Daily British Whig (1850), 20 Mar 1907, p. 3

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res Your Rheumatism Abbey's Salt certainly does help you to get rid of those Rheumatic attacks. It neutralizes Uric Aciq in the bleod--reduces the feverishness--and corrects Stomach, Liver and Bowel Troubles. Abbeys Hers 8 alt a NE PAY CASH FOR ALL KINDS OF law Furs ---------- SHOES FOR EVERYBODY | THE FACTS ARE [THAT MOST EVERYBODY In this vicinity wear Our Shoes, or rather shoes bought here The wearers of Our Shoes are a contented lot of people. Did you ever hear any one wearing a pair of shoes bought here say that hele Sides hurt their feet," that they were 'too large," or "too small," "didn't fit," 'not the right shape," « . pe, didn't 12 wae J md n't wear well, We'll Wager Anything That you never hear any of these complaints about our kind of Footwear. Men, Women, Boys, Misses and Children are so well fit. ted and pleased that they come here continually te supply all their footwear wants. Shoes right, price right, treatment right and so our business grows day by day. J. H. Sutherland & Bro, THE HOUSE oF © Goo SHOEMAKING W. F. GOURDIER EXCLUSIVE FURRIER' -80 Brock St. Phone 700 We are showing the newest wand Daintivst High Grade Leather Finger Pures and Hand Bags The Tints of the used suggest spring intended as closely sible to match the rs fashion generally decrees ior this season. SMITH BROS. Jewelers and Opticians 350 King Street Issuers of Marxiage leather Velhs. ¢ Cures Nerv Mental and Brain W 'orry, Des Machine. Learn and will last a Lifetime. MADE IN CANADA BY A CANADIAN \ANADIAN COMPANY. Tes) lasilimsins., A Smooth Running, Durable and Beautifully made Easy to THE WILLIAMS MANUFACTURING CO. comweany Orrices: MONTREAL, P. Q. i: bi TORONTO, LONDON, HAMILTON, OTTAWA, ST. JOHN, N. B. AGENTS WANTED EVERYWHERE. M. W. SIMPKINS, AGENT, NEWBURGH. dency, Weakness Emissions, Sper jorrhaa, and Effects of Abuse or Execsses, ve $1 2 per hot, atx fordt, One will please, six - | cul Sold. or mailed in n pkg. on of price. New pamphict The eo ly Windsor) Toronto, Ont. REGEIVED other lot of the special 90 White Waists at we had such a run on t week. They have fancy id embroidered fronts h fine Valenciennes ce. Tucked back and sleeves are trimmed h Valesciennes insertion | tucks, in sizes 34 to 40. ce best $2 Waist in the je. Our price while the lasts : $1.50. les of New Goods ar- ng daily at this store. WMAN & SHAW Skirts. SPECIAL FOR FRIDAY We have jut received, from a larze Montreal house, 6,000 yards of White and Colored Table Oil- cloth. yard widths, and usually sells at 25¢c and 35c¢ yer yard. We place it on sale Friday at This Oilcloth is the usual 17] yard and 13% 16c. yard width and 25c. . for 13 For 14 yard widh. This is your opportunity to secure a real bargain. Spring Opening and Band Concert To-Night From 8 to 10 O'clock. CRUMLEY BROS. SPECIAL DISPLAY TO-MORROW . AND FOLLOWING DAYS 3 New Coaté# "and New Dress 'Goods, White Lawn Waists, o Silk Waists, in white and Black. New Muslins, Dimitys, Prints, Waistings, Singhamey Spot Muslins, Persian Lawns, Emes and Insertions fo match cover Embraideries, Val. Lacbroideries and Insertions, Corvet Kid Gloves, Long Silk Gloves, Veilings, Hosiery and New Corsets. | THE JAMES JOHNSTON S| | 180 Wellington Street. THE 116 I PLANT SURPLUS FOR LAST YEAR WAS $8,112.16. Increase of Revenue Was $7,794.64 --The Proposed Reduction in Rates and What it Would Fatal. The following is the financial tate ment of the city light plant for the year 1906 : ns : / Gas Jepartment. Revenue for the year 1906, £33. 865.67. i Expenditure -- Petroleum, $5,125.61: coal generator, $3,472.34: coal steam, $009.64; lime, $2149.41; sawdust, 5.63; wages, $3,510.49; gas inspec: $105; oil apd waste, 839.98: $8.02; sundries, 2.78; was propor- tion of stahle account, 860.13; hali of MN Campbell's salary, $1,000; half of BE. Moore's sulery, $600; half of 30 Folger's salary, 3600; total, $19,- T.29; balance surplus, ®14,086.38. tion, water, plant maintenance, (83,396.23: Electric Department. n Retenve thd year 1906, $17, J Rh snditure Oil and grease, $572.01; waste, $232.04; fuel, $6,508.74; water, ¥o64.14; wages, $7,021.80; carbons, $485.17 dynamo rental, $150; sun- dries, $25.73; hali of J. M. Camphbell's AHSAN YEAR'S RECEIPTS. for £023 i Tuesday afternoon Civic Light and Power Committee had the finan- cial statement of the light plant for the past year be- fore it. 'The gas revenue was $33,865.67; electric, $37,115.12 ; total $70,980.- 79; profit on both $28,- 982.15. After paying de- bentures, interest taxes, in- Surance, etc., the net sur- plus is $8,112.16. The earnings for 1908 were ten per cent greater. than for 1905, notwithstanding a loss of $4,000 through " re- duction of rates. There are 1,665 consumers, or an in- crease of 231 for the year.. It is proposed to reduce price of lighting gas from $1.50 to $1, the same as cooking gas and electric light from twelve to ten cents a kilo-watt hour. Even with this reduction, it is anticipated that .the increased consumption will result in surplus of. several thousand dollars this year. the i salary, $1,000: hall of FE. Moore's salary, $600; half of C. Folger's salary, 8600; outside main, $2,671.27. steam main, $1,287.07: are cireait, $1,267.62; proportion of stable account, $60.12; total, 314871; balance surplus, $13,966.41. Statement Of Profits. Gas, 814.086.3858; electricity, $13,966. 41; rental account, $752: interest on arrears, $177.36. Total, $28,982.15. Statement Of Expenses. Taxes, $3,591.70; repairs to buildings £669.68; debentures and interest, $13. 344.64; printing and stationery, 8447.- 50; contingencies, $632.44; office vent, £200; insurance, RIN7.83; plant exten- sion by-law expenses, 2671.20; propor tion of salary (city officials), $1,125. Total, $20,869.99. Balince (surplus for year 1906), $5,112.16. Liabilities And Assets. Liabilities, December 31st, 1900, not including bond issue. City of King ston, 8156.19: accounts payable, 83: 882.55; accrued interest, 83.4580.33; Bank of British North America, 877, 380.11. Total, $54,908.19. Available assets, December 3lst: Stock, SI7,I85.34; rentals accrued, $276; accounts receivable $21,805.33 ; expenditure on plant, $41,767; Alexan- der Tait, advance on plant, $1,450.58; cash, 8155.93. Total, $82,649.18. Deficit, $2,268.01. Gas And Electric Earnings. 1906--Gross earnings, 833,8(5.67 1905, gross earnings, ¥30,808.48. In- crease, $2,967.19. 1906-Gross earnings, $37,115.12; 1905, gross earnings, $32,287.35, In: Safeguard Again:t Dyspeptic Tendencies 'To enjoy perfect heslth you must possess strong digestion. is only possible conditions FIRST : Your bowels must be re- gular, vou nwmst avoid conetipntion, under cortain which is the beginning of sick kid- neys, weak stomach, and of course, dyspepsia. ' SECOND : Give your diet careful sturdy and commence at onee a treat- ment with Dr. Hamilton's Pills; do this and you'll soon be well. Never was a remedy mote success ful than Dr. Hamilton's Pills, and simply because they correct the con- ditions which lead up to dyspepsia. No ' better evidence can be given than: 'the case of Michael Miller; of 153 Kent street, Ottawa, who says: "Lost winter 1 was very sick. | had measles and was left in a ran- down, miserable condition. Ae sto- mach seemed all wrong. Food fer. mented, caused me great distress, and I couldn't keep strong. 