{IRT DEPARTMENT 4 4 Morrow Morning at 9 O'clock. 3 4 4 'RDAY § 4 < pring Shirts that have never 4 until this morning. S nd Dainty, all sizes. 3 three lots. 3: Dress Shirts, sold regular] at L 4, 17, 173. ray +3 : 3 ] < ice 39c. 3 < irts, Stiff Bosom, all sizes, sold < $ © o °® 1ICe C 3 . ® 3' Soft Front Shirts, regular 3 regularly at $1, $1.25 and ¢ ice 69c. Bibby Co. COLO DLALL AL VIVIPIVIVOIOVeY : A PAIR FOR TER | INSPECT $ ¥ 3 Dunn's | UCTIONS OF $ > Footwear § Shoe Store | pos Syrup ce Gum and Colds. o ALE: IG LEAD Ltd. Toronto, Ont. street, are spending the week in ronto, the guests of their daughter, s. Ross. Mr. and Mps. Durant, who ve been spending the winter with latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. arles R. Cotton, Hickory street, e returned to Washington, D.C. B. Carroll, barrister, is in Toronto the interests of the Gananoque i council as counsel in their couse vist ths Canada Cabingt company. he News--No Pure Dru, Cough Cure ws would be needed if all cough cures re like Dr. Shoop Cough Cure is-- 1 has been for twenty years. The ional law now requires that if any sons enter into a cou mixture must be printed on the label or wage. For this reason mothers, | others, should insist on having Shoop's Cough Cure. No poison- rks on Dr. Shoop's labels--and none the medicine, else it must by law on the labet. And it's not only , but it is said to be, by those t know it best, 5 truly remarkable gh remedy. Take no chances, par- larly with your children. 3 ing Dr. Shoop's Cough Cure. Com- e carefully .the Dr. Shoop package h others and see. No poison ks there. You can always be on safe side by demandi Dr. Shoop's gh Cure. Simply other. Sold by all dealers. 00 Aug, of San Francisco, raised a it from $8 t0-$8.000. What woull | Harte say to this { Nervous Women {Their Sufferings Are Usually Due to Female Disorders Perhaps Unsuspected. A MEDICINE THAT CURES on Can we dispute \ the weil - rr fact that Canadian women are ner-. vous ? How often do we hear the expres- gion, "Iam so ner- vous, it seems as il 1 should fly ; " or, * Lian't k to me." Little things : s annoy you and make you irritable; you can't slecp, you are unable to quietly and calmly perform your daily tasks or care for your children. . The relction of the nerves and gen- erative organs in women is so close that nine-tenths of the nervous prostration, nervous debility, the blues, sleeplessness and nervous irritability arise from some derangement of the organism which makes her a woman. Fits of depression or restlessness and irritability. ' Spirits easily affected, so that one minute she 1 the next minute weeps. Pain in the abdominal ion and between the shoulders; loss of voice; nervous dys- pepsia; a tendency to cry at the least provocation----all this points to nervous prostration. Nothing will relieve this distressing condition and prevent months of pros- tration and suffering so surely as Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable (: ound. Miss Lelah Stowell, of 177 Wellington Bt., Kingston, Ont., writes : Dear Mrs. Pinkham :-- * Your Medicine is indeed a Godsend to suffering women, and I only wish that they all knew what it can do for them and there would be no need of their dragei miserable lives in agony. 1 years with bearing-down pains, extreme nervousness and excruciating headaches, but a few bottles of your vegetable Com- ound made life look new and promising me. Iam light and happy and I do not know what sickness is, _. have enjoyed the best of health now for over four years. Lydia BE. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound has sent sunshine into thousands of homes and hearts." Will not the volumes of letters from women made strong by Lydia E. Pink- ham's Vegetable Compound conyince all women of its virtues? Surely you can- not wish to remain sick and weak and discouraged, exhausted each day, when you can be as easily cured as other women. Quits Hotel Business. Peter Devlin, proprictor of the Grand Union Hotel who, to-day, received notification of an appointment, parti- culars: of which are given elsewhere in this issue, finnounced this afternoon that he would retire from the hotel business on Monday next. Appointed