AY CASH FOR ALL KINDS OF w Furs F. GOURDIER JLUSIVE FURRIER' Phone 700 ceraticne me as membranes Paiuises, and not watt gent of poicuncus. Sold by Druxgtens, or sent in plain wrappee. by expres, props $1.90, ord i. Circular mt on eee DR EASTER » are showing the newest "Daintivst High Grade ather Finger Purses and Hand Bags he Tints of the leather I suggest spring and are nded as closely as pose ¢ to match the colors ion generally decrees for | season. MITH BROS. £ welers and Opticians 350 King Street Issuers of Marriage licenses Phone 666. D sall's Millinery [illinery Opening was a te success. r your - Easter Hat al- a large number of our y Hats have been dis- off yet we are putting r Show Rooms more ard exclusive designs. who tan, please come in enoon, to avoid the PTT rsall's Millinery 28 Princess Street. NOTICE. 18 IS NO BLUFF. u bring your Boots and Shoes ired, the Shoamaker says : * advanced price of leather] he or rge vou more than you . Now, why mot try REEN, 201 Princess St., low Clergy St., where vou will leather and better work than place in town. Please do not ess, 201 Princess St. y One Dollar fine, and his re- ne free, to anyone finding this v1 in Our partment ality, at 10c. and 12§c. 9 9 ast colors, 12ic. a yard. 1 up. ! > inty colorings, at 25c. a @ . rom, fast colors, 15c. a | every newest patterns, er lines at 6c, Se. and © aloves | 16-button length Kid , $1.75; Black, $2. AN QZ S. including Black, Navy, it 4 inches wide, for Hose Supporters at- st colors, well made, wy price will be 3%. MICE! Wool Serges, Tweeds, Poplins, Cris pines, Cashmeres, All Pure Wool, a and all the most wanted shades, includ: | Quarter bleached, ing black and cream, regu to 750. yard. SATURDAY'S Price yard 43c. short sleeves, regular $1.504 each, $1. bons, | Coats, Skirts an 2 Bloodless Fight Between a Tablet and a Habit--The Tablet Wins. At the of 22, Clarence had good aati He had gastric juice that i doughnuts and turn ap- 'blood corpuscles. . 24 he an to be t the waist and lean He also began to cultivate In his new-found pride think it his duty to gorge rt Tg good and © leeds on appetite abused t he took on collar on. married - On top of all oyster suppers and dinners, which reduced the size is dollar from 16} to 15. With abiding faith in the strength of stomach he gulped his meals, and thom afterwards. At the age of 28 Clarence began to an inward voice--a warning from stomach. After each meal, he would feel bloated--and belching be- a vo. a Jigh to a light eater--and a heavy thinker. He tried to think out a cure, for now he would sit down at his meals absolutely disgusted at the thought or sight of anything to eat. He would sit down at his meals without the trace of an appetite, just because it was time to eat. He would often feel a gnawing, un- satisfied "'still-hungry" feeling in his stomach, even after he was through ii in f it | det H i y £8 pt oF 1 Fe Ti eating, whether his meal was well: or mot. f cooked And suffered a good many other things with his stomach that he could not explain, but that made him grouchy, miserable, out-oi-sorts and generally sour on everybody and ev- 2. Fally In read an account, some thing like thid, about the truly wom- derful results obtained from Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets in all cases of stom- ach trouble, dyspepsia, and so on. He bought a 50c. box at the drug store, and took the whole box. When he started, he had little faith--and less appetite. When he finished he had ab- solute faith, and more appetite. and more good cheer. Things began to taste different and better to him. Now he has no more dyspepsia, no [NEWS OF NEWBURGH THE HIGH SCHOOL TEACHER ! FAILS TO COME, -- the Village, Newburgh, March 21. -- of the Epworth League ber of fifty, enjo t on Friday eveniy the league took given by the Selb Were entertained at Beeman leit, for Herrington chased W. J. Wednesday afternoon. vacant . buildings. - Lenten services arc iting her grandmother, panee, spent Thomas Winters is out again. staff, wired, on that he could not come. can now advertise week in Toronto. more indigestion, no