1 had dys pepsin of the worst kind, and my bowels were constantly constipated. When I used Dr. Hamilton's Pills 1 was helped. continued the treat- ment gird was restorpd fo a condition of health and strength -that 1 never knew befbre. Dr. Hamilton's Pills are wonderful medicine, and | recommend them to everyone, sick or well." Nothing invigorates and freshens like a treatment ilton's Pills: they put new life and vim into those who joel ran down amd ailing. Simply one or E Seo pills before retir- ing; perfectly safe and w in the benefits they surely aceom- Whe Said Dinner?® Uh! xx! 2--7!1x!! lx 1-Oranky and ?!x - | Because -=1=ex I Don't Digest x11 There are many people who can see nothing good in a doughuut except the LF For them there is nothing in this world but calamity Their greatest trouble is to have to eat three times a day. The stomach is in rebellion, and this is immediately shown in a man's face. A man to be successful must have inside. The world already has too many dys- pepsia faces that breathe disaster and sunshine gloom. : Stomach trouble is the most com: mon cause of discont sour face, recklessness, disgust I lack of am- bition. A bad stomach- there is the secret of many a failur Anyone can have a. good stomach, a' strong stom: ach, a stomach that can take caro of anything and everything that is put into it, no matter whether it ix a very bad stomach or not. Tablets do this Staart's Dyspepsia very thing. One ingredient of those little tablets digests 3 000 grains ol food and no matter how bad vour dyspepsia or indigestio on, they will di gest everything in your stomach, thor oughly and completely, and better and more quickly than a good strong healthy stomach can do it. Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets will quickly oure loss of appetite, brash, irditation, burning sensations, nausea, heartburn, eructations, loss of vim and energy, bad memory, and dyspepsia and indis- gestion in their very worst forms, No other little tablets in the world can do so much. You should carry Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets around with you wherever you go and take them 'after meals, Then only will you realize what it is to enjoy a meal, and what perfect digestion means. Your whole body and your mind will fcel the effects; your vim will increase, vou will be more satisfiod with what the world docs, you will think happier and be happier and your face will be one of supreme contentment, That will bring you swecess and thes more sue cess. Your face will bring you dollars Try it. It will cost you just 50c. for a package of these wonderful Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets, at any drug store on earth. Send us your name and address to- day and we wil at once sebd you by mail a sample package, free. Address F. A. Stuart Co., 82 Stuart Building, Marshall, Mich. TO CURE DANDRUFF. It is Necessary That the Dandruff Germ Be Eradicated. "Destroy the cause, you remove the effect." Kill the germ that causes dan- druff, falling hair and baldness, vou will have no more dandruff and your hair must grow laxuriantly. Herpicide not