A Member. C. E. Dodwell, C.E., has been made a member of the board of visitors for the Royal Military College, vice lug: tice Street, deceased. % "The Easter novelties, Red Star." A MEMORHL SERVICE| Rev. Dr. Mackie Delivers An Ex- cellent Address--A Musical Programme Rendered.' There was a good attendance at the memorial service to the late Dr. Oron- hyatekha, supreme chief ranger of the 1.0.F. held Thursday night in the L. 0. F. court room. Edward Botter- ell, past supreme Tanger, now a resi- dent of Kingston, who was intimately associated with deceased for over thir ty years, eulogized his many virtues and- talents, and Rev. Dr. Mackie gave an excellent address, expressing "the love and high esteem in which the chief was ~ held by the brethren and general public. He said that the name of the late chief would be in everlasting refem- brance. He was a wan of clear: head, capable of accomplishing a great deal, with a warm heart that felt for man at all times. He was a man of noble spirit, that knew no meanness. He re cognized truth and justice, and rec <= nized them as the essential character istics of a man who would be high souled, and the trusted leader of men There was friendship in his grip, sin cerity in his voice, and kindness in his face. * | | The musical programme which was carried out, was an excellefit one, ev ery member receiving an hearty en core. The following numbers were given | Solo, "God Shall Wipe Away All} Tears," Master. Charles Carson; duet, | | "What Are The Wild Waves Saving' Charles Bilkéy and W. J. Keeley: solo, "Abide "With Me," W. Murray; trio, "Gone to His Rest" Mrs. F Mar shall, Mrs. A. Gilmour and Charles | Carson; solo, "One Sweetly Solemn Thought,"" Ret. Charles Bilkey: solo, "Old Friends Have Passed Away," W J. Keeley quartette, "Come Unto Me," Mrs. 'F. Marshall, Mrs. Gilmour, R. W Marshall, W. Murray: solo, "Watch and Pray," Charles Carson. Orange Grand Lodge. kville, March 22. The Grand Lodge, Ontario East, has elect Orange el these oflicers: Grand Master, J. W loyce, Merivale; deputy master, Jas Berney, Kingston; junior deputy mas ter, Lieut.-Col. John Hughes Clarke chaplain, Rev. R. H. Steacy, Bell's Corners; treasurer, Robert Gordon, weed: secretary, F. M. Clarke, Belle ville; lecturer, Gus White, Madoe; D of C., F. W. Forde, Ottawa; auditors Fieut-Col. J. R. Orr and 0. W. Lan- don, Madoc; deputy chaplains, Rev. W Given By Victoria Guild of Cooke', - a WAS HELD TO THE LATE DR. | Victoria Guild of Coste's church, | OF IMMIGRARTS IN PUBLIC gave a very successful last night in their lecture hall, in aid of organ fund. Every. available seat in the hall was taken lars was realized. The concert took the form of repre- senting the life, songs and customs of "Ye Old English Times." Rev. Dr. Mac -- Tavish after a . marks, called upon Mrs, W. J. president of the guild, who introduced the different scenes in a pleasing man- ner. The first represented two ladies sit ting at spinning i their work. Miss Miss Pipe taking the characters. dennld teaching a large class of boys and girls. old "The Old ODaken Bucket; Newman, *R. and H. Cook, representing the charac rs party of young men and women hav ing a jolly time apples. acting as singing master. The chorus in its behalf experience in 'the hospit ed confinment at his residence G. Swayne, Oxford Mills; R. B. Nelles, Port Hope; S. A. Dupeau, Roseneath R. H. Texes, Belleville; R. J. Robin son, Vars: A. W. Brace, Peterboro; B. Sincennes, Cornwall; G. 8S. White, Napanee; deputy secretary, T. C. Me Connell, Springbrook. A world's fair will be held in Berlin in 1913. "The vhovement is supported bv leading merchants and influential other makes, date shoes politicians \ AN ENTERTAINMENT. He entertainment INSTITUTIONS, Dominion Government Appoints Peter Devlin to An Office--He is Admirably Fitted For the Work. Forty-five dal- ent few appropriate re- Paul, wheels singing at Hattie Makins and Miss Mac- Second scene--In school; zen ' moss-covered bucket, and singing Messrs. W Somerville, A. Lemmon ed he | litt wit 1 sire Fourth scene--"A Paring. Bee," a singing and paring 5th scene--Singing class, A. Lemmon, ing { Thi ¥ ates of jails, penitentiaries, asy- This concluded one of the most sue. | AF inmates of Jalls, , a . y charitable or other lams, public insti: céssful entertainments the Victoria IR n Sab Guild ever held. Credit ie due Mrs. | 1NHORS; to eSCORt MMIgTanis about to y y : in LE . y » he oc ont Panl and Miss Making for their efforts | ™ deported to one of th Locsin. ports; js a to Vit ocean ports and dwreet up- 1 and enfare- | tary camp. | His large dealings with men of all Boys' Slater boots, Gold Bond and | ranks and stations will give him pecu- | wi good value and up-to- | liar fitness for the work to which he it the Lockett Shoe Stare, | has been appointed hy the government an DAILY BRITISH WHIG, FRIDAY, MARCH 22. conamon that fendant. Men's spring styles is pleasant and obliging in in disposition. . He ENTERED WRONG HQUSE. | A Citizen Made a Bad Mistake on Wednesday Night. In bygone days, especially after ban- quets on St. Andrew's night, it wax a occurrence for even promin wrong houses when returning, and to wake up the morning amid strange surround- citizens to enter The latest case of this kind occurred late on Wednesday night when a citi though able to navigate, was not able to discern. , who, one door-knob yielded, and he enter the house. took off * his boots le act in order to get hout waking his wife he landlady (for it was a et boarding house in a lamp went to the landin-. My boots are in the parlor," dd. All three entered I the bonts were foot. she afraid of her od' that th her parents. was in MADE AN INSPECTOR Bn Cg lighted to hear of his appointment. has in The gentle: Going. into the parlor He was wise {enough to know that he must do this upstairs Barrie which the citizen had entered in mistake for his | own house), heard a noise and light She i saw the man coming up and was too he that room, oimd, and pat on After thanking the students and making promises of giving them husband, was why she went to live Judgment for. des cali, patent and PAGE FIVE. a] a i BOUGHT THE COAT| GOT IT BACK FROM CUSTOMS | p OFFICERS, She Declined to Pay the Duty Put Upon It--When Sale of or Sm led Good: Buildings, Petaw O x ugg: s Occurred a Hull ngs o gro amp ri rounds Militia Council, H Ottawa, Friend Bought It In. Pi ch. -- will be ort. Huron, Mich.,. March 83.4 1 ULL, WL, Slowed, willl now the aid wooden. Dulldings | at Depar'ment of Militia & Defence NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS. © SEALED TENDERS, MARK the entel a fi Year ago a pretty {anadian actress, | auett lings. Even in recent -years, erring | who gave her name as Mrs, Hamilton, | Comp Grounds. 3 | husbands have been known to. lie and her home as Brantford, Ont. | Plena and specifications may be seen down on sitting-room couchys not | while crossing the border her with her a alt aiaritation clsatal a he | their own, and have to face a pre: | fiancee, a4 prominent physician of the ern Ontario, Kineston, Liat Coluel HH. # before the sun rose very {same plyce, and her -- mother; refused | #: Mackie. Pembroke, Om ud The Director of quarters, Ottawa. Tenders must be made to pay duty on a seal skin coat valu: ed at nearly $450, whereupon the coat | on the form supplied hy the ment, was seized by the officials. Yesterday | and necompanied By an acespt on a Canadian chartered bank for 10 per the government held a sale of smug cent of the amo! gled goods when a young man appear abe nt of the tender, y= hie to the order of the Honourable the Third scene--An old English well: man in question tried soveral doors, {ed on behalf of the Brantford lady, Minister of Militia and Defence. anartette of farmers drinking from the none of which was his own. Finally | now married, and outbid all competi ache Teimrt fet a a hunt ta tors until he secured the cont for $200. Although the coat has cost her nearly $600, the lady believes she has got satisfaction out of the United States customs force EUGENE FISET. Colonel, Deputy Minister of Militia' and Defence, Department of Militia acd Defence. Ottawa, March 13, 1907. New Marriage Law. "The youth of France," says a Paris paper, "applauds the French lawmak- ers because of the bill which was re cently passed wiping out a venerable clause in the Code Napoleon." The nbw If Defendant Seems Insane Jury Decides. Toronto Telegram es were catchy and much appreciated } Se . amazed to ask him to stop. On he ; Ph] A ; o£ Sxith scene--Party of young gents PEER. DEVLIN fe nd UI jo. stop ibe hes law provides that 'a marriage con- | fo criminal trial in Canada took nd ladies gathering the roses inau-| 5 GiB Bretor of the Grand | of the stairs he entered n room. Tak: | tract may be entered into between a the strange. turn, it hos in the Thaw : human « vlin, or v Grane are . Ne a { tumn. Mrs. J. Evins sing in her], : " tel a been appointed 1 " a ing a match from his pocket, ho lit [Man and a woman, each being twen- Sve, w (7 woul b the procedure ? {usnal way, "The Last Rose of Sum ch * aside servi { the it and held: it over the bed in which |t¥-one years old," without the con. | Here is tho way the eriminal code mer." Rusition on tie Giths sh rims stidents we aston "You took {*nt. of the parents of either, "This," provides Jor such "an emergenoy Seventh see D a ea dominion immigration branch, wiach is o N T" hSlaey ou on he Frend ah a lot "Hnt-anytime-afteran- nt. Seventh seene--Drill by 16 hovs and I ted. with the department of the comfortable herr he said to them ns } "avs the rench rite a ne | FAB Ag Ba ow v : : conaecte artment o , . ¢ ' : rls; which received hearty aznlause r. He will begin Quty wa Ape] they awoke. Then he realisal that he | #top toward the equality - yp "ith given, it appears to the Court that rs." W. Jackson, instructres to y ' Clb be Ww was in the wrong house 1 craved | woman. The woman, according to the , : , ! st. . Devlin's duties bbe to Sh 1 E mg house, and ora there is sufficient "5 Miss Walker and Miss Newman were § 150 Mi De lin's ¢ I the aid of the students who helped | ol law, was fully competent to make Sth th Mglent reas to doubt accompanists speet and 'repolt upon immigrafifwho Cy irs n marriage agreement -at twenty-one, | ®hether the accused is then, on ae \ panists vim downstairs 3 count of insanity, incapable of conduct: but the man, although of age in all other respects at that time of his life was compelled to wait four years if at twenty-one his parents refused to con: sent to his marriage. Children love ing his defence, the court may direct that an issue shall be tried whether the acchised is or is not then on ae count of insanity unfit to take his trial. : placed immigrants to Canadian gov-1 on van toad times when they met. | their parents just as much as they | "py such issue is directed after the The Late F. Wiseman. CrRment, splotTacht agents. His sal he citizen entered the steet and |ever did," says the writer, "but the recused has been given in irar ton Francis- Wiseman, late of Water. | 2% will be a a) 1) and he struck out for his own home, which | abrogation of the law shows that the jury for trial on the indictment, such jen of g somplication of diseases. | DENG pmEters, rs as daira 1 -- and that the word 'subject' applied in Ret os Ie ay plimtion of age. and | this morning af his appointment by For Hotel Licenses the family or the state has a bad and ne efeition tu tut on which they are was unmarried. He was well-known W ey Scott, superintendent of immig License Tnapetor Wright stati musty taste," "Uf the verdict lon this issues that nesta ie reais or. | Tation. : % z ¥ % SE x h po i Linn fo ime Set tearing 41 ME Deas fend dre plead to | hin afternoon that, early oll" the | Sao ong special #1 street love. Hib: [U8 (et meant. sd Kingston last fall reased is ar of his appointment, which has | REIT Joteimen; ine: alrend nt thy's, sh WOO ® i i Brother ot) i he an, So come just as he was about to retire oh a plicytions Tor of, ewyeey Froderick How inet a horrible death hal vote. ne a. nt street, The funeral takes place on Sa. | irom the hotel business. He has been | par Jet or yeu! : the app ications at the MeClary Manufacturing com- | ho jg yafit on accgunt of insanity, tha Te a toyal liberal worker fox years, and = \ Lie sont. m 4 April 1st, and pany's works, London, Thursday.' af: {aout shall order the necused to be : well deserves the position given him Bh eense board will meet later to | 08 C0 He wan enught by a belt, kept in custody till the pleasure of Spring hats at Jenkins Knicker- | Mr. Devlin