more loss of ap- petite, brash, irritation, burning sen- sation, urn, nausea, eructations, bad memory, or loss of vim and vigor. Remember, one ingredient of Stu- Children's Fancy Coats. Every. mother wishes you 3,000 grains of food, just as it| will do the deed. did for Clarence. This relieves your stomach of the work of digesting until your stomach [1 We have the ine of men's can get strong and healthy again. |$2.25, $2.50 and £3. The H. D. Bibby Your stomach has been overworked | Co. and abused. It's fagged out. It needs 8 rest. the work of "your stomach. You will }; be surprised how fine you'll feel after eating, and how lusciously good ev- erything will taste to you. There's a word of good cheer in one | 4 box of 'Stuart's Dvspepsia Tablets, -- |} at any drug store, 50c. Send us your name and address to- to his artistic achievements and genius lections throughout Cntario. Such, at least, is the conviction of the legis- ative private bills committee. Christy's English hats at Bibby's. C. W. Hartman, of Clarksbure, is day. and we will at once send vou hy béing boomed for an appointment in mail a sample package, free. Address | FP. A Stuart Co, 84 Stuart Bldg. Marsnall, Mich. t World Wide Waverly. The new Waverly stiff hats have a he senate. : The New York Telegraph believes hat Thaw will be found insane. Jenkins' hats have always been the leaders of fashion. Attorney Delmas declares that Thaw style, finish and quality that appeal | is sane beyond a doubt. to young men of taste. The price is | em-- two 'dollars and they are sold in| Kingston by George Mills & Co., hat specialists to men. English Jam. Hutch, A Body Builder. When one efhs food the nutritive | part goes to make up the different tis- | sues of the body. If there is any flaw the process it will result in dis 5 : in Job lot Maconachie's strawberry jam | eass of some one of the organs of the in glass, whole fruit; every jar guar- | body. The digestion in this way plays anteed. Regular 25cg sale price, 16c, most important part in one's Don't miss getting a supply. Gilbert S | health. Hutch is a splendid digestion stores. Fancy baskets of candy for Easter giving, high-class, McConkey's: and and stomach treatment. It is compos- ed of ingredients which are chemically combined to keep the digestion in good working order. Hutch will not Huyler's. Sold only at Gibson's Red | allow any ologgi or derangement. Cross Drug Store. Hutch is a doetor ten cents. « "Read Our Advertisements Daily and Watch Your Savings Accounts Grow." = Johnston 0 o 180 Wellington Street The Store That Serves You Best. + ee i » Read this list very carefully, you will certainly find something that you are looking for, and as usual the price will be lower than you will find elsewhere, DRESS GOODS--40 to 44 inch, All Panamas and lar ' price, 50c, | S WHITE LAWN WAISTS--made of fine | Victoria Lawn end India Linon, with 3 rows of Allover insertion, down froot, i Val, 'Lace, LUSTRE Lustre Waists, in black and white, with extry large slesve. and tucked cuff. trim- med with ailk fnsertion and buttons, 2 ia the regular price. Special SATURDAY, $1.39. 23. Black Cashmere Hose, 19. pair: LADIES' VESTS--250 Sample Vests, |o fe weight, worth 25¢. and 3c. SA Y, each, 15¢. WASH. BELTS«25 dogen White Fm. £8 an - yards All Pure Linen wi b > is. tru pT 'S i d steanw Priots and Dimniy, SATURDAY'S Price, ul good adsortment of patterns, the $125 kind. SATURDAY'S Special, WAISTS--Ladies' | cach. 9c. DAMASK, 89¢.--200 Damask three full 72 nches wide, ATURDAY Special Price per "yard 39¢. 73¢, TABLE L---- . 