after the dissolution of the presont | tion of the Remarkably English Drauiatic | Count Viadimir mado wag ir ILLICT TRAFFIC. Lords, has assured the momorialists rliament. At present the two pro. | Shcesss shal foreign ministel from $200 uth that no time has ben lost and that parti oto ave retin SHADOWS OF THE PAST last vear . ¢ was re ited with do her Restricted By Prohibitin { the government will not disappoint f ton: sents Diveet (rosy its late Metropolitan 'Ap * jug sverytiiog in is Powe to pre Further Res Ee itt y Bl le expectations of the party or fail wir . {earances and eit a y vient He Japuness ar, " NOSSO SSE . a by all the orders of Russia. He was bor ; {to give eficct t, the proposition de Flimflammers Sentenced. JULIA GR. all the orders tu rn a "| Ottawa, March 20.--The government clyred in the speech from the throne Hamil Mareh 20. <Samzor Gust: | And The Original Criterion Theatre fa Petersinrg in 1844, will, this session, iinroduce legislation | apinng the session. 1 vy hy Fv arres od about n v nee 15¢. and 28c. rv 16¢, ta prevent the gift of iquor to men kms ioimin y Shir oe An i i uh; : ny S hat Sarantin Juv. nO employed Upon Apullie bin a pre Hon. Lionel Rothschild is spending mont Th) 03 Sharge of noanc a Charlottetown, "bl, March 20.-- {gent the law merely prohibits the sale | 100,000 on one of the costliest books : 4 The i {The quarantine which has been on [of liquor to workmen under such con- on record. It is on the extinet birds efi William Seal and T| th Charlottetown for the past sixteen !ditions. Experience has proven that, | of the world, Wolsley, plea Ruilty on a Tes In the Wi hourt of days on account of the small-pox {especially upon railway constriction Thes rm vaiive majority in Carle- charges before Judge wider. ---- scare is lifted, and churches, schools, | this is not sufficient to stop illicit | yon jn the provincial byesleetion was sentaneed 10 enty res Won mn colleges. rinks, ete., are re-opéiul. traffic in intoxicants. 'The ny wil 10duced almost one-half. the Centra OR MOINTYRE va va. WATTS. * Only one smallpox case was found | ,lgo extend the right of search for Secretary Taft is comibg to Canada Tr arta. ---- in the city this winter, and that was liquor to railway cars and contractors | spend the vacation during thé com- Killed In Falling Barn, PURSUA TQ A JUDGMENT OR; lof a very mild character. The disease camps, so as to permit of complete {io summer. He will remain here seve Acton, Ont; March 20.~A severe | the High = urt of Justies, of Ontario in. Fortage district is well under -con- suppression of the trafic eral weeks, wind storm, here,. last night, com- rnin yaa, rie tute ¥ trol, no new cases being reported in rr ------------ Remember the millinery opening and | pletely wrecked: the Acton house's new; Watts plaintiff Against Alexander the last three weeks Traced By Bloodhounds. bind concert at Crumlsy-iiros.,. to | concrete stables. killing uh He and bthers as defendunta and - \ Me pied Guthrie, Oklahoma, March 20.--The | night. Vy Eachron and severely injuring ching a heirs at law or Difficulties Face Sir Percy. body of - Dr. J. W, Davenport, was |. Italy hax appointed a consul at | McDougall, who were both in ihe barn Fares Watts, Jato: of y London, March 20.--The Morning | found in a road near Ardmore, In-| Khartoum, and is likely to be speed- | when the crash came. Others ery on, Post says Sir Percy Girouard has be- | dian Territory, Saturday, and vester- | ily followed in this wtep by other | narrow escapes. o . 3 ks, neighbor, was | countries, Fg Ea BR hl Re TR le : Robin To Visit Picton. ¥ o ¢ s y ' fer: 'As a French-Canadian, Sir Per: to her house, where a revolver with | WHEEZY CHEST COLDS, Picton, Ont, Murch 20.le_in Jenn ev," paper adds, "carries with him | one chamber empty was found, QUICKLY GROW WORSE. 1 that Pini and his native county the good wishes of all who are anxi-' buropitk Wheh it is hard to expand ° the | WF sey te seokts, Arrangements ous to foster the interest of the self The Prettiest City. chest becaure of tightness, and' cold th a bem Toade by the der's governing colonies and our great de Montreal, March 0 Ex-Pron os! Lhnok out for Yrouble. To delay is | 2 . or he a lic | pendencies Fleming, of Aberdean Unitorsity dangerous. AH: he inflammation Is finden ot iden publ recep: speaking af Cults sod ke cossidercd Lirawn out in one day hy 'Nurviline,'" | tion a pt ST . 1 jo the, dd feaply, relievis © Sulphy am : tartar and molasses ronto the prethicat city fo the, do fj trafen « y's Jahastoty ulphur, cr : atts Ic > oy Drake up. the sold. : On behalf of Mrs. Marion {is a very unpleasant mixture to take | miudony k: che od of Hamilton, a writ has been il put up in the old-fashioned way. en ng Fh sore i reat, weak chest ia Falk vs it a No lumps in th> kind sold a! Gib- Bee or display ol Chines ptdsome to vold, ne. ime A so cer sun's Red Cross drug store. Take no cane, new and ha tain. va ery fn onher, - - : Don't miss the opportanity to pra: