BN ti el ir : : » ;-{ the government is buck of Mr. Beck to the satislaction of way commission of Canada. There is a Souda: STi pie, whiskey hich disease. ; evi . S------ can pure! rom any wholesaler we ood indi i ver- limit to ile capacity for & It] The Hamilton Spectator (a govern- J at from $1.85 to $2.25 a gallgn, the =a Blow a luce uivnes Hpovey could not possibly do all that is ex | pant supporter), disapproves of the | Price depending on the quantity pur- ""Whatisthe yesult? = A weakemed pected of it, or all that some Ten | extension of the sucedssion duties to Shas at one time, is charged to dif. | ition of the entire system, the would put upon it. If the commission the little bit of life insurance the Ee rent Pues, at fram, Le to 3 = development of hnmors, disfiguring eru- essayed all that is suggested in its | dow or children of a Man may inherit. fo ns Sa ni ° has: ptions and finally a general «collapse. Same it would not get through the | There is a limit "to Mr. Matheson's rates of whiskey an overcharge Roe eh Jou Tipe a ll eviy jects . gq 5 . » ; Ves, a details of present ru a8 Oh exactions. $1.25 to $1.50 has been generally every feeble old person, that I am ator has remarked, un crack Se -- : so sure that our famous cod liver oil . The Mail solemnl On case s the overcharge has : : : : doom. : lemnly warns the coun- been from $1.35 to $1.75 dozen | Preparation, Vinol (delicious to taste ail to be careful about the electric bottles. x : a and without oil), will make rich, red SENATORS ON FAST TRAINS, | light business. The mayor and his| The illegal acts in the town agents | blood, create strength aud restore An attempt, is being made to limit | {fiends may make a plunge into muni- | establishments consist largely of [them to a normal condition, that 1 - : ; cipal ownership, without knowing j watering whiskey, rum and alcohol [Will Pay for all the Vinol they take trains, and as what it : ng Just] nd overcharging on various brands [if it does not succeed. 5 lois of life and it Means, and find the thing | of geal goods. "Why am I so sure? Simply be by railway ac | Over their heads. In some cases the more honest of |tause I have seen it succeed so many nies the agents advance as an excuse for [limes that I now don't believe it can bas Mr. McGuigan is alleged to be going | the sales made that they have no [fail. You sed it contains ina highly ie comin. | em Grind Tren ily he mens of S3riloog wie x nl (somone form "a1" ho] ; Great Northern railway. He is a very . truth in their re- {pri IVUp OL TOU representative men, oa. tations when the liquors are [any grease to upset the stomach. We was agreed that there [10 MAB Oe of the ast ustive nids purchased: SREY The Watute pro. [know that it is fresh and actually r. Hays has, a will be | vides a fine of for every person contain the fifty odd medicinal trains, that a gene missed. H . ie) ) Brery. pen ; . ay J . He has been train for great- | who makes misrepreseritation in secur- |curatives taken 'from fresh ocods down in speed should er responsibilities, and yy Sregt ing an intoxicant at an agency. livers, and 'it is the real thing,' as men who tesolved to have to hi v n example of the extent of the | the boys say. We do not ask you to were shocked by the disasters, nn Nm. graft at the bout and_ok i Ps take our word for it, but simply try a: i that t} was no The Ontario railway commiskion' on- system . may seen in the w ov |it oa our guarantee." George W. Ma- were agroed 4 sales durin, 1906. In the twelve | hood, Druggist. abiding satisfaction in the repeated | dorses the Conmee act, and that is | months pg 3 January Ist, 1907, 11, oy -- of trainmen to smash the re |mough 16 damn it in the eyes of the | 109 gallons of whiskey were sold to | - Yonge Mills Items. ad 5a. will opponents of this case. The Toronto the 2 gets - a downs Sud Yonge Mills, Hares A farewell an one who wi indica. y 0! on- | party was given 'Thursday night, a in order to tial on & x ogram, in ite. outburst of indigna er. On every gallon there was ar br the family of G. A. Pr ion, refers to the commission's report overcharge of from $1.25 to 82 per | will shortly leave to make a new in business permits, is spent upon the trains, will accept a slower service if it carry with it the guarantee of safety. Mr. Lancaster desires to make safer transportation a necessity, by legisla: tive enactment, and it looks as if the senate is going to kill the bill. The reasoning of the : The bill idea, having. been rejected once should not" be revived; the general railway act is better, though it séems to be inoperative or ineffectual; the cities and towns would be protected at the expense of the country. The senate's existence has been justi: fied on the ground that it chooks or modifies unwise legislatis but it looks as if it rejeots tion some- times whose aim is good. If tho im- practicable senators were only for tumate enough to ride on the trains that run off they might be induced to revise their opinions. They certainly would have an experience which would add immensely $0. theif Public useful- MR. WHITNEY STIRRED UP. The declaration of Mr. Whituey, that and the Hydro-Eleotric commission, is satisfactory so far as it goes. It was probably wrung &rom the premier by his own friends. The Telegram, for instance, 'opened fire on the Ontario municipal 'cdmmission because of its approval of the Conmee act. At the Same time it called Hon. Mr. Hanna to account because he said the To- ronto Electric company could increase temporary. "I hes only to throw said our econ- . Adam Beck to the wolves opon- employees, or officials and attendants, cannot possibly transact the public the The same can bo said about the rail. its. capital stock at will. 7 unauthorized way ? Kingston is not the only place where the critics are busy. dt Will the protest of the grand jury against the feeding of prisoners at the penitentiary on the kennel plan have any effect ? It should. Any one who Over saw the practice must revolt against it. The people who wonder why Mr. Hyman' did not see the irregularity of his resignation, do not know what it . is to suffer from a nervous break- down. Nervous collapse destroys all power of initiation. : How on earth did the Tadenac Club, of Toronto, get a cinch on 11,000 acres of land from the Whitney gov- ernment--and for 30c. an acre? The public domain for the people, eh ? Mr. Whitney has evidently slipped a cog. as "narrow, technical, bigoted legal- ism," and that it makes up "the body and soul" of the commission. This is very severe. ---- . Boy Kills Girl At Party. Whately, Mass., March 22.--Miss Ma- hel , seventeen vears old, was killed, yesterday, by Edward Allis, aged fifteen, in a "'didn't-know-it-was. loaded" tragedy. ; Miss Bowman's home was in Boston and she had bein staying with the of Dickinson. In the nfternoon she was one of a merry par- ty at the home ol Irving Allis, who gave a "sugaring off." George Allis was sent to the sugar camp for a fresh supply. of maple wax and brought back with him "a revolver. Tt dst loaded," he said, as he laced it on a shell. A fow minutes afterwards his brother, Edward, to- show off, picked up the revolver, and pointing # playfully at Miss Bow- oan, pulled the trigger. Miss Bow- man fell to the floor with a bullet in her brain. She died without * regain- ing consciousness, 2 Looking For A Team. The fire and light committee is hav- ing a hard time trying tg get a suit- able team for the hook and ladder -waggon of the fire department. Dr. Nicholls, the vity's veterinary surgeon, said to the Whig, this morning, that what the city wanted was a team of five-year-olds, weighing from twelve to fourteen hundred pounds each. The farmers add to the price when dealing with the city, and as the fire and light committee have a limit, of £100 to spend on the team, they are "up against it" at present. Young Man. The very latest derbies are here at §1, 81.25, 81.50, $2, $2.50, $3, $4. Each style a new one and every hat good value at the price. No old stock here. Campbell Bros., Kingston's style con tre for men's hats. To Tax Foreigners. Paris, March 22.--The income tax committee has adopted the clauses in the bill e i from the tax strangers staying in France less than ten months and wmeking resident strangers, who do not exercise any ion or trade, pay a tax after the tenth month, based on resting valug of the houses in which they live, Did You Ever. Wear a Piccadilly hat ? peer- less two fifty hats are A oe oat guaranteed. They dre sold in Kings- | hEsTATE REGULATION OF LIQUOR the commercial course, mended a commercial faculty. yesterday that School at Strathroy would be closed out again, since its school grand success from the start. met 'with an accident, yesterday after- noon at the corner of ~% Bagot streets. The horse' fis young, al it plunged into the hub of a passing coal cart. breaking a small bone. It is thought that the horse may got ter, Iron and Wine, ouly 50c. Sold at Gib- son's Red Cross other. DA EN F SALES. Affords Chances For Rich Plund- | er--"Prohibition'" State Con- pot Adulterated "Joy Waters." combed grog graft tentaclcs reaching to numerous branches of the govern- ments of the state and cities and towns, and with feelers stretching in- Vi to every section of political endeavor. It offers to ite friends preferment i oltice and . o opportunities to make large sums of money at the expense of the people, seeking, -in return, only the right to supply the liquors allowed the people of the state by the agency ww, No attention is paid to the provis ion of the law; they are violated with impunity, daily and generally, throughout the stato. ud It is true that some of the town liquor agents observe the requirements of the statutes, but the instances are extremely rare and the graft and its |® evil effects have been traced to al- most every place in the state where liquors arc sold under the enactment. | method of grafting is a simple | ™ one. The state liquor agent, appointed by the governor and council, pur- chases on his own account, and keeps in stock at his place of business in Portlond the liquor to supply the town and city agencies. He pays his own bills. and is allowed a reasonable amount of interest for the capital re- of quired to maintain a satisfactory stock of goods. : He charges the towns and cities of MN the state enormous prices for the pl For exam gallon. a total excess amount of $16,- 50. ir There are sixteen city and town li- Auburn, Bath, Bethel, Chelsea. Farm- ington, Gardiner, Glenwood, Lewiston, | y Machias, Phillips, Portland, Ran- dolph, Rockland, Waterville, Webster, |p. Wiscasset. MN Last year they sold liquors to the pe followin, amount : Auburn, $17- | yt 124-94; Path, $13,520.59; Bethel, 81,- 802.96; Chelsea, $1,520.89; Farmington, £1.943.21: Gardiner, $5,806.61; Glen- wood, $2347; Lewiston, 837,382.98; Machias, $4, 67: Phillips, $2,169.21; Portland (since April 1st), $8,748.85; vi Compliments Dr. Currie. on the general question of technical education. It showed much research, thought and preparation--characteris- tics rare in a legislature oration, es- many, and suggested a system of night schools in the country, giving night schools for three nights a week in the urban municipalities. The high school curriculum could safely be divided so that a student could select a course adaptable to his future career. He advocated qualification for the university through the medium of and recom- umn Close Strathroy School. Tt was announced in the legislature the Western Dairy after this winter's session, and the work performed at Guelph Agricul tural College. Thus Kingston wins has 'heen a th , Reared And Hurt Itself. Charles Otto's handsome roadster nson and rearing at a paper onthe road, is I ------------. A good soring tosic, Red Cross Beef, Drug Store, Take no Aon by. George Mills & Co, hat spec Denominations Meet in Chicago Pratestant churches, called for finally Passing upon the union of these three tons, in the Union Park Congregational mean Stablishment pow new ranks of the nitoaal Sark societies of America. name proposed --will have altogether about 1,200,000 communicants, 11,000 ministers, 13,500 churches. Of these 700,000 will be contributed by the Congregationalists, about the Methodist Protestants and about 300,000 by the United Brethren. : Two hundred delegates, representing the three churches interested and com ing from all parts of the country, ar- xd in Chicago yesterday. species of organic union, under a new name, which will be an association of the present churches. though no church or denomination will be wiped out of existence. The arrangement is describ ed as a kind of partnership, in which each partner maintains identity, though together constituting associationi an annual conference and as a whole shall national council will body in the church and will have pow- er to make rules for all departments By Some Thought to Denote Re- home in the far west. SIX old home and a very pleasant evening quor agencies in the state, as follows: | ag spent. of Brookville, day. Mrs. Ferguson has been visiting Mallorytown, here to-day. Randolph, $5,890.75; Rockland, $10, |havehad in five years, Thousands went 18.23: Waterville, $12,201.02; Webster, away with rare bargains. We are now $1,119.76; Wiscasset, $2,110.31. beter prepared than over to do an 7, up-to-date