500 yards of Embroidery, four inches ide, worth Sc. yagd, for 8jc yard, LADIES' PRINT WRAPPERS---made Men's Duck Working Shirts, navy and ith spots apd Sigures, 5%:, far a% cache" "Rd WHITE UNDERSKIRTS--made of fine a free from dressing, 18 ir 1 nch embroidery apd lace trimmed gous $1.50 skirts, for each 35¢. Corset-Covers and Drawers, Lac . e Buckles. Be Ta vA a or Embroidery trioumed. SATURDAY'S rl Price, cach, 25e, Special, each, 25¢, Come in and See Our New d Silk Waists. ee And the School Board Wil Have te Hustle~Epworth Leaguers at Selby--Barber Store For The members to the num- ved a trip to Selby, "2. A number from bars in the concert y League, and the programme the Newb iter the parsonage in Selby. Born, "on Wednesday, to Mr, and rs. J. MM. Thomson, a son. Mrs, it, her home in Kempt- ville, on Friday, after spending the Winter with her daughters here. Mr. » travelling agent, has pur- Lemmon's barber shop and has secured the services of Mr. Marchan, of Tweed, to take charge, Percy Madden aud J, E. Madden spent Sunday at Mrs. A. Madden's. Miss Ella Chant enteptained on Saturday afternoon, and Mis. GG. B. Thomson on The high and public schools close, on Thursday, for the Easter holidays William Stevenson returned from Pitts- burg, en Monday, to take a position in the foundry here, Just at present there is a scarcity of houses in the village, there being ouly one or two being eld in St. John's church this week. ' Miss Taylor, Montreal, is vis- Nrs. D. B. Stickney. During the offertory in the Methodist church, on Sunday evening, Miss Taylor sang a solo, with fine ef- ect. Mrs. Caton and Mrs, Llovd, Na- Wednesday at Mrs. A. Madden's. Miss Caroline Finkle was taken ill, on Sunday evening, but was better this morning. It is understood that James Grogan has sold his house. J. L. Moore, Norwood, the teacher who was appointed successor to G. G. Millar, on the Newburgh high school Wednesday evening, This means that the board will have to make haste in filling the vacancy. The board for a teacher to take the subjects taught by 'Mr. Nes: bit, and allow Mr. Denyes, the incom- ing' principal, to take moderns, which work: he is particularly well qualified to take. Ernest Gandier is spending the to have her child look 'the pibk of perfection art's Dyspepsia Tablets will digest for | kins' nobby coats in scarlet and blue Jen- swellest and nattiest hats ever shown. $2, Friends of the late Stanford White are preparing to hold, as soon as the Let Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets do | Thaw trial is over, a series of meet- ngs, at whicl. they will pat tribute New Year's day will before love be the general polling day ior municipal Heed the oall of the stomach now! |. FEMALE INEBRIATES, lishwomen., , Careful observers 'of social wondi- tions in both the upper and the lower classes of society cannot fail to have noted of late a decided increase in the addiction to alooholie on the part of women. statis- tics relating to the number ages of women eonvicted of drunkenness Elve one no real idea of the extent of the evil, for only a -small.frao- tion of the intemperate tall inte the hands of the police. Moreover, though I i j £. ) 1 it A 2gd GsATrge iia i 8 fel pg i ET fiir siisis Gd 5 Eg § Eb 1d : HH ghifel org i i; g . if ; DAILY BRITISH WHIG, FRIDAY. MARCH 282. "* FURNACES IN ENGLAND. -- a > 5 John Bull Prefers to See a Blaze In Open Grate. HELP WANTED-MALE, PRESSWORK4 AP- WANTED-GENERAL. A DRESSMAKER TO r-------------------- day. Apply to 32 Division St. BY MAY 1st, OR SOONER, MEDIUM- - ised house, bled and is. Bi vy consideration, , when~coal, goes up whenever the ratare down Asin. given a0 amiul of foe near FOR NEWSROOM, ONE . central h stating reat, to Box 86. sure "Wok perience preferréd. Apply | office. | TWO SMART BOYS. WHO CAN EARN from $3.50 to $4.50 per week. at Gould's Mroom Factory, King A LADY'S GOLD WATCH. SUITABLE d will be given . if ned to either between or | A MARRIED MAN TO WORK ON dairy farm, highest wages suitable man. Address G Box 2, Portsmouth, ees ta a -------------- SPRING SUITS TO MAKE, GENTLE men, bring your aun sloth and » MARRIAGE LICENSES. + 8. EIRKPATRICK, ISSUBR OF Marriage Licenses, 43 Clarence St. The Tallor. 