only contains the dandrutdi orm destroyer, but it iz alse a most de lightful hair dressing for regan toilet use. No other hair preparation 's on this scientific basis of destroying he dandruff germ. and none other claims to be. for the simple reason that it is only recently that a destroyer of the germ has been liscovered--New- bro's Herpicide, the only hair 1rvepar- ation that actually kills Jandruf. Sold by leading druggists. Send Iw in stamps for sample to The Horpiclde Co.. Detroit. Mich. Two sizes, 30, an! 81, G. W. Mahood, special agent crease $4.82 Total increase, gas and electric, 87,794.96, New meters, s, 1906, 161: new meters, cleetr v, 1906, 70. Total meters, gas, light, S57: total meters, heat, S08. Total, 1,665." bi Consumers using heat and light, 500 Net earning, 1906, 85,112.16; net earning, 1905, $1513.06. Increase for 1605, $3290.10 Reduction due to decrease in. rates was $4,000. Street Light Department. Revenue from arc lighting, $5,620. = Expénditure--170,846 kilo-watt hours at $1.87, $3,194.82; dynamo repairs, $78.04; lamp repaire, $152.99; lamp re- pairs, wages, $66.97. carbons, $4585.17; wages, tomming, $1,072.35; repairs to line, $597.45; wages, linc, $41.70; sundries, £30.47, Total, $6,019.96. General Expenses. --10 pe. of taves, £359.17; 10 pe. of interest and dehen- tures, ¥1,334.46; 5 pe. of printing and stationery, $22.37; 5 p.c. of contingen- cies, $31.62; 5 p.c. of office rental $10 5 pe. of city hall salafies, 856.25; 5 5 pie. of Uity hall salaries, 856.25. insurance, $9.39. Total, $2,043.26. Tot- ul operating cost, $5063.22. Net pro- fit, 8557.50. Total output for year, 768,178 K.W. hours: expenses, labor and material, £14326.87; cost per K. W. hour, labor and material' in power house, $1.87 cents. 10 cents lights out, lights extra, $150.41; 3 cents for lights ordered on. lights out, 850.51; new lamps, $2,262.60: wages, 3561.34; trans- formers, 8612.62. Total, $3,166.56. Reductions In Rates. Output gas lighting, 1906, 12.577. 000 cubic feet: output electricity, 1906, 150.546 kilowatt hours; output elec tric power; 1906, 53,180 kilo-watt hours; providing gas for lighting is roduced from $1.50 to $1; providing electricity for lighting is reduced from 12e. to 10¢.; providing electricity for bower is reduend le. per kilo-watt hotr. The weduction for one vea? would be wi follows: Gas lighting, 12,577,000 feet at B0c., $6282.50; eleo- tric lighting. 150,546 kito- watt. hours, at Je. $3,010.92; electric power, 53, 180 i 3.5 hotirs at le, 3531.80; 1 | redueti #9, ish, "boxes. ota £3 STRONG BOY. APPLY Hardware. SBAR'S TO FuncHASE T TWO SKIFFS AND one cafow $n good cone dition. office, Apply to W COAT-MAKER, J IRI CLASS MAN. W. Carroll & © a slreet. LEARN: pertugity. TO RENT, HOUSE OF Mom AIR BE RAW ROY TO Goon | Whig, . X For NEWSROOM, BOY ONE na ix oa eringe preferred. PPIY, FRAME b HOUS®, I | WEST good cel Lane lot esa. gor 5 TWO SMART BOYS, WHO CAN BARN from 50 to $4.50 per week, Apply at Gonid's Sade Factory, King St. near Queen. A LADY'S GOLD WATCH. SUITABLE | PDEBENTURE OF $500 IN COLONIAL ompany, Investinent d Loan C SALBSMEN JOR _AUTOSPRAY,| [Rutth wit be given if returned 10] oqio nteredt AE TOF Pog Roi, Sent ho d Sprayer * ply to G. 1 Willamson Whig agent: Cavers Bros., Galt. MARRIAGE LICENSES, -» BRICK HOUSE, TRuoHS, @ooD A MAN WHO IS NOT AFRAID OF|lg gq RIRKPATRICK ISSUER OF bulldings, and 3 warden | $ work (prowding he gets well paid | O° 1a SUER OF in hig te. ol CultIvation . for it), which we are prepared to do Marriage Licenses, 42 Clarence St. TS of city. For partie sien, witha One Who bas had _eXperience in soliet: Phone, 244 Victoria street. . : ing preferred. Apply "G.0.P., Whig of, ARCHITECTS. SOLID SPRING SUITS TO MAKE, GENTLE Sram men, bring your own cloth and . RRR ELLIS, ARCHITECT, OF cheap up-to-date eult mde, or. Queen and Bagot streets. Rae, but now oceu and nteed. Pressing Reni To ot d repairing done well. Oulloway.