business. Come in and see our new spring bats. The last ship ment of American or routs, Telpgrum, espace Pas to-day. E."P. Jenkins' Clothing com- the member for Prince Edward, Dr, |[PO2Y: Morley Currie, delivered an able speech Tarive poth proof bags (doubl strength), sold at Gibson's Red Cross Drug Store. pecially the drations usual at 10:30 [2% WCT.U. medal for Slocutionary 3 . x +, ability. p.m. Ho cited the example of - Ger Dressy spring hats for dressy men. We will save you fra 30c. to $1 on lessons two nights a week, and ad- piel hat you buy.of us. The H. D. vocated a compulsory system of Owing to the * extensive work and | heavy grading at Morton, Ont. it is will utilize that point as a base supplies in. the building of the Kine- ston, Smith's Falls and Ottawa way. Improve your spirits with York Soda, the highly- charged, sparkling water with the snappy, dry tang that betters Bottled at the Springs fog surety of purity, and sold wherever gentle- men drink. Compare it with the imported sodas and learn York Soda; The Mineral Springs Limited, Toron has begun its sessions present is Rev. of union, if it is consummated will of a large and ion in the The United church--the for the amalgamation communicants about 200,000 hy for a scheme suggested calls its separate new body. It is proposed to establish a district national council, through which the ain government of the organization be carried on. The be the highest general church work. PALE FACES finement. "What a mistake !"" said George W. ahood, our leading druggist. ; "ln ace of refinement pale taces denote About 125 old ends and neighbors gathered at the Miss Blanche Carpenter, who has been visiting ary Purvis, returned home on Satur- sr brother at Carp. G. A. Gibson, orrisburg, spent Sunday with his arepts. Mrs. A. Arnold is quite ll. rs. B. Burnham and daughter are siting in Brockville. J. R. Gibson, was calling on friends Clean Sweep. ave the cleanest stock to-day we We h hats go in stock Miss Elsie Ferguson, of Athens, won derstood that the G.T.R. compuny of rail- e flavor of any liquor it dilutes. that Sd da »> BIBBY®S « THVT VITITVIIIIIVIIOVIVPOIITY 9000 000000000006 000000000000000Aiatssssssssa TVVVVVVIVIVITITIITIVIITII09090900090090000909090909¢ SATURDAY 40 dozen Handsome New Spring Shirts that been out of the original boxes until this morning. All New Patterns, Nobby and Dainty, all sizes. We have sorted them into three lots. No. 1--4 dozen White Full Dress Shirts, sold regularly at $1 and $1.25. Sizes, 14, 16, 16}, 17, 17}. Sale Price 39c. No. 2-15 dozen Colored Shirts, Stiff Bosom, all sizes, sold A Big Noise IN OUR SHIRT DEPARTMENT To-Morrow Morning at 9 . O'clock. DOG LLLAANLALAALL AL VOVIVIVOPIIIIINIIO NT S55L5508 8 Doon VIVVIIVIIPOIVeIVeIe VOVOVPOIIe have never SOLD LAALLLLAS TOV IVPVIPIVPIIOO 4 4 < " 4 " - < 4 4 & regularly at 75¢c. and $1. » " < Sale Price 49 $ ® } ale ¥rice C. 3 3 $ L ® < No. 3--About 25 dozen New Soft Front Shirts, regular ¢ © Spring Beauties, all sizes sold regularly at $1, $1.25 and ¢ ® 51.50 ® 9 uth * ? y . ® © 3 Sale Price 69c. 3 < 3 D> ® ¢ The H. D. Bibby Co. i < * < e - * 1 y . < & ® * * Lad : , YOU WANT A PAIR FOR EASTER | COME' AND INSPECT Utz & Dunn"s LATEST PRODUCTIONS OF t Ladies' Fine Footwear 4 The Sawyer Shoe Store Grays Syrup Red Spruce Gum + For Coughs and Colds. Sale of Ganano jue, Leeds, for take: possessign leased the with school, NI. Mr: kin, Colorado, better--yet costs no more. | street; Henry 2 Residence--A Farm residence there 'to Thomas Herbison, of $2,600. Mr. Herbison will liam Richardson, Arthur street, farm Leeds, for a term of years. William Salter, corner of Garden and James streets, is confined to his od comgestion of the lungs, i. Graham, principal of Ganasegque is in Toronto atten session of grand lodge of AOL W. as delegate from Gananoque 'ouge, 2 and Mrs. thew. King street west, wno have been spending the past twa months their san, Douglas Matha, at have returned Miss Gracey, who has been several weeks with friends in Toronto; has returned home. Arthur Gracey, of Nelson, B.C., spent some time during the early part the week with his parents, Rev. Gracey, Mrs. Herbert Moore and family, King FOR SALE: { Mrs. Ross. Mr. and { have been spending | W. B. Carroll, in the interests of about Apel lIsy, Wil has Mr. Herbisop, of and has been for national law now poisons enter into beg ing the No. For Mat- package. William and others, wth La- home. spending be on