181 Brock: street: HELP WANTED-FEMALE, ------------------------------------------------------ HOUSEMAID AND A DINING ROOM the . Matron, Rock- ELLIS, ARCHITECT, OR or. Queen and Bagot streets. pastry cook with a wine license is very much in evidence in every resi- dential district. A woman in a good position in life may be intemperate to a degree without ever having mecourse to the ordinary public house. It is not pretended that all the places enu- Deplorable Effect. Intempérance has a deplorable ef- fect on the nervous system of women, whom it tends rapidly to degrade mor- ally as well as physically, unfitting them for those duties and responsibil- ities which should be the first care of the women of every race. Intemper- ance among men is bad enough, but matter, since in. their case the future of a race, a kingdom or an empire may be imperiled. Intemperance among women is incompatible with 'the welfare of the children, who, even if they are unaffected by a bad hered- ity, must be affected by evil parental example. It is because of this that the drunken mother is regarded as a curse to her family and a menace to the state. Even the most nnprejudic- ed and tolerant of moderate drinkers on the male sides looks upon a drunk- en woman with a horror and loathing that are almost instifictive. Powerful Nerve Poisons. Among the lower orders gin is the beverage of election, or, failing that, "four ale" in unimaginable quantities. The liqueur is another prime favorite with those women who can afford it and is certainly the mast destructive of all, containing, as it always does, those deleterious essential oils so ne- cessary to mask the taste of the cheap alcohol, which is so raw and fiery that it could not be swallowed in its natural state. These aesbtitial oils and alcohols act as powerful nerve fois - ons if taken in sufficiently large doses and over a sufficient period of time, and in the seductive flavors of the li- eur contaiming them lies theirgreat nger to women. Hope for the future of our woman- kind lies in the fact that all women are to some extent the slaves of fash- jon, and once it becomes no longer the fashion for women to drink freely of pent liquors at dinners, dances other convivial assemblies intem- among them will receive a But against the pet vice of steamship, hundreds of tons of coal a day, easily accounts for such gt Trae, the records of David of Cogps, stationed on Governor's Island. fle is a Scot, and T4 years old. He has been in contindous service, haw ing the extraordinary record of never baving Jost a day. Some Distance Apart. ing John Brown is a distant relative dren in our family. He's the aldesy and I'm the youngest Stockings that will wear, 'for chil dren, 20c., 2. See our ton stockings for ladies, 2 pairs for 25¢.\ New York Dress Reform. Retgember o'cloc among women it is a far more serious. Green--What do you mean by say- |. of yours? I thought he was your bro ther. i « Brown--Well, there are twelve chili strong ecot- | Bibby's. special spring | shirt Yale to-morrow morning at fine | trip abroad, and the following few points about His Majesty's mode of traveling will not be out of place. Proquatitly, when traveling incog- nito, favors. the Dover and Calais route, and on his arrival at the Gare Maritime of the latter town, partakes of a light luncheon, which invariably consists of clear soup, two eggs on toast, a wing of cold chicken, and a plentiful supply of fresh. fruit. His Majesty rarely takes cheese,.and liqueurs even more seldom. is humeheon over, Kine mrders & huge bundle of newspapers and periodicalé to be brought to his carriage, and these, together with a supply of cigars, keep him upied until his armval in the French capi- tal. His Majesty is: an inveterate newspaper reader" It is an interesting and" perfect): true fact that for early eo unofficial enjoyment, the King far pre- fers a pipe to cigars or cigarettes. EY London's Huge Appetite. The secretary of the Public Health Committee says the total amount of fosdstuffs that reach London 'yearly is between 2,500,000 and 3,000,000 tons, of which rather more than two-thi: arrives by water and less than one- third by rail. Three-fi the whole quantity is 'consumed bythe. London- | "O™e0 have come to light, ers, the remainder Y passing through in the course-of transit else- where. The shipments include 1,000,000 tons of meat, fish, milk, butter, eggs, lard, etc.; 560,000 tons of fruit and vege | tables, including sugar and preserved fruits, and 1,400,000 tons of grain and