| JENRY FP. SMITH, ARCHITEOT * ab ' south of rf Su. Apply to A.B Toe Tailor. 181 Brock street: sie. Anchor Bullding, Market ianaam 78. Ch 0 A: 'Phone, dors' Solicitor, HELP WANTED-FEMALE, -------------------------------- DINING ROOM GIRL AND CHAMBER. 1 POWER & SON, ARCHITROT, MBER. FIFTEEN HUNDRED DOLL ARS WILL . > " chmot's Dank Building, corner buy a nice" house, i Eaid. Apply lroyueis Hotel. and Wellington streets. 'Phone, 219 seven-roomns, oy He nar Xo SEM N NIN soft water. stable and driving h HOUSE Ah AND A DINING BOOM {wat NEWLANDS, ARCHITROT, OF | shou wine wagon. Wil Jee on wood Hospital : fice, second floor over Mahood's easy terms. A pe re Whig ------------------ store, earner Prints, and . Bagot To office. GIRLS TO WORK ON BROOM CORN, Atresta. aan on Dah Apply to J A: Gould & Qo. 'King ----t ee street, near Queen. TO-LET. GIRLS "TO WORK IN BISCUIT MONEY AND BUSINESS. factory. Apply W, J, Crothers Ce. DWELLINGS eonIEr Wellington street. McCann's, 81 [Welly OUR POLICIES COVER MOR® OX A OOD GENERAL SERVANT. NO uy "offers ro Examine tom at | LARGE FRONT BEDROOMS, ALL washing ply to rs Ss. odin modern © Ww Oliver, 09 Gore street. Foi is Inpuranes Hanporium, A out WR "100 Kine Ses - Cor." Union -- AN HOUSEMAID, - EXPERIENCED Apply to Mra, Walkemi, im the even- Cor. ol Beverly and Union Sts, LIVERPOOL, JONpON AND GLOBE Fire Insuran la A rallatie assets $41, N87, ns 00 em which the have SIX AND SE Tans noth ut RVEN-ROO ere HousEs security the amt Tabitit and mont! 1714 oh A GOOD GENERAL SERVANT, For of all wifeet, a Hiugton ota. Qananoque, - One the, StockhoMars. Farm aud t! -- Who can cook, if necessary, preferrved. insu o low possible " ------ RECT Dr evoa$ ie: Before renewing old or elvine NEW RESIDENCE. 215 WILLIAM 87 GIRLS TO WORK IN KNITTING new business get t Strange Inadery sae Tooasments, ted room. Light work. Cood wages. &- Strange, A~emts Neshit "iar Apply Kingstem Hosiery Cog ng shit, street. EDUCATIONAL. AT i ROCK WOOD JIOSPIFAL, A light," tallgress ; wages 20 per month, © ¢ board and lodging. Apply to the nes Sehools" sepaneon Pac. Local ng More, Bursar. Office, 87 Brook J! Office & . Sours, $ 2 a.m, to am, ay hy A LADY OF GOOD ADDRESS, WHO el . < e has tact to pressnt to the 'women | Lontathee ko. Ke Cake Repre- | ARICR DWELLING, NO, 181 DIVISON of Kinvston und Vicinity a very at. street, tractive proposition. Will stand in- - RE ne vestigation Remuneration liberal MEDIC ing Apply "X. Y. 2." Whig office AL. Din YOUNG LADIES TO LEARN THB |DR.; McCARTHY, OFFIOD LATELY art of dressmaking, cutting, design Br, Ryan, corner Mon- fog, trimmine. ete. tal A Fowna and Brock streets, Tap ineg phera sloaks Re and DR. I. WOOD, rd ». ten and. Willan A a special. o. pe Tinie. Feber, 458 Princess street, corner Sydenham DEATH or JOSEPH ORAMAN. a Lingering FINALLY WENT MAD. Passed Away After Illness. The death occurred Wednesday morn- Insane Brooding Over Loss of His Family. Chicago, March 20.