the labet. cough remedy. town council as counsel in 'their azainst th: Canada Cabingt company. The News--No Pure Dru Laws would he needed if all were like Dr. Shoop% it must be printed on the label this reason mothers, should insist on having Dr. Shoop's Cough Cure. No poisor marks on Dr. Shoop's labels--and none in the medicine, else And it's not safe, but it is said to be, that know it best, 5 truly remarkable y Take no chances, par- ticularly with your children. of and at the manse. | with others and see. marks there, ENGLISH PIG LEAD Canada Metal Co., Ltd. GANANOQUE TIDINGS. cs are spending the week in loronto, the guests of their daughter, Toronto, Ont. Mrs. Durant, who the winter with Leased. the latter's parents, Mr.. and Mrs. March 22.-C.W. Mc (Charles R. Cotton, Hickory street, Neill, Pme street, has disposed of his {have returned to Washington, D.C. barrister, is in Torouto the Gananoque Luse Cough Cure cough cures Cough Cure is-- twenty years. The requires that if any a cough mixture or ne it must by law only by those Insist on having Dr. Shoop's Cough Cure. Com- pare carefully . the Dr. Shoop package No poison You can always be on who have been spending the [the safe side by demanding Dr. Shoop's ** | winter with friends apd velatives * in | Cough Oure. Simply refuse to' accept any other. Sold by all dealers. - FOR SALE BY H, td | Iroquois, returned hoffe yesterday. W. Jackson 'is spending a couple Sigoey & Hickey, Jas. McParland 0 "on of George Toner, Tan. SPR Woo Aug, of San Francisco, raised a draft from $8 t0-'$5.000. Wh Pret Harte say to this { at would Nervous Women {Their Sufferings Are Usually Due |W to Female Disorders Perhaps Unsuspected. R A MEDICINE THAT CURES -- Can we dispute " \ the well - known fact that Canadian vous ? How often do we hear the expres- gion, "Iam so ner- vous, it seems as il 1 should fly; » or, *bron't : annoy you and [a make you irritable; you are unable to quietly and calmly |e perform Jour daily tasks or care for |, your children, . The rel:tion of the nerves and gen- |. nine-tenths of the nervous prostration, or restlessness and irritability. " Spirits easily affected, so that one minute she |! I the next minute weeps. Painin |! the abdominal shoulders; loss of voice; nervous dys- prostration. condition and prevent months of pros- tration and suffering =o surely as Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound. Miss Lelah Stowell, of 177 Wellington Bt., Kingston, Ont., writes : Dear Mrs. Pinkham :-- * Your Medicine is indeed a Godsend to suffering women, and I only wish that they all knew what it can do for them and there would be no need of their dr: x | miserable lives in agony. 1 suffered for | years with bearing-down pains, extre nervousness and excruciating headaches, | but a few bottles of your vegetable Com- | pound made life look new and promising 5 me. Iam light and happy and I do not know what sickness is, -- have enjoyed the best of health now for over four years. Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound has sent sunshine into thousands of homes and hearts." Will not the volumes of letters from women made strong by Lydia E. Pink- ham's Vegetable Compound conyince all women of its virtues? Surely you can- not wish to remain sick and weak and | discouraged, exhausted each day, when you can be as easily cured as other | women. Quits Hotel Business. Peter Devlin, proprictor of the Grand Union Hotel who, to-day, received notification of aun appointment, parti culars: of which are given elsewhere in this issue, finnounced this afternoon that he would from the hotel business on Monday next. retire Appointed A Member. C. E. Dodwell, C.E., has been made a member of the board of visitors for the Royal Military College, vice lug: tice Street, deceased. k to jt me." Little things {a pepsia; a tendency to cry at the least |c provocation----all this points to nervous | f; Nothing will relieve this distressing |, p ! women are ner-.|, ou can't sleep, | erative organs in women is so close that |, nervous debility the blues, sleeplessness . and nervous irritability arise from some derangement of the organism which |? makes her a woman. Fits of depression : ion and between the |s in Easter novelties, "The Red Star." Pr EE FER ER EER EE CER FE These Suits are conspict the latest most a blue and fancy plaid effects, narrow stripes, are shown in Cut single or double breasted Priced fr manship; IOUS trad WY PROGRESS