flour. It is pointed out in the com- mittee's report that the system of in- spection is inefficient and that oleo- margarine is largely sold as busier. ~~ Jr------ Suits in many different styles and patterns. to $16 50. Others at $4.95, $6.45, $7.50. TOP COATS The best the trade knows anything about. HATS We will show you Hats of the very latest shapes and blocks. See our $1.50 and $2 stifis. NECKWEAR For your selection of a Tie, we will show you the prettiest and daintiest spring silks in town, GLOVES All the new colorings in Spring weight Gloves. Remember you will see no old; moth-eaten or shop-worn goods here. Everything new and bright, and. at popular prices. Specials for Saturday and Monday, March 23rd & 25th. Black Cashmere Sox, Regular 25¢. * Soft Colored Shirts, light and dark sh each (limited). Men's Tweed Working Pants, TY ete. - Anchor Bullding, one, 345 REFERENCES RE- Apply Miss Brown, 138 Uni: -- grounds, number 174 POWER & SON, ARCHITECT, MER- by the chant's Bank Bullding, corner Brock and Wellington 'Phone, M3, DS, ARCHITECT, OF 's Drug GIRLS TO WORK ON street, near Queen. Fy Oliver, 59 Gore street. r streets. Entrance om Bagot ---------------- aa 608. Apply to Mrs. Walkem, in the even ing, Cor. of Beverly and Union Sts, A GOOD GENERAL SERVANT, FOR Who can cook, if necessary, preferred. ------------------------ company offers. Godwin's Insurance KE ot Square. veniences, with or 'wi r---- LONDON AND GLORR ly 00 Kim Bh, C assets $61 187.215. ave security the unlimited liability of all the stockhoMers. Farm porty _ insured at lowest rates. Before renewing old new business get NEW RESIDENCE, 215 WILLIAM ST, modorn improvemen! ted with the morning, at 165 King street, Nesbit, 837 J ohuson A LADY OF GOOD ADDRESS, WHO has tact to present to of Kineston and Vicinity a ver: tractive proposition. Will stan tes from Strange BRICK DWELLING, NO. 181 DIVISON rooms, extension dine » 3 > EDUCATIONAL. -------------------------- YOUNG LADIES TO LEARN ™HE art of dressmaking, Office. 57 Broek St. ¢ how Jam, Saturday evening, 7 costumes a special. soa Ks Carron, Repre- Mme. Eider, 258 Princess street, AROUSED PEASANTS BARRON CASE REVIVED. The Paragraph Pulpit In a Day Seventy-Five Unitarian . : REV. O. W. CASSON, OTTAWA ---------- Investigation of Old Hamilton Mystery is Ordered. Bucharest, March celebrated Barron marder cawe, the in- tion of which was so which has kept lo gossiping for nearly four vears, thoroughly investigated. by the provincial authorities, as 'n sult of a petition signed by the may- The New Motive In ALE the all art. But today a new motive is as serting Meoll with The thought of fat reward is no longer the wna TRL joy of ¢ - breause it is better to do ovil. Help others, because them. Be and fear hell, but because it is bet being impure and selfish killing, are now blood sistance ix put to death instantly. the last twenty-four hours seventy-five | murders have been reported, and more | than three hundred Jows have thousamls of éitizens, which was | horrible: outrages perpetrated against warded to Premier Whitney some time i £iif= structed Crown Attorney Washington - Some Of Our Leaders, Hawes' hats, three dollars Woodrow hats, three fifty, i a fonstable, amd to have been shot by eon- civ 5 Ww Waverly hats, two dollars George Mills & Co., hat i fi We will have a large display for Sa. turday of oranges, bananas and lem ons and priess low, £ R. H. Toye, King Little boys' patent bluchor cut lace | boots, new and stylish, at the Lockett Meet me at Ribby's to morrow mom- That RIGHT is the Word Describes Our New Clothing Come in and see the New Spring Ideas, and you will make your selection here, we are sure. Tailored as only high-grade goods should be. Prices,$ 9 50 Every new cut and fabric is here. cial 18c, or 2 pair for 35c. with detachable cuffs. A big snap for Saturday and Monday only, 39¢c Dark colors. Regular $2. Special $1.39 per pair. Men's Black Bib Overalls. Regular 75c. Special for Saturday and Monday, 50c. per pair, Special Discounts on Men's and Young Men's Suits. RONEY & CO., 127 Princess S The Store That Sets the Pace.