--~James Hen: ning, Chicago, who became violently !ing, ats o'clock, after Sn illness dx. i oe on he White Star liner Cedric, | tending over a year, of Jowph Gra- 2h There, or Undep a ovinion while in mid-ocean, and who was put | ham, at the family residence, comer of | of law. i re Folk il er under guard and taken to Bellevue | Clergy and Queen" streets, Deceased ny ar oe ro The planet hospital on the steamer's arrival at | Was wellknown throughout the 'city, and og] en like yield bed New York yesterday, is forty-five having for years been a foreman at ence to it. But thi a i of aw yours old and well known here as an | the locomative works. Hé suffered Com . amateur billlardist. Continued brood- | from heart trouble, which was brought i Sqpally are in apiritunt oy br 3 ing over the loss of his family in the | about by some heavy lifting at the it. And by this 'a good act is re- iroquois theatre fire caused his at. | locomotive works, warded and an 'act in punished, tack of insanity, The late Mr. Graham was born on and nothing can come het Mr Henning's three children, | Howe Iddand, but had resided in King- act and its result. ro the Charles, aged five, Edwin, aged elev- [ston for many years, and was held in p en, and William, aged. fourteen, were | high esteem by a large cirole of friends. | 3 burned to death in the great theatre | Hix death was learned with sincere re horror, and his wife was so badly in- |gret. He is survived by his wife, also jured in the same disaster that she | two brothers, John, ol Kingston, and died six weeks later. At the time' of | Sydney, of New York, and one sister, the fire Mr. Henning and his family | Mra. Catherine Little, of King street. lived on Prairié avenue, Since then he |The funeral will take place on Friday has" been a wanderer with nominal re- | Morning, at 9 o'clock, sidence in Ann. Arbor 3 -------------- a. As well as our own make of corsets L. C. Butehart, shot himself in Bed we keep, in all sizes, "Lady Curzon," | monton hospital. He has relatives re- "Lady Ruby," *Ce a la Grace" siding in Owen Sound, Dnt. Butchart "Crompton," "D. & A" "FE. & T."" | had a revolver conoealed in the sack "Kaho," and many other well-known clothes, and while the R \elante a al of; ar fo may be makes. See our 'special dip-hip, 6c. | wore {omeorarily absent committed (| 2%te sure quay New York Dress Reform. suicide. He had been d t. a : ; Girl's Gymnasiom, open session | "Tluyler"s Cocoa." in . and B0c, Our leading brands are classes and basket-ball match for sil- | tins. Only - at Gibson's Red Cross ver cup in Y.M.C.A. gymnasium, corn- | drug store. er Barrie and Princess street, to-mor- Remember the millinery opening and PATENT HUNGARIAN row night. Tickets, 10c. and 150. hand concert at Crumley a, to the Toronto & York Radial rail | night, For Bread, \ way has Jurchaed Jade ou Youre Prof. Sadler. of Manchester, has > street north « C.P tracks, To- | déclined the ewiclen: { Toronto WH ronto, for $17,000, Prey. ITE ROSE University. Biscuits ete. Kingston Milling Co., Limited. For Cakes, Since May, 1906, Ayers Sarsaparilla. has been entirely free from, alcohol. Iff you are in poor health, weak, pale, negious, ask .your doctor about taking this fnon- alcoholic tonic and alterative. yers Sarsapari NON-ALCOHOLIC A. E HEROD ORDERED FOOTWEAR Now is time those Re- pairs are wanted. Our anti- Squeak is used 58 on all work. 286 PRINCESS a, THE HOUSE OF QUALITY If he has a better medicine, take his. Get the best, always. This is our advice. - We have ho secrets to hide! We pub- lish the formulas of all § our re: edigines, es.

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