is a native of Kingston | 9% with them his body. whirled around for over af he lentenantgrowernor: of the pro- Locker and King. jand for some years past conducted ; ---- ----- minute, and literally ground to a lvinge shall he known, and an plea George Ham of the C.PR. will {the Grand Union hotel. A Thomas Broad, Belleville, claimed | pulp. ! pleaded shall be wot aside and the jury: shortly leave on an extended trip ih { he is known far and wide, hav S2.000 damages from his father indaw Judeo Savary, Nighy, N.8 . has sent shall he discharged. Southern seas that--he may thorough- | pared large university dinners { William Blackley, for 'alienating his | his resignation to theminister of jus- | "No such prooeding shall prevent Iv regain his health after his recent | acted for the officers in many a mili- | wife's. affections. Mrs. Broad testified | tice, and will be retired with the usual | the acoused being afterwards tried on retiring allowance. He in seventy-five | such indictment." years of 'age An appreciative audience is always highly intelligent from the speaker's viewpoint. Jenkins' 2 ho William real, is likely to change han case of spring hats will] noir future, The executive f the Canadian |and the ener=y and perseverance which | leather and Viei kid, in button, Manufacturers' Association opposes {he has exhibited in: public affairs "in | lace, at the Lockett Shae Store. commend themwelves to the best buyers. Ladies' Dorothy Dod, Fampross and any legislation to" prevent hovs of 14 | eeneral will be assets that will serve Leave your orders ° lv for Easter Frederick Howe was killed at the Canadian Heauty shoes for Easter; and sixteen vears of age from working | him in good stead in his new field of | goods, and get Choice of the large | MeClary works at London, being | new styles, at the Lockett Shoe Store, more than eicht hovrs a dav. abor. Immigrants will find him a va- | disvlay. R. H. Toye, King street, caught and whirled around a shaft. | <The Grand Lodge, Ancient Order of See Fawnes' special $1 glove at Bil- {luable helper. Mr. Bevin is one of | Big discount on oranges, Saturday. | Christy's new hats are henurtien, | {hited WoFkmen;- decided. to hold its bys. {ihe best known men in this district. { "The Red Star," Edwards & Jenkin. | 82.25, $2.50 and £3. Bibhy's. next convention in Toronto. Ne : . ; : I i Progress Brand Cloth Priced These Suits are conspicuous for i divic manship: the latest most attractive fabrics, such as sarge and plain blue and fancy plaid effects, narrow stripes, are shown in a variet Cut single or double breasted styles. ividaality and execllent work- worsteds in plain grey, over-plaid and + sure to meet with vour favor. from $10 to $ For Men and Boys. The Best Ready-to-Wear Clothing made in Canada. Correct styles in Men"s Suits and Raincoats For! Spring The vast assortment of Clothes and Different Fabrics are confusing in their variety: There is, however, a difference in cl Brand Famous Clothes, because of the diligent care constructed and their stylish appearance, will appea convincing manner. oths. The Progress with which they are 1 to your reason in a OUR CLOTHING IS CORRECT When we say Correct Clothes we mean Correct just in outward appearance. in every detail, not The New Spring Clothes being shown by us are of a character that will merit the esteem of good dressers.and captivate the young men. Every Progress Brand Garment Guaranteed. All Clothing marked in plain figures. you. Our assortment of clothing was never so lard. You will be proud of yourself on Easter Sunday if we dress Livingston's, Where the Good Clothing Comes From. PROCRESS BRAND CLOTHING TO BE HAD IN KINGSTON AT LIVINGSTON'S mss > ng > \ [rsp Cd! na | 99 " Boye' Progress Brand Suits has more that style and beauty, it has that lasting durability and shapekeeping quality which will de- fy even the hardest. usage that a lively, rolicking boy ean give it. Our new grev tweegs and worsteds are especially handsome. * Just out of curiosity eal in and see them. Priced from $3.50 to $8.50 Petawawa Fugineer = Services, Veal: WHAT WOULD HAPPEN HERE ? The old established soap business of Strachan company, Mont- in the WORE ORD BE BC SYS a a %